Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Feb 1913, p. 4

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BON RCE AT Hockey reg. 50c at 36¢ Il others at same pro- rtion. + ockey Sticks | 26¢ Reg. 4{c for . thers at same propo hortion, Lowest prices in Canada. | h A most desirable Plaster Hoard for walls, ceilings, ete. {Noise proof and semi-fire root. Easy to apply and very warm, handsome, ornamental and of moderate cost. # iS. Anglin & Co. i Cor. Bay & Wellington Sts. {i Forty years in use, 20 years the standard, prescribed and recoms mended by physicians. For Woman's Ailments, Dr. Martel's Pills, at your draggist. mae Pr. de Van's Female Pills Ee Ee i i ho DF. Bo Vrs ove iat AA for $9. hailed to any address. "For sale af Mahood's drug store. NOTICE. have "a large stock of new iron new and second hand furniture, Cleanifig out our reasonabe prices, A" ¥one having furniture or clothing se of drop me a card, IWGARMAN, 242 Outarig Street, oi ite... Lower Fire Station EOF FILL ic ERAPIONSSRIE | ss - gpl y Save Money Now. | By 'getting your Alityque Furni. ture at our store. Big reduc- tion on all my spock te make §l 'room for new goods, Furniture bought Highest prices paid. L. LESSFS © BOT PRINULSS STREET. "Phone 1045. and sold pire's naval fortns, we would be put frees hn Yr 1G, Tnornin at gh Es EA to be a ' g price of Dally .L Attached na pine of the best Job Printing es in Canada; rapid, dstyl- ish, and cheap work; nine improved presses. THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED TORONTO SPFICE~Sulte 19 and Street, Toronto. H. E. Smalipiece, J.V, representative. t 398-310 King Sirest, Kingston, ia parts on Monday and ha ge for postage had per year, ges. published dnd Weekiy J. G. Elliott, President. Leman A, "Guild, Sec.-Treas. 2¢ Queen City Chambers, 32 Church A BRAND NEW SCHEME. We bulieve the permanent policy which las tho best prospect of carry- Jing the electorate is the construction *in Canada of warships and their pressutation to the admiralty for ! operation. f , while developing our country and' strengthening the em- ting ourselves in the position where, should internatiopal relations = still look ominous, we could readily create a fleet of our own. Put had better pay up arrears before we even talk of "hiring." Orage Sentinel. (Con.) we FIRST-CLASS FIGHTING MAN * Men of British blood love a man who puts up a game fight. Hence N. W. Rowell commands the admira- tion of a lot of people who don't agree with him on every political is sue. The man who in December, 1911, took the leadership of a for jon hope, showed his "mettle in big things." The v#sd who the other night drove seventeen miles sc thramgh a blindiog snowstorm to keep faith with an sudience showed that he possessed the same quality in vegard to lesser things.-Chatham or OWE THEM AN APOLOGY. Sir Rodolph Forget said two things in a recent speech in the commons that have been: challenged. He de- clared (1) that the editor of le Soleil a deserter from the French army. The publication of an honourable discharge puts an end to that story. He declared (2) that Hon. Mr. Parent visited him in the Chateau Frontenac and promised that if he (Forget) did not run in Mont was morency he would get the license for News, Con. the Banque Internationate, then withheld. Mr. Parent denies this, and adds that Forget was a candi date in Montmorency befqre the meet- ing occurred, and one at which the license was not discussed. What re spect can one have for a member of parliament, even though he is titled, when, apparently, he does not care what he says. Sir Rodolph owes it" to Mr. D'Hellencourt and Mr. Parent to make an apology to them. Will he do it? EXAMINE THE in Lomdon, the medical men, the question of whether milk should be boiled large attention. Dr. Eric Pritchard, in the Bedrock for January, discusses the subject at length, declaring that while pasteur- ization kills the disease-producing germs, and thé milk-souring bacilli, it does not kill the resistant spore- forming proteplytic varieties which decompose milk and lead to certain intestinal troubles. The question in Kingston purity or impurity of the milk, Eng.. and among or not the is occupying the. aod is the Board of Heplth must, at ae 8 carly date, give the matter attention. Cpe of the members of this board' has, the Whig believes, given the matter his consideration, and he may produce a sensation or a shock when he makes public what he knows. will be recalled that when the milk, under one company, was pasteurized some years. ago it Was not | 'only I' MILK SUPPLY.; cleared of the bacilli but of the dirt or sediment which was found in it.. The .pasteurization was discon- tinued, because it was expensive, and because the milk, Ander this treat ment, had a taste/ and a smell which some people did not like. The cleaning of the milk has been continued by some of the dairymen. A couple of them deliver milk in glass bottles, with sanitary stoppers, and this milk is pure, absolutely v.] It may cost something to instal the plant which guarantees the com- spmers milk relieved of all impurities, but it is for the Board of Health to determine, by. testa and analvses, whether it is in the interest of the public health to deliver it in any oth- er. condition. The question of butter- fat--which 'is about all the city has interested itseli in heretofore--is a matter of secondary importance com- pared with the question of uclean- liness, and fhe evidenge of it which is supplied with the milk 'itself. CANNOT BE A clergyman in Toronto, Bev. Mr that "ix the midst oi the present day civilize Magwood, declared recently tion it is impossible to be an hon: est man, and a Christian." The two and as great hindrances to a religious honest life were the inequitable sessment and the liquor traflie. Supposing that these, two things were regulated and corrected would the way be open then for an _ all round Christian life? The reverend eritic called attention to the un earned incronpnt of certain vacant land in Toromto. This increment wa: given to the property by the people and they were despoiléd of their dues "Lhé unearned value must be re stored," said Mr. Magwood. 'Means must be devised by which those whe created the wealth shall enjoy it." Sir. James Whitney may - concede thi by legislation, and if so. the grievanc is removed. The liquor trafic is & more seriou issue. The number of licenses issued in the province grows smaller yea: by year, but the consumption eo drinks does not seem ft materially. Periodically aleoholic diminish CHRISTIANS there is an agitation in the wd the licensed houses are warned to live up to the very letter the law, Occasionally there is a de- mand for pure liquor, and some of the clergy join in 'this demand. At seven o'clock the bars are supposed to we closed; but are they? "*<Xdmitting that by some process, notynow ap- "arent, the liquor traffic were dis- viplined into submission or suppres: don would the millenium be here ? No, the world, as one good - wan lately pointed. out, and with the evi dence before him of what a great] shurch had dove, is not getting bet- er. The forces of evil seem to widing their own. The church osing ground in place of gaining it; and because it is losing the power it mee possessed is gone. There was a ame when the Christian was a man of» standing in the community, man with an abiding faith, a vith a place in 'file, and a man with wn influence for good. Is Le all that gow ¥ If not, why ? Inequalities of taxasion aud the drinking Wabit ave bad enough, but they are not to be weld gecountable for the failure of nen fo be and act like Christigns. city, of be is n man [ > MEN AND Great disappointment is felt - be cause the Nan and Religion Move- ment Bas failed to produce the re- sults which were expected from it. In 1911 the gain .in church membership gures are supplied by Dr. Carroll in 1912 it was only. 579,852. These hi gures are supplied by Ds. © Carroll in {the New York Church Advocate, and (sre approximately correct. lr. Car roll was for a time the statisticisn RELIGION. somely to the enterprises of church on the ground that they paid ¥ their debt. The meetings which were held as the 'movement was launched were very inspiring. They made plau- sable the expectation that at least 305,000 would be added to the Pro- testant ch during the year ond- ing with April last. vie fact that the vet ifcrease of all the churches--including 125,000 in the Catholic church in the grand total~was 15,000 less in 1912 than in. 1911. The conclusion is inevit- able namely, that. the saovomest may bor strength ling Piles in developed remarkable , that it may have added to the power of the churches tthe pupils of the public schools. the [8 of it time. Granted that many were ex- alted in consequence of it, that many were pressed into the service of the church who had not hitherto < been identified with it, the thought re mained that society coull not . be transiormed in a year. Business men have too many engagements, too many distractions, too many diversions. hey havé not much time for the church. Some of them give it more than they really ¢an spare, and their example is educative. They con- which the It and stitute the meucleus around others will rally, and eventually movement will be a great success. is having its trials meanwhile will survive them. EDITORIAL NOTES. Ii the price of gasoline continues to soar 'and the raise has been eighty per cent. in six months--the expensive part of an automobile will be the oil that runs it, The, (Rew assessmint bill will not be allowed: to pass without a challenge. The demand for tax reform in the province calls for some recognition from the house. The apple growers of Prince Edward county demand an inspection of the fruit at the point of shipment. A sensible suggestion. It must surely impress the minister of agriculture and cause him to think. Has Sir James Whitney dropped his anti-treating proposals ? There is no r.ference to them in the speech from the throne. He was not humbugging the people, surely, when he Promited I gislation upon this subject. *"Tubercular cows do not die," said the chairman of a dairymen's meeting in New York; "they become bolog- nas." It isa knowledge of this faet, cr a boast of it, that puts the stamp oi suspicion upon the sausage. The meat inspector de- mand. is the more in The London sufiragettes have ouly| contempt for the mere men whose ex- ictence they have to tolerate. Bat they are ready to accept of the ser rico, of those who are soft enough to pay their fines. It is possible that the mere men will tire of this thing e 'entally. The chairman of the Hamilton school board reminds the premier of Ontario that he has not redeemed his promise, while in opposition, to im- prove the school system so far as the ninety-five per cent. are concerned The poor man's child has been forgotten since some men have got into power. Bishop Farthing; of Montreal, ex- plains that he believes in fasting, but it is of no avail spiritually unless it brings the body under subjection to the spirit and into the discipline which is' very much needed. ventional or fashionable observance Lent he condemns. Fasting with- out prayer ds not helpiul to the soul man. A cone of of Government = by commission fi ilure so far as the University oi To rento is concerned. And it is a fail ure largely J though acting for the people, persists because this commission; We Now Sell ea ; 'Men's Shirts BIB ses] Going Some 69c Tookede Crescent brand $1.25 and $1.00 shirts for 69c Sizes 14 to 15. 5 Shoes Made Goods and $5.00 S| Sale| 5 Mew' Bench $4.00 Ove rcoat | Sale It's not the biggest reduction that mesns the biggest values by 1 a long shot ! ¢ Overcoats are exceptional valyes at regu- OS. Al1912 models, Regular $25 and $22.50 Coats Regular $20 Coats for Regular 815 and $16.50 Coats la $1800 $15.00 $12.00 $850 This is certainly a iar better and safer invest ment than to invest your money in bargain plun- der and * job lots" that are bought for a song-- marked way up and then sold at one-half off, Regular $10 and $12 Coats Come in and investigate. Men's Knitted SOCKS Just the thing for skating, curling, tobogganing and out-door- wear, Colors are Grey, {xreer. Navy and Fawn. : 75¢c, $1.00, $1.25 Buckskin Glove $1.50 Genuine Buckskin Gloves, double sewn seams, wool lined knitted wrist, Extra value $1.50 Workingmen's Socks 3 pairs for 25¢ © Dark, Drown, or Grey, roguln 20¢ values. Bibbys Price 3 for 25¢ BIBBYS Limited 78, 80, 82 PRINCESS STREET. wit a ---- a et ---- - J in doing its business in private. Une of the features of civie ment by commission is publieity, govern Why should it be excluded in college man | a rement ? : A Neglected Youngster. A lad, about four vears of age, has been giving the police considerable! trouble within the past few weeks. ! The youngsier persists in walking the] streets and asking citizens for | cop pers. Un Friday afternoon the urchin was seated in the Kingston and Pem- broke station, and was very much sur- when Police Constable MNavien him to go home. 1 Prof. Dorenwend Coming. Prof. Dorenwend, of Toronto, will be at the Randolph Hotel, on Tues- day, Feb, 11th, with a large and var- jed stock of the newest creations in hair goods. Your inspection of these goods is invited. Real Estate Transfers. Howard 8. Folger 'reports this week | the sale of brick, house, corner Ba- lgot and Gore streets, owned by | to Rev. George 1. 0; also solid stone house on Col ingwood street. owned by Mr. Partridge, ta Prof. W. D. Bonner. Sir 'The Earnings Reported. The forthcoming report of the Richelieu and Ontario Navigation | company, it zis understood will show earnings of about nine and thyee-quar- ters per cent. on the eapital stock. 0:1 Qe Smith Bros. Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days. six to Dies at Syracuse, N.Y, bo pon Rebecea, beloved wife Ales. lonroe, aged forty-seven years. Mrs onroe wag the last sister of Thomas P. Vearson, and daughter of the late 'Trayton Pearson. of nine chil | LEAVE YOUR ORDERS AT F. J. JOHNSON'S Kingston's Leading Florist, And be sure to get satisfaction Wedding Bouquets, Funeral Designs a Specialty. 'Phones--Store, 239; Resld- ence, 1212; Greenhouse, 236. | I f [ FOR SALE Franc: dvetins Rusa dwelling. Russell Street. 6 rooms, good stone foundation, lot 66 x 264, $1,150, 2.--Frame dwelling, Street, $1,150. { 3.--Frame James ¥ dwelling, back stairs, $2,600, 4.--Doublé "frame, Street, $3,600. 5.~~Brick, Nelson Street, #¢ rooms, b. and c., furnace, lot, $2.900. ~--Grocery and dwelling, good location $4,000, Money to Loan on Barrie Street, Johnson » Estate Claresce and King St. (over Bank of Montreal) nearly | new, 4 bedrooms, b. and c., hot water furnace. front and | | i F or Making Marmalade We have just received our first shipment of Bitter Oranges, Fully ripened, well colored fruits, Price 25¢ per dozen. A Preparation of Purity. Forest City Self-Raising Buckwheat Flour. A A'ways ready--always reliable---always healthful aves time--makes a palatable, asily digested nutritious pancake. Price 15¢ per packet. HENDERSON'S GROCERY, 59-61 Brock St GET OUR PRICES for Fin, Lead, Zine, Bab! itt, Solder, Sheet Lead, Lead Pipe, THE CANADA METAL. CO, Limited, Factories--TORONTO, MONTREAL, WIRNIPEG. La r RAWFORDS CoAar. Td XE AT TT THE MARKET TO-DAY a nom CY) S| I

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