Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Feb 1913, p. 10

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Se 2 ay sidmited » o | Migh est Education at Lowest Cost Many TG Soh. Fai rerm nc site orthand, Tele. fi" phy, C 7H rvice and Eung- gbalis the beat tu at short time -- positions with one of the iargest rallwyy cor. porations ln Canada En.er any Cuil or iaformua- , Frinecipal "anada on, Fail term | 1Dr. Morse's 'indian Root Pills | are not a rew and untried remedy-- our grandfathers ised them, Halla century ago, before Confederation, they were on sale-in nearly every drug or general store in the Canada of that day, and were the recognized cure in thousands of homes for Constipation, Indigestion, Bilicushess, Rheumatism and I€idney and Liver Trouh! To- day they are just as effective, just as reliable as ever, and nothing better has yet been devised to COAL! SCRANTON COAL i 4ved Cont dud me susraasee Booth. & Co. Cure Common f11s oR een bt Co tm etn i "Hutton's s, Limited STREET, KINGSTON, Accident, nuce, - Renal Estate, Stocks, Specialties. LO. MNation, 1. S. Crumley, Cinrk, Agents, IN MARKEY Fire, ite, Jr. de Van's Female Pills 21lls are exceeding! Fenarativ portion gy t 4ll cheap imitations Dr, de 's are sold at Barer vox, of ihsns for for 3% oi to any addgess. ge sale ad Mahood's drag store. | Real Estate _ Bargains on Stephen $830. Fasy terms, Mouse on Stephen with barn and good $1,450. Frame House Street. Frame Street, cellar. Double frame house in the north end of the city, with good barn; deep lot, venting § for $17.00 per month. Price +» $1,760 04, Double Hours on Markjand Street, new, All improveménts; renting for '$24 per month, for $2600. A soap. BLUOG will haudle these, eats a Seay Norman & Webb Neal Estate and Insurance. "177 Wellington Street WILSON'S TNVALIDS PORT WINE "A wild phy io the paid y wea ES more jean armies Pope, Fifty Years Ago the do-tor ardered for his debil- ited und couvalescing patients we of pulverized Cinch in a bottee of wing," a suughly eflectivé tonic that vas nevertheless bitter and dis- agreeable to wake. The vtodern physician pre. s ribes Wilson's Invalid's Port Wine, formulae: Extract of Cin- chona Bark, Aromatics and natural, old Oporto Wine, A powerial, nutritive tonic pre- pared strictly to prescription, that is distinctly pleasant to the taste--dators know | 208 combines the rich gluten of © Manitoba Spring wheat and the lighter, but equally m- "portant, properties of Curario Fall wheat, The two com. bined form a perfectly blended flour that makes bread light, white, nutritious and rk og ly palaable, while paury made with Reaver Flour has 8 crisp, flaky texture that brings, many » compliment 10 the cook. You don't need to be am expert in baking to attain the . best results with BEAVER ELOUR, But if sou are an expert; you will readily recognize its incomparable qualities Youur grewcer has BEAVER FLOUR, ang will recom- mend it. DEALERS Write tor prices en of Feed Course Cimitis and Corals. TUE T. B TAYLOR C0. Limited EATRAN. owt we eta satereee tits em mera mer enter mpeg ert 8 TheKina 3 You fave Always Loaght, and which has been for over 30 in use yca.s, hus Lorne the signature of and has b been mado under his per- supervision since its fnfancy. v 1:0 010 to decelve you in this. Imitatichs xd ¢* Just-as-good ' are but at trifle with and ohne the health vi - Pa Children--Expcrience against Experiment, What is CASTORIA Castoria 1s a Daymiesy snbstitatoe for Castor Oil, Pare- movie, Drops and contains neither Opt substance. Its on Lullajs Feve shness. td s Wikd Colic, It yegpulutes Soothing Syrups. um, Morphiao nor other Narcotic its puurantec, It is pleasant. It It destroys Worms Yor more than thirty years it constant use for tho relief of all Teething Troubles. and the stomach and Svea Food, giving icalthy add natural Sleep, The *s Panacei--The Nother' s Friend. : CASTORIA ALwavs Bears the Signature of hen 'the Ride Marine Tosur- Colt A reliable Freach Sogulaton; never fails. These hte in regulating che io Jemale system. Refuse 'On the cross formed by the two shafts | thrones himself among the gnarled | Rlcalde undertakes the appointment of | Shaisn 1 set out, and till late in the night the It Is Held Annually | When France Pays Tribute to Spain. i { PRICE OF AN ANCIENT PEACE. After More Than Five Centuries Three Calves Are Still Mumbly Presented Each Year to the Haughty Descend- ants of the Victorious Spaniards. Every year there takes place in the Pyreneun highlinds a remarkable fete. It is beld ut the bunundary stone of San Martin, which separates the French valley Bitretou from the Spanish valley | of Roncul. Every year the representa. tives of the French peasadts assemble there fn order to pay the Spaniards a tribante, which consists'of three calves of the sume age and the sume color, and he delivery of the calves is ac- | companied by ceremonies which suffi- cieptly indicate that the old inhabit- | ants of the Roncal valley were once victorious over their neighbors. 3 At 9 o'clock in the morning the may- | ors of the various vilinges in the Bare- | ton valley, bravely adorned with their blue, white and red scarfs of office, | march gp to the boundary stone. In front of the column walks a lad, with a | pike, from the point of which flutters a litte white penoon as a gage of pence. | { . The three calves are dragged in the | rear of the procession at the end of | long ropes. Calves aud scarfs take up their position by the stone and await | the arrival of the Spaniards. i They are soon visible in the distance. In front walks a man clad {o sheep | skins, who waves a red pennon at the end of u pike as a sign of war. Behind | bim walks the alealde of Isabn, the ! principal village in the valley of Ron- | cal, and following him come the a- | caldes of the other villages, thelr staffs | { of office in thein hands. The bulk of ! the 'procession cousists of shepherds, | stern Jooking fellows armed with ola | sabers and matchlocks. The alcalde of Isaba. is all slorious to | behold in a long black garment fas | tened by gold buttons, a tall white ruff, tight fitting knee breeches, red silk stockiugs and buckled shoes. A som- | brero épvers his head, and in his hands be holds the staff adorned with silver knobs, the emblem in Spain of magis- terial dignity. As soon as the Spaniards reach the | rendezvous the alcalde of [saba steps to the front and addresses them 'fu sol- | emn ceremonial style: ! "Are yoc come to pay tribute and | swear friendship according to old cus- | tom and tradition? "That is the reason of our coming," answer the Freach. Then the two standard bearers ap- proach the boundary stone and lay their pikes crosswise upon it. After a few moments the Spaniard takes his up again, sticks it into French soil and then 'places it as before on the stone. the representatives of the two valleys swear to keep the peace with loyal mind. Then follows the delivery of the three calves to the Spaniards. They are ex- amined by a veterinary surgeon and accepted, after which all present take up their stations under a-shady oak, and, followitig the example of the good St. Louis of France and Alfonso the Wise of Spain, the alculde of Isaba en- roots of the oak and proceeds to act as a magistrate. Shepherds and neatherds pass before bim and prefer their international com- | plaices. The judge listens to' both sides, bids them bring forward their witness es and deMvers judgment without de- lay, inflicting a fine on one, awarding compensation to another, punishing one and affording satisfaction to his victim. After all the quarrels are settled the the pasture guardians for both valleys, 80 that Ye enjoys even greater author ity in the township of Baretoo thao the president of the republic himself. Ki nally, they all betake themselves to soll, where & Homeric feast is banquet gues on, the descenddnts of the oid Tke mountain peoples drink ing together in brotherly unity in com- memoration of the conclusion of the peace of 1376 and the installation of the above ceremonies. About years after this treaty bad been made the French began to refuse to pay the tribute, but after some nego tiations they congented to continue it. Iu were moderh times they tried to get the tribute coinmuted to a sum of mou- ey, but the Spaniards declined. but agreed to forego the firing of guns in the direction of France as being a woumi to French amour propre.~Lon- dun Spectator. ----e le py 1 Hard Luck. Mand Beatrix has lost twenty pounds Iatély--her vew gowns are perfect suc C¢enses, her sweetheart proposed to ber Inst night. ber rich uncle died yester day and left her a million, and now fhe has to go to his funeral today snd try to look sad. ~Harper's Hazar. Making Antifues. An expert eabjuermnker cnn take a new plece of furnitire nna make 1t look ax iF it wis 200 years old--and so can the average stnall Loy.--Chicage News. in t---- : Hasn't Been Made. "Da vow ¥ive sour wife all the mon- €) she winfa here aso't that mmc. >= Washing fon Star, Manes ui te vl he MEE dee hap tuiity ERC Juhuson . "\ The man who is busy never lonesome. lie's a poor physician who doesn't treat his wife well. | Don't "expect ir ship to come in out. x | HARCH "Crue | lives ut i F ot there is a great Have market au- ' possesses at Fez, he has at Marrakesh gets}. TWO SHADES OF VIOLEF A long coat for motoring and here and the model shows a new flat back and low, draped sleeve ne the violet cloth, collar and cuffs of deep violet giving The culls as well as the oddly arranged double collar with striped grosgrain and satin ribbon in a frock of white color harmony. are hordered shade. The coat [s worn over with a sash of the new eminence § OF M OROCCO. Be.) SYSTEM 7 and Opmression Almost Imagination. of the ex. trade and yond Human Remarkable. revelations tent of the Moorish slave of harem life were made recently by Mme. Legey. a French doctor, who i Marrakesh, Morocco. That lace is the eeéntre of Morgeeco slavery thorized and eontrolled the Makh- zen, the Moorish pe thou- sands of men, women and children "are bought and sold like cattle. Ba- bies are frequently torn from the arms of sobbing mothers, who never see them again. "None can form an idea of the Moor. ish harem and the number of' women concedled behind the walls," says Mme Legey. 'I have seen a single harem of more than 500 women. Mono®| gamy, in Morocco, is non-existent, even men of small means possessing sometinfes more than 20 wives. "The Sultan's harem surpasses the imagination. Besides the women he in reserve more than 3,000 females. The royal harem at Marrakesh has a special organization of its own. Each town and each tribe has its debt to pay in women to this modern Mino- taur. The women.are classed accord- ing to their place of origin. They live in groups ih separate pavilions under the control ef female wardens. This enormous female population is con® stantly added to hy the contributions + froth Kaids who have offended ! Sultan and -wish to propitiate IN THIS SOUTHLAND COAT. traveling in the south is pictures ollar effect as well as the perfectly ww in fashion.' The coat is built ot an atteactive the viols! allover embroidery yurple silk, di -- the him "1 can personally testify to the si lent migery of the poor ereatyres who swarm in the Moorigh harems and the revoltingly cruel treatment they un- Hergo for the smallest offences, They have absolutely no real protection from the most savage treatment. They have no work to do except in the case of demestic servants, aud in atcord ance with Moorish traditions, receive no education. There lives are one'long round of un' roken monotony, where- from, to my knowledge, thy suffer eruelly. It:is the duty of France as soon as possible to abolish slavery in Morocco. Then the harems will be de- prived of the supply of women and will disappear gradual vy, as was the case in Algeria. Better Than the "Verses." Children, as a rule, have a natural sense of courtesy too often misunder- stood or depreciated by the unthinking adult. For sbme strange and incom- prehensible reason the child who is brusque and blunt is apt to be dubbed "natural," while the budding man or woman of gentle tact and sweet polite- ness sometimes is discouraged by the prevailing belief that such conduct must be insincere. Yet the simplest little citizens' not infrequently rise to an unexpected or trying situation with surprising, but yuite untutored, gifts and grace. A preity little tale is told, for instance, of the time when the present Dowager Queen -Margher- ita of Italy was the~lovely young Catarrh Cannot Be Cured. with LOCAL. APPLICATIONS, cannot reach the seat of the $ Cagarrh is a biood or i i i disease, and in order. to cure | | take internal remedies. { h Cure Is taken internally, acts directly ou the: blood and cous surfaces, Hall's Catarrh not gnack medicine. It scribed "by one of the best | in this country for. vears a regular prescripiion It is compose a of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood phrifiers, diréctly on the mucous surfaces, perfect combination of the two grearents is what produces such won- derful results in curing @atarrh. Send 3 Props, To ed, 0, 0 wwice T5¢ Pills tor' con- as they acting \ "NE Sold by Take Hall's F stip: $n i SHOE REPAIRING. 1 have (installed the Good- Year Welt Machine System .or all kinds of Shoe Repairing. Call and give me a trial Skates Sharpened. ROBERT PAYNTER, 2068 Prine a "SOME HA'E MEAT, ND 0 CANNA EAT" So Bobby Burns rereary deseribes the rich, but still poor, dyspeptics. But their case is HOt now so Cesperate as when Burns wrote. For the man who lias the food now can eat without suffering for 5; 3 he just follows the meal with a ia Tablet, rd remarkable tablets banish the troubles of the cnronte dyspeptic--She man who is bilious--the' sufferer from heartburn, gas on the stomach or ocea- sional indigestion, You can eat hearty 5 of SHolssome food --and digest them, too--if you take Ne-Dru-Co Tablets, bride of the youthful crown prince. Her majesty, passing through one of the hill towns, was secorded the usual reception by the residents. A little boy was to present $he usual bouquet, and he, coming of fine liter. ity family, had been taught a brief poem offering graceful praise of the princess. But when the moment came for. delivering' flowers and verses the little fellow, overcome by nervousness or some similar emotion, stood mute- ly gazing at the great lady, saying never a word. After a few moments the sympathetic princess, seeking to re. lieve the situation, extended her hand for the flowers. The little fellow, waking to life sud- denly, yielded them gracefully, ex- plaining confidentially the while: "There swere verses to be said, 'but you are so beautiful that I ean't re. , member a line!" Greedy Dogfish. A story is going the rounds in which four anglers were oocupied with one fish, a big mackerel. It took the bait 'of one of them and then proeseded to entangle the four lines, so that it seemed there weré four fish. 1 dare Say it came in for some hard sayings when 'the truth Was made manifest. But it is not uncommon for fish to 'take iby different baits. I have known it to happen with both perch and 'pike. Dogfish, of course, will often do it. In fact, I doubt if there is a limit to the number of baits a dog- fish would take if you only gave him 'the baits and the time and the oppor- tunity. --London Telegraph. - A Rapid Heart Beat. Along with many other diseoveries of greater or less importance scienti- L fic 1 '= have proved the law that the rapidity of the Heart beat is in versé ratio to an shimal's size. Thu. in a man it is about seventy-two to the minute, whereas ip the. elephant it is only thirty, and in the horse forty. The dog's pulse, on the other hand, counts jabout ninety beats to the minute, the rabbit's over 150. Most remarkable of all, the heart pulsations of a mouse hive recently been counted and recorded by an ingenious machine and found to num. ber nearly 700 every minute. Sooner or later a crook is apt ta find himeeli in straits, pa / Ta ES 5 fad | SATII \ FOR MAKING SOAP FORWASHING DISHES FOR SOFTENING WATER FOR DISINFECTING SINKS CLOSETS. DRAINS ETC. EW.GILLETTCOLTD TORONTO-ONT. Awmmwra. MONTREAL -------- erlinbmisbiin o Yoome Dye te no tevins I's the CLEANTST, SIMPLEST, sod BEST HOMY DYE, one can by 4 you doa't even have to know what KIND of « onic Goods are made The JOHNSON RICHARDSON COL, Lifted » Montieal, Canada Trains will leave and arrive at Cif)» Station, foot of Jobospy stieet : GOING WEST, L've City Mail 12.20 am, E. pa ig 248 am. Lac 9.15 am. Ir ren' 1 Lad. 12.25 noon Mail Local corva Arr. City 2.57 a.m, 3.55 a.m. $47 a.m. 12.57 noon 5.40 p.m. 147 pom. S44 po. 708 p.m. EAST. 140 am. 24S um, B15 am. 12.26 noon I 1.08 p.m. Mail 1 Fast Express 5 A 4 2 3.8 8. 2. i Mair o Fast Express "12 Loeal 7.08 p.m. 1 Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5 5, 6, 7T and 8 xn daily. All other trains daily except Sunddy. Train Nps. 2 and 5 carry Pullman sleeper to and from Ottawa daily al- ter Nov. 17th. Direct route to Toronto, Peterboro, Hamilton, Buffalo, London, Detroit, Chicago, Bay City, Saginaw, Montreal, Ottawa, Quebec, Poriland, St. Jobn, Halifax and New York. For Pullman accommodation, Tickets and all other information, apply to J. PP. IPANLEY, CP & TA. Johnson and Ontario Streets, 9 Cor. % BERMUDA x 0 11 DIAN," (win Sarew, 70.- 518 tons displacement, sails fram New York, 10 aw, avery Wednesday Suhmarine slanals] wireless; are hesira. Record trip 29 houry 20 mie. ntex. Pastest, newest and steamer Iandlag passeages at dock in Hermuda without transfer. 8.8, "OROTAVAY , 10, 963 this Janis wecement, from teamers far St Antigna, riindque, from' New Y ari fort- Thognas, St. Croix § Cu as lary, Rarba- emerara, St. Luck & ir orgrsghan Apply ta Y. 1% r Sad TRE TA TRICK, Fn oy Hh Quebec ip Ca, BITTER ORANGES Finest Quality FOR Marmalade A J.REES 166 Princess St, Phone 58 For Cooking and Drinking, also for ( ake Iceing and Making Fudge. 1 bnssnmapin, sicn ----_---. soma $3 Box Calf and Tan Calf, leather lined, double sole, Goodyear welt. kind of weather, regular $5.00, reduced 'to Just the boot. for this 75 H. Jennings, - King St.| St. Package of Each and Every 5-- Pound Extra Granulated Sugar contains 5 + pounds full weight of Canada'sfinest sugar, at its best. Ask your grocer far the Sagal 5--Pound Package. CANADA SUGAR REFINING CO, Limited, Montreal.

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