"WHA With 2 Sowing Onis doe Sur pound Pos shoving wih] overt A% 2. wacumans, por cent. But as financing at amt te is mow dificult in Lemdon : schedule of the bill introduced -- four and wo hall: per cent. Winnipeg Railway Profits. Winnipeg. Feb. 19.--At the anual meeting of the Wignipeg Eleetrie ilway company the statement show. earnings of $765,384. Last + they were sa, 749. After four tery dividends a cunting to. $720,000, the surplus { $171,463 was trunglaresd to the feredit. of profit and lose acoonnt, which tl ot $2,801,236 on Dec. lst last. Refuse $170 For Halifax, \ Halifax, NB Feb 19.-F. A. president of 'the ~~ Halifax Eloetric: Railway. company, and H. A. Lovett, 'have left. for Montreal. A von took between Mr. Ro- bert and Major Bligh. The city is is | committed to the policy of the ae qiisition of the tramway and ligh mg plant. Mr. Robert stated that be would not consider any proposition looking to the city buying 'them out at 170, goes along Huge Expenditure, Montreal, Feb. . 18.--The recent undertoking announced in the * west ern states so. far this year. The will ¢ross the state of Montana and strike the Canadian Pacific \ bring =» ath pew territory - municaSton with = Minneapolis St. Paul. This will mean new » mancing for the Soo railway in - nowy future. New gn By cly special te ing of the Serbatuliy Rapid ne compaby stockhole will: be held March Sth for the purpose of ratify- ing the mortgage on the property franchises of the company, to secure the five per cent. threo-veat bonds of the company' to be isquedt for an aggregate sam' not ing $300,000,000. This is the ort age to be executed in cobuec- tion with raising of funds for . the proposed - sabway construction and | sqmpment. International Harvester, New York, Feb. 5%. Stockholders of International Harvester company ap: oroved olan for a reduction of capi tal stock from $10.000 Hin to $70: 000.000, and chango in the name of the company to International Hax- vester Company of New Jersey. Cap- ital will, "in the future, consist = of $30,000,000 woven per cent. preférred and $10,000,000 common. filty~ Financial Notes. Winnipeg has the distinction of be jog the first city in Campada to manu Saiiture electric stoves, ranges, heat: AT Empire Cotton company with lant at Welland, will shortly erect a Petes for. 'making automobile tire MEN. duck. : This will be the only such Pink: plant in Canada. Mackay companies carnod 5.0% . on the common stock aghinst 5.06 per csnt a year a The announcement that the {Terminal Elevator company ing the eapacity of their elevator at Fort William has now been con: after] firmed. The net profit of the Richelion aud 4 , | Ontario Navigation company for the | was over thirteen per Sent. towel} per 012 astern were n+ A J, 13 7 i ie £ ides a rate of interest guarmutes of iS | teams vers that the Soo pelle po {ings The previous goarantes was at: fous [di NO SNOW FOK LUMBERING, ) Green: Mountain Logs Cannot Be : Hauled to Miis. St. Albans, Vi, Feb. 901.umber- men of the Green Mountains said, to: day, that wot in forty' years had "the industry in this state been so affected by the abséuce of snow ay this Win- ter. Several mill owners have de: clared that they should be compelled to close theit: plants there was a heavy smowstorm within <a short time. Millions of logs = are = piled in the Vermont forests, but with no, show it has been impossible to haul "the tim. ber' to ithe mills. ® open winter, it was stated, © probably ' would: cause heavy financial lose to the lurabernien, and farmers, who work in the woods during the winter months. Farmers also fear that the combina- tion of cold weather snd ng snow has affected £2 tracts of grass land, and that » bay crop may result. on arsing Tense] i duily applied, soothed the pains and executed | JAMES NM. GRAHAM, OF dlinels, Chalrman of the house committee on Xhe nditures i the interiol J. ML Asks For Better Response Public to Seoty" Fund, London, Feb. 20.-J. M. Barrie ap peal through the newspapers for a better public response fo the sub sriplions to pay the outstanding i abilities inowrred by Capt. Seott ia bis polar sxpedition. Me, Bartie asserts that Lord Cor Tom's estimate of F150.000 ux neces rary 'to pay Capt. Scott's obligations is imeorrect, and that $66,000 will cover them. The slowness of the puis lic subscription, Mr. Barrie believes, is due to the fact that the people #re waiting to. 'séé what avtion the gov- erpment may take. Us in From Pity thomsand dollars. of Edm ton debentures, bearing five per cept., have been soll by the Imperial Bank at 90 ned. Within the last wegk the London underwriters have doubled the prem fJums oa w on war risks. a "PAINS GO B. "If It Doesn't Satisfy. Juoussade: of person persons during he dae oF Rhein i selves of the torturing pain; reduced the swollen' joints; threw away esues sud, ergtolies, and from helpless ba "Sees able to and 'their Tam dhol RUECNA; the mwoders Rheumatism, which ik alse hat They "faet that children who have orice had {Zam-Buk applied tome for it again. work: wid be 'of STOPS | : Love Letter Writ in 2W2- B.C. Really Wonderful How Zam.-Buk Found in a Mummy. Gives Ease, Sgn Frantisen, Feb. 20.-Through V° This "ig the verdict of all who have [the finding of a love letier on. the tried Zam-Buk. The woman in the | Withered breast of a mummy in the home knows best its value. A burn | Golden Gate Park' Museum, the fast from the stove, from a hot iton, or a [18 established, --to-déy, that aflinitios hot pan is instantly soothed by Zam- peed and scandals. fAourished . in the Buk." When the little ones fall and $s ancient Ptolomies- in veut 'or scratch | themselves, Zam-Buk ive fell out of the Stops the pain and, incidentally, their ;MWinm as it was being given { erying The hes: proof of this isthe [8 Dev ailing. th P It is shown {rom the letter that the {ly was a pricatess in the Temple ol "Amena-Ra, and the sender of the letter a priest. in a veighboring saai- tarium. "Oh my days when 8 Case For 'more sivious bums, too, unequalled. John Johnston," of 70 South Marks street, Fort William. a monlder in Copp"s Foundry, saves: "Some 'timo ago 1 burned the top of my foot severely' by dropping sot molten iron irom a ladle I was carr ing. A large holé was burned through my shoe and into the top: of my foot. ] Yong are the golden poppy, y heart iz sce thee net. with love for thee, "arefully aid our unrighteous love," ia ithe ay the translation 'of the seroll com megces t 8 BA with the heart, 03 ured the woman died in 232 letter clutched to her read - again until 1 was taken home, and Zam-Buk was applied "to the burn directly. surprising 'what relief afforded, The buin was $6 #0 in that it equired sai: Bak provente wing, and as it was It was this balm Set Lat : sther never fo be i SUID TEACHER, SVBED. GUN. Shot Silon $e Befieved Had Wrong. ef Her Sister, Mimic, Tad. Feb, 20. wood aged twentytuo, . Hartiord City wounded Ot aged twenty, a doug {cause sho helieted Fisher had wronged her mister, Ada. 'Ada 19 all 1 have in the world and | i anything gots wrong with heel will kill you," Mise Underwood tol oA few 'words iollowed between the jtwo and then Mise Underwood fired She is held! without bail. Fisher was allay ad the 7 inflammation. nthe course of two weeks the hole burned in my Joot bad: been well: healed." Gibson, of Belleville, writes "We tried - Zom-Buk often on cuts and sores, and 1 think there nothing that can equal it." Zao Buk wil] aldo be found a sire 1 Dovig' Under a{ school of cure for cold sores; chapped hands, i ulcers, bloothpoison, piles, alp sor worms, inflamed patches, baby' tions and chs pped places, and juries gencraliv. All druggists © and stores soll at 50. hax, or post dees fshot in the heesst, but it is believed from Zaw-Buk Cos Toronto, for price." he. nay retover, var ring prup- Io! in ONLY SIX DAYS, Athol George Robertson Commercial and 48 COLBORNE STREET, Financial Agent, TORONTO, ONTARIO TELEPHONE MAIN 477. OFFERING LASTS ONLY SIX DA FIRST TH INGS FIRST The order of your life is to for your wife and You can noeds by taking POLICY. best provide care children frat. for thelr a policy in the HOLDERS MUTUAL LIFE Talk to our agents, or mentioning Titerat ure, Whig LIAO MURDER, How TOS. Cinatons Thspector Was Done to Death. Washington, Feb.20 Details of {he killing by Mexicans on the Texas bore der of American © Customs Inspector John '8B. H. Howard and an unwsined prisoner and the serious wounding of {two "ther officials, were reported to Secretary MacYeagh, by Customs Col }{lecton Harvin, of Eagle Pass, Texan. It was cold-blooded murder, said the * feollector. { Customs olficials on February 10th, at an isolated ' spot om the frontier, arrested two Mexican smugglers whom they. were taking to the Marfsi, Tex., jail, when they were intercepted by f Smpauions of the smugglers, firing n volle: ol twenty-five shots, killing Howard and one of his prisosers and wounding Customs Inapector Joseph { Sitter and Inspector Harviek, of Texas Cattle Association. For fifteen "hotra the watnded "mien lay in pools of blood, helpless and ungssisted. Mrs, Howard made a heroic efloft to save her husband's life, riding gventy-five miles op horse back, ouly to find him dead. Focling is. running' high, and Colles tor: Hurvin foresees a hard battle if the posses of Texas Rangers and citi: zeas find the culprits George Cornwallis West has decid: ol to the 'action for fivete brought against kim by his wile, t former rv Randolph Churchill, Dr. James M. Taylor. principal of ME Coll Poughkeepsie, 'N.Y, has tion the tendered resignation Lord Nethusn is the latest named to suctecd the Duke of Connaught aw | governor-general. send {5r "Kingston HEAD OFFICE: TEMPLE BUILDING, TORONTO, FFG) rT STORK. CBOE. Usthibe Bays Girls Have Not Disappeared, Fel 20. Apropos of the Statement emanating from Ont. that during the past Year 26, on wirls bad dissppenrcd. sm rotite tween Detroit, Montreal, . Toronte New York, U, BF. FE. Ussher' passenger traflic manager, said, 5 Svéping. that the story was aid ta untrue, bul «inasmuch a ; mi ight be given to it by those miliar with conditions in ie Fo was liable to do the country dewl of harm and should receive tegorical denial; from all = those were in a position to know, Montreal, RE WOMEN WANTS HOMMSTEADS, Desire to be Paced 1 on sual Basis us Men. Ottawa, Fab, 20. lon. Br, Hoek | "helmed of the interior, is bei whelmed with - petitions, oo) {qd letters from aH ki organirations in the west, from sulicageties to mothers' asking that women bo given the to take up howesteads on the basis as men. The requests of the men are aldo backed up hy the of Trade in some localitise. Ow the vressure « of - husiuees it is oy doubidul if anything will be done 16 | thie regard | this session. i A lad on a ranch near A B.C. is said to bave heen abused Tn Wiirdered by a hited = man, ;acegeson. The murderer Ho are