1 RE '1. CLARK. fornierly chief animal of the American Musenw of Natural tory, has written a series of interesting from Africa, in which:he tells of sudden- ag himrelf in a wemiscircle of more than fions, which he disturbed from their in the tall grass. The letters were written EW, Clark, sculptor, who d the Vanderbilt 'coaching. prise at New. : Clark, now In Africa, is twenty-seven old and a native of Providence. He left Fork on the Arabic on December 12 last, 'eompany with A. R. Dugmore, {he well known n phot of. - When My. Dugmore re- from Afrfea, in the early part of the , Mr. Clark remained fo take unt a nafar) jis own. Ho hes met with mueh success in 'gollestion of fine trophies and has had nar- encapes from both Hons and rhinos. 1a Camp. Baltan Hamid. June 21, 1990, id AL Baving the Hue of Tor fife here going it at i's lots of fun and no end of terest, as 1 B Just ns © fiel. 1 ani campie within 8ffy yards he ratitond track, ver a section Station, ax there water In this seston' and it Iv hrought here Ii tanks for the track mien The raifrond 8 fo difference to the game. The only objection #t the other slide is pert of » big reserve, and ¥ um {ering hard on this side for the giraffe every evepiug there Is a herd wot more thao a silo aw #y Wate us tenn iy are a Band proposition. as thelr lang nels and il eesight give thew all the advantages, You Think 1 Ae Done anywhere around and then Off you see something bobbing about the fops vf e tind mike 3 dup to be a girafie's bend He ; Try # Tess Wa tehing rou fee yout wore wo miles ies the start off even in a walk Their speed is RE, 20 30 Iw gute netess (0 try to evertake them A Good Shot. Was retutning fom a giraffe hunt the other day baw wo slain bulls IT did aot wan! ta shoot them, A thought It wenid disturb the gizale if apy were Lh Y wilted thew. for soiie time, Lut the flay was foo great and 1 decided to try a shat fire Tato. MY fut unist have Jost pissed Rie al fick ore as Tsar thedist kiek up on pr Site. 1 tad overindged the distinee apd HL stond Tuoking at me 1 took another sp Ww Sok ms he dood. 1 pared tbe distuner and about 1s Farle, quite @ wool shot 1 thought. was Brokeu Just over Us heart. He was a ian specimen, with Noe harps, so Lxaved the ARID aud skeleton. 1omast be worth a fe doliers. we ft 5 fn perfect condition DUH was an ol fellow apd d fie specimen, as GU ae: sme we to deeldi; th bg dew't regret taking the one aul we were chiting him wp the boys fapnd iu Hp In his rans embedded gitiy a distivine, 0 he had Besar hit recently by a najive's arrow a fr mile of the sate place: 4: ¥ Fane Herds a tion of Grant's gavel with ig Pek Tu Bt that 1 had set twice before aud "stalked for about hail an four sud by tron Thing a Bish got f shot at Wbn, which drbpped Mm with one what! a an animal w Mite Theib. as it wets ght 118 now the the evening a Jacket is needed fool two. The big raing have ' fw very Mitle water Dn the rial _" seashn whl be quite a a w will hodeubtedly b¢ wich om fo alt dying or wre aloeaily dent. 5 3 Jone 25 gina before | ciwed this after ach patience ww 1 cond Just wee hist shoulders And as ks ne ei wohl lave to. so Liinally discovered tie oe riffs feft me without a rest for a tong went, back ti 'the thee, got a dead dwsnch nl pot Cfar frube my tent ET hu iting The = beard practieaily none anit Hy tor haan? ities dif- oT where 1 bad x aba, 3 onthe ground. 1 had to lay on iy Sthumneh wher ox tint ts As they and tin away fafo a load 'pare. 207M pe very wary antuials T could not anprodeh nékrer to make a aap he. fo i Lia topes for ourselves, when one Dovinded 'wway. At this: they ail followed, and, Tike Hitle Sbhes when a targer one chien them, they scat tered in afl digeetions In about two. bounds they wore ot of sight and everything wax weirdly gulet except fur the: throbbiug gf my heart 1 glanced avound fo se whch # ny wien were and found them at ¥ Taithiulty by we: Had there been three or four or six of eight Hons 1 could. In that thee have deieFmined up to that nimber, but thief were mang move Bow many 1 cannot say, but 1 should Tilak some twelve or fir foe. The situation was mol relleved. Fhe Hons had gone, you; ont of sieht, hut bow. fur? There we were in a tad place; with the advantage all with: the tons, They wight be wiilibih ATtedh feet of us and we conld never ge Thal, + The apposite brink of tie Fiver was quite. lear of and if was my strong desire to be nderhrush over there. T20 thery went ging Sheng fists As I Stopped. My Hand Insiinctively Went Slowly Back for My Rifle frst' going near his heart and! the second bres he spine just over 1 Fook some pi Hot developed then yet. | cared for | f& now huging by wy teal, drybgt 1 satu day a Ane marphon <tork that was the: reninilis, bist he taht Feaehovs that are so val 1 Have sefured dihier small am gotiiug ny w white | am hw eh frge and very dark batt writien for Phe sii with se eT won amtelone for myself ond RO They fies have iwiee ye weary a -spes tab deen ml skeleton of such § oe 1 hu I detrei Thive Hogs tv Writhg, ahoat Tartkighe AY evel Rout weet the Big Iifipes. below the horfaod volitest T heive felt hers idauialy Ina heavy; BOT WP 3G Wes ol isa Reon wana, The day BE Bente Tua oer I have been: coll 3 are dnird to @ ir smaliiy Poin ont deer and inne te be cu PER yarns EWE RM hearst PhiK sans Mw wen waned oe eel for sent, sv 1 Went alter x Boch SO vdeiE aN fhe heart ap dive Jats eed est Whol resting, of course, Siva Hale tree Pont Oak ae nn good shot bei snse becruse bopever tett of the misses; tat § shoe better han Pid ab Bre iay Fixe WOW Or wy pun perfec Stable acd Bhow rier giily: FW javbahiy be aeve for pnothet hn Then fy rib; and Biba up To Bhaha dhe atid Gy for Antong other staff that] Ruow he ther np some. of these moviTieht nights. dow hers, bi there ure uot shongh Hos to ", Cas » it vin Week Before hoe cots. 1 shot Lhe welira Tor pout Ton th Lu slain oe wich thes joiel Hah hs raking he fier for shes Sn nang 4 the skins Thea s Arr ering ad i oats They ATE Row i hnisance afl aver the county. wad ther Se glad to hatve them shot. They are Son th pal' twanty Lowonid sii etal prababily al when suddenly arbed 1 returned to ed the shell, Iu Hy gun beaver, of nodes river, Leaving hiweage nd after min £1 wax in hen amp fhe my se gun for the hori and hares of fe dubgerores Aainady : wir 3 ge Jb ¥ heir thot a the wetiyely eh amy hand T grasped Jt Dipaet! ad & Conse: aad a wi As I stopped my bak Tr my rie 1 felt ASR fat bese brunet ir dor d Lot vealed So doit Gal net dare © minke another Wows CMY Stu bearer, seeing 1 did ring 1 to my So lor, messed i tialter in my band and whispered, EW PRR sheer, mbt TE shoot wind SR bey SOIR WIRE ley were abddriden wind 1a Gee, 00 aE eve densi least the sounded x disturbed) 10 oF Like poweriel bunds they would bave rei hed # went 3 i thicket aud the th "tunnels in the brush alpsst on § and Knees, r down the hank to look for a clear in fhe thicket into which the sie Thirty yards frow the ¥ fert of very deuse ¥ river bottom. As 1 pie lv safer thay fucther up ge Was to ch We wer when affer nie vent, then we if y In the ON I felt were probably less Hous wo of me than thers hosdred yards hy any for-the short stretch to « on the quickest 1 had taken guy bearer 115 ¢ ther hand point to to where [was go. Hine Ast l {herve ta eat owas. bewildered ood amd pondered rs tons moments 1 yr anid wisiowly and unfil we reacted he th mael relief Bustily eT STON Hoping sdly bolost no oof the river fo (De, GF Veh a dt 2 oases Lhe on {ont with them." but une 1 ald fo Feary th (Rg the fact, nor dol re. at owe of the number sire renting, and after mn 1 have a Tite more sored in getting ¥ enen the heli tml ad J LER » © and wish 4 couhl f The next da apa the proud to ey ®t se ne. To see ve a chap. But fu sed the in a butch nhpensl * owas told that on the where we were abd where the resi rowan Ik they eat In gest mibubhers, buf Ww the particiiar part of the river ve Weve we saw oo signs of Hons wor heard (hem, © 1 have not yet rocelved my Hvense to shool my Rent over ail stir floss 48 Gly Rovers Ny, shooting' buffalo dn our West. Plaing and file surroundiog: thier, are exactly Whe tha West, and the guns at a distance dre very dark: big beads, high showiders and with sloping backe. When iby run their gait la that of the buffalo. They have to' be shot at about three huwired yards, as they will not let you get closer. Re 1 heard many Hons last bight, and the hyengs were very close to cap. [am well proteated with:s circle of tents around nine, and each tent has its fire. The, days we are-having are now thie finest J have seen. The nights are shnost cold. The morning iis cool and clear, and generally have clonds in the My. % which: soon go Away. A cool hireese blows tll day, ang the afternoons are something to lve for, They are clear, with white, fiéecy clouds against a deep blue skys The temperature is wot cool nor warm, but a mild breeze completes the whole and makes perfection, The pecntiar and wonderful Yightiug of the sun in the early morming and the late afternoon is marvelions. It has the same effects with the long hadows as we get at home after a summer thunder slower has stopped and the warm sun breaks through dark clouds and gives the low, clear and warm Nghtihg. 1 never knew such an ideal climate existed in any coun try for such a length of time and so even as it does here, 134 1 tell you Graham knew of that bunch of lions 1 ran Inte and says fourteen were counted by & man not Jong ago? He says he has seen forty in one bunch on the plains. 1 never knew until I came here that the lons often go in bunches, and especially whee they hunt. : "3 At the Roosevelt Dinner, Simba Station, Teiday Eve, July 30, 1808, * AM at the station to-night to eateh the four o'clock train in the moruing, which goes to Nairobi. 1 am to attend the "Roosevelt dinner," of which you will probably hear between now and the time this letter reaches you. It Is on the Bd of August, and as I have got about wil I can get from this locelity: 1 am ready to return and try somie place else, I did not met my second giraffe, nor did 1 see an orys, an animal which 1 wanted. 1 secured: fing seties of gon here, ten in all, some antelope ahd some large birds,' 1 have been hearing every night A bunch of rome four or five lions, which roar on 8 certain hill just before dawn. The nights were uLeertain as to clearness, yo 1 did not sit up. The other day 1 shot & gebrst on this hill and con- structed a boma, aud last night sat up with the gun bearer 'and watched; nothing came ail night, and 1 only heard two lions, and they were 'way off. The punch 1 beard nothing of, but ft dosen't say that they were not near. 'They might have stalked me to within a few yards and I'd never know if. A binch ot hyenas came to within a hundred yards, but evidently got our wind aud: stayed off and made all sorts of weird noises, as only a hyeng can make. There must have been some ten or Afteen, 1 amv gind to leave the mudhele of alkali water which has been our supply for the last ten days. At times it caused considerable uneasiness. this dirty, greenish water the porters caught several sort of catfish, which were very good eating. Perhaps it was the change from meat-<anywsy, they tasted good. | ANCHOR ICE. T is well known that not ouly 8 ice lighter then water. bul water very near the freeing polat is lighter than that which Is somewhat less cold. This forms an exception to the general rifle that water, like niost other sibstances, always contracts with the cold. and It IW well for us that ft Is so. For If cou. traction continited Wotformly wp to the fresstug point water just about to freeze would sink to the bottom, Joo would form frém below upward and one streams wonkl be frozen woild. As it is, 'Water on' the. point of free¥ing expands, becomes lighter, rises to the top aid freezes there, 11 spite of all this, however, what 'I¥ dulled "auebor "de An apparent exception tothe nile This Is a spotigy vollection «7 ive crystals that Sick to objects at the better of wrest and sowetimes forgs masses t considerable ize, Recent experiments by Lokhtine, v Rinsing physicist, Shrow considerable Hght on the - formation of this Kind of fe. His experiments; were performed onthe Rivor Neva, Water well freed thom ice crystals werk voclosed ina watertight travel nud lowered to' the Dottoin of the reat gnchor dee pew ir turmed <lieide, 't it often clung to the outsice of the vowel. 11 the vessel, however. Were filha with ordiarg Siroe water. ob forts within It won beenme covered with the we, This sifosws that the crystals that -- wpehor ice" are -airendy fosting In the swif of cold rivers and that they are Ijects agalosl or around which the ier Lr The crystals. it bas been found, pi n the ymrface of the waiter, as thes ought. bur the swiftness of the current they ape ugfore they sdbere together to form ip mppedior jee" always fori on Lhe by aide obstacles, witch shows 'that the doses with the enrrent, 'The sutbor the formation of surface lee be fava : rivers, by retagding the corrent, se that b of the troublesome "sucher ice" may be prevented. - a good dent of waste Bent. 170 # T HE use of a gas engin: volves the recent writer that this be 0 of 'a hot 'water heating system. trie wie,