¥ I + Black Tea is our specialty It's the best for you. Be sure it's LIPTON'S TEA Try the Grey Label Blend, 40c per Ib. ANNOUNCEMENT. A new livery at the old Up-to-date turn-outs ior all occasions, W. G. BRUCE ) Successor o / A. Mecliguham, . 290 Pr'ncess St., Tel. 316. raphy, for Service H PF. Highest Education at Lowest Cost Twenty-sixth year. Fall Term begins August 30th. Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Civil Courses fn Vele- and English, Our graduates get the best positions. Within a short time over sixty secured tions with one of the rallway corporations in Canada. Enter any time. information. CALFE Principal ol = laigesty Call or write MET. CONTRACT IS AWARDED FOR ERECTION OF FIRST BAP. TIST CHURCH. To J. W: Litton. 'The Figure is $23, 620.--The Buildifig Will be Start- ed as Soon as the Spring Opens. At a meeting of the building commit- tee of the First Baptist church, held on February 18th, the tenders which had been requested for the erection of a new building, were opened. It was found that J. W. Litton's tender for the copstruction of the whole building at $23,620, was very considerably be- low all the others. The award would have been made them, but even this tender was so much higher than was expected, that it was thought wise to Postpone the awarding of the contract until such time as the amount of the subscriptions from the congregation was more definitely known. At last evening's meeting the report from the solicitors of subscriptions was such that the committee felt warranted in going foreward and the contract was awarded to J. W. Litton, The building will be erected on the corner' of Johneon and Sydenham streets. It is with steel framework, and slate roof. The work will be begun. as soon as the weather permits. HAD A LIVELY EPISODE. Claimed Batteryman Threatened to Shoot another. The particulars of a lively epi- sode, in which two battervimen took part, were made known to-day, the result: of which one of them was given ten days' confinement and turday night, which was followed by a lively fight. One of them carried the affair still further, so it is al- leged,' and made an attempt to use a rifle while in a temper. He was taken in charge, however, before he had a chance to carry out kis plan. He was turned over to a guard and 'ater came before the officer in com- mand, when the penalty already re- ferred to was meted out. KNOCKED DOWN BY HORSES. Accident to a Little Girl on Princess Street. Grovene Curtis, a little girl who lives on Princess street, near Alfred, was knocked down at 5.30 o'clock on Tuesday afternoon, by 'three horses, attached to a sleigh. The girl was carried into the Kingston mattress I apa NA | FOR SALE : DONNELLY PLACE, I Union and Victoria Sts. ws be on the market Tuesday morning. 18 Market St. Kingston. List your property with us. \o.. . oe You will appreciate the PkCL3 and PROMPTNESS -- of our services --- LV. Wook 1 Lot Men's Gua Metal Button, $4, $4.50, Now ook x Lot Men 1 Lot Men's Tan and Calf Blucher. $3.00. Now BOTH DEALER and CUSTOMER GET A SQUARE DEAL. :- ------ When an order is placed with us for. ---- House Wiring and Electric Fixtures Kingston, Ont Forty of the most desiggble lots in Kingston will Plans can be seen and contracts made at our office J. O. Hutton and H. S. Crumley -, Motor Cars Regular 1's Box Calf Blucher, Leather Lin- ed, Welt Sole. Regular $4.50. Now $3.28. alae 5 factory, opposite where the accident occurred. Though 'her head was somewhat cut no serious injuries re- sulted. The man who drove the horses which knocked her down is said to have passed on without ,pay- ing any hedd. . The Canadian Club. Rev. Dr. Gordon, Winnipeg, (Ralph Connor), will address the members of the Canadian Ulub in Kin March 3rd, at 12.30 o'clock, in Frontenac Hotel. Dr. Gordon is a very distinguished Canadian' authqr, whose books have been read by many persons, and the opportunity of hearing him will no doubt be taken advantage of. the Read Caper At Ottawa. Dr. Daniel Phelan of Kingston, before the association of the Cana- dian Army Medical Corps at its an- nual meeting in the Chategu Laurier, Ottawa, qn Tuesday, after- noon, read a very léarned paper giv- ing an exhaustive treatise on the legal and medical aspect of criminal responsibility. Repairs About Finished. The repairs on the intake pipe are practically finished and the old tube is doing duty as usual. Chlorine is still beng added, however, and the manager of the civie utilities says that he would advise the people to continue to boil the water for a few days longer. Colds Cause Headache and Grip. Laxative-Bromo removes the cause, There ia only one "Brome * Look for signature of E. W. Grove, 25e. ------------ Weather Notes. yesterday, has spread over the west middle states. The temperature has risen Vv but continues low in Quebec and maritime provinces. On Tuesday afternoon a girl took ill on Princess street, at the corner the to be built of stone, as in addition was deprived of three |the majority of the delegates were in months' good eonduct money. Ac- [perfect accord on deciding to ask the cording to the story told two bat- | government to do something to relieve terymen had an altercation in the!the situation. "canteen" at the barracks on Sa- ton ..om |} {afternoon when Patrick Christley, ern provinces and the south-western knows how to be. ! 3 + i disturbance is now moving toward he er and got thet of 'to Sunday ery considerably in .Outario,' : lL ; THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WE DNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1913. SPECIAL SAL | SLUMP IN BUSINESS. | S---- i Has Been Reported By Many of the. i Merchants. { "Though some merchants expect} January and February to be quiet ] months in business, some of us do not," said a citizen to the Whig on Wednesday morning. "But never in my experience has there been Such a slump, and it may be attributed, un- doubtedly, to the unseasonable weath- er during the two months." For those who have to pay the fam- ily coal bills, he said, perhaps the milder weather was welcome. But the sales of the coal merchants show a big difference from former years. And the fur dealers, he ventured to shy, were afiected to a very considerable extent. "How many! cutters and sleighs have been sold this winter?" ha asked. "The local agencies will tell you all right." The doctors, he felt, certainly bene fited by the product of the weather man this winter. FEEBLE-MINDED CHILDREN. Provincial Govermment Asked to Make Provision For Them. Dr. A. E. Ross, M.P.P., was asked to represent Kingston, on the deputa- tion of representatives of the difierent charities organizations and City Coun- cils of the province, which waited up- on the provincial government, Wednes- day morning, to urge upon it the ne cessity of making provision for the care of feeble-minded children. It is claimed that there are thou- sands of children throughout Canada, and the agitation for an institution | where they would be properly cared for has been going on for some time. Last fall, a convention was held at Toronto, at which the feasibility of | such an institution was discussed, and KINGSTON PARTIES Had Exciting Time Crossing on the Ice. A despatch from Watertqun, N.Y, savs : In their hurry to ch Syra- cuse Mr. and Nps. E. ta and child, of Kingston, Ont} had a most thrilling experience in crossing Lake Ontario to-day. Near Wolfe Island the ice broke, re- sulting in one of the horses plunging mto the water. Mrs. Lawless receiv- ed a blow across the face from the pole that broke as the horse went down. . The horse was pulled out, the har- ness patched and the rest of the jour- 'ney to Cape \incent was made in time to catch an early morning train. None of the occupants of the were thrown into the water. reaching here Mrs. Lawless eve bandaged and. the was eaught for Syracuse. GOOD SPELL BROKEN. Police rig Upon had her Club train One Drunk Appeared in 'Court on Wednesday. The lid is off. The good spell has heen at last. One drunk was lined up before Magistrate Farrell, Wednesday morning, and was fined. I and costs. The session lasted one win: ute. It was, indeed, rather a pity, to, spoil the goad record, but then it | could not be helped, at least so far as the police were concerned, as the ac- cused was so drunk he had to be tak- | en in charge, DIED, AGED NINETY-FIVE. } i The Late Patrick Christley, of In-! verary. : The county of Frontenac lost one of its oldest residents, on Tuesday | ot | laverary, passed to rest after an ex {tended illness. The deceased was {ninety-five years of age and came to 'this country when only a young man. He was born in Ireland. On coming to Canada he took up residence at Inverary, where he resided ever since. He is survived by four sons and three daughters. Papa's Sunday at Home. | Last Sunday a Toronto man snoozed {in bed until eleven a.m. Then he arose,! { dressed leisurely, had a nice breakfast, | | read the papers, smoked, loafed, ate a} nice dinner, read some more papers, | smoked, loafed, took a nap and in the| Major G. V. Hordern, staff officer of little, {the third division, completed a series The cold wave which was in Alberta smoked, loafed and was as agreeable of lectures of the Shenandoah Valley mun campaign, in the Armouries, on Tues- day evening. These lectures were giv- | evening ate a lunch, read a {as only a thoroughly worthless His wife arose early, scrubbed the ¢ school, cooked breakfast," cleaned "wp ¢ the evening and that night, when the children eS to bed, one of them said y "lsat it ice to have; He is so much! » ' A pretty hanging plant may be -- wade frau a var the comes sir It is estimated that thers are over | on 30d Seto Ot The CALE Sen 000,000,000 ved blood cells in the [{L curtain pole of in the Kitchen cin. boll hese red blood ells j; "puta little water every in move the Wud currents eareyisgt the stooped-out centre, and soon pret- Juvugh artasies. ath ts ty green shoots will begin ng to the distant tissues, that they may tating We , ge : be invigorated and vitalized anew. hes the red blocd cells shrivel "Fresh marshmallows." Gibson's. Waste. weakness and disease 1o-{ Lo," joncing to ini sult, and it is by forming mew blood tion was | eells shat Dr. Chase's Nerve Foul re cut while in the stable, near Tich- stares stringth weakened borne, on Monday might. On Tues Miss a y, Ont... i gold to Tt i! amused his time. you feel Diapepsin. ish in five minutes. i your stomach is in a continuous rgvoft-eif you Sy get , for your e, try Dinpepsin. t's so needless to have a bad. stom- your mexi meal a favorite then take a little Diapeps- in. There will not be any distress | skaters. in Aingston. i eat without fear. It's because Pape's | would fake a walk to the Palace rink i in "really does' regulate weak, any fine evening, he would find stomachs gives it its number of good girl skaters who are Pape's | wasting or ¥ drag store. It is lead them ach--make food meal, "$1.49. $2.49 $1.49 Sale of Only a few pairs Boys Patent Bluchers, Only a few odd sizes in this lot. Regul Only a small lot Boys" Tan Bluchers. Regular $3,50, $4.00 and $5.00 for . Sale of Women's Evening Slippers -- one lot -- $1.39 'odds and ends--regular 3 $2.98 and $3.95 Sale of edds and ends in Men's Shoes $1.98 and $2.50 Sale of odds and ends in Women's Shoes $2.50, £3.00 and Women's Shoes. THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY $1.49 $2.49 $1.39 ar $4.50, for Neh 50 for ABERNETHY"S Our February S Only a few days left. BOOKCASES SECTIONAL in fumed oaks, LIBRARY AND DEN TABLES in fumed or Rarly English finish. AT ON SALE JAMES REID'S "Phone 147. LEADING UNDERTAKER. THE ale Cocoanut Something Next to Opera House i ---- Ask for our new Candy Caramels. new and delicious. SAKELL'S Phone 640 -- Fancy Paper Boxes, ware, Boxes of every descrij | Bakers, Druggists, 1 Office and Factory SHOCKED AT IRFEVEREN( Of Young Men and Women During Prayer Time. A Whig reporter was accosted by a churchgoer, who spoke of a thing that surprised him while in a city church last Sunday evening. He said while sitting in the gallery of a of worship, he wit of a type of irrev him forcibly. "While the . preacher pace which # galleries. Among upwards of 200 ent (the majority of whom were v people), not many more of reverence, during the He said their seats, gazing around at the gregation and choir, as boldly a they were witnessing motion pi One young man on the right sic the gallery sat left side, at the f young friend for him, on the being offered. Technical Society Address. n before the Kingston Tactical So- [a very vivid description of a girls ciety. ng staff officers gave a review (home(in Japan, and laid particular C of the movements and disvosition of Stress on the very little furniture ' things after her husband and children, the ing forces, explained the na- 'used in Japanese homes and how well did some darning, 'got a Sunday ture 'of the country, and the calibre of they get on without it. She eaid night lunch, washed up the dishes. the commanding officers of the federal that it might he well sometimes for sorted out the clothes, put on the and coniéderate armies. On Tuesday Canadian Y.W.C.A's to trv the Ja- boiler ready for the washing the next evening, Lieut.-Col. "A. B. Cunning- 'panese method. She explained how 'day, darned some more stockings in ham, who was also ever the ground {ha spiritual tone of Y.W.C.A. work last year, gave an explanation. Gossips repeat' everything they --and a lot: they don't. CERTANLYENDS STOMACH MISERY. ==" "Pape's Diapepsin™ Relieves > Your | * Indigestion in Five Minutes. Sour, gassy, upset tomach, indiges jby Miss Esthet Burton, of Hom, heartburn, dy psia; when you eat fermenis into gases, stubborn lumps; your head aches and | sick and miserable, that's Poon, . when, you realize the magic in Pape's |Rev. S. J. M. Compton spoke. i It makes such misery van- s Ahat of sales alowally, Get a large fifty-cent case of 1 an exhibition was praying | ivery fervently," he sdid, "1 raised my | BY head and casually glynced across the | han half had that many sat upright i with his legs crossed and his arms folded; another opposite And many of the young ladies and girls, from whom better was ex- | pected, sat there as if no prayer was Une man, in the centre, followed the old Methodist custom of { kneeling. it regulated, *Y, NORK OF THE Y.W.CA. i AN ADDRESS truck that place WAS GIVEN CONYOCATION HALL, Miss Una Saunders, General Secretary--An Appeal Made Workers And Financia) Aid. The Y.W.C.A. was addressed, in res Convocation Hall, Queen's University by Miss Una Saunders, general eretary, formerly of the world's. com- mittee, on the general growth of the young women's work both in Canada and abroad. Among other places, she mentioned the interesting work among the young women in Japan She traced the work from its small beginning among the students to its present hold among the large class of working girls in Tokio. Wherever there is an economic problem there is room for this work. The work has spread in Japan as an aid to the churche« there. Miss Saunders also rehearsed a nu- IN For pres oung Se * Con 3 le ol rout, some merical estimate of the growth of i the institution in Canada. Last oi nll she made a plea for workers of all kinds, aad asked for the prayers of the local branch for those engaged in the work, and for the financial aid of those interested. Mise Saunders during her talk gave often fell short of the mark besause | unqualified people had to be placed in the offices. This was one of the main reasons for the demand for workers. : After Miss Saunders' address, Wiss Florence Bissonetto sang "This Is My iTosk," in a very impressive manner. At the Y.W.C A. rooms, on Johnson Saunders spoke on the lile as met with in association work, and gave the work- ers of the loeal association some Iie matter for thought. She was followed Harlim, the "ho spoke on. the industrial and ex- and 'ension work of the Y.W.C.A. in manu- facturine places. During the after- Miss Hazel Massie sang, and hear Good Skaters om Palace Rink. "Dimples" wriles as follows to the Whigi--""In your paper a few days ago we girls read an item referring to the young lady skaters of Kingston, and I wish to tell you that there are good BH your eritic | pesssssasse sasssscassasaa. KINGSTON PAPER BOX COMPANY (British Whig Publishing Co., Limited, Proprietors) Manufacturers of all kinds of Stiff, Folding and Clothiers, Hatters, Furriers, Goods, Boots and Shoes, Fancy Goods, Hard- Stationers, Ete. Estimates Furnished. 'PHONE 883 AND A REPRESEXNTATIVE WILL CALL. for Milliners, - Tailors, Confectioners, Florists, Grocers, Dry Stock and Fancy tion made to order King Street West "Madame Sherry" Was Produced on Tuesday Evening. "Madame Sherry" is a musical vau- deville of which the theatregoer does not grow tired. It can be seem over and over again, which is something that eannot be said of most of the musical comedy productions that ave on the boards. At the Gram Jast night, a large audience witnesssd this pretty and tuneful French production. The caste wae good as wsual, and in- cluded the well-known comedian, al len Mostyn, who delighted evervons who heard him. Miss Gypsy Dale look {the role of the convent girl in & dsin- ty manner, and sang sweetly Every- thing about the production was en joyable, vd rf "McFadden's Nats. A show that is strict], out of the ordihary is promised at the Grand op Saturday, March lst, matinee and might, 1t is "MeFadden's Flats," that most perennial and enduring of all musical farces. The play has been thoroughly reconstructed, rearranged j and rejuvenated, with entirely new up j to-date material, song hits, features, | novelties, surprises and a scenic adorn: Iment. that is certain to lift the pro- duction to a high plané of perfection. A brilliant and prettily costumed chore us of vouthful and well formed girls assist in attractively arranged ensem- bles, while the specialties iftroduced daring the action of the piece are thoroughly enjoyable and original. To-night "The Bird of Paradise." Inventor, as well as literatear and playwright, 1s Hichard Waltén Tully, the author of "The Bird of Paradise," * and co-author with David Belasco of "The Kose of the Ranche" All the scenes of the play, which variously re present a beach-cave and native house on the wild Puna coast; Waikiki Beach, Honolulu by moonlight, the approach to Kilauea and the burning a of Pele have heen reproduced with faith ful realism from hand-colored photo- graphs taken by the author himself. But more than photos and painted counterfeits were necessary to repro duce lave spouting Pele in all her bery magnificance and terrible majesty, so Mr. Tully st about finding it. After several months' Pa he had conceived and constructed a model in miniature that reproduces with start ling vividness the desired effect of the eruptifiy crater. Moreover, he applied for and was granted patents upon his ingenious volcano effect--a really. won derful 'achievement in stage mechanics. "The Bird of Paradise" will be soon at the Grand to-night Tr f The NeKinley farm, Cape Viocent, N.Y., sold under mortgage foreclosure, any to sit on the bank men to come- and the rink. They are and not afraid to veniure oui on the big s heir hearis do mot RE eta a was 'bid in by Joha R. Kilborn for $16,275. - # Ch EA 2