PAGE SIX. fy = PLAYS WITH'GOLEY WEGS; USES CA NG BOTTLE © Freak Party Craze Reaches Lon- don; Middle-aged Men and = Wo- men Disport Themselves as Little Children. . Lowdon, Feb. 27. The freak panty draze has reached London. New York itself never devised anything stranger than the "Baby Party," held . in the residence of Edward Storer at Bayswater. A score of artistic and ¥terary friends of the host assembled ba a room labelled '"Ipe. Nursery," which was filed with toys, rocking horses. dolls, Teddy beats, popguns rattles and other playthings. On the walls were placed childish pictures and printed mursery rhymes, All the men and women, some of them middle-aged, were dressed as babies and wore children's slippers Some even had short socks. The men Were attired in boys' sailor suits, short jerseys and "knickers," and the women very short frocks and pinafores. ~The amusements were varied. Some of the "babies" looked at pic ture books as they sgt on stools by the fire, while others prattled to each other of dolls or gollywogs. One "infant" not more than thirty years old, busily engaged hersel with a feeding bottle, -------------- CONTRADICT THE KAISER, : Agricultural Authorities Ridicule ; pot of Scientific Farming, : on, Feb. 27,--A Berlin despat to the Daily News sayw: n "Further light is thrown upon the Kaiser's misinformation regarding his property and the economic lessons derivable from his experi- ments, "It now appears that scarcely one of his statements bears investigation. Not only have all the neighboring riers protested vigorously against the kaiser's attacks upon his tenant, Herr Jhist, wha, by the way, has Come to Berlm to seek reparation for the injury to his haracrrs but one Spitcindint after another arises to prove kaiser's statements regarding his own model farms incorrect. "For instance, the kaiser said that his cows gave milk with nearly four per cent. cream. An Elbing dairyman, 'who 1s an acknowledged authority, says: ; * 'Any dairy farmer who read that must have smiled. We know those Cadinen cows. They are Dutch cat- Hl, and we count ourselves lucky if from Dutch cows we get two or, at a maximum, .2§ per cent. cream.' "A well-known gentleman Capt. Alsen, suid: *' "The kaiser's statement regarding ~ the number of cattle maintained on his estate in completely false. If we go to Cadipen to-day, we should not find one-half the number of gattle "ithe kaiser has been told he keeps.' "Then the kaiser said that the Ca- dinen corm stood straight, and the getatoes were good when all around "Hera is the evidends of a neighbor, : Wunderlich, president ol the Jo- 'My bailiff yecently went to Bang. near Cadinen, then he returned expressed horror at the condition the Cadinen fields, The potatoes NT LET i IAEA ARE 2. 37:8, tl) COLO! RATES, MLO Pacific Coast. Daily March 15th to April 15th Ine Vancouver, B.C. farmer, Shh n 9) Los Angeles, Cal. San Diego, Cal. Mexico City, Mex, $52.05 and other points at rates in propor- tion. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS TO WESTERN CANADA. Via Chicago, Port Arthur, nd _ Sarnia, sve} Tuesday, March " : for TWO months. can- make all arrangemants to your family or friends from Country. Special attention THIRTY YEARS OLD , tkilled, two + *HE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THU a JUST AS IF NOTHING HAD HAPPENED, Crowds in the retail district of Mexico City the day after the murderous assassination of adero and ex-Vice President Suare Bo . ~ were simply smothered in couch-grass, and the corn stood very poorly.' "Once more the cry arises, first, that th r should verjfy his state ments, and, second, that he should pay less attention to the Byzantine flat- tery of false informants," Ancient Science. It is generally supposéd that those whic combated the opinion that the earth was a sphere when Columbus his great voyage were only giving expression td opitiions that had always been eutertained. But the fact is that Jong before the Christian era the Greek and Egyptian philo- sophers entertained the idea that the earth was round and knew vastly more about eclipses, the motions of the moon and other astronomical matters than many do even to-day. The idea of Columbus had been anti- cipated by more than sixteen cen. turies. -- Dr, Johnson and His Dinner. Dr. Johnson, who was a lover of good cookery, used to assert that when- ever a dinner was ill got it was because of poverty, avarice or stupidity. One day be was eloquent om this subject when his hostess (Mrs. Thrale) asked him "If he ever huffed his wife about his dinner." "So often," he replied, "that at last she called to me and said: " 'Nay, hold, Mr. Johnson. Do not make a farce of thanking God for a dinner which in a few minutes you will protest is not eatable."" @ Dent You. . We kept tabs at the theater. The Bero carefully sald, "Don't you," the low comedian said, "Dontcher," and the assistant varied it to "Dentcha" The heroine was a purist. She said, "Don't chew," as if she were advising against the use of tobacco.~BExchange. His Only Chance. Mra. Yeast--Golog over to the ball tonight? Mr. Yeast--What's going on? "Oh, Professor Meeks Is going to talk." "He is? Why, is his wife away ?'-- Yonkers Statesman, Woes of the Jokists. First Humorist--No, | never read my jokes to my wife. She only laughs at them. Second Humorist -- You're lucky; mine cries.--~Chicago News, Double Entendre, "Got your teeth filled, eh? Did the dentist do a good job?" "Well, he spared no palns."--Lippis- cott's. A single day grants what a whole gear denles.~Dutch Proverb. { "Kodak films developed." Gibson's. The Montreal council will investi- gute the charges made hy the Domin- ion Alliance that the chief and 'Other parties were shareholders in a water company 'which various houses were compelled to. buy a¥ protection" from raids, Ls 4 "Fresh Huyler's sweets." (libson's. one fireman was At Adanta, Ga., cemen were hurt, one outy A. nt, a awl at i New Fork 10 ' py hats Interchan huitace "Kn, Tole" al ' w rl - ir 8 Pa St. Croix St. oupe, Dos Barba- gal pi ek wu. | Probably fatally, and several inmates 'at Brilliant, B.C, has been increased were reported missing, believed to be buried in the are a building edliapsed at Whitehall and Trinity streets early on Wednesday morning. nail bleach; 10¢." Gibson's th roll in the dynamite ex- plosion at the Doukhobor settlement, to four. Two others have had their eyes removed. Plane of the city and the York Radi- al call for. two electric railways to skirt older Toronto. ; i - rh THE LATEST SCHEME OF MINIS- ISTER OF MILITIA. Says That System, Which He Saw Tried in England, Will be lntro- duced in Canadian Militia. Ottawa, Feb. 27.--Ths Canadian Cavaley ~~ Associgtion elected Lieut. Col. James Walker, of Calgary, presi dent for" 1913, The government will be asked to raise the rate of pay for horses in camp from $1 to $1.50 pet day and to shoe the horses free. 'Addressing the Canadian Army Ser vice Corps, Hon. Col. Hughes said the use of soup waggons along the line ol march and in camp would effectively replace the canteen. He had seen them at work in Fng land last year, and he declared that they were a most excellent institution More than any other instrument, they had helped to knock drinking clean out of the service, by providing fa tigued, cold and wet men with a bowl of soup, which was both meat and drink for them, better than a thousand glasses of xye He promises/ that as soon as they got a proper 'model, he would be will- ing to have them introduced into the Canadian service all over the country. FROM MERRY ODESSA. Another Carnival Was Held Las Friday Evening. I Odessa, Feb. 26.--The funeral of the late William Milsap was heid 'to St. Alban's church, Odessa. Mr. Milsaj was a well-known resident of this vi cinity. He was in his eighty-fourtt year, and was highly respected hy al who knew him, ; Logs are coming in at J. H. Bab cock's saw mill with a rush. Then were seventy-five loads of saw logs un loaded thers on Mogday. : The carnival on Friday evening was a prand success. The Odessa bras: hand was in attendance, The prix winners were : Mrs. William, Dougherty for fancy skating; Mrs. John Amey. for best costume; Mrs. Robert Daugh erty and Elgin Pamvott, for best lady and gentleman skaters; Miss Edith Black, Cataraqui, for fastest lads skater, first prize; Miss Ida MeConnelt, second prize. The gentleman prize win ners were : Frnest Keller, for fancy skating; George, ihomas, for hest cos tume; Wellington Clark and Frnest Keller, for two best clowns; boys' race ander fourteen years of age, Percy Heyslep . first, Courtlin Clyde second A load of skaters from Cataraqui and Murvale was present. PORTUGUESE COLONTES. Penjed That England and Germany Considered Intervention. Lisbon, Feb. 27.--The foreign min- ister in the chamber of deputies ea orically denied reportd that Great Britain and Germany were considering the matter of joint intecvention with ; to the Portuguese colonies. minister said that he had most formal assurance from both governments that they never for a moment contemplated doing anything that might infringe Portuguese sov- ereignty in the colonies or of calling an international conference on the subject. = COMPULSORY EDUCATION. System Cannot Be Carried Out, Says Minister. Winnipeg, Feb. 27.-Speaking on the subject of compulsory education the annual convention of 1 trus- tees, Hon. 8. R. Coldwell, minister of education, said he did not it Fadvisable to comply with the request for 'compulsory education, because he believes that compulsory edueation is not practicable and cannot Le cartied the 'Hout if the law is passed, This has proved to be the case in other provinces in the dominion and [everywhere on this continent where the system had been tried. LOCOMOTIVES HEAT CHATEAU. Breakdown of» nrnaces Results in Unique Substitute, 27.--Five big locomo- present supplying the WILL CUT OUT WHISKEY heating the Chateau 1S NOT SURPRISED. Lumberjack Says Conditions in Camps Breed Smallpox. Winnipeg, Feb. 27. Following the report of the smallpox outhreak at Big River, a lumberjack has returned from the winter's work at Hudson Bay Junction and relats his ex- perionge and expresses wonder that any of the Saskatchewan lumber The camps, he says, are not cleansed sufficiently often, . The hedding = is musty bay and marshes. There is no ventilation whatever, and sixty emen of mixed races (mostly Gali cians) have tp sleep in one small camp and are shut in at nine o'clock every night. Water trickles down the walls into the bunks, The doctor is supposed to attend once a week, but really comes every segond or third week. Each man is ed $1 per month for medical attend ance. PROPOSED IN LIFEBOAT. Tennis Player Will Wed Girl Whom He Saved. : . New York, Feb. 27,-- A romance that arose out of the Titanic disaster will 'culminate on March 1et in the marriage of Karl Howell Behr, twen- ty-seven, the well-known tennis play- er and lawyer, and Miss Helen Mony- peny, Newson. twenty, » Miss Newson, with her mother and stepfather, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Lech- with, were on the Titanic om which Behr was returning from Europe. When the ship crowded into the ice- berg Behr rushed fo - the Beckwith stateroom and escorted his friends to he deck. After a . long time the roung couple found themselves hud- Hed together in the bows of the 'rail lifeboat. . It was while the cold spray was washing over them that Mr. Belir proposed and was accepted. + TURNED DOWN BY POWERS, Refuse. to Support Turkish Claim to Advianople. Constantinople, Feb. 27--The m's- sion to London.of ibrahim Hakki Pasha. on behalf of the Ottoman gov- ernment has failel. His object was to persuade the European powers to support the claim of Turkey to the retention of Adrianople. Although some members of the Turkish cabinet are in favor of peace the war element shows no tendency to weaken its attitude. Military operations are still con- fined to skirmishes; and fighting on a grand scale is improbable for the present, owing to the weather. FINGER PRINTS RBETRAY HIM. Man Arvested at Regina Should Have Been in Asylum. Ottawa, Feb. 27.--James McGregor, alias Hoakes, alas Charler Harker, arrested Monday in Regina for rob- hery, was identified through the crim- inal identification burcan im Ottawa as an insane criminal who had escaped ffom the Selkirk Asylum for the In- sane. His escape from-the Manitoba asylum had not, it is dfiflerstood, heen {Teported; mor was it known that he was at large until he was traced ; through the finger print system. ° DUCHESS TO TRAVEL. Will Go to Gérmany and Sweden This Summer. € London; Feb. 27..The Duke of Connaught will stay at Clarence House, which for long has been 'his London re , When he arrives directly after Easter. When he re- turns to Canada a few weeks later, the Duchess will probably go to Ger: many and Sweden for a few months. lr -------- Tobacco's One Martyr. London Chronicle. Tabacco can claim at least one martyr. He was a Roman Catholic priest, and name was Kemble. Kemble was banged in 1579, being in his eightieth year at the time, for an assumed complicity in the plot of Tituy Ontes, and it. is paid that he "marched to his fate, amidst a crowd of weeping friends. with the trah- quility of a primitve martyr; smoking a pipe of tobacco." And even 10 this day the people of Herefordshire have a habit of referring to the last pipe they take at a sitting as the "Kemble pipe." RSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1913 ex-President | chimps' can escape epidemics of fever, | charg- | 3 RAEN Tera Kingston's Only Exclusive Ready-to-Wear Store | SPECIAL . SHOWING OF LADIES, MISSES AND GIRLS | SPRING SUITS xo COATS The very latest shades newest weaves, coats alike. 'No two suits alike.. Suits and coats from the leading manufacturers Boston and Canada. If you want 'individual; style at litte money, come here. a Junior Suits For Girls 12 years to 16 years. Every shade. Silk lined. Tailored Waists In Linens Vestings, P. K. Bedford Cords, and Silks Our Special $1.00 Waist Whitewear L, A complete and extensive showifig, to suit every purpose and every purse. Garments 25¢ to $4.00 each, with every pric eibetween, * : Hosiery For Lattices, Misses, Girly dnd Children. ved a large consignment of Imported Seamless Hosiery, Lisles, Silks and and exclusive styles are here. ready for jou. No two of New ' York. Let us show you our Perfect fitting. 'See from We have just recei . in all Ses Our Guaranteed 50c¢ Black Cashmere Hose \ Silk Underskirts Paddy Green, Shot Effects, Navy and Black. Our Skirt at $3.50 is Extra Special Value BIG DISPLAY OF DRESSES All the new styles and late colorings in every size, Just see the Stylish Dress $8.00 will get for you here In Copenhagen, 4) We are sole agents in Kingston for the Famous P. C. Parisian Corsets--perfect fitting, priced from ofc. to $5.50 a parr. \ If it's new you will tind it here moderately priced, Quality the highest. WATUN ; UU. WINDOWS. Prive the lowest. { Telephone | MENDELS 532 The Store That's Different - T. J. O'CONNOR, Sales Manager TRY NO E - : l Special 9 High Grade Coffe, 40 a I SUTHERLAND'S "338 Princess Sweat: Jong 120 BIG RED LETTER hoe Sale ENDS SATURDAY, MARCH 1ST If you haven't attended this bi sale do so. Hundreds have profit by our 20 p. c. discount. Better take advantage now. J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO. - The Home of Good Shoes WE SELL Scranton Coal Co's Coal Selected from tke Celebrated Richmond No. 4 and Ontario No. 1 Mines, the best Antaracits. Coal ined in Pennsylvania. Place your next order with THE JAS. SOWARDS COAL CO. North End Ontaric Street. 'Phones 158. REPORT IS FALE, Kiamil Pasha is not Dead--War Will End Soon. "Cairo, Feb. 27.--There is no truth in the story that Kiami} Pasha, the former grand vizier of Turkey, whose cabinet was forced qut by the Young Turks, is dead. He is alive and well abd was the guest of Lord Kitchener at dinner last evening. In an inter Kiamil i that the Bal- kan war w be ended in three weeks, . At His Word. ¢ "That cigar of you's," said the Passenger with the chin beard, smil- ing genially, "has burned about halt its length down one side." "So? frowned tke man the curled moustache, turning head | slowly and looking at him from head to foot; "wed that is the way 1 like my cigars, sir." So, when a spark from his cigar fell on the skirt of tris new $60 over- . -- By a scientific remedy. It acts Laurier. The heating system of the | Nre Emily Dickens, widow of Alired{t08t and proceeded to burn a hole in| directly on the blood. It combines ; _-- hotel has en down. Te be Fenpyson Dickens, died Monday - of} it, the man with the chin beard re-| with the uric acid and makes it sol- A. RAWSON specifie, the chockers which the | pneumonia, after three weeks' illness | flected, "Perhaps, that's the way hel yble, ard the blood carries the com- || (Nearly five years with the || furnaces are in need of repair. Mother | ui Melbourne, Australia. likes his overcoats." and said noth-| pination to the kidneys, where it is Wm. Davies Co.) ' Wit found a remedy and 1 otives . Ey we | ing. Chicago Tribune. j ' |eliminaged in the ordinary way. No}! were requisitioned. 'The rooms of the |gNLY Quinine," thatis | = other preparation like it on the||| #1 Montreal Street, Rear Irn. hotel meanwhile are quite warm. Lon Dron y At Muehausen, Sermans, a military Barker jvscuterf tasiwless, Sond oat : 21 j aviator, Sergt. Helierspider, was kill- | for a 1 package umatism Fresh Meats and Groceries Theodore Roosevelt, the only liring | J: esis komo Cjuinine ed and Lieut. Linke sii injored | Cure to-day. Price, 25c, postage of president, will he ane of the stirac | Cures.a Coldin One Day, Days | hen their ger fel sixty fest. | gaid, or five for $1.00. By Strice stiontion to sil or. tions of the J. geesideut's inaugural | © i Prec Jere h to merit Sliabe induced to' accept ox. [fof the annual meeting of the Ontario : Jour ronage, the' Dossimton in E E JESSOP, Phm B 1364. 4 J : =| © ji NARANEE, ONT. \ ; '