va A A rch Fon a _ cp 55 SHOE REPAIRING, 1 have Instalied the Good THE DISTRICT DASHES Year Welt Madhine System ior . all kinds of Shoe Repairing Call and glve me & trial . Skates Shacpenad. ROBERT PAYNTER, 200 Princess Street. TRICT EXCHANGES. The 'Happenings in Various Parts + of Eastern Ontario--Personal Or. de Van's Female Pills A 1:liable Prench veguistor: never file, These and General Paragraphs, . sills are exceedingly Rowerful nr che a . Jeoetativa portion of the femal System. stig Mis. A. Shipman, aged aightythne "J cheap imitations Dr. de arg So vears, died in Winnipeg on Feb. 11th. 0 f any address, | » i ; h Th ed AAC VW ha Ont | She formerly lived at Brockville. Harry Barnes, a married man, whose home is in Thurlow township, was ar- rested on a charge of embezzlement. For wale st Mahood's drug store. Grime groups of unexplored despair, Where countless things hold sway; and WHAT IS FOUND IN THE DIS. -- bond oF mat. i i blizzard evening of Feb. s ding The road that leads to Death have ence of Thomas Mills, when his daughter, Miss Lulu, {was united in matrimony to William 18. Anglin, of 'Battersea, Rev. Secley {E, Harrington. B.A, officiating. Thomas Copley! Telephone 987 + i Drop a card to 18 Pine Street Foon: | wanting anything done in the Carpen- tery line. Estimates given on all Kinda of repairs and new work als Hardwood Floors eof Mx de. orders will receive Shop, 40 Queen 8 Forty years in use, 20 years the i standard, prescribed and recoms mended by physicians. For Woman's Ailments, Dr. Martel's Pills, at your druggist. Does Your Sewing Machine Need Repairing' Our Machinist has bad 231 years' experience in repairing § all kinds of machines. ' Work called for and de Hvered, wg ; PROMPT WORK, Phone 1324. The National Mfg. Co., Lid. } 241: Prigeess St, cor. Sydenham § | DRINK HABIT Reliable Home Treatment. Thousands of wives, mothers and | sisters are enthusiastic thelr | praise of 'ORRINE, because it 8 cured thelr loved ones of the "Drink Habit" and. thereby brought ha pi- ness to thelr homes. Can be given secretly. ORRINE costs only $1.00; per box. Ask for Free Heoklet. i |" GW. Mahood, Princess and Bagot Streets. 3 in The kind you are looking for : is the kind we sell. i SCRANTON COAL | is good Coal and guaran 1 Al ogg Lo Booth & Co. § WEST STREET. WE SELL Scranton Coal Co's Coal Selected from tbs Jelebrated Richmond No. 4 and Ontario No. 1- Mines, the best Antnracite. Coal mined In Pennsylvania.' by Place your next order with THE JAS. SOWARDS COAL CO. North End Ontario Street. : "Phone 1865. Asthma Catarrh BRONCHITIS COUGHS COLDS WETALLIENID 190 * A simrls, mate snd effective treatment for bron. ela) troubles, without dosing the stomach with Crees Used with sucoesafor Cilety gears, a The air caver ing the xatiantia vaso, Paephred known bricklayer residing in Prescott, died suddenly Ménday from heart fail u 11 | announces he will be an attention ! candidate contribution and $1,925 was laid .on [leculatiohs about eating and drink- 2 {of what I could live upon, so as to Mrs. Neshield Ward, wife of 4 well- re. k There will be an election in South Lapark as J. 8. Lyle, Smith's Falls, independent The Méthodist chireli, Smith's Falls, asked for $2,000 as an anniversary} tha plates. ; Robert Wardrohe, veteran Grand Trunk locomotive éngineer, lirockville, ' : THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MARCH 1, 1913. A nse FINIS CORUXAT OPUS. BREWER'S MILLS WEDDING. By J. E. Harte Where glitiering crystals, blown shewn, Since toil on earth began. A realm, where partial victory won By man, is but a task begun, A t6il that breaks the soul, When do or die,*is man's one creed, And fearless heart, his one great need, To win the mighty goal. To ye who gave to earth the best, That ever mortal man possessed, A life; your life, your all. Whose hones 'neath icy mountains lay, And o'er whose tomb mad natures play, And sunless sky vour pall To you, brave Scott, of mighty name And you, grand.Oates, oi deathless fame, And all your comrades brave. We bare our hearts, and ever- sing, Oh: Death, where is thy mighty sting. Thy victory, oh: grave! . slipped and fell on the pavement, breaking ong EM the ankle @ mary inge: Belleville on Feb. 29nd, of W\rchibald Kating, Odessa, and Mrs. ida Fleming, Hingston, The couple were unattend- ed. The death occurred al Oxbow, Sask, on Feb. 21s, of William McKeever, formerly oi Conway on the Bay of tainte. leaves a widow and five children. W. J. Hunter was sent to trial at Brockville for obtaining $46 from the Bank of Montreal on lec. 3rd by false pretences. He claimed to have proper- ty in Gananoque. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Galvin, Smith's Falls, announce the engagement oi their eldest daughter, Elsie, to A. KE. Trotman, of Carleton Place. The wed- ding will take place in March. The death occurred at Mallory, Mion., of Thomas McVeety, an old re gident of North Elmsley. He was con- sidered one of the wealthiest farmers in the vicinity wheve he lived. Ths engagement is announced - of Florence, daughter of Major R. G. Leckie, of Sudbury, Ont., to A.G. MN, Mainwaring, of Cambridge, Fngland, headmaster-elect of St. Alban's, Brock- ville A quiet wedding was celebrated at Shannonville qn Feb. 19th, when Miss Myrtle King, 'daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry King, was married to Alexander Goodfellow, Viscount, Sask. Bri Street Mpthodist church, Belleville, is to be improved to the ex- tent of $16,000, Mr. Morgan's Successor. New York American J.P. Morgan's health, despite the cheerful daily assurances, is causing deep-seated concern in financial cir cles. Cairois a long way from Wall street, yet plenty of reports are cur rent not quite in harmony with the "All's well" ones. Mr. Morgan is seventy-six and few men have led a ordinary mortals take exercise--he never walks a block if he can help it. Who will be the J. P. Morgan of the younger generation ? Three names are sometimes mentioned--Henry P. Davison; Morgan's most active part- ner; Albert H. Wiggin, chief stock- holder and head of the Chase Na- tional Bank, and Otto HW. Kahn, of Kuhn, Loeb & Co., aWhough the last named has a longing to become an English land proprietor and. mem- ber of parliament, be Eating and Drinking. ° The advice which Sydney Smith gave to Lord Murray on the subject of, diet was probably souhd. "lf you wish for anything like happi- nesa in the fifth act of life," he wrote, "eat and drink about one- half of what you could eat -and drink. Did I aver tell you my cal- ing? Having gecertained the weight preserve health and .strength, and what I @'d live upon, I found that tetwesn 10 and 70 years of age, 1 had eaten and drunk "44 horse wagon loads of meat and drink more than would have vreserved me The value .of this mass of nourishment 1 con- sidered to be worth £7,000 sterling. It occurred to me that I must, by my voracity, have starved to death, fully 100 persons. This is a fright- ful . calculation , but irresistibly true,"----London Chronicle. "gp* in Any Case. , in an interview { Heart-breaking, soul revolting task, "quietly at} Where mighty icy mountains bask. clothes for In sunless solitudes. Where tears and laughter, close akin, And grief and humor born a twin in melancholy broods. Where far away as eye may dwell, A mighty vast; an icy hell, Man's mightiést task reproves. Where Death scands guard, and Heav en is near. And Time is measured noi by years, And only Nature moves. Take off your cloaks of hideous cant, Apd here and now our best implant, And no true gift decry. And may we live, enriched in soul, Like those who died, vet reached their goal, So may we nobly die. . . President Taft's Veto. Chicago Daily News General gratification will be felt by the American public because of Presi dent Tait's veto of the bill that was intended to estaflish a literacy test for immigrants. The arguments presented to him against this measure were. in many cases unanswerable. The worth of a man cannot be accurately judged by his possession of hook learning or his lack of it. Not honest ignorance due to lack of opportunity to learn, but moral obliquity and physical ip: competence are the defects that should sujlice to exclude foreign applicants. " DASCARETS" MAKE YOU FEEL GREAT A 10 Cent Box Will Keep Yow Liver; Stomach and Bowels Clean, Pure and Fresh for Months. Sick headache, biliousness, dizziness, coated' tongue, foul taste and foul breath--always trace them to torpid liver, delayed fermenting food in the bowels, or Sour, gassy stomach. Poisonous. matter clogged in the in- testines, instead of being cast out of the system is re-absorbed into ' the blood,; When this poison reaches the delicate brain tissue it causes con: gestion and that dull, throbbing, sick- ening headache. Salts, cathartic pills, oil and purga- tive walers fome a passageway for a day or two--yes--but they don't take the poisons out and have no effect upon the liver or stomach. Cascarcts immediately cleanse and regulate the stomiach, remove the sour, undigested and fermenting food and foul gases, take the excess bile from the liver and carrv out of the system all the constipated waste matter and poisons in the bowels. A Cascaret to-night will ° surely { Miss Lulu Tedd Married to William gowned, was given father, while her sister, Miss Olive played the 'sumptuous repast, the dinigg room S. Anglin. Brewer's Mills, Feb 27.--Qn 'the 26th a pretty wed- was solemnized at the resid- Todd, Brewer's of Pittsburg. The bride, who was very prettily away by ber wedding march. . The ceremony over, all sat down to a being beautifully decorated. After a most enjoyable covening. the bridal party drove to Dattersea where all the most popular ladies of the com- munity, and her many friends wish i her every happiness and prosperity in her new sphere. | Princess' Magic Wand. The Kaiser's daughter, the Prin- cess Victoria Louise, while staying! at (Ne castle of Rominter recently, sent for ten little girls of a boring village, and formed them into! a ring around her. With a wand held in her hand, the Princess put to the children a series of questions. At the elose of the catechisation,! the Kadserin, wo was standing by! spoke un thus: "Now comes punishment for all who have answered wrongly," and! the Princess laughingly dragged "or ward one of the girls, made her hold! out her hand, came the stick upon stretched Jittle palm. But instead of pain, the cluprit felt something bard left behind in: her hand--a stick of chocolate. There was an outery at once to the effect that all the replies had been erroneous, and the wand, which hai been hollowed and equipped 2 and--whack! down! the tightly = the occasion, continued to deal out its benevolent chastisement unti! the chocolate stuffing was exhausted. The Kaiser laughingly bestowed on his daughter the title of the "Vil: lage Governess," in commemoration of the incident. Russell-Knight 6s 2 8 9 | "Made up to a Russell-Knight "28 Touring Model . . delightful and well furnished hom: awaits them. The bride was one of . a re Sr at | EIT i «$8250 i Russell-Knight "28" Roadster Mode] . . $3200 i St ndard- 3 t do Russell-Knight Seven Passenger . . . .. . $3500 i d . hi0 Wi - ¥.0.8. West Toronto. i ¢ . " | to a price to choose a car? ure to manufacture. There are no two of them that are built from dard for' an equal period oi time. buying a car. But it ig important for you to remember it. bles them. You don't want to Lave your ¢ar tied up for a month or imported. . 2 in Canada. It is algo a'fact that no money is spared to make every produce Kuight "28" with any other car in its class. A descriptive catalogue will be malled, or nearest branch or agend, RUSSELL MOTOR CAR CO. Limited Head Ofiee aml Factory: West Toronto, The man about to: purchase a car may read this phrase and wonder precisely what is meant by it Let us tell you and in the telling. see if we cannot offer some good suggestions. There are probably half a dozen first-class cars whose specifications and equipment read alike. and at first sight look alike, and upon the first demonstration perform equally well. Well, in the first place, all those apparently equal cars represent unequal values. You couldn't select two of them selling for the same price which cost approximately the same fig- raw materials worked up by men of equal skill, and which, under test, will live up to a given stan- All this is not apparent and is rarely considered at the time of it is also important to know whether the company manufactures its It is an actual fact that Ruzsell-Knight cars are the only ears that are designed and manufactured sell-Knight as perfect as jtis possible for hunian ingenuity and the most We set a standard for every unit--and despite cost make every unit live up to that standard. In conclusion we ask that, before purchasing your 1213 éar, vou make comparison of the Russells If you will do this we are satisfied to abide by the result of your judgment, feeling assured that you must inevitably purchase from us. demonstration wiil be arranged Branches at Montreal, Winnipeg, Calgary, How, then, is one precisely the same grade of i i ---- own parts or merely assem- so waiting for a part 'to be part and feature of the Rus modern machinery to upon request to the Toronto, | Hamilton, Vancouver, Melbourne, Australia. A oH > sade on nanmunany oo An Olid Chum. The conductor of a western freight train saw a tramp stealing a ride on-one of the forward cars. He told a brakesman in the caboose to go wp and put the man off at the first ston. When 'the brakesman approached the tramp the latier waved a big revolver and told him to get away. "Bid you get nd of him?' the con: ductor asked when the train was un: der motion again. *1 hadn't the heart," was the reply. *'{{e turned out to be an old school friznd of mine." "I'll take care of him," said the con- ductor, as he started over the . tops of the ears. When the train had started © the brakesman came and said: Well, is he off?" "No: he turned out to be an old school iriend . of mine, too," = replied the conductor. \ : Rubbing It In. Mayor Stewart, at an insurance men's banquet in Saginaw, told an in- surance story. "A sepluagenarian," he began, "said one evening at dinner to his fair young wife: "My darling, 1 have just insured my life in your favor for $100,000. * 'Oh, you 'duck!' 'the beautiful girl cried, and, rising and passing ro the table, she kissed her husband light ly on his bald head. "" "Darling," he said, taking her slim white hand, 'is there anylbing else } can do for you?' * 'Nothing on earth," she answered; and then, with a little silvery laugh. she added, 'Nothing in this world. Nothing ender heaven." "' straighten you out by morning. They your druggist means your head clear. stomach sweet and your liver .and bowels clean and regular for months. work while you sleep--a 10c. box fram For a cinder in the eye, roll soft { paper up like a lamplighter and wet ithe tip. The cinder will adhere to it by rubbing the well eye. ut up-to-date £aure, and This years DU. & oO Ready for the new Cq siume For any woman of ordinary height and weighing between 115 and 140 Ws, the La Diva 718 1s the ideal foundation for this season's costume, and makes possible a perfect fit and an it seils at only $3.c a Diva Models are great successes ; they are Je 4 ro nd give that supple, graceful, almost corset- A ' ashionable <*modistes", £2 <r 32 ¢ 5 i " 1 Women after long studies of Canadian i tag i best equipped corset factories in the world figures in : es znd La Diva corsets offer style and comfort superior to imported the D. & A corseis yet ut froth $1.00 to §5.00 per Ti i request, will is a model for cvery figure, help you to choose tire best for yours. ; DOMINION CORSET CO, ~- ~- QUEBEC pair less, Our catalogue sent free on B18 a ar SE Fp 3 IR CIT a Ld RE STD TR TR Dunlop Traction Tread Bicycle Tires. and providing safety. Remember all the bicycles worth using Dunlop Tires as their standard AAALAC Pre-season orders indicate that the widespread demand fcr Dunlop Traction Tread Auto Tires has likewise taken hold of | 1913 will see nearly every bicycle equipped with Dunlop Tires. The big majority of riders will want the new treads Dunlop Traction or Dunlop Special. advance what these treads will do inthe way of giving service remember, again, that the foreign-made tire is just as much an unknown quantity as the foreign-made bicycle. on 2, SEDER ta RELL Xe HONS he, GC The riders know in ~ pinning your faith to are equipment for 1913, and neg Ah English Gentleman. Nothing more heroic, and nothi more characteristically English, cou be recorded than the remark of Cap- tain Oates, of the Seott expedition, when he went to his death in the that thereby his companions might live. Crippled and weak, fear his presence might be & al rd. to his companions, he leit them with the purpose of losing himself in the storm. Such acts may be Jess common than we think among the men of ev: ery race. But the last words of Cup. tain Oates, "I'm "going ontside ' and play be some time," reveal thal pecu- liarly self possessed and nonchalant th | heroism which an English oflicer and gentleman exhibits almost as a mat- ter of course. Cool, apparcatly ua- emotional, such a man goes to cer: Jian death as if it were all a part of the day's work. Nor does he. even (think of his act as heroic. There have "been hundreds of heroes of this type in the story of the British Empire.-- ; Providence Journal. : Unconvinced. The salesman praised his incuba. tof with fervid ecloguence. He de clared like that there was nothin jit on the market. But to all his a the. farmer TELLS ABOUT VARIOUS SUGARS. There is Ignorance About Things to Eat. There's a lot of ignorance floating around about the things we eat, says Dr. L. K. Hidshberg, 'in Leslie's, espec- ially the sweet thing called sugar, for i# pot = one, but many sugars, one from the other in certain A There js. 2 sugar. fram the the beet the "maple. and an: f ves - gi the sugar of milk. = Sire | or f foes is shook his head. "But, think, sir,' eried the: sales man warmly, "think of the time sn Keeping Dead Ancestors. In the old days in Japan the em- balmers were successful in securing an extraordinary amount of preserva- tion in the ies on which they attention to a case of this nature which has recently come to light in Kobe. The operations, which are be ind conducted by the municipality, in eluded the removal of some graves of the Aoyama family, situated ino the rear of the Anvoji temple. ; Two graves were opened belonging to old daimyo, who were buried about 200 years ago. The graves consisted of stone cells with large coffins of kusunoki wood, containing innet cof fius of earthenware. When the spaces between the cell walls and the wood: en coffins: were opened those present * wera surprised to see that the hodies ware in a state of perfect preserva tion and had all the appearance of wax figures. The old Amagaski lords lav in sl most lifelike freshness. dresséd in the picturesque costume of an earlier day. Several valuable personal belongings wore found in the graves, including two long swords, women's hair omna- ments, boxes of pocket inkstanes, gold in temporary graves in, the operated. The Japan Chronicle dfaws A amily seals, etc. The bodies were in