cross her pa in. Theworld was Cough : big. By the time she had reached ----------e ug 3 : Marie's and seen the big, gorgeous |Says Patricia Land Ideal For Farm: y 1 vase that had arrived ly she was . ave Me Health. able 'to relate the indidens with some| Toronto, Feb. I is of thous. A a , . $5. on ands of acres of fine light clay le on Says Mrs. lla Benjatain, who calls : Marie was sympathetic. "Oh, well, | the Ontario portion of the Hudson Kathfyn frowned as she hang up|you'll never see him agoin. Was he my glope, and though at the pre- it "The grandest medicine ever} jh, receiver. Her brother's wife|nice looking ?" sent time it presents a rather re- made." It cured her of a cold jcould ask the most wnsgasonable fa- Yost Raybiya admitiad, alter alpslient appearance, it only needs vors. always one it | momen thought, "he was." , When her doctor could give Dr l uly som churlish to refuse. Then oid, Mrs. Crosby and her Jaaky {chee it 20 make a foe ericuiturs) no relief and built up her weak, | "I heard you say last might," Ma- [niete came in. As she looked upsheloguntry. There is a great deal of rumdown system after years of [Tie had just coved, "that . you saw her brother advancing with the fqwamp, but though the country ap- would be downtown to-day. So 1lman who had into Her! Shel pears to be flat, there is really a poor health. : knew you won't mind bringing out tried to get Marie's ede. She had|very good slope, and it could 'e that rose vase I ordered at Ash-|no desire to sit through dinner next |egsily drained and made most habi- "It is with great pleasure I write lley's. And wear that pink crepe to|to him, but Marie was wnobservant, | table. This interesting information to tell you what I think of Duffy's dinner to-night. Ed's asked a magjand Mr. Herltons was apportioned to | was given by J. B. Tyrell in k's ad- Pure Malt Whiskey. 1 sincerely}... her. ; dress before the Canadian Institute believe it is the grandest medicine | "Why don't they deliver the vase ?"| At the first lag in the conversation | He gave an account of his five ever made. It relieved me of al demanded Kathryn. Marie's shrill tones sent the crimson | months' journey last summer up cough that my Doctor could not] <The delivery men wenf on alto Kathryn's face. "Such an ad-|the Haynes miver to the = Hudson stop. 1 had been in poor -healthf.i ike" resentiully. "I don't see [venture Kathryn had this morning !" | Bay, along the shore of the bay, three years. 1 took lots of medi-| yh, {hey couldn't have waited ashe cried. "A nice looking man ac-|and south through the district of eine, but none of it seemed to doe) * cused her--"" Patricia by the Severn river to the me any good, till I heard of Duffy's| «y' possenger boy--or Ed--" "Thank you," murmured Mr. Herl- LG. T.P., travelling 1,500 miles, much Pure Malt Whiskey ane gov thres "Clood gracious! They'd drop it !|ton, in Kathryn's burning ear. of which was through country 1 tell everyone tow it help. | And it's the only vase T ever saw| "And when Kathryn says aman is | where white man had never been. ter au Mo M1s. Dia Benjamin Wood. was exactly what I wanted. |nice looking," Marie continued, "he | Mr. Tyrell went on to say that the bull, N.Y . I'm embroidering you a dresser | must be perfection." ; climate so far as they could ascer- -- ets : Ed looked up brightly. He had | tain, would in no way be a draw. MRS. ILA BENJAMIN. ' She was | missed most of the conversation in |tack to the district as an agricul seeing that his guests were served. | tural country. Eo 4 i] | t Whi k always embroidering stuff that no one | se i L The winters are : . » wanted, and she always reminded peo-|Now he contributed his share. not so severe as those at Prince Al 3 le of her rym ton an venture, too, rt, ., and the summers were S$ rFure ma SKC a Re Theor po oon ake amd oh Thomas A. Edison's > planned «0 shop all morning and in fhe said genially. "Met a perfectly |also temperate and very pleasant. I Diese the heath naif the afternoon pay some long-owed | stunning girl on State street who nds: of the overworked, dolh DTW, calls on her way home. A school was lugging a wagon load of china SHE SAVED CARNEGIE, u and sickly. It overcomes all 8 teacher has only Saturday to .spend]-_" Aes: Ww e ro ening, wasting and rundown 7 DN as she likes. But ome could not pay| Marie grasped the situation. Kath- Method Was Spanking--Iron Mas- ditions of the body, brain and / ) \ calls while logging a vase that is two |ryn's 'burning face and obvious wrath ter Gave Her Pension. muscle, and is wonderfully effective y \ feet high and as big around as a|would have told any one except a| New York, Feb, 28.--Mre. Nancy "for all throat, lung and stomach 8 " churn. fatuously stupid brother. She inter- | Harris, who did such effective work ecor % yubles. " s Disconsolately she discarded the |fered with a promptitude for which |in spanking Andrew Carnegie when i : light tan suit Rog + she had Riri y laos, i abr that he was a 'boy that she has been on have; . an t out the blue serge that . them, ward, a a Ss pension list for several years, ne aly: day. Shesnified at the [queer little old man who comes up to | will celebrate her ninety-sixth birth- ve reased the enjoyment of the mention "of the man Ed had asked. your office every day." day to-day, still in good health, at Edison Pho h Ed was always asking men out to| Ed was easily: diverted and he was | the home of her daughter in Jersey nograp. meet her. And Ed's taste in men was [an indefatigable talker. By the end | City. 3 : tn say the least, very poor. The last {of the salad Kathryn was talking col-| The now retired iron master was a An Edison entertainment has always meant the best had" been : a little shrunken chap |lectively to Herlton. When dinuer | telegraph messenger boy in Pittsburg } . nearly fifty, with grayish blond hair, |was over Marie interfered again with Woon ore. Harris Hived there near| that the opera, concert and vaudeville stage can offer. ho did -not eat Th be- ja kindli that. Herlton's gra- . The young Carnegie had a pen-} . wha dif not tC peat _ The abe be o Kiutlins 'thet won Ha Rr TouNE Satuegle had.g Ben. The use of Blue Amberol Records means bartender, but he looked like either.| "Kathryn, take Mr. Herlton into [ters of the front porch of the Harris; that these selections, clearer, sweeter and And before that had been one with {the den and show him my new vase, | home. 3 . A ei iE curly hair who lisped. won't you At Jast Mra. Harrie pasience be longer, can be repeated thousands of times u headaches headaches --splitt Ss i i t ' i id not came exha and after a ohase . 3 § g headaches--all vanish when you take She Snished Jue shopping and oO Dt ations nr not Pre | abe seized the boy and, laying him| With the same perfect results. Ask your Na-Dru-Co Headache Wafeps a gorgeous affair--red roses, thirty-five minutes later, in tones of | 80r08s her knee, spanked him thor- dealer to play some for you and you'll _ They do not contain phenacetin, acetanilid, leaves, and tawny background. Kath- [deepest commiseration' 'The idea of | OUSRIY. mid be canvine ¢ morphine, oplum or any other dangerous drug. ryn's lips were set in a disapproving [any one asking you to lug that big | Mrs. Harris had often declan convinced. + 250. a box at your Druggist's. 123 line when she glimpsed the price on |thing out!" that this saved the Jad from coming ; NATIONAL DRUG & CHEMICAL CO. OF CANADA, LimiTED. the charge slip--$47 ! to a bad end and incidentally it has Thames A. Edison, Inc., 100 Lakeside Ave., Orange, N. J., U.S. A. ' The irl took. it away to he retired hier with comfort in her old 3 ----- mloaghed took an a age because since recalling the inci- A complete line of Edison Phonographs and Records will be found at BN dent several years ago, Mr. Carnegie PP pd ath I li i SERIE, W, COATES = 158 Princess Street Y ; 0 7 "My goodness 1" gasped Kathryn. Bs suai 5 Brean Fuoughe Guara- A. K. ROUTLEY - 173 Princess Street HII HH hh, { "I didn't think it would be so big I" an. x { The shop was at State street. v When falls the cartain on another The I ari e flavor RT aa south to, Madison to a wns ons evenings soft'ning tion of State and Madison is the breath draws near, ¥' and the sustaining foi The Somer iin, whisper low but clear-- ; he can go is coming as fast as he What have you done to-day? Prom Joly yoru $o'auan, from noun E NS GURED to night, The Yours of opportunity have pes #@~ NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. B ii 5 PEEEiE ualities of Kellogg's Corn [= 7a. 4 om. Se trying to get there : : Kathryn, elbowing a way through ji Rs akes have made 1t the the crowds as well as she --- cod; Hoo you used each, as tho' it Confined to His Home for Weeks. : got homer every minute. Alter ot v one Inst people ran into her she st 0 A i er favorite cereal of [mii ie ti J is wir Ta, deing' wally, aight ? DON Yori oe ae Tain apd av Rabie fn youth neva on ' blue turban as a hatwaring ram, A f 0 severeund 1 was often lald"up for a week ae a me. My fami} man coming from opposite . way : ian toll mo an Speratioh was iy Shi hope ~but 1 dread the people - of [== the" sama. foam of wind. They | The symptoms el W : BE 3@ Lone en diy : ran into each other. athryn's t ' rogues. One day my ed me why I was off work 80 much snd - 5 i x nadition. 1 vised me i K : was knocked sideways by the impact. w complexion, Or were you so engrossed by sell . Id da He foto them 1 a a ort merica Involuntarily one hand flew up to x 3 that , they wire square and skillful. 5 wrote them apd got Tam New ; . right: it, The other } 1 its : np L none 3 : Mernoo Theater, My pry as somewhat slow and during i. : ; i There ite, di Your thoughtfulness might share? the first month's treatment 1 was somewhat discouraged. However, Look for this Th of shite china. Kathryn | headaches, and int. | : : 18 Buin resent f0¢ Unies Donihs inger and vai Mwanied 4 A 8 rash of shattered china. Kathryn Thess You head Lh enchanting sound of AAR gop detore treatment, new 1 am earning tan never loose & day. joked. - voice; 4 sufferers knew of your valuabie ment, signature on the "Good heavenis I" cried the man, i y What was your answer? Did you # ] HENRY C. LOCUST. stooped pick i Ii ive your time --~ a d where | -t has the : That 'elas 'were given to a life sub YOUR BLOOD BEEN | DISEASED? lime ? package sagzed . formerly it bulged. * lo 0 i BLOOD POISONS the most t most seases. = 1 "Oh I" moaned Kathryn, "I'll have 3 i i ich | Do you regret your choice? life of the victim and us Sire Srilicaied from the ys il aie § WAre Mercury. may suppress symptoms----our 4 : - And 0! Count these days as every one HOD cures all bioed diseases. . y ery one knows how i i mi s gift, PRL ALA nd Sr tr gies Beg Pgh A y » » . ou fa = ors soeclir Ys h a teacher in the sixth grade is. Bh ; FIR, sash Rith deeds and words and RR Fr rw 0k (ho a 70u tds oF abou. Wai ou bod FR signals t 3 i ; ugh 3 4 Te you a ? ve hope? Are you intending to m Has pi . 4 . ies, Him "blood been diseased? Ha 5 by Nr Fer Tm sorey--I'm horribly sorry,' And O1 as each day dies, to illcare you. Wine it has dose for others It will dp for You. Con . above No . ) + i locked, ut © was in & 'sremedoss Your hanktul heart wplit BE Puna MT FI Cie Dias oF NO WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRIVATE. No 4 Ten Modern Commandments. ae bby, Contiestn Question List and Cost of Treatment "1 will study the language of gentle - aimed = | Drs KENNEDY & KENNEDY : s Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. "1 will remember that my neighbors All letters from Canada must be addressed' . yhave trouble to carry without PEFNOTICE to out Canadian Correspondence Departs RX - SEs-------- mentin Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see y call at our Medical Iastitute in Detroit as we see and treat no in our Windsor offices which are for for: Canadian business only. a5! BEE H | in : | 4 ] i RB ; "Forty-seven s thryn. "But, of course, it was my fault." "Cettainly not !"" he said. "I rdn i I insist upon pay- gE Tr i 1 " cE t ER = 8 i 3 i I i iE i o i 52 iii i | ih : gk if SED 1; te ft it FE ------------------------------_ PT AHIR RTI Hr ihe Ei bs