Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Mar 1913, p. 7

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'OPPORTUNITIES crowd around «the man with money. not a dollar to the gocd, [CCUM B1ur@ sum from als weekiy or mon aly They pass by him who has Every young man should begin now to oney----a dollar at a time if he can spare no larger earnings. Accumulate money by means of a Savings account with 'Tae BANK or TORONTO CAPITAL AND RESERVE. . ee ss ss ease $11,000,000 KINGSTON BRANCH--107 PRINCESS ST. GEORGE B. McKAY, Red Real Estate For Sale TTRACTIVE EROPUSIIONS AT . RIGHT PRICES, No. 1.--Detached solid brick, Und- versity Ave. Lot 66 x 132. Completely modern in every re- spect. No. 2.--Double solid stone, Brock 8t. Large rooms, 11 bedrooms in each. All modern conveni- ences 66 ft. front. No. 3.--Bolid brick. Bagot Street. Sp'endid location, Distinctly modern, All in firet class con- dition, No. 4.--Two solid brick; Broek St. centrally located. All modern conveniences. Excellent con- dition, No. 5.--Solid brick, beautifully lo- cated on Frontenac St. All modern conveniences up to date in every respect. Attractive proposition. No. 6.--Saolid brick, Johnson St. Distinctly modern. lot 40 x 132. « rage. Good location. For full particulars of above and many others (too numerous to men- tion) apply to HOWARD 8. FOLGER in Your town. | The Cooke Studio 244 Princess St. INCREASE YOUR INCOME By Purchasing Municipal Bonds Yielding 436 to 6% per cent,? Safe and solid as a Interest payable at the on the day it is due. DENOMINATIONS $200 TO $1,000 . Brent, Noxon & Co. Bond Dealers and Members of Toronto Canada Life TORUNTY, " Hingston Business College Righest Education at Lowest Cost Sir pe D Fo Bigs. ole" rashates gat ua bes positions s Wires in got he time over sixty Jpecured posi rgest ne railway cor SATs in dum Enter any time. Call or write for information. F. MET- CALFE Principal Gurses In i. Suotthand, & 'oles ana WINTER-ON THE NILE, Life on Steamer That Flowery rields. Without doubt the pleasaniest place Passes Cairo, perhaps, it is not quite correct for the early morning and evening cold is sullicient to make itself very sen- sibly felt; but ip' Assuan and Luxor the winter is no winter in the Europe an sense of the word. the gardens, are already in while by March, our early spring, the orange-blossom and the scarlet hibis- | Reading .. cus are fully out, the pink and white Union oleanders and petunias are flowering Stecl in lofty | wall 'of the winter palace ga ens in July with a profusion utterly unknown European gardens, and the long, Luxor is hung with, as it were, a tap. estry of deep yellow Marechal Niel ros- es and deep purple bougainvillea--won- derful color-study of tints, both rich and rare. is more like an ideal summer, with warm days, which are yet not exhaust- | ing, and with cool evenings and earl mornings, which possess some be ous quality of freshness and invigor.' ating power of which evenings a early mornings elsewhere seem bereft. For complete rest and refreshment of mind and body, 1 think, after consid. erable experience of travel, that ference to any other part of the world. 1 should not recommend much time be- ing spent in Cairo, as, interesting eity though it is in the older and native, arts, it is not characteristically gyptian, and does not, unless, per: are for the imcorrigible townlover, possess anything approaching to the nameless charm of the Nile and upper Egyp pt. I'hroughout the entire journey, last ing about a fortnight, from Cairo to is ceaselessly in evidence. In summer, the dead scason, it might be less ap: parent, but in winter or spring the signs of people, habitations, domestic animals, cultivation, wherever the rests, are striking beyond all else a there' are crops io be sown, watered and tended, and by early spring the first of these crops are ready for har vest, Great maeses of corn are al. ley already tomatoes are = for Jathering, great' purple-black ripe for ucking, i in Hower, eld after field of Ax em gp all colors; and, ahove all, there are oni ev where, acres of onions, lucerne pik indeed, be- grain. The winter is not past, in the un- fore the fellah is Plata covered stretches of black Nile mud and in sandy where the wild birds congregate the seeds are - almost the stafi of his life. nursery y ran thus: And the With the Says ajrationsl how fast For w almost visibly, by a gro sunshine and nourished by the Tat Nile mud. ry when after a in the bows of a nothing whatever scenes. £2 Ride i £ 2 i ont s : F i iH 2 EF i ii 13 ; 5 3 1 i ¥ 4 5 ? bs in which to spend a non-wintry win. ter is Kgypt--the banks of the Nile. In 8 to describe the winter as non-wintry, || By Uhristmas the narcissus and the violets, immense beds of which grow in 'Smelters . blooms | Canadian Pacific . Winter on the Nile, indeed, Self-confessed Incendiary Gets-Long | } Prison Sentence. i should send any one to Egypt in pre- ,, the Egyptian landscape. In the winter dg ready to be seen near Luxer, and bar. worse, h bearded even mear Cairo;| e would not work. of the watermelons, which in summer ho, "ly of allowing the children to from Part in the grand march. bs Mon- that I have a X the Monday, having 'boats, bear-, train at White Rock, B.C., last Fri- man- | day and deported on an order from INCIDENTS OF THE DAY LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST. Happenings m the City and Vicinity ==What the Merchants Offer 0 the Headers of the Whig. "Castile soap bars," 25¢. Gibson's. Ask lur "Duke of Connaught" cigar, william Swaine. 'piano tuner. Orders received at McAuley's. Phone 564. oa. Kenney, of Enterprise, was to i from het home on Thursday 9 t ) lotel Dien a uhiial, pag es . Buekleyirettitned * to her in Belleville on Tuesday, after sponding uo some time¢ in the city. "Byru " 2c. Gibson's. Tae rae and Labor council in- tends fending its communication. appointed, at the next meeting of the city council. Smoke "The Duke of Connaught" Cigar, Lieut. R, J. McLelland, sp district intelligence officer of the Corps ol Guides, has been promoted to the rank of captain, from the first of the year. He is attached to the 14th Regiment. "Violet soap," 25c. box, Gibson's. James McRae, the old man from Glengarry who Was brought to the Hotel Dien last week with his feet badly frozen, suffered the loss of the right member. It was amputated on Tuesday. STOCK MARKETS, F. B. McCurdy Cn,, Clarence Cham bers----11 WW. Nelles, Manager. Closing Prices, March 4th. Montreal Power Richelieu ....o..... 5 Brazilian. - General Electric Steel . Cop General Electric ... March New York, March 4.--Israel Kessler, declared to be a member of an "arson ing ' operating in New York, Chicago, Ph adelphin, Boston and other cities, was sentenced in the Brooklyn county court to serve from six years to thir teen years six months at hard labor, in Sing Sing. Kessler was convicted of arson after alleged confession that he set 105 fires during the past few years. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO. What Happened in Kingston and Elsewhere in 1888. asking for a scaffold inspector to be: OPERA G R A ND mouse SATURDAY, MAR. 8 Matinee at 2.30. Evening st 8.13, A. G. DELAMATER Offers a Bengt} Beenie iprufucion . of the Song Pla " RE By Gene SURORPOrer. Dramatized by Neil Twomey. A beautiful play. pure in thought and action. It was a sensation as a story--it is of more value as a play, and still the dramatist has incorpor- ated every one of the famous charac ters. E Prices--Mat., 25-33.50; children 235c. Evening--23-50-75-§ 1.00, SEATS NOW ON SALE. WAGSTAFFE'S New Seascn's Fine Old English Made from Seville Oranges and Granulated Cane Sugar only. PREPARED IN COPPER KETTLES. BOILED IN SILVER PANS. at the best grocers. AUCTION SALE. Wednesday, March 5th, 10 am. 466 Barrie Street. Mahogany and silk parlor pes; ma- hogany tables and chalrs; rattan, oak, and other rockers; Brussels rugs and carpets, pictures, round oak ext. table, oak buffet, oak and leather diners, oak hall rack, Brussels stair earpet, very fine oak bedroom suite, oak dressers and stands, brass bed, iron beds, hair mattresses, springs, etc: sofa, Happy A HousEMAIS, STRONG BOY WANTED TO GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL A FEW SMART BOAS A GENERAL A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT. A FEW £0 od GIRLS FOR KNITTING n IMMEDIATELY, veoweew CON; DENSED ADVERTISING R. ATES A MSH SS " - oun ap LEATHER FOLDER, TWO LEAF B0e; six, 81; one mouth, §3. HELP WANTED. Dwyer, arpe S1. sALESWONEN FoR Mm ANERY. AP- at 119 Fon nu ® fur trade. John McKay, the House. work; references required. 232 King. Street Kingston Hoslery Co. Lud, Street West, ing or ironing. H. Craig, 139 wil) #e St. in Apply Anglin, R. uired ferences re L evening to Queen St. rs. MORI GIRLS AND wages pald to piy Dominion Textile Ei aaa 8st. GOOD SMART GIRL TO WORK in| ice cream parlor, twenty years age or over preferred. Princess St. g Constant work ¥ The Kingston Hosiery Co, ed. Apply YOUNG GIRL housemaid, must have Apply in the evening Knight, Alice St. to AN INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly corresponding canvassing. Bend for particulars, Press Synd!- for newspapers; no cate, 3.969 Lockport, N.Y APPLY TO Miss LEARN Fur HOUSE- Appl APPLY To| King | SERY A NO WASH. ply to Mrs. W, RE- the 197 ROYS, beginners. gy Apply 264 Jusy ARRIVED--A AND SPOOL- Limit. | AS references, Mrs. affair, containing list of names a a draft, Finder kindly return te Whig Office and onlige. AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS--MEN AND WOMEN----WE will start you in a permanent paying business with the most suc- cessful agent's line ever put on the Canadian market, without ir- a single cent: of your Our line is absolutely Sells on sight in 'every . Not sold in stores. No oppesition, Successful men and women started by us are making $15.00 to $20.00 weekly. Write to-day for catalogue, and full in. formation. National Products Limited, Dept. A-15, Toronto, Ont ¥ WANTED----GENERAL. SECOND-HAND PIANO. Whig Office. GOOD AP. ply Box 31, THE DAY... APPLY TO WORK BY 281 Sydenham St. cr Mrs. Bell 'phone 788. CUSTOMERS WANTING LIGHT OR heavy teaming of any kind, apply Wathen, 47 Mack Strest 'Phone' 884. MAY with board, for married cou child, year old. Address Ww hig Office 1ST, ONE OR TWO ROOMS, ple and x 34 of | FINE ASSORT- ment of new suitings to choose from for your spring sult Call and #ce them. Ashby the Tallor, the man that suits you. 1% Mont- real. to TAKE NOTICE, THAT 1 WILL BUY all kinds of second-hand furniture and stoves; wil pay highest prices; also steel ranges for sale che ap. Thompsen, 337 Princess Street, next St, Andrew's Church GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR Cloth and have it made up into up- Thought Range, gas plate, garden hose, etc. "These goods are practically new. ALLEN, , "Phone 252 the auctioneer, 113 Brock St "SPIRELLA CORSE®S." Promote heath and give a comfort that no active woman can afford to be without. Spirella Boning will not 'ake a permanent bend, and 's + guaranteed not to break nor rust within a year. * Bring the prize to Kingston by leaving your order now. M. F, DUNNETT, Corsetiere, | 181 Wellington St. Phone 878 |! Auction Sales. | We are now Booking our Spring | Sales. Book early and secure choice of dates. We are also buying and selling Real Esfate on a commniission basis Our reputation of the last four- teen years assures 'you the utmost satisfaction, prompt returns, honest and efficient service. We will buy the contents of any house for cash. MEN WANTED---SALARY AND AGENTS wm penses or commission: must active, ambitious, energetic, did opportunity; former ence not necessary. Write particulars, El Creo pany, London, Ont SURE Our Illustrated Dollar covery South Pele; Tragic Scott Expedition." fifty per gent.; freight pala; given: ten conty. lishers, Toronto Book, WANTED. A competent Millinery Saleslady, also an ex- pervienced milliner to take 'charge of a work- room. ply at once by letter 'to Depar ment 0, Whig PRES Se ARCHITECTS, EX. be gplen- experi- for Cigar Com- MONEY-MAKER! "Dis- Fate of Commission creait outfit; ostage "Nichols Limited, Pub. to-date suits, Price and work. manship guaranteed to please Pressing and repairing done on the shortest notice. Thomas Gal- loway, 131 Brock Street, near Bibby's Livery. BUSINESS CHANCES, ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN START a mail order business at home; no canvassing; be your own boss Send for free booklet: tells how Heacock, 290s Lockport, N.Y. Someone ------------------------------------ £20 WEEKLY, DRIVING AND kE. palrin> automobiles after taking our Correspondence Course. hy not better your position? Send for free booklet. Ontario Motor 'nilege. Toronte. UPHOISTERER. . J. GAVINE, UPHOLSTERING, RE- pairing and carpet Kk hair mattress renovating. op a card or call zis Bagot Streel. DENTUL., BE. KNAPP, moved to B.A, LIDS, DDS, RE. A. 2568 J'rincess Street. NASH, DENTIST; DR. T, H. assistant, 133 Princess "Phone 735 DR. « Renton, Street. ALLEN, The Auctioneer 'Phone 252. Salesrooms: 113 Hrock St., Kingston Six failures have been reported in the city since Jan, 1st. Several people have been fined for rl offences against the Scott act. Sydenham street ¢hurch accepted | Assuan, this abundant life of the Nile Plans presented by Architect Powers, | for improvements. Given "Oat-0'-Nine-Tails." { A boy between fiiteen and sixton | years of age came bofore Magistrate Farrell, in the juvenile court, on Tues- y morning. The youth, it, appears, ' wanted to "run his own show," and would have no one dictate to him what he Should or should not do, He was over the age for compulsory | school attendance, and what was | Rev. A, E. Smart, Children's Aid Agent, appeared on his behalf, and his mother was also present. The magis- trate, after weighing the case, advised the "cat-o" -nine-tails," which was ac- | ~ li ly 4 a o' Deathis of Infants. An infant one and a hal days old died on Monday afternoon. William Lewis Goodman was the child's name and after birth at its home on Wil- liam street. it lived only thirty-six, rs. Another child's death occurred at] e Iroquois hotel on Tuesday morn- ing at nine o'clock, when Vivienne Marie, the infant daughter of Mr.' and Mrs. J. M. Therigult died. The baby was two months old. To Have a Time. The children are going to have the! time of their lives at the Covered iy of skating with the band. anigan is thinking serious- take day evening the grand march was given and it certainly proved a' great tion. : i Joseph Ettor, a leader of the strike of members of the Industrial Work- 'ers of the World, at Lawrence, Mass.. returned to the United States on been taken from a when customs officers opened fire on Allan Line' sailors caught smuggling contraband | grods ashore at Philadelphia "We. box. Gibson's. N. W. Rowell unsuccessfully' sought to amend the provisions for the expenditure of $5,000, 000 in . Northern Ontario, It's ensy to keep in touch with sodiety if you have money 8 lend. ; One touch of fashion is apt to make | al women freaks, grows fast and sticks | : Protestant Wospital | PP. SMI'TH, King Street. 'Phone 345 NEWLANDS & SON, tects, ete Offices, 'Phone 608. ARCHITECT, ETC, ARCHI- 258 Bagot St. {SPARKS AND SPARKS, DENTISTS, 59 Wellington - Street, 150 vel ingston. 'Phone 346. S. H. SIMPSON, 1L.D.S, D.D.S, DENT. IN BUMING Orange Marmalade and Jams look at the label and see where it is packed. POWER & SON, EXPERT © teed, ARCHITECTS, Building, Wellington Streets. chants Ban Brock and Drop a car LEGAL Cu NNINGHAM & MUDIE, ers and Soliciters, Law Office, Clarence Street, Kingston PIANO TUNING. PIANO Joseph Hodge, "Phone $68. 336 stro et. MER- corner BARRIST- 71 Office hours TUNING GUARAN- Brock ist, corner Princess and Bagot Entrance on Bagot Street, Tele- phone 626. 2 OSTEOPATHY. "HEALTH WETHOIY DRUGS."-R. G Asheroft, D.O, 136 Wellington St 10 to 32; 2 to 4, and by appointment Edna BE. Adh- croft, D.O. Hours: 2 to 4 pm. Of- fice 'phone, #47. Residence 'phone 1009. PERSONAL: DR. MYLKS' OFFICE AND RESID. ence removed to' 79 Willlam St CHIVER'S ENGLISH ORANGE MARMALADE AND JAMS ARE PURE and are put up at thelr sani- tary factory at Histon, Cam- bridge, England. At All Grocers, For Your Fish Wants We have: FRESH SALMON, FRESH HALIBUT. FRESH PIKE. FRESH HERRINGS. FRESH WHITEFISIL SALT NERRINGS. HOTEL FRONTENAC KINGSTON'S (off Wellington St) BIRTH. HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, skin marks and all growths and blemishes removed permanently without scar; 27 years' experience. Dr. Eimer J. Lake, Eve, Throat ar Skin Speclalist, Bagot Street. CATERER. WE CATER TO PARTIES, BALLS, Wedding Breakfasts, Banquets, ete; also Rent Dishes, Table Lin- ens and Silverware, Reld & Ham- brook. 'Phone $43 or 303, ESTABLISHED 1806 ing coal, ow, e Guarantee |B very Load" FRESH OYSTERS. J. M. GORDON, Pure Food Grocer, Montreal, March 4.--% testamentary bequest, * made by donis Turgeon, an ex-Uatholic of Megantic, Que., where by he ex the wish that his wealth should be utilized to belp in 'A pew livery at the old Up-to-date turn-outs ior all occasions, ; w. G. BRUCE _ Successor 0 i Mcllquham, 290 Princess ot., Tel. 3186, FOR SALE There has been nearly sold already. Did you get left. Also 3 in all parts of the city. List your houseswith building a Protestant bospi town ig been annulled wt of Heview. in the grt "Violet soap," We. bo. has. due to beaten proverly. Toug "Syrup Figs," 25¢. Jibson's, ess of angel cake is often fact that the eggs are not They should be beaten so stl that they will "stand | The man who Blenns only himself alone." must furnish all the applause. (over Car- Ear, Nose | 8 4 | rie PEOPLE'S FORUM 1 1 FOR SALE. ENGLISH RAINCOATS, -- G0 0 Frank Cooke, 3% Clarence Street, A FINE LOT OF WALNUT AND OAR ideboards, the best we have ever ad at a reasonable price, at Turk's. 'Phone 706. AN EIGHT ROOMED HOUSE Al- most new, with modern improve- ments, 75 Quebec St. Easy terms. Apply to J. D. Boyd, 1068 Pine St. TWO GOOD DRIVING MARES, SEVEN cutters, four with tops, three opal. Will sell less than cost or change for cows, Apply 6 Prine cess Street. NEW BRICK HOUSE, NO. 126 ViQ- toria street, 21-2 storeys, furnale, bath, and WC. Possession May 1st. A*hargain at $3,185, Apply to W. Millar, 84 Victoria street, or R. Easton Burns, 40 Frontenec street. ROYAL BLUE BARRED ROCKS. WON at Kingston show, 2nd, 3rd cock: ist, 3nd hen; 3rd cockerel. for best rock In show. Eggs for sale, one settin $4.00; two set- Liugs $7.00. GQ. BE Leader, Barrie. field, Ont. STONE HOUSE CORNER KING AND Alwington Ave, large lot, modern improvements. Rough cast coft on Alwington Ave. large lot; cf water, JArge stone house on College Si, three acres of land, and small place, 13 acres, house and barn five miles from eity. {ry 8, J. Greer, 362 Montreal . Phone §6. $1,350 HOUSE IN PORTSMOVTH, furnace and good lot SEMI-DETACHED SOLID brick house all improvements, § rooms convenient distance, $2,400 FRAME HOUSE, STABLE, 108 frontage x 176 feet deep, Division Street. $5,000 SOLID BRICK, LARGE LOW, modern conveniences BATENAN 8 GARDINER, 67 CLAR. ence 8 'Phone 396. TO LET. FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH or without board; all modern con- veniences, near City Park, as Wellington Street. LARGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN dry, alry rooms, absolutely moth proof; vour own lock and Key. Frost's City Sterage, 99 Queen St. 'Phone 526b, STORAGE THAT LARGE AND CENTRALLY LO. cated apartment over King KEd- ward Theatre, suitable for offices, ete. will be fitted to suit de- atrable tenant Apply 169% Pria- cess St FOR SALE OR TO LET, SPLENDID FARM IN THE Township of Kingston, § from Kingston, on Perth Apply to | McCallum, premises, Glenburnile, P.O. THAT on TIUINANOE. AND INSURANCE. BOON, GENERAL INSURANOK~T, J. re, "Policies ent, 1.9 Wellington St 3 e, Accident and Health issued C. 8, KIRKPATRICK, GENERAL IN. surance Agent, Accident, Marine, Fire and Guarantee, 42 Clarence Street. Tel. 568. FRONTENAC LOAN ment Society; president, Lt r, 'ol, money issued on city properties, municipal debentures; mortgages deposits received and interest lowed B ( McGill, Manager, Clarence Street, AND INVEST. established 1863; Henry R. Smith; and farm and countr purchased; ai- 87 JERPOOL, LONDON, AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company. Available assets, $61,187,215. In addition to which the policyholders have for security the unlimited liability af city property Insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old. or giving new pusiness get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents. 'Phone 325 BUSINESS NOTIVE, COALS! COALSL-WHY PAY high coal bills when you can as for cooking? Rtop a card David Marshall, 101 Quesn for prices on gas inglatie COALS such use to Street, tion. MEDICAL. F SRICK A. ist, Nose, Throat Wellington Street, son... Hours: § to 1; ¢ Sunday, 4 and ment. 814. DR. CAYS, SPEC a and by "appoint- 2 to 'Phone Don't wait until yonr y way are blocked with snow before order- building lots on Stuart St. Shovelling Out the Gateway ard and gate- How does the coal bin look now ? Swift & Co. DONN ELLY PLACE two-thirds of this property one?! We have 15 good lots § Houses §i us, J O. Hutton and H. S. Crumley +18 Market St. Kingston...

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