I 'RODGER'S BUILDING SALE ; "397 'KING .8T. i it Having purchased the *"Spangenberg ® Building " and before enlarging the prem- : ises to accommodate our increasing vol- J ume of trade, we are forced to reduce our 4 large stock before actual building opera- o tions commence, We Therefore Offer Our Entire Stock at 20 pc. to 33 1-3 p.c. off Diamonds - Jewelry - Watches J Clocks - Silverware China - Cut Glass Electric Lamps - Leather Goods Etc. 4 This is an unusual opportunity to purchase the finest and most reliable class of mer- chandise mn Kingston. This discount applies only where purchases are made for cash. All Goods Marked In Plain Figures. | R. J. RODGER 347 KING ST. Where the Clock is on the Walk. ing was Ww well Nora and Helen Gordon, lis and Charlie Duff, Miss Carr-Harris, Misses Bessie, Mabel Richardson, The sliding party given at was people had a very jolly afternoon. The prizes given for the various races were won by Misses Lassie patrick, Garrett, Cadets Armour, Morrow and Blackstock. The party included Misses Phylis' and Charlie Shortt, Miss Lassie ' Kirkpatrick,, Miss Mar jorie Brownfield, Miss Dorothy Car- ruthers, Miss Ma Rogers, Misses Helen and Marjorie Campbell, Miss Madge Crowe, Miss Oates, Miss = Marjorie Starr, Miss Helen Gordon, Miss Mamie Gar rett, Mr. J. ' Ellwood, Cadets Love- lace, Blackstock, Bishop, LaBlane, Roberts, Armour, Votley, Ross, Grey, Morrow, Patterson, Cronan and Wal- ker. » * . Mra. W. R. Garrett * Johnson street, entertained a number of young peo- ple at supper on Tuesday evening, after a most enjoyable drive of two hours. The guests included = Miss Lassie Kirkpatrick, Miss Charlie Shortt, Miss Marjorie Brownficld, Miss Dorothy Carruthers, Miss Aileen Renson, Miss Margaret Sutherland (Montreal), Miss Kathleen Crisp, Misses / Christine and Sylvia Coch- rane, Miss Helen Gordon, Misses Hil- TEA! TEA! TEA! From the Finest Tea Gardens of Ceylon, uncolored, and of the finest flavor, Green and Black, at 30 per pound, at ' v ®ON Andrew Maclean's, Ontario St ANNOUNCEMENT J. A. SCOTT wishes: to announce that he has taken over the shoe busi. ness lately carried on by A. Darragh at 200 PRINUKSNS ST, (2 doors from Orpheum Theatre.) where he will carry a full line of Boots, Shoes, ete. \ Repairs of all kinds neatly and promptly done. With the Best Knglish Leather Repairs or orders left at this store or at the Branch Store, 206 Barrie Street, (co-, Clergy West) will be promptly attended to. Sometimes Eyes Are Strained More from wearing the wrong glasses than if mo glasses were worm ali The Right Ginsses help--the Wrong Glassen hinder! He sure YOUR GLASSES are right by having them made by KEELEY, Jr. 3 doors above Opera House, RUBBERS | Rubber Boots, | {was Mrs. Julius Grifith, of jcouver formerly Miss Ada Lind. da and Doris Kent, Miss Nora Mao- nee, Miss Marjorie Starr, Prof. Ea- ton, Messrs. Dunbar, Mundell, L. Birkett, Sidney McCann, W. Macnee, L. Hughes, Cadets' McIver, Black- istock, Lovelace, Morrow and Ro- 'berts. * * + Mrs. Carlos Kirkgaarde chaperon- ed a jolly party on Saturday even- ing when they drove to Wolfe Is- land for dinner and returned to the yacht club house for a dance. The party. consisted of Miss Nora Macnee, Misses Hilda and Doris Kent, Miss Gladys Burton, Miss Gwenoth Merrick, Miss Lilian Mun- | dell, Miss Kathleen Ryan. Miss Christine Cochrane, Messrs. W. Kent Macnee, Douglas Anglin, Kenneth Mundell, Laughlin Hughes, John Aird, Frank Ryan, Leonard %8% DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, MARCH nr 3 . The Skating Club on Saturday even-| Mr. J. B. attended, those ford, Sask., has been a guest in town r. and Mrs. George Me- for several days. Misses | visitin present being Kay, Dr. and Mrs. H. T. Kalmus, Miss Dorothy Carruthers, Brownfield, iss Elsio Pense, Misses Misses Phyl- | ! Shortt, Miss Jean a ; Sibbald Hamilton, Miss Mamie - Garrett, Miss Murjorie Starr, Mies Marion Lesslie, Miss Mergueritts California, Eva and enjoyable eight weeks. Miss Lillian Kent, Miss Nan Paterson, Miss Mildred guest in town for a few days, left, on | Monk been in the house their ma. Jones, Misses Ma'mio and Susie Ang- Monday, for Rochester. jority would have been only 5. That lin, Messrs. Per Lyman, James| Mrs. Dawson and Miss Madge Daw- | 18, while they have a house majority, Swift, Arthur Dalton, E. Van Lesslie, son, who have been the guests of Mr. | they have not a popular majority. Professors Davis, Katon, Anderson, and Mrs. Ernest Dawson, Chatham, { This also in a parliament which is Guttman, Mesers. A. W. Browne, Me England, for some weeks, sailed, on | 13 members short of the constitu- Lennan, Covington, George Richard: | Saturday, for home. tional requirements according to son, Stanley Cunningham, T. Macklim, >. =» last census. It is therefore evident Parsons, Davis, Landon, Franklin,| Mrs. Arthur F. Evans and two| that the government has not a popu- Cadets Patterson, Carruthers and | dhildren, who are spending the win. | lar majority behind it on this ques- Smythe. . wt ter with Mrs. Nash, in Montreal, wiil| tion, the Royal Military College on Saturday most successful, and the young ; Kirk- Marjorie Brownfield, Mamio Rogers, Miss Rose | Er -- ve a Ball and 'bridge on | ednesday evening in Easter week. | The Kingston Ladies Curling Club will give a luncheon at the curling (rink rooms on Friday. VOTE OF PEOPLE. Mrs. J. H. V. Crowe. Royal Mili- {tary College, will not receive on Thursday afternoon. OF LIBERAL PARTY ASKING On; the Navy Question--if All Voted According to Their Pledges the Borden Government Would Have Only Five Majority. The question is being asked why has the opposition the right to de- mand an appeal to the people on this question of a permanent policy of naval tribute as presented by Prem- ier Borden. It is because the govern- ment, if its supporters had voted ac- cording to their pledges to their con- stituents before the election of 1911, would have had a majority of but 6, instead. of 30. while had Hon. Mr. Sterling, of North Bed- The Misses Reecan, of London, are their sister, Mrs. James Rig- ox George street. r. Fitzgerald, of Campbelliord, was est in town for the week-end. | r. and Mrs. E. T. Steacy, Johnson Street, returned, on Sunday, from where they spent a most Miss. Mollie: Clarke, who has been a On February 27th, when the sec- ond reading. of the naval bill was car- ried the government had a majority of 30-114 to 84. In parliament there are twenty nationalists t is, members who were elected to parliament pledged to their constituents to oppose any kind of taxation for a navy. These twenty nationalists are Mes. srs. Achim, Barrette, Bellemare, Bou- lay, Blondin, Coderre, Forget, Gau-! thier (Gaspe). Girard (who ran as 4 supporter of the Canadian navy, and suddenly at the end of the ealec- tion turned against *), Guilbault, Lavallee, Lesperance, Lamarche, Mondou, Monk, Sevigny, Nantel, Pa- quet, Pelletier and Rainville. Twelve of these formed part of the| come to Kingston about the middle of June, to spend the summer, hav- ipg rented Mrs. William Lesslie"s flat on King street. . Mrs. Nelles, after spending a few days with Miss Elinor Macdonell, Sydenham street, returned .to Tor- onto on Saturday. Mrs. Richard Cartwright and Miss] L. Erie, of Napanee, spent Tuesday in town, Mr. Hugh Osler, of Winnipeg, who has been spending a few days in Tor- onto, arrived in town on Tuesday, and is the guest of the Hon. William Harty, Bagot street. . Mirs. Agnes Wilkins arrived in town on 'Monday from Trenton, and is the guest of Mrs. James Craig i Earl street. government's majority for the navy; 'Miss Bland is expected in town bill--Messrs. Blondin, 'Nantel, Pa-j | next week to visit her sister, Mrs.| quet, Pelletier, Rainville, Coderre, Harold Hughes, Earl street. i Mr. and 'Mrs. W. J. Crothers, Earl street, returned on Saturday from a trip to New York and Atlantic City. Major W. St. Pierre Hughes, and Miss Kitty Hughes, King street, left on Monday for Ottawa to spend a short time. 'Miss G. C. M. White returned on | Tnesday to Toronto, after spending j he week-end with Mrs, Shirley Go- ing, Clergy street. Forget, Gauthier, Girard, Lavallee, Lesperance, Sevigny-voting directly} contrary to the pledges under which they were elected. Had they been true to their pledg- es and really represented their con- stituents, they would have opposed the naval bill, and reduced the gov- ernment majority to six. Had Mr. Monk been in the house, he has since stated he would also have op- posed the bill, which would have re- duced the majority to five. Therefore, had the 'membews of parliament all been present and vot- ed according to the dictates of their constituents the government's ma- jority would have been but five--and the opposition would have represent- ed a large majority of the popular vote. And this in a house 13 mem- bers short of what the constitution calls for according to the last census. The opposition position is that a govefnment so situated has no right to attempt to force through parlia- ment a measure making so great a change in the constitutional proced- ure of the country without appealing to the people. Therefore in the in- terests of the people, a majority of whom they really represent on this question, they are in duty bound to use every means in their power to soe that the voice of the people is heard. It is because of the very force of these arguments that the Mr. James Minnes. who has been in England for the past two weeks, sailed for home on Saturday. | Master Gordon Cunningham has returned home from St. Alban's school, Brockville, for the Paster holidays. . Miss Jennie Philips arrived in town on Saturday from Ottawa, to visit Miss Spangenberg, Johnson street. Miss Freda Stothers. Queen's uni- versity, expects to go to her home in Ottawa for the Easter holidays. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Osler, of Bronte, spent the week-end in town, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Harty, Stuart street. Mrs. T. Benson, King street, left on Monday to spend a few days in Ot- tawa. Mrs. O. T. Mechlin, King street, left Birkett, Harold Hendy, Bevin Dun- bar and Arnett Minnes. : - - . A delightful luncheon was given mn honor of Mrs. Frederick Macfarland' and Miss Marguerite Carr-Harris. The table was prettily arranged with pink tulips. The guests included Mrs. Hallaway Waddell, Mrs. Wil- liam Harty, Mrs. Hansord Hora, Mrs. W. H. Craig, Miss Frances Sullivan, Miss Agnes Richafdson, Miss Kate Mann, Aylmer West, Miss Florence Cunningham, Miss Mabel Brownfield, Miss Emma Pense, and Miss Bessie Smythe. iv. Two rinks of lady curlers left to- day at mine o'clock, for Belleville, to play a friendly game with 'the! Belleville lady curlers. The Kingston ' ginks are as follows: Mrs. {ugh Nickle, Miss Agnes Richardson, Vliss Hilda Hague and Miss M. Gordon, skip. Mrs. Elmer Davis, Miss Phyllis Knight, Miss Milly Ferris," and Miss Maud Bettis, skip. . - Mr. W. M. Nickle, Earl street, was host at a jolly little dinner party on Friday evening. The table was attrac tively decorated with quantities of pink tulips and covers were laid for Howard Folger, Harold Hooper, Allan Singleton, Charles Stewart, Harold Brownfield, Rodger Stewart, Harold Doaks, Hugh Nickle and Hugh To: : 'Among those presented at the cathedral, on Tuesday evening. first court held by their majestics at Buckingham Palace this Seaton an- gay, of Montreal, and niece of the Rishop of Ontario and Mrs. Lennox v Mackay and Miss arion Loss! . i=. - . 'and Mrs. Hallaway Waddell, on sf Sugareained a a very evening in honor of Mr. Mrs. Frederick McParland, of association pledged ns Tho pum alloted to the cathe dral for diocesan mi Lo ing adjourned without transacting further i as a mark of respect to their president. - on Sunday to spend a week in Mon- treal. : ' Mrs. Burns, of Galt, is the guest of her brother, Mr. J. M. Campbell, and Mrs. Campbell, Emily street. Mr. RB. R. Carr-Harris, of Toron- 'government is. so determined to force the measure through, and even to invoke the closure to shut off the voice of the people. Cataraqui Hockey Supper. in town this to iy 4 law days In At Cataraqui, on Saturday even- : v i juni hockey team, win: Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Compton are'|ing, the junior hocke parte in town on Saturday from [mers of the 8. S. Corbett trophy, Larne, Ireland, and will spend a few |were entertained by Ernest U. Cooke, days wi v. 8. J. M. Co pton at an oyfter supper. The table, y th Rev. 8. J m| ' Andrew's manse, before going on tastefully decorated with their col- to Toronto and Vancouver. Yo. . of Belleville, tered by the cup, the sight of which must have been an inspiration to the youthful speakers, as' a number of toasts were proposed and responded to, interspersed with, jolly musical numbers. All (voted Mr. and Mrs, Cooke ideal entertainers. Miss Cooke presided at the piano throughout the supper and after-programme. tp Colds Cause Headache amd Grip. Lazxative-Bromo Quinine removes the cause. There ia only one "Bromo Quinine." Look for signatyre of FE, W. Grove, 28e. Weather Notes. The barometer is now highest over the Atlantic states and it is probable that a disturbance now over the west- ern states will move slowly up the great lakes. The weather continues guite cold in Manitoba and Saskatche- wan, but has risen in all the other provinces. Col, Ponton, spent Monday in town. Mr. Sidney McCann, -King street, who has been visiting Col. and Mrs. Maynard Rogers, in Ottawa, returned S ay. home on Sends Frederick McParland, who have been spending several days with Mr. and Mrs. James McParland, King street; will leave on Thursday for their home in Calgary. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Osler, who are the guests of the Hon. William Harty, Bagot street, will leave on Thursday for New York. whence they will sail for Naples. Mr. and Mrs. William Harty, Stuart treet, will accompany them as far as New York to wish them "bon voyage. A Resolution of Sympathy. At a meeting of the Anglican Youn, People's Association of St. George's , 8 Ter tion of pathy to the president, fol pathy his recent be- réavement, was unanimously passed ordered to be sent to him, The itself to raise $50 r. Friedmann treated over fifty nts in Montreal and hopes for fifty \complete recoverios. Sevare fighting continues in the Mexican states between Maderists and the Sovernment troops. missions. The meet- The Ontarlo government is charged with extravagance and in- competence in the building of Gov. ernment House. ' Hon. Mr, Coderre is Hl in a hos- pital 'at Montreal. =~ . E SPECIAL 'OR THIS WEEK I 1 10t Men's Ten Cush n Bluchers, £5.00 "HE | 81 r 25 | watertight, $4.75 90 | 1 lot Men's Patent Bluchers, $5.00, 90 | | 1lot Men's, Tan Blue ers, heavy, $4.50 for 1 Jot Meo's Tan Bluchers, $5.00 ~~ fo | Broken sizes in Men's heavy and medium working 1 lot Men's Black Bluchers, cn PN Tans Our Formal Opening THURSDAY March 13th, STEACY'S "Where Most people deal' Tall and equal shapes, old fashioned and new prices the*lowest. ENGLISH EARTHENWARE, our work, ized. H. W. NEWMAN ELECTRIC C0, Firm "Phone 441. Toilet Sets We have every kind, style, colér and dec- oration to suit all shades of paper and * other room trimmings. ROBERTSON'S LIMITED CITIZENS Our business consists of lightin tricity. Selling and installi LES wiring Churches, Factories, both in Metal Conduit and ordi wiring, y Just finished W. B. Dalton & Sons fine wholesale warehouses in conduit. We have become expert because we have special. vail . Toronto, Ont, March 12th, 10 a.m. Ottawa Valley and Upper St. Lawrence Fal and mild today and on Thurs- ay. AT ek 1} FINE CHINA Le homes by elec- TRIC MOTORS, holesale houses, Stores, You are invited to examine 79 Princess St. : * House "Phone 1378. AND MEAT | You can get the best that can be bought at the Unique Grocery and Meat Market C. H PICKERING 490-492 Princess Street. "Phone 520, At No am, Eng., mea and women fou, with fists at a suffra- gette demonstration,