THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 1918, - The giving of gifts at the Bagster season does expensive gifts. FEastertide brings an abundance involve novel- tips and souvenirs, especially in' books, booklets, dainty Easter 4 carde--all with appropriate mottoes and designs and special Easter greetings. not of Our Easter Cards are thig year specially attractive, all finished in white, gold, pur- ple and mother of pearl effects, and in hand painted designs. New stock of BIBLES, PFAYER BOOKS and HYMN BOOKS, in new bindings and good type. Henry Van Dyke's "MANSION® in fine binding, makes an ap- propriate Easter gift. f R. UGLOW & COMPANY 141 PRINCESS ST, rnin. 1 LEGE ON WEDNESDAY. The Boxing FEveats Other Events Took Place \in Evening. of the cadets duking a very entertain ing exhibition of gymnasium work which, following in the wake of the afternoon tournament, gave some clue Lo the sort of training which produces such splindidly developed men as took noticegble and although many of the drills and tableaux demanded training and skill in each man far above the average, no cadet in 'the whole even- ing came short of his work. 'he club swinging, which opened the evening's exhibition, was dazzling, and while for an individual po small amount of skill would have heen re quired to perform the whole series, the Easter Sunday 23rd March Now is the time to order your Easter Suit. New Spring goods of beautiful color-tones and the finest textures, and a large assortment to select from. Come in and see the goods and get the prices. 3 THOS. LAMBERT Merchant Tailor 157 Princess St sight of a class carrying the thing through without ap erring stroke was magnificent. One of the features was the swinging of fire clubs. The clubs had wick ends, which were soaked in alsohol and lighted. The lights of the gymnasium were then turned out and the class swung torches in the dark. The effect produced by this was gplen- id. The free gymnastics, which included a number of grueling drills, were very interesting, and must have been a great test on the lads. The- only contest of the evening was a bayonet fight between Cadets Greem and Storms. This was a contest which went by points. The bout was won by Cadet Storms, the score being 5 to 4. 7 For Cooking and Drinking. also for Cake Iceing and Making Fudge. A ------ For Sale se, fully modern with good ¢, solid brick hou rear King St. West, facing grounds in front, orchard in water front. 14 good building lots on Stuart St. J. O. Hutton and H. S. Crumley 18 Market St. Kingston. ELECTRIC IRONS . Guaranteed for Life Call and see them $450 ~~ MOORE'S _ WELLINGTON STREET. » Lot Menis Pat. Leather Blucher. Regular OU, NOW x 3» . : $325 1 Lot Men's Gun Metal Button. Regular $4, $450, Now 1 Lot Men's Box Calf Blucher, Leather Lin- ed, Welt Sole. Regular $4.50. Now $3.28. "1 Lot Men's Tan and Calf Blucher. Ke © $5.00. Now 1 Ea Pr : Wonderful displays eon the parallel bars, horses and horizontal bar were given, as well as only the Royal cadet can give. A few gymnastic exercises were done' also with chairs. Some of the tableaux which the cadets intro- duced were very remarkable and skill- fully done. sent. The novices (M35 pounds and under) took the ring first. For three rounds Cadets LeMesurier and Green fought the former showing his superiority, and getting the decision. Cadet . Clarke handed Cadet Dob bie a knock-out in the second round of the bout for novices, 145: pounds and over. Dobbie, though of good physique, - was taken in by his op- ponent's right hand jabs. Cadets Armour and Cassels spar red in the featherweight (125 pounds). The former was awarded the decision on aggressiveness, though it appeared Cassels disvlayed more science. Drummond was the only cadet en- tered for the lightweight bout. The exhibition between Cadets Law- son and Wilkins for honors in' the weltesweight (145 pounds), was, per haps, the best bout of the afternoon. Lawson won, having: the best of the pounds) bout. ~ Cadet Green put up a good scrap, though. The last event, the heavyweight, was interesting. Cadet Godwin, a senior, won out in a close fight with Cadet McKeen, a recruit. McKeen was the more aggressive in the first two rounds, but shorter than his oppon- ont, his jabs fell low. Godwin pun- ished him hard in the third, and an- other round was ordered, in which the senior repeated the medicine. Mc: Keen was cheered for his gameness. The officials were ; Judges, Major Sedgwick, Prof. I. Martin; referee, Major J. P. Shine; timer, Capt. Plum- mer; announcer, Sergt.-Major Cut- hush. Mrs. Elizabeth Jane Shepard, Cape Vincent, N.Y., died, Saturday, at the and 3 iss Ada Sh A both of the village. f aif fr i HER i] % if i ; £ hl i 7 I IF Hy i i o£ gH FFL i: w i» 1 7 THE ASSAULT-AT-ARMS OF THE ROYAL MILITARY COL- Were Keenly Contested in the Afternoon--The the On Wednesday evening the friends of the Royal Military College were guests T0 PREPARE PLANS FOR THE HEATING OF THE CITY BUILDINGS. Property Committee Moved to Have Joseph Power Take Up Work. Estimate of Cost of Improvements To Building, Also Desired. The heating of the city buildings was under discussion at a meetin of the Property committee held W nes- day afternoon, and it was decided to ve Joseph Powers, architect, pre re pians and specifications for the steam beating 'of the city buildings, and an estimate of the cost of \ im. 98 ABERNETHY'S SALE OF "SHOES 100 pairs Women's Sample Shoes. natrow widths, sizes 3--33%---4. Made by Utz and Dunn, Roches- ro in the Sheruces wnlertainment. provements to the buildings. ter, N.Y., regular values $3.50, $3.75, $4.00; for ... ... tn iatots, 4 ns with i Ihe Shulruan, Ald. Elliott, pre: the work of the daa justly se sided ut She mau ung, sad the other 40 pairs Women's Evening Shoes. strap and pumps in kid and patent; sizes 21, i Con cotv a nf D ere s. nnett, for it is hard to yea y of Couper, Litton and Hanley. pairs 4 and 5 regular $3.00 and $3.50; clearing..." . Young men better developed physical- The 'chai " iy than those Who tock Port In tho e chairman = went over A all the display on Wednesday night. The uni- | Bn Cations with the Tyler Un: Watch our windows for bargains as this is clean up week. formality of excelltnce was also quite |i: © oF he % System, of Pitts- 08( . a are DBC. 3, 3%; only a few sow Lee ee ee ee burgh, information of the Soumnitice, uid also looked tracts from the report given F local experts. The committe agreed that an architect should be appointed, and on motioa of Ald. Bennet the mat- ter was decided in this way. Ald. Litton brolight up the uj ex- mat- ABERNETHY'S the stating undertaken was instal ter of some mn repairs to north end of the buildings, that this work should be when the heating system No action was "taken on a munication-from the Dominion trict Heating company, asking the city enter into negotiations the heating of the buildings. Ald. EHiott and his colleagues are giving the question of the heating of the buildings * their serious consid- eration, and their desire is that the best plan of work be adopted. As Soon as the plans of My, Power are ready the committee will get busy, as they want the work carried out this summer. The celebrated hox stoves must go at last. apne HAVE COLLECTED $2,400. com- Dis- that for For Y.M.C.A. Work, But $3,000 More Is Needed, Aller two cays' wurk on we Y, M. A, Lhanciis ', wae men: JIS lnteresied in Wie work galhered +L Uae bunaing un Weanesaay even- h The Afternoon Events. es tas aunt Was laxen. Ta} The finals in the boxing competi- $a.400 had a oh wed wo tiontion were held in the afternoon, | eaves $3.000 to be secured ol re will w be found here occupying about an hour. A goodly | nursday. Tae members reauize that We. wil with he latest hat number of out-of-town parents and it Is big under.aking ro call on ail every day with t esl lat friends of the cadets were present. the citizens, and for that reason are news. This season we star ihe The eommandant, Col. J. Ho V. working wi Ww. weir might. Tue spring hat business Ph ' eg Crowe, and staff, tadets, tlemen, § young men's teams are snowing up largest and Jest stat erly and a fow ladies, were a pre; . well. The team captained by k. k. Bat herk a come to be the Leach now heads v the list. 'phe sec- Jod team is under 3: i for the men of A. Pettigrew. "ae place g authentic who want chosen Kingston Sampaign 18 supposed 10 close ai rl S A i 8. The new hats for 5.30 o'clock on inursday, but if for kd 1913. are now 'ready ahy reason the required sum is not a for your inspection-- Christy's, Stetson's, Buckley's, The leading makers' goods are here. > . Campbell Bros. 84 Princess St. collected, then the 'work dnued for another day. R is a significant fact that fiity or more business and young men, inter: ested in the welfare of the local Y. M, C. A are Setting aside a Jarge amount of time this week in the en- deavor to secure the funds needed for carrying oun the work of the as- sociation. This action is all the more significant in view of the fact | shat these same men are personaliy alaking generous contributions of noney as well as time, that the cf- fort may meet with the desired suc- will be con- THE HABLS OF QUEEN'S. Tuesday Afternoon. The programme provided Ly Debate Held by the Arts Society on the - Cocoanut Something Next to Opera House Ask for our new Candy SAKELL'S Phone 640 Caramels. new and delicious. Clothiers, Hatters, Bakers, Druggists, Office and Factory | sesssnscsaca asasssssas. - | KINGSTON PAPER BOX (British Whig Publishing Co., Limited, Proprietors) Manufacturers of all kinds of Stiff, Folding and Fancy Paper Boxes, Goods, Boots and Shoes, Fancy Goods, Hard- ware, Stationers, ' Ete. Boxes of every description made to order Estimates Furnished. "PHONE 888 AND A REPRESENTATIVE WILL CALL. for Milliners, Tailors, Furriers, Confectioners, Florists, Grocers, Dry Stock and Fancy King Street West Cotton and Wool Waste and Acme Sanitary Cotton i Wiping Cloths i res ET The Solid Quartered Oak Dining-room Sett 'ess. If those doing thé difficult work of financing this institution anter thus enthusiastically upon this work. it is only fair and reasonable Arts Society, at its meeting on Tues- day, took the form of a debate on the subject, "Resolved, that student dis cipline should be subject to the control {of the university senate instead of as for Power Houses, Engine anywhere aud where machinery is used. Houses, Rooms Packing and everywhere : 3 . te expect cthers to encourage them ng y f & ! ro, i Th back The ressive | DY Teady response to their calls for|at prosent, Jo. the student court of Jou worked Tygon oy ag hegin assistance. fonch fasults. The yllicmgtive w a up r . Sh ---- en es by Messrs. J. P. Meleod an ning of the last rowad, the winner FIRE ON ONTARIO STREET. Edwards, while Messrs. McInnis and got pretty _gromey. Lido py ~~ Prentice argued the negative side ol on retrieved hy is firemen Were Given a Run on Wed [Proposition. Strong cases wero made Cadet Stratford declared Biuaaal? nesday Afte > ou out by both teams, and considerable the better in the middleweight (1! 0 debating skill was manifested, but the Wednesday afternoon, a few min- ates alter tour o'clock, the firemen were called to a two-storey and at- Jc dwelling 2¢ 80 Ontario street, oc- 'upied by Robert Kemp, and the sroperty of the Canadian Locomotive company. Fire started in the attic, and it is supposed that a spark from a window blind. which had been on ire some time before, lodged in the oiling, and worked itself through to the attic floor. When the blind was discovered to be on fire, it was pulled down, and shortly afterwards the dre broke out. Some rags on the floor caught fire, and the fire made its way to the roof. ' The shingling on the entire roof had to be pulled Jf by the fireinem before the blaze as extingwished. Smoke poured 'out of the attic windows of No. 82 Ontario street and No. 40 Gore the better of the argument. The committee appointed te repoit piano for the arts club room, recom mended that a high grade; slightly. used piano be secured. en power to carry out their recom- mendation. next meoling of the society he would move that certain steps be taken to put the reading room upon a more satisfactory and better financial basis. This will involve a mew method qf se curing tho periodicals and a loser su- pervision of the reading room by the Garator. Ee sas i sits # Ludles' Auxiliary society are invited to assist at mass, 7.15 Friday a.m., D. of eighty-one years. She is sur- gireet. and for a time it looked as hott Diu. ehipel, for Men. vived DY aS daughters, Mrs. Ssotys it there would be a far more serious . blaze. Damage to the extent of about $60 was done to Mr. Kemp's house, the contents being damaged by water. Both houses are to be removed short- iy, in order to make room for the new buildings at the lo ive works. The firemen used a line ot hose from the corner of Ontario and Gore streets, while .a reserve line was laid from Union and Ontario. This, however, 'was not needer. tins RUSHING HAY TO CITY. Lest the Harbor Tee Should Go Out Early. The mild weather which has been carrying away the snow and epoiling the sleighing seems to indicate that the weather man will not drag out an unsatisfactory" winter any longer than is necessary, The feeling in the air for the pest few days hes been decidedly springlike, and the foe is beginning soften up in the harbof, asithough tha ing be- tween hers and the is still good. The Wolte Island , farmers segmed to foresee dn early bremking up of the ice, and on Thursday were rushing their hay to the city wth speed. The ice was dotted with loads and the hay market was busy. The islanders have been plying be tween there and the city ever since the crossing began. C. Ferguson. aged sixty-eight, and who lived. his whole ils in Kitley This Will Stop Your Cough in a Harry Save $2 by Making This Cough Syrup at Home, This recipe makes 18 ounces of better cough syrup than you could buy ready made for $2.10. A few goses usuaily con- quer the most obstinate cough--stons even w! ng cough quickly. Simple as it is, no better remedy can be Lad at any Mix two cups of granulated sugar with one cup of warm water, and stir for 2 mirutes. Put 2% ounces of Pinex (fifty cents' worth) in a I8-cunce bottle; them add the Sugar Syrup. Jt has a pleasant taste and lasts a family a joag time. Take a teaspoonful every one, two or three hours. You can feel this take hold of a cough in a way that means. busivess. Has a good tonic effect. braces up the appetite, and ic slightly laxative, too, which is helpful. A handy remedy for boarseness, croup, bronchitis, asthma and all throat and long troubles. The effect of pine on the membranes fx well known. Pinex i» the m= concentrated compound of Norwegian white pine extract, and \ls rich in guaiacol and all the natural healing pine elements, Other preparations will not work in this formula. i This Pirex and Sugar Syrup recipe fas It bas often been Im , though never successfully. A guaranty of abwolute satisfaction, or money promptly i goes with this recipe. Your druggist has Pinex, or will 1 manta ou, "0 nd to tig Pioes audience decided that the negative had | upon the advisability of purchasing a They were giv- S. Fleming gave notice that at the "alnable . attained great popularity throughout the United and Canada Also Roofers' Supplies, Plumb- ers' Supplies, Engineery' Sup plies and Mil] Supplies, Our prices are the lowest and our quality the highest. It Y will pay you to get in touch ' with us. We shall be glad 0 make your acquaintance and you will be just as glad when you have made ours: We are the largest Manufacturers and Dealers in Canada. 'Buy From ¥Us and Support Canadian Industry. H. GRAY & CO. 24-26 Dalhousie St., TORONTO Factory - Montreal. MADE A BOLD SNATCH PLUCKY GIRLS ROUT THIEF IN BATTLE FOR HANDBAG. Athletic Stenographers' Blows and Screams Result in Capture of Bold Daylight Highwayman. | Chicago, March 13.--A bold attempt jto match a handbag was foiled by the piek of two eighteen-year-old girls whdn they fought a man = who had attacked them, and caused his 'arrest, Miss Rose foldstein and Miss Rose Bronson, stenographers, were at North jDesplaines and West Washington streets at 2.30 p.m. waiting for a (Milwaukpe avenue car. | Suddenly a man attacked Miss Goldstein. He grasped her bandbag and when the girl resisted he threw his arm around his neck and, strik- ing and Kickirig her' flung her to the pavement. i Instead of running and calling for help, Miss Bronson ran to the aid of her companion. So violent were the blows she rained on the assail antls back he was forced to desist Miss Goldstein struggled to her feet and as she did so the man scired her handbag 'and ran east in West Washington street. The girls, scream. ing, pursued the man. eorge Rayeroit, a policeman of the Rawson street station, returning from the city hall, saw the pursuit an' joined in. He overtook the man i 'an alley . after he had run two blocks Mes. Macleod, mother of Rev. X. A. Macleod, Brockville, died, on Wednes- ¥ afternoon, at Trish Cove, N.S. taged eighty-six years. A motar boat show is to he held in Montreal from March 20th to April ! 5th. i Heavy massive quartered oak sett. Buffet beautifully b:valed glass panel doors. Round pedestal ex. table. ¥ 5 small chairs and 1 arm chair in genuine leather, All for $64.00, Reid Quality. Reid's Low Vrice. JAMES REID'S THE LEADING UNDERTAKER. 'Phone 147. CANDID THINKING. An Association That Men Think Can- ada Needs. Professor Adam Shortt dent and Professor O. D. Skelton is sacretary-treasurer of the Canadian Political Sclence association, which {is planned to promote clear and in- formed thinking on current mational problems. 'The endeavor will be to have Canadians realize the difficul- ties of oir growing problems, and the need Yor thorough non-partizan discussion, so that good résuits may flow to the country through the pro- per presentation of the issues. Hoods Sarsaparilla Is the most effective medicin for the complete purification of the blood and the complete renovation of the system. & If urged to buy any prepa ration said to be "just as good," you may be sure it is inferidh, costs less to make, and yields the dealer a larger profit. Take Hood's this spring. Get it today. Sold by all druggists everywhere. 100 Doses $i. is presi- i