An ** SFP rre Freeee Christian Guardian, Toronto. At po time an the history of Canada the church made 4 urgent and insistent call for men than she is doing to-day. lhe need is not only urgent, it is a growing need. Civiliza- tion is extending its boundaries, new villages are springing up "in a night," and from these are rapidly developing towns and cities. All Kinds of men go to make up a new country, and for the various departments of the hfe and work of these new munities there does not seem (Lo very serious lack of Fhe estate, has MOLE com be any men farm, the call of real mzineeriayg, store vocation wall of the dh call of keeping, law, polities finds & ready response invitg- every to are fly Hs TEPPER THE GREAT REFUSAL. By J. Lewis Miligen, 24223320222 PITEPRS tion: men and women ing over {sea and land in obedience to the siren strain of the west To make a psychological examina-' tion of emigration movement j might be very interesting: the why aad | where all 18 not so easily de-| ined might suppose. | here Ore human agony behind these the Mux and cireula- over the (ace of the is perhaps as mysterious and {svstematic, and as providentially ar} jranged, as the circulation of the blood] jin the haman Lody. i It were easy to attribute the fever to a greed of gold. "Famine the (id Land dotbtiess drives many westwards, and, other things, ! a desire position, power, and} CHASE AND SANBORN =» eventual "pleasure chiel ineen tives, MONTREAL: Canada must pot too hilarious, or even tod confident of its prosperityg its condition in the world of nations is abnormal. Canada is the favorite Forty years iu use, 20 years the child the empire, like all pet : children, is in danger being spoil: standard, prescribed and recome ed. Posterity has rude w ay of deal mended by physicians. i For ing with all precocious children, and Woman's Ailments, Dr. Martel's id do well (0 observe the coun 4 that old man oi Eeclesias- Pills, at your druggist. this ore of it as is than world-movemon's: j tion of humanity obe ons west | ! Jo in| Cruaranfeed by gd amony for Ot are the y he ol and, of wan ) sei ol wise "Remember thy Creator in!! days of thy vouth, while the evil days eome not, nor the vears draw THAT TOBACCO inigh when thou shalt sav, | have With the "Rooster" on It pleasure in them." Is crowing louder as he goes along Une does Only 4Gc per pound For chewing aad|., ) Ppy party smoklog. "lake a ghost to trouble AT A. MACLEANDY, but amid the clamor many Ountarie Street. fhe voice of the preacher must not ep ------------------------ {¥ilomt Or. de Van's Female -- No A reliable French regulator never fallr. These | wills exceedingly pow erful in regulating che | ienerative portion of the female system. Refuse | | cheap imitations « de Van's are sold at 18.2 Dox, or three for Mailed to any address. "he Scobell Catharines, Ont eg fthe now no not. eare to come ypon joy." voices be of amount of material make up for spiritual "Vanity of vanities, {this will be the: verdict of every Can- adian who makes gold, position and Drug Cow Bt. tpleasure an end in themselves. For sale a$ Mahood's drug store, | he spiritual is the true basis of all aan {hfe, The foundation of the world is {not matter, iron or gold, but : air, and very thin air! Religion is the | force in history and the TRY NOLAN'S most potent in human nature." The! Speciai Blend of t 'deepest lact at the beginning j inen who have heen foe 40calb j things have not been politicians, but ' is 330 Princess Street, Phone 720 preachers. The future of nations Prompt Delivery. prosperity povert all vanity 'y is -- rock, not im the hands of statesmen or fin: anciers; It 3s an the hands of the church. Armies and navies, no matter how powerlal and efficient, cannot de fend a nation or an empire that neg {lects the spiritual life of its people. Materialism, greed, luxury and vice are foes which the statesman and the military man do not often reckon with: they are proof against logic and Acts of Pachament, they are invulnerable to shot and shell. 'Rheumatism Cured By a scientific remedy. It acts directly on the biood. It combines) with the uric acid and makes it sol- uble, and the blood carries the com- bination to tLe kidneys, where it ia eliminated In the ordinary way. No! The enemies a nation has to fear are other preparation like It on the!the enemies within. fo build up a market. Absolutely harmless. Send | healthy and noble manhood is the for a trial package Red Rheumatism | strongest of all bulwarks against out- Cure to-day. Frice, 26¢c, postage| sid: toed, and this can only be done by pald, or five for $1.00. a diligent, enthusiastic and fearless church. E. E. JESSOP, Phm. B I'he call has gone forth for preach NAPANEE, ONT. ers. Canada wants preachers! What {has been the response? English, Irish and Scotch men have heard the tram the seas, and a few MAAAAMMASMMSS A. 4 pet blast over | blame upon the people. 'to church because The Lord, er c. giants in these days. elevators? {tumorous ones have meekly , Offered ALCONO | Pure Food BMlavors, (in tuben) Almond, Lemon, Maple, Nutmeg, Vanilla, at 25+ and Doz, ~ ' - ILE CHIPER'S hone 76 N10 Urincesy (Proogpt LU Coast Sealed ne ae ivory.) Oysives. WE wwe. Because they act so gently (no perglag or griping) yet so thoroughly NADER Rae & 2 | LAXA TVS are best for Pe the grows your drug 4 Batianat Brag wef Chars wt Daily March 15th to April 15th las HE , 0 5" B.C, Seattle, Wosb., and other points at X in propor tion. : vp ings * EXCURSIONS i make ail arrangements to 'family ot friends from mire. Special attention THE DAILY BR. 11SH wma, * ! claim to leadership is | badge of office, what is there. to {tract fighting men the cause? The irrests{ible dynamic a consperated and great -uersomlity is essential effective leadershiu. Dwsonality, char- acter, intellect, "spiritual inten sity, these are the qualities which hot only elevate the race, but also attract oth erg to the work of elevation A great a pitfall to all am- bitious voung men. An heroic general i a standing challenge to every with the least spark of heroism his nature preachexs. iv. Ww hoe only to PEPE Pre often, to iw and silent, themselves, only, too greeted with suspicion nabs, Th Canadian has been nfarhy fo every other call he has prompt lv replied: "Here | am, send me!' 1g the eall of the church he has answer ed: "Here 1 am; send the English man! What at clinalion of young the ministry? Is it there is no money ions are too stringent. man found himself in the same dith eulty at such another call, but he could not bring himseli to comply with the conditions, "for he had' great pos sessions." But he went away sorrow ful and our young men go away with a Jaunly air and a knowing smile. But it is futile, after to put the | Over thirty The people arc | a "midds aboard the Bacchante, pro- to blame; if the peopl [ised Queen Alex andra that he would there would be no call {read a chapter of the Rible every day. A child goes to school | The promise has been faithfully adher- ignorant, and people ed to. As Prince George, his majesty they are sinners. acted as chaplain when commanding, The church itseli must beat H. MN. Thrush, a proceeding which greater part of the responsibility gave great delight lo his august the present state of things. Some grandmother. tell us that the gospel! no ctilious in the magter effective, that the world is | servance, and set the wiser, and that Christianity i arly vears of piety. taking its place among the religions of | hai Wilhelm has the past. If this were true, it would | © Isp since his be dificult to find a religion in any |? us definder of the faith, ipart of the world which is capa IP ch 8 as well superseding Christianity. that, for Khucen Lireece- the present at any rate, the gospel of (Sister by marnage Rye holds the tield, and since man. |eflorts to spread kind' cannot along without re- | amongst the ligion of some kind, it may as well; The present have the best that is procurable the family Not a new gospel, but new men ligions observance, Strong men are nseded. When Baller Strong on the point as was his lather, failed jn South Africa they sent Rob: (he late King Oscar, who was quite in erts and Kitchener, and, with the same bis element a conductor of a pray- goldiery and the same ammunition. | meeting, and officially recognize they swept on to Pretoria. Urganiza- | wearing of the Army tion is good; but -no otheial, mal at his court. ter how well his name may can; The whole of the Danish take the place of personality, There ily, for two yeferations is a tendency to erush personality in attached utmost to a mold, to reject a man if he does devotional not fit the stereotyped strait-jacket of however, oflicialdom. It litho | or a pliable man to get into oflied : Oil tar the church has taken literally | the words of Browning: | actor Is Or man ani with re £0. courage mn EL great ker was fifty com- in 4% many said of of thy preachers in sldnd than mittées could © find vears. 'Lhe, same might Beecher "and all those glans last generafion. We want giants, if there are any sulking in their tents let them come ont, for the are standing dle on the ringing plains of this Troy sin. awaiting the eall of a leader in Canadians to enter not the fact that in it? The condit Another young the bottom of this ais is or be hasts of Picty in the Palace, ves ago the King then all, always open were perfect, for preachers, because it is go th for will longer growing | is slowly | of religious vogue in is Jer been especially accession as a which he practises. the Queen Alexandr has made great scripture yeading on real of as No poor. hing of Sweden tradition as regards re- but is scarcely s& got a carries out as or the uniform Salvation no roval fam- past, have importance without sound, the to duties, ebtrusive bigotry, Paper is easier for on I Umbrellas. too The vegetable oil used in making pa | per a8 in Japan 18 pressed out {of the rubber plant. This oil the various islands and seeds from these ground is lavored for if the plant and the fiom the by umhre the is of in "Lord, Sev Elevate sent we no more the race!' made too, has answered the pray- {famous for oil we certainly have few | plants. Sand) | the cultivation « extracted glants, literally, for This dread of the giant is the dread [ol is seeds of little and unheroic men. How is | presses. the Lord to elevate the race iho: A I'he vast majority of medical calendar has been are followers, and if they have no | printed for the 1913-14, and leaders, whither shall they ga? Or it | contains the new regard those leaders are little and weak men {ing the payment nen! The now Season regulations ol tees, One Ap lication Restores the Color to Grey or Faded Harr] Simple - Es sy Safe --W Jehrofieve the irritation and itching, and {cleanse the sealp so quickly and » "> m HAY'S HAIR HEALTH thoroughly as' MAX'S HAIR HEALTH. Dandruff, if neglected, Why have unsightly grey or faded the hair to turn grey, become hair. Why look prematurely grey and jthin and faded, and gradually to tan years older than you are--Why |iall look unattractive and lose your charm | Don't out. Get rid of it at once, wait until its too late. and beauty ? The Bllowing ii your money io druggist will refund ed looking, ITAY'S with HAY'S HAIR HEALTH after a you are not satisfied will change it--bring fair tris safely. You'll the following drug tural color, life, and |FREE effectively, satisiactorily, be surprised at the quick results from gist and get a MWe. bottle of a few applications, the grey hairs ;IHAY'S HAIR HEALTH and one cake will gradually_disappear leaving vour fol HARFINA SOAP FREE, for 5c. hair in its natural, vouthful condi- lor $1 size bottle of HAY' HATER tion, full of life, radiance and beau-! HEALTH and two . cakes of HAR- ty. FINA SOAP FREE for $l. "For those who'are troubled with! For sale and recommended hy Jas. | Dandruff there is nothing that will RB. Mcleod. jcauses in grey, faded, streak- HAIR HEALTH back the na lustre quickly, your hair Sign this advt. and take it to i | a's) ¥ a at-! to} y . sponsible for more Pres achers and local ods of * and , MONDAY, MARCH 31, 1913. 2 - ---- --- IT Pr ---- A SHOCKING INVENTION, Might Prove Useful for Police andy Also For Criminals. Policemen, obdurate criminals, wo- men who have to be abroad at night, reformers, working girls and Johnuy pestered heaunties of the chorus--there's a combination!--ought "to rise up and call blessed one Jeremiah Creedon, of Philadelphia, 'a Creadon, one of thé oldest and most respected engine drivers pa the Balti more & Ohio, has evolved by profound thought on his days offi an mvention which he says will revolutionize meth 'making arrests, subduing un- ruly persons and resisting attack And Uncle Sam has just signed, seal- ed and delivered to him a patent for his device. "Don't club 'em; shock 'em." don's advice tG the police in handling the obstreperous. He proposes to arm the guardian of the law with portable lightning, easily applied, through the is Cree. { hands, where it will do the most good. Queen \ irtoria was pun-! ob- } oner With the same innocent means of defence, he says, the timid spinster may come and go at anv hour, the shop girl need no longer use her hat pin as a lethal weapon. For, at the waist of each unprotected female, there may be a battery, and in her gloves eleetrodes; and she has simply to grasp an assailant, be he footpad or masher, and he becomes helpless in her hands. It was the sight of an unruly pris being clubbed into submission that stirred the compassion and the mventive genius of Creedon, He's a hig, two fisted chap himself, but he couldn't stand the spectacle of evin a criminal suffering such needless ' pun ishment. From this his idea grew til he saw how it could be ada for the protection of night workers and unescorted women. Creedon's device is simple tive, It consists essentially of a pair of gloves provided with electrodes which may be brought in contact with an assailant by the hand of the wear er, An electric circuit formed soon as the electrodes are touched and the current is sufficient admanister such asAhock that the victims>will be helpless as long as the current is kept on. The power is supplied from a age battery, which may he worn in a belt or concealed anywhere about the person of the one who is using it for protection. Another feature is an «lee tric lamp that can lizht the way of the wearer be Hashed in the face of one who is about to commit an a sault. Of the uses of the the inventor says "Police multiplied, disorder yet eliec 18 as stor or devien immensely hatred now felt hy the toward the police will give way to submission if they know she olfheer is equipped with a weapon that will cause them to spect the authority of the law. "Institutions where unfortunates who are afflicted mentally are confin ed will have an opportunity te have some protection that they never be fofe experienced. It is the most hu mane method ever devised for handling the insane, and will 'grow in popular ity as soon as those who wear them fhave- an opportunity - to give it a practical demonstration." Police officials who have seen device pioiess to Lelieve that it stand a practical test power will he classes the will New Marriage Law. Three weeks' notice suing of a marriage residents Elimination of the "Gretna Green marriage business of the border towns the to is- non- before license Punishment of clergymen marrying persons under the influence of liquor. Placing of responsibility upon cler- gymen for marriage of idiots, insane and degenerates. The above will be embraced in On- tario's new marriage law. Human nature is much the the world over. If a man pro same THE MAIN STREET OF DAYTON, mises to do better than he has done in the past don't hold your tyreath until he does it. OHIO. -- PAGE BR NINB. NOSE AND HEAD STOPPED UP FROM My Cleansing, Healing Balm Instant- charges. to nostrils and nose and stopped-up air passages ol the breathe ae catarrh, sore throat will be gone ' small bottle of at GOLD OR GATARRH, OPEN AT INGE fragran ant balm dissolves by. the bgt of the nostrils; penetrates and he the inflamed, swollen membra which lines head throat; clears - passag Stops nasty ing of cleansing, comes immediately. Don't lay awake gling for breath, with nostrils closed, hawking and blyws ing. Catarrly or a cold, with He running nose, foul mucous Br into the throat, and raw dryness . distressing, but truly needless. ** Put your faith--just once--in "Fly's Cream Balm" and your cold or catarrh will surely disappear. Agent, G. WW. Mahood. et IMPORTANT. 3 To those seeking the most desiiable residential lots $ lots left in Donnelly Place, lots left, corner Earl and Collingwood, 2 lots left, Stuart St., facing water front, lots left, EMerbeck Place. Nu 2 lots left, Livingstone Ai. Prices ta Ie advanced 1st Apcil Some geod dwellings worth investigating. Fire, Life and Accident 'nsurance business giver the best at. tention. A share of yours will be appreciated. 3 J. O. Hutton and H. S. Crumley 18 Market 8t., Kingston. ly Clears Nose, Mead and Throat Nasty Catarrhal Dis. Dull Headache Goes, ---Stops . Try "Ely's Cream Balm.' Get a small bottle anyway, just try it--Apply a little in the instantly your clogged head will open; you will freely; dullness and head- disappear. By morning! the cold-in-head or catarrhai he End such misery now! Get the "Ely's Cream Balm" store. This sweet, any drug = Ey New Spring Clothing $8. from $4 Men's Suits, from 50 to $20.00 Boys' Suits, 50 to $10.00 Min's Raincoats, from $5.50 to $12.50, best quality. Men's Odd Pants, from $1.25 to £2.50 a pair. from 6ic. to 95¢. a pair. to $2 Overalls, best quality, Ladies' Suits from $12.50 0.060 a suit, Ladies' Skirts from $3.50 to $7.00 each. a large stock of Prints and Ginghams, regular price 15¢c a 10¢. a yard. Als Sale price, Locts and Shoes of all kinds at reduced prices, for cash only. + JOS. B. ABRAMSON 257 Princess Sireet, Above Sydenham St. ALE --- STOUT --- LAGER' PURE -- PALATABLE 3 NutrITIOUS -- BEVERAGES FOR SALE BY WINE ano SPIRIT MERCHANTS EVERYWHERE LOCAL OPTION--Residents in the local option districts can legally order from this brewery whatever they require for personal or family use. Write to JOHN LABATT, Lmaren, Lonpon, CANADA MAAS ANA James McParland, Agent, 339-341 Ki 8 | Street East. "Ade Don't Make a Mistake about Your NEW SPRING SHOES 4 I . : No matter how your taste'runs, or what your ideas are we can please you. We havea fit for every foot and such a generous ount. of style and satisfaction, that will surely add you to the list of friends of the Home of Good Shoes. J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO. The Home of Gnod Shoes "hrs I -