Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Apr 1913, p. 11

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or ea AFTER GRIPPE OR PNEUMONIA the enfeebled system readily accepts any disease --Nature's resistant force is depleted and Scott's Emulsion is needed. Its highly concen- trated nourishment is im- i mediately distributed to every organ. | With Scott's Emalsion nature repairs waste, con- structs healthy tissue and active, life-sustaining blood. Somer: Suuals Scott' 's Emulsion to, Ontario 1242 | A new livery at the old Up-to-date turn-outs ior all occasions, W. G. BRUCE Succegsong e ". Wellqgubam, 290 Pr ncess ot, Yel. 316. Rheumatism Cured By a scientific remedy. It acts directly on the biood. It combines with the uric acid and makes it sol uble, and the blood carries the com- bination to the kidneys, where it Ia eliminated in the ordinary way. No other preparation like it on the market. Absolutely harmless. Send for a trial package Red Rheumatism Cure to-day. Price, 206c, postage paid, or five tor $1.00, E E JESSOP Phm. B. NAPANEE, ONT. Kingston Business College Highest Education at Lowest Cost gy -aizth oa ns Augus , Bookkeeping, | Shorthand, Tele- fraphy, Service and nglish, Our Yala get the best positions. Within short time over sixty secured posi- tions with one of the largest rallway corporations in Canada. | Enter any time. Call or write for information. H. F. MET- CALFE Principal ear. Fall Term Courses in ALCONO Pure Feod Flavors, (in tubes) Almond, Lemen, Maple, Nutmeg, Vanilla, at 26+ and G0c, D. COUPEKR'S 'Phone 70. 3541-3 Princess St (Prompt Delivery.) Coast Sealed Oysters. Bibby's Garage BROCK ST. Stn - Repairs, Oil, (Gasolene Moderate Charges. Good. Service. bring your family or from the OM Loumby Special attention will be given them. Ask for full ues land Mrs. 71. « Come : Grimwood. WHAT wiIG CORRESPONDENTS TELL US. The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario--Whagy People Are Doing and What They Are Saying. St, Lawrence News: March St. Lawrence, Wolfe Island, 31.--James Morgan lost a horse last week. Aldon Mclonald has left for his home in Brandon, after spending the winter with his grandparents, Nr. ignem. A wee girl has to brighten the home of Walter Wallace Niles spent Sun- dav at A. Berry's. Stanley Woodman, of Marysville, 1s visiting his brother for a few days. 'The telephone line is down in this vicinity owing to the heavy sleet storm. James Murrey has lofi for the west, Miss Sylvia was the guest of Miss Louise O'Brien. James Kenney is spending a few days at Marysville, the telephone line, Wires in several places and sevefely injuring the*trees. Many from here attended, on_ Saturday morning last, the funeral of the late Oshorne Woods, Joyceville, Mrs. Herbert Helferty is rapidly improving under Dr. F. S. Young's eare. .J. Dil lon has sold his farm to Fdward Ang lin, and intends moving, with his fam ily, to the west. M, 0' Neil, Berryton, spent Easter Sunday at 1. Short ell's. Redmond Bros' are saving wood with their new gasolige.eogine. G. Maitland, suffering from pneumonia, is able to be around again, -------- At Ferguson's Falls, Ferguson's Falls, March 31. -- Rev. Father Carey's St. Patrick's concert, was the best ever held in Lanark vil- lage. The hall was crowded to the doors. T. Armstrong finished the saw- ing in this vicinity on-Saturday last. The storm which passed over this couny CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Zo Tn > Signature of Th Copl \ Teoghon rig &y pletely ruined breaking the 0 19 Ping Street when Wa a done in the Car 8. es given on all kin repalra nl bai work; iso w orders will Tre t attention Shop, 40 Queen ive prom » RUPTURE (SEE DATES AT BOTTOM) ¢ , Sg-200 Truss > Torture Once Phought Ne Noceasary. by hut Ne Now Your Wonderful sthod a Rupture or Pain. J. Y. EGAN, "Specialist of Toronto 3 Balog sping rinses: and, ba T neces. \ ot p3liihing titisses and, Al rupture are done by the ------ Hivention of & special who devoted fifty Jeurs to one afflie- ves to the Tiptured instant relief, rest and at bo e Ag to i 48 soon as it fs used | all * cures are absolutely with- 'cost 13 small y This Soup. BEET Ryan Noo a House, April Kingston, BF Ala naricn Ho- tel, at all day ah ht; Sun. 3 day i 1 pm. 11-2 days ony-- I Napanee, Paisley House, April 1 fe » i th Hh H i 3f fe | 1 i i Railroad ii ian, \ Corner Johnson and Ontario Streets. > ww and invigorating hair true hair nourisher. into the scalp, the hair, Kills the dandruff germs, and supplies the hair with just the kind of nourishment it make it grow abundantly. sugar of lead, sulphur or any ent. age. {church gave a very Your Hair Needs Parisian ae Use It As a Dressing droff--8 =i Hair and Scalp Teoh. PARISIAN Sage, the delightful tonic, is a It pengtrates gets to the roots of needs to Since its introduction into Can- ada PARISIAN Sage has bad an im- mense sale, and here are the rea- sSOns: It does not contain poisonous nitrate of«silver or injurious ingred- It cures dandruff in two weeks by killing the dandruff germ. It stops falling hair. It promptly stops itching of the scalp. Brewer's Mills Jottings. It makes the hair soft, glossy and trewer's Mills, March 31.- Quite a | luxuriant. number are laid up with measles. The It gives life and beauty to the recent rain and hail storm has com: | hair. It is not sticky or greasy. It is the daintiest perfumed hair tonic made. It is the best. the most pleasant and invigorating hair dressing made. Made only in Canada by The R. T. Booth Co., Ltd.. Fort Erie, Ont. The price is only 50 cents at drug stores and counters where toilet goods are sold. J. B. Mcleod guarantees it. try on Good Friday did much dam- It blew down Mr. and took the roof of J. M. (uinn's| Vincent Siafiord | have gone to Renfrew to live. Miss F. Closs, teacher here, has gone to her home in Lanark to spend her Easter! vacation. Milk cows are high in price | Tat all recent sales. A poor cow sol Mr. and Mrs. for $45 and a fairly good one for $60. The water of the Mississippi is very high owing to the heavy rains and it is causing much anxiety. John Gray, of the Union Bank stafi, Carleton Place, spent Sunday at his home here. Miss KE. McLarem and R. Evoy spent Subd at TF. A. Rothwell's, here. John Rothwell, who is attending busi- ness college in Ottawa, spent Easter at his home here. Ms. Case, of Creensville, Ont., is spending the holi- days with her daughter, Mrs. pard 'here, A. Shep- Wilkinson News Budget. Wilkinson, March 31.--Miss Katie Foster visited her home for Easter. Mr. Dobald, one of the engineers, has recovered rom his recent indisposition and is now supervising the concrete work on the new C.L.O, & W. line. The recent progress estimate as compiled by M. Moore, of the C.P.R., shows very gratifying results on the new C.L.O. & W. line since the com- mencement of the work last May, and strongly indicates that it will be com pleted at a very much earlier date than was at first expected. While in- specting some work recently, C. P. Howrigan was struck by a flving rock, and sustained slight injuries about the head and face. The attendance at the Chippawa church, on Easter Sunday, was' unusdally large, despite the condi- tion of the roads. The exceptionally large offerings will assist very materi- ally in wiping off the debt of the church. The altar society of Chippawa enjoyable euchre party on the night of Easter Monday, which was largely attended by the voung people of the community. Among those present were: Miss An- the nie Levéyue, Miss Lizzie Spratt, Misses Whalen, Miss Susan Foster, Miss Maggie Brooks, the Misses Alma and Pearl Knapp, Miss Tessy O'Brien, Miss Adelle (ross, Miss Geraldine Vin- berg, J: Dillon, Edward Dillon, Tho Was Leveque, J . Holly, Michael Kehoe, H. McNamara, "David Sullivan. The | (".P.R. engineers' camp was largely reprosenied by Messrs, Howrigan, Ray per, Urang, Donald; Moore, Fawcett and Archibald, who did much to liven the proceedings. The party dissem- about twelve o'clock, and was success. bled at ywonounced a great ¥ 3 Wolfe Island Tidings. Wolfe Island, March 37.--William Pyke and wife left od Monday for Cal gary where ~ Mr. Pyke will' start in business. (in leaving he was presented with a merchum pipe by the sporting club, of which he was a member. He was an all-round sport and one of the best on the island. hard to fill. Richard ME&Ready has returned home from Point Alexander where he made | many friends with the travelling pub-|{ lie. The stages have. stopped traflic between the village and the point. John Pyke, Montreal, spent a couple of days visiting friends here. A pum- ber of islanders took in the New York excursion. A dance was held . hall on Monday evening. There were fifty couples present. Duvis' orchestra furnished music. Joseph Fraser acted as prompter. The committee in charge | is as follows: W. Hawkins, F. Brice land, James Hulton, P. Hawkins. Michael O'Shea has beem appointed eaptain of the steamer Wolfe Islander. Boin--1o Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brice land, a son. The assessor is on his rounds. 'Mrs. Thomas Greenwood, vis- iting in Watertown, has returned home. The recent sleet storm has played hav- oc with the fruit trees and the 'tele phone poles and wires. Hiram Mariow has the eontract of supplying stone for Woodman and Creamer's wharf, He has a gang' of men working every day quarrying out in the C.M.B.A. Phelan's barn i the rock and will soon have the con- tract filled. William Allison and bride new drive shed, also blew down many have gone to the United States to re fences. side. - R. Moore went to Toraste as delegate for the A.O.UW. George La {fleaur, who spent the winter visiting jrelatives in Chicago, has returned home. -- WHY EXEMPT IRON MINES, Ask Cobalt Board of Trade Will Hon. Mr. Hearst. Cobalt, April 2 To interview the government on the sight 'hour bill for underground miners eight members of the Cobalt Board of Trade are in To- ronto. They desire that the bill shall be made more explioit on several points as now both mine owners and men do not know exactly what it means. They want to know whether eight hours means from the suriace to the surlace, or from the place where they are work- ing underground back to' the same place, They also ask that the claisé fixing the noon meal at hali an hour be eliminated, since it will compel the men te eat underground. And they are curious to ask the Hon. Mr. Hearst why\ iron mines are exempt from the amendment to the act when silver | mines are not, GIVES UP OFFICE. Resignation as Provisional Presi- ' dent of Dominion Republic. fan Domingo, Dominican Republic, April 2.--Archbishop Nouel, at the ses sion of the national congress, tender- ed his resignation as provisional pre- sident of the Dominican Republic. The resignation was accepted and congress will appoint his succesdor. 'Tlhhealth was given as the reason for Arch bishop Nouel's actiom, it heing an nounced that he was obliged io go to Europe to take the cunts Gen. Horacio Vasquez, Gen. Juan Jiminez and Fred- erico Velasquez H. are candidates for the presidency. Quiet prevails through out the country. The woman who prefers comfort to style soon gets the reputation of being eccentre, There isn't much hope for a boy who wears curls unless he hates 'em, * Sy vy a Boag v on ¢ Hoya an THE DAILY SRS WHIG, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2, 1913, His place will be |" i { Mr. John Evans of 87 Lawrence St. Halifax, N.S. makes this statément. He says = Three years ago | I sore on my finger, which turned to blood-poisening. We tried various remedies, but the finger got worse, and we called in a doctor. After two or three days he lanced it, and came every day for three mouths. My fiuger and haud were then in a terrible condition. The poison had spread to the palm of the hand, and 1 was almost frantic with the pain. I called in a second doctor, and after a con- ference the two doctors decided on an operation. The finger was amputated, bit the wound would not heal. The blood poison spread throughout the hand. and alcog the whole length of my arm. A second operation was performed. and some of the tendons taken out of my hand. ¥.ven this did not end the trouble and the wounds left by 1he operation would not heal. Ina short time it was clear "mt the poison was extending right up my arm, at inter- vals along which great lumps were raised. ® This was my condition When | tried Zam-Buk. In , three days the pain was reduced so that I could obtain * some sleep. Within a fortnight the lumps on 'my arm had disappeared. As I continued with the Zam-Buk the open wound on my hand and the stump of my finger began to heal. The doctors all along noted what Zam-Buk was. doing, and it was clear to them that Zam-Buk was effect- ing a cure where their methods had failed. By the time I had used less than a dozen luzes of ZausBubt np land was completely healed. I am quite sure Zam-Buk sa my arm. STATEMENT ON OATH Mr. Evans has made a sworn statement on oath embodying the above facts before a Commissioner of the Supreme Court. For all injuries, cuts, burns, &e. and for skin diseases, such as Eczema. Ulcers, Eruplions, use Zam- Buk. Also for Piles. Drug ists and ores, 50c. box or Za Buk Co. Cumfy-Cut Vests and Union Suits are made in all sizes 4 ' for ladies. Three grades Cotton, Lisle, Mercerized and Silk. Fe. --_---- Dainty Figures The shaping of Cumfy- Cut Vests is so beauti- fully done that the vest conforms to covery line of the figure like a glove. j There is no wrinkling or bunching, and repeated laundering does not alter the original shapeliness and fit. These features alone es- ; | \ tablish the supremacy of \| Cumfy-Cut Vests, but \\%\ when you learn that ; straps cannot / possibly slip romthe shoul- ¥ ders you will fully appreci- ate the neces- sity of asking 'your dealer for Cumty-Cutg J, Vests. is AT ALL FIRST CLASS DEALERS EVERYWHERE IN CANADA. , » 1 1 EY » * d. ® Moopik & Sons. "| Limited he Mewiiee Beauty of contour is the key of the success- ful "1913" costume. More than ever before a proper corset is necess- ary. The great success of : the D. & A. and the La Diva styles has kept the great Dominion i Corset Co's model factory in Quebec, with its thousand skilful corsetieres busy early and late producing the cor-, Jets which will brin style, comfort and support to many women in Canada. It is not only their style and comfort which nmtake D. & A. and La Diva corsets popular. Compare them with any imported corsets of similar model, The quality of the imported corset will be no better but the price will be $1.00 to $3.00 higher. By actual count more than half ot the best dressed women in Canada wear D. & A. or La D¥va Corsets... There is a model for every figure. Our catalogue sent free on request, will help you choose the best for yours. , ? DOMINION CORSET CO. QUEBEC, P. Q. 113

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