Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Apr 1913, p. 12

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- ) PAGE TWELVE. : * THE DAILY BRITIEH WHIG, FRIDAY, APRIL ---------------- ' i -- - ---- -- -- ee ------------------------------------ - SHE WAS SURPRISED Whe be Morse Indian Raw WHAT WHIG CORRESPONDENTS : TELE US. . Liver Complaint ' Occ u tions Maple, Nutmeg, Vanilla, at i i Vii ta cis The Tidings From Various Points in ba " : ad pa " 25: aud 500, Sraith, peg. Man, t Eastern Ontario--~What People a R \ \ of eve in nt the an interesting story of relief f almost 3 . x ; ry preve, - gn jpn hat aan wu. Yinr Ave eu freedom of sunlight exercise D. COUPEK'S Indoor ALCONO | tubes) Almond, Lemon, "1 can ha tly tel how great Saying. nN 5 ; : | = iy - : | TAA, which nature intended, and vital Phone 76. 341-3 Princess St. | ; (Prompt Delivery.) accompanied by biliousness wer: 5 Clarendon Items. 1 or 3 i source of trial to me. Every day | Clarendon, April 1.--A. Hill, of ] . (* BE body-forces are slowly reduced. Coast Sealed Oysters. t Godfrey, was the gues: . Leis 3 . i, Tied cel ore Sia. "4 mito 4 To" a b. ; |} Scott's Emulsion is the concentrated iit " Br, Mors Indian Roos Sib Capel pe iS & 3 ; pure food-medicine to check hs feck ¥ : I empercoced Folie a TIT---- 4 : {It refreshes the body by making healthy Lig i hen The | Ah Cit a '# blood and is nature's greatest The kind you are looking for leaving tne, Fair View, April 1.---The ice has al- : g " most destroyed a number of the fruit . : . i . ifr. a Enew wig trees. Charles Lowery is ill of olf 8 STAG a | 8 aid to fortify the lu ngs and SCRANTON COAL dlueg sick. (wonis, Me. Gerows shone fastory be "8 '8 prevent tuberculosis ti opened on Monday. W. Fenwick was ] V ) SiS. Fils ay home for the Easter holidays. Misses y I Is good Coal aud we guaramive be wittout | Lillian File and Edna File, of Toron- AE | 8 | 8 Scott's Emulsion. makes prompe Ey to, spent the holidays at their home. ope od ; 4 Fy & Co Morse's Indiam Root Pills cure |S. Yaualdtye: is packing apples Ba i of & p u 3 ! energy, health and strength. R A : Boot h . and Kidney as wellas Lives troub | Mr. Parks. Mr. and Mrs. John . 0 ER . \ | eo Re: Yn OaadE " and keep you healthy. 28 ¢ boa [itt -&ttended St. Patrick's concert at | |° J . 4 | Set & 1 Torumte Oils M % . \ FOOT WEST STREET. i 14 |Gretna. Hugh Lowery is very ill | " " " Carl Bell and sisters spent Easter at Robert Hartley's. PATENTS. Bell Rock Budget. HERBERT J. 8. DENNISON, Bell Rock, March 31.--The farmers REGISTERED ATTORNEY, 1% say it has been .a poor year for su' King ot West, Toronto. Pa- gar making. School began on Mon- ade-Marks Designs, day under the management of Miss experi. Phillips, of Harrowsmith. D. Ball is e for booklet. making a tour through the neighbor- d hood with his sewing machine. William ] Walker, sr., who has been afflicted cith tism for years, was tak- or. de Van's Female Pills _. ma an hospital, Ril A reliable h regulator; never falls. These | iin, last week. Mrs. H. L. Bau- i ------ nr he : aa : - - der, Desert Lake, is visiting friends BESSIE AROTT, Bure, F. Snider, Camden East, call- With the DeKoven Opera Company in "Robin Hood" at the Grand on old friends here last week.| Wednesday, April 9th i Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Timmons, of Js Apri . | Centreville, spent a day at J. Tim- mons' recently. I ty r-------- pt ---------- Ist. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sanders, | fornia, is expected home in the near Buffalo, arp visiting friends here. Miss | future. Mr. Manley, Minneapolis, At Marysville, Tyendinaga. A. McDonald and the Misses A. and | Minn, was a recent visitor with 8 crowing louder as he goes along. | 'Marysville, Tyendinaga, March 31.-- |": Glenn spent the Faster holidays | friends here. Mrs. J. L. F. Sproule Only 48c per pound. For chewing aad |On Good Friday Mrs. J. Lawson pas with their patents. lis recovering from her recent illness smoking. sbd away at the residence of her sis |G; W. Smith and Ernest Sproule AT A. MACLEAN, ter, Mrs. John Toppings. The funeral Death at Westbrook. { have Feturned from a business trip Ontario Street. took place on Monday. The remains| Westbrook, April 1:---The death | Toronto. Miss Larraine Smith, were taken to Trenton for burial. UY i ' he | of Kingston, spent the holidays with . occurred on Friday morning, March j, ; ; y Many from here attended the C.M.B.A. 28th, of Warden Gates, only sop of | ler parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. WW, ball at Napanee on Thursday night.} Mr ana Mrs. Frederick Gates, at Swith. Leo. Kenny, of the King. "ahey Y . : ston Business College. spe John Fahey and son leit for Edmon-|the early age of nine vears and Fon By ness Colle ge, Spent he ton. Mrs. John Stack spent a few| aight months >ecedSe . wo Have You Tried days in Kingston. Miss Pearl McBride eons, Deceased hud eeu Smith fmet with a painful accident, returned home from Belleville aitex Bright's disease for aver A Year by. cutting his hand with an axe. . spending a short time with her aunt. i aa '{Mr. and Mrs. John Ashley and ' 9 Spank Shell and sisters gave an en- Stites of symiathy were wary daughter, were recent visitors of joyable party at their home on Mon: |p oo "ol Taronts a words. | Mr- and Mrs. Henry Snook. Mrs. 'day evening. Harvey Bros. are mak. "Our Boy:" a spray of lilies. trom Alport and son, 'Van, and Mr..and i ing fine improvements on their newg py. ; ww' Edwards. M.P.: Spray of: Mrs. H. Stoness, of Sydenham, spent "Gold farm which they bought from the Rus. tulips from Mrs. J. L. F "Sproule Monday, at D.eSheehan's. - The A ol estate. and family; also sprays from Miss cheese factory opened on Monday Label" EB. Saundercook. Miss Sarah Masier, with William McEwen, as cheese | gem. Daysge - Hlouuteld, th Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Purdy. The fu- | DoREn oomfield, March 31.--Pa of e " 3 W : The O'K brewmaster says roof on Charles H. Taylor's barn was a De hadist it is his masterpiece--a rich, Iblown away. The chimney on John|1.30 o'clock, and was largely at | Arrested For Big Jewelry Robbery. old, creamy ale of matchless R. Smith's house was blown off, some|tended. An impressive service was| London, April 3. Hane Porter, an purity, -- of the bricks striking Mr. Smith onjconducted by R. J. Cassidy. Be- | American tailor, and a German named yy the head = and render Im uncon} sides his sorrowing parents, there | Steiner, were arraigned in the Bow This storm was followed by alare left to mourn, two sisters, Eletha | street police court charged with steal ! heavy sleet storm which broke down|ang Hazel. Six of his schoolmates | ing and receiving, in April, 1912, $200, trees and demoralized the telephonelcarried the remains, namely, Wil- | 000 worth of jewelry from Senor De RB Beaupre, Local Distributor, and telegraph lines. Levi Stone had}frig Sproule, Leo Kenny Howard |mier, the former Mexican minister to f Phone 313. one of his fingers badly cut by a buza} gej), Wilfrid Babcock, Bert Hilliard ' France. The theit which caused a saw, On Wednesday mght last, Wal-14,4"° Alfred Babcock. Thomas great sensation at the time, was from lace Woodrow's barn on the Ficton Brown contributed $30 to the mis-|the minister's" home at Neuilly. The J V Ee " 1, : road was burned ith thie Borges sionary cause. Mrs. Eliza Sproule [police seized a large quantity of the a : a ways and a quantity ol and other | whe has spent the winter in Caki- [valuables in the London lodgings of inutes things. Defective electric light wiring the t el od is thought to have caused the fire. Ae "Wo men atiested: a At a recent Senin, given here S---- . " " in béhali of the public library, $57 i | es yY was made. Mrs. Clayton Burr visited CASTOR 1A 0 Woman Leaps Into Creek. to | 1 11 son S! L her parents in Toronto at Easter, A Shamokin, Pa., April 3.--Mrs. Al a . . elief negro musical company gave an en- For Infants and Children. bert Seager, after flocing recently from tertainment here in the Methodist an hospital three times, fearing to un church on the 22nd inst. Quite a quan- The Kind You Have Always Bought dergo an operation for appendicitis, tity of maple syrup is being made. A leaped into Shamokin creek. She re number of persons are purchasing au-| Bears the 7. z " [sisted the efforts of the men who . Meg, LT. Dittmar, TIO BE. 15th St.. New York tomobiles. Signature of plunged into the stream to rescue her, en City, 'writes: "1 caught a cold. a but they brought her ashore, bottle of your Radwas's Ready Rellef with At Yonge Mills. Wooderful resuits. 1 have also found it acts - v 3 like a charm for sore throat. I used it with Yonge Mills, March 31.--The cheese reat benefit for several ailments my children factory opened Monday, with Harry | - . i had, uf » hd it to my 2 Stooksberry, of Mallorytown, as mak. ae MN k U k A L & { A er.. Mrs. Joseph Churchill and chil- | '@ ® sa The R w dren, of Belleville, spent a few days elief is the Dest counter lrvitant known, | last woek with her mother, Mrs. M. is ond therefore the _embrocation that ss be Ferguson. V. R. Purvis speat Easter / o ) x . t fas Toot Ela, a it on |holidays in Montreal. Miss Grace The Seat of the pain mail eas ee of ten o¢ | Tennant, of New York, and Miss Al- Steen on if ve fn the il line Polly, of Brockville, spent Good RADWAY & CO., Moutreal, Can. Friday visiting friends here. Mr. and ® Mrs. R. G. Eyre and Ferman Eyre at- go tended tlie funeral of the former's I ; : ~ daughter, Mys. McMillan, of Deer Riv- : p ec er, N.Y: Miss Marion Hutchison, of i 3 ) Escott, spent Easter with her grand: SanaE A the finest clothes few days at B. Burnham's. Miss Nor- ma Buvie paid a brief at to her R ; t, Mrs. G. A. Purvis, leavi . 4 : og ry tars luting . How refreshing is the feeling of completeness--of "all for Ottawa, where she has a position 5 . s in the civil service. Mjsses Kate and rightness"--which a woman has when she is conscious Jessie Fi tertained . " " : or er a Were aty nose of being well-dressed from hat to hosiery. The many friends of Mra. lsrael Tufts Is it not important then, that she should give to the will be pleased to hear of ber con- ' . . valestence. Mrs. Brown, of Port ; selection of her hosiery the same care she bestows on the i gg Bland: Catyenter, of purchase of her gown, millinery or shoes ? | Purvis: To have these of the highest quality as to present the utmost in beauty, Stella Resident Dead and to be content with less than the style and'serviceability. And it may : oosur best in hosiery is to lose the pleas- be obtained in colors to match any Sulla, Spel 3-The diath ovat: Look ing cffect conferred by an artistic gown, as well asin black and white. An i parson oi : for this mark gown and becoming hat. Each pair is strongly reinforced at Mrs. © Daniel McGratton, 0 passed 3 jum hosi Radium Hosiery is so sheer and toe and heel and made with wide hi gf hos ery lustrous that it adds richness and ele- garter hem designed to protect hose th gance to your wholeattire. Itisso fromtears of garter clasp. Sold atall on the smooth and even in weave, so alto- goodsifpe. Ask tobeshown Radium toe : gether dainty, yet durable in texture, Hosiery nexttime you are shopping. mA; SF af % Sosiery Wholesale Distributors in Canada an i177! F 1 £

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