INDIAN TAN Genuine In Tanned Buckskin Mitt. The kind! fatherused to wear. "The work- ing mitt 4 forthe man ontdoors . Noseam on hand or thumb $1.00 the pairsent anywhere by mail on : receipt. of Hunter to Yop price. for the name, e ------ WILL VISIT: ATE MEANS MODER- i As Well 'As The Poorer People-=Al The Doctors Are Being Asked To Become Allied With The Order. At the meeting of the Victorian Or- der of Nurses on Thursday afternoon, attesition was called to a department of the work which had hitherto heen very little made use of. The comitittes wishes it understood that the nutse will be glad ta visit those of moderate means who vet have no accommodation for a regular nurse in their homes, and who can pay a small fee for a daily or an occasional visit. Thiz phase of the order's work is particularly emphasized in the royal charter. 2 There was not a laxge atlemdance at | the meeting and only routine business was attended to. The monthly report of the nurse made the following stato- ment: number of new cases, 9; total number of visits, 120. Those visited were of the following denominations: Methodists, 1; Congregationalists, i; Presbyterians, 2; Homan Catholics, 5; Anglicans, 6. 'the committee is anxious to interest more of the locak doctors in the work, and a record every month will be kept of the doctors who have been added to the list. Kvery doctor in the city, it is felt, ought to' be allied with the order. FIRST VESSEL IN PORT. Likely to be the Schoomer Bertie ; Calkins From Oswego. The schooner Bertie Calkins may 1 bo, the first vessel to arrive in this port with a cargo. The vessel has been in Oswego, loading cowl for the Frontenac Lumber company, and if the weather is favorable, it ig just possible that the vessel will arrive on Saturday. Writing to a 'friend; on Thursday, Capt. Archibald stated that he might be able to get away ail the end of the week. tii wiereis "Change of Captain, Michael O'Shea, of Garden Island, has been appointed captain of the steamer Waele, Islander. The position was made vacant by the resigmation of the captain who was in command last season. ; Capt. James Crawford, who was in command of the steamer for some sea- sons, has been offered the position, but, on account of illness, he was un- yable to accept. . Car Jumped Track. Passengers on the Grand Trunk, be tween here and Brockyille, had a five hours' hold-up on Wednesday after noon between Lynn and Brockville. The stop was caused by one' of the ears in front of the passenger coach jumping the track and purtly turn ing over. Fortunately mo one was hurt 'and no serious damage is re ported "Wise mothers" at Gibsons, All 4 Two pair of Glasses for far and near sight! 2 Let me supply « you with & pair of Invisible Bifocals, TWO pairs of Glasses in one~--theé lenses fused together so that yo@ cannot observe where one Jbegins or the other ends, J. S. Asselstine D. 0. S. Registered Optometrist & Optician 842 King St. 'home 1019 y infants' foods » 5 RE rosiainall ERMITS. John Nicolle has out a per mit for a solid brick dwelling: on the west side of - Barrie street, between Stuart and O'Kill street. J. W. Smith has a permit for a prick veneer dwelling on the north wide of Pine street, between Division; and Cherry mp. ad (eon unter was gran a per mit Tora cement addition to | a house ont the north side of William street, between Bagot -and William sgreet. Mrs. Wart has a permit' for a frame addition 10 a house on the south side of James street, between Montreal and Patrick street. / : A it was also issued ° for the erection of the new office for the Canadiin Locomotive Works, which will be built on the east side of Ontario street, between William and Earl streefs: It will be a four-storey brick building. ai TWO FOR CENTRAL. PRISON. Are Now Being Held at Jail, Await. ing Transfer. There are now, two prisoners at the county jail, awaithigiremoval to the Central Prison, Har] Redmond the railway express clerk, who ad- mitted stealing about $1,600 and Henry Whiteside, who pleaded guilty to the theft of 8 watol, and chain, tie pin and other articles. in the police court, on Thursday morning. Redmond has fiow been in the jail for two weeks, but his time goes on during his stay at the jail. In some cases, men awaiting 're- moval to the Central, have put in the greater part of their time here, Redmond was pentenced to two years, less one day, and Whiteside has a year to serve. Very little is known of 'thie latter prisoner. He is a stranger to the eity. y HAVE THEIR OWN TROUBLES, Telegraph Companies Suffer From egra| 0) er Bad Weather, ; The telegraph companies have cer tainly been having' their own troubles the past week or =o, and ll because of the weather man, The sleet storm of a week ago, has given the companies more trouble than they have had in many a day. Om shape as a result of snow and sleet, and during the early part of the night coumection was out off with Toronto. Later on, however, the wires 'were in better shape and messages and press despatches were going the rounds. Gs Friday morning wires were onl working fairly well. y Conditi have beén about the same all over Ontario for a week or more. jee are out with a big | furious drivers in the ety amd .. Complaints = h aturday morning, s summons havi ; to a driver. who "1 alleged ito have violated the speed limit. be watched, Latest Taken Out at the City Eugi- | - neer's s STRANGER HAD FOR MAKING MONEY IN THE CITY. dohn Campbell, a stranger in our midst, had a little game ald planned out to make easy money in Kingston, but his little scheme was nipped in the bad by the police. He was arrcstedat noon, on Friday,, and on Saturday morning, will have a chance to ex plain his eondaet .ip the police court. Campbell was su tobe deal ad dumb. Ne ou ied a letter around mm, w explained this, 'and {which also stated that he was seeking funds 'to pay his way to Belleville, having come all the 'way from Quebeo. His little game was to go around to the, different stores and seek funds in this way. Campbell was one &f the five knights of the road who were given shelter at the police station on Thursday night, and when Constable Arniel found hi igoing around to the different stores he made Campbell's business his own busi ness too, and in this way put an end to the little "hold-up" game. Campbell's letter read something like this: "I am. uel and dumb. Pp me on my way from Quebec to Belleville." Naturally citizens felt sor: jo Jot the oor wa, shi in a day's rav e man to pick up quite a :silver collection. = Constable Sarai {knew that Campbell could talk, hav- fing heard him at the police station, where he was given shelter, and when the constable found that he was play- ing the role of a deaf and dumb mute he was certainly surprised. But Campbell was game to the last. Constable Arniel came on the scene in time to save a citizen froin handing over some money, and al the same time, Camphell busy with the deal and dumb alphabet. His fingers made all sorte of signs, but it was no go with the odnstable. Signs or no signe, he was hound that Campbell would go to the police station, and he was soon in the lock-up. Upon artival at the ,station Campbell again put up the {bludl, about being deal and dumb, but when he found that everyone was on to his little game, he finally gave in and broke his long spell of siledee. 'When searched, his letter of introduc jtion was found in his ion. Jt is just possible that he has play- ing the same game in other cities. One Thousand Heads of Lettuce. For Saturday at Carnovsky's, come early for your shafe as last Satur- day we were sold out at four o'- 3 . "Anti-Urie Kidney Pills." Gibson's. Stanley Snowball, of Toronto, an awditor in the employment of the €C. P.R., was in the city, oi Thursday, and left on the afternoon train for Harrowsmith,' : ry Women's boots, from BSc. Dut a § We Noten Bef uu as 1 + complete a ctonk of "Hats for Every- body" as we have this season. We give you di- reel. i i ices on vay in ninth Hat and Cap , from the Small Boys' Navy * Skull" Cap to a Fine Dress Silk Hat, or a Lady's Tiim- \ ¥ receipt of order or previous expiry €il January 1st, 1814, for "TWO DOLLARS Less Than Sc. Per Week, This offer is made in view of the possibility of a prolonged Session of the Donrmion Parliament, the House of Commons. or a General ¥lection following the present crisis in Sewd - Orders to . 3 Teri 5 \ COLLEGE BOOK STORE ¢ Another shipment of our "Special" | Brand of Dress Serges, in Brown, Co- | penhagen, Tan, Alice, Cardinal, Navy. | Extra fine quality , full 50 inches wide | perfect colors. A regular Seventy Five | Center on sale Saturday morning per yard 50c. 150 yards of Tweed Suitings, Greys | Tans, Browns, 42 inches wide, a very { durable cloth at a remarkably low price Saturday per yard 50c. 200 yards, of extra quality Black Pailette Silk, 36 inches wide. The | best $1.00 Silk in the trade. goat | Our Saturday Morning price 69c. A clean up in Liltle Darling Cash- mere Hose for small €hildsen, odd sizes in Pink and Pale Bl#e;#25c and 30¢ | ines. | A : Saturday per pair 15c. See our] "Leader" Umbrella at $1.00 It's a marvel at the price. | 1 | | | | | | | | | i | | | | | | TEA AND SALE HELD By the Ladies' AM of the First Bap- tist Church. The Ladies' Aid of the First Baptist church held a tea and sale at the bome of Mrs. James Leslie, Brock street on Thursday siternoon. In spite inclement weather, 'the day amounted to, about #75, which will go to the building fund of the church. Mrs. H. A. Calvin and Mrs. J. At Héndry poured ten, assisted by Misses Annie Friendship, Jean Laing, Ethel Jones, Isabel' Leslie, Muriel Breath- waite and Louise Jones. Mrs. Leslie and Miss M. Cliff receiv- . Savage, Mts. J. Fri and Miss Kines It a man came around selling eggs at ic. a dozen he wouldn't sell many, would he? People aren't looking tof bargains In eggs. They are : looking Tor quality. Somewhat similar thing in Paint. The cheap kind is about as satisfactory as cheap eggs. Crees in and let us show you "+e and get our we va paint--the good kind. MAPLE LEAF Covers more surface than any paid brown, and stands up to its ior for ages. \ $2.40 per gallon for all colors. 054] rege St Eye ow ph Unprecedented ir Globe TORONTO : . . 4 Canada's National Newspaper Offers the DAILY EDITION, including the SATURDAY ILLUSTRATED SECTION, by mail to any address in CANADA (Toronto excepted), UNITED STATES or GREAT BRITAIN, from date of Offer Mounted in Rings of Various Designs. Stones of all sizes, from the little bright sparkler at $15.00, to the much larger sizes. All excellent value, which we can readily demonstrate. | SMITH BROS. Jewelers & Upticiang, Issuers of Marriage Licenses STORED | GOURDIER'S Phone 700. a Real Estate. Double stone dwelling, William 8t. near Barrie. $4,800. Double ¢ament clad dwelling, Earl St., near Barrie, $4,000. Single brick dwelling, Clergy St. West, $4,700. uilding Lots. 2 lots, Johnson ST $200 vach, 4 Jots, 32x 132, Livingston Ave. $950 for all. 1 full lot. Union St., $450, 7 lots, 30x 180, Alwinglon Ave, $1,050 for all. 1 Tot Division St., near $900. E. W. MULLIN ' Kingston's Real Estate Broker. Cor. Johnson and Bivision Streets. Johnson, AND ITS IDEAL WORK. All eyes adore our cleanlinede. All eyes see our superiority. All eyes adufire us. They positivdly love us -- "those White things." As long as they have to go alaundering they prefer our shop, 1 we don't tear their tender limbs; we dom't crush $Helr downy Miminess; we don't scorch and tear their fine skins. Cor. Princess & Sydenham Sts. Phove 22. ,