Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Apr 1913, p. 1

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* Daily British Whig . iy * KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY. APRIL 5, 1913. -- 2 ALBERTA'S CAMPAIGN RED HOT. IT MARRIAGE . BILL INTRODUCED. DISCONTENT GENERAL ~{5-A feunets and. Premier Sifton in A BE ER WAY Provems Mental Pefectives . From SERIOUS SPL OCCURS Bitter Controversy. Securing Licen } ' Calgary, April 5. -- .R. B. Bennett, --_-- x Toronto, April 5.--Hon. . Sal 4 M.P. for Calgary riding, is quoted by . Hanna implemented the a -- an evening newspaper as saying that To Punish The Suffrageites made a week ago that important a-| , } mendments w i the real issue in the Alberta provin would be made to the Sint campaign was whe ther jpecipla is marriage act Ihe bill provides a! rs -- , -- TERE a r oug t to remain in power who exploit penalty for the issuer of a marriage | z ; - . NEW PENITENTIARY WARDEN. | al. for theie persona al Purposes, tit -- ilcense or minister who performs the! --_------ 0 To Bring mn q Workmen's Lieut.-Col. Irvine To Take Charge, replied to Bennett, styling him . of the parties is an idiot or insane . = . Bill On Monday. ¢ "A hypocritical humbug." The premier P or under the influence of intoxicating and Isaacs Donan, Compensation The new warden of the provincial appeared before the government in the i T! : $500 or im- h liquor. The peaalty is « pesitentiary is expected to reach King interests of implement combines, as prisonment for a term not exceeding : ston on Sunday and take over the ™ ainst the farmers. i a Sib twelve months. duties of the office on Monday. Col. | lifford Jones, liberal candidate for | MRS. PANKHURST HAS GIVEN A| A, other amendment declares that a CES J 5 TESTING TIME H Irvine is the youngest son of the late fone aigary, Stated oat layed, SETBACK. deposed clergyman who performs = a pe 8 age fo : . # 5 { the women of Alberta. » - marriage ceremony after he has been ; leposed from his ministry, shall in- re et To the Woman's Cause--It 1s Ex- | - : OR \ aN . cur a penalty of $500 and be liable LONPON'S YROWTH ENDS. pected That Her Sentence Will jjor twelve months' imprisonment. | People M Outward Owin to Last Only a Short Time, As She | Where néither of the parties is a ating Outware BW Wili Refuse To Eat. y residaw! of the district, county or DELIGHTED OVER DILEMMA or SAYS THE OFFICIAL PAPER OF LLOYD-GEORGE, LABOR PARTY. { Type of Houses. " : And It Is Up To Sir James Whitney Homd ee he of hs Oe hast Loudon. Anil Sio-The seat ity for iteon, dae prior to the ap- Germany Has Not Reached State 0 4 . ondon, Apnl 9.-- London hu : 5 3 hy ¢ Sentence on plication the license cannot be is- ti And His Government To Do Some- roached a stage where the growth | Mrs. Pankhurst, although geaera'ly [sued until an advertisement has been || Perfection in Aeronautics ; thing For The Workmen--Liberal of population has nearly come to |approved by the country, raises a |inserted for three weeks. An athic Which Kaiser's Country Would Lead Other Nations To Believe, Special Cab London, April S.~There is a serious split in the Iritish cabinet ve operations of Kufus: Isaacs and Da Lloyd-tieorge in Marconi shaves, and it is no secret that Mr. Harcourt and other less radical members of the cabs inet have threatened to drop out ume less the Yesignations of the two specs lating ministers are received shortly. = In the meantime, land-owning inter ests on both sides of politics, as well as other people who have been incems sed for a long time at Lloyd-Geotge's socialistic schemes, are highly delight- ed at the prospect of checking some of these radical reforms, While Premier Asquith pretends not to regard the affairs seriously, it is hought and regarded by many liber: an end," says Mr. Spensley, the as-[doubt as to whether it will do any |davit must be made to this effect sistant statistical officer of the Lon- [good in the direction of checking |pefore the license can be procured. don couniy council, in an official re-|the wanton acts of the militancy. Where either of the purties -is a re on the; decline in london taxa It will certainly do Mrs. Pankhurst's |gdent for fifteen days the law re le values. He ascribes this fact [reputation no harm, for she will now | mains as it is. Where special cir- mainly to the outward movement of pose as a martyr to the cause, which cumstances prevent this being carried the people, which is due to dis- will be carvied on with increasing | ut the circumstances mav be res satisfaction . with the old type of | violence. ported to the regiftrar- general and houses in the metropolitan area.| She will probably be released after | permission secured \go that the li This has involved an increase of la few days' hunger strike, and, |cense may be obtained within a space empty houses and 'the consequent re: | though subject to rearrest, the au-|,f two hours. In this event the duction of rents. 'thorities will tire of the task. vegistrar-general { would have to be There is a growing feeling that in)satisfied that the failure to produce PRESIDENT FALCONER place of imprisonment, a fine which |}, required evidence was not for ean be levied like a civil debt would | tha purpose of concealing any impro- RAINS UNCONVINCED ie more successful in checking mili spor motives. tancy. Little hope 1 entertained as to the Bla : . effectiveness of Mr. McKenna's bill. PRE IDE fier, nothing to be done until next | Still Claims That Change n Univer- The problem before the government WILL REIGN SUPREME year . ls not in the cabinet, that the gov= 3 . 2 |: : " o is a difficult one, but one thing is From avery source come similar sity Entrance Standard Would vertain, and that is that the - cause iS ernment has received a bad blow and stories of discontent. This week ARUT.-COL. A. GO. IRVINE, . of woman's suffrage has been set _ \ the Toronto Trades and Labor Coun: | = . ; : , be Beneficial. ck indefinitely : Mes. I oo, That x -- [something heavy must drop shortly, | ull, through its legislative committes, Lisut~Col. 1. G. Irvine, for . many back indefinitely hy Mrs. Pankhurst In Both Houses Told the a» Another - prominent topic this % a os y Torolo, April 5.--President Falcon: land her followers. . . L . at ------ weored the government for its delay (Your dominion A.D.C. to the gaver | op foronio University, interviewed | It is likely that Mrs. Emmeline Tariff Bill is in AUSTRALIAN POLITICS muti he vitae uF the 7 ia : eng al - 1 of Canada. He was |. Qi » and the current issue of the Indus. |ROTgenera : - Va8 vith reference to Sir George Ross' | Pankhuist will be transferred from trial Banner, (the official labor ° pa: horn in [Quebec on Dee. 7th, 1837, |. nchntion that to change the stand- | Holloway jail to Aylesbury prison. Jeopardy. The Liberal Leader Announces rou rest ih VOIP Tact Data Policy is For Better Compensa- tion, Toronto, April 5.--"We, were simply asto Sey to hear Sir James Whit: ney. there was practically no likelihood of a Workmen's Compensa- tion bill being passed this session, declared a prominent labor leader. "Since the prime minister's announce ment | have . heard a number ol workingmen talking with great in- terest and animation shout the sub jeot, and without an exception they condemn Whitney for the threatened delay. It was in 1998 that the legistution 'was first promised and here in 1913 with nothing done in the house and, according to the pre es ire ---- . and was educated there. Tor some 5 ), declares that the "testing time™ | . we ard for entrance to the- university | She has not eaten anything since her Kashingte April 4.--President Wil- arty's. P Gers Ho come and that "it's up to Sir [YOR he foliawed Love Hatcaatile (% |from junior matriculation to senior | imprisonment and the authorities are ington, pri Brg lg Party's: Programme, garded hore a4 an indisation that' James Whitney mnd his government." | "°F: aking a first-class cavalry | pafrioulation would be inadvisable, | very ueasy. Her death, it ds feared, bership of the United: States senate to Melbourné, - April 5. -- Sir Joseph [Man aeronautics have not rea the sertificate, and a first-class: M. 8S x Cook, the new leader of the liberal ]state of perfection which G labor member for | "°F S.lgaid he had read Sir George's state | would provoke some of the more ; ook, the new leader of the libera rermany Allan Studholme, g Pp J see what chance there is for free sugar | ~° speaking at Warmatta, denoun- | would lead other mations (o believe. tificate, he was gazetted a liouten h ri t Hamilton, and N. W. Rowell, | certifi FY g py ments, but bas found nothing in them | violent suffragettes to murder. 1 the & niairation ; | a As Dilton" and NW. = Rowsll ant.in the Third or Eastern Ad (ir cause hin to alter hie opimion The ouftrageites burned down the and fre. Soo} Lin he adging femme ced the labor programme as too so In the meantime the British are ministrative battalion, for service { bui vialisti 1 nace to Austral ing themselves n the hack that he. willing, Shoe soni to [tents bein, lo, tie huh hung onl oad | ung of She Koren rhs core 1 he Eo i th nn 19 1, "Tn hu. apn hed i ping hi ave the Colonel * (afterwards Lord) Wolseley, ly to be put into eficct at once, bo : Ci of congress. Senators Simmons, of programme, the chief points 'of which aia as the unbeatables of her ee oes Tay an mavlo" Tow Dec. 30th, 1564. Tn March, 1866, he They ize that the matter is =a vital one for the workmen of - the whole inion, It is no mere theary The lack of a ;worl 's compen ia- as major, Second Battalion, Quebee [tinue to hold out, we may find it | 8 Nicholas of Montenegro is de- 1) - - North C arolina; Hoke Smith, of Geor- [10 R00 maintenance of the policy of (navy. cause the other universities, which . . raised and was appointed captain ol have been approached on the matter, 34 bd BARE 80 gia, and Stone, of: Missouri, with the present tarifi, the task of periodic what became afterwards No. 1 Co. |are mot prepared to accept our views, KING NICHOLAS' DEFIL wham he renish has had § hat revision (o be regulated to a perma A SECRET INVENTION sega 8 ho lat nent non-political body; the mainten- e House and gave the resis: the rn ance of the federal principle of giving A est information as to the chances for | io full independence in local aflairs, : + 55th Megantic Light Infantry, pro- land we want, if possible, to be at lg + moted 'major, June, 1867, he served lone with them. If, however, they con- London, April 5. -- King hip Hn 3 er aie sud go Ries, in Mor and River eCioma a mat 'to take action on our own : termined to capture and hold BT fr x Soutaining ie reali the fuliey of the Junraliss CL -- : orce, + Soutari, acoordifmes a Forres. sroned "that: at least y feroperat with mother htiie y a Earn 20 al pie. apprecia- Manitoba heing reduced have twice reported in favor of | § pondent of the Pall M&ll Ga- o ey ha of ap) Lr In land, re-atiirmed the scheme pi nation The British Navy ga general JA was placed in command of the pro' the odd and while it is only tenta- fa yette, at Oettinje, who de- a call . agaist any al insurance on a contributor basis to tack It Is Britain 5h : 32 Albany Poli Police co Baftled. Ywincial battalion of Rifles which re: {tive, I am convinced that it would bela clared that the King made en for free sugar. They said include unemployment and widowed x or i Aptii 5. -- The murderer of mained there. of benefit to the province at darge." # the following statement. MI 2 taven olla oi might en benefits; the creation of industrial phan, ul Ay th . ou, He retired from the service with N LECTED $ _ "F'assure Jou that I and my go so far as to vote against the en- [boards of employers and employees for . : ony | rank of lieutenant-colonel in June, PAY NOT SELRC ¢ people mean to keep the land #0 Hk Lill if that were the only ((he settlement of disputes; the aboli-| , london, Apfil 5.--~The Londom {tion of patronage in the civil service. | p pfel : : AE Imperial reciproci iy by a preference; guarded secret 'invention, the Brit {the creation of a non-political commis ln. vv may. it is claimed. be pro sion to manuge the post office; there |. 0 on "aerial attack ' 1 inventor Troup body was found by the road: |T85. : . ; . wohiat a 1875. On the formation of the! > + we have retaken during the side newr the city of Watervliet early North-West ~ Mounted Police, May, | For the Funeral of the Late J. Pier- | o wo. Wa mean to take Scu- esda 1 MN : : Wadnene sway morning. in stil ul large. 1R75, he became assistant commission: pont Morgan. & tari and mean to keep it. ties aamitied that they had found no|®" and was: promoted commissioner,| New York, April 5.--Monday, April|® That is the dominating im- ive November, 1880, and retired April, |14th, probably will be selécted as the |® pulse of the Montenegrins way in which they could ol their Standard says that by a jeal disapproval of a clause whic would | mean ruin to the sugar industry of | their states. If the democrats shoul lose ssven voles on the tariff bill it storation of the freedom ol the press |i \rthar Jenkins, an Engl GEPEREII LBP RO BRIE S Rts i y the ye : : r ion..4 POrous o tangible glue or motive for the mys 1886. - ~ day for holding the funeral services|® who know too well that it is would probably medn the failure of the suthteut legislation and a VIZOroWS [ho says he believes the discovery Lieut.-Col. Trvine was formerly a Bere over the body of J. P. Morgan. |# far better to die fighting than whole programme unless enough pro- {i mmgration Pole . banish the fear of aircrait Young Liberals, Read This. member of the North-West council. | The exact date had not been determin-|® to go on living as we are gressive republicans could be ad] bombs on warships. He has been in He was appointed warden of the ed today, and will depend upon the|# doing now. to join forces with the democrats und communication with Winston den tn : All young liberals and their friends : i Youn Tap : ] h Stoney Mountain penitentiary, Mani time of arrival of the liner France, * make up jor the defections. on the subject, | Re V h a wo i Wide ng jn the i, ba, on October 13th, 1892, In Which is bringing the financier's body SEPPPLLEDE & MI President. Wilson, who is posidgg as a The admiralty experts tosted the ine ; Tuetda evenin at e the . v OB {1295 he was elected president of the here from Havre. The services will be jtariff expert. and all-around boss of | WILL BE MADE IN KINGSTON venation, and, he eg Er re sone } y To or } x Ron Red River Expedition association. He held at St. "George's Fpiscopal church, "THE REIGN Of TERROR" congress, has the whole danilf bill un- i ' .. 47 hts vinced of its epoch-mak : Let everyone Fok Sune Labgral ; clubs is a member of the Church of Eng: interment will be at Hartford, der his care. He has undertaken to di- | ON MOVING DAY, He was an Englishman "ail th urn ou 5 Conn., the same day. x {f schedules, and . and the invention was for land. ann. y CONTINUED BY WOMEN rect the revision of se ile a ie. 3 i ---------------- " Leader Oscar W. Underwood, of the a a ina {ships only. The other powers sre i ee rd fie dle a - MAK No Longer i'risvners. ---- house, and Senator F. M. Simmons Nite.» Nutmine A eit To anxious to oR the steady Set sare 3 ea Dank Toe per oceh 'on- HERE ING TESTS Lawton, Okla., April 5.--The Apache : . chairman of the Senate Finance com- | cause the Rents r PR (VER | vice men on all of the German Ss sult he i he By {Indians, who have been maintained on A House Was Burned Friday Night mittee, have willingly relinquished re-| a Boost--The Carters Will Have Russian governments approached h Pry h which, will Yichi J ox the Fort Sill military reservation for That Men are Enga- sponsibility. Henceforth the Wi bs on: | a Busy Time Handling Furniture. | 00% asking him to name his own " BLL. aw, a ' y g 3 o =" both In price Fol OF WATER IN HARBOR FOR nineteen years as prisoners of war, left Thought jan idea is 10 reign supreme : ; " Clarence street. o ori | Moving day, with all its trials and | In oats. of sickness on Sunday Gib- SANITARY REPORT. fant might jor the Meacalere Apache re ged By Women. boats snd. hot. tribulations, will soon be here. May | Two were killed and eleven sevls -- Red Cross Drug Store is open will be tusned over to the eare of the ' F-- Ist is regarded as Moving day all over | ously injured when the B. O. . y / ondon, April "5.~The suffragettes MK RY ; curse, Dec ara on the \ cups all day. Work Under the Direction of * the [interior department, free mén. continued their "reign of terror" last TURKEY TROT LEGAL. . pg) mg Tn Pe bulk of ne Ions nr lies on nou » Dean] OVE 3 he e, b the bulk of t ' g . DAILY MEMORANDA. Retinal Spans i: of Jenin 18. McKenna Curtly Refus night ntact: Now After Restaurants Which Per- changes are made on or 'about the first fand crashed into the station, . Jay bora aren oh Roce * ing. day of May. train, after leaving the g a nt Rhertir. d ay Chambers. London, April 5.--Reginald McKenna | Hertfordshire. Oely the walls of ihe it Afiermoon Das ing . Moving dav in Kingston this year | oq on' its side. 8 tack: tune House, 8.18 p.m, 3 FA. Dallyn, pr \ aryl the British llome secretary, yesterday buildings Mio left Banding. The usu- | New York, Jil Sel foadwas dn «ili ses & great many changes, judg On in Dein e 3, right hand corner, + A. Dallyn, provincial samtary en-leupily refused to permit the sician jal cards hearing the ligen "Votes Htaurants which have nol yet recovered . =, = S irirn which have bee ot > nging you tor prantulinion gineer, with a stafi of assistants, is|chosen by Mrs. Emerson of Ehprician for Women," were found. The loss is [from the shock of Mayor Gaynor's or ae i oi go of the hy ~ nas then "the Pt od lat hese and has begun operations in the[¥Mich.,, to examine her daughter, Zelie, | $12,500. der prohibiting the selling of liquor {TC I UL TL eople wanting | ¥ ted to the fe vantage, re line of water investigation. the militant sufiragette now jn prison | Miss Kerr, secretary of the Women's fafter 1 a.m., are about to be atdmck. FATE FEE S00 quite a hard time | °° wll vou sale, high-grade roads: A laboratory has been, opened inleeorving a term of two months' im-| Social and Political" Union, says she ed on another point. Special officers 2 Coon piace. A large num and stocks which will bring Ya Clarence Chambers and" a launch | igonment. has heard nothing and knows nothing [from the police department are wow 5 0 0 = 0 ve been erected, | IY, por cont and: better oward 8 has been chartered. Tests will be made -- cindi th ex sspeet |investigatin places where tea time | sity a. ' Folger. 11 Clarence street. fr herd down th h the "island: about regcinGing the orc, A resp g g P but tenants pear to have been se Martial ;aw proclaimed in A rom wR througly hem s Admits His Guilt, life. She adds, however i "Of course I [turkey trotting is reganied as thepro- | 00 0 OH re even the work ty i ne pr ed 4 and for a space around the city. i hers, [cannot answer for what individual wo- jper thing. ' otanle The laboratory is equipped with in- a suireal, April 3 dean Tenrochets, men may do." The plainclothesmen have found that un the house Rn Sompletal: besiored | 'Buy kodak films." Gibson's. supatore Sistulicers and other ary foe ing and killing of Eugene Yate in a The police buliove that some of the within the hours of four and se in the with requests for houses. Quite a DORN. us as wi as chemicals necessary for a recent acts attributed to sufiragettes, Jafterndon the ballrootns attache to nats ot » * ao oO making the tests. saloon on the corner of Si. Denis and g number have been making a change, HR . ES. AE Montren). Que. Mount Royal streets Thursda ter- | Principally attempts to destroy rail Jabout twenty restaurants are throng. to the fact that reats have heen It is explcted that more than a Five acd yo he ny ed way property, was the work of men, [ed with girls and men dancing the tur Dye in a -- the teaants ian bid | LY and Mrs, ho AL be Seupied with thes Ville yesterday and pleaded yuil guilty. by women. All railway = sta- [key trot. feel that they cannot pay more money | KNIGHT--On ADT. "th, 1913, at re, Ww are g condu ul tions and tunnels are a ate being patrolled. |. for the class of houses they are get Howland Ave, Toronto, t5 Mw tian of the International that they can do better 'h> joint management of the United ? ;- iin - Mrs. Cyril W, Knight, a son Waterss 3 Commission, after which Brockville, April 5.--John Martin FOR ALKAN'S REPLY Teamsters and carters will be the | oo oo antrea) Que. oa . sic 3 AGAINST EMPLOYERS Hewitt, while returning "from dinner, busiest men in tha city on Moving day ith, 1913, Nellie, below hee ei erem-------------------- they be continued at another ¢ » Any, to. the 'Canada Carri Already they have been besieged with WwW. E Birtles point at it yet selected. ---- dy | ¥ hl -W : race nian works, met death "by "|The Powers Now Insist That obs for that day, and if some of them BEA io Net Care if Girls ing a yy a live wire at the - it yor go hali Ea teams, they would be ROBERT J. REID, BUED LADY DEAD. a ner of Amy and Dimond streets. Shall be Ne able to get work for them. If is stat The lending X Mrs. Emma Groves, of Maine, Tipped { Driven to a Life of Deceased was sixteen vears age, Longer od that the number moving will be the | 'Phone 877. : Every woman tnies to get the . : and was a son of William A * . largest in a great many year best value for her money. That Scale at 307 Pounds. 1 Shame lives near: Frankville. Delayed. People who have to make a move is ural and proper, but tte Brunswick, Me, April 5.--Mrs. . : : Apri ~it hn come to are hoping that the weather man will ¥ ¥ London, April 5.--It having cow p ors : nate hunt for bar. Emma Groves, who toured the coun-| Toronto, April 5.--In the legislature * SEPP 050 800 | the knowledge of the pow thet the be on his good behavior, so that they The OM gaits spells trouble. try for years as the "Bearded yesterday afternoon Allan Studholme $erteieaiee had decided mot to de will have a fine day for the work 284 and sg PRINCESS STRRSY. . Fat Lady," died yesterday. Ti went on with his speech in connection liver: their reply to the lems of peace Moving day and house cleaning time Phone Ambulance. ' \ + SCOUTARI SURRENDERS. + the scales at 507 pounds, Mrs, Groves [with the eight-hour day bill. - fi a drafted ambassadors until Scutari go band in hand, and both are jobs STOVES AND RANGES. iy ames J. { had a waistline two inches greater | Mr. Studholme charged that em-|& London, April 5.--A news lia taken, it ras dechionl at erduy's 'that the man around the house does | = JCS Cl oo ever a8 possible yihing is |] than her height. which was five feet [ployers paid = ther working girls | & reports that Scutari conference of or at the not care much about. Dressers, § and Beds. kind of economy. It (six inches. Her appearance = was 50" a week less than they could|y has surréndered to a force of # 'loreign office, to ins \ reply | pe ine Reason prices. At t to convince a hoas> ||| Made more striking by a full beard. jproperly live on. & sixty thousand Montencgrins ¢ fshall be no longer delayed. This do-| oa ce" Gib | ee is fact: but when she ||| She was born at Yarmouth, this On Sunday the empoyer went _to|4 and Sarviams. This is the city @ [cision will be made jj to the al-! ~Aclonkey's Da ¥ a it she 's on the |]i5tate, in 1366, and was the wife of gs and made many religiouspro-|§ that King Nicholas, of Mon- # |lies through the of the pow- SOE ille Schooley aged 28, swal- ; ay, |] Fharles W. Groves. not caring whether his girls, | & tenegro said he would cap- + |ers stationed in the spitale gentile Schealey aged 38 EWA 2» : to pot receiving enough to|® ture and make capital, or @ he settlement of areo- lowed car bolic aci Bh " i New York as a Field. * the necessaries of life, were|$ die in the attemot. * tier, to which all parties havei Buffalo, N.Y. In Dra Nd New York, April 5.--New York city ldriven to a Tile of shame. 4 = In the meantime, Warshins * shall be dhtavil a rg wh on us d to go back with in Comb is Methodism's greatest field for home| An assocatidn of school teachers |4 of the Great Powers are block- & line from the Gulf of Enos to Mi a eo ut her feet ; : vow cheap, bat || missionary work, in the opinion of the in Toronto last week, said Mr. Stud-|# ading Montenegrins coasts to # fgives the powers necedary excuse for him, ' Uri Kidn Pills." Gibson's 15¢, 17¢, 0c. Section > Rev. Dr. William H. Morgan of New- [holme, had passed resolutions calling {4 emphasize the fact'that they ¢ [hurrying the allies. Sati] ne Ee ocd aittation lark, N.J., who addressed the New York{on the government to pass a law# desire to have Scutari remain + To, od considerably. There Strained haw chioss, but tow ||{Conferance of the Methodist Episcopal [providing for minimum wage for {# the capital of the independent &| While being ested at Mondak, haa Emproved oct Vigilance, how- 486 each oe pres" Read the |} church. The main work of the church, working girls. This, Mr. Studholme|® kingdom of Albani. «| Montana, for beating his woman. J. i Bo relaxation W Wiglanes. ACEI} 5 Mb. tins, ' of the ner || he thought, should he started among said, touched the very hie of thely @}C. Collins, negro, shot and killed | ever, and the city Suzie 10 1b. tins, $1.35 each Fatt in. THE |] newly arrived immigrants to save | nation. : : S000 EEI4 500000004 | Shenill Courtenay snd Deputy Shoriff | sore dave. " : that in m'nd and |}! them from the results of their ignor- ee ---------- rt Ey 'Burmaster. He was lynched on the | "Sagein Hair aie Tonle Gilwon' he Larger tins, 13c. Ib. Will give every |} ance 'of conditions here. We have several attractive furnish-| 'Wise niothers™ buy infants foods | spot. There is "ot rious rae Re many wo April 15th, mn reach . mre rf houses to rent during the sum-|at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. and 3 possibiny o FHO% | thie spot where the vessel went down { 'A crude copper hook, J mer mosiths. For fall : \ fresh foods : the i historic origin, was un.art 8. Folger, 41 tenes)" Wh A 3 home |* ola, ine abot snl ! a8 iv- 'and scatter baskets of flowers on JAS.REDDEN & Wiliam. © Mele Hewaid Sr Clare cholder 7 Met "has a fine fant at Willa N.Y. Saturday waters. ¥ Pills.

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