The British Whig siieod= the imperial parliament, and public. life; - but Alberta wants more : 18 com the lords fives his speech, and clergymen and fewer politicians. _Spth YEAR. outlines in it the legislation which ---- Twill claim first consideration from his aut government. There will be nothing "stagey" about Mr.' Wilson's pérformance. He is not out for dramatic effects. He simply wants to get over to the leg- islators, to say to them the things' Sr : , . that affect -- him. and re worship's ukase is a decided failure. mains to be seen what the result will| The London Mail suggests that the be. forcible. feeding of the suffragettes be ; ENGLAND'S EDUCATION BILL. |dispeused with, that they. be allowed | "uch furniture ' he owns until he . . ' & tries to 'walk rapidly through his One reads of a great meeting of te gy on hunger seeker 8 Steg it rooms in the dark. teachers. three thousand of . them, starve again, be released and rearrest-| It may be true that North America RSD representing the National Union andy oii they have completed thei | as the land of Noah, but this is no ic tle Education Committee of England | Deportation has been demand: time to spread the story if Noah is to Published Daily and Semi-Weekly byland Wales, at Weaton-Super-Mere, to |.y Whars* What country wants the Soutinye to be held in proper venera- THE. BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING |)... [ord Haldane expatiate upon the | ui iesirables ? ' - in LIATTED, ideal education. Fuglavd leads in - Ring a Ontario most things, and it proposes to lead mn education, by having, though some Ol mihi By wi os «wrt auton! 2 | PUB) IC OPINION Mayor Gaymot's orderr in New: York, for the closing of the restaurants at a certain hour, are being resented by hundreds. Night after night there are conflicts between the people and the proprietors, and the conclusion is ir- resistable--that as a vote maker his This is some weather. Men's and Boys' Departmental Store. FINE CLOTHES \ FOR MEN AND BOYS -- The person who pays as he goes is if he can do free not to come back better elsewhere. A man never quite realizes how | A H Don't be discouraged, the snow sho- tem, and so complete that it will cover the educational life of the in vel will be good for another winter. SER Business OMce ........: crrssives M3}. 4 Hote, no matter where it be he : dividual from the kindergarten, (or, Rog . 'E Baitorlal Rooms .........ion. 330 dividunt ; Som 4 Ig Has His Own Idea. Or be it big or small, i Job OME ......ciiiiiiiiariiniaas 2| nursery), he college. TRE Is just the one place in the world SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Lord Haldane's main iden is al" 0 "ll | coin botaure lof That dearest is of all. § » (Daly Bdition.) system with a broad high road lead- [inks she is pretty. It doesn't mat- The Busy Boss. i One year, delive n Clty. .... 8.001;¢ from the lowest to the highest, [tr whether she is or mot because he = 8 Li iil §5.00| mg s use he 3 . a Ter. br a 330 and a system of teaching in the high- [never really knows, --- vertain man in this town went to i ys ns y . i 1 : ) pe daar wo Months, Dro rata. ast which shall guide that of the The First Stop, wav in this town. The office boy t ! (Semi. Weekly Edition.) lowest. He wants to ensure that the |. .iiten Ti told the caller that the boss was 2 ear, by MAH ....i.aieons $1.00 2 . jamilten mes. A i I ust ° : dre Four to United 'Sinise. 1.50} education of England shall be as! Nebraska has voted in favor of le- |2Ut OB imporiant legal" business and : = and Three Months, pro rata. 1 as that of any other country, |galizing Sunday baseball. Wo suppose the caller went away. But the next 4 > its firs 5 3 . morning (we . tell , what we have piatiached la ote Stade best Job hat the old line of demarcation be- [118 first step in the desecration of the heard) the caller called again. * . | Sybbath tak v i ic y _ REPRESENTATIVE: | vom those = who work with their Panbath or OHO OR hen es uli = Wher the boss *" he asked. H. ORO oe veei:2.38 Church Bt [hands and thosd who work with their ' Ontt on important business," an- + Morgan's Echo. swered the office boy. TU. 5. REPRESENTATIVES: heads, shall be broken down, that "Look: here, boy ! You are never over urged to buy clothes when you come here ! I was here yes- - 2 . Lf Bamilt Herald. . . Int 2 s da . . Now York Offics' oc... 336 Fitth Ave. the Suglsh people of She, xt oo GF Baker, i. Morgan's successor | (rdny and you said the" boss was out We're interested in providing right clotnes for Ahir Vinancrs vs Tribune. Biag.]eration shall have a anon © las "money king," is of the opinion rome logul busivess. you--in fitting you perfectly--in showing you the nk R. Nofthrup, Manager. knowledge and culture equal ba than that the concentration of wealth bas ADVERTISING TES FURNISHED | which obtains in Scotland and Wales, [gone far enough. As Mr. Baker is N_ABPLICATION. © that the age limit shall be raised to [Possessed of a Erion estimmated at | JENS KINGSTON, ONTS APRIL 8, 1913. |jgurteen and no child be allowed to SAO, his opinion ato be noss THE DANCE IN POLITICS, [leave before it for "beneficial educa: |rifice to any great extent. : "Why ain't it? tion." unless he continues to attend : t drink ?"* latest styles and in giving you dny elothes infor- ell, I went and found him up mation you may wish ! against a bar in tho nearest saloon. what you call legal busi If you desire to purchase Is it illegal to get . It'sall right ! oq | oflice of a certain othe #55 The ma, k, an: : 3 : jonal Pri fr didate i oy Bs ya a on a half-time day al until the , London oksnin Me. , Eplifting Words. ir you do not purchase ns 4 of sixteen or seventeen. that there | "CNEE BIVEROR wirit | Thera is no cosmetic for homely It's just as right ! ~ dertaken to regenerate sociefy. First ii he heard that the orgies at the res- shall be nursery schools for infants, [4nd self-reliance by organizing her | '014s like character. and that the day of the uncertified own naval fokce. The New Zealand | [oven the plainest face becomes beau- i wr taurants were prolonged unduly and y i * ordered that these places should bo |'*ehr shall end. closed at 1 a.m. Those then in these li- censed places were to be ordered or driven out by the police. - Then i heard that at certain ho . tdls in the afternoons there was gar ng. ot 5 BeORitias hin culations, an! that when the scheme af Jit Young Joris jo He with every assurance of success. ng in 'what society a "turkey trot," and The turkey trot is des- of ome city was accustomed cribed by the major [ §oa: disgracetul., He "nese announcements are made by to follow Australia's example. The this forceful leader of public opinion ~that he was seriously engaged committee of experts, that they were making sure of their ground and cal- was complete it would be launched working out the details, with ao" anog Canadian: people favor the same poli- €y, but are prevented from putting it in into effect by a government (elected her issue), which declinis to risk. an appeal to the country. 'A Serious Thought. Londen Chronicle _ We do not suggest that Mr. Church ill should have in the present instance To be sure it would cost money, a i good deal, but he did net ' opine that England would fail to provide, the necessary sum, whatever it would; be. The annual expenditure on edu: cation in the old land now is £20, come out into the open as a support- erer of the Launier policy, as he has dove in support of the Borden policy. He should have avoided any appear ance of influencing Canada's decision Leiwcen them. But since he has failed to do that, we regret that his line has been one which must array much minister of defonce advises his country | "ful in noble and radiant moods.--Ne- vell Dwight Hillis. Every right action and true thought sets the seal of its beauty on every person's face. Fvery wrong action and foul thought its seal of distortion.--Rus- tin. , . Between the great things we cannot Tie danger is that we shall do no- thing.--Monod. Truth is a strong thing, let man's 'ife be tPue.~Browning. From the G nger Jar. A. Bore--*Yes, 1 learned to play en: tirely by ear?' Miss Bright--"And have you never had an earache *""--Judge. and the small things we will not do. Ceogzione 1012, Alired Decker & Coa It will bo a clothes education for you to come in to see the new Spring wearables. - Elegant Spring Suits. : Our clothes are the master pro- ductions of the Best Makers! They were designed, cut and tailored by the most skilful workmen in the tailoring business. The fabrics are exclusive and dif- ferent ! Nobby Spring Overcoats English Raincoats. Handsome New Shirts. Newest Styles Collars. Men's Fine Shoes. HATS We sell the celebrated King lats $2.50 3 "to sights, but this one overcame 000,000 a year, and the money ix | Canadian national sentiment against iy : Fh . . Brus, Youll meet something new in . en : PLACE EL ~ paid for a disjointed system and |" ik "hn us | 8 . fo 'e = cng" was 'something new, LL Ll ey in many vou | rere Litwalto Mikadalt ao. Hadi: every garment that yon see here this C § and the new) York Herald describes [ii JEL EOL S800 Fre oy : i Vin daading the tangy. 1 ob [LE PUR SCRE vt wn || Kingston Events gerves, "a woman in a hobble skirt i ; i . hy 5 aim jest thoughtful, progressive men, who 25 YEARS AGO. of the present mode has much diffi aie' not dabbling, asia. -Ontacio, in rs , but with a skirt which un . , : rs the sides, the Waromiure a business in a fretful, experimental & Andrew's church was distroyed | Slobbs--'No; I tumbled."--Philadel- : oF kind of way. by fire this moriing. The fame |phia Record. of the limbs are given more freedom. The, London Mail applauds th na-]broke out about three o'clock] and ~ Hence in Mr. Rector's ddncing es-| al seh but tions whether | 3% hour later, nothing but the walls Briggs--"Evepybody should lay up ~ tablishment on the second 'floor above | HOP one, ques were leit standing. Services were held [something for a rainy day." 7 15'the 'main vests t not one of the |My more byrdens should be put up- lin St. Andrew's hall. Griggs--""True ! But too many wait Br a LR da had itbea [0 the people in the way of rates. ] Sixty members were admitted into Juntil it begins to sprinkle before women who was dancing omit Why should the national government {Membership on trial, in Queen street |starting to do 'so."--Boston Trans- "to have the buttons om her skirt un-| ou enue." | Church, and cleven were received by |soript. - : %. 'Phe slashed costume is all | Ot find new sources of rovemue. jeer from other charges. . |New sources? Where? The com-! The water in the lake is very low. | "Queer Boston man over i Tage, and she tango 1».on all the lo pay all taxes, whether \ Vessels that could reach the long dock [comer T can't wet him intennted § y jatn peop'e pay 8 «180 the foot of Brock street last sum- Praca: = Phillips : - no." ~Sketoch. Spring ! 3 : i Blobbs--"Skinnum is trying to pro mote .4 new mining company. Did you fall for it?" wns -- BIBBYS, Limited 78, 80, 82 PRINCESS STREET. | | Customer (in wusic shop) |f | | | -------- tf J = 0 . : rough tl Be Emerson 1 fellow 2 will not have it, al r i ml on . ut be able to do su this Brooks." up : local col © » season, if the water does not rise. "Tey 2 im." Pi - -- pb ---- = Dill is. bying prepared for the the exchequer. The average tax. | The steamer Pierrepont will make a Post. 8 Wood un him." Pitsburg A 2 RR 'which will end the vicious . : I ana . 3 2 jer § under hig load of start for the islands to-morrow. " ; people _ Sete % bugle, Sua {Fe} yg cation be can stand {, The choir of Sydenham street church, | "f say. old man, 1 need fifty dol- |§ Fresh cut! Flowers, taxes, but for edu forts hg 5 t noon Srl hat Sha a. a little more, pias with the Pam Photographed nts badly and haves't the least idea |'§ Floral Designs, 3 Sprays, 'have f will Ba day, . 3 where to get it." i de Fd : polities of New. York. They should EDITORIAL NOTES. The attendance at the public schools | "Glad to hear it. I thought per- Sheafs for all occasions. p ; s F. J. JOHNSON STRAWBERRIES l- is increa . * rementber that the mayor must do| Germany's war budget--£102,000,000 a haps You had an, idea you could bor- something to make the people talk, |this year--is being challenged by-the °. Guerdon. mn Pagsenger-- "Why are we so late?" 1 i 6 is Yooking away |socialists in the reichstag. They may Clarice Clare in the Christian Adve. . . sul LI Hall and toward delay it8 pessage-as our commons Glad am I that 1 answered not in kind tre Well, sits the rai in th leading Florist, Strawber ries NN : : . gi , . > oN The ov ' Vas nd, an s train was : those who are interested in morals may deln¥ the naval bill-at the lo The uel taunt her envy Hung my behind before besides." 324 KING ST. Pi 1 " & ¥ : : 3 : and reforms, iy - * Years pasted. I met her on the A Few Seed Thoughts. | PHONES: Ineapp es : ci . . * street to-day, e i ~ WILSON'S AL: MESBAGE.| . toreard to say |A sel. lost creature--such we weep| The sympathy vou hesitated to Store 239 Residence 1212 New Carrots The tof the United States n. expert.. comes lorws " ¥ to tind. offer because it was all you had at i eS Si EY that conscription can never be sup hand, wes the thing mest reded by ported in England. It can be at- [Glad am | that | turned aside to speak | Your struggling friend. --0. P. Fits- tempted, without success. No politi: And pressed the hand of one whose | gerald. Ry ts i A : cause had Iailed; cal p WF ve A Te waionista ily: Heartened, he wrought umtil the|Fame is what you have taken, blo at it. but, like tariff reform, they right prevailed; Character"s what you give; are afraid of i. And none might vainly sue whom jus | When to this truth you awaken, A politician in Montreal, a noisy. fol New Beets hae dep from many customs, and seems to be ready to depart from at the outset of his offi- tive seek. Then you begin to live. ~--Bayard Taylor. Spinach, Rhubarb, Boston Lettuce, clared that he had voted once for the liberal party whem he was young. A good many liberals var' boast that they never voted for any but the liberal party, and that they have not low who wanted to make a point, de- Glad am I that | plucked my choicest rose Aud laid it in a sick, child's wasted 5 hand: Smil to join the a Sa sed 1a jo Soll The dropping flower the last the lids o'er close. Farwell Davis died April Mth at his home near Chatterton. He was born in the first concession of Sidney, sev- enty years ago. He was a farmer by occupation. $ A good way to discover that yon don't understand a woman is to 2. Three brick Tomatoes, Celery; Leaf Lettuce 1. Soi] brick. seven rooms, KH and C., furnace, electric Peis, ot 43 x 132. .S3.350 veneer dwell- HENDERSON'S GROCERY, 55-61 Brock st i 1 : G 1 dor all | ey i , i ! ings, near Queen's Univer- In no other country under the sau, a an Ail thew, hut. glaghiee i He a ull iif hei Mn rulhica, sity, 7 rooms ead, BF and C., srs heeRa ea TE TT | except England, are army and navy! For faith, when life's fond hope de-| your living. gas. in good repair; real, officers permitted + on Tetitpment, lo wet; When a man marries it is time I 5 vars "1 \ 7 : engage in a vicious and hurtiul eitic] Por 20w 1 know beyond all there's {im to acquire beter habits. 349 par anuum .... S390 GET OUR PRICES for Tin, Lead, Zine, Babbitt, cis of the national policy and to de |p. sitio higher so fall) 3. Good stone dwelling, along Solder, Sheet Lead, Lead Pipe, ° a higher hk . clare against its weakness. nobly ------ water front, wharf, boat . lords of Great Britain do Paice Relics of Volta Found. fouse, stable, small orchard, THE CANADA METAL go, Limited, very business A number of pieces electra} Tas BIG 0 IK argo lot i.i. alo Factories--TORONTO, MONTREAL, WINNIT-BG. bo nig big apparatus constructed by Volta dur-|} The ing his early © { 4. Brick dwelt ng, good loca tion, 7 rooms, madern SEI50 Money to lean on real estate. | experiments have been discovered recently by Sirl} Norman, a member of thelll Moving away and waat to sel) pariiament, 'who found the{ll wilt bu ail or a portion and { vg, Righest of antique furai- Ture now on. I. l LOCKHART, Clarence and King Sts. "I'hone 135 or 1020. en