How a Retailer Cut Statements Cost Richadr F. Brune, retail groceries and meats, Sawtelle, California, says : " All my montbly statements I now finish in six hours y the use of the adding machine. It formerly took my $16 a week bookkeeper five days to do the same work and then the statements were not always correct. You had a hard time selling me but after I had used it one week I was sorry I hadn't bought it five years ago." A Burroughs Statement machine gets Mr. Brune's statements out on time. Then it does every other kind of figure work--it's busy every day-- worth many times its cost--wonld be " THR DAILY BRITIER WHIG, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 1913. . FHIE000004000000004 0000000 [minutes later when she stepped into ' where Herbert and the living room, " Mr. Henderson were chatting. - . ister," Herbert presented her jwi best society masner. i "Go-o-od evening," gurgled Eliza: j beth, her smile gone, her face the _ Elizabeth all day had been attend- | color of a red peony. Before her was ing to belated Christmas shopping. So a clean shaven face that she has seen when at 5.30 she pushed up the. "L"" fifty minutes before on the "L' steps. steps. she was on the warpath. | Mr. Henderson smiled charmingly. Half way up the stairs & stout, pur- | He did not seem to recognize her. ple checked woman suddenly paused. | Elizabeth realized with hot relief that She jarred several packages from a tired, cross girl on a dim stairway Elizabeth's grasp. Also she jarred 'does not resemble that same girl in packages from other arms. But 'an evening waist, with the cross wrink- Elizabeth being very tired and cross les rubbed out by cold cream and pow did not omar that. [der. Perhaps he need never know. And "liood gracious!" she ejaculated, leven while her nervous lips framed a irritably, and 'stooped to pick up her !polite sentence anent the weather her property. She regained a square box 'anguished eves saw that Herbert had of "initialed handkerchiefs for Aunt !cheekily donned one of the ties. Mary, a brush and comb case for{ It Mr. H recognized it! Uncle James, a book for Mame, and , Presently he looked at it enviously. reached for a long, oblong package Herbert caught the glance and preened that contained three pairs of white | himself. kid gloves, each in a bolly box, for] "Some tie, eh? the three girls who were her most | woman picked that out. I'll tell you intimate friehds, bow 1 happened to come by it." Just then a large brown kid hand "Herbert!" hissed Elizabeth, *1 politely but firmly, grasped the other |think Fanny is calling you. Maybe end of the oblong package. "Pardon mother needs you." me," said a pleasant masculine voice,| "1 didn't hear one," Herbert re "but that is my package." plied calmly. "When Elizabeth was Tindeed!" snapped Elizabeth. "It coming home to-night she got caught happens to be mine!" And she yanked jin a crowd." it from the brown kid grasp. "So did 1," said Mr. Henderson, in "1 assure you, madam, that I just ressed annoyance. '""And a most to you. No cost nor obligation to be shown, in your own office or store, on your own work ; say the word, and we will send the machine, Burroughs Adding Machine Co. D. W. BAXE, - Sales Manager i Bay Street, TORONTO, - - FOR SALE BONG LOTS Stuart St., 33'x 132, $450. Unfon St., 41x132, to lane, $1,100, Victoria St. 33 x 110, to lane, $425, Collingwood St., 53 x 100, to lane, $800. § Earl St, 66 x 160, to lane,$1,000. St.. 33 x 100, to lane, 8300. Livingston Ave., 33 x 132, $450. Collingwood St., 33 x 132, $300 Some good dwellings worth investigation on Livingston Ave., Obarles 8t., Montreal St., Brock St., Victoria St., and other streets. Apply to J. O. Hutton and H. S. Crumley 18 Market St, Kingston. Don't pare it. That's Not the slightest discomfort. One I npatary Anda sip simply forgets the corn. . This invention makes it Don't apply liquids. folly to have corns. A cause Soils, million corns monthly are a Blue-jay plaster, now being removed by it. corn st at Sto nd think of Then 'n Sronderia: hat Rts 7 EDD wax. Why suffer from corns -- s hours the entire corn Why pamper them -- when comes out. 15 cents will end them. A In the picture Is the soft B & B wax. Ttlonsens the corm, B stops the pain and keeps the wax from spreading, c around the toe. [tis narrowed to be cowmlortabis. Bs Fubar adhaaive to (hors tar aed to b Blue-jay Corn Plasters Sold by Druggists -- 15¢ and 25¢ per package Sample Mailed Free. Also Blue-jay Bunion Plasters. (20) Baver & Black, Chicago & New Y wk, Makers of Surgical EE ------------ DOMINION EXPRESS. MONEY ORDERS lr Sn " ; 3 ae rep! dropped it!" worriedly. ill-bred girl -- not to call her by a "And 1 assure vou," snapped Eliza- | stro word--did me out of a pack- beth, "that I just dropped it!" She age of cravats. One," gloomily, "was looked 'up angrily at a clean shaven lo that same pattern; the last the fave set "between a soft brown _ felt [salesman had. | intended them for a hat and a brown tweed overcoat. Christmas present for you, and was "It is my package," he announced, carrying them out because vou can'i firmly and with some anger. bank on the stores delivering any- ** Tié not," declared Elizabeth, "and [thing at this time of the year." I don't care to argue about it. Get "0-0-0h!" Herbert screamed with out of my way!" glre, Elizabeth could have seem him By then the homing crowd behind led off to life imprisonment with joy had waited as long as it had patience. [ "There is the ill-bred giel!™ With .a lurch it shoved up. Elizabeth | He pointed to the crimson-faced girl. was impelled on and she lost sight of {And whem Mr. Henderson understood the impertinent, clean shaven face. the clean shaven face was quite as She was glad to find a free strap and red. I beg vour pardon," he mur standing room just inside the car. mured abjectiy.: "Of course 1 ought to Once through the swaying heads she have known it. was a mistake." got a glimpse of a soft felt hat and "Well, it's all right," said Herbert. tweed shoulders, wherest she scowled ' Herbert was not easily upset. and reflected wearily that it was a! Elizabeth, glancing across furtively, pity the police allowed so many [saw that Mr. Henderson was as suspicious characters to roam about. 'abashed mpd miserable as a man can Arrived in the home living room, 'be. Since%hs was in her own home it she collapsed in a chair and cast her 'was obviously her duty to set him at armiful of packages to the floor. "Next his ease. : year I'll start in July," she assured! By the time dinner was over each the family. "Such a time I' had get- had succeeded. Ry the end of the ting home. And what do you think--"" evening Henderson was saving, "When "Say, Elizabeth," her sister Famny | I come out tomorrow evening, [il advised, "you'd better powder your (bring those snapshots of Rocky Cav- face and get on a fresh gown. ler-jern. It's a lovely place." bert has asked a man out for dinner." | "Say," exasperatedly said Herbert. "I should say you'd better," Herbert {Who had len trying. to get some one advised, 'eyeing his sister with frank |to listen to him for two hours, "did disapproval. "It's Henderson, the [you come to see me or her?' Junior partner, who just got in from|{ "Run away," said Henderson, bland- the: west. And he's a dandy fellow, ly, "and amuse vourself with vour good "looking, polished, and used to [Christmas presents." : ood society. I'd drop through - the | oor if he 'saw you now with your hair straggling 'and your nose red. He'll be 'here in fen minutes." Elizabeth sat up with energy. She had heard of Mr. Henderson. All the irls. were wild after him. She imme- Santely decided to wear her best lace jt. Hut she had to show : her Xo | they 'are credited. « For some days re- Bases. And what do you think? nts : : "A man tried to do me out | POTS have been 'n circulation to the s on or, Ihe oil hoffect that the R. and: O. was about . Sa You Son et he to take over the Canada Interlake 12 openec. OP | line, St. Lawrence and. Chicago Navi- package, a long oblong affair, and dis- : : 4 9 . : "ee gation company, the Hepburn com- ved (three gay holly boxes. "Such " , : vely gloves | ot 1 Iv Why | P20¥, the Lake Ontario and Bay of vey. go EOL. and 'only Y: | Quinte steamers and Jacques line. these are not glovey! . While it is admitted that the merger " "They look Sunskerably like Sty may eventually be rounded off by 0 me: grinn erbert. "J OX- | the absorption of several of these ensive ones at that, Are there three? lines. there is nq immediate prospect ou can give those to me for my | of any but the two last mentioned present. Swell colors! admiringly, | pang taken over this year. However, a2 De srabbey a navy rep barrel with negotiations have been going on with " 3 the Canada Interlake line "There's another package," said Fan- r-- ny, anxiously. "Is that the gloves?" Elizabeth picked it up and untied it, "Three other holly boxes, each hold- ing a long pair of white gloves, "I : : ol Tn never dropped il!" she moaned. "li |fatally, in fighting _ a ie - Nbich was under my arm and this package yesterday destroyed Jeol ouse No was his after all! And now Pye got |2 of Armour & Co., in the Union it! And I don't know his name or Stock Yards. Xi: : where he lives or anything!" The loss on the building and its "What a shame!" chuckled Herbert. contents is estimated at $300,000. "Well, it would be a shame to waste ------ - 5 them, so I'll just wear one to-night." Vaccination in St. Catherines. "You will not!" cried Elizabeth.! St. Catharines, April 8.~As a pre "Not Lill I've tried to find him." But cautionary measure in view of the betore she could regain them them the small-pox surrounding here, the St bell rang and she went upstairs to Catharines Board of Health has de- dress. !'manded compulsory vaccination here Elizabeth might have been very | The mayor will likely issue his pro- tired, but she did not look it thirty | clamation at once. ADMIT NEGOTIATIONS. R. & O. Ofticials Deny Rumors of Wholesale Absorptions. Montreal, April 8.--Richelieu and Ontario officials deny the wholesale absorption of other lines with which Armour's Beef House Burns. Chicago, April B--Four firemen were injured, two of them probably You cam bet no|- Fresh golden loaves of bread -- mother's masterpiece, Can't you almost hear them say: "We'll have to cut some more, Mother!" Eating isn't the loftiest occupation in life, but you, as a good housekeeper, know how a tempting table enhances the love of one's home. To get back to the bread--its goodness depends mainly upon good flour--and the finest flour is just another name for Rainbow Flour. Try it and see what happens to Your next lot of bread. RAINBOW FLOUR. MAKES GOOD BREAD Grocers have it in 7-lb., 14-1b.. 24-1b., s0-1b, and 98-1b. bags and in barrels. Makers of Tillson"s Oats--Rainbow Flour--Star Flour / Canadian Cereal and Flour Mills Limited, Toroate. Canada ure Not make You Bilious We go to Bohemia for hops; one of our partners selects the barley; water is brought from rock 1400 feet under the ground. Not only is Schlitz--every drop of it--fitered thrush white wood pulp, but even the air in which it is cooled is filtered. Before: it is offered to you it is aged for months in glass enameled tanks. cannot cause biliousness. in your stomach. It will not, 1 It will not ferment , Light starts decay cven in pure beer. Darl: glass gives. the best protection against light. The Brown Bottle protects Schlitz purity from the brewery to your glass. More and more people every year are demanding Schlitz. Why don't you demand this pure beer? See that crown or cork is branded "Schlitz." . Telephone Xa 42 Hirked Rigney & 156-138 Princess Simvet, Kingston, Ont. e Beer : Milwaukee Famous. £