N R ORDHEIME -- ee) PLAYER PIANOS Ruy Bt "mp a se tthotin. I TIT MS ARE THE STANDARD OF CANADA OR Nordheimer Player has everything that is commendable to be found in other Players, with a spécial patented *" Human Touch " device added, which is so simple that it has the double advantage of lessening the complication of the mech- anism, while enabling the operator to re- uce the exact Touch and phrasing of the natural hand on the keys. Combine this action with a Nord- heimer * Quality Tone " Piano and the re- sult is a Player Riano which is not only high grade, but is in reality a work of art. Kingston Depot ; . Kirkpatrick's Art Store, 159 Princess St. ! Catalogues on Application. THE NORDHEIMER Pls Co. LTD. HEAD OFFICE, 15 KING ST. E, TORONTO SCHOONER CALKINS IN WITH CARGO OF COAL. Keystone Company Looking For Place For Vessels To Be Laid Up Next' Winter--Movements of Ves sels Reported Along Water Front. The schooner Bertie Calkins, arrived at the Grove lon on Saturday morn- ing at eight o'clock, with a carga of coal from Oswego. The coal is for the Frontenac Coal and Lumber company. Capt. ""Archi¢" Oliver is in command of the Calkins. The steamer John Crerar made pre- ations on Saturday to clear for 1Uswgo to lead coal for Chicago. The steamer Sowards cleared on Sat- ,urday for Oswego to load her second cargo of coal for Kingston. | John Waller, marine superintendent of the Keystone Transportation com- pany, has been spending a few days in the city, making arrangements to have some of the vessels of his company Inid up at this port next winter. i Ihe steamer Alexandria will be on her regular route in a few weeks' time. i The vessel js being put in readiness for the season's work at Picton. . It is expected that the steamer Toil- er will be floated from the dock of the Kingston Shipbuilding company the | middle of next week. The steam is be 'ing installed to replace the gas burn- {ing engines. One of the immense boil- iers has been lowered into the aft hole, and the other one 1s following. The ! engines will be placed when the freight- er is fidated. The steamer Pierrepont, which ran the Wolfe lsland ferry route on Thurs day and Friday, had to land at Craw- ford's wharf on Friday aiternoon on 'account of the storm. She had been mating landings at Swilt's. The steamer Rideau King will com- mence the Ottawa-Kingston Rideau river trips on the first of May. The steamer Pierrepont went to Am- herst Island and Bath on Saturday ,and brought down a large number of passengers. She returned in the after: noon, The steamer Wolfe Islander left the drydock on Friday afternoon after un- dergoing repairs to her wheel. During the time she has been laid up, the steamer Pierrepont replaced her on the island route. The Islander made he trip to the city on Saturday morning carrying one of the largest crowds of ihe season. The steamer Pierrepont made a trip to Amherst Island on Saturday mern- mg and carried a large number of the islanders to the city. There seems to be no reason why the residents of Am- herst Island should remain on the is land for weeks at a time without he- HE D. MARINE CIRCLES... Loyst Case To Be Heard ro PORT TH 5 i Twilight Wednesday. Napanee, April 12.-A marriage of interest to N ans occurred at Hamilton on Monday, March 31st, when John Campbell Clarke, eldest son of the late A. C. Clarke, was married to Miss Marie Ellen Rooks, of that * city. : Mr. and Mrs. Milton Smith leave this week for British Columbia, where t expect to make their home. young men of the town gave a very enjoyable dance in the town hall last evening. Miss Rose Dickens - - - (Continued from page 3 A luncheon was given at the Coun- try Club on, Wednesday. eit Pense, Miss sims Browne, Miss Mur- last week for Vaneouver, B.C. iol. Ring, a ie Gurdon, Misses The trial, Loyst vs Lennox snd Ad- Bessie and Eva Richardsen, s . Wedpesd. - - - ingion wil be heard on ay | The gentlemen of the Kingston Gar- Mra, C. W. Garrison, North Bay, is N%0R Badminton Club are: entertain. visiting relatives in Napanee for , a WE at dinner this cvening at the few days. Mr. and Mrs. P. 0. Berkley Kountry Club in honor of the vis- leave on Wednesday for Morrisburg, iting players from Westmount. where Mr. has purchased 5 i ; ultry farm. Dr. Paul leaves to-day Mrs. Charles Livingston, Barrie r Edmonton. W. T. Gibbard leit street, will receive on Tuesday next {last week for Edmonton. George A. aad not again this season. Guess, ville, East with ! his S of Dalkvis Bs spn} ow b) Mrs. L. C. Lockett, Sydenham street, . will reecive on Monday, April 4th, Tidings From Wellington. and not again this season. Wellington, April 11.--Burley Dimill, | is ill in Toronto hospital of diphther- ia. Hotel Alexandra has been purchas- ed by A. A. Morden, of this place. Andrew Pettingill, who went to the North West to look after some proper- ty purchased there, has returned home. Mrs. William Colliver and daughter, Flossy, have gone to Edmonton, Alta. Mr. Colliver accompanied them as far us Toromto. The streets are now ready to receive the auto tratic as they have been graded and the mud removed, so that they are in fine condition. There is considerable building being done this spring. George Baillie is ill. William 'ockbuirn, who went to Kingston "to undergo an operation, returned home and is now enjoying the best of health. Miss Sarah Bodgily is very ill. = The ice banks still cling to the shore in some places. The Canadian Northern railway company purposes erecting = | station here this summer. A new can Ining factory, known as the Prince Ed- ward Canning' company, is being er | ected this spring here. This will in crease the number to five factories. Mrs. Kenneth Dimill was summoned to the bedside ol her son, Burly, at Tor- onto hospital on Weduesday last. Mrs. H. Dyckman arrived in town from Boston on Friday, and is the guest of her parents, Mv. and Mrs. J. F. Lesslie, William street. Mr. KE. Van Lesslie, King street, left on Thursday for New York. Major C. Bennett, Uniom street, turned on Friday from Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. George Graham arriv- ed in town to-day from Frankiord to visit Mrs. Graham's parents, Major and Mre. James Hamilton, King street. Mr. R. Creighton, of Ottawa, who has been spending a few weeks at the Saint's Rest, will leave on Monday fot Montreal. Mrs. I. T. Richardson, of Ganano: que, spent Wednesday in town. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Givens, Mrs. Emma T. Secombe, Miss Dorothy Hill and Master Henry Hill, Maitland street, who have been spening sever al weeks in Florida, are now in Wash. ington, D.C., and are expected home carly in the week. Nr. and Mrs, Mellis Ferguson, of Guelph, arrived in town on kriday and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mal com Sutherland, Earl street. Mr. and Mrs. George Chiff, who will rive in town. Shiustly fram, Torouts, Sh Se ave rented the house on Wellington Meet and Wed in Three Days. street, now occupied by Mr. and Sire, New York, April 12.~To meet, be in: A. Klugh. > troduced, conduct a courtship, pro The Rev. A. 'I. Mclear arrived pose, be accepted and martied, all with town from Bath on Thursday. in three days, is surely a record well Mrs. Charles Low and three child worth preserving. The principals of ven left .on Thursday for Aylmer this twentieth century romance arc West, where they will visit Mrs. Frank H. Williams, Columbia College, 1,w's parents for three weeks, = he graduate, and son of wealthy retir- f,., going to Hamilton to reside. re in Branches and Agencies throughout the Dominion. ROVERSY. Keir Hardie, to Interrogate Asquith Again. London, April 12.--Keir Hardie will ask Premier Asquith in the commons, on Monday, whether he is aware that the proposal of Mr. Borden to make a loan or gift of threo battleships to the admiralty has become a matter of acule party controversy in the Domin- ion parliament, and whether under these circumstaces he will take the opinion of the eabinel on the propriety of suggesting to the Canadian govern ment the undesirability of proceeding further with the proposal. REWARD For information that will lead to the discovery or whereabouts of the person or persons suffering from Nervous Debility, Fits, Skin Dis- ease, Blood Poison, Genito Urinary Troubles, and Chronic or Special Complaints that cardnot be cured at The Ontario Medical Institute, 363-360 Yonge Street, Toronto, Mr. C. Y. Knight personally directed the develop- ment of the engine in the Russell-Knight "28" engine in For this reason alone the engine represents the most perfeet type of Knight motor that his yet been built. ctive owner lies in the fact that for some years, at least, Russell practice of this to the The Si standard practice in perfecting the high-grade cars that incorporate the Knight Engine. moreover, that such a wonderful eng ine should have been incorporated in the best Canadian ear. great engineering triumph received its first recognition from the world's leading automobile manufacturers. In this, our 1918 car, we know that we are offering to the prospective bu yer a car that, peer in the Dominion, or for that matter, anywhere else. comfort, is without Among the features that ensure perfect comfort are-- ussell-Knight Eng Fel Bot Sire pm Gam Combined Electric Dy front ry for Eadie lighting ing able to reach the city. It is stated i i 5 by the steam boat men that a boat fed pulisnas, and Joautilul Hiss han: makes good money on her trip to the' nis of Bimira EY Williams, Pap island, and for that reason should |Narch 19th, boarded & steamer at make ® trip oitener. It has been i jacksonville, Fla. The first time ho suggested 'that the steamer Wolle Is- boc his future wife was when she lander make the trip once a week 80 lhoarded the same liner at Charles: as to allow the islanders to attend iiown. Both admit it was a case of the market, love at Just sight. Williams lost ne Se ------------ time in ing an introduction. = He Bishop Fallon's Campaign. ru the og and proposal ic London, Ont., April 12.--The results {the same rapid-fire manner, and they of further activity by Bishop Fallon |wers married twenty-four hours after in ha sampaign to, Make Londog one | the host laaried them in New. York. It oremost Ca ic centres in wou e nm sooner but the law Canada became known in an official he b n statement from the establishment in this city of a convention of the Sis- | ters of the Precious Blood. For some days His Lordship has been negotia- ting for the purchase of the residence of the late Dr. Anderson on Ridout street for the purpose of the new or- der here, and iL is expected that the deal will be closed. The Sisters of the Precious Blood . will make vestments and garments for members of all re- ligious orders in this city and districs, including the seminarians from the institution established by His Lovd- ship here. hours between the taking of a license and the marriage ceremony. Loses Jewels Worth $30,000. New York, April 12.--A London spe cial cable despateh says: "The Hon. Mrs. Charles Craven, widow of the Hon. Charles Eric Craven, a brother of the Earl of Craven, who married Cornelia Martin, of New York, lost, for has been robbed of, jewels valu at $50,000, as and notes. The jewels include a Rus- sian tiara set with diamonds, a ruby and diamond necklet, a neck chain set To Queen's Students. with diamonds, diamond hairpins, two Leave your orders at the Whig of jplatinom and gold watches, a dog fico now for paper containing full 'collar set with diamonds, and two examination vesults. Price, 30. a bows sot with diamonds. She offers a Demountable Rims Folding Glass Windshield for the Tear feat. Extengion Top with Side Curtains. Eavelope. ; copy. 'reward of $2,500" to the taxicab driver -- if by any chance she leit the jewels in the cab." ET May Build Conerete Walk. Cape Vincent, N.Y., April 12.--Somae vears ago the idea of a walk to the Riverside cemetery was originated and a fund for that purpose raised in vari- ous ways by citizens, and is now in F.0.B. West Toronto a. © Jeomplicated circumstances the project ------------ 148 Never been perfected and at pres -------------- | ©0{. it has been practically given up. S------ | '[he reason given is the probability of a state road being built within two yvoars, which, when completed, of cowse, the walk will not be needed. One of the proposals to use this fund, now, is to build a wide coment walk from the road to the vault entrance. Thirty Lashes For Desperadoés. Calgary, April 12.--0One year in jail with thirty lashesieach was the pun- ishment inflicted by Magistrate San- ders on Alexander Robson and Peter golf ewes Kellay, So were tonvieted of assault. 8 ng, cing robbing Mike Keating, a For this {lumber jack. The assault and robbery took place in a lane adjoining one of the busiest thoroughfares of the city. Keating was under the amfluence of liquor when he was attacked. White Slave Trafic at Welland. Welland, Ont., April 12.--Mrs. Mil- idred Kahn is in jai charged with bei implicated i slave trafic. Officials claim they have against her, as she was for efficiency and with one spare Windshield for the p Par 3 statute provides a penalty of five years' imprisonment for this of- Liof New Jersey stipulates twentv-four the Cape Vincent bank, but owing to Professor Dall, of Queen's Univer- sity, left to-day for Halifax, whence he will sail on the 8.8. Scandina- vian for his home in Glasgow, Scotland. -- | Miss M. Thernton, who has been visiting Mre. Hulloway Waddell, Un- ion street, left on Thursday for New York and sailed from there to-day on the S.8. Franconia her home in Dunoon, Scotland. - . for "Annan- spend Miss Marie Carruthers, dale," leaves on Monday to several weeks in New York. Miss Marion Redden and her fa: ther, Mr. James Redden, William street, will leave on Monday for At- ilantic City, to spend a few weeks. { Mrs. William Harty, Stuart street, who has been visiting her parents, 'the Hon. J. K, and Mrs. Kerr, in Toronto,/ and Mrs. E. F. Osler, in Bronte, | returned home on Wednes- day accompanied by Miss Naomi Boulton, of Toronto, who will spend several days _ with her. | Mr. and Mrs, A. B. Cunningham, On-gwa-na-da, have joined Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Bermingham at Coron: ado Beach, California, this week, and will not return home until the first of May. Mr. E. H. Pense, who has been vis iting his sisters, the Misses Pense, West street, returned to Ottawa on Thursday. | Miss Etta Ward, Johnson leaves shortly for Syracuse, N.Y, visit her 'sister, Mrs, Stack. Mrs. E. L. Kenny, of Toronte, the guest of her parents, Mr. Mrs. George Young, University nue. well ag $1,500 in gold | Street, to is and ave - » - » A a ' Major and Mrs. James Hamilton, King street, will move on the first of May into the home on Syden- ham street, now oceupied by Mr. and Mrs. Chipman Chappelle. Mr. and Mrs. Chappelle lave shortly afterwards for England, and the Misses Chappelle will go out west to visit their brother. | Mr. A. C. Paterson returned to Lon- don to-day after spending several daysiin town, ' Mr. G. A. Jenkins, B.Sc., the gest of Mrs. R. Davidson, University ave nue, for the past ten dave, hns left for his home in Orwell, P.E.L, where he will remain for a short time before resuming his duties at Charlotte, N.C. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. McBroom, 18 Rideau street, announce the age ment of their second daughter, Reile, to Pr. Clarence Moffatt Craw- ford, B.A., younger son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Crawford, Sydenham street. Hus uiatsinge will take place on April Heroes of Peace. treal Herald, ' is only when a locomotive engi: neer saves a whole train load of pas use sengers by quick action in the face of deadly danger that we to think phon. much = oe him =e ought to be some tangible expression of grat litade ta Engisece John Eastmas, ol the Dutton Manixeal train. ho, with fireman, engme tender, forty feet through a into a swollen river after jamming on his emetgency brake and saving the rest of his train. An action half as heroic in war time would have won him the Vietoria Cross. i i Having drank Red Rose Tea at ROSE next time. RED ROSE TEA IS NEVER SOLD IN BULK, Break the a friend's house or having seen it advertised, you believe it 1s "good tea' and have been intending to try it for some time, but from force of habit you have just kept on using another tea. Why not Break the Habit and order el a RED NO LOCAL OPTION. ACTION TA. KEN IN GANANOQUE. ---- A Mission Circle Concert--Death in St. Catherines of Frederick Emery Formerly of Gananoque. Gananoque, April 12.---The efforts of the young ladies of the Winona mis sion Circle of Grace church were crowned with success last evening at "ve olde folks' concewte" given under their auspices in the lecture room. The attendance was a fairly good one. The young ladips, in habiliments, stylish in the time of their grandmothers' girl- hood days, did the honors of the oec- casion to perfection. The programme all consisted of vocal selections and recitations well known fifty years ago, and made a decided hit. After the programme refreshments were dis pensed by the young ladies. The mem- bership of the circle is less than fifty, but this year it has been raised, for missionary purposes, upwards of $100, The sum of $85 will be expended in furnishing a room, to be known as "the Winona Mission Circle room of Ganaveque," in the new Ruthenian Girls' Home, in Edmonton, Alta, Harmony lodge, No. 15, Daughters of Rebekah, wore hostesses at a fine 'At Home" in Turner's assembly hall, on Thursday evening. The place was packed to the doors, a large number of out-of-town guests being present. Rees' orchestra furnished an excellent programme. The name of Gananogue appears in the list of places suggested by the temperance committee of Leeds amd Grenville, for a local option campaign at the time of the municipal elections in January, 1914. So far a= known up to the present time, no action has been taken here. The board of directors of Gananoque free library met on Thursday evening and discussed several matters of im- portance which it is expected will ma: terializo in the near future. Some 200 new volumés are being added to the library. Word was received by local relatives yesterday, of the death of Frederick 'Emery, son of the late William Emery, of { Gananoque, which occurred at his home in St. Catharines on Thursday, following an illness of about months. Deceased was well here, Ernest Kelsey and sister, Miss Aunnia Kelsey, jeft last evening for St. Cath- arines, to attend the funeral of their cousin, the late Frederick Emery, ol that place. Maple syrup in this section, on ae count of the poor run of sap this sea- son, is the highest priced that it has been for many years. The price ranges from $1.20 to $1.25 a gallon. eight known Owing to ill-health, James B. Cald. well has resigned the secretarvship of the Old Boys' Reunion committee, Lan- ark, and Charles R. Watt has been ap- pointed in his stead. New Record Cattle Price. Calgary, Alta., April 12. -- Calgary yesterday set a mew western Canada cattle sale record for the season when an average price of $202.16 per head was obtained for sixty-seven head dis- posed of. In 1912 the grand average per head was $113, and in 1911 only $08. The highest price paid for cattle of any one breed was an average of $236 for twelve: Herefords. Numerically SRhorthorns were in the lead, forty: nine head bringing an average of $202 per head. Two Aberdeen Angus aver aged $162, and two Galloways $115. An outlook vessel reports mo - ice bergs off Newfoundland' as yet ERAPIO GT Foon h NEW FRENCH REMEDY. Not. No2 Ti Hospitals with real WCCEss, CURESCHRONIC WEAKNESS, DISCHARGES, KIDNEY, BLADDER, UKINANY THEEASES, BLOOD POISON, PILES. EITHER No. DRUGGISTS or MAIL $l. POST 4 CT FOUGERA Co, MI, BEEKMAN ST. NEW YORK or LYMAN BROS TORONTO, . WRITE FOR E& "oak 70 Di Le CLERC Men. Coy Havers tock Bp, NAMM TEAD, LONDON, ENG. TRY NEW DRAGEEITASTELESS) FORMOF magy TO TAK THE ON i. LASTING CURR. SEE THAT TRADE MARKED WORD 'THERAPION' IS ON BRIT. GOVT. STAMP AFFIXED 10 ALL GENUINE PACKETS. CAPT, J. DIX, Awning and Tent Maker 211 Nelson St. i IFN ENERY Give it Fair Play not decide NOW to give Why ZUTOOQ Tablets, the remedy so . ly used for headache, a RH 36 enc trial ? mind If there is any doobt in your as to the worth of these sablets or of their harmlessness, try them and KNOW the truth. Don't sacrifice your comfort on ac. count of prejudice or skepticism. Try the tablets and know. 25c at dealers or by mail apaid. B. N. Robinson & Co. Reg'd "onricook, Quebec, utoo YOUR TRINK- | ETS? | You dou't have to be wealthy fol a will There are -always| Jittle trinkets that your dear | Hones value because they belonged Make sure that the right] persons get these trinkets The Bax Legal Wil Form is in | {tended for both rich and poor for | use by the largest or smallest es. You can exeéute the Bax Le- | gal Will Form in your own home| without the assistance of a lawyer Hin a perfectly legal way Get the! Bax Legal Will Form to-day from | iyour druggist or stationer, or send] 48 prits In stamps or €g and get! {the Bax Will Form together with {isample will and full Instructions | Htelling exactly how to make it out Hwithont an error Address Bax HWill Form Co. Room 242, 280 Col. | {lege Street, Toronto. Sold at Cols! Yilege Bookstore, Kingston { WHO'LL G Many different remedies have beech tried for Eczema and other skin dis. eases But jt i# now Known that the only possible cure is a mild, seothing Hguid made up of Oil of Wintergreen Thymol, Glycerine and other ingred- fents so carefully compounded that each ingredient has its proper effect This compound is now made up in the DDD. viption. Years of suc- cess and thousands of cures show merit of this wonderful compound, but the most convincing proof Is a trial of the remedy by any eczema sufferer ia special large this special joickly the 5 s Fail? DDD. will prove to you that yon ean be cured. The very first drops will give you lustant retinf, You don't even have to pay the reg ular price of $1080 & bottle for we have arranged with the D.D.D. Labbe. atories of Toronto té offer, for a while 25¢. trial bottle. Cet battle to-day and see how ftch will vanish. The ude the Pof DDD. Boap will help. Geo W. Mahood, Princess and Bagot 1912 --HUDSON-- "33" Run Jonly 3100 miles. Tires new, Extra tire, Electric Horn. Slip Covers. Shock absorbers. Brass Bumper. Clock Demountable rims, Chains, Pusto Lite tank. : We will guarantee this car A 'great Bargain for quick MOORE'S WELLINGTON STREET.