"IT DOESN'T- a big profit, . py it a trial. move CEYLON TEA. ~ SEALED LEAD PACKETS ONLY. TERE -- -- 1 i Easier to Use Better for the Shoes leave your dealer But it does leave a [lasting favorable impression upon the palates of all giving "SALADA" ou NEVER SOLD IN BULK, AIO CREDIT FOR YOU AT JOS. B. ABRAMSON 257 Princess St. Our offerings are great in Ladies and Men's Wearing Apparels. Easy as Cash Elsewhere. EN - - - - LADIES. Ladies "Suits, all sizes all styles, prices range from $135 to $20, Ladies' Spring Dresses, all sizes, prices $5.00 to S13.00, Ladies' Silk Waists, all colors. sizes and styles from $2.00 to $5.00. Ladies Rubber Coats, all sizes and colors, prices $6.00 to $12.30. 50 Per Cent. Down, Balance $1 Per Week. Hest English and Scotch Linolenms ag 45¢. per yd. ALL DESIGNS. MEN. Men's Stylish Suits, all colors and styles, ser- ges and tweeds. From $12.00 to $25.00. Men's Rubber Coats, all sizes and prices, $8.50 to $14.00, colors PER Boys' Suits, WEEK all PER WEEK and sizes. Men's Shirts, Ties, Socks, ote. | Se on WILSON'S x eo Ee INVALIDS' PORT A BIG BRACING TONIC "The services that wine venders (0 health are more important han those of any medicine with which 1 aw acquainted." 4 Francis BE. Austie, NM D.. FRCP AFTER a successful battle with fever, operation or accident, vitality is at a ; low ebb-=strength is exhausted and a condition of extreme lauguor and apathy is prone to set in that is regarded with gravity and alarm " by the physician. Wilson's Invalides' Port Wine has been proved again and again by the profession to he wonderfully efficient in restoring convalescence to robust, abounding health and happiness. It spreads an immediate: vitalizing force throughout the boily, producing a feeling of buovancy and relieving depression and melancholy. It re-builds and iacreases the red life-blodd cells and tissues stimulates and restores the netves ~ supports the heart and checks the decline of mental and bodily ; asx YOUR pocror BIG BOTTLE ALL DRUGGISTS Keep the Stub--It's your receipt stub, which is tom off and handed you when 2 use | the Express Css iy re- your money. Eventif you Jose your receipt the transaction can be taced and , the amount of the.lost order will be refunded. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 1913. FINANCIAL NEWS $42,000,000 IN BONDS RAISED BY ST. PAUL RAMMLWAY. Two Billions of Common Cans Were Manufactured by the American Can Company--lLate Commercial News. New York, April 17.--S8t. Paul has raised upwards of $42,000,000 by bond sales since the first of the year, The sale of $30,000,000 43% per cent general mortgage bonds was preceded in January by the offer to CALLED SPEAKER A SHRIMP, A Lively Scene In- Ill'nois House, Springfield, IM, April 17.--Proceed- ings in the Illinois lower house were enlivened yesterday by a personal at- tack upon Speaker William McKinley by Representative Les O'Neil Browne. of Ottawa, during a debate. Speaker McKinley unavailingly call- upon Sergeant-at-Arms Gus Kein, of Ottawa, a. Browne adberent, to force Browne to take his seat. "You wart?! You dirty little shrimp, vou've insulted every member of this house," shouted Browne as he ran down the aisle toward the speak- or Lower stockholders to subscribe at par for $14,000,060 43% per cent. conver- tible bonds. This financing will add $1,980,000 annually to charges, the full effect of which will not be felt until next fiscal year. At present rate ot earnings the added charge will not be a heavy burden. Adde! interest will be over 1 per cent on St. Paul's outstanding common. Two Billions of Common Cans. New York, April 17. --Last year the American Can company produced two hillions of common cans, used in putting un fish, vegetables, soi, fruit, ete. The words "two Billi: 5' sound large, but are much more im- pressive when it is figured that the average tin can of the kind men- tioned is about five inches in height and, using the above figuras would, if laid end to end, reach around the world six times, At an average cost of ten cents per can, 'loaded,' these tins would sell for $20,000,000. Another Big French Loan. New York April 17.-A: large in- ternational banking house has re- ceived cable advices to the effect that the French government contem- plates issuing a loan lof 1,500,000 - 000 francs, ($300,000,000.) Canada Machinery. Montreal, April 17--We under- stand, says the Financial Times, that the output of the Canada Machinery Corporation since the end of its fie- cal year ended June 30th 1912, is 50 per cent, greater than for corres- ponding period last year Net pro- fits for year ended June 30th, 1912, were $105,056, and after bond and interest cherges of $40,543, there remained a surplus of $64,522. Financial News. Allis-Chambers, New York, will start May 15th, with working capital pro bably exceeding S10,000,000, pearly half being in cash. N. W. Harris and company, of Mon- treal and Boston, announces that their offering of City of Hamilton 4% per cent. honds has been all sold. Profits of four per cent. or better on Steel company of Canada common will, it is expected, be shown in the company's forthcoming yearly state ment, Southern Patific company has made application to the railway commis- tion of Caliiornia for authority to is sue $10,000,000 41 per cent. equipment trusé certificates. The Glendale Flastic Fabrics com- pany, of Easthampton, Mass., has in- creased its capital from $902.300 to SL100,000 by issuance of 1,977 new common shares. Canadian Pacific made a new high record for April at M41} in the New York stock market. This was a full $23 a share ahove the low price of last month, and in advance of the lev- el of April ist. Delaware & Hudson's annual report, just published, shows gross earnings of F22480.000, an increase of $1,058, 0, to the highest point on record. Those figures compare with $20,165, 000 gross earned back in A907. The cily of Kdmonton has succeeded in placing a loan of $10,000,000 five per cent. debentures at 95, The loan 18 a size which we believe was neve previously attempted by any city in Canada. The New York Commercial Co., im porters of crude rubber, with connec tions all over the world, filed a peti tion in voluntary bankruptcy. Its liabilities are stated at £3,023,000, its assets as nothing, The Dominion Coal company's out put will not be any larger this year than last, nor will we have any larg- er fleet on the St. Lawrence. Stackholders of the Pacific Gas and Electric company ratified the arrange ment for the issue of $5,000,000 six per cent. debentures. Plans for extension of the Canadian Fairbanks Morse company, include the building of a new eight storey head of- fice building in Montreal this summer. The securities of the Smart-Woaods, I1d., were listed j6u the Montreal stock exchange. 'They represented $1,500,000 of preferred stock and $1,500,000 of common stock. Wiliam I. Gear, Montreal, formerly vice-president, has been elected presi: dent of the Crown Trust company, succeeding the late R. W. Reford. "The.next dividend will be a final sone, and you may say that there will be no dividend this year," was the | announcement at the National Trust company, Toronto, liquidators of the York Connty Loan and Savings. The New York Central has sold £2.- 000,000 gune-year 5 per cent. notes in ithe London market. The proceeds are understood to go for gemeral corporate Hf purposes. The fiscal year of the Westinghouse Flectrie and Manufacturing company ended with March, 1913. A record is expected in gross earnings, these fig- | Hures being cstimated at more than 1 $40,000,000. i Net profits of the Canadian Northern { Prairie Lands in 1912 amounted to | 48232,004. Of this $180,000 was ahsorb- el in the payment of two hali-yearly After several moments of confusion, during which every member of the house was on his feet, Browne was prevailed upon to return to his seat. POLICE CHIEF FINED For Making Man 'Move On" Smith's Falls. Smith's Falls, April 17. --Chief Police Philips has had difficulty late in keeping men from congregating on the street comers and in front of certain places of business, to the aanoyance of passers hy, especially ladies. On Monday he overreached his au: thority and. got himself into con siderable trouble. R. P. Green was sitting on the rail ing in front of Ralinson's tobacco store, on Beckwith street, when the chief reached for him, jerked him to the sidewalk and them told him to keep off the railing. In police court, yesterday, the ma- gistrate found that the chief had exceeded his rights and imposed a fine of $1 and costs. In ol CHEQUE GAME PLAYED, Morris Trickey Had Namber of Blank Cheques. Brockville, April 17.--Morris key, hailing from Watertown, N.Y, found himself in the hands of the police shortly after he hadl attempted to discount for $25 a cheque in his tavor for $150 given by his brother, who is said to reside at Lansdowne. The manager became suspicious and the arrest followed. A numbet of blank cheques: were found in Trickey's possession, also one partly filled out, \ man answering the prisoner's des cription is said to be wanted in Wa tertown, N.Y., on a similar charge, and the authorities there have communicated with. been Sparkling Water. Water is best for the man of hialth, "Twill keep his strength secure; Water gs best for the man of wealth, "Twill keep his riches sure. Water is best for the feeble man, "Twill make his health improve; Water is best for the poor I ken, "Twill make his wants remove. Water for those who are growing old. "Twill keen them hale and strong; Water iz best for the young and bold, "Twill make their moments long. Water is hest for the man of toil, "Twill make his labor light: Water is hest for ladies who soil Not a hand from morning till night Watkr is best for the man of strife, "Twill make his anger slow; And for him who leads a life "Tis the Water is best for the man of state, "Twill keep his judgment true; Water is best for those who wait His high commands to do. drink peaceful very best drink 1 know. Water, pure water's the for man, Its fountains the full and free! Others may drink '"'fire water" can, Pure water's the mectar for me! who Water is best in cold or heat, At morn, or noon, or night; "Tis the only drink that "can't beat,' Clear, healthful, sparkling, bright. be ABOLISH THE PLAY CENSOR Parliament on Record as Favoring the Innovation. ' London, April 17.--The House of Commons unanimously accepted, last night, a motion in favor of the aboli- tion of the censorship on stage plays It is rather doubtful whether any leg islation will result," because, al though the authors oppose the censor ship, the theatre managers generally favor it, and the public are rathe apathetic on the question. The government deprecates any change in the existing system, but has announced that it would leave the matter to the unfettered decision of parliament, ------ Premonition of Death. Watertown, N.Y., April 17.--Thom- as Dillon, aged sixty-four, died Tues day night at his hame No. 629 State street His wife died mm January. At that time Mr. Dillon made the us sertion that he would be dead before May lst and asked that her body be kept at the city vault until his own could be placed beside hers. A Victim of Apoplexy. . Watertown, N.Y., April 17.--Dr. Par- ley H. Johnson, sixty-four, of Adams, dropped dead in the station here a few minutes after alichting from a train. Death was due to apoplexy. dividends at the rata of 12 per cent. per annum, leaving the balance to hej carried forward. ¥ Anplication has been filed at Vancou- | ver hy rene company of Chicago Has & com ry order i fe 1 company has a capital 3 D00.000, and is a manu- facturer of pulp and paper, its plant {being situated 20 mmles north of Van- couver. : 17 ~The second i to sulted in about $11,000 being sub! scribed, bringing the total to date 'to $133.00, Dr. Jobmson was a member of the local Pension Board and was on his way to attend ome of its Testings. Must Pay For Her Parasols. Paris. April 17.--Princess louise, of Relgium, was condemned by the leivil court to pay $770 jor a dozen parasols she had bought between May ith and July Sth, 1911, ane for each of twelve dresses. The most ex- pensive parasol cost $140. Collingwood Extends Call. Collingwood, April 17.--At a mest of the congregation of the Colling- wood Preshyteri church, it was unanimously 4 to extend a call to Rev. D. W. 8, Urquhart, Listowel, fo assume the vacant ministry, ol 4 | PAGE FLEVEN. EEE _ Look for this mark iumg% hosie Rodiungghusiery on the toe) UB-rub, rub-rub, rub-rub, up and down, down and up-- against the heel of your shoe or the sharp ribs of a washboard. A stocking has to have stamina to stand treatment like that. Radium Hosiery has reinforced soles and is 4-times reinforced at heel and In liste, silk mixtures and silk for men and women Perr Wholesale toe to resist just that kind of usage. this adds weeks of wear, and means also that *' hosiery *' list so often. Despite the unusual strength and serviceability of this hosiery, the thread-like texture is $0 fine and sheer and soft as to look smart and dressy on the feet and feel cool and comfortable to the skin. Radium Hosie n Freres & Cie Reinforced i fo stand rubbi ng and tubbing Naturally, will not appear on your shopping Mentrea Yy 90¢ and up ~~ ater is Canada -E588D Cook qudnent Tillsosis Oars ES #7 A MUSCLE- BUILDING FOOD Growing youngsters work hard. They need food that is nourishing --food that satishes the hunger and digests easily. Nothing ls better for them "than Cowan's Perfection Cocos. Groasd from the fresh Cocoa Beans, it has all the food value of pure Cocos. It builds up the muscles and makes children healthy and strong. § A cup of Cowan's made with half or one-third milk is a properly balanced food -- one that the most delicate stomach can digest. And itis so delicious that it tempts them some NM, the appetite when all other foods fail. 5" \ A - THE COWAN COMPANY, LIMITED YOUR GROCER HAST TORONTO, ONT,