The British Whig blished Dally and Bemi-Weekly by BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING ©0.,, LIMITED, A, Gulid.. «Managing Director ~Treas. (Dally Edition) year, Jeliveled in City far if paid in advance . by Pade to United | States --- a Three Months, pro rata. Your (Se; 1. Wepkly Edition.) mall | One Year, to United States - {Six an d Three Months, pro rata. i Litaen Printing ces in Canada. i 24500 rural offices & 30 is one of the best Job ago another woman, a native of France, coming to America with her husband and family, was separated from them as the Titanic sank. She did not see her children again until she reached New York, Then there was reunion of mother and girls. But the father and husband was missing. In great distress the woman appealed for assistance tp. the steamship com- pany and managers of the relief fund, and failed to extract from them a dent. These cannot join, on this anniver- sary of the accident, in praise or thanksgiving because of the help giv- en to the suffering and bereaved ones. Great events, attended with loss of life, excite the pity and compassion of the multitudes. Usually the response is equal to - the emergency. But in and through the Titanic disaster many have walked through deep waters, and are still wading in then, metaphori- cally speaking. The contributions which have been made should be ap plied, (1) to the helpless and the pen- niless, and (2) to the rich, demanding indemnity where there are funds which' can be used for the purpose. DENTAL, WORK IN SCHOOLS. Medical inspection of school child- ren, now so well regarded, was a one time, and mot so many vears ago, looked upon with grave suspicion. When Prof. Knight, of Queen's Uni RONTO REPRESENTATIVE: Smallpeice Ch 225 Fifth Ave, Office Fedak R. Northrup, Manager. Trib Bl ani R. Northrup, Manager. uy. mo GETTING WISE. ii A great deal has been said, un- sittingly, about the age of an in {hured person, and the manner in which a claim for insurance should 'be: treated when, the policy matur- ing, adjustments must be undertaken. A confemporary, for instance, dis- cussing the McKeown Lill, warms the people to secure from the insurance icompanies a certificate of acceptance of age or decline to insure. "It is Jhothing short of sharp practice," it 'is added, "for a company to hold up {unsuspecting beneficiaries by raising 'objections and endeavoring to forge 4 compromise on what is simply a jtechnicality. " { Which is simply nonsense, say the least of it: A person insures his Jlife at a certain rate, and this rate japplies to a risk at a certain age. {There is nothing haphazard about it. «Mathematically and scientifically out an avnual definite pre is pecossary in order to guar the payment of a definite and Jute amount at death or maturity the policy. 5 oh is the privilege, and it is the duly, of the insured person to suly mit correct data as to age. It be- éomes part, and a fundamental fea- ture, of the contract. The insured is asked about his age particularly, and he is invited at any time after he receives his policy, and repeatedly, in the literature of the pany, in notices as to his premium, to give authentic mformation with regard _his age, and to secure an admis- im of the fack, . If one fails to act on this advice, and ignore the wamings of the company, and the claim matures, who is to blame if, through an error in the age, there has to be an adjust ment of fhe benefit ? The beneficiar- es have no grievance, and no ground for it. They receive all the insurance . to The insurance men have made out a good case, before the legislature, and the legislators, on the subject of insurance, have learned a good deal incidentally. . HEROISM NOT REWARDED. | | versity, asked, as an experiment, to be 'allowed to examine the children, medically, of our schools, and with the consent of the board, objection was taken, Tt was argued that the parents would never stand for an invasion of the field which should be reserved for the family physician. The objection was waived aside as un- reasonable, and Dr. Knight went on with his work, It is on fyle with the school board, or its secretary, and one can recall the revelations to which it led. The children, many of them, were needing attention, and. they continued to need it, because there was not the ma- chincrv or routine by which he con: diti 5 of the children would be press- person, YER DAILY BRITISH WIG, from the head down, wants recoganiz- It is expensive to arrest the'wrong on @& serious chargé, as the Brantford police and their physician have discovered. They picked up a young woman and charged her with a child's death. She established her innocence and gets n verdict of $l, 500 and costs. Forty rosy-cheeked European girls have landed in Montreal en route to our west and to join the Mormon settlement. | They are looking for good homes and will probably get them, and will have a taste - later of polygamy as it ig practiced in Can- The Marconi scandal would not a mount to much in Canada, where stock deals, of a questionable kind, are of frequent obcurrence. But over in England it is an awful- event. Lioyd-Geosge could mot suffer more in publi¢ talk if he was on trial for treason. The three naturalized Russians who were detningd when they went back from Canada, on a visit to their na- tive country, can expect little sym- pathy. Why didn't they stay Canaddn when they were in it and en- joy to the full the liberty it gives to every subject of the king, barring the elosure. ----------. answered Winston Churchill's appeal for a naval or military holiday. It is to devote a "war levy" of £52,000,000 to special military measures, to raise the peace strength of her army from 660,000 men to a figure of between 825.000 and 900,000 men. Of course Ger many may say that it plans and car ries oul its 'policies without refer ence to the policy of any nation. The chancellor of Germany is cer tainly not taking his advice Churehill. PUBLIC OPINION (Germany has from ed upon the parents, and p d un | til the treatment was applied. The romedy came when the medical men of 'the city, in a genereus or chiv- alrous spirit, agreed to co-operate with the Board of Education and to give such personal aid as would lead to the complete success of the scheme. The appointment of a nurse followed, and now the: schools, and the child ten, are free from all physical de- fects which can be treated. One thing remains to be done: Some; arragjoment must be. entered into eventually that will correct the usual defects of the children, and it may be that the necessity of it must be demonstrated by an object lesson. In Woodstock a dentist, as an act of philanthropy, and after the ner of Dr. Knight, asked for per mission to examine the teeth of the children. He meant to visit one school, but before he (finished his work he visited several and examined altogether 468 children. He talked with each class about the inspection, and the results in, each case wery man | That's Right. Windsor Reeord, If Canada is to have a parliament- ary' closure it is appropriate to have it introduced by a conservative gov- ernment. Saved By Poverty. Chicago News. Poverty has saved 'the life of many a young fellow ~ who would have bought = himself a shotgun or a sail- host' if he' only had bad the money. Can't Imagine it. Ottawa. Free. Press. They're boiling the water in Toronto too. One wo s if it would be be neath the dignity of a Toronto citizen to grab his demijohn and' run round the corner after the pure water carts as we do here. Had Noticed That. Toronto Star. The Khan. is quite right when he says to-day that the trees love the girls who walk in their shade. Did you ever notice that a tree never looks so well as when there is a pret- ty girl with it ? 4 The Packers Busy. communicated to the parents, so that through this free clinic a great and: invaluable service was rendered. | In examining the mouths of the children, the teeth, gums and mucous membrane were all considered, - so, that a child might be marked good | because it had a clean tongue and healthy gums, oven if the child had a few cavities, while a child with a coated tongue and foul mouth, al tho the teeth were sound, might be uh, th as "condition bad." he fair, exhibit was this: Good, 99; 144; bad, 235; abscesses, 103; per. a decayed teeth, 576; teeth lost, 132; first teeth decayed, 1,967; maloclusion, 61; enlarged tousils and adenoids, 215; dental treatment other than extraction, 22, or five per cent.; not needing dental treatment, 35, ot 7 per cent.; needing dental treatment, 93 per cent. This is suggestive of what might happen in Kingston under similar cir- cumstances. The nurse says that many children need dental care. It must come sooner or later, city, Buffalo Times. The beef barons have long arms out and. if the le are not alive to the situation they are likely to wake up after all to find themselves flimflam- med and meats can safely lodge upon the tarifi wall in such a way as to {it the big packers to fight successfully the smaller houses in scores of Ameri- can Cities. Municipal Economy. St. Thomas Times. Johr Purroy Mitchel, president of the board of aldermen of New York states that the new efficiency bureau is going to cut down the city's pay rolls several million dol lars. He points out that in scores of instances persons doing exactly the same class of work receive great ly varying salaries. ' Effect of Bible Study. Ottawa Journal A steerage passenger on the ocean liner St. Paul, after ol the Bible i walk on the sea. They picked him up again but he died from the shock. And that just after a ee ible all ill be widely read. Kingston Events 25 YEARS AGO. Australia stands by the maval pol icy to which it agreed at the time of the imperial conference in 1911. Canada can wobblusas it likes, for the present, but eventually it will have to got back to where Australia now Cues maple syrup is-gelling at eigh- ; cents a gallon. Many fifteen cents a pound. Police Magistrate MeKim visited Portsmouth, and heard Wise and "Otherwise bad x the \/ and all - between wet land roads the farmers have had worry they want. Few of my friends have any of then New Year resolutions to the good. No wonder the women want tg vote when they see the mess the men are making of ot down at Ottawa. It is charming toaIX except when you have to. Elixir of Life. The elixir of life lies in one's ideal. Ii the ideal is high cnough and fa enough from our present achievement and really true, it will furnish the wine of youth with each "advancing year. -- Frank W. Gunsaulus. Why She Did It. "Why does Miss Screecher close he eyes when she sings? "Perhaps she has a tender heart.' "1 don't quite understand." L "Maybe she can't bear to sce how we sufier."'--HBoston Post. All-Round Maa. "Does he belong to the aw?" "Yed, indeed; he's one of the phers."' Le] ADEA OF MAR- RAGE ? I hold it truth, whate'er the cost (It hasn't cost me much as yet), "Tis better to have loved and lost, Than loved and won a sufiragette. Wholesale Recreation. We want to bave prosperity, but in order that prosperity and material gain shall not prove a curse instead of a blessing we must do all we can to promote the refining influences of life --proper means of recreation; wholesome enjoyment, the cultivation of those capacities for delight ana pleasure which alone make the gains soul.--Charles E. Hughes. The Ginger Jar. Willie--*"Paw, what is science *"' Paw--"Paying 1913 prices things out of a 1906 salary, son. domestic for my "Do take care, waiter; Jou' ve your thumb in my soup! Waiter : "Oh, don't worry; it ain't very hot!" got "Bah !" exclaimed the "money Is a filthy lucre." "Well. I've done the best 1 could to-day.' replied the man who dabbles in stocks." "I've cleaned up a thous: and dollars." What They Find. "Do von remember," asked the man who always stops you on the street corner to talk about nothing at all, and about an hour; "do you remem- ber when appendicitis was first dis covered and the doctors threw such a scare into people that everybody stoned eating grapes ?"' The doctor grumted something might be taken for anything. "1 remember. You doctors were al ways finding grape seeds and peanut shucks and binder twine and all sorts of junk in the appendix But I guess you were wrong, hey ? You don't of- ten find any foreign substance there vow do you?' "Yes." "You do? socialist, that What ?" There's my ecar--good- | | of prosperity a blessing to the human} FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 1913. Our New ) Spring Shoes %. | BIBBY'S LIMITED |p, ke: Great Shi Tooke, Crescent and Stat Brand $1 00 3nd $1.25 Shirts for TELE 69c Noat Black au White, Blue and White, Mauve and White, Stripes, Plain Blue, Plain Mauve, Plain Green, Plain Tan, All new 1913 goods. $12.50 uit Sale .\ clothing clean up. We are going to offer 100 Men's Suits that were made for another Clothing House, but for some reason they de- cided to go out of Men's ( lothing. «These Suits were paged -- $15.00, $16.50 and $18. Sizes 34 to 44. Tomorrow they go on shle for $12.50. 1913 Models. New Fabrics. Rich colorings, Now Tans, Bronzes, Grey and Browns. BIBBYS, Limited 78, 80, 82 PRINCES SS STREET. Fresh cut Flowers, | Floral Designs, Sprays, Sheafs for all occasions. F. J. JOHNSON'S the leading Florist, 32¢ KING 8T. PHONES : } Br ad Residence 1212 The Renown of our English Breakfast Tea 1s as' strongly founded as the rocks in the sea. Lovers of a drink of good tea find that this ' . . +n . tea gives genuine pleasure and satisfaction. Moving away and want to sel! voy aWerte? en =e me rv will buy all or a portion and {ISAAC ZACKS pe hiwnest price. of antigue furai- ture now on, LL. LESSES 507 PRINCESS STREET. We have something just suited for fine spring wear, priced to meet all demands. See our new serges, tweeds and worsteds at $6.50, $8.50, $10, $13, $15, $18 and $20. Boots aud Shoes, Shirts, ete. Hats, Caps, 271 PRINCESS ST. Ne § A FOR SALE ------------AC The price is reasonable 4@g per 1h. HENDERSON'S GROCERY, 59-61 Brock st. The Store of Quality i. Bold brick, séven rogis, B. | \ and C., furnace, electric lights, lot 43 x 132. .$3,350 . Three brick . veneer dwell |i ings, near Queen's Univer- i sity, 7 rooms cach, B. and C., | in good repair; reat, |3. Good stone dwelling, along water front, wharf, boat house, stable, small orchard, GET OUR PRICES for Tin, Lead, Zine, Rabbit, Solder, Sheet Lead, Lead Pipe, THE CANADA METAL CO, Limited, Factorico=~TORONTO, MONTREAL, WINNIPEG. gas. $540 per anyum .. Brick dwelling, good loca- | tion, 7 rooms, modern $2230 || Money to loan on real estate. || T. 1. LOCKHART Clarence and King Sts. 4. Jal FE a "RAWFORDS