Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Apr 1913, p. 12

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THE DATLY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, APRIT, 23, 1913. a 2 VILLAGE OF NEWBURGH. Foundry Roof Required the Atten- tion of Firemen. Newburgh, April 19-Miss L. Gan- dier successfully, passed her examina- tions. in Toronto as deaconess. The amateur club gave a reproduction of | "The District School," in Kinch's | Hall, Camden Fast, to a good ans dience. Mrs. Hyslip, Toronto, or zanizer of the W.U.T.U,, gives a lec Chicago, April 22.--Fee splitting ure in the Mathodist church, Nea arrangements between physicians # } ; § A wYenin. m Fn an : and sanitarfums, based on the bar- 1 * i et 3 f - S wt was a social anc nea ter of babies, were revealed before ie io 4 4 5 £ A 3 #3, x the General Assembly committee ap- 3 . ' Miss Elsie Moore was forved I | orn | YOUNG MOTHERS DISPOSE OF INFANTS BEFORE RIRTH. Sign Away Rights--Sanitariums and Physicians Split Fees and Say De- mand for Newly Born Babes Exceeds the Supply. Ba eal POSITIVELY TH Et The People are the Rest Judges of merit in the long run. That's why Comfort Soap outsells vivals, suce- i inv natornity sign her work as teacher at oll CD imigte matarnit vall, owing tu ill-health. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman, railway agent, spent Sunday at Hartlogton. Quite a sw of the farmers have planted po atoes, while others are seeding. Edward and W. D. M. Shorey and to the sanitarium and revealed that Mr. Palmer, Belleville, spent #Sunday Ohicago 4s a clearing house, for Sed : Like at Mrs. J. Shorev's. Misses E. and foundliings throughout the Middle : 3 ; " > oS ox] Md. Husband spent the last few days West. i at their home here. The former The committee was told that eaves for Saskatoon on Tuesday to mothers disposed of their babivs be- teach school for the summer. ferd birth, signing a contract-ja Earl Perry and Miss Muriel which they agree to never see said ock, of Wilton, were Sunday visit child, but do release and abandon ors at their uncle's, A, Perry. Mr it forever." The legislators were md Mrs. PF. Balvoek and wife, of fuformed that babies were shipped Wilton, visited a few days with her out 'of the state when only a few a »arents, Mr. and Mrs, Hemry Stor ~ ~ hours old and their mothers were ¢ THE LATEST GREATEST LINER. employed to nurse the infants of the ealthy: dont of. 'umterity Cunard steamer Aquitania, launched in Glasgow this week. She is 17,000 tons gross and 930 feet long, Supe y y G Britain. In appo {ury s w p is homes admitted they kept no re- the largest ship ever built in Great itai n appointments and luxury she will rival the sunken Ti cords; that once a child was sent away there was nothing by which the infant could be traced. i "But don't you ever inquire how these bales are treated; whether they Nve or die?" inquired Chairman Curran of Dr. Charles S. Wood, of the Union Park Maternity Home. "We keep mo records at all," he replied, The testimony brought out the fact that cighty-five per cent. of the pat- jents in the maternity hospitals were from out of the state. The heads the homes said they advertised ex- tennively that they had "babies for adoption," but that such adventise- ments are blinds. They said the Jemand for babies exceeds the supply. Dr. Wood said that in twelve years 1 Mave been 665 patients in his He said he spent $1,600 in advertising, mostly in farm pubs He charged patients from $100 to $300 each, he said. Dr, F. W, Briney, supenintendent of the Anna Ross sanitarium, .testi- su that there were eight mothers bables in the sanitarium, the tion as hard as they fought tanft Shand Sharyn in sath Sase being }, form, They recogmize this, and sent 0 He sort are already organizing to this end. he naid $20 to the physician for each patient sent to him. "At least two out of three cases are from other states," he said. The witness it was a simple matter to 'rid of the babies left by young at the "home." "We have calls for three times as we can give away," homes and institutions whére chil- dren are kept. The testimony disclosed an agree- ment by which the physician recom- mending a maternity home to a girl receives one-third of the money paid Black Tea is our specialty It's the best for you. Be sure it's LIPTON'S TEA Try the Grey Label Blend, 40c per 1b. Bah Souci: od pdr ns bY The fire brigade was called into wtion on Friday afternoon to ex- tinguish a fire which had made con- siderable headway on the roof of the foundry. Your Hair Needs | Parisian Sage Use It As a A BioFalling ish Dandruff--Stop Falling Hair and Scalp Itch. the delightful Have Your Footwear Wants Been Attended to Madam ? Oxfords, Pumps, Cloth-top Shoes, White Shoes and Boots, in fact nothing has been overlooked or omit If you have WANT THE GARBAGE MAN. NOT ONE IMPROVED MORGAN'S FAITH CONFESSION. On Record in Will--Few Bequests ol . Public Nature. New York, Apri 22. "I commjt my soul into the hands of my Saviour in full confidence that, hav- ing redeemed it and washed it in His most precious blood, He will present it faultless before the throne of wy heavenly Father; and I en- treat my children to maintain and defend, at all hazard and at any cost of personal sacrifife, the blessed doctrine of the complete atonement for sin through the blogd of Jesus Christ ounce offered, and through that alone." This 4s the extraordinary -and striking utterance which begins the last will and testament of John Pier- pont Morgan. The will of the late J. P. Morgan The Police Have Only To Receive the Complaints. The constables at the police sta- tion are besieged with requests all day long from citizens who want the garbage man. Some citizens have an idea that the police are regulating the garbage system, and that they have a man ready to answer al calls The police have no power whatever in the matter. Their duty is simply to take the orders given, and place then in a book at the police station for William McCammon, and this duty they are carrving out in an able manner. On Tuesday morning one citizen was very angry at one of the sergeants because his garbage had aot been taken away. The po- lice can do no more than notify the proper authorities. Of Forty-Nine Friedmann Patients Examined, Montreal, April 22.1 have exam- ined forty-nine of Dr. Friedmann's pa- tients in New York, and not one show- any signe of having been cured of tuberculosis. 1 am sorry, because it | would have been a great thing for the world." This is the verdict of Dr. Caravinelli Anthony, a medical research man of considerable distinction, who has re cently arrived in Montreal. PARISIAN Sage, and invigorating hair tonie, is a true hair nourisher, It penetrates into the scalp, gets to the roots of the hair, kills the dandruff germs, and supplies the hair with just the kind of nourishment it needs to make it grow abundantly. Since its .introduction into Can- ada PARISIAN Sage has had an im- does not mention the estimated. mense sale, and here are the rea- value of the estate Outsiders have J sons: placed a minimum value on the Mor- It does not gan realty, insurance and stock hold- | sugar of lead, ings of $40,000,000, and of $60,000, | sulphur or any 000 on his art collection. ient. There are twenty specific bequests It cures dandruff in two weeks by amounting to $16,565,000, of money | killing the dandruff germ. given outright or in trust, in addi- It stops falling hair. ted in our big range of Shoes for ladies. tion to a year's salary to each em- It promptly stops itching of the ploveyot I. P. Morgan and Co. of jscalp i your mind set on any particular style of shoe come in this city, and J. 8. Morgan d Co., It makes the hair soft, glossy and .f : . op >. ee Te A ee XT : lossy and ask for it, We haveit, or if undecided, we can bold servant, not otherwise provided It gives life and beauty to the for, and a $1,000 piece of silver to | hair. each member of the Corsair Club "as It is not sticky or greasy. a token of my personal affection." It is the daintiest perfumed hair Fight Coming on Conscription. London, April 22.--The campaign in favor of conscription is still being prosecated ' with considerable vigor, and in the near future a serious at tempt will he made to commit the conservative leader to the new pol ey. Sooner or later the workers of the country will have to fight conscrip- Togo is Pranioted. Tokio, Japan, April 22. Admiral Count Heihachiro Togo, the naval hero of the Russo-Japanese war, has heen promoted to admiral of the fleets contain poisonous nitrate of silver or| injurious ingred-| New Police Magistrate. Winnipeg, April 21.--A. IL. Bonny: castle, deputy provincial secretary, has been appointed to the position of provincial police magistrate. Rritain's £200,000,000 Budget. London, April 22.--Lloyd-George will bring" forward a budget of £200,000,- 000 this week in the British parlia- ment. Of this the items for the army and navy are £28.220,000 and £46, 309,000 respectively. Three Perished in Prairie Fire. wedding took place on easily please you from our wonderful assortment. Read's Roman Catholie when and A quiet Monday at church, Tyendinaga township, Joseph McWilliams, son of Mr. tonic made. mothers nothing babies away, but we earns in nursing." Seiling, Okla, John Leslie, his wife and their son, were burned to death when overta- ken by a prairie fire. Mrs. Joseph McWilliams, and Miss Agnes Leveck, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick lLeveck, Corbyville, were married. April 22. Rev. Mr. Morgau's great art collections go to his only son, J. P. Morgan, jr., with the expressed wish that he carry out the father's intention which the father had not time to put into effect, "to make some suit. It is the best. the most pleasant and invigorating hair dressing made. Made only in Canada by The R. T. Booth'Co., Ltd.. Fort Erie, Ont. The price is only 50 cents at drug stores able disposition of them or of such |*nd counters where toilet goods are! portions of them as I might deter- | Sold. mine which would render them per- J. B. McLeod guarantees it. manently available for the instruc. - . -- tion and pleasure of the American . i Ci = people." J. P. Morgan, jr. gets $3,000,000 outright and all of the residuary es- tate. His three sisters each receive $3,000,000. To his widow, Mr. Mor- gan willed an income of $100,000. She also has the use of the city and country homes. There is $600,000 left in trust to the trustees of the diocesan conven- tion of New York. The income of $500,000 goes to St. George's church, and the income of $100,000 for the establishment and support of missionary stations of the Pro- testant Episcopal church in this state, preferably within the Arch- deaconry of Orange. . MACKENZIE CLAN TREKS. The Home of Good Shoes JH. SUTHERLAND & BRO. | pe ge Party Migrates From Oklahoma to Western Canada. Winnipeg, April 22._Among the new arrivals into western Canada is 4' most unique party composed of thirty-five Scotchmen, a portion of the MacKenzie clan, who have migrat ed from Oklahoma. These newcom- ers, who all bear the name of Mac- Kenzie, are descendants of those members of their clan who came to the American continent with nf ow Monotony of Woman's Work without warning. Some ofthe signals of dan- ger are tired feelings and a disinclination to attend to the duties of the day; nervous head- aches, feelings of depression and discourage- ment, nervous indigestion, neuralgic and sciatic A 5 -- pains and general lack of energy and ambi- it is often mtaotyny hat Weds down sie tion. Some women become hysterical and have Tn Doing the same thing day spells of crying. Others are peevish and irri- : p hE a wearing and depressing affect table and easily upset by a little extra strain eArIng or excitement. both body and mind. y Some patience and perseverance is neces- It is easy for doetors to advise change of aay in the. treatmt of di oF tho nerves, but you will not be using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food long before you can note signs of improvement, and will be encouraged to keep up the treatment until thoroughly eured. re rome 6 How is. the woman with the eares, worry and work of a home to get well when she feels thit her strength is being overtaxed and that nervous prostration is slowly but surely ereep- ing upon her ? Baltimore 200 yegr§ ago. At that time they settled fin the State of Maryland and remained there and prospered as farmers for 175 years. Twenty-five years ago a portion of then), attracted by the new territory which had been opened up in West- ern Oklahoma, went. to that state, where they remained until now. Norman MacKenzie, the leader of the party, states that they left Okla- homa owing to faliire of their crops for the past five years. During this period they have lost their crops through drought and grasshoppers each year. They now, intend locat- ing in the district northwest of Ed- montoRs. They Aare the forerunners of another Th.or 80 families of the same clan who are still in Oklahoma, but anticipate following. $2,300,000 IN PRESENTS. Everyone Showering Gifts on the Kaiser's Daughter. London, April 22. The prepara- tions for the wedding of Princess Victoria Louise the kaiser's daugh- ter, to Prince Ernest of Cumberland, give promise that it will. be one of the most brilliant ceremonies ever seen in Europe. The galaxy of royalties to be pre- sent will include the kaiser and kaiserin, the king and queen of Groat Britain, the czar of Russia. the king and queen of Italy, Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, the king of Denmark, gpd probably the kings of Roumania and Norway. The value of the wedding presents is entimated at $2 500,000, The kaiser's gifts to his daughter include jewelry of hiv own designing. The bride also will receive costly gifis from all the royalties of Europe. Many German cities have voted sums up to $50.000 for wedding gilte. . oe x Perfect Comfort in Underwear The disadvantage to low cut vests has always been that the straps slip over the shoulders. Every woman is familiar with this annoying feature and will re- joice in the perfect comfort.of Cumfy-Cut Vests. The straps of Cumfy-Cut Vests are so knitted that there is absolutely no tendency to slip. Cumfy-Cut Vests and Union Suits can be obtained under the femous Hygeian or Peerless brands. They are tailored to fit the form perfectly, a quality imperative with present day attire. ment 'has ever proved more satisfactory un- der. these conditions than Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. : ~~ rs Sawin Mastin, Ayer's Cun, Que, writes, By increasing the red corpuscles in the terrible condition dik pails came over me. snd od this great food cure builds up the sys- could not as mue tem and restores vitality to the wasted nerves. me out ea Now Juisting unless they Gradually and certainly it brings back the and strength which have been slowly. away. Unlike stimulating medicines, its 'to the system are both thorough and Cumfy-Cut Vests and Union Suits are made in all sizes for ladies. Three grades-- Cotton, Lisle, Mercerized and Silk. AT ALL FIRST CLASS DEALERS EVERYWHERE IN CANADA. ? Ta] ew NE wee J EL Mooi &- Soxs = A RN BE RE A : ) prostration does not come on you . = " v 4 ¥ Bs BN HE . --

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