Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Apr 1913, p. 3

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THE MALY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, APRIL. 23, 1913. -- REDUCED RATES FOR SETTLERS One way second-class settlers tickets at reduced rates will be on sale Aprfl 8th, 15th, 220d and 29th, to destinations in ALBERTA AND SASKATCHEWAN via Chicago and Port Arthur. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS TO WESTERN CANADA via Chicago, Port Arthur, and Sarnia, every Tues- day until: October 28th, inclusive. Good to return for TWO months, AN EXTENSION of time limit, not ex- ceeding two months, on Homeseek- ers' tickets so in Apri, May, June, or July only, can be had on payment of $5.00 for each month or part thereof. STOP OVER privileges wil! be wu) lowed at Winnipeg or at aav point west thereof. We can make all arrangenents 10 bring your {family or friends [rom the OM Country. will be given them. Ask for full particulars. J. P. HANLEY, Railroad and steamship agent, Corner Johnson and Ontarip Streeis. LLC "PACIFIC HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS ------ TO n-- MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Each Tuesday until October 25th, 'n- clusgive Winnipeg and Return $37.50 Edmonton and Return $45.50 Qther points in proportion. Return mit two months, HOMESEEK ERS TRAIN leaves Tors onto 10.20 pam. each Tuesday May te August, inclusive. Best train to take, as Winnipeg is reached early morn Ing, coabling passengers to make al) branch line connections. Through trains Toronto fo Srnaines and West AROUND THE WORLD, via "Empress of Asia" Leaving Liverpool June 14, calling at Madeira, Cape Town, Durban, Colom= bo, Singapore and Hong Kong, arriv- ing Vancouver August J0tht. Vessel remains 14 days at Hong Kong "Rate for entire cruise, 10." Ex. clusive of maintenance between ar rival time in England and departure of "Empress of Asia," and stop over at Hong Kong. Particulars from F. Conway, C. P.A., Kingston, or write M. GG. Murphy, District Passenger Ag- ent, Toronto. Ll Every TURADAY from MONTREAL and QUVEREC TEUTOME" May 6, Jose 3 'LAURENTIC' . May 13. Juse 10 CANADY May 20. June 17 'MEGARTIC' . May 27. June 24 Winter Service Sailings every Satur. day from Portland Me. Special attention |: m---- . . : COMER LOSE ee WEDDING GIFTS ------ TL Te EL) 1) EE | LEN LL GL NL LLL LN) Sf | | WHERE FOUR LIRR ME AR ER Pr. de Van's Female Pills A reliable 5 a box, or three { y ee for For sale at Mahood's Drug Store. "Mailed t add $5. Catharines, Ont PATENTS. HERBERT J. 8. DENNISON, REGISTERED ATTORNEY, 18 Street West, Torontq. Pa- tent Trade-Marks Copyright, protected every- where, eighteen years' experi- ence, rite for booklet. Designs, Tie Photographer in Your town. The Cooke Studio 244 Princess St. VACATION TOUR All Expenses includes $167.50 JULY 12 10 AUGUST 7 WHITE STAR DIGIT ST RMS.' Honfc Rojas HESE steamships have set a new standard for all classes of ocean tra- vel. They are not only the fastest vessels on the British- Canadian route but are justly noted for the excellence of their service and the superiority of their accom- tion. SAILING DATES From Montreal Steamer Wed. May 14. Royal Bdward. Wed. May 25 Wed, May 28 . Royal George. Wed, June 11 Wed. June 11. Royal Edward. Wed, June 25 Wed. June 38. Royal George. Wed, July 9 Wed, July 9. Royer! Edward Wed, July 23 Wed, July 23..Royal George. Wed. Aug. 6 Wed, Aug. 6. Royal Bdward.. Wed.. Aug. 20 APRY to nearest agent or JAS. Bozo St. James SLT trea), oR james oni ly Countian Northern Steamshipe. 148: aS Nsw RMT. From Drie) We bave some splendid lines in Boys' Boots, black and tan, all "solid leather." New York ' - Fe 1th, cent. ay, May » via New York Central. Re- turn limit, May 24th. For time of trains, Pullman reservations or other information apply to New York Central Ticket Agents, or. write General Agent, New York Central Lines, Watertown, N. Y. JENKINS' $15 to $18 SUITS . Gm "That's mine." How often we hear our ' custo- mers express themselves that way. Fitesh or Eigh- teen Dollarsbeing their limit for a Suit. Fashion = Craft at $15 has no ll equal in Canada for_workr p (Continued from P 2.) A very bright and enjoyable lunch- eon was given at 'the Country club on Monday as a farewell to Miss Florence Cunningham and Miss Bes: sie Smythe.- The table was centred by a large silver bowl of pink roses. Shortly after the luncheon began it was discovered that each rose was addressed to a guest, and to each rose was attached a limerick, which was the cause of much fun and mer- riment. Those present were: Mrs. W. F. Nickle, Mrs. Hansard Hora, Mrs. Halloway Waddell, Mrs. Dyeck- man, Mrs. Arthur Craig, Mrs. Wilk liam Harty, Miss Boulton, Toronto, Mrs. P. G. C. Campbell, Miss Waters Beleville; Misses Mabel and Dorothy Brownfield, Miss Frances Sallivaa, Mrs. W. H. Craig, Miss Nora Gord-n. Miss M. Gordon, Miss Aileen Rogas, Miss Mabel Dalton, Misses Emma, Ei sie and Margery Pense, Miss Phyllis Shortt, Miss Hilda Kent, Miss Mil dred Jones. Miss Kathleen Crisp was hos'oss al a delightful tea on Tuesday after. noon, given at the Country club, in tionor of Miss Ferguson, ol Sec t= land. The table was actisticaily ar ranged with daffodils. Mrs. Edwin Eaton poured tea and Miss Sylvia Cochrane served the fce cream. The guests were Miss Dorothy Carruth- ers, Miss Charlie Shortt, Miss Aileen and Cecily Rutherford, Miss M. Gar: rett; Miss Helen Gordon, Misses Hil- da and Doris Kent, Miss Margery Pense, Miss Margery Brownfield, M'ss May Rogers, Miss Madge Daw- son, Miss Vera Carson, Miss Nan Saunders and Miss Edith Hague. A very pleasant dinner was given at the Country Club on Saturday ev- ening, chaperoned by Professor and Mrs, P. G. C. Campbell. Those pres- ent were Miss Mabel Brownfield, Miss Grace Hemming, Miss Phyllis Shortt, Miss Dorothy Brownfield, Miss Elsie Pense, Professor Smaill, Professor Anderson, Professor Dav's, Captain H. Boak, Capt. W. H. P. El- kins, * - - The Reading Club will meet on Monday at Miss Eva Richardson's. a Mrs. Wm, Lesslie, King Street, re turned home on Saturday from Co- balt where she spent several weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Brigstock. Col. Ponton of Belleville, spent Tuesday in town. The Misses Gibson, Avenue, will leave on Saturday spand some time in Toronto. Miss Kathleen Lawso). who the guest of Mrs. W. L. Grant, Uni versity Avenue; will leave on Thurs day for her home in Ottawa. The Rev. A. L. McTear of Bath, spent a few days in town this week. Miss Lillian Mowat, Johnson St. has returned from Toronto where she was visiting her brother, Mr. Herbert Mowat. The Rev. Mr. Hugh Cobb of Wel lington, was the guest 6f Mrs. R. C. Carter, West street, while in town this week. 2 University he: is Professor T. Callandar, Queen's Uni- versity, will leave, Thursday, for New York, and sail from there on Satur day, on the SS. Columbia, for his home in Glasgow. Mrs. E. H. Pense and little daugh- ter, Edith, arrived in town from Otta- wa, on Tuesday, and are the guests of Mrs. E. J. B. Pense, West strect. Mrs. E. J. Bo Passe, West street, and Miss: Anita Femwick, who have beet spending some time in New York with Mrs, Broadwoll. returned home on Tuesday. Muss Fenwick. is the guest of her grandparents, Mr. and Mis. Clarke Hamilton, King street. Miss Elsie Grant, who is visiting Miss Jean Young, Union street, return- ted to Perth on Monday. Mr. Allan McEwan, who has been spending a few days in town, the guest of Dr. and Mrs. D. E. Mundelf, Brock street, returned to Montreal to aay. elite le Hubbell, Bagot street, will Thursday, for Ottawa, to visit her son, Major Ernest. Hubbell and Mrs. Hubbell. Mr. Jack Marsh, whe has been tending Queen's University, left, Tuesday for Quebec, where he will tend his Grother's wedding. Mrs. C. Watt arrived in town to- day, from Gananogue, and will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Balfour Mudie, Clergy street, for a few days. M:ss Lucy Scott, who has been attending Queen's University, has re turned to Napance, to spend the holidays. Mr. E. Van Lesslie, after spending several days in New York returned home on Saturday. Miss Lillian Sister, who has been visiting in Toronto and Hamilton for Mrs. BH. leave, on at on at- minutes is all the time required for brewins Red Rose Tea; and the result is a . béverage of matchless lavor and satisfying strength. The verdict of your family will be that wright ged Hote time returned home on Satur- ay. Mr. Basil Fullerton, of the Bank of Toronto, spent the week-end in Gananoque, returning home on Mon- ay. : Miss Winnifred Claxton is now visiting Mrs. R. T. Walkem in Van- couver. » - - Dr. W. PF, Jackson, of Brockville, was in town on Tuesday. Judge and' Mrs. Ruttan and a party of friends from Napanee spent Tuesday in town. Mr. 8S. B. Millett, Queen's Univer- sity, left to-day for his home in Boston. Miss Ferguson, who has been visit- ing in Victoria and Vancouver, ar- rived in town on Tuesday and will be the guest of Mre. Machar, Wel- Hogton street, until Thursday when she will leave for her home in Scot- land. Professor and Mes. Patchett will leave on Thursday for New York and sail from ther: on Saturday, the 26th, for Hamburg. , The Rev. F. G. Orchard of Brock- vile, spent Tuesday in town. Mr. Alan Turner of Brockville, a lay: delegate to the synod was,the guest of Capt. and Mrs. J. B. Coch- rane, Gore street, while in town. Col. and Mrs. A. B. Cunningham, On-gwa-na-da, Mr. and Mrs. Corne- dus Birmingham, Barrie street and Mr. Willis O'Conner, Ottawa, are now at Riverside, California. Mrs. Osbourne of Arnprior, is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Chown, King street. Mr. William Everts, Easton's Cor- nets, a lay delegate to the synod meetings this week, was the guest of Rev. R. 8S. Forneri, Alfred street, while in town. Mr. Hugh Ryan left on Tuesday with a survey party for the west. Colonel Buell of Brockville, spent a few days in town this week. Professor Eaton will leave on Thursday for New York and sail from there on Saturday for England. The many friends of Professor Eaton, are sorry indeed to hear that he will not return to Kingston as he has accepted a position In the University of Saskatchewan. Capt. and Mrs. C. J. Hinckley, 186 University Ave., have returned from Watertown, N.Y., where they were vigiting Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Oates. Miss Summerville of St. Thomas, is the guest of her sister, Miss Olga Summerville at the Y.W.C.A. and will remain in town for the farewell dance on the 29th, ¥ Mr. and Mrs. N. Frederick Hugo, of Duluth, Minn,., formerly of King- ston, announce the engagement of their daughter, Annie Trevanion, to Robert D. Smith, of Wienipeg: The marriage of Maude Louise, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Millman, to Mr. John B. Holden, To- ronto, took place auietly Wednesday afternoon, April 23rd, at the Church of the Redeemer, Toronto. Outlet Occurrences. Outlet, April 22.--Some of * the farmers have hegum their spring work but the land is very wet in this lo- REV. J. E. LIDSTONE IS RECEIV- ING CONGRATULATIONS. On Occasion of the Seventieth' An- niversary of His Birth--Forty Years of His Life Have Been Spent in Methodist Ministry--Oc- cupied Many Pulpits in This Sec- tion. Rev. J. Edmond Lidstone, 355 Al- fred street, to-day celebrated the lieventieth annidersary of \ his birth. Forty years of his life has been spent in the Methodist ministry. Mr. Lidsfone is well known in coun- ty and city. For many years he oc- cupied palpits in this section. The reverend gentleman was born in Wolverhampton, England. For some eight years he followed the life of a horticulturist. He later de- cided to go into the ministry, and spent four years as a probationer in the old land. During the fourth year he came to Canada. The foliowing year he was ordained at Brampion. During the same year he was sen! to Woodstock to supply for a pastor who was ill. 'The following year he was transferred to Collins Bay, where he remained for some years. The remainder of his life was spent on the following circuits: St. Helens, Peel, Sydenham, Elginburg, Magog, Harrowsmith, South Mountain, Ma- REV, tilda, Richmond, Aylmer (East), Newington. While he was at the lat- ter charge his health gave way and he asked to be superannuated. The committees thinking that he was over- worked on the charge, decided to send him to Amherst Island. He re- mained there but a short time when his health again failed, and for that reason he was superannuated. After receiving his superannuation he took up residence at Harrow- smith. About a year ago he decided to move to the city, and he is now attached to Queen street church. where he is greatly beloved. Messages of congratulation were received from the different members of his former congregations to-day. It was expected that his only son, Dr. Arthur E,, would be home for the anniversary, but unfortunately he 'was delayed. His son is a grad-| uate of MoGill university. For some years he has been engaged as a sur- geon on the ocean steamers running from Africa to Liverpool. Mr. Lidstone is a man of fine at- tainments, of holy life and purpose, and full of zeal for his Master's cause His wife is a devoted help- mate. J. E. LIDSTONE TORNADO RETURNS LICENSE. Paper Lost in Omaha Years Ago Hunted Up. Omaha, Neb., April 23.--The recent tornado hunted up and brought back the marriage certificate issued to George A. Ritchie and Anna M. Smith of Kansas City, November 16th, 1907, when they were united in marriage in this city by Rev. Charles W. Savidge Where the certificate has been hiding during the last five yemrs no one knows. Shortly after the marriage Mr. and Mrs Ritchie wrote to Mri -Savidge that they had lost their certificate and requested a duplicate. This was sent, and nothing more was thought of the matter until this week, when Mrs. W. N. Dorward called on Rev. Savidge and handed him the original certih cate. A day or so after the tornado she found the document in the back yard, mixed in with a lot of debris blown there by the wind. CHAUFFEUR ARRESTED. In Connection With Death of Dan- i cer's Children, Paris, April 28. Morverand, the cality. Mrs. John Crosier is recover ing from her recent illness. Mrs. W. J. Running is ill. Weldan of Fllisville, visited Mr. and Mere. T. Parsons on Sunday last. TP. G. Keandrick, of Greenfield, hus completed boat he intends put this summer. George Rei Point, has purchased the farm stock from Mrs. Alor} nen "rd took possession on i. . Mrs. Greer will reside in Gan- and . "two children of . Whe nurse, was arrester on a charge of chauffeur of the car which ran into 'the Seine, causing the death of the Isadora Duncan and culpable homicide. Mocverand i= said to have stated to the magistrate that 'the car was a very old one, and at | times was barely reliable. The com- far. on the other hand, while ac wleadging that the motorcar was fot one of their latest models, assert that it was in perfect working order. { Evidence regarding the chauffeur's ae tion at the moment of the accident was conflicting. Some witnesses state was to the ground when thé This was the ruling of Federal Judge Holt on the 'petition of the Ceanic Steam Navigation company for a lim- i lability. A total of 651 ting $16,604,731.63 against the company. Whoever said that there is a remedy dancer for every ill never was a and lost. a leg ood's Pills PAGE THREE. mm Toroate, Ont, April ZUed, 10 sm Ottawa Valley and Upper St, LW. rence~--Showers snd local thunders storms to-day and on Thursday, but partly fair and comparatively warm. SOE ISIS -- y 13 SES Housekeepers! For Real Value in Quality Cretonnes, Art Sateens, Art Muslins, Burlaps, Curtain Velour, Scrims, Art Blinds, Floor Mats, Rugs and Squares, See our large and beautiful showing, very moderately priced -- which will appeal to people of taste and of economic leanings. SEE WINDOW DISPLAY, STEACY"S French China. We are Canadian Agents for Old Abbey Limoges China. Exclusive patterns. Open stock. You have only to see these sets. The line is perfection. ROBERTSON'S LIMITED Orystal Gl.ssware, Fine China. . Our Electric Floor Scraper is in great demand. We rent it by the hour, day or week. Electric Vacuum Cleaners are in order for spring cleaning. We sell or rent them House 'Wiring our Specialty. H.W. NEWMAN ELECTRIC CO, 79 Princess St. -- | 'Phone 441, and invest in a pair of our Working Boots solid leather, prices from $1.50 to $3.50. A fine Goodyear Welt for men who care. Prices from $3.50 to $5.50. JOHNSTON [O10 1 AY Si THE PRALTI 1d EA eH "ye i |

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