Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Apr 1913, p. 3

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1913, One way second-class settlers tickets at reduced rates will be on sale April 8th, 15th, 32nd and 29th, to destinations in ALBERTA AND SASKATCHEWAN via Chicago and Port Arthur. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS 10 WESTERN CANADA via Chicago, Port Arthur, and Sarnia, every Tues- day until October 28th, inclusive, Good to return for TWO mouths, AN EXTENSION of time limit, not ex- ceeding two months, on Homeseek- ers' tickets sold in April, May, June, or July only, can be had on payment of $5.00 for each month or part thereof. .. STOP OVER privileges wil! be ul- lowed at Winnipeg or at aav point weit thereof, We can make all arrangements 10 bring your family or friends from the Old Country. Special attention 5 > RE, _,ss":n a a a -- auE {the fleet JAMES SOWARDS PURCHASED NEW TUG AND SCOW. : Heavy Fog On Lake, Wednesday Night, Kept the Fog Horn Busy-- Schooner Ford River Taking Out First Cargo of Feldspar.--Notes Around Harbor, James Sowards, coal dealer, of this city, has added a tug and scow to of Kingston vessels. Mr Sowards purchased the tug Shanley, and scow, in Toronto. They are new and will be brought here at once. The steamer Toiler was towed to Garden Island, on Wednesday, whore machinery' was hoisted into hor. She was brought back to the Kingston Shipbuilding company's wharf. The tug Johason towed the steamer Caspian from Swift's wharf to the IN MARINE CIRCLES Ottawa Valley rence--Fine and warm te-day, and for part of Friday, then local showers, Toronto, Ont, April 24th, and 4 Ye) 0, v NBO 5g oC #0 Ccreal company's wharf, at the foot of Gore street, on Thursday. There was a very heavy fog on the lake all Wednesday night, and the fog horn was blowing all night. The fog was the means of delaying some ves sels which should have arrived in port. The steamer Sarnor, formerly the Britaanic, was moved from her win ter quarters, at Portemouth, on Wed nesday, and is mow at Crawford's wharf. The vessel will likely clear, on Friday, for the Welland canal. The gasoline yacht Shibley is port, taking on a general cargo merghandise for Bath and Amherst Is land. The schooner Ford River is at Rich- ardson's wharf, loading feldspar for Charlotte. This is the first shipment of feldspar to arrive in the city . this season from the mines. The sloop Ariadne arrived from Howe Island, with a cargo of press ed hay. The steamer Eastwood, from Erie, due to arrive locomotive works to-day. The steamer Sowards cleared Oswego on Wednesday afternoon. The steamer Advance will clear night, light, for Toronto, to load package freight for Fort William. The steamer Windsor, éoal laden, from Charlotte, passed Dickinson's Landing on Wednesday, on her way to Montreal will be given them. Ask for full particulars. J. P, HANLEY, Railroad and steamship agent, Corner Johnson and Ontario Streets. OO 22 2X DOMNERLWNNEDL WE ENR NERD) BR) DDR LN TYE alin Hof HNL le (LL CANADIAN 'PACIFIC HOMESEEK ERS' "EXCURSIONS MANITOBA ! . LBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Each Tuesday until October 28th, in- clusive Winnipeg and Return - $37.50 Edmonton and Return - $45.50 other points in proportion. Return Limit two months, HOMESEEK ERS TRAIN leaves Tore onto 10.20 pam. eich Tuesday May te August, inclusive. Best train to take, s Winnipeg is reached early morn ng, enabling passengers to make all branch line éonnections Through trains Toronto te £ THE CLOCK IS ON THE WA| FORNED 1 | N1) RYER mn ol PATENTS. HMERBERT J. 8. DENNISON, Housekeepers! For Real Value in Quality Curtains, Curtaining, Cretonnes, Art Sateens, Art Muslins, Burlaps, Curtain Velour, Scrims, Art Blinds, Floor Mats, Rugs and Squares. protected eighteen years' experi where; rite for booklet. ence. - coal laden, at the -- EVA UNSELL In "7 Days" at the Grand on Saturday, April 20th, night. A -------- JACK JOHNSON FINED. 10 FURNISH MEANS HEIRS FIGHTING FOR WRITS ESTATE. Wi and West AROUND THE WORLD, fot matinee and via "Empress of Asia" Leaving Liverpool June 14, calling af Madeira, Cape Town, Durban, Colom= bo, Singapore and Hong Kong, arriv- ing Vanconver August 10tht. Vessel remains 14 days at Hong Kong. for entire cruise, 3638.10." Ex. elusive of maintenance between ar- rival time in England and departure of "Erapress of Asia," and stop over at Hong Kong. Particulars from F. Conway, C, P.A., Kingston, or write M. GG. Murphy, District Passenger Ag. n | ent, Toronto. to Mulcted $1,000, and Forfeits $2,000 Smuggled Necklace Also. Chicago, April 24. Jack Johnson, negro pugilist, was fioed $1,000 |} | BIG Judge Carpenter in the United States district court, after charges of smug gling a $2,000 necklace had been drop ped, and the heavyweight had plead- ed nolle contendere to charges of con- cealing from federal 'officials the fact that he had jewellery in his pos- session. The necklace was declared forfeited to the government, and probably will be sold at auction. THE WHlo's JUMBLE. A Lot of Short Items Rus in To- gether. Try Bibby"s nobby $2 hats. lots of family trees bear lemons. + Ask your grocer for a trial sack of "| King's Quality flour. The Ladies of Kingston May| Sibys for correct style hats. Now Have Beautiful Hair-- (boxes. R. #1. Toye. =~ A ih Doge pe antee it to Grow Hair, or William Swaine, piano 'tuner. Orders received at MeAuley's. Phone'504, Refund Your Money. Your druggist is backed up by the Try Bibby's nobby $2 hats. manufacturers of SALVIA, the Great The busier a man is the less time he has to complain of overwork. Hair Grower. It is guaranteed to grow hair. Try Bibby's smart #2 hats. SALVIA destroys dandrafl in tem Thomas Cople ; Telephone 07. y Drop a card to 19 Pine Street when wanting anything done in the Carpen- tery line, Estimates given on all kinds of epairs and new work: also Hardwood Floors of all kinds. All orders will receive prompt attention, Bhep, 40 Queen Street. See our large and beautiful showing, very Moderately priced | Daten General is Supposed to Have which will appeal to people of taste and of economic leanings. Left More Than $230,000,000,-- Syndicates Interested. Cologne, April 24.--It was announce ed at a meeting of the claimants to the millions of Field Marshal] Count Wirtz that a Chicago as well as a Paris syndicate had agreed to furnish means fo ake the claims to Saar. aS ------------ The estate of this Dutch peval is A Wonderful Discovery. supposed to amount to over £250,000, An eminent scientist, the other day, | 009 plus interest to date. gave his opinion that the most won-| Most of the vast properties are in derful discovery of recent years wus [Amsterdam and embrace the heart of the discovery of = Zam-Buk. Just {the harbor district including miles of think ! As soon as a single thin wharves, warehouses and shops. The layer of Zam-Buk is applied to a [municipality of Amsterdam does not wound or a sore, such injury is in- dispute the existence of the esate, sured against blood. poison! Not hut claims that the rights of the heirs one species of microbe has heen g "ere outlawed more than a, a found that Zam:Buk does not kill ! Jtion ago and that the estate i by Then again. As soon as Zam-Buk |due process of law into the hands . of is applied to a sore, or a cut, or [the city. eo to skin disease, it stops the smart- Three vears ago 203 heirs of the al- ing. That is. why - children are such leged estate met here and formed an friends of Zam-Buk. They eare no- association to prosecute their claims. thing for the science of the thing. They hired a number of Dutch and All they know is that Zam-Buk stops trerman lawyers to look after their in 3 erostis. help dame. Mathers [> ghould never [i horive Wirtz; who .dlaimssto be Again. As soon as Zam-Buk table to trace her descent from the y : * famotis field marshal; tried to get the applied to a wound or to a court of Hamburg to Metlare her title eased part, the cells beneath the {odthe estate elonr, bul. they declined skin's surface are so stimulated that a the. round. that they new healthy tissue is quickly form urisdiction in the. mat- od. This forming of fresh health: astimatal: that the: Jaw tissue from helow is Zam-Buk's see- 3 amounted Lo $35. ret af healing. The tissue thus form- ed is worked up to the surface and literally casts off the diseased {issue ahove it. This is why Zam-Buk cures are permanent. Only the other day 101 Delorimier avenue, called upon the Zam-Buk told them that for over years had been a martyr eczema His hands were at one | time so covered with-sores that he! lhad to sleep in gloves: Four years ago Zam-Duk was introduced to him, and in a few months it cured him. | To-day--over three years after his ieure of a disease be had for twenty- five vears--he is still enred, and has thad no trace of any relurn of the eczema ! : All druggists box. or we will send free trial if you send this advertisement a le. stamp (to pay return age). Address Zam Buk Co to. SEE WINDOW DISPLAY. STEACY'S | J / 3 7) So -- quart A soit answer may not turn away wrath, but it saves a lot of useless talk. See Bibby's new green hats. Ladies' © up-to-date dressmaking. Terms moderate. Miss A. Keyes, 2 Princess street. See Bibby's new green hats. If you require food for thought, go to the public library and get a free luneh, Try Bibby's smart $2 hats. In accord with the eternal fitness ol things, a man who stole a watch wound up in jail. H. Cunningham, piano tuner, King ptreet. Leave orders at Aulev's book store. Bibby's for nobby hats $2. The man who wishes his neighbor bad luck generally lacks the means . {to make his wishes effective. : | King hats, $2.50 at Bibby's ' | Don't think because a man has but | little to say that he must have ac | ,Auired the habit from sawing wood. THE LARGEST CANADIAN LEI NERS Ask the nearest Agent for Particulars. WHITE STAR DOMIMION LINE French China. We are Canadian Agents for Old Abbey Limoges China. Exclusive patterns. The roots of the hair are so nour- ished and fed that a new crop of hair springs up, to the amazement and delight of the user. The hair is made soft and fluffy. Like all Amer- ican preparations SALVIA is daintily perfumed. It is band to find an act- ress who does not use SALVIA con- tinually. Ladies of society and influence use no other. SALVIA tion, and is the ladies' favorite. large generous bottle, Hoe, The Best Drug Store, special agents. 1% ('] fra \ \( is ; g dis: Open stock. is a non-sticky prepa. - to do so Vere You have only to see these sets. The line is perfection. without ter, Mt is costs have THN already ROBERTSON'S Urywial Gl sware, We Sell Shoes We Repair Shoes We have some splendid lines in Boys' Boots, black and tan, all "solid leather." | | ] SCOTT senie. 260 PRINCESS ST. Branch: . 206 Barrie, cor. Clergy W. Westhrook News. Westbrook, April 23 Mrs. Eliza Sproule veturned home on Wednes- day last after spending the winter in California. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Grass are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby boy. Leo Kenny and his friend, Donald Roach, of Sault Ste Marie, spent Sunday at his home Mrs. Sanderson, of Northport, spent last week with her mother, Mrs. C. Morley: Mr. and Mrs. 8. Rose were recent visitors with friends at Lapum. A number from here at- dh i a TE Our Electric Floor Scraper is in Coin Bans was a cater nme vr | § great demand. We rent it by the hour, day er week. : Electric Vacuum Cleaners are in order for spring cleaning. We sell or lage oun Monday last, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Smith spent Thursday last rent them House Wiring our Specialty. with friends at Sydenham. be . : C1 " 79 Princess St Ft Home 'Fhone 1870. Mr. Marsh, of Montreal, Co. and twenty-five LIMITED { Newest styles in hats. Bibby's. | $15 to $18 ges ae, Be nt SUITS As a rule, the acquaintance be- tween the man of good sense and the cigarette is pronouncedly limited. * ' » "That's mine. How often we hear our custo- Bibby's for nobby hats. Don't be cowardly enough to try mers express By a sieatifio remedy. k sculll themselves that on the blood. It combines and hide your imperfections in the shadow of those of your neighbor. uric acid and makes it sol- [ll Wa able, and the blood carries tne core | he The only people who have no regret for anything they ever said are those who have never said anything of im "0 portanoi sell Zam-Buk at 50e hox and post- , Toron: Baseball Record. League+Brooklyn, 7: Bos ston, 2. St. Louis, 3; Pittsburgh, 1. Chicago, 5; Cincinnati, 5 (9 innings) New York, 3; Philadelphia, 1. American leaguwe--New York, 4: Fiteen or Eigh-' I" Waskingion. 6: Boson, 0. Cine . i; St. Louis, ? fren Dollarsbeing | "inierastionai cage International league--Baltimore, 11. . . . Montreal, 2. Rochester, 11; Provi- er hmat for a {lidence, 1. Bufialo, 3; Newark, 2. To- { tonto, 4; Jersey City, 0. | Bodily Health Fashion - Craft | Affects Character at $15 has no : d Rheumatism Cure Nations Presentation to Prof. S. Laird. To show their appreciation of Prof. Sinclair Laird's interest in and will ingness to assist them with their studies, especially sinee it has un- dertaken on their behalf additional work, the students of the Faculty of Rduedtion, at Queen's, presented him with a handsome fumed-oak study chair. To Inspector Stuart they gave as a token of their appreciation of similar services, an oak-framed pic- ture. The gilts are emblematic of the harmony and good fellowship that existed between the students and teachers of the Faculty of PFducation during the past session. Good-bye to Wooden Pails, Ottawa, April 24.-Owing to a shor tage in the supply of good lumber, the E. B. Fddy company, Hull, will do away with the pulp .and wooden pail department. It will likely start a plant for the manufacturing of cardboard boxes and contaifers. Try Bibby's special $2 hats. nation to the kidneys, where it ia in the Centreville Notes. - ---- Ap------ SE BICYCLE FREE | Thompson ¥x spending a short time RTS LEER TR here. The rural telephone line is Look in our window. --- No one ean develop good character and ability with nervous headache, indigestion apg, phe, depressing effect of an exhauste nervous system. There is always the dark cloud of nervous collapse, and some form of paralysis to look forward to. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is not Character, as well as success in Hite, depends very largely on the con- dition of the health. You cannot limagine a sufferer from indigestion Mbeing cheerful in disposition. Nor dg you expect a person with exhaust- #d ncrves to be other than nervous. irritable, easily excited and short- tempered. There was formerly much guess- work tn the treatment of exhausted nerves, but since Dr. Chase's Nerve Food has proven so successful in re- . nerve force to the system here is no necessity for experiment- . - Some experhanents are neces- for the advance of science. but they need not he at your expense or pur risk. . Dr. Chase's Nerve Food I 50 cents 3 box, § for $2.50, at all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Limited, « permanent - . ualit T ' about to be extended here. Owing 16.8. » he to the splendid condition of the roads, it is feared that long-expect- ed sidewalk will not be built. The pupils of Miss Hannah are enjoying ala brief holiday. 8. Hickey passed "quick eure"--no sedatives 'to luli| through here, on Tuesday last. the patient in the delusion that his pains are disappearing. no narcotic or injurious st mulants to exhilarate him temporarily at the future ex- pense of health. This food cure positively forms new, rich blood and builds up in the most natural way the starved and wornout nerves. is L Buy your Bicycle, Bicycle Accessories, Baseball, Fish« ing Tackle or Graphophone Bibbv's for new King hats. It is a comforting thought to feel that no one has a particular mono- poly of the rounds of the ladder to SUCCES. Sir Richard Scott, former secre tary of state, is dead in Ottawy, aged eighty-eight years. : See Bibby's new green hats. S The chronic faultfinder is also a man of considerable =mount of leisure. At Pittsburgh, Pa. fifty are be heved to be dead in a mine disas- ter. 4 See Bibby's green fedoras, $2. i goods at and Sporting Goods Co. a Treadgold Cycle Successors to Angrove Brcs. 88 Princess St. a nn A Phone 529

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