Father Vaughan's New Book. SOCIALISM From the | : CHRISTIAN STANDPOINT. Ten Conferences by Z Rev. Father Bernard Vaughan. We reprint the following quotation from the author's preface: a . "It is at the earnest and repeated request of very many non- Catholics, as well as Catholics who heard them, that | am ventur- Ing to publish these Conferences on Socal"sm Yrom the Standpoint of Christianity. "These Conferences do not pretend to be exhaustive treatises on the subject with which they deal. On the contrary, they are meant to open up vistas of thought, while they themstives deal rath- er with the larger principles of the question, than enter fully into the scholastic and economic difficulties to whicl they give rise." Price, $1.50 ver Cony. UGLOW'S 141 PRINCESS STREET. Before Leaving Your Order For a Spring Overcoat or Suit; sup- pose you come and see our selection olgoods? You will surely find your ideal material here. Then we will take your measure and make you up a Suit or Overcoat that will be just what you want. You will find that our prices are not high. 5 THOMAS LAMBERT, 157 Princeds St. H i aw | ih Uihigien. * Merchant Tailor For Cooking and Drinking. also for Cake Iceing and Making Fudge. --- Ll WITHIN YOUR GRASP YOUR ideal home is now within your graso, if you act quiek. We have just had the following listed in our office, Barrie St., dolid brick, 12 rooms, opposite Da; ry eivbok Union St., opposite Arch St. The finest little house-in town for a small family. w = We also have over 200 other properties of alt kinds listed in our office. Phone or call to-day. EEC rAd THE EQUITY REALTIES ~ CO. Pace 1380. Bn Two weeks more and new fixtures will be needed" --that's if yon are moving. If you are not, you may want to brighten up your home just the same. We have the Fixtures-- «And the right prices-- 1 : : Call and see our Special Dining Room and Parlor Fixtures at $6.00 each complete, ~ MOORE'S WELLINGTON STREET. - - Avs vmbatun The Shoes that create the desire. 4 yjou the duty of the parents and b {Prevost, Brock street, has an extra {large stock fextremely low. » THE DAILY UNION MEETING HELD' OF THE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCHES OF THE CITY, * In Bethel Church Wednesday Even. ing--Prof. Cook, of 'the Congrega- tional College, Montreal, Was the Speaker, At Bethel church on Friday evening a union prayer meéting was held oi the First, Bethel and Calvary ton- pregational churches. A good at tendance was present to hear the call of Prof. E. A. Cook, of the Con pregational Theological ( ollege, Mon treal, for men for the ministry, Prof. Caok laid the responsibility of find iug and bringing out the suitable men for the work of the ministry on the peopie of "the church, the parents of the children, and their friends. He showed in a very simple way how a man who would make a min ister might be discovered and insisted of the congregation. He said that for evident reasons the old preaching was found inefféctual and endeavored to locate the cause. Now when the wish to live and get rich is the great one with the common people, they have begome very practical A man seeks tiches hecause he desires pleasure, power and health. Let him have the riches, try and promote investment. The qualities of a promoter should be lirst that he Lee tet te on his own' investment; that he he progres. sive and industrious. The promoter of Christ's kingdom requires the same energy and diligence in the same way. Me must-have the riches of (hirist's gift within himself. In closing the speaker made a strong appeal for support in praver and for the work of the college. He also pave a short review of what the ) In what way is he going tog BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1918, ™ p= - f COLLINS BAY WEDDING MISS EMMA MAY RANKIN WAS THE BRIDE, { i And Peter Greenwood, of Toronto, | the Groom--Prof. Laird, of King- ston, Officiated at the Ha) iy | Event on Wednesday. New Stock Travelling Goods A pretty house wedding took place at the home of Mrs. George F. Clarke, of Collins Bay, Ont., on Wed- neaday, 23rd inst, at 10 am., when her sister, Emma May Rankin, was united in matrimony to Peter Green- wood, of Toronto, formerly of Mont- real. The ceremony was performed by Pref. Laird, of Kingston. The draw- ing-room = was beautifully decorated, the corner in which the bride stood he ing a solid mass of green. The winsome young bride looked very charming as she entered the room leaning on the arm of Wer broth- | er-in-law, George F. Clarke, to the SUIT CASES i TRUNKS--all kinds, . BAGS--nearly every kind made, SURGICAL BAGS, $3.00 up to $24.00 $5.00 to $18.00 $8.50 $1.50, $2, $3, $5, $6 to $20 strains of Lohengrin's Wedding March. | Come and inspect the largest stock in Kingston. She wore a suit of cream Bediord | cord the coat opening over a blouse of cream charmeuse satin with a yoke | of Carrickmacross lace, and lapels trimmed with pearl sequin buttons and; French knots. A white picture hat.' faced with black velvet. with a white: ABERNETHY'S plume which fell gracefully across the eu erown and was eaught under the rim completed (he costume. She carried a shower bouquet of cream roses and lilies of the valley, The bride was attended bv Miss Har | riett Workman, who also looked ! charming in a youn of pink charmeuse satin draned with flowered ninon with head edging, and a large picture hat to match. She carried a houquet of Killarney roses. Pdmund Greenwood, of Montreal, acted as groomsman. The wedding march was played hy Miss Edna Rich- wollege whs doing and reported that the attendance was larger than ever | hefore. SERMONS OUT OF CHURCH. Short Practical Talks On Practical | Subjects, 4. REV. BYRON H. STAUFFET, The Whig has scoured another exclu- sive feature, a series of sermons on practical themes by Rev. Byron HN. Staufier, pastor of Bond Street Congre- grafional church, Toronto. The first "Laying Out To-morrow's Work," will appear on Saturday, on page 9. Rev. Mr. Stauffer has the journalist's grip of things, having in his early days covered all 'assignments from cub re porter to telegraph editor. He writes contisely and to the point, isa close student of problems that interest the masses, and in his "Sermons Out of Church" deals with some of these with telling effect. simenieiesbin Bs TRICKED SOME MERCHANTS. Ordered Liquor, And Got a Little For Himself. On Wednesday a man, who is said to be quite an ordinary-looking in- dividug), nicely fooled some local merchants. * He called at three dif- ferent liquor stores and ordered at each ten gallons of whiskey for a Gertain yacht that was supposed to he moored at Swift's wharf. The understanding was "C.O.D., to a Capt. Crawiord, Then he entered a hardware store and ordered a quan- tity of rope and pulleys for delivery to this yacht. . The delivery waggons of the hard ware merchant and two of the liquor shops 'arrived at the wharf on 'Wed: nesday with the orders. However, one of the latter took the precaution to enquire il the yacht was in. Early on Thursday morning the other con signment of booze arrived. Of course, the supposed yacht was nowhere to be found and most of those concerned appreciated the joke. The man responsi for the affair had an aim in vief. \ He was en- deavoring to exteuet a free drink from the dealers. At each place he asked if they would give him a hot- tle of whiskey in advance, as Capt. Crawiord would settle for the whele at the wharf. Polock's Leg Broken. A Polock, engaged on the railroad oofistruction near (larendon, was the victim of an accident on Wednesday. He, with a number of men, were work- ing in the cut when, without warn- ing, a large stone fell on his leg, breaking it. He was brought to the city on Wednesday afternoon over the Canadian Pacific railway. S. 8, Con bhett's ambulance removed him to the general hospital. Students of Queen's. taining examination results if your order at the Whig. Al pa are carefully addressed and mailed. Sent anywhere for 3c. each. Results will probably appear on the inst. leave your order before de- ing from the city. Boys' First Communion 1 Suits you of them in "bloe and black , beautifully made." Price le A large variety © to Prof. Taylor, of Queen's, left on land touches of Indian trimming. Nr. You will be sure of vour copy eon- and headache. ardson, of Ottawa, who wore a gown of purple messaline silk. with voke and sleeves of shadow lace, and hat to match. During the signing of the re- ister, a solo, "Peranse," was render- od bv Mise Richardson. The bride wore the gift of the groom, a pearl and peridot necklace. To the bridesmaid he gave a pearl and peridol pin; and ta the pianist onel of pearls and amethysts, Aft-r Me. and Mra, Greenwood had reesived. congragulations all repaired to the dining-room, whire a sumptuous wedding hreakfast was served The diningroom wad profusely, decorated in a color scheme of pink and white, the table having: streamers of simlax from the centre of the ceiling ta each corny whers Ahn were caught with bows of white ribbon. The bride's going-away suit was of Nell rose whipcord, the coat opening over a blouse of Nell-rose silk draped with black ninon, voke of cream lace (OUR selection in Stetson blocks ex- presses the last word in Spring hat styles for men--the Soft and Stiff hats now being worn by smartly dressed young men everyhwere. So long as a man can take pleasure in wearing a Stetson, he need never be afraid of growing old. CAMPBELL BROS. 84 Princess St. QUITE LIVELY BLAZE IN CARRIAGE SHOP OF W. FROST, QUEEN STREET. and Mrs. Greenwood left on the 12.22 train on route for New York, Atlantic City and Buffalo... On their return they will reside in Toronto. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. Henry Miller in "The Rainbow" on Wednesday Evening. The large awdience at the Grand last evening was very much pleased with the production of the Somedy, | "The Rainbow." Henry Milly, Can- ada's leading actor, headed the com- pany, which was strong in every role. There is a decided merit to the come dy. If there was not, Henry Milles would not be connected with it. Henea, when this actor is announced, one can count not only upon wilneseing a star, but upon seting a geod play The acting of eyery role was of the finished kind, nd naturalness was in unusual evidmee. Mr. Miller was de lightful throughout. Particularly good was Louise Closser Hale as "Betsy Sumner." Rutfi Chatterton as "Cyn- thia," the daughter of "Neil Sumner" (Henry. Millen), acted with girlish a : charm. The stage pettings were among Fire, which broke out about ten the most chaste ever seen at the Minutes of eight o'clock, on Wednes- Grand. day night, in the carriage shop of W. Gi. Frost, 209 Queen street, did about £2,500 damage to the stock, and $500 G. Damage Was Done 10 Contents, Es- itmated at $2300, With $300 Damage to Building--Automobile Caught Fire From Heat From a Lamp, amd Was Destroyed--Stor- age Escaped Damage. "Seven Days." TNR - a gS The most brilliant comedy success to the building. The building is in- of recent years will be the attraction sure a at the Grand on Saturday, April 26th| It wa® ove of the most stubborn matinee and night, - when "Seven 'o* the firemen have had to work at Days" will be presented with a no- [°F Some time; their work prevented table English east headed by Miss Eva "What at first looked as if it would he Unsell, *'Seven Davs" is a three-aet ® %rious blaze. Next to the work farce comedy by Mary Roberts Rine- *hoP there is a storage, where furni- hart and Avery Hopwood. The dia- ture is put away, for about Sevenly- logue is sparkling and witty and v® families, and if this had caught touches of real se..iment ani ro | ire, it would have been a very serious mance are cleverly introduced during miter. Luckily, however, the flames the action of the play. The English|"ere kept away, and there are many cast is hesded by Miss Eva Unsell,/F®oPle breathing somewhat casier to the charming comedienne, and the Ja¥ than when the fire started on a Ek t Wednesday night. The farniture' was 4 s y 1 a) Froduetion Is handsomely. staged aie not disturbed, and people who had furnitule Stored here can rest easy. \ll day to-day, Mr. Frost had a He Is Much Alive, .y [very busy time, answering telephone In the issue of the Whig of April 'eulis about the fire. A great many 21st, was an account of the death i}, the idea that the fire was in the of William Kilpatrick, blacksmith, 'storage. The storage is a stone huild- Westport. "There is some mistake, ing, with a fireproof roof, so the writes Mr. Kilpatrick, "as I am the | goods were given the best: of care by man referred to, and I am very (Mr Frost. Between the workshop and much alive." "The paragraph was', storage there is a stone wall, and clipped from a district exchange. this, too, was the means of keeping te back the fire, The fice started in the work shop. iMr. Frost had occasion to be doing Percy Dotlor, formerly of : Arden, some work around an automobile, but now of the western provinces, i8 which required a small lamp. The in the city on a visit. He is show-|heat from the lamp set fire to a piece ing some valuable coyotte skins which of celluloid on the back of the car, he séchfedt in © the west. * He says and in an instant there was a fire, that the animals ave very, thick in Thinking that it would be but a that part of the country. trifling affair, Mr. Frost tried to smother out the blaze with his coat, j bit it was useless. He Sar waa soon - a mass of flames. Immediately a tele Spring Humors No call was sent to the firemen, Li {and box 32, at the corner of Colborne Come to most people and cause many 'ond Main streets, wa# pulled about troubles, ~--pimples, boils and other the same time. The firdmen used three eruptions, besides loss of appetitegthat streams, two from Queen street and red £8 lg bil 1 ton .00€ from Colborne street, and in a (very short time had the fire wonder control. Mr. Frost was greatly pleased The sooner you get rid of them the : with the way the fire was handled, better, and the way to get vid of them and spectators stated that a very bulla system wick check was given to what they tu = up the » Sg take Reneved would be a bad fire. 4 Baraaphiis the Spring | The automobile is almost a tolal wreck. It is a Ford car, and is own- _ It effects its wonderful cures, not of by J. Frety, of Napanee. Two simply because it contains sarsapa- buggies were also destroyed and a coal oil waggon dlightly damaged. Several buggies were taken out and escaped damage. To Queen's Siadents. Leave your orders at the Whig of- Hood's Sarsaparilla ' =v ro = Get It teday. . : Brought Coyotte Skins. - | his summer vacation trip on Wed- nesday, "Ask for .our new Candy ~ Cocoanut Caramels. Something new and delicious. SAKELL'S Next to Opera House Phone 640 Pe Fancy Paper Boxes, 'lothiers, Hatters, Bakers, Druggists, ware, Estimates Furriers, Florists, Goods, Boots and Shoes, Fancy Goods, Hard Stationers, Ete. Boxes of every description made to order Office and Factory : KINGSTON PAPER BOX COMPANY (British Whig Publishing Co., Limited, Proprietors) Manufacturers of all kinds of Stiff, Folding and for Milliners, Tailors, Confectioners, Grocers, D Stock and Fancy Furnished. King Street West PHONE S883 AND A REPRESENTATIVE WILL CALL. HOAG'S CANDLE 1s OUT, The Prize Winners Came Very Close To Exact Time. The large Landle which burned in Hoag's drug store window sinee. Fri day eyeing last, burned out at 11.48 o'clock an Wednesday morning. It has been watched with interest hy pass ers-hy for the past three days prize winners came very exact (ime the. candle burned 20 miks.-30--see. H. McDonald, of Mosshank, Sask., will be awarded first prize. His "guess" was 50 hours, 20 minutes. 6 seconds. The second was J. H. Seels, of the Dominion Express company, with 50 hours, |8 minutes. Miss H Garrison, Albert street, took third place, her "guess" heing 50 hours, 15 minutes, » to 'the close The May Century. Among articles in May Century are "The Hayes-Tilden Contest for the Presidency," by Henry Watter- son; "Schedule K.," a clear and au- thoritative exposition of the wool situation by N. [. Stone; "A War Worth Waging," by -Richard Barry, telling how New York city has, by means of improved sanitation, milk d'gpensaries, ete, douMed the length of lite of her citizens within half a gentury, Ses Bibbyv's smart $2 hats. Miss Kittie Ralph, Arts student of Que:n's, spent the week-end with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. P Ralph, Lansdewne, preparatory to taking her departure for the west having secured a lucrative position on the teaching staff of Saskatoon F. B. Millet, BA.,, of Queen's University, left for his home in Whitman, Mass, on Wednesday morning. New Low derbies, $2. Bibhy's. Prof. R. Carr Harris, government inspector of mines, was in Kingston on Wednesday. The | 50 Res, | Sectional Book _ Cases X The beauty of a Sectional Boolk- case---as your library increases add a section. Our cases interlock. Globe Wernicke or Macey. Couches and parlor setts recover, Imported covers to select from. Phone 147, James Reid The Leading Undertaker. - --- See Bibdwy's pew soft hats. Duncan McDonald, of Wolfe Ig land, was removed to the Hotel Dien on Wednesday afternoon, from 'a house on Regent street. King Fats, $2.50 at Bibby 's. Mr. and Mrs. R. 8. Gee, Now Yo were visitors in the city on Wedn day. RESTORE YOUR GREY MRTOMS YOUTHFUL AND NATURAL COLOR Easily, Quickly, Surely, Safe-. ly, by Hay's Hair Health : Don't neglect your hair or allow it to become grey. thin, dry or lifeless. A beautiful head of natural red, | luxuriant radiant hair is priceless to every woman. Why not have it and! keep it 50? Why be prematurely grey | and-grow old-looking before your time? | By all means don't let your hair be- cofiie grey or faded and full of irri tating and annoving Dandruff when Hay's Hal: Health will bring back its! youthful color and remove the Dand ruff almost immediately It is simple, sale, easy to uce and) harmless. Its uge cannot be detected. Don't waste time thinking or w ing about your grey hair, or t chances with new and untried pre tions--get a bottle of Hay's fas Health today. It's so nice and el to use and has been used and giv absolute satisfaction for twenty-fi years. Give it a fair trial, the hairs will disappear in no time you'll be delighted with it. i Druggists guarantée to refund your money if you are not satisfied with Hay's Hair Health. Fl Free: Sign this adv. ad take it to the following druggists and get a 50c: Bot tle of Hay's Hair Health and a 25e. cake of Harfina Soap for G0c.; or $1.00 bottle of Hay's Hair Health and two 25¢. cakes of Harflna Soap Free, for $1. JAS. B. McLEOD,