F Ferry We charge $ per cent, on your val- - uation, This covers you a 3s Bre, mith of tefl, ahd your furs possi it while in our care. Spor Seti .. We're particularly well equippe _ to handle Special Orders, Repair and AL TION WORK. 489. Our wagon wil eceipt t you by mail EL 5 Dressers, in oak and mahogany and surface oak, $7.50 up. i LR wilight - » T Mrs. Robert Sutherland, West St. entertained at a delightful tea, on Wednesday, in honour of Mrs. Ed- ward Moore, of Prince Albert, Miss Bessie Smythe and = Miss Flor- ence Cunningham, The drawing room, where the hostess received, was prettily decorated with red car- nations. Mrs. Henry Wilkinson poured tea and Mrs. W. Hi Craig cut the ice cream. The other guests were, Mrs. E. T. Bidwell, Mgs. R. C. Carter, Mrs. Herbert Robinson, Mrs. Halloway Waddell, Mrs. Hansard Hora, Mrs. W. X. Grant, Mrs. W. Balfour Mudie, Mrs. Watts, Ganan- oque; Mrs. Burke, Mrs. Arthur Craig, Mrs. James Third, Miss Waters, Belleville; Miss Grace Mar- "| tin, Miss Alice King and Miss Mable Dalton. : Mre. T. Donnelly, University avenue, was hostess at a dance Thursday even- ing, in honor of some of Mr. Hibbert Donnelly's friends among the gra- duating class of Queen's University. The house looked very bright pretty with its decoration of flowers and Queen's colors. Among the ts were Miss Bissonette, Miss rence Bisonette, Miss Eleanor Minnes, Miss May Hinckley, Miss Rly, Gillie. Miss Myra Dyde, Miss Joe mond, Mise Olga Harvey, Miss Olga Somerville, Miss M. Som- erville, Toronto, Miss Maude Hubbs, Miss Mary Hubbs and Miss Aileen Wright, and Dr. Charles Wallac}, Some People use Test Letters alone when testing the Eyes. 1 use the RETINOSCOPE, measure the error of refraction Carpet Sweepers. Bissels Grand Fegl® the Best, : direct from England and) na ---- handsome and rich. Silk, Mad ras. Repair and Upholstering promptly. done. Phone 90. . Yours, accurately--prepare the lenses to suit, and fit the glasses per- fectly! 5 This is why imy Glasses give satisfaction to the people of this city and vicinity. Let me supply your glasses! J. S. Asselstine D. 0. S. Registered Optometrist & Optician 842 King St. "hone 1019 Mr. W.; Fraser, Mr. Norman MNaeDon- ald, « Mr. drian Macdonald, Mr. Mr. Willi Minnes, Mr. Mac Omond James , Mr. Morley Sellery, and Mr. Harrison. i . A most enjoyable Dutch luncheon was given at the Country Club yes- in homour of Miss Cecily ford and Miss Helen Gordon. : The other guests included Miss Hilda Kent, Miss Doris Kent, Miss Madge Dawson, Migs Charlie Shortt, Miss Dorothy Carruthers, Miss Marjorie Mies Vera Carson, Miss Dorothy Hill, Miss Sylvia Cochrane and Miss Kath- leen Crisp. Lr Mrs. L. W. Gill, "Hazel Dell" gave a small afternoon tea on Thursday to old friends who greatly Sujore) the hours in the newly equippéd residence. The home is richly as- sociated with the history of Ports- mouth. # Mes. W. L. Grant, University aveoue, entertained informally at tea on Wednesday afternoon, in honor of ber guest, Mjss Kathleen Lawson. Miss Lawson returned to her home in Ot tawa on Thursday. . . The Methodists migisters of the city, and their wives, were enter- and | tained at Sydenham Street Method'st church parsonage, on Friday after- noon, by Rev. T. Ww. and Mrs. Neal The patronesses at the farewell dance in Grant Hall on Tuesday night, will be Mrs, W. L. Goodwin, ton and Mrs. James Third. A jolly party of boys and girls paddled to Kingston Mills on Friday afternoon and had their tea there, returning to town 'about eight clock. o'- Miss Mowat will give a dance aut the Residence on Monday evening, Jin honour of some of the girls who are graduating. . Mrs. R. E. Kent, King street, en- tertained informally at the tea hour on Wednesday in hour of Mrs Rutherford} . The Reading Club met at Miss Eva Richardson's on Thursday. Their many friends are welcoming Mr. and Mrs. George Cliff, who ar- rived in town this week from Van- couver. Mr. and Mrs. W, G. Craig, who have been visiting their daughter, Mrs. R. Hamilton MacKerras, Los Angeles, for the past three months, are expected home next week. Mr. and Mrs. A. B, Cunningham, who were back from Cali- fornia, about the first of May have changed their plans snd will not come home until some time in June. Mr. Harold Hughes, Earl street, went to Quebec to-day, and will be gone two weeks. - - - - Miss Emily Wilson, Queen's, is the guest of Miss Simmons, Barrie $3.600--Briok, 7 rooms, elec- | tricity, hot air furnace, B. and | C., new house. | $1,600 Frame, 6 rooms, | concrete cellar, good deep lot. $1,400--Frame, 7 Victoria street. 2,410Good frame house, 7 | rooms, hot air furnace, B. and |i C., gas. $3,400 New brick, seven | rooms, modern, Collingwood St. $4.050--Double brick, rent- | ed at $40 a month. $2,565. Frame, a nice 7 room se. rooms, |i 'barn and TARY : $300--Lot, Cherry St, 66 x $2,150 New brick house, 7 rooms, B. and C., electric lights concrete cellar, central local- ity. street, for a.short time, before leav- I Pott. B, Eliott, Barrie St., leaves next weak for Montreal, to be the guest of Miss Margaret MacFar- ne. . wi Miss Dorothy Hooper left to-day for the west, where she will spend the summer, » Miss M. Somerville, St. Thomas, is the guest of her sister, Miss Olga Somerville, and will be in town un- til after the farewell dance. Miss Chrissie Wilson, Hamilton, is com down for the dance at the "Residence" on Menday night, and the farewell dance at Queen's. Prof. MacNaughton, Montreal, will be the guest of Col. and Mrs. Ogilvie Princess street. a "Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Laidlaw, who have been in Toronto for the past week are expected home to-day. Nrs. .R. J. Hooper, , Wellington || street, is leaving for her new home in St. John, N.B., on Wednesday, and || she will be very much missed by a large circle of friends in Kingston. Mise Ada Petrie is going to spend the next two weeks with Miss Helen Uglow, Barrie Street. Mrs. R. Easton Burns, Frontenac St., who has been visiting her daugh- ter, Mrs. R. H. Partridge, in Toron- to, is coming home to-day. Miss Hooper, 'who has been the guest of Mrs. Vero Hooper, Princess street, for a short time, will leave on Monday for Pembroke to visit hex sister, Mrs. Bethel. Miss Katherine Hart, been spending the last month with Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Hart, Montreal, and her aunt, Mrs. Cartwright, Ot tawa, is coming home on Tues Sankey, Toronto, 'has -' of the Canadian of Commerce. Mr. Sankey was formerly. tisthed to the RCH A. at 8 Barracks and at o time took a short course at Kin; i o& 7 5 iE it Tis terday in Rutherford and Miss Aileen Ruther- Brownfield, Miss Lassie Kirkpatrick, | Mrs. John Watson, Mrs. O. D. Skel-|. be in town for convocation and will | ' Mrs. Alexander Jillne, has returned to his home in. Brighton. . Mr. Wafer Lachance, Montreal, spent the week-end the t of his aunt, 'Mrs. James Daly, au street. $ - - Mr. and Mrs. Wichard Uglow, Barrie street, are leaving next week for Atlantic City to a month. Mrs. J. H, Birkett and Mr. rence Birkett, Bagot street, - have booked passage to England for June. They will remain until October. Sir Percy Girouard returns to FEng- land on May 19th. . Mr. and Mrs. F. Orr lewis, who have been living in England for the past six months, are sailing for Montreal the first week of May. were al the station wish Mrs. H. Cun Florence Cunningham Smythe bon voyage. Boston Many friends on Thursday to 'ninLham, Miss {and Miss Bessie + Toda py ate sailing from on May. She Canopic for Naples. © Mr. E. G. Willrich, Queen's Unmver- sity, left on Thursday for his home m Major and Mrs. Alan Bryant are now in Mer. George Smythe's house, 'on West street, which they have tak- en for the summer months. Mrs. Watt, of Gananoque, who has heon the guest of Mrs. W. Baliour Mudie, Clergy street, returned to her 'home to-day. Mrs. MacTavish, of Toronto, wile of Dr. MacTavish, arrived in the city to- day and will be the guest of Mrs. William Jackson, William street, fora few days. Ile a M'ss Mary Vrooman, Napanee, is coming down for the Farewell Dance on Tuesday, and will be the guest of Mies Helen Uglow, Barrie street. Mr. E. S. Smythe left on Thursday for Berlin where he will spent the summer. Mrs. H. Meikle is going to Mon. treal on Tuesday for a short visit, Mrs. R. 8. Waldron, King street. and Mrs. Henry Wade who have been in New York for the past two weeks are expected home on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Charles Lewis, Gan. anoque, spent Thursday in town. Mrs. Bellhouse and Miss Agnes Rellhouse, Gore street, are home again, after spending the past few weeks in Hamilton. Rev. S. F. Moore Compton left yesterday for Toronto, where he will preach .in New St. Andrew's church on Sunday. From there he will go to New York en route for Ireland, to spend the next two months at his old homes in Ballymoney. Miss Maude Chalmers, Queen's University, 4s the guest of Mrs. W. T. Minnes, Hillcroft, for a few days before leaving for her - home in Sudbury. et Mrs. Drury, Montreal, announces the engagement of her daughter, Arabella, to Mr. Owen B. Jones, of Halifax, N.S. * . Mr. and Mrs. A. N. C. Black an. nounce the marriage of their daughter, Mary Ina, to Nr. Samucl W. Neill, on Thursday, April 24th, 1913, at St, Peter's church, Toronto. They will be al home after May 1st, at "Villa Cas- sie," Wi street, Toronto. Nr. Neill was formerly conneéted with the Skinner Drug company, in Kingston, but is now with the National Drug company, Toronto. Pe Continued on page six.) Queen's Examination Results. The Whig will mail a copy con: taining complete results for 3c. to any address. Students, leave your order now. "For ome week only $1.50 bias filled corsets, 95¢., at Dutton's. e "Common Sense Rat Poison." Gib son's. "The Hat Store." - WE HAT FS#ERY-| | BODY, and whether the | | = | lI Hat is a Man's Stiff or: I Soft Hat, a Ladies' Trim: | I med Hat, or a Child's | Cap, or Felt or Straw Hl Hat, we have a big selec- Have you seen the new | eck Caps for Men and y pew Stiff Hats with | {INCIDENTS OF THE DAY | von's. . for the progressive man. The 1913 edition of The Ex wineering as a Vocation. about Engineering. Price $1.00, > Kinks for Plumbers, Price Repair i the Cost of Buildings, Practical Wood Carving, $1.00 The Tinsmith's Helper, $1.00. Contractors' and Builders' Handbook, $2.00. X Pipe Fitting Charts, $1.50. The Principles of Heating, $2.00. 1 ain Anvil Bar | Ladies' Silk Waists in Navy and Black, newest styles in all the wanted sizes. / i Special to-night $2.95 Ladies' Tailored Waists, White and colors, broken 'sizes 34 to 40 --slightly counter soiled for about half- price. To-night T8¢ Special sale of Ladies' Suits, new, nobby and per- fectly made $16.00 to $19.50 garments. To-night $12.50 EE RSE SSR EP RPE ES EC Specials in Children's Ribbed Cotton Hose, Fast Black, all sizes. To-night per pair 15c, 250 | model, all sizes, 18 to 30, To-night $1.00 | See our "Special" Corset, in the most perfect Still selling Ethel Kid Gloves, the glove with the big guarantee, all shades, all sizes, a $1.25 Glove. To-night at per pair $1.00 THR ALWAYS BUSY STORE. The Distinguishing Feature --OF-- Anglin's Lumber Is its Reliable and Uni- form Quality, LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEKEST, Happenings in the City and Vicinity «What the Merchants Offer. to the Readers of the Whig. "Common Sense Rat Poison." Gilr Rev. Profi. A. Laird will be the cher at the Preshyterian church, 'ortsmouth, on Sunday night. Students !| Take our music catalogue . with you; music sent post free any- [fj ftom the planing ma- where. Dutton's Music Store. chines Rev. Dr. Fber Crummy, of Winni- : peg, is in the cily to preach the ' " baccalaureate sermon at Queen's Uni- [iE " S. Anglin & Co. versity on Sunday afternoon. He is staying at the Hotel Frontenac. Cor. Bay & Wellington Sts Phone €6. Clean, bright and fresh spring tonic," at Gibson's. Children's rompers, 50c.; children's print drpsses, 30c. Dutton's. : The funeral of the late P. M. Lob ban took place Friday, from the home of Rev. Mr. Dawson, Portsmouth, who conducted the service. The floral tric Gove. Price $1.00. | | the cost of building construction, either in detail or approximately. Builders, Architects and Engineers and Insurance Adjusters and Appraisers. A guide for the parcat and student. Tells all you want to know SPECIAL BOOKS PROCURED ON SHORTEST NOTICE. butes were numerous. "Ulommon Sense Rat Poison." Gib son's. Thomas G. Louden, of Queen's, who unersmt sn tion in the general hospital, for appondicitis, is able be around again and left on for. his home in Cambray, SPECIAL SALE FIXTURES Owing te an overstock of medium priced fixtures, we will Aor he 1 next few days sell them %to 50 p.c. below - regular prices, The store will be open even- Scott &R an Phone 1015" "> Broek St EH ay eet castor oil." Gibson's. not throw away your old straw hate. Hav) them and William Ahearn. Funeral on Sunday. Catarahni, ol Cushendall. boots for. women, men's boots, $1.50. Dutton's. 85e.; 7 <Nridaly . od ; 1 . BOU | J We are showing a large range of Technical books, covering every branch of industry. Dooks Works by standard authoritative writers. Among the list are: New Building Estimator. 'A model working guide for all 'who figure Useful to Contractors and An Admirer of Fine Clocks If you are an admirer of New Clocks, Odd Clocks, clocks that are different. Excellent: timers in artistic cases. See our new clocks for every purpose. IOS SMITH BROS. Jewelers & Upticians, Issuers of Marriage Liccmses New Novelties. in Ostrich and Marabou Boas. NO GOURDIER'S, 78 Brock St. Must Be Sold at Once Detached brick veneer dwelling on Frontenac sireet, containing eight rooms, B. and C., large yard and stable, possession at once. Price: $2,700 A nice building Jot on Barrie street, south of Princess street, at $1,350 thas to rent. E. W. MULLIN ~. The Quick Beller List your property with me and I will do the rest. Money placed on firs{ mortgages; best securities. Real Estate and Insurance Corner Johnson and Divisiog Sts. Phone 539. GRUMBLE AND GRIN, : Grumble: Bufthow do you manage always to look so spick and epan? Your shirts and collars are immaculate. Grin: That's as casy as gip- ping on a peel--I te ronize the BEST LAUNDRY town. Try it, old man, try { it's a winner. Grumble: Name and address, please? Grin: Why it's Kingston Laundry Cor. Princess & Sydenham Sts. _ "Phone 22, of course,