Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Apr 1913, p. 1

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{ -_-- -- - A------------ YEAR 80-NO. 101 AUSTRIA'S ULTI MATU GIVEN TO MONTENES WAR IS THREATENED BY THE AGED AUSTRIAN EM. PEROR FRANCIS JOSEPH Who Puts. the Blame For the Trouble at the Door of the Powers ~--Thursday is the Day Given For Evacuation, London, April 30.--Austria-Hungary | will deliver a tweuty-four-hour ulti- matum to Montenogro to-day, com- manding King Nicholas to surrender and evacuate Scutari by Thursday. If this is not complied with Austria will immediately ' declare war against Montenegro and in the movement o Ep so the Albanian and on rontiers, This decision was semi officially an?) nounced last night in Vienna by Count Von Berchtold, foreign iminister, following his two-hour conference with Emperor Francis Joseph. _ Austria's decision to take immediate indeputielont action was announced in the following official despatch received in London last night : "Austria-Hungary finding that the am ory' conference produced no results, has devided to take matters in her own hands and carry out the decision of the powers that Seutari must be evacuated." Upon the receipt. of this message Sir Edward Grey, British secretary of state, called a hurried meeting of the foreign ambassadors, who had ad- Journed until Thursday, to consider Austria's action. It was learned also that ftaly has ady rong protest in Vienna against Austria acting alone against Ring Nicholas, and that during the day Italy has brought much pressare to bear upon Montenegro to induce Ring Nicholas to surrender Scutari at once, Situation Serious. Dispatches from Vienna that no effort has been the of show made during day to disguise the seriousness . ne. to zo to J © government is known to be making preparations for a real war. Everywhere through- out the empire troops are on 'the "'move.- Within another day more than 60.000 Austrian troops. will be mobilized along the Montenegrin frontier, ready to cross the border "on short not'ce, In divlomatic circles it is felt that Auwscrie is firm In Ler demand that Scutari must be evacuated by Thurs- day, and it Is not denied that this unaxpected move has given a seri- ous turn to the Balkan situation. Wiila thee is no doubt that Aus- tria whl 'be able to enforce her de- mands ageins tho kingdom, it is felt that ofhgr powers will pe drawn in'o the conflict. Russia, the great Slavie power, has taken no part in the diplomat'c conferences concern- ing the evacuati»: of Scutari and fron the popula: feeling now at a high pitch in that country it ie DATLY MEMORANDA, Cheese Beard, 1.30 p.m. Thursday, Celebration S pm See top page for probabilities Remember date of tea rphans' meeting, city buildings and- sale at Home Friday, May 16th. A Word to the Storekeeper. What kind of advertising are the manufacturers whose goods you handle doing for you? Are they advertising meraly physician at the tuberculosis dical socialidts. ernment has already made indications ave that the will be able to control the situation, and a general revolution ened. HEADS THE DEPARTMENT, Annual Meeting Held and Financia! Resorts Given, Cape Vincent, N.Y., April Cape Viacent fire department held w. Fhe its anual clection Thursday evening, at which time R. J. Newman was unanimously re-elected chief, Joseph JOSEPH ; whose coun- try will declare war against Monte. negro if King Nicholas does not evac- Uate Scutarl on Thursday EMPEROR FRANCIS The Austrian mona thonght that Russia might go to the aid of Montenegro. Should Russ a assist against anothe- would be almost certan to take a hand, us the pricy of that nation for years hes be.n against Russia's obtaining a feothnald on the Adriatic, All the Austrian troops in the Tyrol, numbering several! thousand men, considered the flower of the army, have left for the froatiers of Montenegro and Novipazar. Montenegro power; Germany PHYSICIAN IS RIVAL CF HELEN KELLER Or. Bolotin, Blind, Makes Di Touch, Chicago, April 30.--A rival of Miss Helen Keller has been found in Uhr "I hn ut the Dunning asylum. Dr. Bolotin, who is only twenty-five vears old, has examined 3.500, pa- tients at the Municipal Tuberculosis hospital in the last fourteen months, and less than fifty of them knew he was blind. His disgnosis is made wholly by touch. He can give the exact temperature hy feeling the skin and an exact pulse count without the aid of a watch. He is the first blind man who ever took the full four vears' course medicine and passed the present 1lli- nois examination for medicine: and surgery. When he geaduated® from the Chicago College of Medicine and Surgery he named nearly 500 out of 600 in his class just by shaking bands with them. BRITAIN TO INTERVENE IN PORTUGAL SOON This is the Report in Madrid--Food 3, right hand corner} Scarce and Starvation Threatens. Madrid, April * 30.~Creat Britain may intervene in Portugal to pesiore arder, following the outbreak of ra The Portuguese gov- represen tations on the swhject to the bnglish foreign office. A telegram from Lisbon stated that a number of army officers who were involved in the uprising have commit ted suicide, and that while the surface government there is a strong undercurrent of un rest, fostered from various motives, is threat The disorder was brought ahout by the socialists. who declared for a "la te create a DESIRE for their products? : kind of advertising that benefits the retailer is the kind that creates demand--- the kind that brings custo- mers direct to the store. The one effective way of linking the retail store with | nationally distributed mer- chaudise is to use daily news- i paper space, Next time you talk with a manufacturer who wants to help you sell A ------------ { 'on a general strike. 'gravh agent, also ik : Ea woes of what the railway gives, al. iran dical Republic," but the monarchists are taking advantage of it to weake the army, so that a coup may be made ido attempt to restore King Manuel to * The situation in Portugal is eritieal because the government does not know in what quarter to repose its faith. | More than [000 bombs have been | confiscated in Lishon, Oporto and oth: Lor cities. | Another menace is contained in the g go vas learned from 4 diplomatic source, j Montenegro will eventually evacuate threat of dissatisfied workmen to ' Food is scarce in many quarters, and starvation threatens. MR. McGLADE RESIGNS, Becomes Secreary-treasurer of Grimss by Beach Company. Brockville, April 30.-- George FE. Glade, for the past twenty-four ug ticket and tele Dominion Express agent, has resigned those lo become secretary-troasurs he Grimsby Beach company, headquarters in Toronto ! atm im exe Brockville's C.P.R. & 0 t a substantial increase wus of- wean inducement. 1a him to re | '+hetoming more acute. {of Scutari to King Nicholas. and that and (ied enthusiasm. in one of . Var.tt first assistant chief and Andrew J. Truell second ass'stant 'chidd. The annual report submitud by the treas urcr showed total receipts of 31,196.73, expenses fJ08.50, leaving a balance on hand of $1,188.23, Chi'f Newman has beem in the fre department since May 3rd, 1576, when he joined in Kingston thirty-seven years ago. He was in Kingston's big 2000000 fire. He joined the Cape Vincent fire department June lst, 1584, jand has heen its chief for at least the last fifteen years. Chief Newman a member of the F luternational Fi Chiefs' Association, 'the State Chis' Fire Association. At the last copven- 'tion he, with Chief Little, of Roches ter, were appointed as Judges of the automobile hire apparatus, J EOOKED UPON AS THREAT TO THE UNITED STATES. Naval Officials Declare His Promos tion Has Significant Interpreta- tion.--The Situation is Very Grave, Washingtqn, D.C., April 30. Having been one of the leaders in the success ful fight to prevent appropriations for two battleships at the last congress, Representative 'Thomas 1. Sisson, democrat, of Mississippi, yesterday made a rampant speech on the floor of the house, throwing down the gauntlet to Japan. "If we must have war or submit to the demands of Japan," said Mr. Sis ison, "I am for a war, 1 am with the | people of California in their efforts to j iprevent aliens from acquiring land. 1 thelicve that no non-resident alien should be - allowed to hold a single loot of land in the territory of the United States. What would Washing ton say ¥ What would Jackson say? What would Cleveland say *' What would Mehinley say ¥ 1 resent the ef- forts of Japan to force us to submit to her demands." The speech of Mr. Sisson was a de { claration for state's rights and to up- Ihold the authority of the state of Cal- ifornia to prohibit the Japanese from holding land in that state. He as serted that this nation should "main- tain with our sacred lives and hon- or," its principles regarding the ad- mission and circumscribed \ rights of aliens, While Nr. Sisson's \ i wad led by members of his own varty as well as the republicans that he was one of the most aggressive warriors against the appropriation for iwo bat that this country would be unprepar- ed for war unless two battleships were added to the navy annually until the Panama canal is gpened. Requests The situation between this country and Japan, despite reassuring state ments issued from official quarters, is There are a number of congressmen with indignation because '0' the at- tempt of the foders! government in trying to placate Japan. Officers of the army and navy, while realizing that Japan would have an advantage in being able to capture the Phil lipines and Hawaiin Islands without much chance of a fight by the United States, owing to the fact that most of the ships of the fleet are stationed in the Atlantic, nevertheless intimate strongly that Japan is going a little too far in what they deseribe as "art (flicialy of the navy have heen point- ing out that the promotion oi Togo to admiral of the entire Japapese fleet, is virtually a threat to the Un- ited States. It ic in effect, they say, af statemeiit=that "'now we have put Tage in complete charge of the navy the United States had hotter act re spoctful towards us." After Having Made a Further ~ Show of Defiance to Europe. Yicona, | April -- 30.--Secret gence in reported to have been re ceived by the Austrian government iwing a more favorable outlook to the Furopean situation. According to this information, it Seutari ater having made a further shgw of Hel Europe. A + Beneral tin, ine Austrian % er war, puts no credence in seports that the bulk of the Mon- iter army, led by Crown Prince , is marching on Cattaro (Hun- rian territory), with the purpose of Baba ding it. A Cetlinje despatch states that the 'Crown Prince Danilo returned to that ¢ity and handed the key of the gates ceremony was attended by frem- Count Von Berchthold, ign minister, after a meet 4 Lee of the winisterial s at "the clouds were clearing He to be in a more optimistic east North street and Raglan Road gramme of intelli: |S ork To ther nell, of the will McConnell and Market present Gran The Lakev two months building. granted two ed as follows Patrick M. Caines, "Windsor"; al'; Lewis Thomas P. P ant; M. J. can'; F. Whitney. * Eccles Br Whig, stated taken out this north side of H. Appleton Meche of James side William ~now liam street, John anew Cataragui loc rogant demands, } celebrated the : sary of the birth of the order in the lodge rooms on Tuesday evening. ne freshments we bers followed. presided. R. timely review of the der from its infancy. D.D.G.M., and also gave addresses, Alice Joyce in removed from street, where mora brisk. Home grown w twenty-five for The British-American 'hotel McKenna. James Spence, "Albion; John Lawless John Saunders, Hugh McBratney, John King, frame dwelling on between nue and Aberdeen street. «il Mr commodious quarters, stock rooms, éte. cal firm reports business as KINGSTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY. APRIL 30, 1918. A MONTH GIVEN Owner of Collendar to Dis- pose of License. ECCLES APPLICATION WAS HELD OVER BY THE COM- MISSIONERS, Who Do Not Care To Grant Licemse Grand Operas Hotel--Eccles Bros. Likely To License and Re-open Hub Buy The board of license commission-! whoa they were killed by a treep ers, at their meting on Tugsday|traic. The case will likely be heard night. heid over the application oflin Juno. Eccles Bros, of the Grand Opera tiouse hotel, for a license. for fur- consideration. The license of Mrs. Neilie McCon- § KELY TO RESIGN street, was extended for one month, Li for the purpose of disposal Report states purchase for ) : and that they will open up the old and Roche Will Retire, and Hub hotel. at the corner of King It is known that the license commissioners Cpposed to giving a license for the Collender hotel, Kin that Eccles the: license of the sum $1,504 of streets. d Opera House hotel. The Iroquois hotel was given one month to make repairs to building was given to few hotel for improvements months' extenson make improvements. It is understood that is held over 'to allow for the placing of some fire escapes on the building The Frontenac two months to make some improve: ments to the building Other tavern licenses were grant- hotel was "Imperial "Randoiph"; MeCue Bros Cousineau, "Roy Martin, "Revere"; halen. '"*Anglo-Ameri "Queen's"; 'Hotel Whitney. ' Six shop licenses were granted as A club license was issued to th: Frontenac club King street. . The commissioners had quite a tleships at the last session of con- |late session. It was near midnight gress and the previous session. when the business was finally dis- The Navy Department has been tell- jposed of. The chairman, Samu«i ing congress for the last four vears | Bailey. presided, and the other com- . missioners, Messrs. John Welch and were present, , when asked by the that they could not have been made for three battleships, | say. at the present time just what they would do about a license. They but Sission has fought constantly 2 y in ;8gAinst even two. Ho has always [Would have to be guided by the !i- urged economy at the expense of the }Cense commissioners. navy, and now he is of the first to en ery for 'war, rather than submis- Building Permits. sion." These building I its have been the between we Charles street, Rideau and Bagot streets. , double frame house, besides Sisson who are bubblitng over [north side of York street, between Di- vision and Lansdowne streets. rmott, frame dwelling, Bagot street, between den, north side of Wil University ave- dwelling, ay, 7 frame north side of Stephen street, hotwesn Montreal and Division streets. . Célebrated Anniversary. dge, No. 10, LO.0.F., ninety-fourth anniver- re served, and a pro speeches and voeal num- William Twigg, N.G. Meck, PGP, gave a history of the or- . J. Saunders, A. W. Richardson, P.Gi,, the lattr speank- a ing for the Rebekahs. Dr. Richardson MONTENEGRD LINELY [55 he, ys 10 EVACUATE SCUTARI uot, 23 Marshall, F. Hafiner and Dr. . ichardson. ------ ------ A Marvellous Invention. The victograph, one of reatest inventions, which was used EF Willam J. ous detective, in running to earth the uilty ones cophected with the New graft cases; the blowing up of the Times building, ete, ete, will be shown at Wonderland, Wednesday and Thursday, in the 3.000-joot, threeact ldrama, "The Swindlers," the world's Burns, the world's fam: Exposure of the Land Burns and Miss the leading roles. Moved to Larger Quarters. Scott & Ryan, electricians. have Brock street to D Campbell's old Siang at 338 Princess] hrummo a and sie large This new electri- very For the Week End. rhubarb, 1%. bunch 5c. 'pound; bananas, 25¢.; pine apples, 15e., at Carnoveky's. H. M. Price. the wellfown lumber said | merchant, a co cream bricks." Gibson's. | : away, wixtemix, af Collendar Hotel. Bros Mrs, are was to this license given | pfeighen taking his place. James G.T.R. Restaur- + A WILD RUNAWAY, Shafts of Waggon Went Through a Billboard, - There was quite & wild and ex- ting runoway, on Ontsiro street, Tussday adiernoon. A farmer's team, which had been left standing, made a bolt, when near the corn: uf Princess and Ontario street. The big biboard, next to D. J. Mil- lan's butcher shop, attracted the at- tention of the frightened animals, and they went for it at top speed. In th> smash the shafts of the ve- hicle were forced through the board. and this brought the horses to a standstill, The waggon gsce ped damage, Sues C.P.R. For Damages. N2ison Boyce, of Glenvale, has ta- Ken action in the high court aga nst the Canadian Pacific railiway . for damages amounting to $500 for loss of a team of horses last June THREE OF CABINET Le Devoir Declares Nantel, Cochrane Names Successor. Montreal, April 30.--Le Devoir's Ottawa correspondent says that Hon. Bruno Nantel, Minister of In- land Revenue, Hon. Frank Cochrane, Minister of Railways. and Hon. Dr. Roche Minister of the Interier, will resign at the end of the session. It ¢ays Nantel will become a judge, being succeeded by L. T. Marechal; Hou. Frank Cochrane will] becoine Canadian representative| Col. Currie of Simco> taking the portfolio: while Hon. Dr. Roche will 80 to the senate. with Arthur le Devoir asserts Premisr Borden wouid like to have Hon. WwW, J Hanna to suceced Mr. Cochrane, bu® is opposed in this by Sir James Whitney. The correspondent gives the above nformation 2s certain. BUILDING FOR A CRECHE Has Been Secured at Cormer York and Barrie. A meeting of the Creche committee the unwearied efforts of J. B. Walkem, a suitable house had been purchased | at the corner of York and Barrie | streets, in which it is hoped shortly to begin the work of the creche, as secretary tish Whi LAST EDITION. SOWARDS COAL TENDER i Hon. Mr. Hawa Admits + Was Changed. AGREED TO REQUES SEVENTEEN CENTS the A Ton to His Tender Hanna Changes Ifis Tuae, Asks the Committee to gate the Manipulation. Torono, Apr l withdrawal of 30 prosecuting al members from the the investigat on of poliical corruption against she prim minister and the provincial tary this forenoon. An'adn Wallace N sbitt ceived from George C. Taylor party purposes, led up to a flare-u on the part of the opposit on. sum, Mr. Nesbitt declared, had bee given Mr. Hanna. but further tha that he would not go. "Take it for what it's worth," his reply to demands for more pa: ticulars. -"Take it and spread an ad rortise M, : Mr. Dewart tear it into pie copit view of it, break through maa Farguson George Taylor, particular up the prosecution took it and and his failure t to allow the witnes to be urged for mor After brief in ful! charge. The Sowards Tender, over night Mr. ook charge of the proceedings irst thing in the morning, and the an nounced that contrary to the attitude of 4 of the committee yesterday he wanted (uined upon a straight party vote. OF MR. SOWARDS TO ADD Figures. Mr. and Investi- --The complete counsel, of Wiliam Proudfoot and five liber- committee on privileges an elections, featured the proceedings of a startling nature at the charges of secre- fon on the part of Hon. for his client, Hon. W. J. Hanna, that $500 had been ve for This was tried to! ces and gain a micros- the refusal of Chair- caused him to first throw Nesbitt | UNDER CONSIDERATION I 2 J. HANNA, HON. W Vho admits changing the coal tender of Sowards & Co, Kingston x -- "On behall of Mr, Hanna, vou ads mit the receipt of $000?" the chair": Plman asked Mr. Neshitt. "Yes," answered Mr, 01 gel. n Mr lute the po pS ask d Hanna's coun: Nesbitt ~My admission is abst to the payment of $500 to wrty funds. "1 am not going to \ Mr. Hanna about it. He should,' not he cross-examined is worth it mav spread everywhere." Mr. Dewart- "Had the admission been made yesterday it would have saved time. As to whether the con: tribution was illegal, coPrupt and subs sersive of good government, that's for the commitiee to Mr. Nesbitt does not care whether the money was as be printed and 0! 8 say. flammatory rema ks, Mr. Proudfoot 53 anl five comm 't'ecmen, Messrs. El paid on demand or not . 2 liot:, Bowman, Munroe. Racine and Ir. Dewart pressed so firmly for the Marstali, joined in procession date of (he contribution that finally Tue invratigation then proceeded Mr. Ferguson joined in the persuasion with the goverament members in|®0¢ elicited the statement from the witness, Mr. Taylor, that the money had ben paid on November 20th, 1907, More Information Needed. follows: James McParland, 339]|was held on Tuesday afternoon, in St. | The opening saw a sudden reversal : % \ King street; James R. Henderson, |George's hall, with Mes. E. od. Bid fin the tactics of Hon. Wallace 'ves | Nol Rowgll . and soyers) lioral 59 Brock street: Edwin Beaupre jwell in the chair. Among those pre-|hiti, counsel for Hon. W. ; J, Members argued that interviews and 266 Princess street: George Thomp-|sent were Mrs. W. B, Carey, J. B.lHapoa, on charges of political cor Sune i oy etre mitten speech cre: json, 292 Princess street; Rigney &Walkem, Mrs. W. R. Givens and Gi. ruption, now on the second day of coo Goi! xi whother" tha ay street; Johulfi. McKay. Mes. Bidwell announced their invesiigation. Ae BE rd 'Gordon. Golden Lion Hlock. that after great difficulty, and through | Ha ing conferved with the provincial Lo' ; : ho Chairman Ferghison ruled atherwise, insisting that the admission of the provincial secretary as to $300 renders necessary. The chaiv was suse soon as certain necessary alterations | he matter of the coal tender, regard-, . M. Bowman thought the condi can be made. The committee will be ing which William Proudfoot, Pro tion of the commitice illogical in fave very grateful for contributions of [secutor, had used the word "mani of the ruling of the chairman, The the purposes of the creche, kitchen pulation," to be investigated to the £500 contribution was admitted on utensils, crockery, house len, cots, [fll extent. the floor of thé house. What was. the strong simple furniture, suitable for| "You ruled yesterday," began Mr. good of the committee, if the evidenos chairs, tables. Toys will be es { Neabitt, addressing himself to 15. H. as to whether it was corruot and il- pecially welcome. Anyone wishing | Ferguson, chairman; "that as a mat | Continued on page 8.) to donate these or other articles J ter of law the comunittee had no ju atm-------------- should communicate with Mrs. Bid jrisdiction to have anything except AUSTRIA HUNGARY well, at the deanery. the two charges before it On be | » rs half of Mr. Hanna, | wish to say | WITHHOLDS TROOPS LOST COFSIN LOCATED. that iv i8 his desire to have the 5 peruse sullest possible investigation into the Came From Norway, Teo Alexandria Bay. A fifteen-year-old girl came up from Alexandria Bay on Tuesday to meet her cousin, who is coming out Norway. She was at the outer station and met the train but as jt she had never met her cousin it was [1 no great wonder that she missed | ¢ him. She stayed with some at the outer station all night today Rev. A. E. Smart succeoded in finding her lost cousin dnd to-night |? the two will go down to Brockville, and thence to Alexandria Bay. and |} Government, Responsible. Ottawa, April, 80.--Rzeponsibility for holding back the public business of the country in its effort to "jam through" the naval contribution billfl and the closure resolution was defin- itely placed at the door of the gov ernment by Sir Wiifril Laurier|c« yegq rday, when Premicr Borden submitted his resolution to start morning sitt ngs of the commens to- v SUFFRAGETTE OFFICE confiscated. Mrs others were efiects were ar rested. ------------ 1 Duchess Condition Bad. pi london, April 30. ~The Duchess of Connaught"s condition is stated by a May Ist, at 5 am. J. Swit & Co, agent. . : "Jee cream bricks." Gibson's. Visit At mater. from !ston, in i tons. friends | Storage and there to cover these two items. made an allowance to cover these a 'mounts, thus placing the tender 185.10 a ton. the lowest there was papers were available to Mr. day, tC. THE POLICE RAIDED : ness, bitt to order, and Mr. on hie feet objecting. *"Ihere was a coal tender, the its consideration flisposition, Mr. Sowards saw fanna and told him that the fer was wrong, that he had amd insurance. Mr. wd put in a tender 1.90 was another Before ten at a tom a ton which at Even that was tender, and the was awarded to Mr. Sowards, any irregularity in it was then irregular. The remained Thorne may sav have other accountant." Mr. Taylor Examined. The star witness of the case, George Flora {interviews with the provincial secre Nery in regard to them. Me. Dewart : "16d sou see him 908 with reference to other things, uch as pending elections ?"' - Admits Contribution. roll around this statement." Here the chairman called Mr. Nes Dewart one omitted Sowards thirteen cents should have been added Mr. Hanna much contract A that, on fyle and or any in Was Until Ater the Big Ambassadorial spoken of by Mr. Thorpe. It. 'was s granted to Mr. Sowards, of King Conference in London on 1905, and was for 1,50 od Thursday. Mr. London, April 30, --lIn<face' of the definance of Ning Nicholas, of Monte negro, Austrin-lufigary has backesd down for the present. This morning it is officially sonounced from Vienna that no further movement of troops will be made until after the big amv bassadorial conference to-morrow, when representatives of all the powers will have received their instructions. Real Estate Men, All kinds of forms for the transfer of real estate, sold at Whig office. MARRIED. HARPELL~BREAULT In Bt Aba thony's church Centreville, by Rev, Father McCarthy, on Monday April 1. 1913 Miss Mary 'BE t, of Croydon to George Harpell of Cataragul I called the stand rp hay foe, Nas galled to the Rid DIED : : Py p nee. e said he : anid a breathless sile COCKADE~In Kingston, on Apell vas DOL at present engaged in busi th. 1913 Catherine Cotlade, He had been engaged in the F 74 years : we : at ih wife | Fun (private) from her lato resis wood working business with his wife Private) Jrom her inte as his sole partner. The firm opera on Friday merning. at 16 o'cle -- ted under the name of Taylor, . Scott | ee & Co. They had contracts with ROBERT J. REID, And Closed it Permanently---Mrs. the Central Prison. He had no in The Leading Undertaker. Flora Drummond and Six Others terest in the present Taylor, Scott | 'Phome 577. 230 Princess Street. company at Palmerston. i Were Arrested. "Have they got the books of Tay JAMES REID hc lor Scott Uo. during the periods Old Firm of London, April 30. Seotland Yard i which they had dealings with the oie ana 208 PRINCI SS STRAY, men, to-day, faided the headquarters |poyernmnt ? 2 : 147 for Ambulnunes, of the Militant Sufir te a Wo "Yes, but all information on the | = . i man's Social and Political Umion of [books is better set out in mere de THe FIVER Ann RANGES. fice in Kingway. The place was per !tail in papers brought before the | Dressers, hg an Beds Mar manently closed up, although many [Public Accounts committee." line, Raasaiabis prices. At . rominent sufiragettes were present. | Mr. Taylor said that in the spring 708. ! : 'he police seized a number of papers, lof 190% there were at issue between printing apparatus and other sufira- [tie government and himself questions gette paraphernalia. AH books and {that were at jesue in 1997. He bad House Cleaning ; Supplies Ssrubhing Brushes, Stove Brushes, Stove Polish, Ceiling Brooms, Whisks surgeon, to-day, to be not at all sat-| fee Mr. Nesbitt objected : "The | Fibre Tubs, Sapotio, Bon-Ami, Dust- jisfactors. The duke and members of |i 00 0 (he payment of $300 to the]bane, Clothes Lines, Dutch Cleanser, 'his family were at her bedside this) ign fund. Thai is aamitted Pan Shine, Brasso, Stovepipe Varn- morning. by Mr. Hanna® There is no possible | Ish, Pearline;, Lye, Gold Dust Wash {object in givihg evidence on this [108 Powder, Asepto Powder, Lux, ¢ First Trip. subject The only possible object Liquid Veneer. ' Rideau King for Ottawa, Thursday, imy leurned friend could have ix to JASREDDEN & CO: SE fui uh A041

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