Daily British Whig (1850), 13 May 1913, p. 4

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B = ¥ » Ne BH WE Hoe & . OAr, m # & i to United States 3. Three Months, pro rata. 25 ing about this great reform. PR OS WE 2 are ' 'public' baths." Fvery publi¢-spirited 1 + them. Occasionally the prayer has wy "The British Whig :' ' year, Fear: os ition. peal Megs aon) Searle United States ree Months, pro rata Attached is one «of the best Job Pr'nting Offices In Canada, ' 901:st party opposed the change couniry has been very deficient good raads, but will, presently grown away from conditions . which have prevailed too long to the im- jury of public business. BRITISH ELECTORAL REFORMS. The workingmen of the old land 'are in advance of the workingmen of Can- {ada in mamy respects. . The unions, in their ample and effective organiza- tion; the fraternal societies, in their large -memberslip, --4hich is Dow cOv- ered*by state insurance; the political alliances of the labour party and their strong representation in parliament-- these and other factors have impress: ed upon the government the interests of the industrial classes. © It is no surprise, then, that the franchise bill, as it was formerly pre sented, for the cure of any anomalies and the confering of the right to vote on about "eight millions of women, has heen left over until another ses: sion, perhaps the last of the present parliament, while a measure of small er importance occupies the stage. This measure Wales, 20,000 in The union- most 55,000 in Scotland, and Irelaftl to one vote each. strenuously, and because it promised to operate against the party. This is one political reform which has been IRONTO REPRESENTATIVE: Smalipeice .....,.32 Church Bt U, 8. REPRESENTATIVES: New_York ce 225 Fifth Ave, Frank gp | AY Manager, Tribune Bldg k R. Northrup, Manager. Hn THE LAND IS SAVED. The City Property Committee has acted wisely in withdrawing from its report the recommendation agreed upon at a previous meeting, and to the effect that the fair grounds be put on the market and sold. The bu- siness men, in very large proportion, . almost unanimously, are of the opin- jon that the land should be held for public purposes. The increment, what- ever it is, belongs to the city, and thete is no telling what may be - the demand for land in the near future for manufactures. The business re- vival of Kingston is so marked that it will not be surprising if the coun- cil be forced ere long to acquire land and hold it for factory sites. Had it acted .on the advice which was gra- tuitiously given to it some years ago some land now in the hands sel speculators * would be in the com trol of the city. SWIMMING BATHS. The council is to be congratulated upon its action with regard 'to the swimming station which it is pro posed fo establish at once. How the boys will bless and honour the men who have: been instrumental in bring- For thére has beeh an agitation for man has admitted the mecessity * of been 'offered that sympathy for the lads weuld move some wealthy per- A: son, atid that he would give from his bounty enough to found the baths. Appeals to the individus! having 'fail- | ed it is gratifying to see that the . council has acted, that it has taken the first practical step, in the boys' ¥ estimation, to put Kingston on the fe map. It has provided a goodly sum, for a specific purpose. Perils aps some £ 7: one will supplement the grant and so 43 £y + » 2 = £ HHI qualify for enrollment among the im- PLACE OF GOOD ROADS. <The Good Roads.Educational Asso: ciation is doing a splendid' service in dissiminating information upon the | i and in inviting the considera- it by the people. The fact be generally recognized that ads 'should recognize every one reason that they con- transportation and E3e Es {itt i Ess F ; { { : i ort ht have a good deal more i BF of ap g | Ft i Fi af y i ! i } | i i Hl i ; | i if | & ¥ 5 ofl, i LE] [ ; fe il i : oF Ef Fo p---- fast week sixty-seven applications affect the cost | ad because they camnot pay the current | " {as far as their living quarters §re con- the 1 opularly regarded. of ment who wanted to kmow if 'the campaign, live on his salary and that he had to without 7 +45 sf if most ardently advocated by the la- bour unions and labour party and yet some labour members voted a- gainst it because it was not more comprehensive and did not woman's sufirage. A second measure of importance was that which lengthened out the polling day on general elections from 7 a.m. till 10 pm. This is in the interest of the masses who cannot Jeave their work to vote during the shorter day and have not been al lowed to do so in some cases. In the evening the time of the elector is his own, and if he does not vote the fault is his. . The only opposition to the longer day comes from those who have to operate the election machinery and sul up the votes, and in the districts where the ballot is a heavy one - the people will have retired and had a first sleep before the results can be made known. £ . EDITORIAL NOTES. "Send us another $500. Last time of calling." That will be the Hanna | logan in the next local election. ' were made for new house connections with the water system. Who says the city is not growing by leaps and bounds ? Let her grow 1 Petticoat government, municipally, has been abandoned in Honeywell, Ky. Is the woman's cause gemerally reced- ing? Ilave the suffragettes failed to make good ? So it would seem. *. The man who remembered the boys 'and thinks enough of .them to advo- cate their cause is worthy of being mayor. That is the way the boys'look at it, and they will all be voters some day. The Montreal Gazette says that nothing the opposition can do will ofi- set the moral effect of the naval situ ation. The moral effect ! The Gazette must define it, for assuredly the avgr- age mind must fail, without a key, to see and appreciate it. There is at least one man in the commons whom the government fears. | He is Mr. Verbille, who represents the Ilabour interests. He practically defied ibe closure, while he spoke, and the premier was afraid to apply the gag, The Thorne letter has been pooh- poohed and depreciated by the tory sore] TO CONSIDER PROTEST abolishes plural voting in| 00 | the general clection, and limits 450,- HH 000 persons in England and 00 'T4th Battalion. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, MAY 13, 1913. 7 ; -- \ Washington, D.C., May 13.--Subsi- dizing American ships which bring into the United States dutiable goods from foreign countries will be the subject of a serious debate on the tarifi bill, which will be taken up for considera- tion again to-day. Senators know that unquestionably it will be the purpose of the British and German governments to protest against the preference which will be iven to American ships under the Up wood hill. The bill provides that a five per cent. discount on all duties shall be remitted to shippers using American vessals. It is prohably true that Great Britain will.claim this is'a discrimina- tion against the commerce of that am- pire, in the same manner that pro- tests have been lodged against - the adoption of a policy of free tolls on American shipping through the Pana- ma capal. The senators who will uphold the merchant. marine subsidy point out that Great Britaip's position in this probable protest weak one, inas- much as that government has spent many millions in mail and admiralty subsidies for the development of its commerce, , ; These senators also hold that -the Panama canal will largely fail in its purpose unless the adoption of the snbsidy provision of the Underwood bill shows the country that friendly intercourse between the United States and foreign nations is more easily gained by ships of trade than by any include {Tther means. Tha American farmer has always op- posad a ship subsidy measure. How- ever, the arguments that will be pre sented to the semate to combat the agricultural interests opposition will present a picture of the great lakes region, where at one time hundreds of grain-bearing vessels were forced to await the pleasure of foreign carriers. Wise and .. .'. Otherwise The man who insists on giving other people a piece of his mind is usually a man who has none to spare. It might be well to warm the June bride not to take her husband to Mus koka for the honeymoon. George mighty fall in love with the scenery. Extravagant. "Pa must have had a raise in sal- ary." "Why gil » "Ma's started to fry things in but ter again. = Earth and Infinity. Ry Augustus Wight Bomberger. : There's part o' the sun in an apple; © There's. part o' the moon in a rose; There's part of the flaming Pleiades In every leaf that grows. Out of the vast qomes nearness; For the God whose love we sing Lends a little of His heaven To every little thing. Superfluous. Lover--Please send a large bunch of roses. to this address, and charge it to me. Florist--Yes, sir; and your name. Lover -Oh, - never mind the name. She'll kipw.--Judge. Travelling Abroad.' TT oy \ 7 pd i PUBLIC OPINION Whitney's Revised Boast. Chatham News. Revised version of Whitney's boast : "Bold enough to take money for campaign purposes and honest enough to suppress the evidence about it." Give Them a Fiat. Hamilton Herald. If the Farmers' Bank shareholders and depositers think they have a just claim against the government why not grant them a fiat giving them the legal right to sue the crown ? The Maiw Issue. Brantford Courier. Young man, which would you gath- er marry--a raving, window-smashing, bomb-placing, militant sufiragette, or a nice, vivacious, cuddlesome, coyly- rooting fanette ? , - Getting Old Early. Taronte Globe This is a ruthless age. At forty- four a man engaged un intellectual work should"be at his prime but the Toronto Board of Edueatidon says he is too old to enter its service. Where They Shine. Belleville Ontario. * The Ontario government fell down over the prosecution of the combines and the investigation of cha a- gainst ministers. The only thing the government seems expert at ia the taking of the people's timber her- itage, and that is easy. » Kingston Events 25 YEARS AGO. i, &m "We can stop at Milan for an hour." "Can'tesee much in an hour." "] only want to get a local label pasted on my trunk." °° A Mean Steal. "My I My !"" exclaiied Mra. Ghada- bout. "So the story is true and your husband has really eloped with the servant girl." - "Yew" replied the weeping wife, "and she Was the bewt girl I ever had too--a perfectly lovely cook and so quiet and respectful. r | knows where I'll ever he able to get anoth- - ) ie ' Moderate Demand. "Do you want to vote?" "Nat especially," replied Miss Cay- enne. "But I'm conservative enough to insist that the men shall listen with respectful attention whem women want to argue about that or any other ques tion." --Washington Star. PRN Great Financing. "He's one of- our rst successful financiers." a "That so? 1 didn't know he was rich." | "He isn't. But he's supporting a family of five on $12 a _weck."--Dos- ton Record. Thoughts of Men. Life is an education. Instruction ends in the schoolroom, but cducation ends only with lifeL. W. Robertson. a The doctrine of love, purity, and right living has, step by step, won its way into the hearts of EE and J. Mitchell, one of the best snare drummers in Canada, has joined the aMajor Thompson has been congratu- lated for the creditable sale of de bentures made through him. He dis- posed of the $140,000, the proceeds of press, but .they have not dared to 'print it and. so let their readers value it for 'themselves. The best evidence that its contents have been regarded as hurtful to Hanna ; Because they cannot get houses. or routs, some families are doubling up, cerned. A sign of congestion, discom- fort and high living which is not The member of the British govern- 'Chancellor of the Exchequor could not resort to gambling in order to sun' plant it, is now out of the house. | Forced out by ill-health. The mores | the pity. now t The Tory View. Montreal Gazette. If the senate rejects thc Navy Bill it will not drive government to the country. Nothing could be gain- ed by appealing to the people on that account. Even if the Borden gov ernment were returned by deuble its present majority, and passed the bill again, the senate could throw it out. The only advantage would be that when the government did go 'to the country (at a time of its own choos ing) it would have in its platform a very popular plank for the regenera tion of the upper chamber. A senate which flouts the will of the people 'cannot expect to retain the people's good-will. . wi dng Re will, find that Henna 'is long: which are to be devoted to the exten: sion of the waterworks, to the Agri cultural Insurance company, of Water town, N.Y.; for $107.60 premium, the bonds to yield the company 4 per cent., though they were issued at 4} per cont. This is the most profitable sale of bonds ever made in Kingston. y. it- a bonus of $10,645.19 will be secured. The debentures of $120,000 sold to Cox & Co. only brought $102.- 30 fretiium. The latest sale was made through Folger Bros,' who will be paid a' commission of 3 Tenders may be called for the re 'moval of cats from the roller rink, where services are being held. They provoke hilarity at t wrong mo- ment. ['lans specifications may be addressed to the class leaders. The freight on coal jrom Oswego to Hingston is thirty cenls a ton. Principal Grant, of Queen's Univer- sity, and Hon. John Robinson have been made fellows of the Royal Coloni- His ptalant personality - al Institute, ' a ~ "Why Was it Barked? "1 desire to say to the honorable gentleman now, in utmost faith, that if anybody thinks a wrong has been done here, if a charge is made, this government will ask the house to sit here until either the committee on privileges and elections or a special committee can deal with the question fully and make a re- nr This is a verbatim statement of what Sir James Whitney said on the floor of the house on April 22nd when he made the admission that Hon. Mr. Hanna had received a payment of $500.00 from Taylor Scott & Co. The prime minister's pledged word was given that the investigation should be "full." There must have t00 heavy a load to carry much ot. : has filled the future with hope and promise. ~William McKinley. : There are two stones we may not dare to cast: y The stone of stumbling in our broth- er's way, The stone of judgment at our broth- er s past, who ourselves like sheep have gone astray. "We, --Hamilton. Sandy and Pat Again. An Irishman who could mot boast of having a hair on his head was seated in a train. Directly opposite him sat a Scotsman with one of the finest heads of hair anyone could wish to have, which also happened to be red. The Scotsman was very proud of his hair, and, noticing the Irish- man's head, he thought he would have a joke at the Irishman's expenso, so ho exclaimed : "Was there no hair about when you were born, sir®"' The Irish- man looked at his opposite partner, and with a smile said : "Oh, aye, thers was; but it was red and I wouldn't have it." ne A Terrible Revelation. Montreal Witness The annual report of the charity de partment of Montreal shows that in- creasing care should be exercised in regard to the immigrants admitted to C .~ In 1912 the charity officials in that city ed 225 people, 50 more than in 19115 and of those de ported in 1912, 18 were insane. There were sent to the asylums out of . 0 er's court in Montreal in 1912 no less than 167 s, of whom but 37 were natives of Canada. This moved the doctor who inspected these unior- to remark that fhe foreign element is responsible for a good share of the insanity of Canada. There not seem to have been as much care exercised as there ought to have Leen or so many who wo appear to havd been fit subjects for public institutions when they came to Canada would not those who passed through the record | | BIBBYS Limited This Store for the Best! Well Do Our Level Best for You! \ Blue Suits. The Suit of Suits for the Summer Season. _ Nothing sodressy, noth- ing so durable. - Qur Serges are fast color--and are, therefore, not afraid of the sun or rain. See our . Windsor Suits of Blue Worsteds, Bibbys Special $1250 . See Our *| ~ Bryson Suits of Blue Serge $15 00. See Our New Era Suits of Blue Import- ed Worsteds $18.00. See Our Semi-Ready KING'S BLUE SERGES Hand-Tailored © $20.00. We Are Strong on Blue Suits. See our Society Brand Blue Vicunas $22.50. Our. Shoe Special $4.00 Don't miss seeing our range of New Oxfords for Summer season, 1913. Real Beauties, Velours, Tans and Patents, Button and Blucher styles. Very classy shoes, indeed. 3 IBB YS, 'Limited 78, 80, 82 PRINCESS STREET. yi Window Boxes, Hang- ing Baskets, Geraniums, Asters, and everything for the garden at | F. J. JOHNSON | The Leading Florist, 324 King St. Phones: Store 239. Residence 1212. Greenhouses 235. EE , oN NAASAALLLE LALLAALLAAAAANA FOR SALE 1. Good stone dwelling along water front, wharf. house, stable, small chard .... 2. Solid brick, 4 bedrooms, B- and C, furnace. gas, elec- tric lights. large lot. .$3400 . Brick, 7 rooms, modera, Clergy West $3800 . Brick, 7 rooms, B. and C., good cellar $2230 . Frame dwelling, stable and acre and one-half of good garden land $1600 . A first-class farm; would exchange for city property. could give possession at once or when desired; would also sell farm im- plements very cheap; a bar- >. Preserving Time For Pineapples Don't delay letting us have your preserving orders for Pine. apples. Get them now while the quality Is at its best. Plenty of very large pineapples this season; well matured fruit of ex- ceptional fine. flavor. * BUY NOW. THE PRICE IS RIGHT. HENDERSON'S GROCERY, fy 5-61 Brock St. GET OUR PRICES for Tin, Lead, Zinc, Babbitt, Solder, Sheet Lead, Lead Pipe. : THE CANADA METAL CO, Limited, Factories--TORONTO, MONTREAL, WINNIPEG. LSE. - RAWFORDS fh wi: 3 EN | | | CL ----

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