Daily British Whig (1850), 17 May 1913, p. 5

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1esasan Thos. Lambert - "157 Princess St. ' BUY PASTEURISED MILK Buy it in Bottles s Buy it at Price's. Cream and Ice Cream best qualities + prices right. Phone 845. "1 Ad Hamam ------ - TENNIS SEASON | LT hi t of tennis reckets and & this shipment to your ; We have just received a shipm would lke to bring a few facts concernin, attention, Newsy These rackets are Canadian made and therefore have the) great advantage of being mad of thoroughly seasoned woud grown in this country and is not so susceptible to getting out of shape as imported lines. The gut used is the very best procurable and rackets are made by expert English grtisans. This gives to purchasers of rackets bought from Uglow's book store the most serviceable and reliable tennis racket it is possible 'to produce, ranging in price from $3.00 t0$8.00. Also Slayenger, Ayers and Victor tennis balls, : - R. UGLOW & COMPANY 141 PRINCESS STREET. Lambert's Clothing to Order. Say, you should see our blue worsted suitings. They are splendid goods. The colors are indigo dyed and positively fast. Prices from $22 a suit. Then our brown suitings and grey suitings are nifty colors tones and patterns, not at all ex- pensive, We also have '"Hobberlin" samples at $20 suit upwards. - - Kingston Ice Company, Limited PURE ICE FOR HOUSEHOLD USE. General delivery, commencing May 1st. RATES--For 20 Ibs. per day, $2.50 per month. --For 40 Ibs. per day, $3.50 per month. _ No contract less than one month. ' Wholesale rates to large consumers. Office: Corner Collingwood and King. Phone No. 1307. > ,e PRICE'S Suit, a r, | high grade clothes-- S | RONEY #¢ | yond criticism. SATURDAY AND MONDAY SALE - 90 Men's Tweed and Blue Serge well made and trimmed all | . sizes, 33 to 44, good value at $1.00;/but | as we secured them at a bargain price, | we now offer"them to you as a special bargain at Lom ae 1 $96.98 68 High Grade Suits-~the samples f a manufac! whe makes only we' secured them ig discount off regular prices-- egular $20, $22 and $25 Suits, all sizes, 33 to--44 in the lot. ake Jour choice Saturday and ~wr$]5, 88 Every Suit in this lot above and Baik O. 127 PRINCESS STREET cordially invited to the services -{ Christ: A Vast Difference." THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MAY THE CHURCH PULPITS THE MINISTERS WHO WILL PREACH ON SUNDAY, Announcefnents Made by the Various Denominations As To Their Ser- vices--Sermon Topics. and Musical Programmes, ° " St. Andrew's-- Services; 11 a.m. and 7 P.m.; preacher at hoth services, Rev. M. Omond, M.A. Strangers welcome. Queen: Street Methodist Chureh.__ The Rev, G. I. Campbell, B.D. Ser- vices, 11 am. and 7 pm. The pas- tor will preach ' at both services. ' Strangers cordially welcome. , Zion Presbyterian, Pine street--Pas tor, J. D-Bovd, B.A. Morning sub- Jeet, "Belief Turned Into Service": 7 p-m., "The Sevking Shepherd": Sun day school, 3 p.m.: Christian Endea- vor service, Wednesday, S p.m. Music. St. Paul's church--Morning praye and holy communion, 11 o'clock: preacher, Rev. Canon Grout, M.A Sunday school and Bible class, 3 p-m. Evening prayer, 7 o'clock; preacher, Rv. W. F. FitzGerald, M.A. Sydenham Street Methodist church 11 a.m. vreacher, the pastor; 2.45 p.m., Bible school; 7 p.m. preacher, pastor. All welcome. Music : Anthems, "0, For a Closer Talk With God," "Lead, Kindly Light," "The Light Has Shined Upon us." First Baptist church--Rev. las Laing, 11 am, Doug- pastor, at both services. "Peacer_Let Us Have Peace." 7 pm., "Let There Be Praise" . 10 a.m., Junior Union. Bi- ble school, 2.45 p.m. Strangers and students cordially invited to all the services. Calvary Congregational church-- Pastor, Rev. 8. T. Butler. Preacher. the minister. Subjects: 11 am. "Comfort for the Downcast': 7 p.m. "The Victorious Power of Meekness."" Sunday school, 3 p.m.; Monday, at 8 p.m., young people's meeting: Wednes- dav, 8 p.m., devotional service, ; Bethel Congregational, corner Barrie and Johnson streets--A\ central church. Rev. A. P. Mcrshon, minister. 11 a.m. "The World's Rescue": 3 p-m., Sunda: school for all: a good library with ca- talogue; senior and junior depart- ments; 7 p.m., "A panacea for Insan- ity.". Chorus choir, and free seats. Strangers welcome. Cooke's Presbyterian church, Brock street--Minister, Rev. J. W. Melntosh. M.A; residence, 312 University ave nue. The pastor wilk conduct both services. 11 am., "God's Will for Us"; 7 pm... "Our First Duty"; 3 p.m., Sunday school, with classes for young men pnd women; mid-week meeting, Wednesday, S p.m. Strangers rdiglly invited to all services. ifst Church of Christ, Scientist. Johnson street, between Bagot and {| Wellington strects--Sunday service, 11 a.m.: syhicet, "Mortals and Tmmor- tals." Wednesday evening, testimonial meeting. - Free public reading-room, same address, open every afternoon ex- cept Sunday, 3 to 3 o'clock. All are and the reading-room, @ St. George's . Cathedral--Trinity Sunday. 8 a.m. Holy Communion; 10.15, matins; 11 am, ordination service. Preacher, Rev. W. F. Fitz- gerald. 3 p.m., Sunday school; 3.15 p.m., Bible class: 4.15 p.m. baptisms; 7 p.m., evensong. Preach- er, the Very Rev. the Dean of On- tario. A vestry meeting will be held in St. George's Hall on Mon- day evening at 8 p.m. First Congregational, cor. John- fon and Wellington %treets--Rev. E, LeRoy Rice, B.A., pastor. Resi- dence, 105 Gore St. Phone 1068. Morning worship at. 11 o'clock. Sub- ject, "The Second Coming of Christ." Eveaing worship at 7 o'clock. Sub- ject. "The Rule of Gold and the Golden Rule." Strangers are cor- dially invited to worship with us. Princess Street Methodist church, corner Princess ahd Albert streets---- Rev. Frederick G. Robinson, minis- ter; parsonage, 620 Princess sireet. 11 a.m.. subject, "Phe Omnipresence of God"; 7 p.m. subject, "What Will Happen at tne End of This Life?" Junior league. 10 aim.; class ment ing at close of morning serviee: Sun day school and. adult Ribble class, 245 pm Rev. W. K. Shortt, M.A, will teach th Bible class. Young peoples' meeting, Monday, § p.m. General prayer meeting, Wednesday, 8 p.m. Special music at bath ser- vices Sunday. A cordial 'welcome given to all. Broek Street Methodist stead of the wsual class méeti a.m., there will be a gene ship meeting at' the close of th ing 'service. 11 a.m. and 7 p.m, spe cial sermons by the pastor to the membership of the church and congre gation, "The Necessity of a Church Home"; anthems and solos. 2 p.m. Sunday cchool and Bible class: Mon day, 8 p.m., Y.P.S. service; Tuesday, 8S pm., meetihg of executive of debt enmpaign; Wednesday, 8 p.m., being district meeting week, there will bea union sorvice in Sydenham street church: addressed hy Revs. Messrs. Waddell and Coddle, on Sunday school work and the rural church, respec tively. . Preshyterian, church Chalmers, Barrie and Earl streeis--Rev. M. Maegilli- vray. D.D.. pastor. Services: 11 a. me, "A Religious . Story With Ele- ments of Tragedy, Romance, Sweet Revenge, and Sweet Forgiveness-- With Their Eminent Lessons." 7 p. m., "Thronging Christ and Touching Sunday school, 3 p.m., Bible class, 2.15 p.m. porn, sion, Friday, 4.30 p.m. Strangers cordially invited to'\all the services. St. James' church, ; corner Union street. Trinity Sunday. 11 a.m. Morning Prayer and Holy Commun- ion. Sermon subject, "The Three- fold Blessing." 3 p.m., Sunday school and Bible classes; pm. Evening Prayer and sermon. Preacher, Rev. R.P.D Hurford. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. Blanche Bates in "The Witness The Defence." A strong company in a drama was at the Grand last even- ing. The play, "The Witness For the Defence," depicts a young English woman in India brutally used by her husband; her shooting him, half in self-defence and half in nervous ter- ror; her acquittal and return to England; falling in love with and marrying a young man; and then, under persuasion, she was not guiltless of slaying her brutal husband. The play is skilful- ly worked out, and is one of the strongest dramas presented here in & long time, Blanche Bates as "'Stella tyne," had a role that called for the deepest emotional powers, which Miss Bates possesses to a marked de- gree. At the close of the third an fourth acts she was called by the appreciative audience. Her support was perfect. Frank Kemble-Cooper as "Henry Tresk, the Witness for the Defence," and Ern- est Stallard being particularly good. Gaston Mervale, as "Stephen Ballan- tyne," the brutal husband, was most effective. The settings, showing the interior of a tent in India, and the fitting room of an English home were very fine. For WOMAN BROKE FOUR RIBS. Mrs. George Kaiser, Cataraqui, Fell Downstairs. Mrs. George Kaiser of Cataraqui, Is a patient at the Hotel Dieu as a result of injuries she réceived at hey home on Thursday night, when she fell down stairs. During Thursday night Mrs. Kaiser had occasion to go down to fix the fire. She missed her footing and fell to the bottom Medical aid was soon summoned. Upon examination it was found that she had sustained fractures of four {ribs 8nd the fifth rib was piercing her lung. She was brought to the hospital on Friday evening in S. £. Corbett's ambulance. ADDRESS AND GIFTS. New Dean of Education of Queen's University Honored. The teachers and officers of Bath- urst Street Methodist Sunday school, Toronto, and the officers and mem- bers of its senior adult Bible class gave a farewell reception in the church parlors on Thursday night to H. T. J, Coleman, Ph.D., and Mrs. Coleman; who are leaving for King ston where Dr. Coleman will be dean of the Faculty of Education at Queen's University. An illuminated address was presented to themy with a gold-headed cane for the doctor and a handsome tray and roses for Mrs. Coleman, from the various in- stitutions with which they were con- nected. ) HERE'S A CHANCE. Attractive Summer Properties For Sale or Rent. We have some very attractive sum- | residential properties located on th® river St. Lawrence and Bay of Quinte for sale or rent at attractive figures, several residences on same be- ing completely furnished. These in lelude Milton Island, Gesner's on the main shore opposite, and two beauti ful places on the Bay of Quinte, ope al Bath and one at Excellent motor roads Jeading to all Full particulars furnished on request Howard S. Folger, 44 Clarence street. A New Department. E. F. Trimble. secretary of the in ter-community work of the central branch of the Y. M. C. A, Toronto, is opening wp a new department, the co-operative effort between the churches and the Y: M. C. A, to un- ited]y undertake to look after all young men going to Toronto as strangers. They will pyt them mn toiich with employment, rooms, pro- per companions, and the young peo ple of the church. Hundreds are al ready being looked after in this way. Outside of Toronto men have heen secured who will notify the secretary of meén leaving their home towns for the provincial capital New Names Added. Inspector (". W. Wright added three more names to his "prohibited list? on Friday. All the hotelmen were served with the necessary papers. The hotelmen have also been given copies of the recent amendments to the liquor act, Died At Watertown, N.Y. William Stewart, formerly of the GTR. and K.v& P.R. companies, Kingston, died at Watertown, N.Y., Saturday morning. Men, women and children, buy your hoots at Duwton's sale--now on 209 Princess street. KINGST 'H. E. Richardson, 8 ON-"BRAN ln CH, Prayer meeting and communion pre-, paratory service, Friday, 8 p.m. Ses-, and Arch streets--Rev. T. W. Savary,! B.A., rector; the rectory, 152 Batrie! | Girls Patent Shoes, $1.50,1.75, 200, 225 Boys' Patent Oxfords, - $2.25 and 35 | Boys' Patent Button and Lace Boots, strong' | Ballan- vigorously re- Adolphnstown. | PAGE FIVE. 'COMMUNION SHOES. ! : i telling him that' $2.50, 3.00 and 5.00 - ABERNETHY"S Our hats are worn by" the men who demand high grade quality, beauty of finish and standard styles. NEW ETRAW HATS. NEW PANAMA HATS NEW DERBIES NEW SOFT HATS. The largest stock of men's hats in this part of Ontario is here. CAMPBELL BROS. 84 Princess St. THE CRECHE ASSOCIATION. ---- Election of Officers--Nurse and Ma- tron Appointed. A meeting of the Crec he associa- tion 'was held in St. George's hall on Friday afternoon. There was a large number of workers present, wh all showed their approval of putting the Creche organization into good work- ing order. Mrs. KE. J. Bidwell ided. The constitution was drawn up, which consisted of eleven articles Each article was discussed aud then passed upon, The following officers were President, Mrs. Bidwell: vice-president, Mrs. W. B: second vice-president, Mrs Campbell; treasurer, Mrs A. Kennedy; secretary, Mrs. Macnee, Miss Lovick resigned the post secretary on account of being unable to devote enough time to the work The advisory board will consist of Rev. A. E. Smart, J. B. Walkem. K . Js Nysael Sinart, G 3. MeKay, Welch and. 1. Smith ¥. Mrs. Fadden was appointed nurse and will also serve in the capacity of matron. The following committees were ap- pointed: Finance, Mrs William Grant, convenor, Mrs. (Dr.) Ken- nedy, Mrs. W. R. Giveps and Mrs. Leslie; furnishing committee, Mrs Campbell, Mrs. Kirkpatrick, Mrs Howanl Folger, Mrs. Leslie; houre committee, Mrs. Carey, Mrs. A. T. Steacy, Mrs. P. C. Stevenson Mrs. F. G. King, MTs, Walkh, Mrs. G. H. Ogilvie and Mrs. J. M. Strange; vis- iting commiitee, Mrs. Strange, con- venor, with the others to he elected elect- fir $arey; J M (Dr) Ww WwW. H ed of Struck on Head By Stone. When a number of the 'members of No. 6 company, 14th P.W.0. Rifles, were returning from drill on Friday evening, they were suddenly surprised at the corner of Barrie and Princess streets, when some person threw a stone, which hit one of the men on the head, making a cut which requir- ed medical attention. Police Consta- ble Samael Arnie! was summoned, but was unable to gef any trace of the rerson. | Sale of Houses. D. A. Sha administrator for the {estate of the "late Mise McGill, has (sold the frame" houses on Johnson | street to J. B. Cooke. : | Dr. H. M. Harrison, William St, {has passed the Manitoba Medjcal council. Another of the successful! candidates is Dr. Gordon Chown, son {of the late Charles Chown, former- ly of Kingston. Music played or sung at the the- atres can be bought at Dutton's. Sergt. Macdonald of the R{.H.A. Rinsstan, will instruct the artillery- men of ithe 33rd battery~ Ottawa now until June 18th. when it goes into camp. Mr. Macdonald ar- rived Thursday. The next mesting or the Trenton Canadian Club is to be addressed hy Prof. O, D. Skeiton of Queen's, on pre-} Kingston, Call in and try it. Next to Opera House ICE CREAM We make the best and purest Ice Cream in A SAKELL'S . Phone 640 Write for quotations second to none on the market. are now being shipped to all parts of Canada. . We can handle your order promptly and satisfactorily, KINGSTON PAPER BOX CO, These boxes KING 8T. WEST WITH KOPAL Is it a Door? Is it a Boat? Is it a Carriage? Is it a Bath-room? Is it a Stcre front? Is it inside? Is it outside? Is it duil and dingy? VARNISH IT WITH KOPAL Kopaiis made asgood- as a varnish can be. It's for general use. dt wears CORBETT'S HARDWARE Best Paints and Vamishes Dining Room § ry v . § Carpet Squares, Oilcloth and Linok eums AT JAMES REID'S The Leading Undertaker. SUMMER MILLINERY Miss Hamilton's, Opposite Y. M. C. A. | 370 Princess Highest Price For Housebold Goods Your effects? Then see me. will buy all or a portion and Pe pects TICS tune farsi. Ture now on, x L LESSES 507 PRINCESS STREET, "Phone 1045. ® , ; Messrs. HG. Fuerest and A. Nel son, of Montreal, are stopping at the British American hotel. Good two-step, "Row, row, row." o A6¢, Dution's Phone 147, ALCONO Flavors, (in Lemon, Vanilla, at Pure , Food tubes) Almond, Maple, Nutmeg. 25 and 50ec. D. COUPER'S | "Phone 76, 341-3 Princess St (Prompt Delivery.) Coast Sealed Oysters. i i { f Rheumatism Cured 8y a oclentific remedy. It acts lirectly on the blood. It combines #ith the uric acid and makes ft sob able, and the blood carries tne com-~ bination to the kidneys, whers if eliminated in the ordinary way. other preparation Ike 1t oh | market. Absolutely harmless, for a trial package Red Rheu Cure. to-day. Price, 26s, paid, or five for $1.00, E. E. JESSOP, Phm. B. NAPANEE. ONT. FURNITURE WANTED, Anyone having furniture to di of, kindly let me know.. | have a of new and second hand iron beds. furniture of all Kinds at reasonal prices sted ; ' HH. STGARMAN, 253 'Opposite Craig's

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