a PAGE SIX. Ll \ : 7 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY. MAY 20. 1913. A" M'GEE TRAGEDY! ng Not 8mother paper in Canada nada, while the [fonecutus was gq rr re contained a line that morning re- Irish Roman Catholic. " AN § ii if il H Mi HH TT a garding the terrible tragedy except Some years afterwards, when the El il HY i Hi ol ii it i the "header," and thus was recorded honusing of the Kingston and Dem- ol THE OTTAWA MURDER OF 1568 | one of the greatest scoops ever pull- broke railway was mooted, Mr. 0 IS RECALLED. t ed off in Canada. _. Rielly was engaged by those inter- Taurens '1 George Gregg, the man who tallied ested in putting "the line through, to : in that great news story. 'ied himseli address some meetings throughout the Alleged Murdérer was Prosecuted $y ja few years later under sad circum- district. At one of these meetings The Famous Criminal Lawyer, stances. He was an enthusiastic cur- the celebrated Kingston lawyer was James O'Rielly, of Kingston, Who ler and, 'while engaged in the game, asked a question by some one in the . > at . caught a cold, which developed into audience, Sent Him to the Gallows. pneumonia and he passed away after "How much," shouted the farmer, it is just forty-five years ago that {only a few dess' illness. He was at did you receive for hanging Whelan the late Hou. D'Arcy McGee was as-{the time on the staff of the Toronto] Now, Mr. O'Rielly was great at re sasinated on Sparks street, Ottawa,| Mail, of which he was one of the 'partes, and the answer he threw back on the spot where now stands the|founders. [in a good- Ha tute way was : departmental store of Rryson, Gra- 2 'Just twice much as [ Sogld ham & Qu, and although there has co ; take to have you han if you de been Wk year after yeur in regard Kingston Linked, 5 {served it." od i 3 'fg 'erecting a suitable memorial to| The McGee murder had a Kingston i i . Macdonald, who the renowned Irisb-Canadian orator, |link, for Sir John A ! statesman and, patriot, it looks, says & LEFT-HANDED BARBERS. the Ottawa Journ as if another a : . -wession-of the houselwill elapse and il | There Are Some, Just as There Are be done in this direction. Left-Handed Men In All Trades. In the reference library on College § - street, Toronto, files of the "Lead- | | "Are there any left-handed barbers? er," of April 7th, 1868, may be Why. certainly," said the boss. "Aren't some of the greatest baseball found. The edition of that date con- tained one of the greatest scoops ev- pitchers left-handed? I have person- ally known two, and they were both er recorded in the annals of Cana- dian journalism, and yet this exclus- excellent workmen. ~--\ ive news item was printed under mod- "One of these men always stropped est single column, head lines. How : a razor with hig left hand, but he different would be the display to-day] J " Sr shaved with his right, and then cut districts. Portage Ave. is the main when even the closure measure com- 4 hair with his left. The other man mands a caption four and five col- used his left hand throughout, in , | outlet by which Winnipeg's popula- umns wide, in type an inch or more stropping, shaving and hair cutting. E +B tion goes to jhe suburbs. z Dr. George H.- Locke, chief "You might think that being left- deep. librarian, Toronto," regards this file handed would be an inconvenience of the "Leader" as among the most to a barber because it would make historic possessions in the library. him work differently from other bar- o 1s as good investment beeanse it lies between Portage Ave. and the Assiniboine River, in the The stirring tragedy of McGee's A hers who are right-handed. You see death, who was shot down just as he ) of | the right-handed barber always be- path of Winnipeg's growth. Portage Ave. is "the main retail street in, Winnipeg, it is now being was entering his boarding house, and he gins to shave a man on the right side whose body was found, lifeless, on 4 of his face. 1 suppose there are scien- the pavement, oceurred shortly after tific men who could tell us why he two o'clock in the morning. The . does this. I don't know the explana. noted par¥amentarian had just fin- a tion myself, but I do know that the ished a brilliant two hours' speech 9 right-handed barber begins work in the commons upon the Nova Sco- naturally on the right side of the tia question, in which he had utter- face, while the left-handed barber ed the Joftiest sentiment of loyalty i | nhturally begins on the left side. paved to St. Charles (past our property.) Portage Avenue has che best Street: Car Service, Portage Avenue runs east and west, all towns in the West grow west. Now is the time to invest. Patricia Heights has just been put on the market for the first time, and you have your choice of lots. Prices Range from $10 i, U Foot Our sales plan is simplicity itself, and our terms are all that you could ask, to the crown and devotion to the "You micht think that this would References: The Bank of Hamilton | wire | I ERLE 00 CU AT TUT a LLL et 466 Chances toi There 1s Money in Every Lot in Patricia Heights This' picce of property on Portage Ave. West, is - beautifully Voodoo and will make ideal home sites as Winnipeg' sgrowth forces the residential section into the outlying HHH i | I nt LILIES AA ig be TFT | "m HH STI TT TET HH Amma +f 1h AETHER ELA TEE 1 Ini HEL v ti HE T | ti l country. He had expressed the hape make a difference to the left-handed that the deep sense of loyalty of the SRBERT SLY barber for the reason that it 'would people of that province would induce ¢ Elginburg. of the __,.| make him get in the way of the them to forsake their attitude of hos-| ki ember ) yc | ber on the next chair, or make that tility and unite with the rest of the|(herse Bourd. who was this vear hon-{ barber get in his way, but really it provinces in building up a Canadian] = d with the j fn of president. | makes no difference whatever. ER] nationality. . = "If all the chairs in a shop were The newspaper man, who scored Ras then promieh, secured the services | gecupied by a line of men who yoo the great beat on MoGee's' lament-| "5 in Rielly, of this ily, | sat down at precisely the same time, able death, was the late Gearge one of the greatest criminal lawyers ot all wanting to be shaved, and who | Gregg, Who was then Ottawa carres-| * , i" 10 prosecute the alleged | might therefore be all 'in the same pomdent for the "Leader." That pa- murderer, Whelan. The word "alleg-| stage of shaving at the same time, which was published until about ed" is used, hecause an old newspape: | why, then it might make a difference ; 18 was issued on Leader Lane on} ™™ who talked with persons who then the left-handed barber might the very spot where the Leader hotel knew the details pretty well, tod the | find himself in the way of the barber now stands on King street east, Tor- Whig recently that it was very doubt. on the next who shaved right-handed, onto. The assassination occurred] tl if the real riurderer was hangdl.| but this is very unlikely to happen. after the house bad adjourned. It] Whelan was 'no doubt an instigator,| "In the first place customers don't had heen a busy night for the repre-| Put there was "inside information" | come in that way, filling all the sentatives of the parliamentary press which did net come out at the trial | chairs at the same moment and all gallery, and. after completing their and which was not published either. | for the same job; they string along work, all "the boys" had departed] The young Wan whe fired the shot is in and Hy have different <hings Suppo to have been goaded to ma done; an en som Tr and were in bed when the murder|®Pp £ ot ein Hele | took place. Gregg was the only one(7ess by a story told to him. Any to remain. He was a little late in| "way. Whelan suffered the penalty fo | would mever progress exactly the finishing his report and was on his|the crime. The prisoner, strange to | Same in all the chairs; and then the way to his hame when, on reaching|say, was defended by Grand Master chairs themselves are adjustable for Sparks street, he heard of the shoot-| Cameron, of the Orange lodge in Ca- Shas mater, and He hater himself . Jp lancet. oo She fact is that the left- » handed r doesn't get in any- HERES FOR A GOOD LAUGH. mir ous rey ond nobody ea in | J : . his: but he just goes ahead about : his work, and his being left-handed YES, 1 LOVE B® THAT'S BAD,0LD is no more of a handicap to him than MUC ¥ it would be to any other man in any hye n : " MAN , BUT LOOK employment if he was a good work- | CAW'T SLEEP - - man." TT Hs HH RT Hii ill 0 " ; \ y Co > RQ A corned = HI till W LH Hit JN 411 EHTEL TTT i LL HHH SLEEP NIGHTS RAPACITY OF THE PIKE. EE BESS ee emer ON ACCOUNT OF E BT [ ot} Sea Fish That Will Attack and VICE I» NEW YORK IN IN MARINE CIRCLES. > Eat Their Own Species. Movements of Vessels Reported LJ The pike has the reputation of Along the Harbor. : J t A d being particularly cruel and voraci- | RESULT or TENIMONTHS' CARE-| T il steg Calgary, pas us rive * The oil steapiér, passed ous, hence one of its Ilations the " ab wav. gw 2 "Ft 3g "water wolf," but the prob ability is FUL INVESTIGATION, Sy U6} Say 9 Nontrial 90 Ta01y That many of he 20a 3h ae equally ' ---- 2 hie steamer Alexandria. called at : good, hy , rapa 'overty Not To Blame.~Most of the | tho R. & O .whari on Monday ni ht . is img ine ain Girls Victims of Agents of Com | 80. loaded ireight for Miutreal English Motor Mats for the oy ngs meal off Weir. own mercialized Vice I'pe steamer Packe:, from Clove be d f f % : land passed on her way to Ogdens- : Large, dogfish (they of course are New York, May 20. The Bureau of | burg, N.¥Y., with a cargo of paving rimming ar o your car. SHOU o SAY related 'to the shark tribe), congers, Sovial Hygiene, of which Jehn: 1. } blocks. V ] 0. pollack, cod and bass are especially | po kofeiior. I had The: barse. Ka ian cry atest. 30. KE MAKES f k hile halib iN fre t ockelelier, Jr, is chairman, made Fhe barge Kathaoder, is at Riohard LOTS OF erocious, while 0 alibot wi quent- | nublic its first report, yesterday, on | son's elevator loading grain for Que- MONEY. AND ly seize and kil ole large fish, 88 1 the vice conditions in. New York. Tha! bee Come and see them 1 r | CAN'T X anglers ean aver Hum Al EX [report is the work of George J. Kae The steamyacht, Morning Star mn our GE perience. It' 1s only a few weeks |). . \ a special investigator, and is hich has been in the Davis drv4 sh A CENT QUT hack that while a-London angler was {,. upon ten months of work in [dock all winter is almost ready for show room. ~ OF HIM. ahisyingl, & jaye Songer. a Lugs studving commercialiced vice in all | navigation. The engineers are busy ait 8 bp oct A sections in Manhattan. ' fitting her out and she will be ready Mr. Kneeland later will make a re in a few days to go on her route. cost it its own life, for on making |. ri in which he will rest 'h v for the wounded conger a second time. dies, and pansy tn the cihili x ro, Te Dt tel ol and ug A a -- e responsibil | ic in pont from Rideau canal ports e conditions, Ihe | Inspector Phillips is making a tour haul &: shoard. 3 ina of } {purpose of the present report is only | of inspection. 1 ' t ) oul Pr We (t= COO o " > r pike being found dead, choked by > point oui the true faets, according The steamer Sowards cleared [oY ' a to the invexigator. Mr. Kneeland ex T the a ator. ig A Orwego on Tuesday morning. Sie wi ge poet Be uh ike Presses. the opinion that the girls The HT ey Abbie IL " drews nirequently a & P and he estimates that there are 6 he CECH which has been hooked by an angler. i cleared for Oswego " f « dill: . ave The action of a bike at times closely inn usaad uf theta in Wauhation M. T. Co's elevator: Tug Agents or Ca uiac Cars. : resembles a cat when it plays With |[ic, hecance of poverty. Most of ti, | Bronson, from Montreal, three light Forenoon = a mouse: The pike seizes the angler's | oii, ovo victims of aptnis' of ann (0 barges, cleared for Montreal, with : bait and keeps dropping and allow- cinlized vice, he says. "7 "| three grain barges: tug Hall, from ing it to escape--one can picture its "It is idle to explain away the phe Montreal, with three light barges delight in the terror of its vielim-- |. inn on the ground that they pas cleared for Monteal, with three * but does not forget to leave the marks |; ""o itable grain bares; steamer Advance, pass- The Best Time of Day | [Eri sSRianses [E54 sth in afb aids of \ y m x we ak we package freight from Montreal, for Lately many fine cod honked on the |)... wos wou Io doit fy Je .- abd the west: steamer Calgarian, from id * long liges off Deal and Dover hive wreckage, and the worst of it, is due | FOrt William, is discharging a full (especially for brain workers.) been found bitten in half. while only |, nersisiant cunning und unprineipled | "FEC 0f wheat, will clear for Belle. ' the of soma have been left, |esploitation; to the banding together vilie to load cement for Fori Wil Shas Showing thas Shey have Jeea: 'ol isfamons enterprises. =» liam: steamer Kinmount is due to Pp > wi ois of arrive during the day, form Fort The wrong kind of a breakfast reduces offic cious fish, only too glad to have such | The gil hotue ------r Nien ous { William, to Siiseharge wheat, oats ciency. a favorable chance of killing and eat In hit hare subaistei o E11 ana barley. 5 ing them.--London ulobe. Mr. Rnegland censures severely own. | The Steamer Dollard moved for Foreh od ers of real estate which is used for iro first time, wander her own steam, ii I] fil [TTT ETRE ATH tii pil LER a EE AH CER J. Macdonald & Co. 830-832 Somerset Building, Winnipeg Man. fF EE Tre EE TERE ETRE VO EC ERY CE FE RR ALAR TERT AR To a rT RUE ral E TR TE BEE mh 711 TE TT TR Te a | 4 il A great many brain workers make a re a rnd is ¥0 : gular Oma Charlie i his vier purposes. The report says that a | from the wharf of the Shipbuilding . ] noon PAr- | woman investigator visited 122 re oinpany op Tuesday morning. She morning custom of eating a dish of ents that he felt too ill to return to state aktbi, nd only 'seventeen -) went tor about half an hour's spin 23 : school. them refused to lease houses for im. | On the harbor, in charge of Capt. . Beh i aE A 5 "Hadn't I belter send for the doc |maral Purposes. The report says that John Murray. John Donnelly and a EER Lif a a 4 tor?" asked his mother, hopi a group of "wellknown men' operatq | officials of the company were.: on a pr : LT res od ud be ents: 9 | twenty-eight illegal houses in New | board. 3 : y 3 He a) cha iY rx York, and the value of shares in the | The steamer Pellatt passed dawn i : c : : plied. alk. RN be hie ha organiz®tion fluctuates up or down as | on Tuesday morning from Fort Wi- T. &i 1" an 4 : g : Soom, 1jus cpned 41 in his On | the police conditions make it' hard or | I'am with a cargo of grain Mon- S 0 in hers 2 way to come |..ov to run the business treal. One of the crew regorted / * J up to see me." The report says it is impossible to [that it was vet very cold on Lake Patent Colt, Gin Metal and Tan, Russia Calf. estimate the earnings of the resorts, | Superior and the upper waters. The Latin prem but. that the sums are so large as to | The steamer Dundurn went west Button and Lace. Latin was one of the nal lan- be stagger Th i the on Tuesd ing. ; Ju Sxpericuce ca th it fe i a taught them fuages of B , and from sprang | resorts ty HOM ---- a ~ ey ng - Al ! AN M, REID food that is s. ly and [0NM00 pxelusive of the profit 1 : os for easy pe and which Pértuguese languages. a the illegal tale of Har and tober Budget From Lyn. 3 maki clear-headed brain trength. Results of our own language are of Latin fon the premises. which are sold at a Lyn, May 19. --Gordo vin of Ves Tt ng 4 " 3 rdoa Irving, show . cea to ont spoken in | huge profit. MeGill college. is spending a Tew about 581 and was first taught' . days with Rev. D. M. Mcleod Mr England br by ng Adelmus in the and Mre'J. E. Purvis and daughter, 0 riot Grape-N saven use of Latin Se; Sale of Ginghams 3c. uts ¢ Miss Gracie, spent Sunday with : * , " a 4 sa R in law deeds in So Bagland gave way to Wednesday we will sell $00 yards| friends at Yonge Mills. Mrs. Wil-| Finley and daughter, Miss Susie. ot] Easton. Mr. Gibson. of Addison, wie the eSmmon tongue in the year 1000. lof smail pink check. goog washing! liam Bullock and children have re-| Pembroke, and Mrs. Boyd, of Giov-|the guest of his sister, Mrs. MenRlg, ginghams at 4. Cori § 'Y ba be. yard rigan's, turned to Lyu for a short visit before] ersville, N.Y, are guests at Dr. 6 f ree ently The district meeti . Sold Grosse everywhere. i was a big demonstration of leaving for their new home in Win-{ W. Judson's, Rev. D: M. Macleod! the Method] at cha eh i2 to : | Ontario conservatives for Premier Archibald Currie, CH. at present] nipeg. Miss Arietta. Dickey attend-| spent a fow.days last week in Pres- | | y = in in Torosto on Monday night. | city engineer of Westmount, has sig-i'ed the shower at Miss Maude Mac-{eott. Miss Verma Warren, of Lans-| next. Canadien Pou cere Co. we Wiidsor, Ont. Peter, of Servis, will probably nified his intention of accepting the| Nish's, Yonge Mills, in honor of Miss downe, is the guest of Miss Clara|is the week-end guest at : i 1 ay) the throne past of city engineer in Ottawa, and] Jessie Ferguson. Miss M. Manuel. Brown for the week-end. Many in| Tennant's. George Wrieht and fg i ; At Ed an elghty-eight yeai-okd My take wp his new duties on June! of Brack ville spent a few days re this vicinity ih regret to hear ofjily are week-end guests at M. dy ot eight teeth, of 30th, = : cently at Wellington McLean's. Mys!the serious illness of Mrs, Edward' lags'. Y al Ca nn Mn ad gd = 3 ait ck ER x = 5 6