. are made in Kingston. =". McKay furs are potdd for beauty, artistic and exclusive designs. r well-known up-to-date meth- ods of manufacture insure our cus. tomers the lowest possible cost of production. We are particularly well equip- ped to handle special ordems, repair work. © 3 '+. Fan storage. We charge ber cent op your valuation. JOHN McKAY 149-157 BROCK S%. three June 'Brides|t (it easy to select from our im- 3 stock--a large assurtment en- sures complete satisfaction -- also harmony of color effect in carpets, draperies, etc. Special prices and . | /indacements to complete home fur- nishers. Parlor suites: All styles, covered to your own taste. We have a large of covers imported from Enxy- Suites range $25 dy and France. $175. La Library hook: eases, desks. «: Our elastic book cages are favorites. Rugs for dens, library, parlor. Curtains in Madras, lace, silk, etc. Linoleum, cork carpet, ete. 90. 1. F. HARRISON C0. se | ra : : THE OTTARASRINGSTON GAS. ELECTRIC LINE, \ N. M. Clongher, of London, FEng- land, Is Fa the City--Tells of the Plans For the New Railway. On Tuesday morning the Whig.had an 'interview with N. M. Clougher, of Ottawa. president of the proposed Gas Hiectric railway which goes un- «er the name of the Ottawa, Rideau Lakes and Kingston Rauway com- pany. This company wes incorpor- atetl by special act of the Legisla- ture of Ontario. March 8th, 1911, and amended March 19th, 1913. The line which will be about 125 miles in length, after leaving Ottas was wil to the k "to Smith's Falls. Between Smith's Falls and Kingston the railway is located close to Lom- Portland, Bigie, Merton. Seeley's 'Bay, Brewer's Mills, Wash- buen, Joyceville and Cushendall. and from thence into the city of :King- ston. On the Lanark branch. it is ; to: 'serve Rideau Ferry, Perth, Baiderstop, snd Lanavk. Mr. C! er motored here from Ottawa Engineer: H. F. Cook. His object is to. Jdogk. after the freight -estimetions and make final arrangements: Jdeaving:: for Europe on the 13th of shiz month to «complete the financial srranse- ments. previous to the undertaking of the construction. : The zecent de- velopments have tended to the im. proving of miner details along the routefor which the suryey is com- pleted. Slight operations in the way of improvements are being made as the grade is being kept down to a low figure of 7-10 per cent. This allows for the rapid and cheap handling of the freight traffic that is so plentiful along the route and for which the line as located, will be able 10 deal Some improvements are being made for the entrance into Ottawa, for although the exact location was not divulged: it was known that wonderful improvement was made in connection with the entrance to the city and the detail will be known shortly. : 5 * Some alterations are alse to he taken .in the route between Pevih and Lanark, as a new line has 'been investigated which will allow for a practical level run. between these important towns. Lawn Social At Wolfe Island, The first lawn social of the season was held Monday evening at Mc- Laren's. Wo'fe Island, and despite the cool weather, the steamer Wolfe Islander caried over a hundred young people on her (rip over at eight o'clock. Dancing commenced island and was continued ta 12.30 am. Crosby and O'Connor's or chesrta tendersd a choice pro- gramme of dance music, which was {thoroughly enjoved The steamer PB} arrive ok Th she tity at 1 a.m. Coes Agree Bolted. A horse ridden by one of the offi: cers of the lith regiment made a lively bolt from the cricket field Yto- wards King street, on Monday ev ening. The officer : was about to mount when the smmal, which had been acfing ugly during the parade, got away. Another rider followed {hita and brought him back to where the regiment was drilling. ---- -------- ----r. Free toilet demonstration, Mahood's Drug Store, now on. Jiog's Quality flour for bread and wash cloth." Gibson's. T - j a i Of Toric-Kryptok Bifocals and ,- you'll find you have the ideal lens, combining the oval shape, | which conforms to the shape of the eye, with the double lens which enables you to see both far and near without a change of and WITHOUT A DI-- VIDING LINE. : » PREPARES 10 FINANCE --_---- | al on the arrival of the steamer at the! HEARD ON THE STREET. Bits of Comment By Citizens at the . Whig Bulletin. CG. 8. Kirkpatrick--They tell me that Tom" Mc intends to have a doad of hay block the Cataraqu bridge for half an hour so his boat can get a good start on Harry An grove's automobilp next week, Fob SL Laidliaw--1 am certainly glad that the mass of poles on Princess street is to disappear by placing all wires unlergrouny!- The Portsmouth Philosopher--Ii all those religious bodies vote against the bar, as they sav they will do. Premier Whitney will be overwhelmed in the next election. - But will they ? . A. W. Melean--I do hope that we will be able fo'get to work with the addition to Victoria school without any unnecessary ¥s J. Russell Stuart--There is a good Amped and ar: vo Smith's J bs attendance at the public schools these The scholars are on the last days. before the examinations, and lap now every day counts. 2 ! An Old Lady--Qur Board of Trade a great at getting by-laws through. | * R. AND O. SHAREHOLDERS. Richardsaiy Kingston, 1502 Shaves. | Marine World. | "Phe largest holder of the R. nud 0. N. Co.'6 stock is the British Mari- !time Trust Ce., London, 'Eng., which has 11,891 shares. The following are among the other prominent hold- ers, with their respective number of 'shares: James © Carruthers, Mout real, 600; F. A. Magee, Hamilton, 310; J. W. McConnell, Montreal, 1,- 675; Sir Henry M. Pellatt, Toronto, 528; T. P. Phelan, Toronto, 1,000; James Playfair, Midland, 2,728: J 8S. Playfair, 'Toronto, 500; H. Rich- ardson, Kingston, 1,502; A. H. Sims, Montreal, 1,000; H. B. Smith, Owen Sound, 400; W. Somtham, Hamilton, 200; Southam, Ltd., Hamiitom, 1.- 138; J. P. Steedman, Hamilton, 1, 053: W. Wainwright, Mantreal, 258; Walton and Magee, Hamilton, 1.450: Hanks, trust' companies and brokers who have stork sianding in 'their names are not included im this list as such stock: is in akmest all cases held as collateral against advances, ----tt------ DID NOT ACT IRREGULARLY. " Ww. Has ppt City Awditor Says Trerg Is a Mis understanding. City Auditor Muir draws attention to a statement in a Whig editorial {note in last Saturday's issue "which says : ' "The auditor is careful and scientious. He may have been act ing in good faith, in certain cases, aud jcregularly, and may be criticized therefore," . Mr Muir poiats out that a mem- ber of the Board of Works raised: the point as to whether he should Rg Ra aged to r t Paviag com pany last fall, wilen the debentuge hy- law a fy Pasa X Heo mAplaiea that. id. nothing ircegulazly in passing these ohnts, The pay con ace ments were quite regular as the cons tract between the city and the cdm- been. i and that was ired: by law. immaterial whether or not the benture by-law had been passed. It was de- THE LATE 4AMES MOORE. _ Who Met Death At. Donnacona, Que., fhe remains of the late James Mogre, who met death by falling off A building at Donnacona. Quebec, on Saturday, arrived in the city on Tues- day morning. No particulars whatever have heen gent to the city to /inform the rela- tives how the accident occurred, oth- er than that he was killed while en- gaged at working at his trade. The remains. were taken to the home of deceased's brother-in-law, William Brace, 126 . Nelson street, from where the funeral took place] on Taesday afternoon to Cataraqul cemetery. | date Mrs. W. D. Baker. | Ottawa Journal has the fol- 3 The lowing: Mrs W. D. Baler, 352 McLaren | street, died Supday after ailing fon { three or four years. She suecumbed to a paralvtic streke. She was born im: Quebec, hut moved: to Kingston thirty - years ago and last October i she came to Ottawa and tesided with i her son, R. D. Biker. She leaves a | widower, two sons, R. D. Baker of | Ottawa and W. J. Baker of Kingston The funeral will be held Tuesday { morning. mp ---- A --------) Late Sergt, James Codd. Sergeant James Oedd, for twenty- "five: years chief ordeh; at govern. ment house, Ottawa, is dead. In : 18668 and 1867 he resided in King- ston and belonged te the 14th i P.W.0. Rifles. He served at the { } H i time of the Fenian raids. While in |'@ Kingtton, he married Miss Mary | Burke, who survives him. Deceased leaves several eons and daughters. ---------------- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY. JUNE 10. 1913. 1ISUNE! ! 3 TO THE PEN, Joceph Mushie, An Austrian, Semt Down rrem Wirdsor. Did Not Like the ldéa of Wearing Them. But He Had To Submit, It is not at all pleasant iv wes~ shackles. Joseph Musbie. who hails from Windsara knew all shout them, and when he noticed a pair brought out at the police station on Tuesday 'morning, to be used on him, he im- mediately made an djection. His chjection was noted, Lut counted far nothing, as seph, a prisoner, was on his way to the penitentiary. He was found guilty of theft at Wind- sor, and sentenced to two years in the penitentiary. Two coustables ar- rived with him on Monday night, and the prisoner was allowed to =pend is an Austrian, with very little love for this coumtry, and if giveh any sort of a chance, would likely slip away as fast as he could. On this account, the men wha had him in charge, did not care to take. any chantes. a "The poor man! shackled." a woman Look was at him heard to of the police station door to the cab which 'was in waiting. To the ordimary citizen, of course, it looked Ward, but men of this stamp bave to be treated in this way. MM the man had made his es cape. the two constables would have been held responsible. and the first question whieh would have been asked by the public would have been; "Why did not the men in charge take every precaution to keep the prisoner?" Ong way of taking virecaution was in using the shack- -1e8. ' Although he objected to the shack- les, Mushie lad no objection to smok- ing * 2nod cizar and as the cab was omits way out King street, the Aus- #rian prisoner could he seen vulling away at his weed: It was the last he would receive for a time, and he made the best of it. COL, JOHN HUGHES GUEST At Officers Mess of the 14th Regi- ment. Liew..-Col. John Hughes, comman- dant of the Bariefield camp, was a guest at. the officers mess of the Mth Regiment on Monday night after parade. Accompanying him were Major H. T. Hughes, Major C. C. Bennett, of the permanent siaff of the 3rd division; Major J. E. de Hertel, of the 42nd Regiment. Capt. W. J. Kempthorge .of the 36th Peel Regiment. and RB. R. F. Harvey, of this city, were also present. i Im proposing. the health of the 14th, Col. Hughes recalled his con- nettion with it many times as brie gade r, and paid a glow: ing tribute to the corps in the past 'He called for greater effiicency in the future. : The.toast to the health of Col. Hughes and the other guusts was heartily responded to, each re plying in a short epeech. The volunteer riflemen had their weekly battalion parade to the cric- ket: field on Monday evening. - The next march-out of the corps will be on Friday evening to the same place. m------ $1.65 Watertown and Return $1.65 Tickets good going by steamer Wanderer, Saturdays, 1.30 pm., and returning Monday following. Look in Wednesday's and Saturday's paper for advt, of new invention. "Large wash cloths." Gibson's. A "PHE HAT STORE." | One of our show windows § is completely filled with § Men's and Boys' Straw | | Hats at 25¢ and SOc. These are a few of the Jinos that we import | i direct an large quantities for wholesale and retail | trade --hence the great |§ values, Compare! Compare * | "Always Watch Our TO WEARING SHACKLES ON WAY the night in the police cells. Mushiel remark, as the prisoner was led ont| | Annual Meeting of the Company On a Y « Phenomenal results of good advertising of a standard article, backed by a reputation of sixty-eight years, ver 350 Mark Cross Razors Sold in One Day ust be in Kingston to-day over 350 satisfied customers who purchased these razors admit that it is equal in every respect to any . There "on Saturday, ahd who will the market to-day. In February last the writer of this advertisement saw it advertised in New York City and whose trade wark for the past sixty-eight years has stood for all that is best and high class, wrote and secured «one, and after six weeks' constant use of the one original blade, found it to be not only the equal but the superior of any §5.00 Safety Razor recognizing the reputation of the Mark Cross Co. on the market. Are you aware that one of the best advertised Safety Razors on the market to-day at $5.00 was originally put out te se! at $2,600 and the sale not proving satisfactory an appropriation of $100,- 000 was expended in advertising and the price increased to $5.00. An honest doubter is generally a fair thinker. the end of thirty days return it and get your money hack. We congratulate ourselves on being able to secure the fale of this razor and shall continue to handle same as long as men grow beards. COLLEGE bE Re A CHIC WAISTS A very large array of New Ideas in Ladies' Jaists ready for your inspection. Distinctive styles, chosen with care, from sam- ples of the very best makers. : A few of the many included in our range, are Ladies' White Linene Tailored Waists, with Colored Robespierre Collars, all sizes. Special 98c. Ladies' White Linens Waists, plain tailored Special large sizes, up to #4. Price 98c and Up Ladies' Fancy Lingerie Waists, all styles ail Very pretty and at a"reasonable price. .98¢ and Up. Wash Dresses A bigrange of Wash Dresses in Ladies', Misses' sizes in all thedainty collorings, Specially priced at $2.00 and up July Fashions Standard Fashion Sheet for July, Free. styles. sizes. Standard Quarterly for Summer including any 19¢ pattern, all for 20c¢ Designer for July, 10¢ NEWMAN & SHAW THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE EE ee To those who doubt that a $5.00 value razor can be put on tite market for 25c. we would ask that they purchase one and if not satisfactory at = $5.00 Safety Razor on STORE DIAMOND SPECIALS NO. 1 We have seven diamond rings (single stones) Tiffany style, in 18-k gold with plat. inum all around ' the stone, bought at a price. which we can sell, while they last at $20 each. NO. 2 One gentleman's claw ring, 14-k gold, with platinum claws large sized diamond, worth $125.00; having bought, also at a special reduction, we of- fer it at $100.00, SMITH BROS. Jewelers & Uptictans, Issuers of Marriage Licenses Ostrich and MarahouBoas cs BP eee GOURDIER'S, 78 Brock St. DEAN OF NOVA SCOTIA, Preach at Conseceation of Bishop-elect Bidwell, The bishop of Salina, who was ex- pected to preach the sermon at the consecration of the bishop-coadjutor, Baving been prevented from doing so by ill-health, his place will be taken hy the Rev. J. P. D. Ldwyd, D P., dean of Nova Scotia, and rector of "All Saints' cathedral, Halifax. The bishop-coadjutor-elect has ap- pointed the Rev. W. F. FitzGerald, M.A., vicar of St. Paul's chureh, to be his examining and domestic chap- lain. The appointment is a tribute 10 the general ability and scholarship of the vicar of St. Paul's, who 1s a graduate of Trinity college, Dublin, apd besides holding the Divinity Tes j Hmoninom of that university, took honours in classics and literature in his arts course. He was also a Crowe ;exhibitioner in the divinity school. To Do not expose, the Family to the dangerous plaster Ceilings. |t BEAVER BOARD will not crack nor fall. Sold by S. Anglin & Co. Cor. Bay & Wellington Streets. CATARAQUI CEMETERY. Monday Afternoon.' According to the report of George Nicol, superintendent. there was an increase over the previcus year of thirty-three in the number of in termen's at Cataraqui cemetery last ; year. Two hundred and seventy- two bodies were interred. The annual meeting of the Catara- qui Cemetery company was held on Monday afternoon. = The directors were re-elected. namely, B. W Robertson (chairman). W. F. Nickle, K.C., R. E. Kent. H. W. Kichardeon, Dr. A. P. Chown. The superintendent's report oul- ned the work and care eof the cemerety during the past year, and plans for improvement were Con- sidered. : Weather Notes, The barometer continues very high avar the interior of the continent and the weath-r Is fine throughout find that elegant refrigerator Here you will roomy, conomical, and trust-worithy you have long wanted. Don't decide tll you see what we have to offer you. Come to- and look them over Here are some: Galvanized lined, Wig. $10.50, Enamel lined, $15 to $17, por- celain lined, £20 to $47.00; beauties. a 1: HARDWARE the dowmin'on.. The temperature has tisen: very considerable in the west. ern provineés and there are indica tions of warm conditions from On- tario eagtward. . : Coy ware back," Red ros Plas he ; = we wig ae ters. Gibson's. MITCHELL] REAL ESTATE BARGAIN PRICES, Iohnson St. building lots $500 Collingwood St, ing lot, $600. Earl St, down-town, good building lot, $1500 two one large build- Division street, 27 billding lots, $2100. Charles St, neat dwelling, $1200, Vietoria street, detached dwelling, Place De Armes, brick dwelling, $2200 York $2300. Quebe new frame dwelling, hot water $2550 Full list at office of building lots aud dwellings street, new frame dwelling, street, healing, ete, ele. Houses to rent E. W. MULLIN Real Estate ana insurance Corner Johnson and Division Sts. Phone 6539. The shirt proclaims the mas. If the shirt is carelessly lannder- ed the man is unkept, unai- tractive, unhmportant, careless. Success Spurns him. A smartly laundered shirt and | the man changes to a being of dignity and importance . Success seeks him. This Laundry has a reputation for lsundering | shitts that s uneclipsed by any other laundry in the world. | Kingston Laondry | | Cor, Princess & Sydenham Sts. ! "Phone 20, f