PAGE EIGHT. Best Boys' Clothes ON EARTH FOR THE MONEY We know that boys are hard on clothes. That's the reason we insist on only thé most durable wear resisting fabries ig our boys" suits. Our new spring and summer clothes for boys are better ®alues than ever, : Cleverly tailored models in the new shades of grey and brown, $4 to $10. Some suits with two pairs of knickerbockers. A big selection of blue serges in many . models from $6 to $12. LIVINGSTON'S BROCK STREET A little out of the way, but it will pay you to walk. v THE DAILY LRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY. JUNE 12, 1913. TO RAISE SESSJONAL PAY TO §& A DAY. They Are Worth Oaly $3 a Day. The Frontenac County Council on f Hhursday morning voted down a motion lo increase the sessional in- Jemaity of the members. , It was moved by Councillor Salmond apd sconded by Councillor Godkin that owing to the high cost of living and Jther increased expenses the sessional ndemnity oi the council members be wcreased from $3 to ¥ a day. Councillor Salmond remarked that shen he went home iter a council session he found humsell in debt. He tido't think that the people wanted Aat tw occur. In Lennox and dington, Leeds, Hastings and Ren: ,frew * the council day, and in some oi these ihe iden was given a grant. The 1of the Frontenac councillors was just fas valuable as that of the other counties. Councillor Foley opposed the iu war now being pad 'worth five dollars a day. Councillor Truscott was in favor «tf the increased sessional grant, ' but would reduce the number of members on committees. Councillor i t'e sessional grant, but would shorten the session and allow only 8 a day for ¢ommittee work. Councillor Donaldsor dgreed with the view of Councillor' Freeman.' Councillor Franklin suggested the indeninity of $1 a day for ses gional work and 8 a day for com- mittee work. Councillor Sleeth took a like view. . Uouneillor Gordon opposed the in: creasd because he did not think the finances of the county would warrant' it. : Councillor Hamilton moved in mendment that the matter be over until Councillors Kenned) Fisher yore present Counc'lllor Salmon added to this mo- that and mittee work. "Let's shorten the session," said Councillor Freeman. "The trouble is that we take the first two days to visit, the the next day we organize, and we do the work on the last two days. let's get to work at the start, and we can linish a day earlier any- way." : Councillor Sleeth said it was next to impossible to shorten the session. Counci lor Hawkey read a lesson to the members who were objecting to commitices, who had only to come in to the city, look their day's pay for the trip. Coun- Ad-! illors received $5 a A. B. Showell Recalls total failpre. Freeman advocated in-, British army for 7 He came ta Canada shortly after Na- a] held tion that $3 a day be paid for com: | the increase. They were chairmen of | ciilor Hawkey declared that while bel was att council meetings this week ye Bo paying a man $2 « day to 'do some work for him. He | was paying $1.50) a day for board, and in return was receiving £3 a day ms sional indemnity. So that, be was {if | Ly cents a day "in the hole" asa re! ing. Councillor Hawkey her for $100 grant to repair the Glenvale Swamp Road. The matter was referred to the Roads and Bri "committee, The ecuncil gave a first reading to a number of by-laws. One by-law pro vided for the levying of two mills for good roads purposes; another fixed the county assessment and tax rate others to pay the Storrington Road debenture, to horrew $20,000 to mest | Current expenses, to confirm agree- | _mients with the city of Kingston and the House of Providence regarding the care of county poor. REMEMBERS COLD SUMMERS. - 5 i the 1868 and 1879. about the cold weather in June and many expressed their opinions that R { they could mot reméimber it ever hav- ing been so cold. . On Thursday] crease, as it would cost the county imorning a Whig representative was too much if it applied to committee speaking to A. B. Shewell, an old res July work. He thought that sufficient was ident of Cataraqui, who said that he Oct. . a { could remember that July, 1879, was Councillor Thomson favored the in- 'so cold that potatoes were frozen in| 'jerease, for the members were 4 well the ground, and on August 12th of 'the same year tomato plants were! frozen black. He alco stated that in June. 1868, it was very cold and dry and the barley crop was almost a The bay was very scarce and in the following spring sold for $40 a ton. One farmer who was offered $39 for his hay, refused fo take it and took his load back to Odessa. § | Mr. Shewell is one of Frontenac's prosperous farmers, and is the son of! Captain Edward Shewell, who ®erved in a regiment at the hattle of - Wat. erico. Edward Shewell was in the twenty-six years. poleon's downfall. and made good at farming, and after many vears, died at Napanee at the age of eighty years. UNION JAIL QUESTION i To B= Con<i"erad By County Coun- cils Committees. On Frides afternoon, at the request of the County Council of Lennox and Addington, a committee of that body will confer with a committee of the Froatemae council with reference to a union jail jor the surrounding coun: ties. The Ontario government has sug- gested that it wo be betier to have fewer jails throughout the province, as there could be greater efliciency and the inst tutions could be maintained at less cost. Information will be present- ed at Friday's conference to show the) conditions in this district. Some of the Frontemme councillors | think that there is no need of any "ton are conterned. The two munici- palities have a joint arrangement with referemee to the jail in the city, which is owned by the county. The city of | around, and draw change so far as Frontenac and Kings | Kingston pays $3,165 a year as rental, "98c SALE Saturday, 8.30 O'clock The cold, backward spring has compelled the manufacturers to unload. We have cleared a big special purchase from a New York firm at a very, very . 15 doz. colored muslin dresses, the latest New York patterns and styles these goods sell regular $2.00 and $2.50, and there is no mistake about the val- 'ues; sizes 34 to 42. . 98c. 12 doz fancy colored house dresses with white embroidered collars and cufls, sizes 34 to 42; sold regular at $2.50, Selling 10 doz. ladies' white wash skirts, made of a good quality Indian Head cotion, all sizes; sold regular $1.98. 98c¢. 30 doz. white muslin blouses worth $1.50, $2, and $2.50; all sizes, 34 to wee maw oan 17 doz. ladies" white: muslin night gowns, skigts and Princess slips; sold regularly $i% and $1.75. Fear NAs SEE New an sp ana a sesame eden ee AE es. we. "hs eaian EE 98c. sa ses 5 doi. Black 'Gloria taffeta underskiits. This iS the: best imitation 'of taffeta silk ever made in the world. Regular $1.50. ~ SATURDA ; 1 9 doz ladies' and men's umbrellas. This lot is a traveller's set of sam- ples and there is no mistake about the value, $1.50 to $2. They all go at this sale. 11 dom American corsets, ho oc high bust, colonial Dod and Lie lows supporters; rust boning. Made ol Batiste or ean Regu D0. SATURDAY..." = = ... 98c. i i 18 doz. ladies suits, dust coats and faney dresses; goods sold from #250 to £10. We have assorted them in three prices $3.98, $2. $1.98 for Saturday. : § 'See them in the window. ° So ut, o ™ Sst esas sas regular which is col an equitable ar t. It is scarcely likely that rangemen there will be any change made here. : CHARGE WAS DISMISSED. Seduction Case Against James Rom- bough Was Disposed OI. The long standing case of James Rombough, charged with seduction, | was disposed of wn the police court, on Thursday morning, when the charge was dismissed" by Magistrate Farrell. | The charge was made by the tasher of a girl under sixteen years of age. Both parties connected in the case hive in the township of Barrie, the ac' al Northbrook, and the com- plamant at Harlowe. J. L. Whit mg, K.C., conducted the prosecution, | and DP. A. Givens defended Rom | bough. Several witnesses gave ovidencs, and at the close Magistrate Farrell stat- ed that there was not sufficient evi- dence to place: the accused on tial, and he, therefore, dismissed the charge. The girl gave birth to a child at the Hotel Diew om April 17th. A MEMORIAL SERVICE. To Be Held For the Cadets Logie and Before the Royal Military College cadets leave for their homes at the close, of this term a memorjal ser vice, will be held in St. George's oa- thedral for the two young men, J. W. Logie and & L. Smith, who were drowned while crossing from Garden Island to Point Frederick one Friday afternvon, some weeks ago. Tha pa rents and friends have reguested this. | Next Sunday will be the last Sunday which the cadets will be here. The | cupied the chair. | Elginburg, ! to Kingston in 1841. F. B. McCurdy & Co., 86 and od Brock St--H. W. Nelles, Manager. Closing Prices, June 12th. Montreal Pow Richelieu Brazilian .. Textile ......... Shawinigan . Detroit Toronto Railw McDonald Dominion Steel ... Can. Cottons pid. Spanish River Copper ......... oes Smelters time | There has been considerable talk: Northern Pacific 5 ; lyn Rapid Transit ... _.. -- Cotton, Wheat-- Corn-- July a ean adviae m Oats-- July a... Maadatens S waeaan - 3 FRONTENAC CHEESE BOARD = Sales Made at 113% Cents on the Board On Thursday. At the Frontenac Cheese Board, on' Thursday afternoon, cheese sold!' at the same price as last week, 115-8 cents. There 'was boarded 360 boxes of white cheese, ard 471 boxes of colored. President Sly oc- These fattories boarded: ; : White--Elm Grove 60, Hartington 40, Wolfe Island 50, Sunbury 70, St. Lawrence 50, Glenburnie 90, Colored--Howe Island 38, Ontar- io 40. Parham 50, Silver Springs 78, Elginburg 75, Collins Bay 30, Frontenac 50, Thousand Islands 69; Gilt Edge 50. At 11 5-8 cents L. W. Murphy se-! cured the offering -of Glenburnie, Elm Grove, Hartington, Howe Island. Ontario, 'Sunbury, St. Lawrence, Silver Springs, Thousand Islands, | Wolfe Island, Collins Bay, Gilt Edge. i Mr. Alexander made a bid of 11 1-2} cents for the offering of Parham and] Frontenac, but the offer was re-|, fused. . | ' LEARD ON THE STREET. | Bits of Comment Br People at the Whig Balletin. | County Treasurer Purdy---If all] eggs were as large a8 the one the reeve of Barrie brought to town we wouldn't object to paying forty, cents a dozen. : i Jerome Thompson--I'm in my sixty-third year, and the senior ol | Dr. Spankie by nine years I think. } William Toner--I think the large | majority of the farmers are favor | able to the city retaining the market | tolls, as they are sure of a good mar | | i ket place, Capt. R. H. McKay--I notice by the paper that Mr. McCormack cam» | 1 came here in i 1823. i Councillor W. J. Donaldson--Yes. | the township of Palmerston is noi | under local option, and neither is | Barrie township, i On Thursday morning a man was | badly inured at the railway works at | Perth. He was brought to the city on | the sieges traits and Smanred la | the hospital. It was thought that ona of his legs was so badly crushed that it would necessitate amputation. Stafi-Sergt. W. Blake, R.C.R., seri- | the military hospital, ! Quden street, some w ago, follow- | ing an operation for appendicitis, leaves, on furlough, for his home in | England, on Friday. c= William "O'Gorman, formerly of Gib. | son's drug store, has (aken a position | in Wood's drug store, Westmount. } Charles Marshall was taken, trom | Toronto jail to the general hospital, | and is said to be suffering from a | depression of the skull, i The Belzian premier announced in | the senate the imtention of the govern | ment to borrow $6800.00 to cover ously ill in . military expenditure. : Ladies Shoes at $2.50 STOCK "MARKETS. J 3 "Do My Shopping at Laidlaw's." Hundreds of Kingston Women are Saying This To-Day. Princess Li Slips "Guaranteed to fit without unn dl Pa inc el embroidery, Silk \ibbon trimmed. «. Some with rows Val. In- » sertions and Lace. All sizes. $1.00 to $5.95 | Night gntgowns Button front or slipover sheer longeloth or nainsook. Many differen? styles; garments beautifully trimmed. Some with yoke and val. Jace; others with hand machine embroidered yokes and with fine lace trimmings. $1.00, $1.35, $1.95 and many others 9 White Underskirts Good cotton; narrow models; lawn flounece trimmings; embroidery insertions; 12 inch em- broidery and under dust ruffle. 75¢ and 1.00 Fine White Underskirts 1 Many novelties to seleet from © $1.25 to $8.00 ------ John Laidlaw & Son. rh Ne ---------- SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK We have an extra fine lot of shoes at. $2.50 for this week. Almost evervthicg any person would like and at $2.50. Patent apd gun metal pumps with high or low heels with and without straps. Some with buck- les; some with bows. y wes and Trunks New and Good. A 2 a tt et eet re FT SHOE