ready for your inspection. 149-157 BROCK 8%. day and consult with our fur ex- irts re your requirements It rod contemplate alterations or new furs why not take advantage of our sumi- mer - prices. © Our stock of furs Is complete and the models are now ~" JOHN McKAY # Miss Muriel King and Mr. Cuthbert Gummer, the bride and groom of next tweek, were | guests of honor at a garden party, + given by Mrs. Philip Prideaux, at her preity cottage at Dead Mans Bay. The guests includ: ed Mra tireer Wilde, of Ottawa, who 18 Mrs. Prideaux house-guest, Dean snd Mrs Bidwell, Mr. and Mrs. E. MH. Pense, Mr. and Mrs. 'Mr. and Mrs, R. Paston Barns, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Craig, Miss Frances Sullivan, Miss Mabel Dalton, Alice King, Miss Kathleen Daley, Misses Helen and Madge Crowe, Misses Christine and Sylvia Cochrane, June isfactorily furnished. Our é §; oi 3 Round tables are the correct line to furnish now. CH Rugs and carpets for diningroom and All the latest, richest in tone color effect, at prices to suit. Yours, I.E. HARRISON CO. | for the most ele- gant designs of ever pr ded by a on | We have . are happier when your home is sat- variety helps yon both in taste and pocket. Our selection of diningroom furni- ture, solid mabogany tables, chairs, bufféts. See them latest and best. Miss Lillian Kent, Miss Nan Patter won, Miss Jean Duff, Miss Marjorie Vense and her:two visitors, Miss Se- well and Miss Bacon, Miss Freda Burng, Miss Jean Craig, Miss Grace and officors from the camp. . Miss Marjorie Pense, West strect, was hostess on Friday afternoon, at an interesting miscellaneous shower: in honor of the brideseléct, Miss An- ita. Fenwick. The polished tea. table was centred by a bowl of marguer- ites and wags presided over by Mrs. Pense, Mrs. Hannaford and Mrs Broadwell. The prettily gowfied girls assisting them were Miss Sylvia Coch- rane Miss Kathleen, Crisp, Miss Hilda Kent, Miss Doris Kent, Miss Lassio Kirkpatrick, Miss Dorothy Hill, Miss Nora Macnee and Miss May Rogers, Miss Aileen Rogers chaperoned a de lightful picnic which went to King: ston Mills to-day. 'Those who down were Miss Nora Macnee, Charlie Shortt, Miss Lassie patrick, Miss May Rogers, Miss Hel-~ en and Miss Marjorie Campbell, Miss Kathlgen 'arruthers, Miss Rose Rog ord, Miss Taohel Waldron, Miss Elean- or Phelan, Miss 1. Mundell, Mr. Her- Miss Smissen and Kittermaster. . . | On Wednesday evening Mrg. Austin Gillies chaperoned a very bright din- ner at the Country Club. The guests included Miss Nora Macnee, Miss Madge Dawson, Miss Vera Carson, Miss Mamie Garrett, Miss Hilda and Miss Doris Kent, Mr. \W. Kent Mac- nee, Mr. Sidney McCann, Mr. Bevin Dunbar, Mr. Douglas . Anglin, and Cadets McCuaig and Garland. te A number of girls went over to! the Country Club for high tea Thursday evening, including onl Miss Marjorie Pense, and her visitors, Miss Alva Sewell and - Miss Mario Bacon, Miss Nan Paterson, Miss Hil-! da Hague, Miss Mamie Anglin, Miss Jean Duff, Miss Lilian Kent, and Miss Marian Leslie. A number of small enterlainmente have been given this week in honor of | Missy Mabel Milo, whose marriage to Mr. Russell Derry takes place this' month. | Symonds, | Miss | Hemming and Miss Ada Petrie, | King street. x Messrs. W. Burton, P, Lyman, RB. 'F.| Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Connell, West F. Harvey, . A. W. Browne, Uadels, street, will go to Ottawa on Mon Teed, Bishop, Godwin, Greenwood, day to be gone a week. Mclvor, * Gibson, Walker, Kirkgreen,' Mrs. George F. Fenwick and small Morphy, Kiddermaster daughter, of New York city, will ar Kirk, Ms. Maoparland's cottage. vert Steacy, Mr, Ted. Rogers, Mr. | A. ¢. Otis 'W : iY up - ah : a Ah 5 Watertown. N.Y, are Sherman Hn, and Cadets Mathews, | \isiting Capt. C. J. Hinckley, Uni Ross, Schoenberger, Macdonald, | versity avenue. Greene, Macanloy, Rogers, Vander |" yo" Roifanstoin, of Ottawa, ar with Mrs. K. N. tained at a tennis tea on Friday ternoon. : . . oe im ; Mrs. George King, Alice street, { will entertain at tea on Tuesday afl- ternoon. * ! . w ile iw Miss Kate. Mapn returned to hor home in St. Thomas on Tuesday. ' Ven, Aréhdeacon Carey and Mrs. 'arcy were in Brockville, on Wednes day, to attend * at' Bt. Albat's school. : Miss Edith Goodwin: is howe, after spending some tyme with Mrs. Stan ley Chown, Benfrow. Miss Matilda Layton, Beaurepaird, Quebec, 'will come to town noxt week, to visit her sister, Mrs. Edwin Eaton, Queen street, Mes, T. G, Smith, Gora street, left, to-day, Tor Windsor, to visit her son, Mr. Rankin Smith, and his wife, Rev. G. 1. Campbell and Mrs. Canip- ; bell went to Montreal a week ago to vigit Mr. aml Mre. George Cooke, Westmount. Mr. Campbell returned to town today, but Mrs. Campbell will remain longer in Westmount. Miss Ella McGinnis, Belleville, is the guest of Mrs. H. W. Richardson, rive in town next week to visit Mrs. Geol Fenwick, University avenue. | "Me. Hubert Ryan, a graduate of Quteen's 'University, who has, been in Now York for the past two years, uns come to Kingston to reside. Master Travers - Carey has returned from St. Alban's. College, Brockville. | Mrs. David McGill, of Montreal, and Mrs. T. G. Marquis, of Saranac Lake, will come to town next week for the wedding of their sister, Miss Muriel King, to Mr. Cuthbert Guw- mer, and will be the guests of Mrs. George King, Alice street. Mrs, James Macparland and Mr Edward Kenny and her two childran wont down to Tremont Park on Thursday to spend the summer at Mrs. G. F. Emery and Miss Flor ence Fmery went: to Utica, N.Y., on Wednesday, to spend some Sime with Mrs. Clarence Otis Putnam. Mr. C. Ml. Otis and Mr. apd Mr rived yesterday ta spend a few days . Fenwick, . King stoeet, before sailing on Wednesday from Montreal on SS. Royal Edward for England. Miss Zilla Fielding, who was Mrs. T. G. Smith's visitor, has returned home to Ottawa. Mrs. VanderSmissen, Toronto, i: at "the Residence" and will be here until after the closing exercises at the Royal Military College. Miss Kleanor Minnes and Miss Grace Woods will be the Queen's dele gates from Kingston to the Y.W.C \. convention in Muskoka, and will leave for there on Thursday next, to be gone until the end "of the month. The Rev. 8. J. M. Compton, B.D, in expected to be here about the end of June. Very Rev. Principal Gordon, of Queen's University, who has been at tending the general assembly in To af the closing exercises | 'ito Point Frederick, on Mise Eileen Wright, Alfred street, ronto, is home. : Miss Bertha Mahood, Johnson street, them in re 5 im in real estate. There is no safer investment on earth --- " fact--it Is the earth. Gel & place of it. | More 'fortunes have heen It up ou shrewd and care. real estates investments n on any other foundation. We 'have on ou tt som? «desirable sites and pro Come in, Inok it' over and talk over prices and terms. ---- I... was hostess at the tea hour on Friday in honor of her guest, Miss Irene Me- Allister, of Cushing, Quebec. - - . Muster Gordon Cunningham in bome from St. Alban's school, Brock- | ville, 'for the summer holidays. ew tee Miss Kathleen Carruthers enter-| Of Toric-Kryptok Bifocals and you'll find you have the ideal lens, combining the oval shape, which conforms to the shape of the eye, with the double Jens which enables you to see both far and near without a change of glass and WITHOUT A DI- VIDING LINE, J. §. Asselstine D. 0. §. Registered Optometrist & Optician 842 King St. '¥hong 1019 a } wok il Has your electric bell been constantly giving you trouble" rough. faulty bat des , ective repairs, ete.?! If 80, " phone us and our . trouble man will repair it per- manently at a very slight cost. We inatall new bell systems very reasonable ra at of in Kingston. is on his way to Duluth for the sum: mer, is visiting Mrs. James Gowdy, Sydenham street. to Ottawa yesterday, alter -spending Earl street: went to ('onsecon to-day guest of Mr. apd Mrs. Claude for a couple of weeks. Miss HEdith Garland are coming from Ottawa on les Garland's graduation be the guests BE. Mundell, Brock street. Mrs. W. Baliour Mudie have returned home after wedding at~Newboro. Jee her Smith, Johnson street, will return to her home in Monteeal on M two children, of Edmonton, are the guests of Mrs. W. Muirhead, Clergy Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Cunning hom retutned Jome on Wednesd | ter spending the past three months in ; California and Li Canale, | Mr. W. Stark, of Edmonton, was a |$ guest in town for a few days thislg week Gananoque. Nr. and Mrs, John % Mevilees nounoe the etigagemen ter. Eliaboth, to Me. Fide F.C day, 3422 Miss Sp one Sop x Fula Koti to Nr. Charlee has returned from Ottawa. Mr. Uglow, is holidaying at hi: home on Barrie street. Mrs, (Dr.) Rankin, Brooklyn, N.Y., has opened her cottage at (ollins Bay for the season # bicycles to Milne, 272 Bagot street. & - - ix > 4 IN ST. GEORGE'S FOB THE TWO, DEXD CADETS, 3 Of the Royal Military Colerain and Cadets Attended -- Canon Starr Officiated -- Dean Bidwell Gave Address, At 'nine o'clock on Saturday moro. ng: the "memorial service for the two young cadets of the Royal Military College, J. Logie. and A. IL. Smith, of Hamilton, who were drown. od when crossing from Garden Island J Friday * aftex- |] noon; May 2nd, and whose bodies {] have never been recovered, was con: ducted in St. George's cathedral, - The cadets of all denominations paraded from the college to the ca- thedral, in charge of Major CC. N. Per- reau, the staff adjutant. Col. J. IL ¥. Crowe, the, commandant, and the other members of the staff attended, | the cadets, citizens and friends of the decensed's families occupying the body of the church. lw Col. W. A. Logie, of Hamilton, fath- H er of the late Cadet Logic, and Sena tor Smith, of Winona, uncle of Cadet Smith, and My. Dempsey, of Hamil ton, were presemt, representing the familice at the service. Major the Rev. Canon G. lL. Starr, the Anglican chaplain of the garrison, conducted the burial service, and Dean E,-u). Bidwell delivered a short ad- dress, Members of the boys' and men's choir of the cathedral were present, R. R. F. Harvey presiding at the organ. The cadets' gallery was draped in pur- ple. The hymns sung were "Brief Lifo Is Here Our Portion," "On th Resur- rection Morning," and "Jesus Lives, Thy Tarors Now Can No Longer Death Appal Us." *"The Dead March m Saul was played at the conclusion of thesgervice. Major Starr read the lesson from T Corinthians xv, and said the solemn prayers for the dead. "Go thy way, thy son liveth," Jnrist's «words, Dean Bidwell chose ad the basis of the very impressive address he delivered. To the cen- ral fact of the resurrection from the dead, upon which the faith of the church is founded, he directed he attention of those present, and vie minds of the sorrowing members of the two families at home. The striking down of Cadets Logie dnd Smith, in the full bloom of youth, who are now just hidden beyond the veil, the dean said, from one point of view, was a test of Christian faith, For those He calls away in youth, God had a epecial purposed They will find a fuller scope for work above. God never wastes material. To the cadets he spoke, reminding that their comrades' were not gone, Sut working out a greater purpose for God in another universe. "Go thy way, thy son liveth," con- cluded the dean. "That is the pes- sage nf the Christ and of the chyreh, and that is the message I extend to Yhe sorrowing families this morn- ng." Wolfe Island Concert. Moonlight eseursion, lawn social and band concert, Tuesday evening, includ- ing admission to grounds. only 24c., under auspices Methodist. church, Boat at Clarence street wharf. at 7.30 p.m.; returning at 11 p.m. ""Nyval's cold eream." Gibson's. Miss H. Henzy, her Sunday school class and friends surprised Miss Helen Doherty, the bride of next week, on Friday evening. with a linen shower, at the home of her parents. We are offering special prices in Cleveland, Cyrus, Model and Falcon intended buyers, H. Mrs. Noell Gill and children} street, left town, to-day, for bellford, en .route for "Nimsha Cot- tage," 'Trent. river, wheve. they will spend -the summer. Mr. Gill will fol Tow: shortly. Mre. William Cochrane, Frontenac street, returned fram Toronto, on Thursday, accompanied by her daugh- ter, Mrs. Thomas Harold; of Vancou ver, B.C., who will spends a short time Earl Camp Mr. William Dunlop, Montreal, whe Mr. and Mrs. EB. J. Adams returned few days with Mrs. James Craig, Barrie street, to be the Kent Miss Lillian Kent, Mr. and Mrs. John 1. Garland and Tuesday for Cadet Char- and 'will of Dr. and Mrs. BP Dr. and Mrs. A. W. Winnett and attending the Daker-Tett Mrs. Charles Gurds, who has been sister, Mrs: .J. Seaward onday. Rev. Dr, and Mrs. Munroe and their + on. route to his old home in t of their dniigh- mar to place Wedpes ' ig Th. 1913, at 8 p.m., No. § ia street, Vancouver; B.C. Mcrilees is a hat muTEe ol roy. i New York THE HAT STORE. Buy The agement of motor cars, up dn automobile work. wel Allustrated size for the pocket, simple laws relating pages make installation and traps, belts, etd, ote. 160-162 PRINCESS ST, A few of the many items Special for Saturday ! "Written so {hat they can be easily understood and covering the fundamental principles of engineering, presenting the latest developmen ledge of practical things, with reliable and helpful information for ready reference, Audel's Answers on Automobiles $1.50 Written so vou can widerstand all about the construction, care and man The answers every question that may come The book is and 8 convenient in work Audel's Answers on Practical = Engineering, $1.00 Gives vou the everyday practice and to the care management of a steam plant you familiar with steam boilers, steam, fuel. heat, steam gauge, management of boil- and Its 250 ers, pumps, elevators, heating, refrig- } crathon, engineers' and firemen's law, pumps, electrical and refrigerating. turbines, injectors, valves, steam machines, together with much opeéra- gears, pulleys, electricity, t COLLEGE Night Shoppers 20 dozen ladies' fast black cotton hose, double heels and toes, all sizes 81-2 to 10, pairs for 25¢. ¢ 20 dozen ladies' silk boot hose, a serviceable as well as comfortable hose, and at a reasonable pried To-night 256¢. all sizes, Princess ribhed cotton hose for girls, white, tan black, all sizes in stock, per pair 25c¢. Buster Brown hose--the hose for lively boys-- strong and durable, fast black; all sizes inch, only 25¢. A big array of ladies fancy eollars and jabots -- strietly correct styles: new this week, 25¢c. The best values in the city in ladies' summer underwear. See our leader at per garment 28c. You save 23. every time you buy a pair of our All sizes. special corsets at $1.00. NEWMAN & SHAW THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE and BOOK STORE Our price, 2 the accepted practice, giving a working know: er's Machini i 2.00 Roger's Machinists Guide $2. Is a manual for engineers and ma- chinlsts on moderns machine shop prae- tice, management, grinding, punching, cutting, shearing, bench, lathe and viee work, gearing, turning, and all the subjects necessary to advance in shop practice, and *the' working and _hand- The most com- subjects, Fully Hing of machine tools, plete bosk 'on these ustrated. Hawkin's Engineers Examinations $2.00 important aid. to o This work is an engireers of all grades, and is un- doubetdly the most 'helpful ever js. sued relating to a safe and sure pre- paration for examination. It presents in question and answer form the most approved practice in the care and management of steam bellers, engines, tive information useful to the stud- ent, * PHONE. | DIAMOND SPECIALS NO. 1. We have seven diamond rings (single stones) Tilasy style, in 18-k gold with . inum all around the stone, bought at a price which we can sell, while they last at $25 each. NO. 2. One gentleman's claw ring, 14-k gold, with platinum claws large sized diamond, worth $125.00; having bought, also at a.special reduction, we of- fer it at $100.00, [its SMITH BROS. Jowelers & Upticians, Issuers of Marriage Licenses New Novelties in Ostrich and MarahouBoas' inion A rns GOURDIER'S, up to 10 IN MARINE CIRCLES, Movements of Vessels Reported Along the Harbor, The schooner Maize arrived from Os, wego with coal for B. Crawford. The steamer Missisquoi made a trip up from Gananoque, on Saturday. The steamers Algonquin and Glenel- lah passed up and the steamer Rose dale passed down. The schooner New 1R | for Dswego. The schooner Julia B. Merrill is at Richardsos's wharf, taking on a cargo of feldspar. MT. Co's elevator--Tug Thomsea, from Montreal, with two light barges, | will_clear to-night, for Montreal, with two" grain barges; tug Hall, from Montreal, with two light barges, will elour to-night, with two grain barges, for Montreal; tug Bartlett, due this afternoon, with two grain barges from Port Colborne, will clear to-night, f with the barge Hamilton, to load grain at Port Colborne. The steamer Simla and consort Bur mah ave due down on Sunday night, from Erie, with coal for Mondreal and NEW STRAW cl 3 To-night primer vvwwT Dominion cleared vewwY We have the newest Good hard brick. pressed. S. Anglin & Co. Cor. Bay & Wellington Streets. Common 78 Brock St. Good locations, ~detached brick dwellings with all im- provements, furnace, gas, and eleetrie light, $4,000, Brock street. $4,100, University Ave. $4,600, Clergy St., west. $5,000, Brock street. £5,100, near Victoria park $5,100, Clergy street. ~~ * $5,600, University Ave. $6,000, Albert street. Lot 66 x 132. ' 3 Phone: office, 539; resi- dence, 1457. E. W. MULLIN Real Hstaté and 1msurance Corner Johnson and Division Sts. Phone 539. wd veneering and the locomotive works, of this city, re spectively, The 'steamer City of Hamilton pass edydown on Saturday morning. : The steamer City of Ottawa went east" during Friday night. 3 The steamer Kingston was down and up on Saturday. The steamer Windsor cleared from Oswego, Friday night, coal laden, for Montreal. The steamer Rosemount will pass down, to-night, loaded with grainy from Fort Willima to Montreal, straw hats hundreds' for "hy. the. to Buy to- night -- we expect a hig demand open until 11 o'clock. NEW PANAMAS NEW SAILORS NEW SNAP 'BRIMS We hat everybody. you choose from. store will be $1.65 Watértown and Return $1.65 Tickets good going by steamer Wanderer, Saturdays, 1.30 p.m., and returning Monday following. Delors dismissing. the parade of ts Wateh our windows, 14th iment, - on Friday evening, Bact, Piet. Col, A. B. Cunningham, after XY ng his being haek pleasurs. at Here you will roomy, and trust-worthy have to offer you. and look. them over. | -. Here are some: Galvaitized lined, big, $10.50, © Enamel lined, $15 to §17, por- ° lined, $20 to $17.50; econpmical, you have long wanted. Don't decide till you see what we The shirl proclaims the mas, 1 iat ed © man ufikept, tractive, uBisDOFIARE; chrdlost | fiud that Sucee elegant Spurn him. refrigerator A smartly laundered it abd the man chahgos to spits aad | gnity and im; ! ¢ has a reputation shitts that Is u other laundry Kingston Come to-