PAGE THREE 'BRITISH 1913. ------ THE DAILY WHIG, MONDAY, JULY ; sy vp . wh 1 [DROWNING ACCIDENTAL THOMAS BROWN DISOBEYED THE €APTAIN'S ORDERS, BUILDERS' SUPPLIES We Handle Everything used in cool. » Westerly winds , fair and Tuesday, fine. : { PROBS. | | When He Jumped Ashore To Release! Stern Line of Steamer--People On Wharf Thought Brown Was Swim- ming On His Back. Although the Whig and citizens zenerally have often in the past urg-! {ed the necessity of life-saving ap- | pliances being placed on the local { wharves, where hundreds of people | daily, during two-thirds of the! {months ef the year, are in danger of | drowning, it appears that it has been | necessary | for a young man to lose | his life.t0 make the authorities take actinn i Th«- drowning of Thomas Brown! (for that was the name which he| shipped under with the R.. & O. N.| company), it is safe to say, would have been averted if there had been | - Ja. life-beli or even a pike pole on! Swift's wharf on .Saturday morning | when he dropped from the gangway of the slieamer Kingston and lost his life. Some of those on the wharf at! the time, »s shown in the evidence |, at the inquest.' on Saturday night, | thought that the deceased was swim- | ming on his back, and was making! towards the Grand Trunk freight! wharf. But, before leaving the jury to decide upon a verdict, the coroner, | Dr. D. E. Mundell, rather discourag-| ed this, pointing out that it was more iikely the waves on the water, | which was churned up by the work. | ing of the paddle wheels on the ves- sel, mada the d»'eased's hands ap-| pear to be moving. y "That Thomas Brown came to his Hats, Sleeping Vests, Shirt Waists, Rugs, Etc, death by accidental drown'ng, nd| blame heing attached to anyone jul connection therewith, was the frat| © Foie Sar ff : And if wanting any special size BUILDERS' SUPPLY DEPARTMENT nart of the verdict returned by the | furv, in the police court room. onl or pattern, we can order same and have delivered in 3 days. (AAAS a Anns Ah We are 'Special Agents for the Celebrated In the way of the best and most modern materials house building, including: Brick, lumber, sash and doors; metal lath, metal shingles and siding, and all the little specialties that you read about, hear about, but very seldom, see in Kingston. If it's new, and a money saver, you'll find that we handle it We can show you a hundred and one ways of saving a few dollars ou 'your new homie, AND REMEMBER Our architect will prepare your plans, or will take your plans and work out the quantities {or you free of charge, and we will supply everything used in the construction of your house, and at a figure that you cannot obtain elsewhere. AND WE GUARANTEE PERFECT SATISFAC- TION. In fact, If you deal through us we can make it possible for you to have something entirely new In the style of architecture, and we can supply you with all the most up-to-date materials--and wiil glve you a price that will fit&yoyr bank account. NO ORDER TOO SMALL AND NO ORDER TOO BIG FOR US. Don't fail to ley us give you quotations for the materials for your new home, It will be good business for us, but it will mean money In your pocket also. Dr. Jaeger { Wearables for Women | See our display of Coats, Sweaters, Sporting Caps, Saturdav night In his endeavor thi y ' ha useful, zealous to 'make good," | TIES the deceased voung man vinlated one| of the strictest rules of the captain | ! the steamer. that no member of | the crew should ea ashore tn cas | 5 the lines when the steamer w < clearing from a wharf or dock In| 0 d~ing this on Saturdav, cheying an| ° order from the second Jaeger Wearables mate. which | meant in a general sense, Watchman Brown ost his life JUST A HINT OF DRA PERY IN THIS SKIRT. Cotton woven matelasse, though extremely fashionable just now, does not lend itself particularly well {(o draped effects; but this frock of pink and white matelasse is cleverly caught up toward the back, and dropped at the hip, to suggest drap cry, while really there is very little, On a half-inch wide band of blue moire silk down the center-front Come in every weight, and are 100 per cent. pure and unshrink- able. See our showing. - wag Jos. N. Office Phone 1380, Residence Phone 1201. Life Saving Appliances, The jury embodied the following to its verdict: "We further strongly urge either the city council or the owners of wharves to take steps td see that suitable life-saving appli- duces are provided on wharves where the public has access." The coroner had said that to se- cure sua a recommendation was one of the reasons why the inquest had been held It was quite evident that the public should be protected, that appliances suitable for life-saving should be available if occasion arose that they would be required, which was at any time. It was a moral | necesgity, and Dr. Myndell consider- ed it a duly of the jury to consider] this aspect of the case. The jury! a'4 consider it, and returned the above verdict, which it is hoped will be taken immediately in hand by the council. T. J. Rigney, who was pres- nt at the inquest, representing, in a Robinson, Manager. 167 Wellington St. that these aroun1 made as strenu- ous efforts as possible to save the man with the means at their dispos- al. He could noi swim himself, bui rushed, with another man. around ro | the railway freight wharf towards which the hgdy was heading Tie man was removing his coat, appar ently preparing to dive. "Did you see apy appliances aronnd adaptable {or life-saving such as you would think vou should , day, find at a wharf frequented by sols," was asked the witness i A drum head was held at Mr. Tooke replied: "None what-! the cadel corp camp at Barrietweld on ever." | "unday morning at 9.30 o'clock. It} E. Loranger, who had been work-| was conducted by Rev. R. W. Spen ing for the steward on the "King rector of Camden last, and Rev. legal capacity, the Richelieu and On-|ston"" and had left her here on Sar | 15.- W Pickford, R.0O.., rector of tarjo Navigation company, will. nol urday morning. testified to the good | Bifhton The various Protestant lank, jit weight 14 the matter w hen character and hibits of the deceas-|'roops formed themselves into" a body comes before council. fed. He stated tnat the late Watch-7in front of the platform the The jury as sworn in over the re-{man Brown was = good swimmer. He camp ground. Ae Very impressive ser mains of the late watchman, was| (the witness) was going up the! ice was held. which was greatly aid composed of: William Timmerman, | wharf, after shaking hands Wit'!od hy the assistance rendered by the William 'A. Newlands, Robert Hen-| Brown and he heard someone give R.C.H.A. band, which played the mu dercon. H. ¥. Pense. Willianv Arniel | the order: "Take that line off." but ic for the hymns Rev. FE. W. Pick Frederick Purdy, Thomas Cunning- he could not swear by whom it was ford gave an interesting talk from nam. George MacKenzie, George| given Revelations xix,-8, and dwelt upon Hunter, John Ballantyne, Thomas| Richard Murphy, the second mate! he word 'white.' The speaker em Ferguson, Dr. 8S. A. Aykroyd. The{on the steamer. who was at the stern phasized the relation in regard to was elected chairman. in charge of the winch, the cable of | chyracter and manhood, dwelling most Thomas Brown, who was serving| which was the one * which Brown particularly and emphatically upon on hoard the steamer Kingston ac|cast before he dropped into . the. the fact that it is not what aot watchman, was born in London, Eng water, gave his testimony. He ,r where we go but what we ure land He was twenty years of AR". i stated that Brown Yas as usual ol Wo shoud bave courage and of medium height, sharn featured duty at the padsenger gangway, ( coats and a rather smart looking youn! midgships, on Saturday morning. He Catholics of the man The members of the-ecrew-alfrgaiqd it was he E®itness) who had marched HW a bod to the ety mn i gnoke well of him, and gfeatiy re- given the order for the oa i t to Si Mary's cathedral y Thos erptted his drowning he deceased | act from the tie post on the wharf, wan oo dod by of Cott wa cadet ey ed few, if any, relatives in this] hut the order was not directed to |, 1 ? 3 R¥a a rorp country, Brown It was meant in a general On Saturday e. There is alwavs supposed to Yel of Aha Fovs be a man on the wharf. whose duty river among the islands it is to cast the lines On the morn ers America and Newshoy. Many. ofl. ing In question, there no such them had never been down: the trip ic did not single Hirowh inion sd were greatly pleased with or did not see him ump ashore. = ee He did not know DE are: Hariid the gus Mo Sut was in the water until the vessel was the te iq Sot under way, but he had seen two pas- There 3P Re a sengers at the gangway reaching he Tate tov i, over. When he realized the situa< } tion he signalled to the wheethouse "ihn. _ - i NSO » y A camp fire and concert will and the boat was stopped When " : Brown's body was seen on the sur- hold at. 8.30 p.m. on Monday in fromt face, believing that the deceased was o the platiorm opposite the division safe, he sang oul tothe captain te office. All cadets apd instructors proceed. sited Fort Henry on Sunday from Cross-examined that he had seen pliances at the R. Toronto. Further it was one of the captain's strictest: orders that no member of the crew was to go ashore when the steamer was clearing, to cast a line. There was always a | man on the landings for that pur-! During June the Victorian nurse pose. {made 123 visits among patients of That a man was on duty at Swift's | the following denominations Metho- wharf day and night. to catch and |dists, 3, Baptists 4, Presbyterians | make fast and throw off the lines of | Congregationalists 2; Anglicans & vessels landing and clearing, was the | Roman Catholics 4 Of these, al statement of E. E. Horsey, assistant | though the fees showed a slight in- manager of western Jines, R. & O. |crease, there were four paying ani Upon being corss-examined witness [twelve non-paving patients. This. in explained that the man on duty on 2 city like KifiEgh n, is a matter to the morning in quostion had been | be deplored. It i¥ doped that King- called to the other side of the ¥hatf ston will not allow towns with large to attend to the baggage of passen-! slum. districts to report more than gers on the steamer Rideau Queen, | twice as many paying as non-paying which was pulling out for Ottawa at | patients, while she remains one of the same hour (six o'clock) { only four to report.the contrary in Bernard Hunt, the night clerk atthe annpal report. Each one paying, the wharf. whose duty it "was to if only a trifle will increase the effi- throw off the lines confirmed the ciency of the order and so fulfil one former witness' explanation of his| of the objects of the royal charter absence from the steamer Kingston |in helping people to help themselves at the time the stern line was cast by { and not to pauperize. ane watchman. He arrived at | Ss oemmputat the door of the freight shed after! Visiting Relatives. Brown had thrown off the line, and Mre. D. T. McManus and two chil- | was endeavouring to board the dren, Miss Phyllis and Master Daniel, | steamer with the assistance of the left ihe on the noon train, Sat. ! CADETS HAD A TRIP are dozens of tiny white ball butions and collar and sash are of the « same blue moi A vest of handsome imitation Veaise lace opens ------ TO THE THOUSAND ISLANDS SAT- URDAY AFTERNOON. FOR SALE OR TO RENT CADILLAC VACUUM CLEANERS LIGHT CONVENIENT EFFICIENT Question of Spex Do your i easily? 2 if so, You need Glasses. - -- Drumhead Service Sunday Morning ~--Gale Blew Down the Y.M.C.A, Tent--Camp Breaks Up On Tues- ve V service Do your eyes burn? 11 so, You need Glasses. Does the type become blurred in reading? If so, You need Glasses. Do you suffer from frontal headache? Uf so, (Jlasses will Help You. Do you know if you bave perfect eyesight" 1 not, we can Inform You. IT WILL COST YOU NOTHING. WE GRIND OUR LENSES KEELEY, Jr. ' OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN, 3 doors above Opera House a beer, Crystal Table Services For Gifts. A most practical offering to the newly wed, or ahout-to-be- weds, and one that will be appreciated is a service of crystal. : it on J RC. DOBBS & COMPANY Telephone 819 41 Clarence St. las or It may consist of a few dozen of the most necessary pieces, or glasses for every drinkable thing, well as decanters, whiskey jugs, oil bottles, finger bowls, ice-cream plates, custard cups, ote, we as allama Hat Sale $6 hats for $4.50. love ow It's a good suggestion, The Roma camp line ER TET SRT ROBERTSON'S LIMITED CRYSTAL GLASSWARE, hele seven hun down the on the steam afternoon went Amateur films and plates finished. All kinds of picture framing. 244 Princess St. Kingston, - Ont. sens #8 hats for $5.90. $15 hats for $9.75. Evidence of Witnesses. Thomas Doherty, who was on the wharf when Thomas Brown cama ashore to cast the stern line, was the first witness called by Coroner Mun dell." He said that he saw the de: ceased cast it with the steamer mov ing, and he endeavored to get aboard again, He grasped the hand of a man in the gangway, but the grip broke, and Brown fell below into the water. Witness was about twenty Teal away at the time. Doherty said that little effort was made to save the man in the water. Young men 3 and boys were standing around at e the time, and, other than throwing a plank into the water, they did noth- Ing to gender th» drowning man as $3 hats for $2.25. tistance. Witness further stated hat Sriwa fell into the war back hi) = ata Pan B11 {of the paddle-wheel of the boat, and $2.50 hats for $1.75. | be could not say if he struck the #2 hats for $1.25. FINE CHINA, was out Every had is absolute- ly new. alter WAS blown scramble things noon ripped to down RAI A Mmmm. ELECTRIC LIGHTING of Kingston Homes, Churches, Factories, Stores, Our specialt I Y i Beautiful Electric and Gas Fixtures. H.W. NEWMAN ELECTRIC CO, 79 Princess St. Home 'Fhong 1878. adssany good be Straw Hat BARCAL® CRIBS Security "'n * to 5 p.m Fhe camp will break up on Tuesday morning the mate stated = life-saving ap- & O. wharf at VICTORIAN NURSING boat or wharf in so doing. When the | feceased came to the surface again, jafter about two minutes' time, he | paddled weakly with his hands. | "You evidently thought that he was rable to take care of himself," quer- led the coroner. ! Only One-Quarter of Last Month's Patients Paid. Children's $2.50 hats, $1.49, Children's $1.25 Lats, Toe. ' 1 Children's Joe. All straw hats of ev-. erv kind arg greatly ve- duced. This week is the time to buy. "I thought he was swimmnig on| | his back," replied the witness. " Doherty was asked if there had been a buoy or rope around the | wharf at the time, would those on "the shore have thrown them. He thought that they would. W. H. Tooke, a teacher by profes- sion, wha was standing farther out i}! on the wharf at the time of the acci- was the next witness called. others, he ran to the spol where Brown had fallen, but for a time could see nothing but the churn | of the water, caused by the working of the paddie wheels. One or two minutes later the hody rose. The witness declared that he thought the deces-~d was swimming on his back, the Lody heading towards the G.T.IR. wharf. At a point thirty or forty feet from the wharf the body paused ;a moment and then sank. At the When bedtime comey Baby is more than willing @ to be tucked away in his com. fortable Cecurity Crib. He's just az safe as though right in front of Mothers watciful eyes. These cribs have sliding sides. With the sides at full height, baby can't possibly fall out, nor crawl out. The rods are close enough together thet he car't wedge be. tween them, or hurt himself in any way. ® oThese cribs are unbreakable-- O0%. hats, Any man that cones here for hig sum- mer footwear not only saves money, but E.P.JENKINS A Catharines secures comfort and service in shoes made of enameled malleable iron. In various styles. The style shown above is called the "Baby Stuart." in and see how they work, ROBT. J. REID. 230 Princess Street. Telephone 577. Clothing Co. The Store for New Goods. tA four-year-old Gravénhurst tos] } lost for four. days iu the wilderness, | lived on berries, die de iptie S 2 last witness was \not surprised to sec the body disappear below the sur- face. He heard no cry from the de- ceased. "What steps did the crew take to' rescue the man?" asked the coroner. "Did the steamer stop or go right on?" "1 don't know," Mr. Tooke replied. To the coroner the witness stated passenger. Hunt said that it was a urday, simple matter for deceased to do! where they will be the guests of their this. relatives during their sojourn, f Provost. Brock street, has received | Alexander Myers was drowned near all his spring and summer goods for ' Orangeville, and Maxwell Chartiers his order clothing department, also! was drowned in Chatham. . in ready-made clothing and gents' General Bramwell Booth, head of furnishing department; they are all|the Salvation Army, will visit Canada well assorted with ned goods. the first week in November, Oxford shoes from $3.25 to $4.50. IT JOHNSTON TTI [LOA LE Sul. Yy i --