Leent. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDA Y, JUL { Y 8, 1013 RESEND Why Not Come In ? to-day and consult with our fur ex perts re your requirements. If you contemplate alterations or new furs why not take advantage of our sulu- mer prices. Our stock of furs is complete and the models are now ready for your inspection. JOHN McKAY 'ur House. ed BROCK #2, Mid 'Summer Sales pl Prices Reduced to the Very Quick. Extension tables, regular $11, re- dliced to $9; extension "tables, reg- ular $15, reduced to $14.50. Over jforty styles of tables to gelect from China cabinets. 25 styles, 10 per reduction That's good inter est on your money, Parlor cabinets. Some reduced 20 per cent. others 10 per cent. These are all handsome mahogany or Ber- ries Martin finish. Rugs, carpets, linoleums, curtains, ete., all reduced to induce the open pocketbook. Phone 90. HAZEL JOHNSTON MEETS DEA ul AT SOWARDS WHARF. Fell in the Water While Playing-- Was Alive When Taken Out, But Ressucitation Failed, Hazel Johnson, aged thirteen Vears, who resided with her parents, Jon lower Bagot street, near the of Bay street, lost her life by into the water at Soward's shortly before seven o'clock on day morning In company her brother she was returning from | Barriefield, when both thought they would go iy around the play. James who has the lights along the falling whari Tues Keys, of Brewer's Mills contract for Rideau River ba tween Kingston and. Brewer's Mill had his boat tied at the wharf a short distance from where the dent occurred When his sister fel: in, the young lad ran to the boat where Mr. Keys was and asked him to come over and pull his sister out of the water Mr. Keys immediatély responded to the call and.upon ar riving at the scene noticed bubbles coming up Pike-poles were soon put into commission and in a very few the girl was brought to the HV hen she moments surface, was pulled out she still showed signs of+life, but, unfortun- ately a doctor could not be secured in time, and althougiNthe men who had gathered worked<over her some time they were unable the life of the young girl Mr. Keys -stated to a Whig repre sentative that about fifteen minutes before the accident was reported the two children were around the wharf trying to solicit orders for milk but no person was anxious to buy Coroner A. E. Ross, who Wis summoned, after examining the body decided that an inquest was unneces sary R. J. Reid, undertaker, took charge of the remains This is thed fifth drowning at Kingston in three weeks LW AT MEMPHIS, TENN. DROWNED fhe Late Otho P. Wheaton Known In Kingston, News has reached Kingston friends of the sad drowning last Fri- day of Otho P. Wheaton, of Mem- phis, Tenn. Mr. Wheaton, in com- pany with nine or ten gi friends, had started out in a small gasoline launch on a barbecue pieni to Point Clear of Memphis the launch struck a snag were pitched into the water. Those way Suddenly it was noticed thu and there was great consternation. the place where the accident occeurr ed. Grappling followed and a dives was secured. The body was not | found until Saturday morning. The {deceased had evidently struck his head and sank without rising again, else he would have heen picked up with the others. The deceased was the son of Mr and Mrs. J. O. Wheaton, and was thirty-eight "years of age. With his father, he was engaged in the art| business. A wife and little baby sur- vive. Mr.' Wheaton with and mother paid visits to Kingston during summers of past years, anu had a wide circle of friends here who were shocked to learn of his R {sad end. A ih We have all widths in Van- dor and Japanese Porch shades in the best shades of green snd very low prices; also 100 pleces of Japan and China mat- ting at less than last year's price. J > * 'See our windows. qi oe Brick residence, 8 rooms fine cellar, barn, 36 x 46, four acres of good land, situated at Mill Haven, 16 miles from Kingston; over 300 feet beau- tiful water front on Lake On- tario. There Is also a blacksmith and wood-working shop.. The whole for $1,500 Would rent on' reasonable terms. McCANN 82 Brock St. Near Wellington St. Phone 326 or 621. Neilson's ice cream bricks, Kingston at Gibson's Red (ross Drug Store. We grind. our own Lenses. ADVICE We are prepared to give you correct sight saving advice, ad- vice that will relieve the strain on your nervous system, for we are properly equipped for mak- ing thorough and intelligent examination, If Youn Need Specs. We furnish them at as low a figure as _ correct glasses, good frames, and a perfect fit can be had. Consult, .. S. Asselstine D. 0. S. Registered Optometrist & Optician 342 King St. "Phone 1019 Optical Work Exclusively ELECTRIC REPAIRS Has your electric bell been constantly giving you trouble through faulty batteries, de- fective repairs, etc.? If so, phome us and our trouble man will repair it per- manently at a very slight cost. We install new bell systems st very reasonable rates | Scott & Ryan 238 Princess St. LITTLE GIRL DROWNED..." de ! | Brain | Us | rat Court and Hamiltonian due from | grain; orner | with} wharf 9] lightingsthe accl- | for | to Save | Was | When ten mileg out| in the river, and several of the party] floating about were pulled in and the | launch proceeded several 'miles on its] Mr. Wheaton was not with the party, The launch was at once put back to] his wire| would be such a blunder not to have "gold in {the best of that kind {has seen. | charged with stealing $1,366 from the DOWN BRIDGET EIGHTY. IN MARINE CIRCL ES, of Vessels Along the Harbor. M. T. Co.'s wharf--Tug from Montreal, with three barges and clears to-day with three | barges; tug Emerson from! sisal Montreal with two light barges, and | Fallon Bros. Are Demolishirfi will clear with barge Dunsmore tor | Old Structure Harbor wego to load coal; steamers Tur- | 3 To {The | done Reported TEARING Bronson | THAT HAS STOOD FOR light FIVE YEARS, the Across the With a Causeway which VEUrs, 1s Replace It old Cataraqui bridge, has service fir eighty-five a thing of the past, as irted to tear down the old l'uesdav rhorning Fort William to-day, to discharge steamer Turret Cape is. duv on Thursday from Fort William ; steamer Fordonian is due on Friday | from Fort William to discharge lure on y Steamer Dundee passed down from | Thomas Fallon, X Bow Colborne on her way to Mon- |0f the firm who has the real | the harbor improvements,» was The government boat Alert, called [to get a number of lon her way to Bay of Quinte ports Fuesday morning to ter away The schooner Britton, of Ganan- {of the allow oque called on her way to Charlotte fire Age to get to load coal for Crawford's | is no ensy hye s The steamer Waterlily called as!the old structure, as the Folger's dock on her trip east jeolid. The timbers in many boo The steamer Pellatt passed down olid oak, being holted together on her way to Montreal. Mr. Failon expects to have the i Miney yusen sailed dredge in working order by Tuesday on her trip west. night, and on Wednesday morning it | "Phe. steamer Alexander calicd at] ¥ill be towed to the bridge and put | Folger's wharf on her trip ews. inte Commise on. ; Up to Tuesday morning the steam: ihe ap ie 2) he ng er Ames had not been reported re- | Io tT a op lensed fram her SFouRding Wt Sstmon had already applied for positions, and int, - on i 8 , | steamer Donnelly and lighter went up! he w that 1 t {on Saturday, and the steamer Corn-|"?Y¢" lo get employment, I wall, of Garden Island, was called | | for on Monday night | | The steamers Toronto and North | King were down and up on Tuesday The steamer Ridean Queen is due down from Ottawa Tuesday evening | The schooner D. P. Dobbins, of To- | ronto, was brought to the city by the tug Gilbert. It was docked on Monday and is undergoing repairs |at the Davis drydock. The schooner Horace Taber, of To- ronto, is also to go into the Davis { drydock to have a general overhaul | ng and caulking. the men true | now ome of the members contract abl men to work en the and work bridge :0 as to get in behind job removing parts ot stall are are | if hes had necessary Whig | any as gure more MEET IN GANANOQUE. Fhe Busy Burg Has Many Things To Admire. | I'he St. lawrence River Press As ociation held a meeting in Ganano que, on Monday afternoon, when mat ters relating to the trade wore consid lered, followed by a banquet at the Brophy house, tendered by the mayor and coupcil. the menu of an exceedingly fine char | ucter and the hours spent enjoyably with the stalwart council men. Mayor {| Donevan and Charles FE. Britton spoke {words of welcome and replies werg made by A. T Wilgrese, Brock ille, president of the association, and J. 6 Elliott, of Kingston. Altogether the lay was one of pleasure, as the visit ing prefs men found much to admire {¢ number found. occasion to "visit some of the industries were sur prised at phe class of work dope and the enormous output trom the splen didly equipped factories. Parmenter & Bulloch have a line building of cement and turn out a class of patent small goods that made Gananoque known from one end of the dommion to the other. The score of other in dustries are filled with and a great body of men find employment ALD. ELLIOTT'S STATEMENT | Regarding Last Year's Road Con- struction By-law, Just before the City. Council ad | jowrned on Monday evening, Ald. El | ott rose to a question of privileg | He said that there had been rumor {with regard to an alleged blunder yn last vear's chairman of the Board oi {Works in not having the and q, road pav ling construction by-law passed sooner | than it was. If the alderman who had raised the question was a gentleman, IAld. Elliott said he would have risen {in the council. meeting, and stated that the by-law had not been passed and that the ex-chairman of the | therein The town are clean Board of Works was responsible, in | and smooth, an abundance making insinuations. of cement walks that reach to all said Ald. Elliott," J wish to | parts of the place. The mayor and say that last year's chairman was not | his efficient stafi of helpers have great responsible, * He does not prepare the !confidence in the progress and pros That is the duty of the city | perity of the place and every pressmap { solicitor, who gives the by-law to the | w ho visited there yesterday hopes that | have work, streets and with {stead of 'But,' by-laws. city engineer, who in turn hands it| their wishes will be fully gratified. The over to the chairman for presentation! pext meeling will be held in Kingston the city council Where then was |in November. Messrs, L. E. Guild, G the chairman blame? Even if hei kK. Martin and J. (i. Elliott the had been responsible for the Iw=law, | Kingston representatives, what loss has been sufiered. by the ci memm---- ty. Not one farthing has been lost hy Weather Notes, this alleged 'blunder' of the chairman A 4: wm i 3 | of the Hoard of Works last year: It's wonditions. are again, in 'a pretty small thing to try and make a big thing out of it, when there's nothing in it.' | Ald. Fair stated point 'out that Ald. to to were Disturbed evidence to the westward of {great lakes Showers have occurred in Manitoba but over the greater part of the dominion the weather of the past few days has been fine and {moderately warm. that he wished tol Illiott thought it this year's construction by-law passed oe , before the work was begun, that he blockéd the road paving matter fo one whole month, in an efiort to make the council believe that it was a ious matter. Mayor Rigney interposed at this point and suggested that the discus Boat sion be'carried po further, as no good | Son s. | would result, from the argument. The ' - { matter, therefore, ended. The Busy Morning Market, Red cherry currants, gooseberries cherries ete, for preserving, at Car- novsky's Frult Market, "On the Cor ner. ser and carriage sponges.' " Kingston's Famous Fur Stove. At ii, Rm ci In The Limelight Our Ladies' Ready-to- Wear Store is very much in the limelight these gqod old summer days, and both maids and mat- rons are attracted by the many pretty things so modestly priced in every section of the store. We emphasize for tG-morrow a few Sample Snaps, | Linen Collars Want Better Mail Service. Business men have expressed {proval of the Whig's comment the scandalous mail service at Sent in vogue between Kingston and [the United States. They see no rea- {son why the mail should not be rout ed so as to be brought to Kingston! by the early hoat from Clayton {Kingston should have the quickest 'and best mail service between the two countries that it is possible to have At the present time the service is that which might only be found in the very remotest and almost inac cessible parts of the country. ap upon pre Reduced the Amount, |" The Board of Education asked $39, (500 from the City Council for school irsiiding purposes. The council Ras passed $57,000. The difference 18 | made up in the striking out of $I, | 500 for walks around the Collegiate "Institute and $1,000 for a vacuum cleaner for Victoria school, which for | n part § number It was a splendid affair, ; the | NOTHING LIKE See the Kingston pe ontwear every other pel venirs of many designs in mant on the market, leather, for sale at nnants; they are moth proof; Also attractive | LEATHER dusted, and will and asily useful sou- COLLEGE BOOK STORE Headquarters for - papers, ete, PHONE 919. would be | plain and fancy stationery, hooks, magazines; news- 166 PRINCESS ST. In the trade than onr ladies' Ladies "embroidery Ladies" white skirts. Ladies' Tadies' Ladies' long Ladies cotton, Tisle or i The best values in ladie from. 2 | NEWMAN THE ALWAYS range of tailored waists. waists, 'There Is Nothing | Nicer Summer corsets, silk gloves, long lisle gloves. silk hose. to he had s' wenrables ave & SHAW BUSY STORE WRIST WATCHES In great variety. Gold, and silver and gun-metal on leather straps, or attached to expand: ing bracelets of guaranteed durability All our watches madé for the wrist and no trouble, are give They are selling very fast. SMITH BROS. Jewelery & Upticiags, Issuers of Marriage Licenses W.F. Gourdier 18-80 Brock St. A list of may be over. Lansdowne St stable and lot Victoria street, dwelling, "York street and $2500, Yours them opportunities, among them. Look , $1325, $1350, dwelling, detached $1800, $1900, $2300 four . new detached EE ---- CADET BROKE HIS ARM| WHILE THROWING A BASEBALL AT THE CAMP, Was m of an Unfortunate and Monday Af- Harold Parlow, of Pembroke, the Vic Unusual Accident On ternoon, One of cadets at camp sustained a rather remarkable the Jargiefigld injury in a manner, on Mondal afternoon. He was Harold, the four teen fifteen-year-old son of C. E. Parléw, a - bank manager at broke » Harold, member of | school cadet corps of that place suvVere or Pem the was who is a it was thought was yet in an experi mental stage and hardly warranted a trial at this time. Ladies" embroidered linen collars, regular price twenty-five cents each. Sale price. 2 for 25c White Waists Made of fine mull, rich- ly embroidered, high or low neck, long or short sleeves. . A very special snap at $1 29 cach. White Skirts Fine Indian Head brand $1.50 Each. Genuine Bedford Cord, all sizes, §2.00 Each Rideau Lakes Nav. Company. For Clayton every Tuesday, Wed- nesday, Friday and Saturday, at 6 p. ny, A For Ottawa every Monday, Wed- nesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 6 am Jones Falls and return every Wed- nesday, 6 am, Fare, 50 cents. J. P. Hanly, ticket agent, Praises Barrié Street Roadway. Prof. A. K. Kirkpatrick, ex-city en gineer, says that the Barrie street asphalt macadam roadway is one of of pavement he He viewed similar pave 'ments in Amherst and New Glas gow, Nova Scotia, and they are in- Jerior to that of Barrie street. Amherse, he says, has about four miles of asphaltic macadam on its streets. 1000 Islands--Rochester, North Ki and Caspian leave for { Thousand Islands daily, except Mon v, at 10.15 am. For Rochester, via Bay of Quinte, at 5 p.m. Watch this space and watch our windows, GEORGE MILLS & (0. 126-128 PRINCESS ST. Mail Clerk Arvested. Medicine Hat, Alta. (ply S.-J. 1. Pope, chief railway 'mail clerk at Madicine Hat, bee arrested, , contesting in the [ baseball at the sports. unusual occurred, long throw of the What is very i the humerus snapped between the middle and upper thirds + The fracture clove, and the 'young cadet 'was taken to the deten tion tent, where the break was attend ed to, and later\he was removed to the station hospital in the city. Here ( Lieut.-Col. A, F. Ross and Capt. R J. Gardiner, 'set the fracture Fhe boy endured the trying experience well and was feeling fairly "fn" day morning. was on Tue Concert in Macdonald Park. By kind permission of Col. H. B. Panet and officers, the band of the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery wiil -- houses with dll improvements. ----e er They're on Top! Our well known and reliable CEDAR SHINGLES make a rainproof roof. They are easy to lay, warm in winter, cool in summer, 'S. Anglin & Co. Cor. Bay & Wellington Streets. Quebec "street, $IH0, dwelling, hot water heating, electric 'light and gas Albert street, brick veneer and" barn Brock street, $3000, rent $300 per year Brock street, solid brick. Earl street, brick, suitable rooming honse Johnson street, $3 and lot Frontenac, and Jot A hillding lot $175. E. W. MULLIN Cor. Division & Johnson Sts. 00, detached double frame $4250, detached $5100, detached for boarding. and 6060, dwelling $5000, new solld brick on York street for play in Macdonald Park on Tuesday evening, July Sth. from 8 to 19 o'clock The programme wilg-be March, 'Steadfast. and rue' {Ticke). Overture "Mozart" S8uppe). Chimes solo Bg chimes." Selection "Gipsy Love' (Lehar). Grand Fantasia "The Battle of} Trafalgar" (Miller) : Intermezzo 'Secrets' Humorous travesLy John Peel," (Douglas). Grand Military Tattoo (Rogan). O Canada 'God save the King." Alfred Light, Lient. Bandmaster, R.C (Ancliffe.) | "D've Ren |{ R CA. HAL 12th July Excursion. 88. America to Picton," leaving registered mail. "Kodaks and supplies." Gibson's, Kingston at 7 am, and Portsmouth "at 7,20 am. Fare i0c, | from 15¢. IN GREAT VARIETY By close study we keep ourselves up-to-date in everything concerning the newest ideas in screens and door fitlings. You may therefore. be sure of finding the very latest in stock always in this hardware store. ereen doors complete from $1 to 25; screen windows, all' sizes, to 40¢ [ITCHELL HARDWARE 85-87 Princess St. SIGHTS IN WASHLAND, See our laundry sleeves rolled up. with Its Little machines and great, oing and glowing with mo- ion, the men hustling and the girls bustling and perforafing the their part, all working to- ward one result: (LEANNESS This is your invitation and PASS---bring it with you and see the sights in Washland KINGSTON LAUNDRY i Cor. Princess and Sydenham q Sts. Phone 22, ' detached I i ASAP