BUILDERS' SUPPLIES We Handle Evergthing In the way of the best and most modern materials used In house building, including: Brick, lumber, sash and doors, metal lath, metal shingles and siding, and all the little specialties that you read about, hear about, but very seldom see in Kingston. If it's new, and a nioney saver, you'll find that we handle it. We can show you a hundred and one ways of saving a few dollars on your new home, AND REMEMBER . S Our architect will prepare your plans, or will take your plans and work out the quantities for you free of charge, and we will supply everything used in the construction of your house, and at a figure that you cannot obtain elsewhere. AND WE GUARANTEE PERFECT SATISFAC. TION. a In fact, if you deal through us we can make it possible for you to have something entirely new in the style of architecture, and we can supply you with all the most up-to-date materials--and will give you a price that will fit your bank account. NO ORDER TOO SMALL AND NO ORDER TOO BIG FOR US. Don't fail to let us give you quotatigns for the materials for your new home. It will be good business for us, but it will mean Toney in your pocket also. r r SUPPLY DEPARTMENT THE Me REALTIES Robinson, Manager. 167 Wellington St. BUILDERS' J af Jos. Office Phone 1380. Residence Phone 1201. FOR SALE OR TO RENT CADILLAC VACUUM CLEANERS LIGHT CONVENIENT EFFICIENT Question of Spex Do your eyes tire easily? & It so, You need Glasses. Do your eyes burn? If so, You need Glasses. Does the type become blurred in reading? If so, You need Glasses. Do you suffer from frontal headache? If so, (lasses will Help You. Do you know if you have perfect eyesight' if not, we can Inform You, IF WILL COST YOU NOTHING. WH GRIND OUR LENSES KEELEY, Ir. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN, 8 doors above Opera House -- J R. C. DOBBS & COMPANY Telephone 819 41 Clarence St. COOKE PHOTO STUDIO Amateur films and plates finished. All kinds 'of picture framing. 244 Princess St. Kingston, - Ont. #6 hats for $4.50. #8 hats for £5.90. $15 hats for £9.75 Every hat is absolute : lv mew, Straw Hat Sale $3 hats for £2.25. $2.50 hats for $1.75. hats for $1. [BARCAL® secorty CRIBS TTT 26) Pe Children's $2.50 hats, : fue i, Children's foe. "$1.25 hats, ° Ni i st pm Children's 50¢. hats, comes De : Baby is Bote tian willing oe. to uc! way in his come ble Barcaln 7, ® All straw hats of ev- ery kind are greatly re- duced. This week is the time to buy. He's just as safe as though rightin front of Mother's watcaful eyes. These cribs have sliding sides. With the sides at full height, baby can't possibly fall out, nor crawl out. The rods are close enough together thet he car't wedge be. tween them, or hurt amie in any way. Es J IN es aun snl | [| E-P-JENKINS m of e m e tron In various styles. The styleshown ahove Te called the "Baby Stuart, " Clothing Co. Come in and see how they work. The Store for New Goods. ROBT. J. REID. hn WE A 280 Princess Street. Telephone 077. © Maxwell Chatteris, eldest son of , Dr. C. R. Charteris, of, ' dropped dead at 3 summer resort. The Chatham, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, JULY 8, 1913. REFUSED TO PERMIT [ GANANOQUE SANCTIONS TRACK 4 'ELECTRIC POWER AND ARN. | PRIOR RAILWAY BY<EAWS. ¢ m------ ANOTHER RAILWAY ONTARIO STREFE Council. Which Carried By Large Majorities --Meeting of the St. Lawrence Press Association On Monday Af- ternon and Evening. Not One Vote of the City * Was Cast In Favor of the Proposal " --~Even the Board of Works Mem-| bers Opposed Their' Recommenda- | tion, The mayor h Gananoque, July 8.--A largely tended meeting of the St. rs I'ress association was held here on Moaday afternoon and evening, re- presentatives being present from all along the line. I'hrough the kind- ness of the Gananoque Cance and Motor Boat association the fine, airy assembly hall of the club house was placed at the disposal of the press and much enjoyed. During the early evening an excellent ban- quet was tendered by the town to 'the well-known visitors. J. G. ¥l- liott, the veteran editor of the King ston Whig, wag present, and ably dis cussed some of the dificult problems of journalistie life. Later in the ev- ening the visiting pressmen "did" the town generally, and left about mid- {night well pleased with Gananoque hospitality. Interest in the by-laws that came before the ratepayers of the town on Monday was quite keen all through the day. By .6 p.m. the result, which up to that time had been only: con- |jeclural, was made an assured fact. Both by-laws carried. The one known as the electric light by-law, which required only a majority vote, re- sulted 392 for and 49 against. The by-law to' subsidize the (Gananoque anid Arnprior railway to the extent of 820,000, requiring a two-thirds vote lof the property-owners, also made an (excellent win, with 382 for and 6% against, 'The handsome pleasure vac bt Aurora of Kingston, was in port on Sun evening, amd was much aduotired by a, goodly number. | Frank H. Hurd, of Kingston, has been spending a few days loco. | is family, at their home on | street, returned to his duties city on Monday br. J. PP. Sindlair left on Monday, in cBnpany with Mrs. Sinclair, fora month's vacation trip through the far western provinces, making a visit with his daughter, Mrs. Arthur Ro gers, in British Cqlumbia. | Miss Ethel Lloyd, formerly of the stafi of the local pablic schools, who has been located for the practice ol her profession in the far western pro vinces for some time past, has ar rived here to spend her vacation with her pareuts, Mr. and Mr8. D. J Llovd, King street. | The Steel company of Canada pur poses _ enlarging its forging depart- ment this season by extending the building out to the canal, has als asked for "75 h. p. of the . 1,000 to be brought from Kingston Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Allen and littl son, of Toronto, are holidaying here with the former's parents, Mr. and ; Mus. Andrew Allen, Sydenham street 'Mrs. Haigh and son, Dr. J. Haigh, of Rochester, N.Y., have ar rived here and opéned up their cot tage on Tremont for the season. |Mrs. W. J. Reid and son, "Frank Reid, Stone street, are spending n short time with friends and relatives in Troy, N.Y., and New York city Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Baker, King street, left on Monday to spend a week wilh friends and relatives in and aldermen fairly | slaughtered the recommendation of the Board of Works, that a railroad track be built along Ontario street, from Queen strest south to the. pro- Parties of three industries. Even the Joard of Works members, who brought in the recommendation, took a kick at it gnd left it ldeless. Not. one member of the council, out of seven teen present, supported the proposal. Even Ald. Fair, who fathered it and spoke in, favor of it, put in a "black ball" when the yeas and nays were called. The whole council vielded to the popular feeling against adding an other track to Ontario street and making a triple set' of rails along this lower town thoroughfare. The recom- mendation 'was as follows : "That the petiti f the Canadian Locomotive po others, ask- | ing permission to build a railroad track along Onjario street, from Queen street south to their several in dusiries, be. granted.' \ld. Fair said there was no use talking about aiding in establishing new industries here when the council did not know how to take care of the industries #t had. He held that the only solution of the difliculty was to build the proposed line. If {oft Ww abeyance, greater difficulties would arise later on. tld. Bennett opposed the proposal. He claimed that the locomptive com- pany was already provided for by the | Grand Trunk line. The Forwarders | Limited, he said, insolvent, and he could not see how it could suffer The Kingston Shipbuilding company was the only one that had any 'claim, and it could be served by having the G.T.R. track continued from the motive works vards across Gore street to the Shipbuildisg company's vards Another solution of Ald. Bennett was for the (rand Trunk to raise its vards to the level of Ontario street, at the foot of William street, and run the line from there to Gore street, Ald. 'Bennett claimed the people had rights as well as corporations, and merch ants and wholtbalers must be proteet- They "were paving high cartage The corporations should not be the expense qf the merch was mn, | day who with Garden in the vd los, served at ants Ald to build another street where two tracks already isted. If the G.T.R. would not supply the need, he would expropriate the G.T.R. property and build a whart along the harbor frent that would serve the purpose. Ald. Couper would not proposal." He held that the railway commissioners could very easily the question and give the companies interceted the service they needed. Then the vote was taken, and the clerk declared that the "nays" had it. Graham said it was impossibly track alomg Ontario exe | support the solve AKRON WON BALLON RACE Travelled 6147 1% Miles From Kansas City, Mo. Kansas City, Mo., July =. cial figures. on the landing places the four balloons" in the national eli mination race made by Acro Club of- Watertown and Rome, N.Y. cials give first place to the Goodyear' At the annual business .meeting of Bag, of Akron, Ohio, which landed at the Skinner Co. Ltd. C. Skinner was West Branch, Mich., an estimated dis- elected secretarv- treasurer vice Chas tance of 6475 miles from Kansas City. A. Watt, who recently resigned®o ac Second place is accorded to Capt. cept the position of sales manager Honeywell in. the Kansas City Post with the new merger, the Ontario balloon, which landed at Rockwood, Steel Products Ltd. Mich., estimated distance of 642) Mr. and Mrs. "J. B. Taylor, of Wa- miles. tertown, N. Y., entertained -aspartyv of John Watts, about thirty-five of his old employees City 11, descended at Goodrich, Mich., to a fine trip to Gananoque on the which Vero Club officials estimate at steam pleasure Yacht "Uvira'" and 638 miles, "thus giving him third place. while here entertained them in hand Million Population Club of St. some style at Gananogue Inn _on Sun Lomi balloon came down at Man. day. =< chester, Mich., 590 miles away, get George A. Robinson has purchased ting last place. Pr. J. P. Sinclair's automobile and AN the balloons encountered storms | will tuke it west with him, when he in the vicinity of, the great lakes, and! leaves to enter on his new duties in their trips were' curtailed becanse of | Calgary, Alta : | the elements. (zananoque 8 new post othce is near It will be some days before the exact ling completion, and gives a decidedly distance travelled by the balloons can | good appearance, as an ornament for be abeolutely computed. i the principal business street of the ------------------------------ town Provost, Brock street, has received | Miss Margaret Mead who has been all his spring and summer goods for undergoing treatment in the Kingston his order clothing department, also general hospital for the past two in ready-made clothing and gents' weeks for appendicitis, returned home furnishing department;' they are' all én Saturday- to recuperate. Frank well assorted with ned goods. | Grundy, of Vancouver B. C., a former It is stated that at the cabinet, resident of the town was renewing ac council meeting in Ottawa on Satur-' quamtances about town during the day a fifteen days' reprieve for past week. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Kelly, Charles Gibson, Toronto, was grant- Buffalo, N. Y., are spending a week ji ed. jtown guests "of Mr. and Mrs. E. X. Friction has developed over the Belnois, King street. | selection' of a chiirman for the Brit- | Word wag received here by relatives ish Columbia 'Better Terms commis- on Sunday that Haveld Berry hat elon. { been drowned at his home near See- Negotiations are being completed ley's Bay. Deceased was a brother of for a new central military training | Mise Gertrude Berry, of the office area for the maritime provinces. |stafi of the Ontario Wheel Company. An Italian woman was Pushed | Work has been started on the tear- with a razor on the street at Toronto. [ing down of part of the residdios. put- | - " - {chased some time i ago from the Gor- | {ham estate by W Sampson. T he 0 | Unofti ot an pilot of. the Kansas | apecilications call for a building colonial style, and will be hastened a- / long to completi r. and Mrs. James Mullin of Rome IN Y., are spending a short time in town guesiz of Town-Councillor and | 'Mrs. Francis Keyes, at Orchard-view place. Mrs! John Fairlie and young! son, of Montreal, are in town to spend the summer with Mrs. Fairlie's' mother, Mrs. W. B. Fullerton, Main street, .YOUR KIDNEYS You cannot have good health if your kidneys are weak, you suspect vour kidneys are not pro- perly performing their functions act immediately ir yoy +suffer from kidney discase, tak Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure at once to prevent a chronic state and the serions consequences yearly overcome thousands cause kifhey diseases advance In serious stages befgre its victims become aware of the Sanger, B. 'Arnold, 2 W. 42rd ¥ Colo. serites "My back ached. 1 was dizzy and had sick headaches. 1 ie many Jemea; jes but re unt trie Warners® Saf fe Kidney and Liver a Germany's New War Minister, Berlin, July 8.- Major-General Erich | Von Falkenhayn has heen appointed | minister for war. He is chief of staff of the fourth army corps at Magde burg. = A pretty wedding was solemnized al Jasper on Tuesday, when Miss Ma- bel Mills, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert 'Mills, of that place, was united in marriage to Dr. J. M. Con- | nerty. Smith's Falls, George Howard, one of Guelph's ! most prominent citizens, passed away, White Rase flour stocked SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Write for a free sample givi tay Ey ae the number of all by JUSTICE T. I. H. W'GUIRE PAYS ANOTHER VISIT TO HIS NA- TIVE KINGSTON Retired From Bench Ten Years Ago -He and His Son Are Now In- terested In a Brick Manufacturing . Plant, A thorough westerner is Justice Thomas H. Mcliuire, of Prince Al bert, Sask., who, with his family, is spending a few days in his native city They ate visiting with Mrs. McGuire's mother, Mrs. J. Cunmingham, Princess street, The judge seldom passes Kingston over when freguently 'travelling in Eastern' Cagada," on this occasion coming up from Montreal. He practic ed Ins profession here years ago, and was finally elevated to the hénch, and the chief justiceship of the territories of the West. He has resided over twenty years in Prince Albert, and it s #afe to say Canada's great western provinces will never lose their fascina tion foy him. Last winter, as i% his custom, the judge and Mrs. McGuire, spent the cold months at Long Beach, California. Here they met Prof. Ni I. Dupuis, of Jueen's," and Mrs. Dupuis. The juige has been retired "for ten years, The fornter chief justige, who i= hibiting evidences of the best health, chatted with a Whig man matters and conditions in general He spoke of the asvancement of Prince Albert, by the introduction of new in dustries, ete; -He and his son are fin ancially interested in a brick manufac turing plant, the capacity of which 1s unable to cope with the demand for this brick for building purposes. The crops of the west, he savs, will be at least, of good average yield this har vest. ex-. of on IN SPORTING CIRCLES ---- Notes About Bafeball, sBowling and Other Sports. The: Orangeville Lawn Bowling Club, which has twelve good greens, is holding its annual tourney starting July 29th. i. Wild Bob™ Burman lowered the wor record for a mile on a road acedourse, when in practice he did 2-5 seconds at Tacoma, the mile in 322 ash. . This must be the season for eatchers to show their fancy wares, Schalk, of the White Sox; Schang, of the Athletics; Agnew, of the Browns, and Chapman, of the Pirates, are all doing great work, Chief" he has always regretted that he not finish his college course Kommers, the new Pirates' outfield appears be as handy in the garden as he'is with the bludgeon "Joe" Tinker's Red Birds are ham- wering at the cellar door, and hope to break the lock before all the fun is over. The acquisition of Hal Chase must have put the White Sox in right The Sox have been going like a housa alire of late. "Hub" Northern, the old outfielder now with Toronto, ing the list of batters in the tional League. It. looks as if the St. Louis Browns have landed a regular pitcher in le verouz. The youngster has a great sortment of benders. "Bert" Daniels, of as quick as "that" on the bases. Tha only trouble with "Bert" that he i= not able to hit often enough to get on Pitcher "Bifi"' Malloy, recently pur chased by the Boston Red Sox from the Kalamazoo (Mich.) club, is play- ing his first season in professional baseball. James FE. Newman, of the Winches ter. Canoe Club, Winchester, Mass. was selected as the American defender of the International canoe cup. Tha will take place next Friday and Saturday on Gravesend Bav, Brook Ivn. Ralph B. Britton, of Gananoque, is the challenger $e young did er, to Brooklyn is lead Interna Yankees, is the 18 SIGHTED TWO ICEBERGS. German Lloyd Liver Hanover Had Good Passage. Haliiax, N.8., July 8 ~The German-Lloyd liner Hanover, Bremen, landed 1'307 passengers here Fine weather was encountered all the way over. She sighted two large ice bergs 300 miles off Sable Island The steamer Uranium which also ar rived from Rotterdam, landed 150 pas vengers.' Nodarly all these immigrants bound for points in Western ('an« North fyom are adn, About Boiled Water. Boiled water can be made just palatable ag unbolled water The flat taste which unboiled water has soon after it" has been boiled is due to the fact that boiling drives out of it the air which is held in solution If the water after boiling is put In scalded shallow open pans and al lowed to stand for twenty-four hours where flies or dirt cannot gel at it it will regajn its air and ha ita usual taste restored the second day. by Crops In Alberta, Lethbridge, Alta., July 7.-Crop con , ditions in Southern Alberta are re "ported 'by the Associated Boards of Trade to show a thirty per eent. im provement over last vear. Wheat is excellent, and a big crop is promised Oats are in good shape. The hay crop ix heavy. The alfalfa yield is a record-breaker. Henry Ranks, an employee of a Toronto cartage company, vied at a hospital following a fall down an ei evator shaft. 2 2 Rheumatism Is A Constitutional Disease. It manifests itself in local aches and pains, --inflamed joints and stiff mus- cles, --but it canyot be cured by local applications it requires constitutional treaiment, and the best is a course of the great blbod-purifying and tonic medicine Hood's Sarsaparilla which corrects the acid condition of the blood and builds up the system. Get It today. Sold by all druggists { the trade. f{- The tug Pontiac was practically destroyed by fire at Toronto, Tr everywhere, 100 Doses One Dollar, . SR a RT RE TRS PAGE THREE --. Westerly winds, fine. and thunder storm . day, fine until night, then showers Wednes- Meyers, of the Giants, sava | HM We are Special Agents for the Wearables for Women See Celebrated Dr. Jaeger our display of Coats, Sweaters, Sporting Caps; Hats, Sleeping Vests, Shirt Waists, Rugs, Etc, And if wanting any special size -or pattern, we can order same and have delivered in 3 days. See our showing. "il Jaeger Wearables Come in every weight, and are 100 per cent. pure and unshrink- able. Crystal Table Services A most practical offering to the newly wed, or For Gifts. 'weds, and one that will be appreciated is a service of crystal, It may consist of a few dozen of the most nec essary pieces, or glasses for every drinkable thing, as well as Jugs, oil bottles, finger bowls, ice-cream plates, custard cups, etc, It's a good suggestion, ROBERTSON'S LIMITED CRYSTAL GLASSWARE, Ee ¢ ahout-to-be- decanters, whiskey 3 . - aa TR wo . FINE CHINA, -- ELECTRIC LIGHTING of Kingston Homes, Churches, Factories, Stores, Our spec ialty Beautiful Electric and Gas Fixtures. HW. NEWMAN EL 79 Princess St. TRIC CO, Home 'Phong 1878. Poisonous Matches are passing away Your Deale Dangerous chemicals are not used in tipping EDDY'S Ses qui Safe Light matches. See that you get EDDY'S and no other "just as good." Safety--in its complete sense--is absolutely guar anteed, but you must ask for EDDY'S new r Has T how : Ses-qui Matches, ee