it | FIVE HUNDRED GOOD TITEES TO SELECT FROM -- Several new Novels; handsomely bound; beautifully illustrated. + 50 CENTS VOLUME R. UGLOW & COMPANY 111 - PRINCESS STREET ter this and Tailoring by the House of Hobberlin Hobberlin make to measure only. _Hobberlin styles are nifty; every cut'and the liries are all in good taste. Hobberlin put in good linings. The garments are properly moulded to the form, all well se wed and ne atly finished. Hobberlin give a guarantee with money satisfied with every order. Hobherlin prices are from $20 suit up. Agent for THOS | AMBERT, 157 Princess St. Kingston garment is = well y back'if not FOR" Brick house, SALE. Barrie street. near Chalmers chureh, $2350, Improvements. Livingston $2650 Large double fmprovements lood stables Charles street, double frame, Some of the best budding lots in Life and fire insurance. 1. O. Hutton and H. S. Crumley 18 Market St., Kingston Ave. New cement house, all improvements. Fur- nace, cut stone house on Division street; all modern in'good repair, $3100 for both. the city. Cheap. CE'S URE ASTEURIZED 6c per quart in Sealed Bottles. The only thing for Babies in Hot Weather. Phone 845. ILK Women's "white buckskin pumps, $4.00. '|adequate protéction against Women's white canvas pumps, 2 to $3.50. Women's white canvas &xfords, $1.50 to $2. ALLAN M. REID 111 Princess St. KEEP COOL Electric F ans For all purposes, Sick R Stores and Offices, hi Don't suffer from the intense heat when at a small cost you can enjoy a cool breeze. W. J. Moore & Son WELLINGTON STREDT. _ Jwould have a THE DAILY LADS REGRETTED HAVING TO. RETURN HOME. THE A Bonfire Lighted On Monday Night --Prizes Won Were : Change Made in the Ponton Chal- lenge Cup Rules, Presented-- The cadet corps camp was brought to a close on Tuesday morntig and it was. one of the most successful events which has been held. The boys were all satisfied and many re- greited having to go home so soon; just as the affair was in good work- ing order. No complaints were to bs: heard from any source and the boys went home 'in the best of spirits, hoj- ing that another year would pash around quickly: and they would be marching into camp again. The last night at camp on Monday was a very enjoyable one and a huge bonfir» was lighted around which the ma- jority of the; boys of the camp ga- thered. A programme was arranged and the various prizes won by the successful eompetitors were present- ed in the glow of the flames The Y.M.C.A. meeting was held af- was largely attended, the boys chatted among themselves and :befween one thing and another a real lively evening was spent. Earlier in the evening a baseball match was played by Peterboro and Renfrew. The former came out victorious by the score of 12-0. The game however was not finished a: the darkness came on and .it was hard to sce the ball. , Peterboro ha. a good organization and in the af- ternoon defeated Morrisburg 25 to 6 Another very amusing game was held at the camp ground on Monday evening A spike- was driven into the ground and a couple of ropes at tached; two boys were blindfolded and each took an end of the rope: and kept the ropes tight One ol the boys was provided with a rattie to attract the other's attention by shaking it. Sometimes the othe: boy, who is furnished with a pillow wonld think he was near and would begin - slugging the pillow about to hit him, and some amusing action; were to be seen. A change has been made for the future camps regarding the rules set forth for the Ponton challenge cu for proficiency in musketry practice The aggregate oi scores made at ga! lery practice and at 100 yards on the service range to be taken in place of the aggregate scores at 100 and 200 yards. The camp broke up about ° ter o'clock and in the morning the boy were kept pretty busy in taking down their tents and packing away the blankets and other articles. Be fore leaving the grounds each uni had to see that everything was in : sanitary condition and in the best o! shape. The camp has heen consider ably handicapped for water owing t« the unnecessary waste \which ha: gone on and the plunge and showe baths had to be abandoned as the result. The boys had to stay It camp Monday evening and Tuesday morning as no passes were issued. Smifh's Falls corps won the cup for general' proficiency. It was presented to it on Monday evening, during the proceedings which took place arounc the camp lire. The Ottawa Collegiate Institute won the Ponton cup for musketry. Out of a possible 350 points, it made 47. The next closest. competitors were Port Hope, 440, and Belleville col legiate, 415. \ : STREET RAILWAY PRESIDENT Criticizes Slow Progress On Power Plant Building. The City Council, on Monday even- mg, received the following letter. from H. W.. Richardson, president of the Street Railway Company, under date of the 27th of June, and which was referred to the Utilities Committee: "We have to call your immediate teglion tay the, very unsatisfactory pros which is being made on the ci ty's new power plant, the work today is far from, being complete in spite of the fact that the contract calls for its completion Iw December 30th 1912. The result of the way this matter being handled is, that the Street Rail way's electwic plant is in danger of a damage from exposure to the weather. Yesterday morning it was ne cessary to cover all our machinery with canvass, and this does not give moisture, then ¥» opera- | al gress 15 serious nor <an the machinery ted. y . "It may bexthat other reasons than the above are responsible for the re cent troubles, lmt it is also true that our whole plant may be again thrown out of commission at any time, pro- bably for several weeks, causing ser ious loss to us as well as great incon- ventence to the citizens in general. We cannot understand why the roof is pot put on this plant, and the glass put in the windows. In the meantime, the city's property is suffering as well as the Street Railways." ' Two is is =a multitude company, but three when father butts in. To Look and Feel Bright in Hot Weather (From the Woman Beautiful.) This is the season whan she who rose-leaf complexion, lily-white neck and hands, should turn her thoughts to mercolized wax, the firm friend of the summer girl. No- thing so effectually overcomes the soiling effects of sun, wind, dust, and dirt. The wax literally absorbs the- scorched, discolored, withered or coarsened cuticle, bringing forth a brand new skin, clear, soft and gitlishly beautiful. It also wunclogs the pores, removing blackheads and increasing the skin's breathing capa- city. An ounce of mercolized wax, obtainable at any drug store, applied nightly like cold cream, and washed off mornings, - will gradually, improve the worst complexion. When depressed by the heat and vou want to freshen up for the ev- ening, bathe the face in a lotion made by dissolving an ounte of powdered, saxolite in a half pint witch hazel. You'll find this more refreshing than an hour's rest. It is fime for smooth- ing out wrinkles, éven the ones, r Goer CAMP CLOSED oy COUNCIL GRANTS WHIG, TUESDAY, JULY 8, 1213. BRITISH A VACATION TO ITSELF UNTIL 29TH SEPTEMBER, Offers $37,000 To Board of Educa- tion For Victoria School Addition --Discusses Rebuilding of Upper Princess Street, I'he City Council its vacation, which the evening of the 29th day of tember. When Ald. Couper moved, at the conclusion of its meeting on Monday evening, that the council ad- journ until the 6th day' of Octabbr, \ld. Kent raised "objection. He fa vored no summer adjournment at all. | A compromise was effected, by which! the council will meet a week earlier than at first proposed, viz., on the 20th of Septbmber. In attendance were and Alds. Bennett, Clugston, Illiott, Fair, Graham, Hoag, Kent, Litton, O'Connor, Pe ters, Shaw, Stroud. Sutherland and | White. These communications were read : 3} City solicitor, re deed of land for factory site to Frontenac Floor and] Wall Tile Co. Howard S. has entered upon will extend until Sep Mayor Rigney, Bews, Couper, ABE CAMPBELL'S | | Folger re insurance. | W. J. Driscoll, corresponding i cretary Trades and Labor council, | === submitting resolution protesting a | gainst men working on ey alive ter hours a day. Board of Health, regarding the con- struction of a sewer on Patrick street to drain twelve houses adjoin | se- ing Russell street; also a sewer on |' Mack street, 125 feet from Nelson | street. Edward W. Mullin, re sale of pro- [- perty, - 291 Broek street. | Thomas A. Storey, secretary-general | Fourth International Congreas on! School Hygiene, asking that delegates | Le gent to the meeting of the con- | gress in Buffalo. STRAW HATS isms iii This is straw. hat weather and that means big doings here for we seem to hat nearly ev- ervbody. Finance Ihese recommendations of the civic Finance committee were adopted : That this committee be authorized | to make all arrangements in con- nection with, and pay the expenses of, entertaining the old boys at the | time of their reunion here. On the communication - frog the Board of Fducation asking that the! council raise by debentures the sum | of £30,000 for an.addition to Victoria school, $8,000 for heating and im- proving the present building, and $1.- | 500 for concrete walks around the Collegiate Institute, this commitiee recommends that a by-law be passed | authorizing the sale of debentures for! the sum of $37,000, for the purpose of paying the! cost of amaddition to, | heating and improving Victoria | { { Recommendations. Men's straw sailors, $1 up. Men's soft straw hats 25. up. Men's Panama hats, $4 up. Men's d0e. up. New $2.50. soft felt hats, school. It will be noticed that whereas the loard of Education asked for $50, | 500, the council offers 857,000. This latter amount will have to be ac-| cepted by the board before a by-law | is prepared. | This clause in the Board of Works' | report is of interest: , i On the communication of James Stewart, postmaster, chat the fol- lowing streels be surveyed and plan | made for the proper house number- ing, viz.,, Alice, Bagot. Charles, Clergy, Concession, Frontenac, Nel- son, Quebec, Rideau, Victoria, Wil- liam, Stephen, Main, Stuart, Derbies, Every style is here. Campbell Bros. 84 Princess Street. p------ new | SI. ANDREW' | Enjoyed Its Annual Picnic On Mon- day Afternoon. Monday afternoon, weather, the pupils of St. Andrew's | Sunday School in company with large number of their relatives and friends, had a most enjoyable picnic at Brophy's Point. In the of the minister, Rev. 8, J. Compton, {the superintendent, J. Craig, acted | as an effieient manager, and was {seconded in 'his efforts hy willing helpers W. Gill distributed prizes lowing Bahy race thy Gordon. Gir's (aged Simmons. Boys (aged Stuart. Girls (6 and ( Kennedy. | Boys (6) | Leod. Boys (7) O'Grady. Girls On in ideal | By-Laws - and Motions. By-law No. 34 was amended adding the following: "The city treasurer is hereby appointed- and authorized to . receive applications for, and to rent city and Ontario halls, and that the city solicitor be instructed to prepare a by-law in ac- cordance with the above." On motion of Alds. Fair and Ben- nett, that the city engineer be em- powered to construct concrete walks to be passed by the Board of Worke during the summer Alds, Couper and Bews vod that the communication of Dr. D. E. Mun- dell, coroner, respecting life saving | appliances on wharves, he referred to the eity solicitor, with power to act. -Adopted. by ~Raymond Potter, Doro- ' a H)--N. Ellsworth, K 5) E. Borland, J 7)--G. Ellsworth, D. A3. Laturney, N. Mac- Upper Princess' Street Road. It was moved by Alds. Fair and] Couper tha: a water-bound macadam roadway be constructed on PfThcess street, from Alfred street westerly | to the city limits, under the local . Boys (8 and 9) L improvement. plan and that the city |. 5 R- Gilmore "x engineer be empowered to proceed | 1lson, 10 1 11)--K with the work at once. ba 81 Bs ( vy Jn t ry Ald. Elliott said it would be un- | B a nap D fair to the people along that thor-' oy atyre he McMaster oughfare to charge them under the | Girls nd 13) --M local improvement plan. The road | bye eon. was riined by the taking up of the!' Bors (1% street railway kes, and it should Nickle. i" have been properly repaired at the din "'% time. He objected to the motion. S Threading ROEdlS Pate X. Ald. Couper said that although he > Fi" al rao had seconded the motion for dis- Moree Ro Avra cussion. he was opposed to it. He' hy Ire, ee ye suggested temporary repairs, and. rowing i later the construction of a more per- Sy ma ts manent pavement. Mar hon Ald. Fair remarked that it was hot * Visit re a temporary but a good permanent or % job that was necessarye The local! Consolation improvement plan was the proper method. If the aldermen wanted a | proper roadway, they would vote for the resolution. } H. Woodruff, H G. (8 and 9)---M. Hickey, J Torrance, C. Stuart, Gorrie, Torrance, R Gordon, | and 13)--A. Aiken, H Edgar Nickle and and Aiken H. Nickle, . (girls)--F. Porter, N R. Sawyer. Minnes, (boys) race--T. Yacht Races Called Off, I'he 1.Y.R.A., at Ald. Couper then suggested that called ob. oh the road be paved with something more durable than limestone maca- | PIO being missing. dam. Ald. Litton thought that the road could be patched just as well as King street had recently been. The | latter had been crowned and rolled! at a comparatively, small cost. Ald. Hoag was for getting a proper report on the roadway and having the Board of Works discuss it. Ald. Kent also favored the matter being dealt with by the Board of Works. Ald. Fair withdrew his motion, be- | ing given to understand that the Board of Works should consider the matter, and whatever action it de- cided upon would be backed up by | the council. Macdonald's Cove, were same will be payable at the Head on and after Friday, of record of 25th July, 1913. By order of the Board. ks and a Gibson's Reports tell of a shooting aflray at a summer camp near Westport. The stor$ goes that an occupant of a tent awoke to find a man in the act of | stealing, and he forthwith drew a re -K Toronto, 17th June, 1918 Areper | the arm. volver and shot the intruder through "Face creams." Gibson's, PAGE FIVE COOL OXFORDS We Ox- The coolest summer shoe is the Oxford. are showing the largest range of up-to-date fords ever shown in Kingston. * For mien we offer tans, patent, gun-metal,. viel gun-metal, 'vici HE kid; for women we have patent, tan, kid and white nubuck. ~ Also many styles of pumps. Am RNETHY 3S S SUNDAY SCHOOL a absence | numerous | Miss Donnelly and | to the tol-| a '| ! Melmtyre, | Monday afternoon races of the | scenes. account of one of the | ren's one cent day, THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Quarterly Dividend Notice No. 91 Notice is hereby given that a dividend at the rate of THIRTEEN PER CENT. PER ANNUM upon the capital stock of this Bank has been declared for the quarter ending 31st July, 1913, and that the the first day of August, '1913, to shareholders ICE CREAM: We make the best and purest Ice Cream in Kingston. Call in and try it. SAKELL'S Next to Opera House - . Phone 640 Kingston Collapsible Suit Box Kingston Collapsible Millinery Box second to none on the market. These boxes are now being shipped to all parts of Canada. Write for \gquotations. We can Fandle your order promptly and satisfactorily. KINGSTON PAPER BOX CO, Phone 883 . KING 8T. WEST h a One Application and The Hairs Are Gone | (Aids to Beauty.) Women troubled with fuzzy growths will be delighted to learn that a single application of a paste made | with powdered delatone and water | will remove every trace of hair or {fuzz without pain or injury If the growth is very thick or stubborn ' a | second application may be required The delatone paste is spread thickly the hairy surface, and after lor three . minutes rubbed off, the skin washed and dried. This is [a reliables and quick way "by which "to permanently rid the skin of {jectionable hair. |" A little pyroxin rubbed on brows causes them to come in thick land lustrous, and thin, stubby eve lashes will grow long and applying pyroxin at lash-roots with thumb and forefinger. Ba careful and don't get any pyroxin where 13 wanted. two then on ob eve 1° Cloth Carpet Squares and Oilcloth - and Linoleums. Included in our Big Mid- summer sale at JAMES REID Phone 147. curly hy ne hair AT LAKE ONTARIO PARK Witnessed the A Large Crowd Vaudeville Performance There was a very large oe | present at Lake Ontario Park 1., evening A new and varied "| gramme was presented which wa thoroughly enjoyed. Aldine and Bannister, grotesque comedians wera 'very .amusing in their differen | stunts. Ostrado, acrobatic gymnast was one of the best in his line thai has ever been seen in the park. His daring and startling work in the air kept the nerves of those who wit nessed his feats up to the utmost | tension. He seems to be a human | being without any bones. The mov- | ing pictures were very fine, the i principal ones being <The Dividing | Wall," "The Little Tease," in two] | parts, and several other pretty The same will be presented Wednesday will be child with matinee at last poo - GEO. CLIFF Real Estate, Insurance, and Mining Broker, { 116 BROCK ST. House 732. | to-night. Phone 1442 3.36 p.m. . FURNITURE WANTED, e having furniture to pose or lone let me know, FT have a lot of new and second hand iron beds and furniture of all kinds at feasonable 1 pi H 'SUGARMAN, 252 Ontario Street. Opposite C ralg's Wholesa For Household Goods away and want to ol} 'ects? Then see a all or a portion sekal itl of antigug fursi- Best price LESSES Office in this city and its Branches - LR § x GEO. P. SCHOLFIELD, General Manager. 149 Phone 1048,