PAGE TWELVE THE .DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY. JULY 10, 1913. " ------ an ---- TRAVELLING, WIRE HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS TO WESTERN CANADA via Chicago, Port Arthur, and Sarnia, every Tuesday til October 28th, inclusive. G turn for TWO months, AN | ? of time IIThit, not exceeding months, homeseekers' tickets in April, May, June or July only, be had on payment of $5 for month or part thereof, on - be al. point will at any ,. STOP OVER privileges lowed at Winnipeg er west thereof, TICKETS from Pacific Coast points and g June 1st, 1913 to Sept. Return October 1st, 1913, allowed SUMMER TOURIST Kingston return G 30th, 1913; i8lop overs SPECIAL RETURN RATES w effect from Kins o Vi Victoria, to ith for $89.2 Lars ele at 0 San 8, San Diego, $04 and te Sa via Portland, Sc one dirzcticn for Tickets valid to return for two months J. P. HANLEY, Rallroad and steamship agent Corner Johnson and Ontariq streets ANADIAN ~ SACIFIC, K LAKES = SERVIOE STEAMSHIP EXPRESS Leaves Toronto daily except Friday and Sunday 12.45 noon and arrives shipside 3.58 p.m parlor cars. First class coaches, PERFECTE GREAT 57 HOURS Tgronto to Winni- peg, leaving Tues- #fdays and Saturdays Other luxurious steamers Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS Each Tuesday until October 2 WINNIF . EDMONTON AND RE Other Points in prop n rn Limit, two mont! EKERS TRAIN leaves To 00 pom. each Tuesday nti! t 26, inclusive Jest train t EXCELLENT SERVICE, TO MUSKOKA LAKES : KAWARTHA LAKES 4 POINT AL FRENCH AND PICKEREL AK L IS, ATES NOW BARI Riv I~ SUMMER Full particulars from FF. Conway CAL Kingstod, or write WM. G Murphy, DPA, CPR, Toronto, Quebec Steamship - Company LIMITED, River and Gulf of St. Lawrence Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes. 88, "Cascapedia," 1,900 tons, with all modern comforts. RAILS FIOM MONTREAL AT 4 Pn THURSDAYS, 17, 31 Jaly, and from Quebet the following day at noon for Pletou, NB, calling at Gaspe coast points, Gaspe, Mal Bay, Perce, Sum- fucraide, P.BEI, and Charlottetown New York from Quebec Nin the far-famed River Saguenay calling at Gaspe, Charlottetown, and Hailftax, 8S. Trinidad, 2,600 tons sails from Quebec at 8 p.m) 11, 26 July; &, 22 August, New York to Bermuda. Summer Excursions by the twin. acrew SS "Bermudian," 10518 tons diaplacemant, salling from New York at 11 a.m, 9 19, 30 July and every te daye thereafter. Temperature cofled by sea breezes, seldom rises above| s0 degrees / 'The finest trips of the season for henlth and comfort. For tickets and staterooms, apply to I. P. HANLEY, or C. 8. KIRKPAT- RICK. Ticket Agents, Kingston, Ont STEAMSHIP COMPANY, QUEBEC. QueEnko ------ -------- We Can't Help Doing It 'Doing What ? Good Machine Work. BARRETT MACHINE CO., 35-37-39 Montreal 8t, Phone 1170. COAL! The kind you are looking for is the kind we sell SCRANTON COAL Is good Coal and we guarantee prompt delivery. Booth & Co. #OOT WEST STREET. 1 bath tub Is a late, m nm, porcelain lined one, 'twill Indeed be a pleasure. 4.How "about your home, Mr. Houseowner? Is it provided A tub of late design, and in the bath room all little comfort accessories th he should be? SEE WANT TO TALK " WITH US | B TAT? David Hall Phone 333. = 86 Brock St. Residence 856, SEAL BRAND CHASE & SANBORN MONTREAL + » = PATENTS. AERBERT J. 5. ( DENNISON, REGISTERED ATTORNEY, 13 King Btreet West, Toronto. Pa- tents, Trade-Marks Designs Copyright, protected every- where: eighteen years' experi ence rite for booklet. Ur. de Van's Female Pills A reliable French regulator; never fails. T hase ills are exceedingly powerful in regulating «he enerative portion of the female system. Refuse 1 cheap imitations . . de Van's are sold at ' 2a box, or three for $i, Mailed to any address he Bcebell Drug Co, St. Catharines. Ont For sale at Mahood's Drug Store. NOLAN'S For Cholce Groceries, Fane) Pickles Fancy Olives, Cure Meats. 830 Princess nm, Prompt Phone 7" Dellvery, THE SPORT REVIEW MONTREAL CRICKET TEAM WINS IN PHILADELPHIA. A Syracuse Pitcher For the Toronto Baseball Team--Oitawa Amateur Athletic Club Troubles. The Montreal cricketers won the opening match of their Philadelphia tour, when they defeated the Merion Cricket club's team by three runs and five wickets. Bob Ingersoll, regarded as one of the best pitchers in the 'Northwest league, has been sold by the Van- couver club to the Cincinnati Nation- als for $3,000, delivery to be made next fall LE At St. Thomas Frank Shiughnessy manager of the Ottawa team, was fined ten dollars by 'Acting Magis- trate Sanders on a charge of using abusive language towards Josesph Coffey, of Port Stanley, who was a spectator at Monday's game in St. Thomas. Second Baseman Thompson, who was sent to Peterboro on option by Toronto, has been cast looses by the Petes. Toronto has also given him his unconditional releases. Winnineg Wanderers cricket club PROTECTORS OF PLANT LIFE Figures That Support The "Plumage ; Bill. James Buckland read a paper be fore the members of the Royal Co lonial Institute at the United Service Institution, in which some notable statements were made as to the dan ger to plant life throughout the world -which is being caused by the wanton destruction of birds for the sake of their plumage. Few people, he said, know how vast are the tumbers of insects, how a mazing is their power of multiplica tion, and how insatiable their vor acity. The hop-bine aphis, for in stance, produced thirteen generations in one year, and the average num ber produced by each female was 100 Assuming that every female at ma turity produced its full compliment of young, it has been computed that in ope year this inseét would have multiplied to the inconceivable num ber of ten sextillions of individuals.' The unvestricted increase of the gypsy moth would be so great that a single pair would produce caterpillars enongh 'in eight years Lo devour all the foliage of the United States. A single pair of Colorado beetles would, without check, increase in one season to 60,000,000. insects, Mr ! has decided to go to Toronto to try again for the J. Ross Robertson. cup. emblematic of the championship oof Canada. The match is to be played, on Toronto grounds August 15th and 16th . Syracuse Miifoyd, the clever pitcher of the S.| A. C."team, has signed a Toronto con- tract apd Is now in Buffalo with the Canadian team. The youngster at- tracted the - attention of business manager E. J. McCafferty last year, and his good work this season under Jimmy Hickman, Tnanager of the =. A. C> team, led to his being secured by the Toronto outfit. A hitch has arisen in connection with the proposed disposal of the Ottawa Amateur Athletic club It appears that there is a dispute be- tween the association, which owns the bullding, and the club itself, as to how much stock the latter con- trols. The meeting scheduled for last evening was postponed until Friday, and it is likely that the *ourts will be asked to decide the question of ownership. Meanwhile the club is still running and the sit- uation, has reached a deadlock. Yesterday J. R. Binkley was unan imously elected manager of the Ar- gonaut senior foctball team, and A D. Wilson manager of the second team. [t was decided to appoint a Post-Stndard: Roy Yelore the opening of the season, as he Argonauts executive this vear vill devote a considerable amount of their attention to the development of the younger players TWO POPULAR PARIS STYLES GRAND UNION ez, HOTEL {= Grand Central NEW YORK CITY upward Baggage to and from Station Free Station Send 2c. stamp for N.Y. City Guide Book and Map BICYCLE SUNDRIES BICYCLE MUNSON Rooms $1.00 a At Cut Prices 413 Spadina Avenue, Send for Cut Price Catalogue, TORONTO Chomas Copley Telephone 987 Drop a card to 19 Pine Street whe: wanting anything done In the Carpen. tery line. Estimates given on all kinde of repairs and new work; alec Hardwood Floors of all kinds. Al wrders will receive prompt attention Shop, 40 Queen Btreet. WE SELL Scranton Coal Co's Coal _ Selected from the Celebrated Richmond No. 4 and Ontario No. 1 Vines, the best Antaracita. Coe' uined in Pennsylvania Place your next ordar with THE JAS. SOWARDS COAL CO. North End Ontarte Breet 'Phone 1885. New York Fruit Store " CHERRIES, 11 gts. baskets GOOSHBERRIES, 11 qts. baskets .......... 0c . 314 Princess St. Phone 1405 £0 This is our terms to the pub- I} for any information requir- ed on the installation of a Gas Service placed in your Bome so that you may enjoy 4 many benefits derived by the use of "GAS FOR COOKING" 'Phone 197, or drop a card to the office of the Works, Queen street. ---- ek, ea, Pover and Water Dts | C C FOLGER SAG | | | | | | As seen at the Longchamp races last week. ALLEGED 13TH WIFE. Charge Against An Actor. New York, July 10.--Lionel Law- remce, a great-grandson of a naval captain whose words, "Don't give up your ship," are inscribed in every American school history book, is the defendant in an action for the annul ment of his marriage with Mrs. Ernes- tine May Doychart. The marriage was celebrated on August 13th last. Five months lajer, Mrs, [Lawrence declares, she discovered that she was the thirteenth wife of the defendant. She gives the names of ten of his alleged wives, declaring that he married in 1889 Jessie Cun ningham at San Francisco; in 1891, Dorothy Drew; in 1895, Leddy de Vynne; in 1896, a lady named Brinker- hoff; in 1897, Jessie Barnes and Ernes tine Kingston; and in subsequent vears Lilltan Bond, Carrie Rudolph, May Heldon, Reta Winfield, and three others. ent "] am bringing this suit," deéTared Mrs, Lawrence, "to exonerate myselt in the eves of the world. After we were married | read that he bad been married five times and asked his fam- ily abou. it. They said it was merely newspaper talk. I investigated the matter and found that I had been greatly humiliated in marrying a man who was virtually a polygamist. 1 am, therefore, suing for an annulment of the marriage." Mr. Lawrence admite three of the marriages, but says he is totally un able to recall the other all alli- ances. He is fifty-five years of age and adopted a theatrical career after an injury to an eve had compelled him to leave, the American navy. Perhaps if we knew what was in store for us to-morrow we would be much more miserable to-day. The - boldness of the thief increases with the success he has im. it The Womans' peoplé think he is honeat. | rate he would have to eat a ton competent coach for the second team | | ing at | Seott, I at | rett, And the voracity of Buckland pointed out, was as astoun- ding as their power of reproduction. The daily ration in leaves of a cater pillar is equal ta twice its own weight If a horse were to feed at the Sats 0 hav every twenty-four hours. It is bird life which, by its predom- jnating insect diet, is the most in dispensable balancing force in nature (Titmice have been seen to make forts fo sixty trips an hour to their nests with their begls filled with all kinds of insects. Other birds will consume 10,000 tree-lice in a day, others again have been seen to eal thirty-five gvp- sv moths a minute, for eighteen min- utes at a time, while thirty grass hoppers and 250 caterpillars have been found in the crop of a single cuckoo. | In various parts of the.empire steps were being taken tospfotect bird-life. But no law could protect the 'birds from human greed in the remote and sparsely - populated area of our wide spread empire. So long as there is a demand for contraband plum- age there will be some one to supply it. The only remedy is to stop the demand. This the Plumage Bill now hefore the House of (Commons seeks to do. (Cheers.) Zealand Lady Injured. Zealand, July 8.--Farmers have started haymaking, which proves a very light erop. Rain is 'much needed in this loeality, or the grain will be a failure also. Mrs. A. A. Ferguson, of Pine Shade cottage, was called to the | bedside of her mother, Mrs. A. Eng: land. who has had two severe falls within two months. In getting into the buggy the horse stepped forward and threw her on the ground, break ing one of her limbs. She was re markably smart for her age. being eighty-six years, until - she had the misforjune to get - these falls, which leas her in a 'critical condi tion. Mise M. Leishman is dreesmak Zealand. Visitors : Mrs. 6 V. Garrett, M. Leishman, G. H. Garrett and H. Bishop, D. Garrett's; FE. Bishop, D. Gar- A. Gould and J. McDonnell, at T. Scott's; 8. Garrett and R. (i. Gar- rett, at RB . Sargent's; Misses Lila Sargent and Lizzie Tysick, and D. Ferguson, at R. McDonnell's. Garrett, Ww. The coc! and level-headed man is not the least bit partial to flattery in large dos s. How to Neutralize Dangerous Stomach Acids. Few people besides physicians lize the importance of Keeping the food contents of the stomach free from acid fermentation Healthy, normal diges- tion cannot take place while the deli cate lining of the stomach is being in- flamed and distended by acid and wind--the results of fermenting food in the stomach, To secure perfect di- gestion, fermentation must be « or prevented and the acid neutra For this purpose, physicians usually recommend getting a little bisurated magnesia from the chemist and taking t teaspoonful in a little hot or cold water immediately after eating. They recommend bisurated magnesia Dbe- cause it is pleasant to take, has no dis- agreeable after effects and instantly stops fermentation, neutralizes the acid and makes the sour acid food bland, sweet and easily digested The regular. use of bisuratled mag- nesia--be sure you get the bisurated as other kinds of magnesia are of lit- tle value=is an absolute guarantee of hemithy, normal gigestion, for it over- comes and prevents that acid condition which alone is the cause of trouble rea- GEO. CLIFF Real Estate, Insurance, and Mining Broker, 116 BROCK ST. Phone 1442 House 732 No Need to Have 2 Superfluous Hair (The Modern Beauty.) In delatone, a simple way has Feen found to remove hairy growths from the face, neck or arms, and one ap- plication usually is sufficient to permanently banish every trace of disfiguring hair or fuzz. This treat- ment consists in applying a . paste made with water and a little of the powdered delatone. After remaining on two or three minutes, rub if off and wash the skin, and it will be white, firm and hairless. Short, straight eyelashes will grow long have a silken sheen and delightful curl if pyroxin be applied at gs with thumb and fore and 1 us by rubbing every day. Use care and don't get oe hair is desired. " + int Hl | make things as easy as possible for LOAN SHARK TRICKS. Methods of a Fast Disappearing Tribe | of Vampires. | The loan shark is being rapidly driv- | en out of Canada. The newspapers have forced legislation making him | practically impossible. Yet in some | of our Canadian centres these nefar- ious persons still flourish. Once in their clutches, it is an almost hope- less struggle. They use an elaborate system of spies to get their victims. Spies everywhere! Spies who are well-dressed and spies who are ill dressed! Spies who look like gentle men and spies who are obviously not! And the clever moneylender knows exactly whether he can "fleece" his customer, whether he can safely lend him money or not, or whether the transaction is likely to turn, out a bad bargain. ese spying touts work on a com- mission basis. Some of these money- lenders' spies move in good society. One hears that an acquaintance 1s hard up and wants to borrow some money. In casual conversation he lets it be known that he can oblige his acquaintance with an introdue- tion to a moneylender. As a matter of "business" he hints at a commis sion, which is willingly granted by the impecunious one. A letter having been drawn out and signed, the pr. who, of course, knows all about his acquaintance's finances, makes his way to his moneylending employer from whom he gets another commis- sion on the loan. The tout gives the moneylender a full account of his prospective client, his family, their position, and the likelihood of his being able to "touch" the father if the son should refuse ot be unable to pay up. And it is sur- prising what large sums parenis pay in order to keep these matters quiet. Suppose the sum borrowed is $2,000. The spy gets Spying Soom $300 to $400 out of it, all of whi f course, the unfortunate borrower to pay by way of interest, He si a prom-+ issary note for $3,000, and in return gets about $1,600 cash! And the $3,000 bas to be repaid in three months! But sometimes a man comes inte the office straight away, with no such introduction, asks for a loan. That is never a very pleasant busi ness when one has to face an experi- enced moneylender. You relate your biography, your debts, say' where you are employed, what salary you are getting, and, in fact, lay bare half the secrets of your existence. You go out feeling jaunty, for the oblig- ing gentleman has told you "if every- thing is all right you will get the money to-morrow." Here steps in another grade of spy. He is not well-dressed enough to pass as a gentleman. He loafs after you, verifies your address, gets into conver- sation +with neighboring tradesmen, and even has a chat with your ser- vant whenever it is possible. He sees you then as other people see you and not from your own self-satisfied point of view, which you have given to the moneylender. If you have a reputa- tion for being slow in paying your bills, for dodging your just debts, and so on, the spy knows it and your loan is refused. "In order that the spy's expenses shall be found in any case, you will probably have already put something down as a preliminary fee. Needless to say, you never see'that fee again. The spy is as wide awake as they make them, for if you manage to beat him and get a loan when you are not capable of paying it back, it is the spy who suffers, and so he takes very few chances. Now and then people who get into the clutches of the moneylenders are pressed into his service as spies. He is mercifu! to them as long as they can introduce new custom. If a friend, who is also on his hooks, con- templates a "moonlight flit," then the usurer knows it and the borrower is surprised to find that his new address is perfectly well known, One class of mgneylender deals chiefly with wary women. Loans are apparently willingly lent them, but not without an inquiry before hand by the ever-useful spy as to the status of their husbands. These poor women are harassed right and left by the spies when they cannot pay up. They are followed about have to put up with all sorts of menaces and insults, under threats of telling | their husbands. They will call at the house, they will meet her casually in the streets, and everywhere at all times she will feel that she is in their grip, and will make the utmost sacrifies to pay extortionate sums to keep things quiet. Many s home has been ruined in this way. There are, | € of course, many moneylenders whe are straight and who do their best to their elients. Bui there are many black sheep im the flock, the moneylending laws will have to be made considerably stricter before this system of blackmail is done away | with. --Montreal Standard. adians. "Edmonton, Canada, was . ably stirred up recently over a film | produced by the Champion Company | and exhibited in the Orpheum Thea- | tre. One scene represented a Yankee in the Revolutonary War pulling down the Union Jack and stamping on it. | The firm was entitled Marion, the | Swamp Fox. Major Carstairs, of the | 101st Fusiliers, made strenuous pro- | test and tue film was withdrawn, Man- ager Card claiming in his own defence | that the film had been passed by the Censorship Board at Winnipeg.' | What would 'the inhabitants of any | American city do if a film were ex- | hibited showing the Star Spangled: Banner being treated in an undigni- fied manner?--Montreal Standard. Nese American Immigration. { In the early part of the year the | figures ing American immiRra. | $ion to west indicated a slight falling off which was attributed te | false reports as to the failure of the | Canadian crops. For the six months | ended June 30, however, a small in- |° crease is shown and the expectations are that it will grow considerably. i i The four-flusher in the community | is known by the noise his mouth creates, ' We oughtto be as prolific with praise as criticism, but 'never overdo m either, sii do A -------- Cakes for Cooking and Drinking, alse for Cake Teeing and Making Fudge. DFJ.Collis Browne's THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE The Most Valuable Medicine ever discovered. The best known Remedy for COUGHS, CoLbs, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. Acts like a charm in DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY & CHOLERA. Effectually cuts short all aitacks of STASMS. Checks and arrests those too often fatal diseases FEVER, CROUP aad AGUE. The only palliative ia NEURALGIA, GOUT, RHEUMATISM. Chlorodyne is a liquid taken in drops. graduated according to the malaly It invariably relieves pain 0; whatever kind . creates a calm refreshing slee allays irritation of the wervous system when all other remedies fail. leaves we bad effects: and can be fahen when no other medicine can be tolerated, INSIST ON HAVING Pr. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. CONVINCING MEDICAL TESTIMONY WITH EACH BOTTLE The immense success of this Remedy bas.given rise Sold by all Chemists to many imitations Prices in Eogland ih 2/0, 4/8 N.B.--Every bottle of Genin - * Chlorodyae bears on the stamp the name of the inventor, Dr. J. Collis Browne Sole Manufacturers 1. T. DAVENPORT LONDON, SE GEORGES NAVY PLUG for Sale Everywhere Rock City Tosacco Co.Lm. QUEBEC | CASTORIA For Infants and Children. --------------r The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Ne 42 The Proprietary o. Paten! Medicine Act AVeuetable Preparation iors simiiating the Food and Regula' | - hing the Stomachs and Bowel of Promotes Digestion Cherri ness and Rest. Contains ner | Opium Morphine nor Miaeral. | Nor NARCOTIC. | Peogpe of 00d IeSOA LT PITCLER Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA IHE CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK SITY, * Aperfect Remedy (070 onsina tion. Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms Convulsions. Fewerish ness and LOSS OF SLEFP Fac Simie Signature of att Sidi. Tae CenTAUR COMPAXY. MONTREALANEW YORK J XE Ls old 35 Dosis --}5 CENTS Exact Copy of Wrapper!