THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNEsDAY, JULY 16, 1913. ---------- -- ese THE. SUMMER - LIST of Holiday Goods Tuesday Evening--Other Notes About Local Sports. | BAREFOOT SANDALS BOATING SHOES RUNNING SHOES CANVAS SHOES BATHING SHOES SLIPPERS - WERE SUCCESSFULICOOKE'S TOOK GAME AT THE ENTRANCE EXAMINA-|{IN THE JUNIOR SUNDAY SCHOOL TIONS IN FRONTENAC COUNTY BASEBALL 1 HAGUE asl EE -- _-- WHAT IS NEW IN STATIONERY The new novelties in notepaper and stationery suitable for every age, from the day-old baby right on up to the dear oid grandmother, are very attractive to all who appreciate good writs Ang, material. ' ' How many of ug realize tnat a little chil an Invitation addressed to himgelf. The real novelty is the Ivory White Note Paper with a line of King's Blue or Coral about the edges, in oblong and square shapes. To meet the needs of the busy woman who has only a line or two to write Corrgspondence Cards, with envelopes to match, iu different qualities and styles wjll be found very useful and handy. Some of our new stationery should find a place in every lady's desk. ' R. Uglow & Company 141 PRINCESS STREET, There Were Eight Centres and Seven Are Reported--One Not Received et An, nn . A i -- From the Education Department. Suceessful entrance students. at (he different centres in Frontenac = coun- ty. Miss Eveline Cronkhite, of =. 5. No 2, Kingston township, obtain- od the highest standing with a total of 538 marks. At Cataraqui--F (honors), Omar Gi vell, Jean Hull, Howagd Kiell, Hora- tio Lillis, Mildred Redmond (honors), Lraest Stover, Lillian Waller. At Wolfe Island--Charles Baker, (la- rence Davis, Ernest Driscoll, deonard Driscoll, Helen Goodiriend (pofrors), kvelyn Horne (honors), Fannie Horne, Fred Horne, Katharine Johnston, Ma- bel McCaig (honors), Gladys McDon- ald, Bertha Melville, Esford Michea, Bertha Payne, Foretta Pickett, amily Spence, Richard Spoor (honors), Ei- nest Verrier, Arthur Watts (honors). AL Barriefield--Douglas Bushell, James Duffe, Helen Fowler, Anthony Carrah, Howard Gillespie, Cecil M. Harrison, Gladys Harrison (honors), Dorcas Howie, Elsie Lawless (honors) Anna M. Mangan, Irene Manion, Ma- mie Mooney, Vada Polk, Teddy Prior, Margaret Sears, Winthrop = Sears, Myrtle Sidley, Pearl Spencé, Sade Stoliker, Clive Toner, Norma Trotier, Rodney Vanhorn (honors). At Harrowsmith--Weane!'a Beau- der, Silas Boyes, P'rieinan Gallagher, Vida Genge, Archie Howes, Percy McEwen. Pansy Percy, Violet Sigs- woith, Gladys Swerbrick, Jamie Stewart, Helen Wallace. At Battersea Ethel Maggie B. Arthurs, Liilan Balls, Mabel Pruton (honours), dennio Clark, Wallace Duff (honou7s). Bes- Freeman (hofiours), iordon Hitchcock', Milford Lake, Robert Mc Kendry, Enna Webb, Marcella Webb At Mourtain Grove--Mary Cox Mary Crozier, Willie Crozier, Gene- vieve Detlor, Thomas Hughes, Willie Raycroft. At Sharbot strong, George Erwin, Ebenezer Geddes, Mayme Gray, Hilda Jacob, Minnie Jacob, Nora Keegan, Herbert Millar, Nettie McKinnon, James Richardson, Ina Watt (honours), Robert Wood, Laura Young. The returns for Sydenham have not yet been received from the Edu- cation Department. : The best game played in the junior Sunday School League so far this season was played last evening at Victoria school grounds, when Cooke's and St. George's met. Cooke's sue- ceeded in winning by a score of 7 to 6. At one time St. George's was leading .by 3 to 0, but the Presbyter- | ians rallied and got three men over the plate in the nexteinnings. The fol- | lowing innings the Presbyterians cama to the front again and got three more | players across the plate, making it 6 to 3. St. George's tied the score | in the first of the fourth. With the! score standing 6 to 6, the Presbyter- inns were able to make the necessary run, making it 7 to 6. The teams: | Cooke's -Toland, Smith, Kennedy, | Sommerville, Dunlop, Simmons, .J. Kennedy, McLaughlin. 1 St. George's--Hall, Saunders, Ray, ! Stinson, Thompson, Elmer, Butland, | MeGall. Umpire--*'Sandy"' @ dade Us 1 TRUNKS SUIT CASES TRAVELLING BAGS SHAWL STRAPS HAT CASES d is delighted to get Crounkhite , Janet Har- * EE ABERNETHY S CAMPBELLS | =F" CREAN - k ---------- RE N-- Tailoring by the House of Hobberlin Hobberlin make to measure only. Hobberlin styles are nifty; every garment is cut and the lines are all in good taste. Hobberlin put in good linings. The garments properly moulded to the form, all well sewed and ne finished. Hobberlin give a guarantee with money back if not satisfied with every order. St. . Potter, Saturday's City League Game. What will be the result of the game in the.senior city 'baseball league which is scheduled to be played between C.L.C. and Athletics on Saturday afternoon? is the ques- tion which ihe followers of the game are asking. Since the C.L.C. baseball team has played, several changes have taken place. Mathis | is now out of the city, and it is stated 'that some other players will refuse to play on Saturday. No person seems to be able to tell whether the trouble is with the management or over the defeat of two 'weeks ago by the Victorias. It is understood that the Athletics! have/ a new pitcher from Toronto who has a very good record. well are atly We make the best and Kingston. Call in and try it, AKELL"S Next to Opera House . . ' . Arthurs, Hobberlin prices are from $20 suit up. Agent for HOG LAMBERT, 157 Princess Kingston EE --_-- Just Received Another consignment of the very latest American styles in men's straw These are the shapes that are now so popular in New York. We find that the men appreciate new styles like these and that is why we are selling more hats than any other store in Kingston. ---- TH -- -- FOR SALE. Barrie street. Brick house, near Chalmers Improvements. Livingston Ave. nace, $2650 Large double cut stone house on Division street; all modern improvements. Good stables' - Charles street, double frame, in good repair, $3100 for both. Some of the best building lots in the cy. Cheap. Life and fire insurance. ' J. O. Hutton and H. S. Crumley 18 Market St., Kingston Baseball Tournament. Final arrangements have been mada bv the eity all league executive for the tournament on the .258th of July. Races for the old boys ol Toronto, Ottawa, Ch&ago and others have been arranged and good prizes will be awarded. The tournament is to be held at the cricket field and a couple of good baseball matches will be pulled off. One of them -will be in the morning and another in the afternoon hetween one of the city teams and Morrisburg, which has got one of the best amateur teams play- ing ball in Ontario. Lake Butterill, ~Eloise Arm church, $2350, Charlie New cement house, all improvements. Fur- sailors. Kingston "Collapsible Suit Box Kingston Collapsible Millinery Box second to none on the market. These boxes are now being shipped to all parts of Canada. Write for quotations. We can tandle your order promptly and satisfactorily. KINGSTON PAPER BOX CO, Phone 883 KING 8ST. WEST ------------ IN MARINE CIRCLES. Movements of Vessels Reported Along the Harbor. The steamer Phelps, loading feld- spar at Richardson's wharf, cleared 5 on Wednesday for Charlotte. . The schooner Julia B. Merrill cleared on Wednesday for Osweg? to load coal for Kingston. The steamer Donbaconna passed down on her way to Montreal Wed- nesday morning. ~ M. T. Co.'s elevator: Tug Bronsen Baseball On Tuesday. International league -- Providence Jersey City 1; Tceronto 6, Mon- treal 3; Buffalo 5-3, Rochester 2-1; | Newark 10, Baltimore 1. { American league--Philadelphia Detroit 0; Chicago 2, Boston 1; St. Louis 3, New York 0. : National league--Philadelph'a St. Louis 2; Pitteburg 6, Boston 3; | J. 4 . cag from Montreal, with light barges} Now York 4. Cincinnati 2; Chicago, i 9 § . cleared for Montreal with grain-lad-|"* Brooklyn 6 en barges; steamer Turret Chief | RICE'S * PURE ASTEURIZED | 6c per quart in Sealed Bottles. The only thing for Babies in Het Weather. Phone 845 KEEP COOL Electric Fans For all purposes, Sick Rooms, Stores and Offices, Don't suffer from the intense heat' when at a small cost you can enjoy a cool breeze. W. J. Moore & Son WELLINGTON STREKT, Campbell Bros. | 84 Princess Street. RULES OF THE ROAD BY from Fort William, is discharging | dddddbdsddddddbbppbdsdddsd grain; steamer Westmount cleared for Oswego, to load coal for Fort THE MONEY RETURNED William. "- The steamers Rosemount ahd Ad- On Monday, F. 8S. 8. John- vance are due Thursday from Fort: gon, American consul, adver- William, and will go on through to tised in the Whig, the finding Montreal to discharge. Steamer of a sum of money. The an- Stormount. is duc to arrive Satur- nouncement served its pur- day, and Kinmeunt Sunday, all pose promptly, and the money --about $75 in all--was turn- bound for Montreal to discharge grain. ed over to its delighted owner by Mr. Johnson. fe LIVE OUTDOORS IN THE GOOD OLD SUM- MER TIME :| Ne! + * NOT ADHERED TO GREAT MANY DRIVERS [ARE Price's Serious Accidents Are Sure To Fol- low If Attention Is Not Given To the Matter--Many Drivers of Automobiles and Vehicles Show Carelessness, L The steamer Toronto wa& down and up on Wednesday. The steamer Caspian and up on Wednesday. The steamer . Rochester east on Wednesday morning. rhe steamer Rideau Queen eclear- ed for Ottawa nn-Wednesday morn- ing. The yacht Loup-Garou of Montreal was in-port- on Wednesday with a vent? THe steamer Scout coaled Swift's on Wednesday morning for clearing down the river. It was expectad that the barge Un- gava would be floated from the ship- building dock on Thursday. MOTOR BOAT IN TROUBLE LES EE ES DERN was down ddebdediddeddododobodododod dod dod dod dodged | THREW STONES AT STREET CAR passed a Serious accidents will, occur on the streets bf Kingston if drivers of mo- tor cars and vehicles of all kinds do more. attention the - rules Youngster Stormed Car On Princess Street Tuesday Night. Boys will be boys--even if they are little tots: Tuesday night, about 9.30 | nok pay o'clock, as a street car was coming of the road. A down Princess street, a chubby little | Tuesday afternoon an automobilg voungster, not more than four years coming along Brock street turned | to at Tn Hammo couches lawn [seats : launch chairs and boat, seats; reception room furni- ture, Reid's quality and Reid's. low prices, at JAMES REID Phone 147. The Leading Undertaker ICE PICKS LEMON SQUEEZERS ICE ICE-CREAM FREEZERS. DRINK MIXERS. {of age, stood in the centre of the road- to King, paying no attention what- way, at the corner of Princess and ever to the rules of the road, and Division streets, and as the car pass- [came within an ace of crashing into | ed him, amused himself by pelting an automobile coming from King stones at it. People in the car were street west. Such narrow escapes startled when they heard the stones are occurring almost every day and jstrike the car, and were wondering it certainly means that a serious ac Young Men With No Chart Got Into | What was the cause. They were great- [cident in bound to follow some day. Difficulties. ly surprised when they looked out and | There is a good deal of immoderate | Best quality; lowest prices. e a - J .. | noticed the lad picking np more stones driving around the city, both of Three young men, who are cruis- and letting them tly at the car. The |motor care and Tr. Rome ot the ing on the Rideau river, one of "kid" did not look big enough to streets BY FE Tee 4 i: ee ty difcultios hei ro he handled the stones, he has been rious nature have only been avoided = Kingston Mills and the city on. Tues- [$°!1iNg some eXperienoe. : by the closest margin. : ars They had spent the night at a Luckily none of the stones hit any | All the drivers of automobiles \woint on this on the mills, after |©f the paswtigers. No doubt - the! yp. cig, are being given a copy fishing at the drowned lands the day |Youngster intended that they should, 0 rules of the a if before. but: they went wide of the mark. not adhered to summonses will be is | Ss : sued and they will have to explain 'INSURING GOOD he Xi 3 a Starting out the city and| The child regarded it as great fun, : . sonduct i » ice court. | stones, his face was quite a study. He ib teir conduct in the police court | DIG b TION had a "Sunny Jim" smile and ap | : ES for, : . thence down the = Lawrence, they and, as he continued to pitch the ran aground in Ra "Basket," below the long reach, and were in this posi n : y ' --_ ' . . : s | peared to enjoy the fun to the limit. TO TRY AND INCREASE ' Ce aii BO ins 8 Desist ud ~ All the passengers on the car could re { IMPORTANCE OF PREVENTING small motor-boat, byt it was not un |20t help but laugh over the afiair af- Locomotive Output To Fifteen Dur FOOD FERMENTATION. IN til a passing boat rendered them as Xetwaids, but at. the same tite, con. | This Month. STOMACH sistance that they got under way Figare oF a tiger aus prae | Steady progress has been made in Good digestion usually means goo . x Jo pure all departments . of the Canadian BR orang aa the stomach doe Locomotive works, and the manage: | lodgement' oF ihe Hoease system; CHISELS. in of these are COAL! The kind you are looking for is the kind we sell SCRANTON COAL again. They had no chart of the river : and it is rather remarkable that dur- the WOMENS Patent three-eyelet oxfords, patent ankle strap, gun metal oxford; regular $4, $3.50 and $3, now. t $2.50 « FF Fs wanl a cheap flour. Ing the week which they have spent on these waters they did not mect with a more or less serious dent. Rideau, and for in its waters to procure one. acci- Charts are available for the it is the best plan those who intend © navigating The Kind of Weather. Yesterday was St. Swithens' day and its weather was to be determined for forty days by the kind enjoved on he day. It was cool and fair in Kingston, but at Lake Ontario Park quite a fall' of rain occurred. 30c--Ogdensburg and Return--30c. +H Friday, per America, leaving at - a.m., calling at Brockville. Don't buy White Rose flour if you Hood's =r Pills bilicusness and all liver {li Do not gripsor irritate. 25a. 4 OTTAWA IS EXPECTING That 8. A, Luke Will Be Deputy Grand. An Ottaws despatch says : legates for the fifty-eighth annual comvention of the Masonic grand lodge of Can- ada in Ontario are here. The de- puty grand-master who is al present W. D. McPherson, of Toronto, will succeed Aubrey White, of Toronto, as grand master. It is very probable that the new deputy grand will be S. A. Luke, of Ottawa. He id being cqutested by Lieut.-Col, Ponton, of lleville, and Abraham Shaw, of ingston, but as a compliment to ity in which the convention is Pia hold it is altogether likely Mr. Made ukes, will be elected. ' Former Cataraqui Pastor. Montreal Telegraph. Rev. T. Creighton Cassidy and fam- ily were given a reception by the con: gregation of St. Paul's Methodist church, to mark their arrival in Cote St. Paul. Selections were rendered by the choir and much appreiutod by the large gathering. Mr. assidy occupied the pulpit of the church for the first time on Sunday, iment is making a determined effort to try and increase the monthly out- | put for July te fourteen or fifteen locomotives, which compares with an output of ten locomotives in June, 2nd six or seven locomotives before | the, recent ehanges were made. A great portion of the improve- ments still remain to be carried out, land it is figured that they will not be completed much before another year, but in the meantime the man 'agement is getting the best results | possible out of the existing plants. } -------- At Lake Ontario Park. { The largests crowd of the season was | present at Lake Ontario Park last evening. Those who arrived late could not get near the pavilion. Har- fry Frizzo, the magician, in his illusion {acts, was loudly applauded. The Bra- 'minos, comedy musicians, scored a {success with their musical novelties. On Thursday evening the programme {will be matircly changed, both vaude ville and moving pictures. Thousand Islander--Saturday. Leaving at 2.30 p.m. for ramble, callmg at 1 Island American ports liver, kidneys and intestines will per- form their work perfectly and remain in perfect heal but interfere the proper dig About the the stoma y¥ thing' that upset and interfere with digestion ix an excess of acid usually cAtized by food fermentation Food fermentation is due to chemical action in the food ftself. This fermentation cduses the formation of gas, or wind, as well as acid, resulting in the un- natural distention of the stomach and the burning by the acid of the delicate lining of the stomach. * Medicines and tonics cannot reliev this condition--they usually make worse The fermentation and ac are to blame and these must be over. come and prevented by taking after meals a teaspoonful of Bisurated mag- | nesia in a little hot or cold water Phy - sicians recommend bisurated magnesia especially because it $LOops or prevents fermentation of food and neutralizes the acid instantly, making 1t bland and harmiess, without irritating the stom. ach in any way. Get a little Disurated "Manesia from your chemist and try it the next time your food ferments and upsets your stomach. Note how quickly the acid if neutralized and how #oon you forget that you .have such a thing as a stomach € ia It should be a veryseasy matter to béar other people's burdens. They are always #0 much lighter than ours { One way to raise the dust ix fo ont | Fare Ole, * busy with a earpet ben ter, | Is good ( al and we guarantee prompt delivery, Booth & Co. FOOT WEST STREET. FURNITURE-WANTED. Anyone having furniture to disposs of, kindly let me know, have a Jot of gew and second hand Iron beds and furkicure of all kinds at reasonable prices : Highest Price For Household Goods Moving away and want to sel) yhur el ts? Then see me, will buy all or a portion an ay highest pri Pe pcetal nai' ot antique turns ture now on. L LESSES Se7 PRINCESS SYREDYW, "Phone 1048, f