PAGE TWO EH fronlramereen.,, 3 MCKAY ' FURS neats rears Wherever well dressed women ga- ther there McKay furs will be found. Superior fur, perfect Workmanship, and" charming and original styles have made McKay furs the stand- ard high grade furs of Capada. Our prices are surprisingly rea- . sonable. We sell direct to the cus- tomer and save you 10 to 20 per cent. Repairs and alterations at reason- able rates, JOHN MeKAY THE FUR HOUSE 149-157 Brock St, Kingston FURNITURE, CARPETS CURTAINS Are being gold fast. Sale prices do the act together with our Jarge selection. and great variety. = EEE NEE Couches--all leading styles and for solid comfort can't be beat, $5; $7, $9.50 up. Our _ledtherette cov- ered are great wearers. Parlor suites, reg $25 for $21. Pdrior suites, reg. $37 for $32. Parlor suites, reg. $55 for $49. " Over fifty styles tg choose from. .Rugs--all dizes and qualities. Carpets--cheéapest and best. Linoleum---good old Scatch kind. Phone 90. . Yours. T. F. Harrison Co. almost driven BOATS WERE IN DANGER SEVERE SQUALL STRUCK RIVER AND HARBOR - w HEN On Friday Evening--Some Motor Boats Were Caught, and Had a Very Lively Experience. On Friday evening around seven o clock one of the worst squalls in sev- eral years came up, and those happened: to be out in motor boals and other craft had an experience which they will not wapt to have gain. ter was calm and .many had out for the evening. A huge cloud came up accompanied wish high wind, and before one had to turnaround and make for the storm was on. It lasted in terrible state for about ten' minutes, with the result that two motor lgoats, which . were on the Rideau opposite the cotton mill, wife disabled upon the piles of the old K. & P. wharf. When the storm swept down. . river it struck: the steamer America labove Brockville on her trip from Ogdemsburg, ° People who were! on 'the steamer state that they thought for sure the wind would tear the awning off the steamer It was after eleven d'clock before the steamer arrived here. The crew on the steamer Pierre pont report that the rain which fell in the American channel was the heaviest that they have experienced in some time. At Cape Vincent there was a hail storm gone dark | a time shore i, Entrance Examinations. Athens--Vera Barrington, Ethel Beach, Gertie 'Bellamy, Harold Brown, Grace Burtch, Hugh Camp- bell, Thelma Craig, Lorne Derbyshire, Gordon Dowsley, drew Ferguson, Eulalia Flood, Peo Flood, Elsie Fitzpatrick, Francie Fortune, Veda. Gould, Irene Gray, Katie Halliday, Vera Hanna, Charles Johnston, Douglas Johnston, Ivan Justus, Alice Kelsey, Rhea Kendrick, Hazel Latimer, Delbert Layng,, Ar nold Loverin, Earl Meehane, Earl McKendry, Mary Morrisey, Amy Phillips, Ford Phillips, Augusta Purcell, George Purcell, Florence Rahmer, John $Seott, James 'Shea, Keitha Smith, Sarah Thomas, Flor- ence Williams, Gwendolyn Wiltse, Ethel Wing, Norma Young. Rideali Takés Nav. Company. For Clayton every Tuesday, Wed- nesday, Friday and Saturday, at 6 p. John Donnelly Leslie Earl, An- m. For Ottawa every Monday, Wed- nesday, Thursday and Saturday, at a.m. Jonés Falls and return every Wed- nesday, 6 a.m. Fare, 50 cents, J. P. Hanley ticket agent. a Received Overdue Medal. On Thursday J. A. BB. Smith, tailor with Crawford & Walsh, received his Benian Raid medal, A short time ago Mr. Smith applied for his $100, Bland at the same time stated that he SHADES We have all widths in Vas dor and Japanese Porch shades in the best shades of green and very low prices; also 100 pleces-of Japan and China mat ting at less than last year's | He who succeeds | must be ever on the {I watch for the better- ji "ment, of his condition, We always have some | inducements whieh will enable the man of judg- ment to realize hand- some profits in a short time. We would like to - benefit you and will do so if vou will only give: - us a chance. We have some attractive bar is SR. McCANN| 82 lirotk Street. . had not received his medal. He did active service im 870 wit the Que hee garrison whils the imperial regi ment, stationed thers, was sent to the front. Taken To Toronto. Detective Montgomery, of the To ronto police force, arrived from To ronto, on Friday afternoon, and in tho evening returned with William Ken- nedy, placed undex arrest on a charge of non-support. He will be arraigned lin the police court there. eam r-- Kingston real estate is as sure to advance as Canada is to grow. Get a a now, However small, from i i { 1 { | your glassos they are not or- dinary glasses--but specially made to suit 'he demand of your eyes. They. give perfect sight and do away with eye strain and headaches. For YOUR GLASS- J.'S. Asselstine D. 0. §. Registered Optometrist & Optician $42 King St. * "Phone 1010 {| | between the third and little fingers, Has ae ball béen constantly giving you trouble through faulty- Stiri, fective repairs, ete. It so, one us and our trouble will oa it per- manently at a very slight cost. We install new bell systems at very reasonable rates. - Scott & Ryan £38 Princess 86 Phone 1305. | a- | Previous to the squall the wa- | this | and | the | home Keitha Cross, | {ing the City Coundil fo continue THE DAILY ' BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, JU ---------------------- Told in Twilight -- a INCIDENTS OF THE DAY LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST. Happenings in the City and Vicinity + --What the Merchants Offer to | the Readers of the Whig. Men's suit scle at Bibby's. 1 This is gloripas weather, The moon Jight at night is grand. uy Blackberry Cordial." Gibson's. | The First Baptist church will be a! handsome edifice when completed { Boys' suit sale at Bibby's, Charles 11. Martin has been appoint ed postpaster at Murray Isle resort "Buy cold creams." Gibson's. A volunteer fire department been organized at Thousand Park. Men's suit sale at Bibby's. Some one stole a skiff at on Friday night. G. H. Alexandria Bay, owns it. "Buy Blackberry Cordial." Gibson's | Rev. E. Radeliffe will be inducted as rector of St... Mark's, Deseronto, on 21st, by Bishop Bidwell, suit. sale al Bibby 's lee cream bricks' at Gibson's. There was little rain at Sharbot lake on Friday; there was a great downpour among the islands. The steamer America took big | degen oeddotdedde dob hdd dedoddod dopo TO OUR READERS, 9 . Mrs. Herbert Robinson, Bagot sureet, entertained informaly at tea on Friday afternoon in honor of Miss Davie, of Chicago, who is Mrs. R €. Carter's guest. Mr. and Mrs. G. Frederick Drewry, the guests of Mrs, Gegrge lee, Wil- lam street, left, on Tuesday, for thei home in Winnipeg. Miss Ilda and Miss Myrtle Lee, Wil laut street, are the : guests of Miss Amy Newton, Tweed. Mr. Stanley Turnbull and Mr. H. a wharf !{ nderwood, Mtawa, are visiting the Fhurstony| former's uncle, Mr. W. 1. Bassam, at Dead Man's Bay. Ihe young men have exceptionally fine voices and have been delighting the campers with their music, 2 Mrs, J. P. Oram and daughter, Montreal, are expected to visit Mrs. N. Wilmot, Clergy street west, next week Miss Florence Roadhouse arrived home, last night, from the west, where she has been nursing for the past threo years, spend a holiday with her parents on Nelson street . - - « has sland | i July |. Boys' f . a to Miss Kathleen Kirkpatrick arrived from Montreal on Thursday and will be en pension at Mrs. G. Briden's, Barrie street, for some time. Miss Keenan, of Ottawa, came to town on Thursday to visit Mr, dnd Mrs. CC. Bermingham, Barrie street. Miss Jennie Christie of Trenton, spent Friday in town. Mrs. Mellis Ferguson returned to her home, St. Thomas, on Thursday after spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. Malcom Sutherland, Earl street. - If you are not getling the Whig regularly, and in good time, please let us know. Phone No. 243, or drop us a card. Woededdotnbdolobidor bf dbp bdo b dope ------------ party to Ogdensburg on Friday and the outing was ome of great enjoy- ment. "lee cream bricks" at Gibson's. Men's suit sale at Bibby's, The position of stamp vendor at the post office has wot yet "been filled The present incumbent of the office leaves next Tuesday. "lod cream bricks' at Gibson's. Boye' suit sele at Bibby's, Two drunks were allowed to go at the pelice court on Saturday, and a young mun vas fined $5 and costs for disorderly eonduect. "Huyler's marshmallows." Men's suit sale at Bibby's. Fifty of those who tried the Royal Military College entrance examina- tions will be admitted this fall. The uniforms have been ordered. yvs' suit sale at Bibby's. "Huyler"s marshmallows." The daily newspaper without account 'of a large fire in it is {rarity these days. Are you well Isured ? © If not see McCann. "lee cream bricks'" at Gibson's. Men's suit sale. at Bibby's. The city by-laws do not allow refuse to he thrown on the strepie. The Bar rie strect scavenger has reported peo ple for dumping, grass on the road. Boys' suit 4 at Bibby' 8. "Pond's Extract" at Gibson's, Bartram Brothers, limited, of O! tawa, will transfer their wholesale offic's to Kingston shortly. Messrs. W. B. and C. M. Barirum will open an office in the business section. Men's suit sale at Bibby's. 'Gibson's ior bath sponges." Clearing sale of childrens' slippers all sizes, Dutton's. The baseball teams to play on the 28th of Iy will be C.LL..C. and Ath- 'etics in the morning at the cricket i field, and Cobourg and Victorias in the afternoon at Lake Ontario park Boys' suit sale at Bibby's. "(iibson's for bath sponges.' The traffic on Cataraqui Erie was tied uo for half an hour, on Satur- day morning, owing to a break in the swing bridge. Carpenters were soon put to work and mado the repairs. Men's suit sale at Bibby's. "Huayler's marshmallows." Gibson's. John Suave, arrested earlier in the week for drunkennes was given a chance. He was in police court Sat- urday and the magistrate gave him one month in jail. The accused cried as_usual. Boys' suit sale at Bibby's, - "Buy cold creams." Gibson's. Houses for rent are hard to se- cure in Kingston. New houses go- ing up have been spoken for months ahead.' Every man who has a vacant lot should get busy building us rent is a good investment. Men's suit sale at. Bibby's. "Buy 'cold creams." 'Gibson's. For choice pastry use King's Qual ity flour. A petition is being circulated, ask- the area of block pavement on Wellington street, from William to West. FEvi dently the residents like what has al- ready been put down. "lee cream. bricks" at Gibson's, Boys' suit sale at Bibby 's yananogue will not be responsible for the cost of patienth-in Kingston hospitals for persons who profess to belong there, without @Ngeritten order signed by the clerk, mayor. and chair- 'man of the poor relief committee. en's suit «ale at Bibby's. For good refulta in baking use King's Quality The written agreemént which J, MM. Campbell ve to the Gananoque Board of Trade that he would bring ewrrent from Ki n Mille, within twelve months, must be Von to the Town Coundil to give it fog status. "Buy _ Blackberry Cordial." Gibson's. Boys' suit sale at Bibby's. po Gallivan, a machinist emg sores dn the locomptive works, ha his hand jammed by a rocker arm on Friday afléeracon. Il was split PPE P PRS A dol neat + ¥ » * * Mrs Brock Graham returned Thyrsday from Prinyer's Cove, she was visiting friends. Dr. George Coe and Miss Coe, of New York city, who are spending the summer t Thousand Island Park, came to town in their vacht School's Out, to spend the day with the Misses Shaw, Clergy street. Mr. A. J. Dickey, Toronto, Thursday, the guest of Mrs. Jirch, Bagot street. Dr. Rissell Marshall, Toronto, is spending his holidays =~ with "his purents, Mr. and Mrs. John Marshall, Colborne, street. * * on where apent ' . Samuel Gibson's of Mrs. Sykes, of New York, und Mrs Alexander, of TFLachute, and their children, are the guests of Dr. E. B. Ryckman and Miss Ryckman, Syden- ham street. Miss Frances Davidson, of Mass., is spending her holidays her parents in Portsmouth. Mrs. Carlos Kiskegaard returned to Cordova - to-day, after spending the past month with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Henry Merrick, Brock street. Miss Cwenneth accompanied her sis ter and will visit here for same time,' . ats ' Mre. James Coyle and the Migsos Teresa and Tona and Miss Murray will leave, Tuesday, to spend a couple of weeks at Quebec, Mr. and Mrs. G. Gerard, Rochester N.Y., are visiting Mr, and Mrs, O. J. Hickey, Lower Albert street Miss 'Gladys Thompson, King street, is home after a delightful visit with relatives in Prescott. Mrs. W. Mitchell and little Caroline Mitchell, William left to-day to visit Mr. William Mahon at his summer home at Gibson's an a in- Boston, with Mies street, WMe- Ken- "THE HAT STORE." STRAW: HAT SALE TO-NIGHT We have made big reduction on many lines of Straw Hats. Men's fine plain "braid sailors--the ideal dressy summer hats, $3, now $2. French nearest to hut lighter, £2.00. $1.50. palm hats, a Panama, Now and had to be stitched at the Hotel Dieu. Women's "Comfort" wide Boots, 82, Dution's. Mow # suit sale at Bibby's. a pi Mr. LY 19, 1918, : The latter are an attractive souvenir. stationery in white, in leather, jewelry, "PHONE 919. and , post cards, ete. KINGSTON PENNANTS Only 25c tinte delighted with an article so decidedly "differe nt. Correspondence cards, d shades. Also of Thousand Islands artistieally shaded, and printed in suit: ible desigus for They come higher in price but all We COLLEGE BOOK "STORE purchasers are carry also a line of fine souvenirs 160-162 PRINCESS ST. a Saturday night snap, stock to clear to-night, Special in ladies' up to 39¢ a pair. | | | | | | Special in ladies' white Special in ladies' sun Special in ladies' HALE PRICE. Ladies white and colored parasols, signs, damty handles. priced up to £2.75 each. your choice to clear. : * Children's fancy parasols, the balance eac h. tailor ner white dresses. THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE ~ it par: sols to clear to-night at a big reduction, viz.: newest « 3 q The halance of our stock of ladies and children's le- oor 98¢c 15¢ 10c, 124¢, 15¢ Special in silk ribbon, popular colors, fast black cotton hose 2 for 25c dd waists Special in. ladies' colored cotton and lisle hose, ('learing at. 98c corsets 50c, 75c, $1.00a pair LESS THAN NEWMAN & SHAW "3 Later they will be joined by Mitchell. Ord. - - Smith's Falls, Gladys Thomp- Miss Nora Greem, of is the guest of Miss son, King street The Misses Georgia and Sophia Con way, Union: street, {are home from Lake Muskoka; where they have been the past week. Miss E. H. Smith; of Flora, is ghest of Mrs. Hugh C. Nickle, street. M:. and Mrs. Joseph Richardson, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. BH. _W. RicMardson this week "on their way to Thirteen Island lake spend the next two weeks. the Earl Richardson and Mr of New York, to will , on cot- Misses Ada and Beatrice Birch o to Thousand Island Park, N.Y Monday, to open their summer tage. i Nain of Howard King, re- H cover on the harbor on Friday af- ternoon, will be interred in Lind say. The funeral will be held on Sunday. They ware accompanied. by the, deceased young man's brother | and sister. | Ask your grocer for a trial sack of King's Quality flour. Boye' suit sale at Bibby's. The new Kingston branch of the | Royal bank opens for business in | H the old Wilkinson property Well'ng- | ton streét, on Monday morning. i E. Newman, Ottawa, is the manager ; and W. C. Culbert, Presecott, ac- countaat, Miss Homwith, of Toronto, ig Mrs. Jéhn Marshall, street. Colonel and Mrs, H. R. Duff, Master H. Duff and Miss Marjorie Duff, of Guelph, motored to Perth to-day toy spend the week-end. Mrs. J. B. Cochrane and Miss Chris tine Cochrane left yesterday for a trip to the coast. Mise Edith Hague, University ave nud, is sgnding ,a few days wilh Miss Kathleen Crisp, at Portsmouth. 15 visit Colborne Mrs. F. Peart Birley, Albert street and her daughters, the Misses Lil- lian, Elsie and Violet, have gone down to their summer cottage at McDona'd's Cove for the summer. Miss N. Hanley, Wellington street, has wetuwrned home after visiting Miss. M. O'Hara, at "Sein Sinn," * West- port. Miss M. Wilmarth, of Phil adelphia, and Miss J. O'Hara accom- panied her to the city for a visit. Mrs. Abraham Shaw, University ave- nue, who has been visiting in Ot- tawa, has returned home, accompan- ied by Mrs, D. W. Richmond and son, who will pav her a visit. {Continued on Page 3) Bethel Playing At Yarker. The Bethel Congregational church nine left Saturday at moon for Yar- ker to play the Yarker team. Fraser We factor ing mill, y, have a large assc and a fine Our drafting and department is at Let ue. show Pn Streets. Builders rted stock of lumber, & large plan- a large woodworking staff workmen to execute your com- mands. mating service, goods. of esti- your you the S$: Anglin & Co. Cor. Bay & Wellington IN GREAT VARIETY By close study we keep ourselves up-to-date in, everything concerning the newest ideas in screens and door fittings. You may therefore be sure of finding the very latest in stock always in this hardware store. Screen doors .¢hmplete from §1 to $2.25; screen windows, all sizes, from 15c. 'to 40c. TNE HARDWARE Smith is captain aud Robert Coffey a The pastor usually plays third base nd -the team. 85-87 Princess St, In great variety. Gold, and silver and gun-metal on leather straps, or attached to expand- ing bracelets of guaranteed durability. All our watches are made for the wrist and give no trouble. They are selling very fast. SMITH BROS. Jewelers & Upticians, Issuers of Marriage Licenses W.F. Gourdier 18-80 Brock St. Real Estate, A double stone dwelling in good down town location for [$4,500 Rents $444 per year. A row of six houses for $6,000. Rents $720 per year. Properties for in all parts. of the city. Choice building lots on Albert street for $225. ~~ TORENT No. 404 Albert street, de- tached solid brick, garden, all improvements; posses- sion August Ist. sale |E. W. MULLIN Cor. Division & Johnson Sts, Phone 639 and 1486 SATISFIED WITH oun "WORK tell your friends--if (livsatis- fied tell us. and your friends, | TESTED ONCE i TRUSTED ALWAYS | KINGSTON LAUNDRY Cor. Princess & Sydenham Sts. "Phone 232. a RR day