Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Jul 1913, p. 5

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I House of Hobberlin KNOW YOUR 'COUNTRY 5,000 FACTS CANADA \1913 EDITION EIGHTH YEAR Full information about Canada, alphabetically arranged under provinces; new colpped map; new census data; new complete index, = * Compiled by Frank Yeigh. Price only 25 cents. at R. Uglow & Company 141 PRINCESS STREET, Tailors Tailors It' doesn't matter how big you are or how small you are--or how THE GOOD WORK OF LOCAL MEN ON THE WINNIE WING Crew of the Donnelly Wrecking Company Are a Jolly Good Lot of Fellows, and Carry On Their Work In a Systematic Way-- Praise Given Them For Work At Napanee. Did you .ever have an opportunity of watching a wrecking: crew raising a vessel ? The Donnelly Wrecking company, of Kingston a few days ago, as already regortod, asucoeeded in raising. the schooner Winnie Wing, which was sunk in the Napanee river, about half a mile from the harbor, through a collision with a mud barge in tow of one the dredge tugs. The work was eérried on in a most succedsful manner, and quite a large number of Napanee people had an opportunity of viewing the work, which wagq of. a very interesting na- ture, . A diver was gn the job for several days and rednled in closing the hole in the bow of tha achoouer, caused bv the collision. The hole was about twanty by sev an feat. After this was looked after all ® the hatches had to be closed down, alse the cabin and the enlranes to the fareeastle. Then the placing of the pnmps on the schooner was commenced. A poweriul twelve-inch pump was placed on the forward deck, and the suction pipe run down into "the boat through the' opening THE MINISTERS WHO WILL' PREACH ON SUNDAY. | Announcements Made by the Various! Denominations, As To Their Ser.! vices--Sermon Topics and Musical | Programmes. : | Queen Street Methodist Church-- Rev. G. IL Campbell, pastor. 11! am, E. W. Skinner; 7 pm, Dr.! Ryckman. | St. Paul's--Morning prayer, il o'-| clock; preacher, Rev. W. ¥. FitzGerald, | M.A. Evening prayer, 7 o'clock, | preacher, Rev. W. F. FitzGerald, M.A. | St. Andrewfs--The congregations of ! Chalmers and St. 'Andrew's will unite ! for worship in Si. Andrew's church | during the month of July, Rev. M. Macgulliviay, D.D., officiating. Ser- vices, Il a.m. aud 7 7 p.m. Strangers welcome. St. George's cathedral--Ninth Sun- day after Trinity. 8 a.m., hold com- munion; 11 a.m., matins and com- munion; 4 p.m., baptism; .7 p.m. ev- | ensong; one hour uration. The dean | will preach both morning and even: ing. Sydenham street Methodist church-- Rev. Alfred Brown, pastor, will preach ut 1] a.m. and 7 pm. A cordial wel- come to strangers.. Anthems, "1 "ome Not To 'Call the Righteous," "Hast Thou Not Heard"; solos, "In the Cross of Christ I Glory." Miss Annie Tweddell: "I Cling to Thee My Saviour," J, D. Bankier. St. James' Church, corner Union and Arch streets--Rev. T. W. Sa- vary, B.A, rector, The Rectory, Buys any pair of MEN'S Sale of Men's Oxfords $3.00 LOW SHOES in' our store. Real up- to-date styles at less than cost. New Tang, New Patents, New Gun Metals, in Button and Blacher Patterns, Regular values $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00. 2 Yours for $3.00. a AAA PANN NANA yah ABERNETHY S ICE CREAM Hobberlins guarantee to fit you perfectly with made. tg You do not haveto take the clothes, either if they Choice of hundreds of patterns in lean you are. measure clothes. are not all that they claim for ghem. 152 Barrie street. Ninth Sunday fter Trinity. 10 a.m. Sunday school and Bible classes; 11 a.m. leading to the foreeastle. Faster on, the wrecking crew con- nected] a mine-inch pump from a barge We make the best and purest Ice Cream in the new weaves for present wear and for fall. well tatlored. Agent for Kingston Prices from $20 up. THOS. LAMBERT, 157 Princess st Cut by expert cutters and ini | Every wineglassful of |.the reason. | blood-maker and nerve food. | of invigoration | Anaemia. Sleeplessness, Brain-fag, Weakness, Debility, Exhaustion, | Lowered Vitality, Nervous Disorders. | down' or | have proved. beyond question, that it gives new life to the invalid | ers--and a wealth of health to everyone. Weakness Overcome "Wincarnis" creates a definite amount of new vigour, mew vitality, and new life. And this is "Wincarnis" (thewine of life) is a tonic, restorative, | Its first effect is to promote a feeling | g the blood, soothes | the new strength, Then it enriches aly revital t the nerves, 'reouilds ie wasted tissue of Anaemia Remedied body, and surcharges the whole sys with 'renewed vigour and | vitality. That is why every wineglas8f#lpof ""Wincarnis" makes you stronger and healthier than you were before. If you suffer from and feedh "run- or if you are merely Win- we urge you to 'commence taking out of sorts," ~ Ill-health Banished carnis today. Remember that "Wincarnid" has an unrivdlled re- putation of nearly thirty years' standing--that it is recommended by over 10,000 doctors--and that countless thousands of sufferers | renewed strength to the weak---increased vigour to brain work- TEST IT FREE, . 54 Send 6 cents stamps (to pay postage) and will receid@ a lib- eral trial bottle. Address Coieman & Co., V arnis 'W , Nor- | wich, England. After free trial you can obi "Wincarnis" from all leading stores, Chemists. and Wine Merchants. "the hold of the vessel showed "KEEP COOL Electric Fans For all Stores and O Don't suffer from the uichse heat a Sick Rooms, ces; when at a small cost you can enjoy a breeze. Ww. J. Moore & Son WELLINGTON STRERT, \ WOMEN : : 3 : y Patent three-eyelet oxfords, patent ankle strap, _gun metal oxford; regular $4, $3.50 and $3, now.' to the schooner, running the auctior pipe down through a hole cut in the tap of the cabin, and then hoth the pumuns were set to work. It was certainly a wonderful sight for any person who was not accus tomed to wrecking, to note the power of these two pumps and to watch the huge volume of watpr sucked up fron the inside of the vessel and ther thrown overboard. The water from the aft pump wa: thrown into the riger and the for ward pump discharged its volume o Wy Loe over the feck of the vedsel ich was two or three feet under wa ter. . Shortly after the starting of the pumps the dimmishing water i tha! the pumps: would eventually accom plish their purpose, also that the diver in the making of the vessel wa ter tight had done his work well and it would be only a duestion" o' a very short time when the vesse' would be afloat. After working the pumps for about an hour and fifteen minutes there was a shout from th erowd of interested, spectators : "There she comes:"" And sure enough she was coming as the north rail of the vessel could be seen to emerge from the water. And it came up . quickls too. But still the pumps worked on, and it was not long before the Winnie Wing was again afloat. In referring to the raising of the vessel by Mr. Donnelly's erew a Na- panes exchange had the following : "The wrecking crew are a jolly geod lot of fellows and exhibited a goodh amount of good nature and fore bearance. With a large number " of repple swarming the decks of the barge, the schooner and pp tue they were very often and mostly al the time in the way, but the wreckine crew mever lost an atom of their good nature and never found a word of fault. They were also very cour teons, even to the extreme, in ans wering and explaining all and anv juestions put to them." At the Park Next Week, At Lake Ontario park on Monday night and all next week an elaborate programme will be presented. Wal lace Edwards' cockatoos, the great- est bird "show in America, will, be seen. There wil also be given re- plete and clean comedy, wich mysti- fying stumps, featuring the "White Kagle," the twentieth céntury mar- vel, "Chief Clear Sky," an India act. Some 3,000 feet of new mov- ing pictures will also be placed or view, Perth Picnickers H re. The members of Henry Wampole';s factory, at Perth, some 200 strong pienicked at Lake Ontario park on Saturday, arriving by special train They partook of dinner together Marshall Reid 'being the caterer. for 25c.: drawers, 25e.; 50e.; nightdresses, Vests, 2 all-over aproaus, - Dutton's. Men's suit sale at Bibby's. Bachelor guarters may be evchangei for better halves. Some men are too tender-hearted fo beat a rug. ¢ - English Beauty Tells Complexion Secrets : ("Elise," in American Home.) Through a fortunate meeting with an Enghsh lady, noted for her daz- complexion, I recently learned the full meaning of that old adage, "Beauty is but skin deep." She taught me how to remove my muddy old skin, revealing the young and beautiful skin underneath. The pro goss is %o simple, harmless and in expensive, I'm sure you'll be glad to know about it. Just get an ounce of ordinary mercolized wax at any drug} store and apply nightly, like cold cream, for a_week or so. Every morning in washing off the wax, tiny particles of wora-out cuticle come oft too. The action is so gentle and gradual, there's mo discomfort. Tt's a wonderful treatment, as it not only peels off the faded or discolored skin, but all of its defects, as chaps, rough- ness, freckles, pimples, blotches, black. heads. i am indebted to the same lady for a remarkable wrinkle-removing formula. - One ounce powdered saxo lite is dissolved in a hali-pint witch hazel. Used as a fgee bath this is so effective , that just ome applicition sling causes Lhe finer lines to disappear and soon even the deepest owes go. morning prayer and Holy Commun- ion. Sermon subject, "The Venite." 7 p.m., evening prayer and sermon. Sermon subjectp!'A New Coat Torn." First Church of Christ, Scientist, Tohn-op sireet,/ Bebween Bagot and Wellington si ba il-am., et ite." Wed- 1esday cvennb dent monial meeting. Free public room same ad- iriss o,en every afternoon, excepl Sunday 3 to Bu@"clock. All are erdially inv e gervices and he reading room. Cogke's Presbyterian church. Brock {treet-- Minister. Rev. J. W. McIntosh, M.A. Residence. 312 University ave- we. The pastor will preach at both ervides. 11 am. and 7 pm, 10 t.m., classés, for young men and coung women; 12.15 p.m, Sunday wchool.! Mid-week meeting, Wednes- lay, 8 pan. Students and strangers wordially invited to all services. Brock street Methodist church, cor- er of Mputxeal and Brock streets-- »astor,' Rev. John Webster: residence, 42 Johnson street; phone 704. 10 1.m., Sunday school and Bible classes, '1 am. apd 7 p.m. regular services; woacher, &hie ' pastor, Anthems, norning, "ireat Jehovah, God of Na- jons";: evening, "Sweet the Mo- ments." Soloists, Misses Davies and Daarsall. Mid-week service, Wednes- lay, 8 p.m. Strangers welcome. Bethel Cangregational, corner Barrie ana Johnson strects--A central church. The pastor, Rev. A. P. Mershon, will preach at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., on the two subjects, "'Luxuriant Life' and "Satan, the Deyil," Sunday school, 12 Wo 1 pny Prayer 'meeting, Wednes day, 8 ue. Jadiedl Aid pienie, Thurs- fay afternoon; prayer meoting, riday, § pad. HE "church members and constituents cordially invite strangers and visitors. Volunteer choir. Seats free. Princess 'street Methodist church, corner Prineess and Albert stovets- Rev. Frederick GG. Robinson. 'arsonage, 620 Princess street. 11 1.m., subject, "The: Compassion of lesus for Mem and Womien."" 7 p.m. Sunday school at 9.45 a.m. Class misabing at close of morning service. Hpworth League, Monday, at 8 p.m. 'teneral prayer meeting Wednesday, 8 a.m. Bright and inspiring services, with good music, and sermons of fif- teen minutes. A cordial welcome to all. : a LIST OF THE STUDENTS Who Are' Att'nding Queen's Univer- sity Sumaner School. following are 'attending the gchool at Queen's Univer-| The summer sity: M's: Amcl'a: Lear, Coat Recort; Florince Maxwell, Br on vood: Thomes Maxwell, Kingstoa; A. IT Munday, Winnipeg; A.'M. Mir !v Blind River; Migs Bva Mei! to ronto; 8S. A. McPhie, Montre.: « Cn-. tis Nalgon, Toronto; Sister J: vin Kingston; Miss Mabel - Rover s, Mockville; Miss Laura Ryd: , ¥ing- siong J. M. 'Simpson, Petertorough: Cap'. R. 8S. Simpson, Ottawnr; J. H. *. ler, Oronoy W, H. Toke, : ton; Jennie Tweddell, Kingston; W. W. L. Keeling, Cargill; Miss Eliza- beth Pound, Kingstoa; J. F. Quinn, Kingston; J. A. Ramsay, . Otiawa; Mrs. 8S. E. Revelle, Kingston; H. F. Archibald, 'Mentreal; Sister-M. Al berta, Berlin; A:'F. Beatty, King- ston;| G. L. Brackenbury, Pt. purn- well; Luella Brand: Edward E. A. rower, Saskatoon; Edward Bucher, Havelock; Miss Bdith Christy. Bicomfie'd: J. T. Curtis, St. Mary's; S'ster M. Lloba, Toronto; William Eadia, Oak Lake, Man.; K. Elliott, Kingstow; H. Ra Fleming, Kingston; Eva GHbert, Kingston; John Gordon, Kingston; Finlay Hood, Ottawa; Guy Johnston, Straffuréville; Wal- | r. Joyee, Brayttord; 'A Ww, rmstown, Que. y Raised To Priesthood, "At 8.0 ParTek's patiek; Napanee, | on July 261k, Rev. James E. McNeil | will be ra"sed to tHe priesthood by | Archb's"op. of Kingston. A sermon will be de'ivered by Rev. J. P. Fal- Ion, dean of the Faculty of arte of the University of Otiawa. A large cone:urse of friests and out-of-town | friends of the young. candidate are, expected to be present. On Sunday | he will sing the parish mass, after | which the archbishop will confer | confirmation and address the congre- gation: ha will be presented with an address of welcome on behalf of the parish. Mr. Me¢Neil is & nephew of Edmund MeNeil, Napanee. Boys' 'suit. sale at Bibby's. unday service. minister. | 'An incentive to Be True Christians." | have | centres Being his first official visit, |° Jointhe Crowd And come here for your summer hat. We are of- fering exceptional val- ues in men's straw hats and light hats of all kinds from 25e. up. , Campbell Bros. 84 Princess Street. -- Err ------------------------ CARRIAGE BADLY SMASHED Pwo Tourists Had To Pay Over $100 Te Liveryman. Thursday, engag- at Finkle's Fwo tourists, on led a horse and carriage livefy, to go to Kingston Mills and fish. Desiring to be kind to the ani i they left it in a field, untied. I'he animal proceeded to have a splendid time, by galloping around the field and striking the carriage "against the rocks showing above ground, When the fishermen returned, the vehicle was a wreck, but the ani mal was unhurt. A telephone mes- kage to the city brought assistance | and the, outfit was "towed" home. | The tourists paid up without a word. | ¥he damage cost them over $100. | THIRD DIVISION ARMOURIES The Number of Dri Halls For Troops of Local Division The corps' of the third division received a share of the fifty-two armouries losated in Canadian wince Colonel Sam Hughes became minister of militia. The one at Gananoque has been finished, the one.at Omemee is nearing completion and the Lindsay hall is in the course of erection. Those at Picton and Madoc have been started, tenders have teen left for the one at Orono. Ten ders have been called for armourcies for the ageommodation of .corps at Millbrook, Kemptville, Napanee, Ren- and Blackstock. new frew Life Relts Oa Wharves. The Richelien and Ontario Naviga- tion company has taken the farst step in harkening to the recommenda tion of the coroner's jury, which urg od @rat life-saving appliances be plac él at the city wharves. A life-belt has been humg on Swift's wharf, which is controlled by the merger, and the Nrock street wharf will be similarly equipped. "Bath sponges." Gibson's. Mi:a Blanche Gilbert; Kingston; Miss' King's Quality flour fit for royalty. | ** THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Quarterly Dividend Notice No. 91 Notice is hereby given that a dividend at the rate of THIRTEEN PER CENT. PER ANNUM upon the ¢ been declared for the quarter ending 31 same will be payable at the Head Office in this city and its Branches on and after Friday, the first day of August, 1913, tg shareholders of record of 25th July, 1913. By order of the Board. Toronto, 17th June, 1913. ' Kingston. Call in and try it. SAKELL'S Next to Opera House - - . Phone 640 Kingston Collapsible Suit Box 'Kingston Collapsible Millinery Box second to none on the market. These boxes are now being shipped to all parts of Canada. Write for quotations. We can Fandle your order promptly and satisfactorily. KINGSTON PAPER BOX CO, - KING 8ST. WEST Cultivator. Hand size, 50c. Field size, or money CORBETT'S | LIVE OUTDOORS IN THE GOOD OLD SUM. [QHammo couches lawn seats ; launch chairs and boat seats; reception room furni- ture. Reid's quality and Reid's low prices, at JAMES REID Phone 141. The Leading Undertaker The Best Ever £1.00, Try onc--satisfactory returned. clerk at the lroquois hotel, of the with his! wifes ahd young son, tified that her mother, wealth, had willed daughter, Some years. If some. people didn't what they were going to do wouldn't have Sia stock of this Bank has GEO. P. SCHOLFIELD, Has Received Bequest. the HE COOKE PH 0TOSTUBIO Amateur films and plates finished. All kinds of | picture framing. 244 Princess St. Kingston, - Ont. Fnglish formerly England on Fri was recently po- of considerabl her estate to her whom she had not seen for Williams, young left for Frontenac, Mes. Williams, talk about they anything to talk =a FURNITURE WANTED. Anyone having furniture to dispose Wf. kindly let me know. T have a lot of new and second hand iron beds and furniture of all kinds at reasonable prices. Highest Price For Houseboid Goods Movin, your Oo t July, 1913, and that the away and want ls sell 'ects? Then ¥ All or a portion and > Highest » est prices. ture now - L LESSES General Manager. S07 PRINCESS STYREDY, 9 Phone 1044, -

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