from [rapper oigears, \ MCKAY FURS wesnrEarn MEN'S FUR-LINED COATS Specially selected cloth only is used in this work; lined with best quality appro- priate furs. We carry a stock of these on hand, Beaver, Persian lamb. coon, ete. Or will make to your order. JOHN McKAY THE FUR HOUSE 149-157 Brock St. Kingston August Sale Prices Mean much to the buyer--to us it means reduction of stock and ready cash for new autumn' goods-- the advantage is mutual, Wise buyers are saving money. Rugs--All the leading makes in Europe and America. Curtains--Greaat range from Eng- land, Switzerland and Germany. Phone 90. Yours, T. F. Harrison Co. BATH ACCESSORIES We have medicine cabinets, white enamelled with inside glass shelves, $5, We have bath mirrors, all sizes, oak frames. We have Turkish towels, all sizes, white and unbleached. We have bath mats, all sizes. REAL ESTATE OPPORTUNITIES $100 cash and small monthly payments will buy a detached frame, 7 room dw.. ling on Ste- phen street, near Divis- ion street, for $1175. 304 Earl street, semi- detached brick, 7 rooms B. and C. electric light, cement cellar a bargain. 196 Colborne street, brick cotta, age, 7 rooms, "B. and C., stable, $2400. © #1800 will buy a frame store and dwel- ling, fine barn and good lot. $2100 for. a nice frame dwelling, 7 rooms furnace, B. and C. Ping street, McCANN In.F. HARRISON WRITES also THE DAILY the suggestion 'of a certain ments nal |) weakness in both sexes alike. Perhaps, | | this is not to be wondered at, when we | ' remember that on this little island, | HIS less than nine miles in circumference, | | these people have for six hundred | isolated themselves, marrying e---- and mntermarrvinl, though continuous The Unexpected Confronted at Mark. |, preserving themselves from vice and den--Kingston Alderman"s Ap- immorality. Another suspicion that preciation of Industry of Holland Srauges the Visitors mid, is, that . : hey ermit the centuries O remain ers--Estimate Population by wart ey largely for revenue pur- | Counting Shoes on Doorsteps. | | for here, everywhere, the | The Whig has received another let } | TO THE WHIG CONCERNING TRIP THROUGH HOLLAND, vears poses, as mark. {tourist 18 an easy ter from Ald. T. F. Harrison, this | time regarding his stay in Holland. It is as follows: In touring any often sees the Venice was both. ping with censuries of fact and {i tion, was a surprise, But the real, unexpected, came on us at Markden, | illness. Mise Barnum was a native in Holland. We leake Amsterdam by | Baltimore, Md., and came to reside in boat for a few minutes, then by train | Kingston about eight years ago. Shs for a few miles, along the top of an | was a|sister of Mes. Warner, and an ancient dyke, through a country | of Winthrop Sears, of "Heath guiltless of hills, with scarce a road | field." Her sufferings were borne with way other than canals, narrow and | | Christian fortitude, and the mdny wide. the former 'usually serving as friends who visited her bedside were farm divisions, and both as freight | charmed with her bright and cheerful routes. We are constantly reminded |cotiversation. Miss Barnum ever took that we are in Holland, the coun. |8 deep interest in religion and in all try of bulbs, Holstein cattle, dairy { charitable work. ing, windmills, and dykes, and | The funeral took place from though danger does not seem immin- | 0foTge's - cathedral, Friday . morning, ent. we can't help wondering if there fat ele Tha orclogk, sean Starr oiiciat is another little boy whose hand is | Ink je _pall-Dearcrs Were Mayor Mg ) . za ( ready to plug up any sudden leak, as Lie. pel r ow apt. Pp. Pei o srs. Mo 3 . in the story of our school days. These g gu ange «I . > [Ww Sears, ) « . ' old Dutch windmills, thirty to fifty Mrs giul Miss ['Drsey. of New York, feet in diameter, are interesting, as ¥ ¥ they: lazily ob their 'windy. master. { sister. and niece of the deceased, y . the oy Ip hi 3 gH lo | Present with Mrs. Warner and AI pump he wa ers fo hig he Ro 1 até, as mourners. 4 d igh hey can graviate to the i After the service, the remains were dor Zee or in its Spate lime ot a | taken by train to Baltimore, where foder for human and animal alike. | they WHI be Interred in Mountgrert Leaving the train, a half hour's | cemetery. sail, and houses, fishermen's houses, | primitive in design, and mastheads by | | 1 1 | { LATE MISS C. M. BARNUM, Away on Thursday After Lingering Illness, , In the Hotel Dieu, on Thursday, Mis: Caroline M. Barnum jasesd peacefully {to her rest, after a long and painful i Passed al country any traveller | unusual and peculiar. | The Rhine, drip | ol aunt St Were Mr ASKS LABOR DEPARTMENT the hundred, are seen, but the land, so low lying, only a foot or so a bove the tide level, is scarcely dis cernible, and one almost fears that a wave larger than usnal, will wipe this little island of Markden and its | or thirteen hundred souls off the map. |"2% decided to ask the minister of la Walking the narrow, winding path | bor at Ottawa to send a representa the only foot thoroughfare--we are Ve tO the city to adjust the dispute greotod' "by the curtesies of the girls rjuestion concerning the hours of labor | and maidens, selling the curios of the {| 20 the new causeway. It is held that island, drapsed not after Kingston's | "der the new act, men are only to | fashion, but with a close-fitting head- | work eight hours The contract was | lik th M-fashioned taken under these conditions, and for Ke oe O as Bight) 'hat reason the men feel justified in with a long curl reaching to the | making this request. breast, in front of each ear, and more It is expectod that the government falling behind, a very tight waist, | representative will arrive in the city and extremely full skirts, the latter | the first of next week and them mat terribly ablgebinted below the knews, | {ary 'will ho investigated. W. F. Nie giving full scope to expose the shoes, |kja M.P., will be asked to take up the Japan and Korea have |matier with the minister of labor. wooden foot-wear, but in Holland, and | The same thing occurred and a con especially Markden, you see the real |{ractor forced to give his mien thing, for size and clumsiness. The {back pay. whole dress is Jacobean in its color scheme, some of the colors indicating their social or family relationship. Everlybody works, including father, | Five Drunks Before Mayor Rigney whose dress is just as much a sur-| on Friday Morning prise as the women; great baggy ; bloomers, drawn in at the knees, sur Five drunks came hefore Mayor Rig who was on the bench, on Fri To Send Representative Here to Set- tle Question. a meeting of the Trades and La Council on Thursday evening it At or dress, caps, wooden ones. was AT THE POLICE COURT. mounted with the fisherman's smock | Dey, iand coarse peakless cap and grea |day morning, and all of them were | wooden shoes, complete the outfit, He [£1V0D a chance. swings the heavy old fashioned cra The 'quartette from the country, who Idle; while the women" finish the hay. | Were "out for a time" on Thursday, ing, loading it on small boats, and [and drove around the city at a fur- towing these along one canal after a |ious rate, all pleaded to a charge of pother, until the shipping dock ia|drunkenness reached No one is idle. The little | "1 drank bottled ale all dav' said girls early learn to knit, and on the|on® of the olienders. IL was too much door-step, dock and hoat, the needles [for him, however, and he was gather are steadily worked. ed in. A census of the population can rea The others did not dily be takén at any time, by simply |had been counting the shoes on the door steps, [Was nol for, like the Japanese, they leave them there, together with the dust and dirt. There is a singular resemblance in features of this strange settlement, and fancy' or fact, one can hardly escape they it say what drinking but evidently ginger ale. ; Hope For the Dead? Mr. Perrin, who has delivered sev- eral interesting lectures on religious topics in Kingston, is to be here again on 'Sunday, and give two very interesting lectures at 3 and 8 p.m. in the Red Mill theatre. His topics relate to a subject that should appeal to every thinking person. There has been a great deal of speculation as to where the dead are and how much knowledge they have and whether their destiny was unalterably fixed, and many different views have heen advanced, more or less scriptural. We grind our own Lenses. THE EASE AND COMFORT with which an eye-glass rides | the more depends on its ad- justment rather than on the kind of frame. There is a knack in bending and adjust- ing frames to fit a nose that is be heartily welcomed and as usual wi all speakers representing the I. B. 8. A., no fee or collection will be charaed. The Circus Is Here. Sells-Floto Shows arrived in in the wee 'sma' hours of Friday fhorning and gave a street parade in the forenoon. The show has been well spoken of at all the places it has exhibited, and the big tent should be filled to overflowing at both performances. The show has the finest equipment for taking down and putting up tents and for those who were out to the grounds early enough to see the men at work, witnessed quite an inter- esting piece of work, The the city only mastered by one of practi- cal experience in this construc- tion. We make each pair of frames fit each individual nose and our lenses are the best quality that can be had. WE NEVER SACRIFIOE QUALITY TO PRICK J. S. Asselstine D. 0. S. Registered Optometrist & Optician 842 King St. . "Phone 1019 h Macdonald Park Concert. The weekly concert of the Royal Ca nadian Horse Artillery band attracted the usual large crowd to Macdonald park on Thursday evening, where a programme of greatly appreciated fe lections was played. 'Entry of the fiiladiatars, * the "Cavalleria Rustica * {Maseagni,). and' Lehar"s "'Merry Has your electric bell been | constantly giving you trouble through faulty batteries, de- fective repairs, ete.? . It so, phone us and our _ trouble ma will repair it per- .manently at a very slight cost. We fastall new bell systems at very reasonable rates. " Optical Work Exclusively ELECTRIC Widow' > were among the numbers ren: # ; dered. > | Girl in Boy's Bathing Swit. A number of young people who vis - , A ternoon, were surprised at the actions 0 of a girl, about seventeen years of {age, who was in swimming, attired in 'a boy's one-piece bathing suit. It is {ed very unsuitable for a public place. Labor Day Picnic. The labor men promise to have one of the best picnics ever held at Lake meeting of the council held on Thurs- day evening some matters were dis- cussed. Already , 125 prizes have been contributed and still more are ited Maedonald Park on Thursday ai- ! stated that girls are constantly attir- Ontario Park on Labor Day. At the ll cxpected. Six Hundred Basket:, Réd plums, greep plums, yellow plums, yellow: péaches, white sweet: water peaches, Alexander peaches, apricots, sweet pears, apples, tomas toes. Prices 'the lowest ever at Car Scott & Ryan '2388 Princes St. | ceremonial dress . All earnest seekers after truth will] $ - bRITISH 'VR: G, aS SR, NEW INFORM # ARRIVES HE ROYAL CANADIAN HORSE ARTILLERY. FOR And Will Be Issued Next Week--The Uniform Will Give the Brigade Very Striking Appearance. Fhe outiit rivet, a new horse artillery uniform and for the local brigade ar and will be issued to men next week. As there doubtless will be alt made, 1t couple before the has Lhe may be a x m rations to be of weeks anent men will be sven on parade in the new | of the officers | Some the new promises to make a very api earance. The trim jackets is of gold, have already uniform I'he brigade "elaborate" of the that of the non-commissioned of and men is vellow. A pew head also part of the new outfit. stables which have been built on the property north of Tete de Pont barracks, are nearly completed, and it is expected the horses of "BY battery, R.C.H.A., will occupy them soon. khcre are upwards of ninety horses in each battery. As the new stables only accommodate about six ty, the surplus horses of "A" battery will be kept .at the driving shed, ner of Barrack and Wellington streets. "B" battery are accom: modated at the Artillery Park stables, where the battery is stationed \ hoard of officers will take over the new stables from the contractor, if satis factory. y \ medical board, composed of Major J. L. Potter, Capt. J. F. Sparks and Lieut. 8S. J. Keves convened at the station hospital, on Friday, and ex amined and reported upon the physi cal condition, on discharge, of F. Mac. Kinnon, late Q.N.S.-Tptr. of the R.C worn ming otheers' while heers dress is I'he new cor The horses of ep ok U. S, CUSTOMS OFFICIAL. To Board Steamers at Kingston Foi Alexandria Bay. For the greater convenience of pas- sengers landing at Alexandria Bay off thé steamers Kingston and Toron- to a special United States customs official will board the steamers hero every morning for the purpose of | examining 'baggage and causing lesa delay at the Bay. On Friday morn- ing, the new order, of things wa$ started. All this season. the Cana lian customs have had an official on these sicamers to convenience pas sengers, and Uncle Sam is following suit. Rideau Lakes Nav. Company. For Clayton every Tuesday, Wed- nesday, Friday and Saturday, at 6 p m. For Ottawa every Monday, Wed- nesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 6 am. Jones Falls and return every Wed nesday, 6 a.m. Fare, 50 cents. J. P. Hanley ticket agent. A Young Man Injured George Radage, aged twenty-four years, who resides at 103 York strect was run over by an automobile on Ontario street on Friday afternoon and suffered an injury to Mis thign The young man was riding along On- tario street on a bicycle when hs was suddenly knocked over He was removed to the general hospital. Weather Notes. in northern numerous A depression cefitred Manitoba, and is camsing showers and thunder storms from Al berta to the upper lake region, wise where fine weather prevails. Gibson's. "Nyal's Liver Salt." AUG sT LO, ne A -- Kingston's Famous Fur Store. Our Big Cut Price Sale Of STRAWS AND PANAMAS Goes Merrily On "And by the smile on his face You will readily know, The hat on his head Is from George Mills & Co. But . who wouldn't "smile all over'" when at the ve ry height of : the season you can save | from 50¢2 to £3 on an up "to date hat. $10 hats now #7. #7 hats now #5, $0 hats now £3.50. £3 hats now $2.25. $2 hats, now $1.50. #1 hats now Tbe. T5¢. hats row 50¢c. 90¢. hats now 35e. Watch gur windows. GEORGE MILLS & C0. « Pivect Tniporters of Pine Hats. | novsky's. 1:32, Six greatest moments, maid, wife and mother. in ivory and in oak. A large collection of heads by frames; smaller designs in.paspartoute, the latter mount and finish. Canada, Thousand Islands, $0 in prices from 25¢. to $2. AAA A A AP Al. ANP ti Ae PHONE 919. in To see it is to buy. above Constant additions to our stock of pennants of Kingston, College, University and Society designs, ranging Beautiful tinted and initialed and correspondence cards in blue and white, in tinted and gold. A AA AA PA A Se tA NAN NAN COLLEGE BOOK STORE 160-162 PRINCESS ST. Harrison Fisher's Framed oak of artist in different snades paper, envelopes WE ARE CLEARING DECKS In order to prepare for a4 big rush of fall goods now arriving or to arrive. Asx a result. we are chop- ping the price of summer goods. Big pile of wash dress goods, white and colors in this season's very latest weaves and colorings inclu: ding marquisettes, 'seersuckers, poplins, foulards, PK. values up to 35¢. a vard. On Saturday morning, choice ete., your per yard 15c Ladies' white shirt waists with embroidered collar, short sleeves trimmed with lace, all sizes, 34 to 42. Our price on Saturday morning, each 69c combination Boys sleeveless jersevs, plain. and colors; broken sizes, Saturday to clear. each 19c in plain and Saturday (Children's socks, white and colors, faney; broken sizes up to 20¢ pair. morning to clear 2 for 25c NEWMAN & SHAW THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE ol A. - MARRIED AT BROCKVILLE, The Hogan-Marsh Nuptials on Wed. nesday Evening. Brockville Times On Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Marsh, was the scene of a pretty wedding, when their eldest daughter, Miss Iva Elizabeth, was united in marriage Farl Wayne Hogan of Kingston, The house was very prettily decorated with flowers and . fern, and the ceremony was witnessed by a large nuniber friends and relatives. A The bride, who was charmingly at- tired in cream madame butterfly silk with lace trimmings, was given away by her father, and the ceremony was performed by Rev. L. E. Davis of St. Paul's church Afterwards' the pany were seated to a dainty supper. : Ihe bride and groom left at 11.20 [Just Received A Good Consignment of Good Drain Tile nt S. Angfin & Co. The Lumber Merchants. the home of 14 Fim street, to of com w edding jof Brockville's Cor, Bay & Wellington 'honymoon at Collin's Lake, near | Kingston. 'Ihe bride's travelling suit for' points west, and will spend their | iwas of navy blue whipcord, with white | f a | 'E. W. lace hat. The large number of presents which were on display attracted universal admiration, and testify to the popu- larity of the young couple. The bride, who is a graduate Rockwood hospital, Kingston, is one most popular young ladies, and will be missed by a host of friends here, whose best wishes go with her to her now home. The groom is an employee in the office of Rockwood hospital in Kingston. The voung couple will take up resi- | dence in Kingston, where the groom has a handsome home furnished for his bride. : of | Buy the best binder twine made; the long smooth kind; the blue label --650 ft. long. 050 ft. for 12¢ per 1b. 600 ft. for 12 1-2¢. per 1b. 650 ft. for 13e. per lb. U. S. Crop Report. The United States crop report is as follows: Corn yield estimate, 2. 500,000,000; spring wheat condi- tion. 74.1; last month, 73.8; year ago, 90.4; oats condition, 7 ast month, 76.3; one year ago, 90.7. We recommend the 650 ft. to the ee ke 1b. the best and cheapest in the cotd- try. McCormick and Deering repairs The only place in town good twine. W.A MITCHELL aL Matriculation Results Monday. The Whig is informed that the honor matriculation results will not be announced from Queen's until Monday. - "Trail of the Lonesome Pine," 15. Dutton's Music Store, "Belladouns plastn, Gibson's. to buy! WRIST WATCHES In great variety, Gold, and sllver and gun-metal on leather straps, or attached to expand ing bracelets of guaranteed durability. All our watches are made for the wrist and give no trouble. They are selling very fast. SMITH BROS. Jewelers & Upticiag, Issuers of Marriage Licenses | street, and barn, W.F. Gourdier 18-80 Brock St. Homes at Bargain Prices Detached dwelling, Vietoria 8t., 7 rooms, lots 33 x 132, $1350. New detached dwelling, Living- stone avenue, with improvements, lots 66 x $1700, Detached dwelling, south of Princess street, 66 x 132, $2100, New 132, Victoria 6 rooms, st., lot dwelling, Redan and ©., good yard 156, $2100, dwelling, Division St. and C., stable and large detached 6 rooms, b lot 34 x Detached 8 rooms, B yard, $2100, list office. to rent A complete at v MULLIN Cor. Division & Johnson Sts. Phone 639 and 1486 Houses Ault BRIGHTER. yt SWEETER Will be your clothes if you'll permit us To Do Your Laundering Don't take our word for it-- just put us to the test--then words won't be necessary. KINGSTON LAUNDRY Cor. Princess & Sydenham Sts... 'Phone 22,