vOL. HUGHES REFUTES FH CHARGE MADE BY SIR FRED- | ERICK BORDEN, That Drinking Is Allowed in the Non | grnmient, in THAR DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1913. HANDLING OF JAPS, quiring Into Situation. Vancouver, B.C., Aug. 11.--Unustal activity is being displayed just now !by prominent Japanese who are be- {lieved to represent the mikado's gov- an investigation, of how Permanent Militia Camps--Says the Orientals who live in the vicinity the British Soldier Does Without of Vancouver are getting along; how Beer, Ottawa, Aug. 11.--Col. Sam Hughes, minister of militia and defence, having been shown a despatch wherein Sir Frederick Borden is reported to have said at a public' meeting at Canning, on Friday, that "the statement of the minister of militia that there was no drinking in the correct, and that hundreds of allons of beer were going into the Aldershot camp, in King's county, every week, said : "Sir Frederick is on the ground in King's county, is a most competent judge; and should kpow, but it is un- ortupate, for: Sir Frederick's state rent, that there is no training camp in King's county; it. does not open' un- til Soplonber th. ; : "PP Sir Frederick is confusing the pévhabent corps, which. may. be in camp" Aldershot during the. holi- ays, 'and, 'as the permanent corps have hitherto had their canteen in bar- rackp, there bas been no attempt to my pari, as yéi, to prevent the per- m bt lorce, Ww in c alone, that is, when nob in a (raining camp with the non'pecingnent militia, from having' their ¢anteen. But when it is « traning camp with any force of the non-permanent militia then no intoxi- eating liquors any copsidera- tion, may be sold. This concession l ied 'for this year, but was promptly refused. HA ) "As early as M 13th, this year, Col. 'Williams, the adjutant-general, by my direction, wrote to Col. Ruther- ford at Halifay as follows : "The minister desiresiafier;to point out that he distinctly wishes it to be understood that ninety-five per cent. of the British regulars can get along without: their liquors and they are nearly a» good soldiers as are the sol- diers of the permanent force in Can- ada. . "The minister would, therefore, be pleased to know why there are so miny men in our permanent service who insist upon having liquor in ap. i tant : "It is also the minister's desire that some form of 'gmysement or entertain- ment be provided other than sitting around camp drioking beer." "] shall be deeply indebted," con- tinued the miniater, "to Sir Frederick or any one else for the information that 'm: s have been disobeyed With all kindness to my good friend, Sir Frederick, it me to say 1 do "mot believe kis' statement, if it applies to the training camp. 1f it applies to the ordinary permanent corps, alone ip camp, then it has as yet been per- mitted." % Bp-------------------------- . CHOLERA AMONG TROOPS, . I -- Epidemic Has Broken Out in - the Rowmanian Camp, militia camps" was# in-'| they are béing treated by the Cana- dian citizens and the government, and bow they ave succeeding in certain commercial pursuits. "Chief of the investigators mow in Vancouver is Yuya Yammaguchi,'s former member of | the Japanese diet, who has been here for a month quietly looking over the situation. . : It is learned that the Japanese gov- ernment is securing the most min: ute information to back up a protest she is making 'to Great Britain a- 'gainst the mnti-Japanese laws of Bri- tish Columbia. The protests will be similar to those made against the ac- 'tion of the Californian legislature: The British Columbia laws prohibit Ja panése labor in logging éamps on gov- ernment licensed timber, and the brown men are' also Hgislated against as salmon fishermen, To extend the anti-Japanese feeling, boatds of trade in the farming 'sections "mre now tsk- ing up the question and the pext ses: sion of the legislature will be 'hom- barded with demands for the enact ment of an act based on the Califor Inia measure," to entirely prohibit Chinese and Jugend ownership of land, g + SHIPPING OF FELDSPAR ! Adv li ! From Frontenac the First of the Fin- ished Article. Toronto World! : With the shipping, Saturday, of the first car of finished feldspar from Fron. tenae county, ammother product was added to Camada's export list. The car, which wemt from the Dominion Feldspar, Limited, mill at Parham to the +Vitro Manufacturing company at Pittsburgh, reversed the procedure of twaily [hs years, when the * United Statéd Has been shipping the finished produet into 'Canada. Feldepar has a wide use, ranging from ita employment, in the glazing of erockery and enamel- ware to 'coating terra cotta skyscrap- ers like the CP.R. building. Two mines have been working, the only 'two ii Odnada, down in Fron- tengg county, shipping crude spar to the mills in the United States, which grind it as fine as flour and send it back. A few weeks ago a Canadian mill started, and is now reaching out or * England's and Germany's market, being quite able to supply most' of the Canadian demand. The spar down near Kingston is said to be phe finest. in the world. The mill ther®, . which is operated by Toronto people, will turn out twelve cars a month, or fifteen thousand tons a year; Spar is found in wide veins, and is quarried; it is non-metallic and is & eomposition of silica, potash and aluminum. .- '70 WALK ON THE WATER. Government of Island Kingdom En | INSANITY IS CURABLE | SAYS FRENCH EXPERT | fg Remarkable Results Have Been Ob- | . s | tained in Cases of Acute Insanity. Paris, Aug. 11.=-Following the an- nouncement of Dr. Toulouse, the diree- | tor of one of the most important Par js lunatic asylums, that remarkable results had been obtained in cases of acute insanisy by subcutaneous in- jections ofyjoxygen, Dr. Toulouse has stated that he considers madness one of the most curable of diseases, pro- vided a cure can be found, and as long as the trouble is not caused by actual lesions of brain tissue. Since the first announcement he has been studying further cases, and has produced cures which he considers con- clusive, He believes that when fur- | ther investigations have been made even cases of long standing will be found curable. = "When asked whether such cures were he could not promise that the patient would be immune from a relapse resembling persons with hearts, otc. Dr." Toulouse stated cure for of great exhaustion of body and nerves | caused by overwork, strong emotion, grief, etc. As the action of oxygen (was to stimulate immensely the vigor | of the system he resolved to try it. on | a certain number of cases, with the re- | sults already known. | SAYS SHE WAS IN HEAVEN. | Talked With Christ, Mennonite Girl ! Asserts, After Trance, Uniontown, Penn., Aug. 12.--Strange tales of being in Heaven were told to- day by laella Cameron, 15, daughter of Ellis Cameron, a wealthy coke man, aiter being awakened from a ten- day trance by the Rev. ls ael Hess, a Mennonite minister. '4 did not want to return to earth," said the girl, "but 1 talked with the ford, and he told me to go back. 1 then decided to return. he only person 1 talked 'to while in Hea- ven was Christ, He and I had long talks, but he told me not to speak to anyone else in Heaven, and 1 did not. 1 crossed the river Jordan alone, and Christ was waiting for me on the gol- den shore. 1t is utiful. 1 want to go back there." The girl, who is a devout member of the Mennonite Church, went into the trance July 16th. She was asleep when a giant firecracker was exploded just outside her window. She awakened suddenly and ' swooned away. From that .. time she - seemed - to be uncen- scious. 'The awakening came when Mr. Hess, holding her hand, told 'her that if she did not come out of the Srance, she would be: sent to a hospi- ta 'Phe irks ht 'and hearing were PRI ITSTS" now perfect. Sr | | German War Department Ts Trying among German 1s Trying in is quarantining the and hes marked out three ines which must be passed before re- the Danube. Six thouse Satins have been inoculated with cholera serum with excellent results. en-------- ocate. ee i Sami from Tweed, C..P. Railway a- removed with his haviog lost was delay in re- to icher the passing A t Arain through the yards. y earn of the unfortunate ciroum- stamods and the removal of is family pom town is very much regretted by who knew them. ; e-------------- Puberculosis Spread by Dogs. Paria, Aug. 2.--~The French Acade- my { on is discussing the of tuberculosis by Bogs. is estimated that from 12,000 to 18,- 000 tubercular d are running popule Eh dn of 300.000 tion of J 4 It is fouhid that dogs give tubercu- cabs. A special ba been made of the restaurants. A J culosis in horses shows that it is rare, with the minimum jon to man. oO nd |sentbles an upt his | frany fri were sorry | It loose | its normal condition, out of a total dog destroyed o presence of in long study of tuber- ox- | : | Sola by Dru The. fi Take Hairs Family Pills for consti- pation. a New Invention. Berlin, Aug. 11.--The Prussian war, department hb. as ple an order for 1,000 pairs of "'water shoes' with a German firm. Th are to be used " | during the grand military manoeuvres in the fall. The invention, which somewhat re urned box, has been thoroughly tested, and will, no doubt, be generally adopted by the corps of engineers and' similar bodies working {in lake districts. Certainly at the | manoeuvres the spectacle of a German | regiment working over liquid terrain | will be watched" by foreign experts {with keen interest. The shoes are collapsible and are arried on the back By' the pioneers, .| who 'are naturally proud of this new {and useful auxiliary. | Deafness Qannot be | by local applications, . they cannot roach. the Slseased Darton of the ear. to eure deaf- | There is only one Way { ness and that is by constitutional rem. caused an in- | edies. © Deafness is y | famed condition of the mucous lining the Fustachian , When this tube is inflamed you ve a rumbling sound or imperfect heating, and when it is entirely closed dea sult, and unless the In ath be taken out and this ti forever; en are caused' by the mucoug surfaces. e will give Ohe for any case of De catarrh) that eannot cured by Catarrh Cure. for circulars, free s FJ. C ¥ & CO. Toledo, O "THAT DEPENDS ON 'Time WE S is the re-| mation can restored tc! osring will be nine cases out of i Crh which 18 both guests and outsiders, attend. A nothing but ah inflamed condition of Hundred Dollars ness (caused a Hall's TWO-STEP AND WALTZ TABOOED | Dawcing Masters Teaching Nothing | But Tango and Turkey Trot. | At Tho Island Park, a 'num- ber of from St. Law- rence Park attracted considerable at- tention on Friday. They were wait- | ing for the steamer Ramona, on her trip down the river, and did not have anything to keep them occupied. Fin- | ally they started to damce, and the | "tango" and other new dances were soon seen by the crowd waitin for the boat. The music was Tarnished qy | the dancers themselves, whistling and singing. For nearly hall an 'hour the young . people amused themselves in | this manner, and by the time their | boat arrived they had a crowd of | spectators applauding, many of 'whom | had never seen the dances before. { The mew dances, the "tango" being | the main one, have taken the river re- | sorts by storm, and at -all the halls | these reign supreme, the old two step and walts being the exception instead of the rule. There are two dancing | | masters at Alexandria Bay who de | | vote their entire time to teaching | | these dances, and they do not lack for ! } pupils. :) livery week a dance is held at the Wellesley, and large numbers, | | New | dance is held weekly at the New Pratt | House. will | meet 'within a few days for action om | dividend payable in September. The! regular quarterly disbursemeni of $1.- | [50°a share is generally adtieipated. | Granby Comsolidated directors {down the bay to Picton | works. if ling in on Friday the fender left brought into the same conditions--this !rails but train hands soon bad things | weak lungs, righted. ey | that he had the Athens high heen led to hit on his method 'of giv- been appointed principal and ing oxygen injections as 'a possible | matical teacher of the high dementia by observing that here : madness generally arose in a ,period| On Thursday Mr. and Mrs. bull few months with her parents, Mr. and | steamer spent a few days with his parents, THE TOWN OF DESERONTO. Several Excursion Parties--Rebuild- ing the Chemical Works. Deseronto, Aug. 9.--The America called at the wharf morning and took a Jarge from the B. of Q. railway train, which had brought the crowd from Tweed, I and Glen The excursionists returned a- steamer this crowd Island. bout four o'clock. with them, The steamer. Alatha brought a crowd from Belleville and took on many more from here en route to the orphanage at Picton. The 15th band of Belleville was on board. The steamer Porter and unloaded coal for Marlbank cement large steamer at the Deseronto Iron Works is unloading | iron ore. The steamer Lizzie Metz ler is unloading ceal for the Rathbun consort A company. "he Girls' Guild of «St. Mark's | church: mhde a.large sum from their dinner on July- 30th. |Aid of the led a likely to be permanent, he. said that |ury: The Ladies Presbyterian church add- treas- com- | the good amount to their As the two o'clock train was isa Annie Windsor, B.A., late school, staff, of | has | mathe- school { Turn- received word from Toronto that their daughter, Mra. Davis, had passed away. She was a bride of only two months, The remains were brought to. her home and the funeral was held on Saturday and was lar- gely attended. The roof is belug put on the new station. Miss Lily Dalton, of Edmon ton, has returned 'home to spend ® Mrs. John Dalton. Mrs. John Gor- don. and daughter, Lilian, of Fort Plain. N.Y, ie the guest of her sister Miss Kathleen Prickett. Mrs. E. A, Ripen and daughter Miss Amy Rip- en, went to Quebec this week by Alexandria. Wentworth Brown, of Herkimer Bank, Little Falls, N.Y., is spending his holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Brown. Miss Millie Gaulin, of C.N. 0. audit office, Toronto. spent Sun- day in town with her mother, Mrs. A. Gaulin. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Groves and baby girl, of Belleville, Mr. and Mre, Sidney Groves. A number from here took in the Friday excursion to Trenton. Work is nearly all completed of tearing down | the old chemical works to enable the | men to prepare for the new works which will be larger - than the old Owing to the extreme hot weather the matgh factory has been unable | to run steady lately. Mrs. - Richard «Porter and two daughters of Welland, are the guests of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Vander- yoort. . Mrs. Stanley Hutton and children, of Ottawa, are with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Archer. Mr,-and: Smith, of N They had a band | FINANCIAL MATTERS | THE REMARKABLE GROWTH OF | ' THE C. P. RAILWAY, Has Assumed Really Gigantic Pro-| portions--The Dividends Issued by | Various English Railways. Montreal, Aug. 11.--In an exhaus- | tive analysis of the present position of | the Canadian Pacific Railway, the Sta- tist says: "The growth of the Canadian Paci- fic Railway from every point of view has been remarkable. In a single year the increase in its tratlic and ear- | nings i6¢ now as large as was the en tire traticigbout 17 years ago, while its undivided surplus profits are Bow | equal to the total gross carnings of | less than twenty years ago. In a sin gle year, loo, the company devotes from surplus profits and from land sales as much money to the extension and improvement of jts systeim as it | could raise on capital account in for- | mer times. In fact, the progress of | the aystem has assumed really: gigan- | tic proportions. Ten years' sgo ils gross earnings | were only $44,000,000. In 1911-13 were $123,000,000, and for the | st vear they have reached $139,000, | . 'The expansion in net income has been equally noteworthy For the past year the profit for the common | Boi has been nearly $39,000,000, a | gual to a distribution of over 1Y pa cent., and after the payment of a div- | jdend of 10 per cent., we estimate) there will be an undivided surplus of acini | mc i A Corner in Copper. | New York, Aug. 11.--The July state-! ment of the Copper Producers' Asso cation, shows an increase of over 12,- 000,000 pounds in the production of vefined copper, a decrease of more than 9,500,000 pounds in domestic deliveries and a gain of over 10,000,000 pounds in exports, compared with the June report. The statement in itself would n¢t support such a campaign as has heen | waged in the metal securities for a month or more, but according to trade reports, the two largest produc- ing and selling interests are working in harmany, which leads naturally to the claim that the electrolytic market is now cornered and accounts for the rapid advance in prices, aside from statistics, English Roads Did Well. London, Aug. 11.--Four leading Kng- lish railways ave announced their di- vidends--the Midland, the North-Eas- tern, - the South Western, and the Great Northern. In the two instan- ces the dividends are accompanied by details of expenditure and net reven- ue, which materially enhanced the val- ue of the interim dividend announce ments as an index of the results © the half-year. It is the Midland and the South Western which supply the information, and iu both cases the re- sults indicated seem quite satisfacto- ry, The North-Eastern dividend, which was unaccompanied by any details, is PAGE NINB Woed's ects rampbaion Great Tones and invigorates the wh ne. v We Own and Offer Municipal debentures of Ontar- Turney fo Towns to yleld 5 per cent. to . Ontario Townships lo to 61-2 6 1-16, Ganong's Chocolates ARE THE BEST yield 5 1-4 per cent. Western Schools 0 per cent. yield 6 per cent. to 7 per cent. Special list will be gladly furnished upon request. einen Brent, Noxon & Co. Stock Kx- AT A.J.REES 166 Princess St, Pham rn etc re Toronto change. Canada Life Bldg. TORONTO. Mémbers BONDS vs. MORTGAGES (4) Good bonds may be converted into cash, with small commission charges. This is far from being true of even the best: real estate (Hy Bonds can be used as collateral for a temporary Mortgages cannot be readily used in this way (6) The length of term for bond varies so widely that the investor can adjust his dates of maturity to his own needs, from one year up. ~ It is usually impossible to do this with real esate mortgage. (7) Bond values are not usually dependant on conditions, while real estate values nearly always are. (8) Bonds can often be bought at prices which show excellent possibilities for the increase of the principal in ad- dition to regular interest mortgages do not possess this ad- vantage. . F. B. McCURDY & CO. 86-88 BROCK ST. KINGSTON, (Members Montreal Stock Exchange) Phone 1225 H. W. NELLES, Manager. loan local . DOMINION 'GOVERNMENT CHARTER FOR QUARTER OF A MILLION The Dominion Government Charter issued to Starnes, Hol- stead & DePencier, Limited is an absolute illustration of the solid system on which this firm conduct their real estate enterprises. Montreal, with its population of over six hundred thousand peo- ple and hundreds of enormous Industries make the real estate Hansaetiony in city property the safest and most profitable in Can- ada. J. M. and F. J. Hughes, who represent Starnes, Holstead & DePencier Limited, have their permanent office at 58 Brock street, Kingston, and every week adds to the satisfactory increase of thelr business. Bay, 18 mother, Mrs. Alex- ander Smith. The canning factory is busy with beans and it is expected wi'l have a good share of tomatoes. Mise Theresa O'Donnell, of King- ston, is spending a few weeks with her cousin, Miss Jennie Gamble. The Epworth league of the Methodist church held its outing to the Thous- and Islands on Thursday, when & large number took in the trip. The sloop Laura D. is loading a load of boxes for Northport. The schooner Lizzie Metzer left today for Oswego for a load of coal. Budget From Bethel. Bethel, Aug. 9.--Edgar Salsbury has as teacher for the next been a | al Olive Salsbury has accep- school for the coming Stewart, Kingston, 4s been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Wes- ley Curl, for a few days. Thomas Manion uuu cnree children, of Buffalo, also a sister, Mrs, Flynn, have been visiting thexr mother and brothers of this - place, returning on Thursday. Miss Homma McWilliams visitew fer cousin, Miss Myrtle Connolly, for a few days. Buyers are offering $10. a hundred for hogs this week. Mr. Sim- mons sud family, of Frankford, bave been renewing old acquaintances a- round these parts recently, New ties and heavier ones are being placed on the Canadian Northern track between Camden Fast and Yarker. Notice is out for , tenders for the rural msil route passing through Bethel street and around River Road to Camden East. ted Morven year. Maggie also: d the Stoek. ) aly satidfactory. Fahne 1 as Northern" Company, as anticipated, has simply announced the payment of ite full preterred dividends, with no ind dication. of the course of the net rev- { enue during the half-year. Civic Issue a Success. Guelph, Cnt., Aug. 11.--The experi- | ment of issuing civic debentures local- | ly has met with marked success here. Of $23,448 water works debentures of- fered for sale, with interest at 5 per cent., $8,396 have been disposed of practically at par, which is considered an exceptionally good price. It is ex- | pected that the remainder of the de | bentures will be sold at the same price, the deal being all-but closed. Financial Notes. against 30 the preceding week. Calgary may become the centre the world's newest, and one of greatest oil fields. The Connelly Frog and Switch com- pany will start the erection of its Ca- nadian plant at Port Arthur in a few day's time. The Davidson and Smith interests, will erect a large flour mill and. clean- ing elevator in Port Arthur. he municipal bond sales in Canada for July, as compiled by the Monetary Times, amounted to $1,591,924, com- pared with $2,435,726 for . June, and ¥1,967,476 for the corresponding per- iod last year, and making a total for the year of $13,013,935. The new bolt and rivet plant of the Nova Scotia. Steel and Coal Co. at New Glasgow, is now in full opera of the Failures in Canada on last week 31 { tion, and turning out finished bolts | and nuts end rivets. . powers of the one--and the pastry- making powers of the others. Every woman, who brings "BEAVER" Flour into her home, makes the right start towards better Bread and Pastry. na DEALERS Write us for prices on Feed, Coarse Grain and Cereals. THE T. BH. TAYLOR CO. LIMITED, TART T™AT WHAT FIME WE QUIT Going AnD START v DEPENDS ON WELL |B WE BECAUSE WE (ANT PASS fT TIL WE G&T THERE AND i WE'RE NOT THERE UNTIL Doce T KNOW WHERE WE'RE Gotti How Do we Know WE HaveNT PRTEDIT, \ well THEN, WE JRE THERE ALL READY 90 -- = CoVTRIGHT IW 5 commana a Smeg)