Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Aug 1913, p. 2

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AUGUST 13, 1913. THE BEST YET THE DAILY LRITISH 'WHIG, WEDNESDAY, WHAT WILL CITY DO) WITH REGARD 70 § PO STREET WAT. ERING NEXT YEAR? Rev. John and Mrs. Fairlie, | Brock street, for a couple of weeks. i | Miss Richmond came wp -irom Bost 0 | w ick Island, on Tuesday, for a day ar two. Feilight fh" rh ob e'°bB A Mrs. A. hostess at E fromfrapeer fears, YMEKAY 'FURS PEG ATENED MENS FUR-LINED COATS Specially selected cloth only 1s used in this work; lined with best quality appro- priate furs. We carry a stock of these on hand, also Beaver, Persian lamb. coon, ete. Or will make to your order. w JOHN McKAY THE FUR HOUSE 149-157 Brock St. ge Sale Prices - Mean mueh 'o the buyer--to us it means reduction of stock and 'ready cash for mew autumn goods-- the advantage is mutual. Wise buyers are saving money. ting A After spending a three weeks' tion, two weeks in Nimgstom, land one week 4a Portland, Me., Miss JLauga. Crawley, of Aylmet avenue, [has arrived home. | vaca- Unt., A Expires Automo- The Contract. Vor Watering This Year--Will It Use bile Trucks or Oil the Roadways? IZ. McFadden, whose jcontract expires at the end of this Ken fs ear, has served the citv for twenty and been under sight eng i- present his a day for for a sin on this i jirocss, a Sir Gilbert Parker, M.P., has sailed a ceufatiu cance on HOR: irom . Liv erpool for Quebec day evening, in honor of Miss Corelli | and Mr. Dudley Corelli, of Winnipeg. {Empress of Ireland. . The large rooms were cleared for dance Nisa A. Dav idson and Mrs. ing and the programme of sixteen |0€CY are leaving to-day for dances was very much .enjoyed by [to spend two weeks with Mr. those present. The guests included | Mrs. H. A. Chamberlain. Mr. and Mrs. Robey, Miss May Ro-| Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Asselstine, gers, Miss Helem Uglow, Miss Ruth | fred street, have returned from Martin, Miss Sylvia Cochrane, Miss 'motoring trip to Ottawa, and ris [we as taken five years ago . McNulty, Miss Veta Minnes, Miss back with them Mr. and Mrs. E. J.} Whether the city will introduce au- Hazel Browner~ Miss FEdith Hubbell | Davis, Winnipeg. tomobile trucks next year for street (Ottawa), Mr. E. €. Gildersleeve, Mr. | Miss Hazel Abernethy, watering has yet to be decided. Mayor W. Kent Macnee, Mr. Arnott Minnes, (has gome down to Tremont Rigney may suggest it to the Cit Mr. Keeler, Mr. Smail, Mr. Frank [spend some time with Miss Council. Smythe, Mr. Ayerst MacGowan and | Wormwith, The city the guests of honor. oil on the streets on a larger » - - than the experiment of three years A proper oil sprinkler is re- It is also necessary thatithe dust on the roadwavs should be swept away before the surface oil- ed. There is a right way of oiling a road and a wrong' way. Oil will keep down the dust on a clean-swept road. . Nothing has yet been done about oiling King street west, from Barrie street. A petition was sent ont for the signatures of property owners and residents but has not yet been re- turned, so at the city engineer's office it is supposed that the residents are not very eager about having that dusty roadway oiled. by the street watering | New reign stationery, the tints boxes, with clear cut photos of King and Queen, parquet bound, in dainty A. note paper and envelopes. High class black Ottawa | $iX Vears, and | neers. AL, {for $3.50 {25 a day a losing money a team and $2 and eolor lined English stationery. The Tudor eash receipt book containing horse contract, 18 . . 1 . ak which 100 forms, bridge pads, bill holders, ealling cards, and all that can be found = goods too numerous to mention. Our aim is to in a first class stationery, of Alired street, please the publie by supplying the best articles at the most reasonable prices. Park to . Kingston Mildred tal | 0 ry, plan engineer would like - - Master Wilfrid Fisher, who is spend- the Gananoque | ing the summer with Miss Millie Fer- of | ris, Stuart street, went up to Picton, }. | yesterday, to stay a week. Jes-| Mr. and Mrs. Francis King, Miss | street, arrived home,-on Monday, from Me- la weeks' trip England, and Ken- | went to their summer home, on Wolle on Tuesday. ago. At the dance at ' quired. Yacht Club there were a number Kingston people, including Mrs. W. Mudie, Miss Grace Martin, Miss sica Reid, Miss Eleanor Phelan, Marjorie Campbell, Mr. Sidney Cann, Mr. Wattie Macnee, Mr. neth Mundell, Mr. Walter Campion andt | Island, 3 Mr. Ayerst MacGowan. I Mrs. John Fairlie, omy {went to L'Original, Miss O'Brien. Mrs. James Craig returned from Oi- tawa, on Monday, where she was vis iting Mrs. E. J. Adams. Lieut.-Col. and Mre. Strange and Miss Mary Strange, Sydenham stieet, left, on Monday, for a trip up the lakes. Miss Nina Kinghorn left, on Mon- day, for I'renton, en route to Salmon Lake, after spending the week-end with friends in Kingston. Miss Madge Taylor seturned, to-day, from Toronto, after spending a couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs Hugh Taylor. COLLEGE BOOK STORE 160-162 PRINCESS ST. is Alice or PHONE 919. Bix to street, to visit Brock to-day, Mrs. J. M. Campbell, Miss Helen Campbell, Miss Marjorie Campbell, Miss Eleanor Phelan, Miss Flora Recs (Gananoque) , Mr. Sherman Hill, Mr. lesslie Smith, Mr. Albin Phelan and Mr. Herbert Steacy, who have been camping for the past week at Pitts: | ferry, have returned home, i - ww. rr -------- Comfort uaranteed WRIST WATCHES In great variety. Gold, and silver and gun-metal on leather straps, or attached to expand- Ing bracelets of guara durability. All our watches are made for the wrist a4, give no trouble. Picwic at Piceadilly, A successful picnic was held at Piccadilly, near Godfrey, on Tuesday evening. Vocal and instrumental music was greatly enjoyed by the goodly number present. The pleas- ing and effective solos by the Rev. A. Acton of Harrowsmith was much enjoyed. A neat sum was realized towards the general funds of the Presbyterian church, of which Mr Murray is student in charge. Mrs. R. J. Gardiner, entertained informally at day afternoon. * lagot, street, tea on Tues- * * * Miss Minnie Cothers, FEarl street, was ho#tess at a small tea on Monday of this week, | - - . 5 » Mrs. Frederick Dirkett and little Misg Vera Birkett arrived in town, to-day, from Muskota, and are with Mi Charles Taylor, King street. Mr. and Mrs. Allison Manning leit, on Sunday, for Concord, to visit Mr. Heber Jones, after spending several For Clayton every Tuesday, Wed- weeks 'at Rockford, and later will re- | nesday, Friday and Saturday, at 6 p.J turn to their home ip Winnipeg. m. Mrs, Victor Rivers, of Ottawn, For Ottawa every Monday, Wed- spending the summer on the St. Law-|nesday, Thursday and Saturday, at rence, near Brockville, and Mrs. Grant |6 a.m Macdonald, of Toronto, is her guest. Jones Falls and return every Wed- Mrs. and Miss Ingersoll, St. Mary's, [nesday, 6 a.m, Fare, 60 cents. Ont., are the guests of Mrs, Oliver J. P. Hanley ticket agent. Chown, 162 University avenue. ------------ Mrs. Frank E. Pegler, nee Keeping the "Black Fast." Marshall, of Calgary, Alta, Monday night began the "black guest of Miss kvelyn Crawford, fast," which the Hebrews all over the world keep, and which continued until sion street, (Continued on page 3.) {sundown on Tuesday evening. During iy a this fast the Hebrews were forbidden IN MARINE CIRCLES. . ito partake of any food or drink, and * were not permitted to break this fast Movements of Vessels Reported | yntil last evening. Along the Water Front, B. Merrill Richardson's Dean Starr Monday in Gana- | nogue. #3 Grace Martin returned to town, Tuesday, after spending a week Mrs. W. B. Mudie, "Kitsyme- Gananoque. Charles Edwarde returned Tuesday last. Miss Daisey Morden returned to Ot tawa, after spending a month with Mrs. James Gowdy, Sydenham street. Mrs. Frederick Betts and her son, of London, Ont., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Walkem, Centre street, for a week, on their way to Little Metis, to spend some time. Mrs. Charles Bate, Ottawa, and Miss Marjorie Gamsby went to "Gar rett's Rest," on the Rideau river, day. spent When you wear one of the chic styles in Ladies' White Waists that we are now sell- ing. A real beauty in either Tailored or Embroidery styles at on | with oo nie, Mrs, Montreal on at Rideau Lakes Nav. Company. They are selling very fast. SMITH BROS. Jewelers & Upticiang, Isswers of Marriage Licenses 98c. || |= Other lines cheaper and dearer. All the wanted sizes in stock. W.F. Gourdier i ' LAL i Rugs---All the leading makes In Europe and America. Cartains--Great range from Eng- land, Switzerland and Germany. Phone 90. Yours, Beatrice thé Divi is to- Mies Laddie McKay returned to her home in Renfrew, on Tuesday, after a delightful visit with Mrs. J. G. El liott, Barrie street, Mr. Frank Ryan, of Newburgh, was a visitor in town for a couple of days last week Mr. Arthur Mingy returned to Mont real, on Monday, after spending the week-end in town. Miss Jessie Taylor, is the guest of rs. Johnson street. Mr. Austin Gillies returned, early in the week, to Gillies' Depot, after spending a few days in town. Miss Ruth Henderson came up from Thousand Island Park, on Monday, for the day. or Mrs. W. T. Minnes and her family, "Hillcroft," are at their summer cot- | i --- ee ------------- | Earth For Filling In. Citizens can have earth for filling in purposes at Victoria school, Union street. No charges, except for cartage. "Red Rowe taleum." Gibson's, i Miss Muriel Williams slipped off a: chair, while going from the upper deck to the lower deck of a house boat, at Alexandria Bay, falling head- long into the river, with "Walton Hay a. two-year-old lad in her arms. They were rescued. "Fresh Huylex's." schooner Julia is feldspar at The loading wharf. A United States lake survey steam- er, which has been working around Cape Vincent, came into port on Tues day night, and went out again on Wednesday morning. The schooner Acacia, from Charlotte, is unloading coal at Crawford's wharf. The schooner St. Louis arrived from Charlotte, with coal for the Montreal Transportation company. M.T. Co's elevator: Tug Emerson, from Montreal, one light barge, clear- of Port Hope, Henry Wade, New Goods Arriving daily, and will Be of interest to seekers after new (iibson's. We have medicine cabinets, White enamelled with inside glass shelves, $5. We have bath mirrors, all sizes, oak frames. We have Turkish towels, all sizes, White and unbleached. Wa ave bath mata, all sizes. FOR SALE $4100, University avenue, de- tached brick, 9 rooms, fur- nace, electric light. $3700, Albert street, new brick, 7 rooms and attic, hot water furnace, hard wood floors, 'electric light. $3000, Johnson street, cem- ent brick, new, 7 rooms, fur- nace, B. and C., electric light. $2700, Barl street, rooms, B. and C,, light, $4000, Princess street, brick, 12 rooms, furnace, gas and electric light, stable. $2000, Albert street, frame, 7 rooms, brick, 7 electric . and C, lot 34 x | McCANN NEAR WELLINGTON ST. Phone 326 or 621. | | p-- ed for Montreal with two grain-laden barges; tug Bartlett, from Welland ca- nal, with the barges Melrose and Win- nipeg, grain laden; tug Bartlett clear- led for Montreal, with two grain barges; steamer Fairmount, from Fort William, is discharging a cargo of wheat and flax. At Swift's wharf : passed down and up on Wednesday; steamer Caspian was down and up; steamer Rideau Queen cleared for Ot tawa. tage on the lake shore for the rest of the season. Mrs. Guy Gamsby, went to Rochester, N.Y visit her brother, Mr. couple of weeks. Mrs. John Fairlie, of Montreal, re- turned to Gananoque, yesterday, after Hales' Cottages, ., Sto-day, Essom, for to a Steamer Torontd MEMBER OF CREW MISSING. THE EASE AND | And R. and O. N. Company Is Mak- i ing Enquiries. COMFORT {| The R. & 0. N. company is making - enquiries about the sudden disappear: "with which an eye-glass rides |ance of another negro, a 'member of the more depends on its ad Jf the crew of the steamer Kingston. justment rather than on the It will be remembered that the steam- kind of frame. There 1s a er's baker met death oh Sunday 'knack in bending and adjust- | morning by being drowned near the ing frames to fit a nose that is ff} wharf at Prescott. When it was dis- only mastered by one of practi- Ji} covered that this man was drowned cal experience in this construc- J'two members of the crew were left in tion. We make each pair of J I'rescott to look after the remains frames fit each individual nose when found. When the remains were and our lenses are the best § located on Sunday afternoon it was quality that can be had. !discovered | that another negro was nN | missing. A search was made which WE NE IR ou | resulted in the finding of a hat ly- {ing on the wharf, which is supposed J. §. Asselstine D. 0. §. {to be the property of the missing man. Registered Optometrist & Optician $42 King St. "Phone 1019 Optical Work Exclusively Broke His. Parole. The theit of a wheel from the cor- ner of Sparks and Elgin streets, Otta- wa, about tem days ago, broke his parole and will send James Whitty, a ticket-oi-leave man from the peni- tentiary, back to finish his sentence. Magistrate Askwith sentenced Whithy to six months in jail to run concur- rently with the rest of his old sen- tence. Whitty was sentenced by Judge MacTavish, -on February 16th, 1912, to two and a half years in the "pen" for shopbreaking and then stealing $130. He was liberated on May-.10th, this year. As this was only about half of his sentence he will. now go back and put in the remaining fifteen months to serve, Comes, to Kingston, W. W. Avery, deputy collector at Alexandria Bay, N.Y., has been ap- pointed customs inspector at King- ston on the R. and O. line between Prescot and Kingston. He takes the steamer at Kingston in the morning 'J| and returns the same way each even- ing. He examines the baggage to be put off on the American side. 'REPAIRS Has your' electric bell been constantly gi you trouble through faulty . dee fective repairs, eto.? If so, phone us and our trouble ma will repair it per- manently at a very slight cost. We install new bell systems at very reasonable rates. Notice. Just received, 50 dozn latest styles in men's white ties, at J. P. Forrest's, King street. "Nodak films." Gibson' Hon. George Hall has purchased the {Averell property, Opdamsbary. It is ru- 'mored that this will be the location of a new summer hotel. Kingston's Famous Fur Store. Our Wonder Millinery Sale sssassnies The Sensation of NEWMAN THE ALWAYS ideas in Ladies' Wearables. & SHAW BUSY STORE 18-80 Brock St. Real Estate ------------ N-------------------- BELLEVILLE SEEKING A GAME WITH A KINGSTON BASE- BALL TEAM. Three Kingston Bowling Teams to Play in Brockyille Friday--Tor- onto Pitcher Established a World's Record. EY The president of the City baseball leagun received a. letter from Manager Matheson, of the Grand Trunk team, of Belleville, asking to have an exhib- itinn game with one of the city lea- gue teams on the 16th of August. The challenge will have to be refused, how- ever, as Victorias have a game with The Hour |} And it would be indeed "a wonder" if it were otherwise, The opportunity to purchase a beautiful. up-to-date pattern |p hat trimmed in the most ap- proved style with fancy mounts or feathers, for less than half the price of thre bare shape doesn't offien occur. Think of | it! TRIMMED HATS Regular $10 to $15 values, ) TRIMMED HATS Worth $4 for ONE DOLLAR | TRIMMED HATS { Regular price $6 . FOR $2.00 We are clearing out our regular Two Dollar Swiss lawn Blouses for $1.00 GECAGE MILLS & CO. 126-128 Princess Street "Bhie Jay corn Plager. ** Gibson's. ¥ ~ po Bay | { With the Bowlers, ! The three bowling teams which have the Governeur team on that date. there is a possibility of Belleville play mg a game here sometime in the near future. It is a first class team. been selected to local club at Brockville town on Friday. Une of the in the local represent the will leave for most interesting bowling © series played at the Queen's bowling green on Tuesday evening when the rink skipped by W'W. A. Murcotte's rink by a score 13 to 12. An extra end had to be played to de clare the winner. The rinks were' -- J. Scott, A. Mcintosh, A. B. Wil- liams, A. Turcotte, skip--12. H. D. Bibby, H. Braithwaite, H. Newman, W. H. Campbell, skip--13. games was Ww. Established World's Record. Hearne the pitcher for Toronto base- ball team, established the world's re cord for the number of scoreless in- nings in Jersey City. The game had to be called on aecount of darkness after the two teams had struggled for three hours and 20 minutes without a score . Hearne allowed but seven scat- tered hits. Jersey City used two pit- chers, "Blue Jay corn plasters." Gibson's. The charge against R. H. Service, for selling bottles from his hotel, the Island View House, Rockport, was dis migsed for want of evidence. King's Quality flour, best for bread | or pastry. » Just Received A Good Consignment of Good Drain Tile a S. Anglin & Co. A stone dwelling and two {good building lots, King St., near Portsmouth, for | $750 |E. W. MULLEN | Cor. Division & Johnson Sts. Phone 339 and 1456 | The Lumber Merchants. Cor. Bay & Wellington Streets. that, Campbell won from. Buy the best binder twine made; the long smooth kind; the biue label -~--650 ft. long. 550 ft. for 12¢ per 1b. 600 ft. for 12 1-2¢. per 1b. 650 ft. for 13e. per Ib. We recommend the 650 ft. to the Ib. the best and cheapest in the coua- try. MeCormick and Deering repairs. The only place in town to buy good twine. \ W.A. MITCHELL HARDWARE PAA (97 YN 1 SWEETER, To Do Your Laundering Don't take our word for it~ just put us to the test--then ! | words won't be necessary. KINGSTON LAUNDRY Cor. Princess & Sydenham Sts. 'Phone 22, emma

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