THE DAILY Baris WHIG SATURDAY, AUGUST FIRE PLACE DAMPER Makes your fire place an inexpensive necessity in- stead of a luxurious expense. The New "Covert Damper" throws the heat into the room and the smoke up the into the old fire chimney instead of throwing the smoke room and the heat up the chimney as the places do. r Economical and Inexpensive Can be built into any fire place burning either coal or wood, If you are building a fire place in your new house, don't fail to put in a "Covert Damper." Wey. cy them in stock. -- Builders' Supply Department - | THE pve REALTIES 0. Jos. N. Robinson, Manager. RiGee as: 201. 167 Wellington St. A Question of Spex De your eyes tire easily? & If so, You need Glasses. De your eyes burn? If so, You need Qlasses. Does the type become blurred in reading? ||| Regular Supper 5.30 to If so, You need Glasses. "edad. Do you suffer from frontal headache? if so, Glasses will Help You. De you know if you have perfect eyesight! 1 not, we can Inform You, IT WILL COST YOU NEW BOSTON CAFE Cor. King and Princess Regular Dinner, from 11.30 to 230daily - - - 26¢c 7.30 25¢ 21 Meals for $4.00 Good service and Montreal chef, WE GRIND OUR LENSES KEELEY, Jr. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN, 8 doors above Opera House Call 291. FINKLE & COMPANY 120 Clarence Street. Motor cars and hacks for all trains and boats. Special at- tention for weddings and fuun- erals. Sight seeing car for Catar- aqui 1.30 p.m. FINKLES COMPANY JENKINS SUMMER - SALE STARTS "he | MORROW GREAT SALE OF | FURNITURE i JULY & AUGUST Camp cots, mattress and pads camp stool, camp chair and table; sanitary couch ped, bed lounges and -- ALL G00DS REDUCED E. P. JENKINS Davenport bed; motor boat chair, verandah chair and couch; iron bed from $2.50 to $25.00. WEDDING AT ROCKFIELD, Rev. Alexander , Fokes, Brome, Quebec, Takes Bride. Rockfield, Aug. 15.-The residence of R. A. Foley, Rockfield, was the scene of a pretty wedding, Thursday ev: ening, Aug. 14th, when the marriage was solemnized of Miss Fduna Mabee, (Continued fre oli only daughter of Mr. and 'Mrs. R. A. Amos Fh eee 2) found Foley, to Alexander Fokes, B.A., B.D., their way to the Yacht Club on | Ve Brame, ude. he Sobat Wednesday afternoon for a game Of [of siete friend or wh e Prestnce bridge and a cup of tea, were notie- |: ax YS a : au Felatives oY West ed Mrs. H. J. Dawson, Mrs. RE. |: WY. duel, a Jormer pastor of West Kent, Mrs. Jeremy Taylor, Mrs, | Brome, assisted by Rev. Mr. Wig: Herbert Robinson, Mrs, Bernard | *1°"% ol Batu iss Mary Avery Browne, Mrs. Henry Wade, Migs |Dresided at 1 e piano, playing Men: | Sanderson, (Toronto), Mrs. E. H. delssohn's wedding march as the bri: Pense, Mrs. ay W ; dal party entered the drawing room. | Penge, Mrs. Halloway radael. Mrs The bridesmaid was Miss Pauline C. Carter, Mrs. J. M. Campbell, Mre. |0' Keefe, of : Prescott, cousin of the R. Waldron, Mrs. S. Huebner, Mrs, |Kroom. ' Fllis Foley, brother of; the W. St. Pierre Hughes, Mrs. H. 1. | bride, attended the groom. The Ashby, Mrs. D. Phelan. Mrs. Phillip |bride's gown was of white mouseline Prideaux, Mrs. Arthur Craig. Miss Silk trimmed with soutache braid: Mowat, Mise Martha Smith, Miss Lily The bridal veil was silk net, caught Fraser, Miss Lillian Taylor (Ot-|in orange blossoms. Her travelling tawa), Miss Mabel Dalton, Miss | costume , was a suit of navy whip- Amy McGill (St. Anne de Bellevue), cord. The bridesmaid wore a pink Miss Jessie Taylor, - (Toronto), Mies Silk gown a la mode Parisienne, with Bessie Sanderson (Toronto), Miss bead trimming. The bride carried a Edith Hubbell (Ottawa), and Miss |bouquet of white roses, the brides: Jean Craig. {maid pink carnations. . . After the ceremony the guests re tired to.the dining hall for a verita- ble royal feast. The decorations were beautiful, the whole house heing a perfect fairyland hower. After sup per Fgbert' .Herbison took the wed- ding party to Kingston in his auto. Leaving Kingston the happy couple took the boat for Toronto and Nia- ghra, returming fo their home in West Brome by the lake and river route. The presents to the bride were many and beautiful, including several sub- stantial cheques. The groom's gift to the bridesmaid was a gold ring Mexers, W. A. Grange and family, 'set with opal 'birthstones, to the Dr. and Mrs. Milsap, Napanee; Mr. and groomsman a gold stick pin set rs. George C. Wright, Kingston, and with pearls Mr. MacWilliams, Detroit, Mich., have The aut-of-town guests were : Mrs left for a two weeks' trip to Quebec. |B J Fokes, of West Brome; Miss Pau Mrs. Sidney Warner, Mrs. Eakins, line 0'Keefe, of Prescott: Richard Mrs. Lang and J Harvey Warne Waggoner of Fvansville, Ind., and have returned to Napanee from Glen Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Fokes, of Strat Miss Ruth Gordon, Napanee, is the ford. ' i guest of her cousin, Miss Ida Kilpat- ® Be a once a former pas Fitk.' Livingstone avenue. tor on the Escott eircuit, where his Miss Louisa Walsh and Mrs. GG. Sams work was most successful. The bride, field, Kingston, are visiting Mrs. J. ® graduate' of Whitby Dadies- * Col- H. Kilpatrick and Mrs. James Gor lege in art and music, has alwava don, Napanee. been here. Her ready willingness to - help in everyigood work made her a mainstay in the community. Told In | Twilight - Bristmn - » - Mrs. Henry Wade, Johnson street, was at home at the tea hour on Thursday afternoon when a number of her friends had an opportunity of meeting her visitor, Miss Jessie Taylor, of Toronto. Mrs. R. Uglow, Mrs. R. S. Waldron and Miss M. Spangenburg were in charge of the tea table, which was prettily centred with white arters. The girls assist- ing were Miss Edith Fraser, Miss Bessie Robertson, Miss Dora Old- rieve, Miss Vera Carson and Miss Helen Uglow. - . Miss Jessie Rolling returned to Pe terboro this week, after spending some time in_ Kingston with her aunt, Mrs. J. 8. R. McCann, and her cousin, Mrs. Austin Gillies. WEDDED IN ST. GRORGE'S. : Pe The Hermon-Cairne Nuptials on Fri. of West 16, 191% Generally fair and decidedly warm on Sunday with scattered thunder storms. to $6. is the last call. FINAL CLEAN-UP HALF PRICE Right now is the harvest time for bargain-wise people. Remember this ONE LAST WIND-UP 10 OUR BiG SMASH IN PRICES PRICES TELL THE TALE T0-NIGHT AND MONDAY ONLY Balance of our gingham, muslin, chambray dresses, lustre and Panama skirts, muslin kimonas, and print shirt waist dresses worth from $2 to $8.50. FINAL CLEAN-UP. PRICE Siena OBE. Balance of lawn, linen and Indian head skirts.. Regular $1.50 to $4. FINAL CLEAN-UP PRICE ... ... ... 49c. Children's embroidered dresses, sized from 2 years to 12. Regular $2.50 day Evening. In St. George's cathedral, on Friday Me | evening, Dean (i. I. Starr united in marriage Miss May Isabel, the second daughter of the lute William Cairns, is home after visiting at Mr. and Mrs. {and William A. Hermon, of Pitts W. F. Nickle's summer home, "The burgh, Pa. The bride was given aw "Sheilong," for several days. by her uncle, Samuel Woods, of this Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Nickle are home, !city. The bridesmaid was Miss Essie after a delightful trip "to Rochester | Gordon, of Kingston, and the groom and Niagara Falls. was assisted by Norman Cairns, of Mrs. dames Reid and her baby are this city, brother of the bride. coming down from Englehart, iy, Sep-| The bride was becomingly attired iy tember, to visit Mr. and Mrs. Tho- | white messlen satin, trimmed with se mas Bowie, Earl street. | quing and. pearls. She wore the bridal Professor Iva Martin spent a ga caught up with orange blossoms, Little Miss Elda Robertson has gone to her home in Tweed, after being | with her grandmother, Mrs. R. J. Dowall, Wellington street. Miss Aileen Folger, Sydenham street, days in Picton this week. and carried a boquet of Killarney ae, : : j roses and lily of the valley. Her tra- Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Marvin, of velling suit was of navy blue Bed: Syracuse, are the guests of Mrs. Wil- ford, with picture hat. The gown of liam Skinner, Gore street. | the bridesmaid was embroidered mull, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Fortt left, yes-' and she carried a bouquet of Killar terday, for Montreal, and are sailing ney roses. from there, to-day, for England. Following the wedding ceremony a Mise Elda McDowall, who has been reception was held at the home of the visiting her sister, Mrs. Robertson, at bride. 53 Ontario street, and the hap I'weed, is now in Markdale with her py couple left on the midnight train other sister, Mrs. W. L.. MeFarlane. | for Montreal, where they will take the Miss Flora Abernethy is home, after! SS. Megantic and sail for Ireland. Af spending a few days with Miss Mildred | ter three months Shere and in Scot- nt at Tremont Park. | land, Mr. and Mrs. Hermon will re Mr. Lyman Skinner is home from turn to the United States, and take Syracuse, where he has been visiting up residence in Pittshurgh, Pa. Many his sister, Mrs. Marvin. | beautiful gifte were received by the Miss Nora Martin came home from | bride, reflecting the place she and her Thousand Island - Park, to-day; where husband hold in - the esteem oi their she has been the guest of Miss Ruth friends. Henderson. McKelvey and. children, The Late William Weese. spending some tinfe in the mountain Napanee Beaver. north of Montreal, were expected to] The late William Weese was born at return 'to Kingston to-day. {Centreville over seventy yeas ugo Mias Nellie Storms, Kingston, is with During" the greater part of his life her cousin, Mise Edna Francey, Balti- he followed the occupation of farm more, Ont. i : _ 'ing but in the spring of 1912 he left Mrs. J. G. Elliott, Barrie street, is hig farm at Switzerville and came to visiting in Renfrew for a few days. | Newburgh to live. * Mrs. A. C. Johnston is thie week: | Deceased had never been very ro end With Mrs. J Sutherland, at her ust and in October, 1912 was takun cottage at Dead Man's Bay. !quite seriously ill, but rallied some what during the winter, and in the Mrs. R. J. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Jesmer and { | | i J i warm days of spring he occasionally took a walk and his many iriends | hoped that. the summer days would Johnston "ee him fully restored, but Providence deemed otherwise and he gradually leit on Tuesday to visit relatives in STeW worse until death ended his o- Chicago, St. Paul and Minneapolis. ferings, which were borne with Chris- Mrs. R: A. MecLelland accompanied Lian resignation, on Sunday, August by her daughter, Miss Jean, and Mrs, 3rd. i : Edwin McLeMand left Friday evening! During his long illness he was ten for a trip up the Saguepay, and will derly cared for by 'his wife, who, visit Dalhousie, N.B., before returning 'with their three children, are left to home. mourn the loss of a devoted husband and father. daughter,' Alberta, Pine Avenue apart- ments, Montreal, are the guests of Mrs. Prevost, Karl street. Mrs. C. J, Corrigan, street, and little Noreen and Charles, Misg Lillian Taylor returned to| One son, Andrew, diel a number of Ottawa to-day, after spending the years . His children are: Mrs. past three weeks with Mrs. Charles W. OT, of Switzerville; Briden, Taylor, King street. {also of Switzerville, and David, at Misses Edna and Alice McCartney present at his home in Newburgh. He left Thursday to spend a couple of leaves also three brothers : Robert, weeks at. Loughboro Lake, and of Tremton: Charles, of Fredericks while there will be the guests of burgh, and James, of Centreville. their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.| In politics Mr. Weese was a con William Hunchbatch. . . !servative and was a member of the Miss Madge Taylor returned on Ancient Order of United Workmen. Wednesday from Toronto, where she was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Taylor. Professor and Mrs. Morgan, "Tin tern Place," are spending the week- end with Miss Agnes Machar, Fern- cliffe. Bush Fires in Lennox Couaty. {Napanee Beaver. Hush fires have been threatening farmers' property in several places in Lennox county for the past week. {On Wednesday the town was dense with smoke. The reports came that on Wednesday the woods belonging to Edward McCabe, Hay Bay, were {arms were Richmond Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Nisbet an-| rounce the engagement of their second daughter, Jim Yapgurat, to Me, Su ' destroyed and many other ag in danger. Also from the See fogs Jo take Plate the latter | that Elias Smith's woods and farm * *. % % were burning. Faw aves are left be } > 5 (ana. {tween Napanee and Kingston, on the td Mee, Rollers Prim), Nave Grand Trunk line, but have been burp daughter, Edna Wallace, to Mr, |ed by sparks flying from engines. Ii Charles Morlock Zoellner, of Toronto. [there was a heavy wind blowing the "The marriage will take place quietly in whole countryside would be in danger. September. : It would be a good idea for . every } . person who discovers a small fire to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wilson, Brock-'tdke time and put it out during this ville, Ont., announce the engagement dry spell. of their eldest daughter, Winnifred A., " : g to Mr. Donald T. Giffin, of Maitland,| Hor bread and pastry White Rosé i place sarly .in flo sl KINGSTON"S COOLEST STORE STEACY'S KINGSTON'S COOLEST STORE \ LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. The Purchase of Land at Dorval by Col. Hughes. 14--(To the in your pa- an article from | | | | Montreal, Aug. Editor): --1 noticed per, of August 12th, Montreal, headed "Colonel Sam Hughes Fooled in Land Deal" All the statements in the article are so absolutely far from the truth that while | have not a particle of interest in the transaction, in any way, and as a rule have not the time to write to newspapers, | feel that an old and respectable paper like yours would not knowingly lend itself to such false statements are contained" in the despatch The government would certainly be very lucky if they had more white ele phants on their hands like this pro perty. The man who sold the pro serty to the government has offered to buy it-back at a fifty per eent. ad- vance, and, notwithstanding that money is pretty tight and there is a slackening up in real estate around Montreal, [ believe that if the govern- ment decided to sell the property twenty-four hours would not eldpse before they could get an offer of at least sixty per ®ent. over what the land originally ost them | I think instead of Col. Hughes be- | ing fooled, the boot is on the. other foot, and it 1s the "Witness and Tele graph" who have been the victims of this canard. They state that this pro- perty was bought for a rifle range, | feel convinced if the Witness would turn back to its old fyles of last year ty was bought for a barracks, for a unit of the permanent force, which | has been badlysmeeded for training | purposes in Montreal for years past Certainly this so-called scandal is not! going to injure Col. Hughes, as the! statements, contained in the article! you have published, to any person! that knows conditions around Mon- | treal in real estate, would stamp the | dispatchsabsurd. As a matter of fact | | hardly know any land on the Island of Montreal at the present time that | could be bought at $1,200 per arpent, while around Dorval and Eachine, where this property is situated, prices of land is costing between $2,000 and $5,000 per arpent. If you feel that my letter is too strong or too much in favor of Col Hughes you ave perfectly at liberty to modify it as you think best. [t does not seem fair, however, that false statements of this kind should go unchallenged, and published as bona fide news by an honorable pa- per--Yours truly, S. W. EWING. A pretty wedding took place in St Mary's church, Portage La Prairie, Man., when Murnie (leveland Me- Farland, of Napanee, Ont, and Mar garet FE." McIntyre, of Oakville, 'were united in marriage. Roots Barks Herbs That havé great medicinal power, are raised to their highest efficiency, for purifying and enriching the blood, as they are combined in Hood's Sarsa- parilla. = 40.366 testimonials received by actus! count In two years. Be sure to take Hood's Sarsaparilla Get it today. Sold by all druggists 1 | FOR PRESERVING TIME Fruit and Gem Jars of every size. Ise the Gem or Perfect Seal for perfect satis- faction. Jelly tumblers and honey glasses, every style and shape. ROBERTSON'S, LIMITED CROCKERY AND GLASS they would find out that the proper- everywhere. 100 Doses One Dollar. on of Kingston Homes, Churches, Factories, Stores, Our specialty Beautiful Electric and Gas Fixtures. ~~ HW, NEWMAN ELECTRIC CO. 79 Princess St. -- aA MESSAGE FOR YOU Buy your shoes here--quality considered, we beat the city. Men's high grade goodyear welts from $3.50 to £5.50. Other grades, solid leather, from $1.25 to $3.50, ER 70 BROCK ST. THE PRACTICAL SHOE-M Il