A personal financial independencs is strong. The act of depositing money in an Interest Account in this bank gets to be a habit as time passes, and by | pursuing the habit financial strength which is impor- | tant is acquired. Account. Oapital and Reserve Fund INCORPORATED 1858. HE ANK or TORONT teettrerennnns. $11,000,000 Market Square, Kingston. George B. McKay HOWARD 8S. TTT---- FOLGER INVESTMENT BROKER FSeTT THIGH GRADE BONDS AND STOOKS Mh. ne INSURANCE REAL ESTATE MONEY TO LOAN An attractive list of residential, business and farm properties at present for sale at right prices. Agent for C.P.R. Farm Lands in Manitoba, Alberta and Sas- katchewan. 44 Clarence St. FOR SALE BY 56 BROCK ST, PHONE 68. A good stone house on Colborne street, hot air fur- nace, and gas. For $1600 Easy terms. : J. K. Carroll W. 6. Robinson CARTAGE STAND NO, 1. PHONE NO. 8387, Bi aj dransfers; and all KINGS of carting promptly" de- livered. Foot of Brock Street, Opposite City Bulldings, 28 ~~ Bome~-- Soap Snaps Every lady is interested in fine toilet soaps. You should see our line. Our leaders com- prise heliotrope, lilac, earna- tion, trifiora. "They are put up three cakes in a box, S8c., Hoag's Drg Store Glass We have recently opened our new "OUT GLASS ROOM" where we are showing the products of the best cutters in America. We would count it a pleas- ure to have you visit the only cut glass room in Kingston. Ig 3 'R.J.RODGER Phone 995 Auction Sale Of Building Lets. 56 BROCK STREET, and are all high, dry and level. Now is the time to open your! Next door to Bank of Commerce. These lots are situated en Macdon- chance. nell street, south of Durham stree: WILLIAM MURRAY, Auctioneer. SATURDAY, SEPT. 20th, AT 8 P.M. At the office of "Kingston Locators," | THE LAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1913. ChuuisEMENTS| ) G R AND ora HOUSE TO-NIGHT "A ROYAL PRISONER" JERRY SiDEEN EOS PLATERS Sat. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY UOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST. Happenings in the Oity and Vicinity =--What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. "Film Packs," at Gibson's. 8. E. Todd, of Kingston on Friday, Joseph Hodge, certificated piano tuner, 336 Brock street; 'phone 868. W. A. Dietrich and H. E. Beatty, of Montreal, were visiting in the city on Friday. : William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at McAuley's. Phone 564 John Johnston, of Mountain Grove, visited Mrs. W. A, (lark, 845% Princess street, on Friday, Ladies up-w-date dressmaking. Lerms moderate. Miss A. Keyes, 221 Princess street. Mrs. E. Sharpe, 118 Brock street is visiting her son, George Sharpe, and wife, at Bay City, Mich. "Hack Sponges,"" Gibson's. H. Cunningham, piano tuner, King street. Leave orders at uley's hook store. Miss Mary Campbell, Toronto, was one of the out-of-town guests for the Beecroft-Reid marriage, on Thursday. "Leath to Insects" sold at Gibson's. The flour of unexcelled blend-- "King's Quality Flour," always favorite. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Snell, and Wiss Helen Snell, of Chicagb, came to the city, on Thursday evening, to spend a few days "Chocolate Caramels," Gibson's. Don't forget the auction sale of building lots at 56 Brock street, Sat- urday, Sept. 20th, at 8 p.m. The Salvation Army band will visit Watertown, N.Y., on Sept. 27th and 25th at the dedication of the temple there, "Hack Sponges,"' Gibson's. Leo Rogers Kellar, and Miss Grayee Pearl Taylor were married Wednesday !afternoon in Watertown, N.Y., and j are visiting in Kingston. Best for bread and pastry, "King's |Quality Flour." Four drunks were lined up in the Three were | was given' a Toronto, was in Matinee "When the Harvest Days are Over" Sat. wight "The Travelling Salesman. Prices, matinee, 10 a Evening, 10, 2 Seats now THE BISTINGUISHED ENGIASH COMIDIAN LAWRENCE BROUGH AND HIS ALL-ENGLISH COMPANY INCLUDING Miss Olga Esme IN SIR FRANCIS LURNAND'S FARCER-CO ME Dy 'THE LADY OF OSTEND" THE LAUGHING SUCCESS OF THE PERIOD Prices, 25¢, 30¢, 75¢, , 81.50. Seats on Sale Saturday. 21 Me- WHY NOT BUY THE BEST? {police court on Friday. fined and the other At the Best Grocers. SOCIALISTS "100 Blauds' Iron Pills" son's. Miss. M. McKay, William street, and |THE iss C. Sargent, Frontenac street, ! have returned after spending the past 25¢, Gib Edison and phones. Columbia ' Blue Amberol' records. » Two minute records. Columbia flat records. ALLEN'S Phone 232 Come in and hear these records. lufactired by the Maple Leaf Milling oY a © |compeny. and sold by all Teading gro- grapha- 113 Brock St. | Who they are and what they stand for. by JOHN SPARGO, Over three million copies sold. Published in ten languages. Oc a copy At Uglow's, or MeAuley's. month at London, Ont. t Buy "King's Quality Flour," mwmn- cers. Its quality is alwavs excellent. "Chocolate Caramels," Gibson's. Hartley Robinson, a former King- stonjan, has been appointed business mapager of a new monthly magazine to be called the Canadian Motorist, | and to begin publication in January. "Syrup of Figs," 25¢, Gibson's. There will be a meeting of the execu- tive committee of the Infercollegiate ugby Union at Kingston, on Satur | day, when the referees will be asked to attend for a discussion of the rules, ete. = o mediate possession, apply to "Fly Poison Pads," Gibson's. Stedey Reaer. A case of non-payment of wages 3 15 hands, weighing between twenty-two and three hund- red, city broken; 1 gingle and 1 double set harness (new); 1 delivery waggon (new); 1 sleigh. For im- Professor of Music - has resum~d teaching at 154 JOHNSON STREET "Phone 813:%_ PIANO, VOCAL AND ORGAN JAMES SMALL "% against the captain of a steame in,! port was to have been heard in the - . - - FOR BREAKFAST " CHIVERS' PURE ENGLISH case Feached court. GAZETTED FULL COLONELS Students Attention! You'll ] pressing done this term. Send us a suit for 'a trial. NEW METHOD 'Phone 214. , Telgmann i 5 El X 216 Frontenac St. Fall Term Now Open. cal principles employed in the law courses: tions in the theory of music, street. . : ° need cleaning and Ask your friends about us. 149 Sydenham, mear Princess. ments, . Bo Xonts prepared for examin School of Music! ocution and Dramatic Art The best .modern sclentiffe meth-, close of the evening refreshments were ods, based. npon phycho-physiologi- served. ; c fol-| . olce, piano, violin, mandolin and!" Copenhagen, Sept. 19.--Premier Zah- all stringed and orchestral instru- je a-' establishes Terms, booklets, "etc., on request. Cars to corner Princess and Alfred Jeweller, '847 KING STREET. Where the clock is on the walk Shoes = ~ Shoes Shoes FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY Our motto is, small profirs and quick réturns. Call in and examine our stock of men's, women's and children's shoes. and be convinced. H.B.W 838 KING Phone 1873 * \' » . Affects Two' Officers of the Head- quarters Staff. Cttawa,® Sept. 19. --Two well-known officers of the headquarters staff of the militia have been gazetted full col- | onels. They are Lieut.-Col. "G. C. Jones, director-general of medical ser- vices, and Lieut.-Col. .J. L, Biggar, di- rector of supplies and transport. Both officers have been temporary colonels, and now are granted substantive rank. A China' Shower. On Thursday evening a surprise was sprung on Mrs. W. J. Paul, Clergy street West, when the Victorias Guild of "Cooke's church, tendered her al china shower. The guests arrived ear- | ly in the evening. The event arose ov- er the fact that Mi' and Mrs. Paul will be: twenty vears married on thy 20th of September, and the young lad- irs took this opportunity to show their appreciation for Mre. Paul's sor vices among them. An enjovable ev ening was spent in games and music, and everyone present, heartily wished Mr. and Mrs. Paul many more years of happiness.' Rev. J. W. Mclntosh ad | | dressed the gathering, and at the police court on Friday morning, but ORANGE MARMALADE a settlement was made before the . 1 1b. tumblers, 20 cents. Also in 7 Ih. tins. Chivers' f:m and Marnialade packages make excellent jelly L glasses when empty. ------------------ : Many thrifty housekeepers wha Vote' As Husbands. neglected putting up strawberries this year are buying CHIVERS PURE ENGLISH JAMS by the doz Why don't you. Your grocer will be pleased to quote you the doz Also put in 6 Ib, tins. introduced a constitutional reform Ibill in parliament yesterday. The bill TUESDAY, SEPT. 23 | ------------ -------- Bit, CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion lc a word. Each con- secutive insertion thereafter, balr cent a 'werd. Minimum charge for one insertion, 25¢; three Insertions. 50c; six, $1; one month, $2. HELP WANTED. FOR WORKROOMS, C. Polson and Co GIRL, APPLY N NIGHT PORTER Apply at Hotel Frontenac. GIRLS FOR FINISHING UNDERWEAR Apply Kingstan Hosiery ( APPLY Nicolle, SERVANT, John GOOD GENERAL in the evening. Mrs 41 Union street IMMEDIATELY, A COOK, GENERAL, . Ap- good pay, references required ply 157 Alfred street A YOUNG GIRL BY END OF MONTWU to assist with housework and car of two childrén. Reply Box X.Y.Z Whig office, | WANTED--LADY REPRESENTATIVE in every town: pleasant work; two dollars per day salary. Mrs. Dav- idson, Brantford. | § | HE PEOPLE'S FORUM ----_---- NE Lr EE LOST. IRNOON, h pearls ake office A GOLD and opal: Reward if brooc valued returned L( is ENGLISH RAINCOATS -- GO TO Frank Cooke, 39 Clarence street, GENUINE VICTOR VC! with your choice twelve #el for $25.40, at D. J, Dawson's Princess street. THURSDAY EVENING, PEARL CROSS with. monogram on back, ""B. M : betwee King Edward Prince St, and Clergy return to Whig office reward LA tions : ELL 8 St : A FINE LOT OF WALNUT AND OAK sideboards, the best we have ewer had, at a reasonable price, mut Turk's. 'Phone 701 FOUND. A DARK BROWN white hind feet Owner car to Kingston MARE and white same by -applyir oundry WITH A SOLID BRICK HOUSE, SIX RB rooms, all modern, electric lignt and gas, down town location; pos- sesalon 1st October. Apply to x 159 Whig office 8 SITUATIONS VACANT. i ' $150.00 FOR SIXTY DAYS TO ANY thoughtful man or woman for help- ing us circulate Bible literature. The Bibie House, Department C., Brantford. ONCE, ON EASY TERMS, A SOLID six roomed brick house, amd barn, with eight acres of land land 'ore chard, near the corner of Concess sion and Division streets, Kings ston Apply to J. D. Boyd, 66 WANTED--GRNERAL. : Pine street, city STUDENT DESIRES COMFORTARLE room with fire ace; board also, referred 'Student," care Whig. MOTOR BOAT, LENGTH, 33% ¥ '. width, 6 feet 8 inches; engine, fife teen horse power; speed ten miles; Jritish fully equipped for family or char. MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, Small family, good wages; Apply between 7 and 8 pom. to Mrs, W. W Swanson, 182 University Ave. EXPERIENCED WEAVERS AND girls for our card and spinning departments; good wages paid t beginners. Apply Dominion Tex- tile Co., Cataraqui street. INTELLIGENT PERSON $100 monthly newspapers; no canvassing cate, 3,969 Lockport, N.Y. | | | ax i. | | CAPABLE OLD .COUNTRY .DOMES.- tics. Parties arriving about Sept 2nd and weekly after. Apply now The Guild, 71 Drummond Montreal, and 47 Pembroke Toronto. I HAVE A NEWLY PATENTED DE- vice, having big sales through agents. Travellers needed to make appointments, No selling. Salary and expenses weekly. F. Waterson, Brantford, <> *- MAN AND WIFE WITHOUT FAMILY to act as superintendent and ma- tron for the orphan"s home, and widows' friend soclety. Duties r commence November 1st Mak« application in writing to Mrs. A. I' Cuown, dee, 306 King street W. WE WILL PAY YOU $120.00 TO DIS. tribute religious literature in your community. Sixty days' work. Ex perience not required. Man or wo man Opportunity for premotion Spare time may be uskd Interna- tional Bible Press. 182 Spadina Ave, Toronto. DOMESTIC HELP, ALL CLASSES, from old country, supplied persons willing. to advance fares (repay able under guarantecs) Hundreds satisfied through old-established British Emigration Specialists, W W. Bell & Co, Ltd of London Bath, Oxford, Woreéster and Yeo vil, England. Reference regarding - success of scheme supplied if de sired Write Canadian Manager C, H. Woodrow, 200 Bleeker street, Toronto Beefs doodedeodediiod dod dod deodesdede droforfesfooeds * HELP WANTED, A good, strong, reliable hoy { for mailing dept. Apply | Business office, Whig. Bebe bdododedobd Bp ode BOARD AND ROOMS. FURNISHED ROOMS WITH BOARD also table board Apply 13» wel | | FURNISHED light housekeeping, Hght and cooking. ment complete. Apply fon street, Phone 1434. APARTMENTS F~ch apart. | 212 Divis. | USTEOPATHY, | HR. ROBERT G. ASHCROFT, DA. BD na #. Ashcroft, 140 ellingtor SL, opposite post office. Phone 447 | "ansnitatior and literature free. HUSINESS NOTICES. 3 writing and Copyin Fy 427 | Queen Bt. All wo strictly com- Slantial Hatea moderate . KINGSTON <HORTHA ARCHITECT among other thiggs wo- man sufirage. S The premier a:¥d that the mumicipnl 'elections in which women have taken part have shown that they vote ex- othe Just as their husbands, the only ef- an red mother fect being to increase the number 'of | | eads_by votes cast. There was no danger in od. extenc®ng the franchise to women Bad For the Whale. ~~ the floor, | St. John's, Nfld, Sept. 19.--The | Still gazing at them through the open steamship Vladimir Reitz put in here | door, |with a fourfoot hole in ber bow, | Nor wholly reassured and comforted caused by having struck a whale. The 13 promises of others in their stead, Lwhale was seen approac ing the steam- | Which though more pleasant may pot j ; er at great speed, but' it was im-| please him more; possible to alter the ship's course | © natufe deals with us and Asa Tired Mother, Longfellow | As when the day is the hand her little child to | bed, ™ 3 | Hali-willing, helf-réluctant to be led, «And leaves his broken playthings on takes one by ove, and by to prevent a collision. The . whale Avy hine isank and is believed to have heen | Our playthings 43 Scarce knowing if we wish to go or : Jail Uniom Question. stay, The special committees of counties - what we know, {Friday morning for the pirpose of The death occured Wedtrsddy even- discussing matters velating to the ling at ber home in the third conces- ARCH]. | NEWLANDS & SON, Offices, 258 Bagot St 1eris, ate "Phone 608: -- a | | | | POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER- chants' Bank DBullding, corner Brack and Wellington streets. Drop | a car ter. Can seat twenty comfortably, Sold cheap to quick buyer, Cooke, Gananoque, Ont. . IMMEDIATELY, BOARD AND LODG- ing by family of three (son, aged ten). Must be fairly central. Ap- ply to Box B,, care Whig office. FARM, 185 ACRES, 2 HOUSES AND 3 farm lots 11 and 12 in the town. ship of Kingston. Good stock. or grain farm; well watered. r sale or will rent on shares, Bate. man & Gardiner, Insurance, Real HOUSE, NOT LATER THAN SEPT 15th, must have furnace and about five or six bedrooms. Reply, stat- ing particulars, to Box 526, Whig MAY y corresponding | Send for particulars, Press Syndi { street | St. ington St, opposite post office. FOR | with gas for | Estate, Money -to Loan, 87 Clarence office. ZA street, Kingston. S CLEANED AND LAID. (Bi. cycles and baby carriages repair- 3 large number of bl. sale. George Muller | wane DETACHED DWELLING Dn shop, on Montreal street; rent $516 per annum, CHOICE BUILDING LOT ON UNION street west, 60 x 100 feet, $1300, FRAME STORE ON DIVISION street, APPLY A, F, BOND, 26 FRONTENAC St., Phone 743 ed p44 le. 8373 King St, Phone 1082. JUST ARRIVED--A FINE . ment of new sultings to choos from for your fall sult. Call and see them, Ashby the Tallor, the man that suits you. 19 Montreal ASSORT- | GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIr TO LE" Cloth and have It made up into up to-date suits, Price and wor manship guaranteed to pleas. Pressing and repairing done or the shortest potice. Thomas Gal loway, '131 Brock Street, nea Bibby"s Livery. em -------- OFFICE IN CLARENCE STREET Chambers. Apply Cunningham '& Mudie, 79 Clarence street. A BARN ON MONTREAL TREK suitable for a team; rent, moders WE WISH TO INFORM OUR Cus. ate, Reply Box 179 Whig office. tomers and friends that we ar: - now open for business after hav- ing our place renovated. We ars now open to buy new and second hand furniture. J. Thompson, 383 Princess street. Next to St. An- drew's church LARGE rooms on men, Apply HANDSOME FURNISHED King street, for gentle- 2504 King street. A NINE ROOMED HOUSE No. 124 Nelson street, improvements. Pos- session, Oct. 1st. Apply 382 Alfred street LARGE FURNISHED ROOMS A board, 162 Sydenham street, - tween Princess and Queen st! Very central location. MUSIC. ELEMENTARY PIANO LESSONS Careful teaching and attractive method, Pupils 6 to 12 years. Miss Grace Elmer, 214 Union street. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, OLEAN | alry rooms, absolutely moth own lock key. Storage, Queen 526b MARK EVERETTE WRIGHT, PIANO, volce, organ and theory. Conduc- tor of chorus. Studio, 231 Pr'n cess street and 3909 - your st's City hone DENTAL, # cet RENT, OR ON SHAR 'LARGR grain and dairy farm teman & Gardiner, Insurance, Real Estate, Money ta Loan, 67 Clarence strest, Kingston A, BE. KNAPP, B.A moved to 258 L.D.S, D.D.S, RE. incess Street. Pr DR. C. Renton, Street. CO. NASH, DENTIST ussistant, 13 "Phone 5 DR. T RH Princes LARGE BEDROOM: AND SITTING SPARKS, DENTISTS, room, with conveniences for light ton Street, (over Car. housekeeping If desired, near col- ingston. 'Phone 346. legiate Jhstit ite, Apply Box 818, nig o of i SPARKS AND 169 Wellin novsky"s, Street Teal S. H. SIMPSON, 1.D.S, D.D.S, fst cess FINANCIAL. > en PERSONAL. FRONVENAC LOAN AND IN ment Soclety: established, 1883: president, Lt.-Col, Henry R. Smith: money issued on city and properties, municipal and eoun debentures: mortgages purch deposits recelved and Interest lowed. 8. C. McGlll, Manager, Clarence Street. HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTH marks and all growths and ski * 'blemishes fFemoved ermanent!: without scar; 27 years' experience Dr. Elmer J. Lake, ge Ear, Noa Throat an. Skin pecialist, 35» Bagot Street. LIVERPOOL, LONDON, AND Fire Insurance Company, assets, $61,187,216. In ad which the policyholders ve security the unlimited [ability city property Insured at lo possible rates. Before renew old or giving new ousingps rates from Btrange & r Agents. 'Phone 335. se SPECIAL should mer CARE OF THE be taken during My treatment falling hair, Chiropody curing, shampoolhg; first class hair work one, rs Herod graduate masseuse, 159 Wellington street. Hour ) to 12 and. 2 to b, and by - appointment HAIR sum eures man] the BUSINESS CHANCES, UPHOLSTELER. . i W. J. GAVINE, UPHOLSTERING, pairing and carpet mattress renovating. a oan or call 216 Bagot Street. L NYONE ANYWHERE CAN STAR) a mail order business at home; 2 canvassing; be your own boss Bend for free booklet; tells how Heacock, 2,969, Lockport, N.Y. CHARLES H. LEEDER, ARCHITECT LEGAL. builder and contractor Office, cor Princess and Montreal streets (over King Edward Theatre), Prices cheerfully given. . All kind of hign grade architecture, drafting and esigning. Phone 1441. - CUNNINGHAM & MUDIR, ers and Solicitors, Law Clarence Street. Kingston. At Washburn's Corners. Weshburn's Corners, Sept. 16.-- John Davie has leased the Morrison farm and is moving in. School has not reopened and some of the neigh- bors are sending their children to Sheldon's Corners. Mrs. Best enter- tained a number of her friends on Friday evening. The guests of hon- or were two ladles from Scotland. 1. : " > 3 5 the hand ir The SNC wl be discharged leads us Lo rest so gently that we go Being too full of slewp to understand the unknow SC ONC a of Fromtenme ond Le > How far the unknown transcends th jdington met at the court house on {union of the two county jails. 'sion of Tyendinage of Ida Phillips, be Ar [loved wife of J. A. Latta. 4 Mrs. Port '7 atta was born on the homestead in | the year 1884, the daughter of the late | Mr. and 'Mrs. Williag: 1 hillips, Hamilton public Tikfary board . has ted a grant of $60,000 from the | city to dischatge current liabilities. ! |, "Death to' Bugs," sold at Gibson's. | was chosen by the pro-| Take the sentiment out of the world | ivimeial Anglican syndd for the mnestland vou would find iv a most undesl | meeting in September, 1916, ting place to tarry. in, John David Smith, ome of | Hope's most highly respected citizens, dropped' dead Wednesday at the resi- | dente of his hrother, Seth S. Smith, | barrister. while taking luncheon. Mr. Sith "was in his seventy-seventh Bows, Downey, Muskoka Junction, paid a fiying visit to G. Horton this week. M. Singleton arrived home last week after two years' absence in Saskatch- ewan and 'Alberta. Mrs. Braymen, Harlem. is spending a few days with Mrs. Singleton and Mrs. Suffel. Mrs. C. Trve attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Munroe Addison. "Hay ler's Satinday Sweets,' Lib Split Pea (Scranton) $4.00 per Ton. JANES SWIFT & £0.