THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG™*SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1913 PAGE ELEVEN 331 + t HE PAIN IN MY BACK 15 ALL GONE Since | Got a Box of Gin Pills CHURCH ST., CORNWALLIS, N.S. January 231d, "Abont a year ago, I was suffering so much with a dreadful Lame Back and Hips, that I could not stand up straight. 1 was informed by a friend about GIN PILLS. I got d box. It helped me immediately, I have takem about twelve boxes and the pains in my back and hips are all gous. 1 cannot speak too highl x the A ore effects of your GIN PILLS", B. C. DAVID, Linfments and lasters won't cure Back -- be- cause they never reach the part that is causing the pain, The whole trouble is withthe Kidneys and I must cure the Kidneys in order to stop the pain. GIN PILLS cure weak, sick, strained Kidneys as nothing else will, GIN PIL drive away the pain every time--or your money promptly refunded. Soc. a box, 6 for $2.50. Sample free if you write National Drug & Chemical Co, of Canada, Limited, Toronto. MANGA-TONE BLOOD AND NERVE TABLETS help pale, nervous women $0 get well. soc. abox. 199 Fhomas Copley Telephone 987 d to 19 Pine Street wher naerwe Knit-to-form--knit from the best materials-- knit to fit the varying types of men, women and children, with scientific accuracy. There is no chance work about Penmans Underwear. It must be as near perfection as A. 1. material and human ingenuity can make it, before our trademark goes on. No. 95 natural wool garment is a very Angle popular style and sure to please. Look for this trademark in red on every garment, 02 HIGHER EDUCATION EXEMPLIFIED BY SOME OF THE MOVIES. In striking contrast to the thoughtfully clean, interesting and instructive picture shows presented hy many of moving picture theatres. CURES BY FLATIRONS, ENGLAND'S MODEL TOWNS. is in this breadth of conception, "this subordingtion of the unit to the mass, that the Hampstghd Gar- | Dr, den suburb rises above the ordinary | Andia's Experiments Revive Oriental Tradi fon. House With Garden May Be Had Cheaply. Dred & ear wanting a Ziking done in the Carpen. tery line. imates given on ali kinds of nd new work; also of all kinds All rompt al wood Floors ' attention 5 or8 will recelve Shop 40 Quenn Str Considerable interest has been |® aroused among those who have been working for better housing and 1v- ing conditions among the masses by the statement of Oscar S. Straus re- cently cabled from London on the value of co-operative garden city su- m founded on philanthropic the business principles. contained act of ollection of residences." While it may be said that the ain objset of the operation was motives, is based on By a self- parkKamest, the Medical as well as lay journals are commenting upon certain cures per | formed by Dr. Andia of Neuve Pailloux in the department of the Indre, with apparatus than a flatiron; but, as one paper points out, a signi- ficant feature of the treatment is that enterprise itself no other READ this OPINION alt fogs Jak, Mo About Zutoo Tablets "I have been a sufferer from headache childhood gompany is restricted to dividends of 5 per cent. Its co-operative features are shown in the issuanay York Times. . | of stock to the value of £75,000, or Mr. Straus' remarks were based | bout $373,000, at £1, or ¥5, per upon his v'sit with Earl Grey, the | €hare bearing 5 per cet, and deben- former governor general of Canada, | tUM€ bonds to the value of $750.000 to the model town of Hampstead, at. 4 per dent. Auvthing over the which. since its reorganization about 21Vidends is expended in additional the doctor uses red cloth, a color long 'used in the Orient as a supposed cure for certain diseases, A few months ago the doctor dis covered the efficacy of the flatiron in destroying the bacilli of certain con- taminated cloths and stuffs, and at once conceived the idea of ironing out patients aftlicated in a similar man- burbs as they have been developed in various parts of England during the last few years, says the New ) improvements. mess omens since and have used all, or nearly all, of the so-called "cures" on the market. Some months since my at. tention was called to your Zutoo Tablets and I have been usng them ever since with the most gratifying results, I find they cure a "ick" or "nervous" headache in a few 1 nutes and leave no bad effect. My fa.aily use them whenever needed with equally good re- sults, I have frequently given them to friends who were suffering from headache and never failed to give quick relief, 1find a good remedy for "sour" stomach as well as headache. I always ' them in my grip on the road and od aot be without them at any cost." A.©, NORTON, 286 Congress, St. Boston 000000000000 Ganongs' Chocolates ARE THE BEST AT A. J.REES 166 Princess St. 'Phone BN { WOMAN SIoK FOR YEARS Wants Other Women to Know How She was Finally Restored to Health, Hammond, Ont. -- "I am passing through the Change of Life and for two years had hot flushes very bad, heud- aches, soreness in the back of head, was constipated, and had weak, nervous feel- ings. The doctor who attended me for a number of years did not help me, but I have been entirely relieved of the above symptoms by Lydia E. Pinkham's Pr yctable Coutpotnd, Blood Purifier and ver ve you permission to publish my testimonial." -- Mrs. Louis BEAUCAGE, Sr., Bs New Brunswick, Canada. -- "I can Bighiy recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's VagetableCompound ito any suffering wo- I have taken for female weak- ness and painful Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound, made from native roots and herbs, contains no narcotic or harmful drugs, and to-day holds the record of Hammond, Ont., Canada. | seven years ago, has attained a re- markble success. "It is the best investment a city can make," said Mr. Straus, "and I intend to advocate it for New York on my return, It is easy to obtain a Island. Here Londen workmen pay from 75 cents to $1.75 weekly for a house with a garden, and the colony pays interest of 4% per cent. If it ean be done here I believe it can | be done in New York." Since its organization Hampstead | has perhaps attracted more atten- tion from architects, builders. civic | planning and housing improvement | w rassociations and kindred bodies than | matter, there are times when men and becoming any other model town, not even ex-| mules are justitied in kicking. cepting the interesting experiment | conscious," ] describing Hampstead, "that here'is | meaning being imposed large tracts in New Jersey and Long | maligned words land development." Lord. ers is that they cease exertions when they tell us what they are going to Was found do. ner. He first experimented with pat- ients suffering from erysipelas. The patient's face, or the part of the skin to be treated, was covered with a red cloth, and the iron was heated to a temperature usually required to iron starched linen. | The point of the iron was then run slowly along the edge of the skin of fected by the disease as long as the patient could bear it. = This process was repeated a number of times, the iron being raised when the patient felt himself unable to bear the heat. It that after a few applicat- ions the pain passed and the skin be sensitive, the part treated red and the blood vessels slightly dilated. After daily applicat- ions of the iron and red cloth for a "Everywhere the visitor is made says another writer, in new impetus at work and a new into the There is something radically wrong hen a partition in the church pew parates enemies worshiping the same The great trouble with many 'roform- Without chronic in the came less becoming at Letchworth, about thirty-four' miles from London, where consider- able success has been achieved in the last twelve years in creating a model eity. The interest aroused in Hamp- stead has undoubtedly been Intensi- fied by its accessibility to the heart of London. "It ds, in faot, a part of London, and can be reached by the 'Subs' rfem Charing Cross sta- tion for a fare of twopence (4 cents) in from twenty-five to thirty mine utes, Under such exéeptiowal conditions and with wkise management, several hundred acres, which seven years ago were practically unused, have been transformed into a populous d the system. dollars for any Send for circulars and testimonials. Ohio. pation, {8 rok Dy i ras found t have There is more Catarrh in this section week the patient was found to of the country than all other diseases entirely recovered. Dr. Andia has not put together, and until the last few attempted to explain the action of the years F | nounced scribed Yocal remedies, | stantly failing to cure with local treat- ment, has proven catarrh to be a constitu- tional disease and constitutional treatment. tarrh Cure, Cheney & Co, Toledo Ohlo, is the only constitutional cure en the market, Is taken was shpposed or a great 'many it a local to be lndurable. fred cloth, except to say that "the col rears doctors TO~ | - . x i Years of and ph or helps the diffusion of the heat just and by con- ag 5 sieve does water. pronounced it incurable. Science i. Ruffled Gowns Incoming Fashion. therefore requires b . in : 3 Hall's Ca. Fashion is very much like the words by F. J lof the frivolous song that runs "But little Cupid's never stupid, as I've found' out: and love is truest when "tis newest, bevand a doubt." For the new | est fashion 1s always the last [ove and stands The" best chance of supplanting the, one_ before. Two dress manufacturers in a street ear the other day were overheard in earnest conversation. "Draped dresses II be best to make for this winter," manufactured It internally in doses from 10 rops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly n the blood and mucous surfaces « They offer one hundre case it fails to cure Address: F. JCHENEY & CQO. Toledo | Sold by druggists, 75e. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti. | wi center of over 5,000 inhabitants, with railroads, motor busses, churches; schools, business blocks; parks and dekghtful gardens and over 1,000 houses. The promoters of the scheme. of which Earl Grey was one of the leaders, planned their model town on the idea of furnishing cheerful homes and opportunities for garden- ing and open-air recreations to a large number of the working class of Londen. - For the samc price that many of these working families have been for dingy tene- ment rooms in the close strbets of the big city houses or small apart- ments in smal houses may be ob- tained in Hampstead. | Buf it must not be understood that Hampstead is restricted to one clase. for expensive homes and there are a ( $ D H Drink Habit can be used with absolute confidence. whiskey, Stimulants, Thousands have success- fully used it and have been restored to lives of sobriety sults from ORRINE after a trial, your © money Many acres were set aside |S %% said one. "What about these new ruf [flo dresses they are wearing in Paris?" I N K = the other, and a lengthy discus {sion arose between them. 4 | If you were to ask me, I thought to 1 1 T= vou would better pin yom | faith to the ruffles and hedge with a few draped models of the latest vint age for conservative folk. {uffies are new, though they tried to igain a foothold a vear ago last spring, when draperies and panniers jcame in. But being too radical they It destroys all desire for have had to stand back and wait beer or other alcohilic | their turn. The funuy little tunics {that adorned last winter's gowns were and usefulness. 'the first indication of flounced effects Secretly, Costs only!in America. At the races in Paris sev- IA ou, fall to re-' oral of the best houses exhibited their these flounced R A Reliable Home Treatment. The ORRINE treatment for the an be given 1.00 per box. et will be refunded. Ask for free manikins to impose telling all about ORRINE. ps - W. Mahood, Princess and Bagot Sts. (dresses, -- large number of attractive residencesi renting from $500 to $1,500 a year. These are houses which are the equal of the majority of homes in our well-developed suburbs and where the rentals would be nearly twice as high. | While th organizing company known as the Hampstead Garden Suburb Trust has formulated a gen- eral plan of architecture and man- agement which lends harmony and beauty to the whole other inter- ests, such as the Hampstead tenants. | CO-] society, has Jsased large acreage plots and built the houses. In sections where more moderate | prevail the group system of is a marked feature. * Tn there arc several buildings arranged as res's dential flats, "haste workirg womru and aged¢ may ren' two or three rooms ar" yet have ths ad- vantage of a2 h.ritthy aa? ylesant home in a garden district. Besides thy gardens provided for each house there are tenmis cours bowling greens. and parks open to the public. Only eight houses are allowed to an acre, and by an act of parliament variations have been al- lowed in the width and comstruction of roads. A not exceeding 8 fifty feet in lemgth and giving ac- cess to a group of houses may be | as narrow as twenty feet provided | the houses on either side are fifty || ed architect: al umit, feet apart. These groups are frat Connected, no doubt, with the cheap- eming of the word "lady" has been the practical disappearance of the ¥gentle- woman." The distinction between the two was brought t teenth century "Rules of Civilty," wear gi iii lady AND SEE OUR GAS IRONS Misich dectangtl fa Sly fisiting o 20) it is not enough to salute her, but her | gentlewoman also, if she be then pre- sent." At the beginning of the nine- BURNS 4 CENTS WORTH OF GAS IX 10 HOURS, | teenth century, "one who has marked SEE THEM AND YOU | The Word "Lody." with attentive observation the late vicissitudes in kingdoms and govern- ments, and with a precision almost focstold what would happen," adver- tised in The Times his readiness importance to them." "When a lady. requires an interview," said the adver- tisement, "a gentl man will give her | the meeting."'--London Chronicle. | Owed Life To Dream. © Melton Prior, the famous war art- . 4 | ist, always averred that he owed his #ife on one occasion to 'warning 66 BROCK ST. Phones: Store 333. || dreams. | shot and" then buried. On arriving {at Durban he received a letter from his mother telling of a dream jden- tical with his own, and begging him not to go to the fromt, - | her injunction, and engaged the first in he fighting. One won- dream out in the seveén-- IZ Tumors Removed Without An O Dear Mrs. Currah,--1 am enjoying batter health than 1 have for eight years, and I think I am entirely cured. I have none of the old symptoms. I am very grateful for my present health, and think Orange Lily is the greatest treatment = } for women the world knows. Ite use in my case caused 12 tumors or growths of some sort to be ex- pelled, Some were as large as a hen's egg, and others smaller, down to | ANDREW MACLEAN the size of a walnut, You may use Ontario Street ~-- WE SELL---- my case in your advertisement, for | ------------ ft" 1s the solid truth, and pen S t C 10 » C | -ocranton Loai Lo S Loa ridge | cannot describe all the good it has Mrs. Louise E. Bolte- This letter gives an Indication of | Selected from the celebrated the positive benefits that always | Richmond No. 4 and Ontario No. 1 follow the use of Orange Lily. It is | Mines, the best Anthracite Coal an applied treatment and comes | : >. ' fn direct contact with the suffering | Mined in Pennsylvania. =x: ------------ -- organs It produces results from ! the start in all cases of women's disorders, including painful periods, falling of womb, irregularities, leucorrheea, etc | ® I will send a sample box containing 10 days' treatment absolutely free to any suffering woman who has not yet tried it if she will send me her address. KEnclose 3 'THE JAS SOWARDS COAL () stamps and address MRS. FRANCES E. CURRAH, Windsor, Ont. 4 e . For Sale hy the Leading Druggists Everywhere North End Ontario Street. .n | peration | r Robin Hood brand of flour | nas a guarantee in every bag for zood quality. done for me. Place your order with > Par "ra Ranges * are sold cvery- where by ¢ood dealers who back up our guaran- tee on thas splendid range-- xX Y All the heat and to | "give such advicé to persons of fort- | | une as may prove of the very utmost | When going out to the Zu-| {| lu was be twice dreamed that he was | He obeyed | ano her smoke must travel . over the top of the oven, down the back and under the bot- tom twice before escaping into the chimney--means twice the cooking bee ti and baking powers from the same amount of fuel as given by the ordinary range. See this patented feature, the ventilated oven and many other - exclusive ones before buying your range. \ : g Léndon Toromte Montreal Winnipeg Vancouver St.John Hamilton Calgary Saskatoon Edmonton