Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Sep 1913, p. 5

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{ a: Important Book for Young People. i STORIES 'OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE By : Agnes Mauge Machar. «% [3% For Young Folks and Busy Folks. ook for young 'ery dibrary. This most: interesting and timely 'people should be in every home and * PRICE $1.25 COPY, wo K. UGLOW & COMPANY '... "141 PRINCESS STREET WANTED FOR RENT 1st October 4 Houses, equipped, centrally located, will pay good rent. Apply to J. O. Hutton and H. S. Crumley 18 Market St., Kingston "FOUND?" In our showrooms, the latest and most up-to- date line of electric fixtures. : | New designs always on hand, competent electri- cians at your service. Large stock fo choose from--new domes and sw tablé lan ER, v 4 W. 3 . Moore & Son ¢ Phone 815. Let Your Feet Breathe | The pores in your feet are the largest and most | active in }o ur body-- But if you wear im roper shoes they ecome covered with dead skin an callous rok aces and cannot breathe as I mature intended. This condition is impossible ify | you weara | The built-in cushion sole absolutely prevents drawing and hugging of the uppers--and the friction that forms callouses and og | eventually corns is entirely elimi- § nated. Try on a pair and prove | these facts to your own satisfaction. Sole Agent ALLAN M. REID 111 PRINCESS STREET '1 splendid medicine. nouow races [§ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, W KDNESPAY, T. F. HARRISON SPOKE ON CONDITIONS IN JAPAN, CHINA AND KOREA His ¥Tmpressions of Japan Pessimis- tic----Declared That the Mikado's Country Is Physically, Rotten From Immoral Living. Speaking at a gathering of the teachers and ofticers of Sydenham street Methodist Bible school on | Tuesday evening, T. F. Harrison dwelt, in part, on a -comparison Japan, China and Korea, as they; presented themselves, at the present time, for evangelization. His im- pressions of Japan Were pessimistic. | Although the Japanese woull resent! the charge that they are not a relig- ious people, the returned member of | the world's Sunday sehool commis- sion says that this island, which has no national torm of religion, presents the greatest need in the world to-day. | It is the most difficult to reach. The | country is physically rotten from im- | moral living. The traffic in women is large. - "They have no sense of the moral standing of a woman." he said. In spite of the advised reports that 96 per cent. of the Japanese boys and girls attend day. schools, Mr. Harrison said, .(abd the minister of, education admitted it), that invar- iably he found, during school hours, hundreds of children working in the stores and industries. The Japanese, as a race, have no ideals beyond the grasp of the present. Nothing but the power of God will reach them. But over in Kprea the situation is different. The natives are of a re ceptive mind, and, to a very large extent, respect God. They are hung- ry for the truth in their present con- dition. They have lott their nation and their vary iidividuelity has been taken away dfrom them. Mr. Harrison, with others, was presented to the provisional head of the pew Chinese government, Yuan Shih Kai, who last year asked for the prayers of the Christian world on behalf of the new government. Mr. Harrison discoursed, at some length, on the worth of this man, his advisors, half of whom are Chris- tiang, and signified his personal sym- pathy with the Chinese. The eveni at which this resume ot affairs in the east was given was ot the nature ofa welcome by the teachers and officers of the school to the superintendent, Mrs. Harrison, Miss D. Chown and Miss O. Chown. An excellent tea was served, at which upwards of 100 sat. down. E. P Jankins presided during the pro- gramme which followed. The ladies also very fittingly responded to the welcome extended them by Mr. Jen- kins. Abraham Shaw and the pas tor, Rev. Alfred Brown, also con- tributed to the speech-making, and F. R. Anglin tendered the thanks of the whole to E. P. Jenkins, who, as one of the associate superinténdents, had charge of the school during the seven months of Mr. Harrison's ab- sance. Miss A. Tweddell sang solos, Miss L.. Shaw acting as accompanist, and [ Mrs. W. Craig and Miss V. Possle- white cleverly contributed recitations. No Bakeshops in Bascraents. Notification has been received by the city clerk from the provincial depart- ment of agriculture, that in future all plane of factories must be submitted to the department before the buildings are allowed by wthey city. It is also peinted out t na bakeshops shall in future be allowed in the basements of buildings. Headaches and Heart Trouble Nervous Prostration of Three Years' Standing Cured a Year Ago by Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. Anyone who knows the discour- agement and despair which accom- panies the helplessness of nervous | prostration will appreciate the grati- tude felt by the writer of this letter. | Mrs. H. C. Jones, Scotch Lake, C.B., writes: "I suffered from nerv- ous prostration for nearly thre: years. 1 had frequent headaches had no appetite and was troubled with my heart. After consulting two doctors without obtaining satisfac- tory results, 1 began the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, and was com- pletely cured by this treatment. It is nearly a year since I was cured, and I want others to know of thiy I now attend to my housework with pleasure and! comfort, and am glad to have the op- portunity of récommending Dr.| Chase's Nerve Food." { At 'least some benefit is bound to be derived from each dose of this great food cure, as day by day it} forms new blood. and builds up the system. 50 cents a box, § for $2.50,' all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Limited, Toronto. Kingston Automobile Co. ~~ Queen and Bagot Streets The Most Up To Date Garage in | ar Winter Storage and Over. ent. Rates Reasonable 1 ' Sept. ' { IN MARINE CIRCLES ! Movements of Vessels Reported Along the Harbor: Report received in local circles states that the storm has cleared on the up- {per lakes, and that vessels are now making good headway. Several grain vessels are expected to reach Kingston the latter part of the week, to discharge at the elevator of the Montreal 'lransportation = com- "pany. The steamers to discharge are the Noble, Fairmount and Turret Chief. The steamer Beaverton cleared for Belleville, to load cement for Fort Wil- liam. M.T. Co's elevator: Tug light, from Port Dalhousi>; t [lett cleared, light, for Port and will return with the barge Un- gava, grain laden, for Montreal; tug Thomson cleared, light, for Prescott, and will return with three light barges; steamer Turret Crown arrived, Tuesday afternoon, from Fort William, and is discharging 88,500 bushels of barley. The Turret Crown was ahead of the storm on the lakes, so was not delayed. The steamer Bellev ille went east on Wednesday morning. The steamer Rideau King was due down from Ottawa on Wednesday evening. She will lay up at the end of the week. Emerson, Bart- Dalhousie, SYKA DIRECT ON CIRCUIT. Wolfe Island Mare Been Racing In Michigan and Ohio. Syka Direct, belonging to Olives Hawkins, of Wolie lsland, among her successful races on the circuits in the states of Michigan and Ohio, where she hasbeen travelling under the di- rection of P. B. Hawkins, wén first money in the 2.15 class in Ohio last Thursday. This is the mare, with a mark of 2.15}, which was 'matched, and beat, W. H. Carson's mare, May Wax, here a couple of years ago. Mr. Hawkins has also St. Anthony with him. At Balding, Ohio, she won the free-for-all class, in which the fastest heat was 2.11}. Syka Direct took se cond money in the 2.15 class, at 2.134. TO INVIFE JOSEPH RUSSELL To Tell What He Knows Uf Pope tentiary, Conditions. The Prison Reform (Commission, which will hold its first 'session in the court house next Tuesday morning, will invite Joseph Russell, the ex-law- ver-convict, to appear and give evi dence. Mr. Russell's criticisms of thé Portsmouth prison, as given to the Orange Sentinel, have been noted by the members of the commission, who would be glad to hear what Mr. Rus- sell has to say with regard to im- proving the prison conditions. The commission also expects to hear Inspector W. 3S. Hughes, formerly ac countant of the Portsmouth penitenti- ary, who is thoroughly conversant with conditions there. TORONTO-KINGSTON TRAIN On C.N.R. To Run By the End «¢ Year. It is reported that the Canadian Northern railway expects to have its Toronto-Kingston train operating before the end of the year, and that as good time will be made by it as the Grand Trunk. This is counting for the time lost by the latter roai transfering its passengers at (hT outer junetiom..:: i On the C.N.R,, between this c1*7 and Toronto, including the terw.in- als, and the Queen street stop ai Toronto, there are about 25 sia- tions, as well as half a dozen at which the train may be flagged. Run Over By Buggy. Lloyd Watts, a small boy who at- tended the Wolfe Island fair on Tues day afternoon, whs run over by a buggy in which George McCready was driving. Thé-isjuries were slight. The lad, witha number. of his compan- ions, was playing. outside the building where the fine arts, ladies' work, grains and vegetables were on exhibi tion. As the team driven by Mr. Me Cready was rounding the corner, after he-and another man had been looking at the horses, Lloyd, it appears, rath- er ran into the outfit than was run down by it. Mr. McCready, who im mediately picked up the boy, feared that the horse on the right would kick. 'One of the wheels passed over young Watts' legs. Convention At Cornwall. The tenth biennial convention of the Epworth League societies of the Methodist church 4n the Montreal conference wAll be held at Cornwall on Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct. 7th and Sth. A number of repre. sentatives from the Methodist church- ea of this eity will attend, and Rev F. G. Robinson, of Princess street church, and Miss L. Knapp, of the Sydenham street church society, are los the programme. Rev. Melvin Taylor, of Gananoque, is also one of the speakers. Maple Syrup Tested. A bulletin has just been issued from the laboratory of the inland revenue department, giving the result of a test made by the inland revenue de- partment on maple syrup in the | Kingston district. Tests were made of syrup sold by nine dealers, and : SEPEMBER 214, '1913. Top Boots for women Patent buttons with clasp topsg £3 to $4.50. to £5. Viel kid laced boots, $4.50. $5.00, Tan button, cloth tops, $5 Velour calf laced boots, cloth tops, (high tops) for girls and children, nm tans , patents and gun metals. Gun metal buttons, cloth tops, $3 2 £3.00. Girls sizes 11 to 2, Child's sizes 8 Childs' sizes, d $2.25. silk to and tops, Jockey boots are just | what the children want. : Campbells' Furs New - Styles In Neck Pieces and Muffs Made up in the popu- lar furs and moderately priced. At this store quality is a certainty, not a' chance. Now is the time to have your furs remodel- led or repaired. Campbell Bros. Makers of Fine Furs. ew AT THE GRAND. A Very Farcical Comedy Was the Feature. "The Lady of Ostend" was present: ed at the Grand Opera House on Tues. day evening, before a fair audience. It certainly a farcical and ex- travagant comedy, based largely on the lure of a woman engaged by a cinematograph manager to create pic tures for him. Men were easy marks and the presentation of the movidg pictures led to endless trouble to gay married men. There was ots of noise and motion and the actors work ed hard to produce the whirlwind comedy. was Guy Brothers' Minstrels. For the past thirty-nine years Guy Brothers' Greater Minstrels have wen continuously on the road and playing to crowded houses. and pleasing hun- dreds of people every night, re- cord that no other company can claim. George Guy, the proprietoy and manager of this company, is al- ways assured of good business, as the theatre-going people are sure to witness a clean, wholesome and re fined produttion. Never has a single word been uttered or anything acted on the stage to offend man, woman or child. Guy Brothers minstrels al- ways please, and will continue to do so this season. Don't miss hearing it next Salurday, matinee and night, at the Grand Opera House. a Sale of Brassieres. We have bnassieres, on sale twenty-five dozen made of fine Intiste, wide lace, and ribbon insertion around neck, double under arms, vusi-proef, boning, worth 30c. and 60c., on sak at 39%. Corrigan's. Weather Notes. The western disturbance, which is moving towards Lake Superior, ap- pears to be quite unimportant and the weather is more settled in all the pro- vinces. Sharp frosts have occurred in the western provinces and light local frosts in Ontario. of that number three samples were reported as being adulterated, with another bearing a label to guarantee purity. Made a Pre: ontatior. The members of the Helping Hand Bible classes of Bethel Sunday school | gathered at the home of George Wil son, S88 Quebec street, on Tuesday ev ening, to bid farewell to Mr. Wilson, who is leaving for Kamloops, B.C. where he has accepted a position. They made a presentation. Picton Fair Excursion. 88. "America," Thurs ay, 25th, leaving Brock street wharf at 7.30 am. 14th band and Park Nine ball team take pa... Fare 50c. Per As yet no successor has been a pointed' to fill the position ery beld by Prof. Robert Laird, of Queen's theology college. No action will be taken until theenexi regular meeting of the Byard: nest menth, It proves strength of character to kop the mouth firmly closed at times. TRY IT! IN FIVE MINUTES IN- DIGESTION GOES AND STOM- | ACH FEELS FINE. In five minutes all stom- | ach distress gone. No indigestion, heartburn, sourness, or belching of | gas, acid, or eructations of undiges®- ed food, no dizziaess, bloating. foul! breath or headache. ' ote] Pape's Time it! It is the surest, quickest stomach doctor in the whole world, and be- sides, it is harmiess. Millions of men and women! now eat their favorite foods without fear wits | ABERNETHY'S) Bee Juz TRUNKS ICE CREAM ~ We make the best and purest Tee Cream it Kingston. Call in and try it. SAKELL'S The Furniture that Furnish ARN weeigrEnie A DURABLE FLOOR VARNISH Made by The Sherwise Wiliiams Co.eIs tough and elastic. Doesn't scratch or mar readily under ioot wear. Can be walked on next day after application. Has a lasting lustre. Easy to_apply. We Have It Corbetts Hardware The Tatest Fall styles of Reid Ynalip, J Reid's low prices -- JAMES REIL ar 47 || Yingston Business Cage (Limited) Head of Queen Street, Courses in bookkeeping. shorthand, typewriting, civil service general improvement and all commercial subjects. Informa- FANCY GOODS. Misg Woods, cor, Aberdeen Ave. and William St, dealer I» Stamped work for embroidery, Flosacs, ete. Stamping dome te order. " >a -- RECOVERED HIS WIFE Chaumont, N.Y., Mam, Finds Miss- ing Spouse At Harrowsmith, George La Rose, of Chaumont, N.Y, who has been searching for his wife on this side of the border, has at last found her. He located her near Har rowsmith, on Monday, and the coupl returned to the city on the Wednesday morning C.P.R. train. Hig wife disap peared from her home recently and made her way to Canada, : On Saturday the husband arrived in the city and made about the missing | | | Rates moderate. tion free. H. F. Metcalf - Principal Acid Stomachs Are Dangerous Common Seune Adviee by ne Distinguished Specialist some Inguiris woman St. Paul's Tea and Sale. The Womans' and Girls' Gu Paul's church are holding a 3 and sale at the residence of Mrs A D. Potter, 474 Brock street, of Thursday afternoon ard evening September 25th. Ice cream and cake will be served in the evening. Ad- mission 10 cents. id of cid" stomachs weld irritates lining o and the t are dangeronx ! and Inflames th stomach, t eventing the pri pe and leading of the cane » from which pe Ordi nary medicines and medi. eatments are useless in such for they leave fhe source of the the acid in the stomach, as St ca ve a : tn af 1 i ! Former Mayor MeNeish and City Clark MEALS HIT BACK? DYSPEPSIA, GAS, SOUR STOMACH?--PAPE'S DIAPEPSIN| =: iapepsin is noted for. its | speed in regulating upset stomachs. | home. Bungled Civic Affairs. North Vancouver, B.C. Sept was discovered this morning that by-law, forming the city on the whole as a ward! had not been "signed dangerous as ever The acid must he cutralized and fis formation preven: - It the beat thing for this purp se is a teaspo »f bisurated magne a the | a simple taken In & le warm of ater after which neutralizes but prev fermentation ' eloped greatest impunity ith a Jetle 'can 'bd obtain. and should al ed, and 20 cid by nor was the seal of the city affixed. Consequently the elections held since are not legal nom are Mayor Haynes, or the aldermen, ee. qualified to hold office J. A. Brown, urated magnesia from any dr kep! handy FURNITURE WANTED. Anyone having furniture to dispose of, kindly let me know. I have » Tot of new and secand hand iron beds and furniture of all kinds at reasonable prices H. SUGARMAN, 252 Ontario Btseer, Opposite' C raig' 8 Wholesa Highest Price For Housebold Goods Moving away and wast bh i your effects? Then will bu al op . portion at pa, est price, Paactn salg of antigug Turss ture now om, 'L. LESSES ways be --they know it is needless to have a bad stomach Get a large, fifty-cent case of Pape's Diapepsin from any drug store and put your stomach right. | Stop being miserable--Ilife is too short---you're not here long, so make your stay agreeable. Eat what you like and digest t; enjoy it," without fear of rebellion 'n the stomach. Pape's Diapepsfm belongs in your Should one of the family eat something which déesn't agree | with them, or in case of an attack | of indigestion, dyspepsia, gastritis or: stomach derangement, it ic handy io give iustant relief, }

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