The Daily British Whig KINGSTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1913 sms ----- ATTENDING DISCIPLES CONVENTION] PAGES 9 TO 2 -- YEAR 80-NO. 233 --_-- GRAND UNION Opp. @® Rooms £2» HOTEL x, Siac, NEW YORK CITY 'upward Send Ze. tn To NY Co Ce Bont end Map ® NEW FRENCH REMEDY, Mot. NZ. N.S. HERAPION 33 Hospitals with great success, CURESCHRONIC WEARNESS, DISCHARGES, RIDNRY, BLADDER, URINARY UISKASES, BLOOD POISON, ERSTOC! DRAGER {TABTELPSS) FORMOF EASY TO TAXES SAFR AND HERAPION 55 57 SER THAT TRADE MARKED WORD 'THERAPION'IS 4 WRIT. GOVT. STAMP AFFIZED TO ALL GENUINE PASERTR Special Sale || New York Frit Store Crawford peaches, in large baskets, 60¢c. only, Small baskets, 40¢, only. Plums, 53¢, only. Green gages 53¢, only. White and blue grapes, 25¢. only. > Phone No, 145. FRISCO CAFE. 183 Wellington St. The best regular meal, 11.30 to 2 o'clock. 25¢c, Meals or lunches sat all hours. If you want to be promptly and satisfactorily served come to the Frisco Restaurant. --the healthful drink --the wholesome drink ~--the cooling drink --the delicious drink ~--the satisfying drink is Pilsener'Lager *"The Light Beer in the Light Bottle' BE. Beaupre, Local ' Distributor "Phoae $13. SOLLLSLSS FALL SHOES | or all kinds. Men's and wo- | | men's in all leathers. We have | also some geod lines in child- | | ren's school boots.. i i Custom shoes made to mea- sure. All kinds of repairing. As-- SCOTT iE: SHOEMAKER Branch: 206 Barrie St., Cor. Clergy W. | | Maey 11. Io. IISSIONARY, lo JAPY £4 25. DO. Comme #477 FARPA, INDIA. ATMCLEAN oF FCS CINCINNATY, O. and Prominent people among 4,000 dele gates to the Disciples convention in . mogning. | | spending the summer in Kingston. Wil- | iam Earl is having his residence Mr. 1 WHAT WHIG CORRESPONDENTS |, inted by .awson, Delta. A HAVE 70 TELL. great number from attended . , -- | Frankville fair. Considerable interest News from Villages asad Farms | is being manifested in the rural school here | October 7th. Edward Davis took 'the i prize on his carriage team at Frank- | ville. A number from here attended : | the . Ogdensburg fair and. horse show Jumetown Jottings. {on September 20th. Junetown, Sept. 30.--Mr. and| Mrs. Lee, Alexandria Bay, are guests | of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Andress. | Singleton News. A. E. Summers is spending the fall | Singleton, Sept. 29.---1"e hame nf in Saskatchewan. Several from here | Mrs. J. Pyne was the scene of a pret- attended the funeral of Mrs. A. O. |ty wedding when her daughter, Eima, Polly, Broekyville. Mrs, Richard | was united in matrimony to Evan Ferguson has fully recovered from | Steele, of Whitby. Rev. G. Humpy her illness. Corn cutting Is finish- | officiated. Miss Pyne was one of Sin- ed in our section. gleton's most popular young ladies {and will be much missed. The happy At Waupoos East. | couple left for their home in Whitby Waupoos 'East, Sept. 29.--Thé| Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Alexander ties--Rural Kvenis, ments of the teople, and Move- | who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. | Thomas Gordon, of Wilton, | turned home. - | day, {bere buying up cattle { Hogs still remain a good price--$9.50 heavy frost did considerable damage | G0re. a son. A large number from to the tomatoes. Miss Luella Keelar, here atteNded the fair at Delta. Mrs. George Church ig ill. Miss Ella Smith 'is visiting her mother at Sweet's Corners. D. J. Hughson, Lake Opinicon, spent Sunday at E. D. Herbert Horsey passed through Kerr's. : Miss Sarah Merriman at N. last week, |B: Merriman's. H, C. Kerr and fam- ily, of Clear Lake, at Mrs. L. H. Kerr's. has re- Quite a number from here attended Picton fair on Thurs- a cwt. Mrs, Milton poorly. Miss Blanche densburg, is home. Rose Rose, is very of Og- tm---- News From Wilton. -- Wilton, Sept.. 30.--N. A. Asselstine Zealand Notes. {returned last week from his trip to Zealand, Sept. 29.--A 'number | Alberta and British Columbia, where from here attended McDonald's Cor- he was visiting his sons, Blake and ners' fair, which was considered to Ir. A. Asselstine. Mr. and Mrs. Er be the best held yet. Visitors: Mr. | well Miller, Mrs., J. Henderson and and Mrs. T. Garrett at William Mil- |C. Davison are also home from the lar's, Elphin; Miss 1. M. Charlton, west. The fine new }yidge to replace Mrs. T. Garrett, Misses Annie and the old "Kellar's bridge" is now in Winnie Smith, Herbert Watt at use. The annual anniversary' ser- James Parks'; Miss Elsie Conboy, vices in the Methodist church are to Mr. and Mrs. Roberty White and be conducted next Sunday. Miss G. Master Alexander at Alexander Fer- Asselstine is attending Normal school guson'; Mrs. Thomas Garrett and at Ottawa. Miss Edna Davey has family of Kepler, at George Gar- returned from a visit with her fs. rett's; Mr. and Mrs. James MeCord ter, Mrs. A. Hartman, Asselstine. Mr. and family at Thomas Garrett's. and Mrs. Lloyd Lapum, Watertown, . ' are visiting at James Lewis'. Mr. and Tomato Crop Poor. {Mre. Horace Denyes were at Guy Picton, Sept. 23.--The extremely dry Sigumons' on Sunday. M. G. Storms, weather in the county this year has who is teaching school here, has mov- createrl havoe in the tomato corn crops. - The factory whistle occupy the pleasant tenant house pre- does not greet the ear of the work- pared by K. N. Storms in the store er wa fall. Mr, Striker and daugh- previously occupied by him. ter, Miss "Striker, Utica, N.Y., who! ems have been spending a couple of weeks | Budget From Bethel. at J. H. Bnglish's,» have returmed Bethel, Sept. 20.<A. Tompkins, of home.© Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bath, is again here with his Clark are home again after a visit threshing, outfit. The friends of Mr. to East Lake. Hr. Sayers lost - a and Mrs. William Hinch are sorry to valuable cow lately. The frosts hear of the : illness of their Bttle hurt the corn intended for factory son, Harry. § The death of William use. George McCaw has beent pick- Somerville, san aged gentleman, oc- ing apples for C. G. Fox and F. curred on the 24th, at the home of Hughes has Leen sorting them. _ Rahert Longwhore. Miss Olive Sals ! [bury, Morven, spent Sunday at home Lyndhurst Locals. (here. Mr. and Mrs. Roburs Dest: Lyndhurst, Sept. 29.--James Young | $00, Mr. and Mrs. Loue Ss an Miss has sold his house to C. Johnston {Blanche Williams, Napanee, motored and he intends moving to Kingston. to Wesley Curl's on a Sunday re A little girl has arrived to brighten | cently. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hawley, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ab. Sterry. [Glen Ewen, Sask. and Mr. und Mrs. J. Hurkins continues guite poorly. George Hawley, Hay Bay, were visi- Captain Johp Randalls was a visitor tors for a few days with Mr. and at R. R. Tate's on Saturday. Mrs. R. Mrs. John Jayne. James Manion Sheffield was a recent visitor at Mrs. and daughter, Miss Margeret, spent G. A. Rooney's, Winfield Sarrey and Thursday in Kingston. Robert Ash: Miss Ada Jackes drove to Seeley's ley visited his som, John, on Friday, Bay and were quietly married on'st Morven. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Taursday. There is to be another pzlkembrack, Little Creek, visited wadding on, Tussday morning at SiX junds over Sunday here. James o'clock in St. Paul's church. © Warner, Yarker, has been buying rain came nearly spoiling the fait (jves through these parts and ex- again. Mrs. R. R. Tate was the | saots'soon to ship a car load. Mr. twcky one. Shoat sversthing in Dut- | and Mrs. Alexander Covne, Gosport, ter at Lyndhurst an alta fairs, . : " Sunday. carrying off four Arsty from Luna. | V%ited his Urather over Sunda) harst and three from Delta. At Mountain Grove. ¢ _ | Mountain Grove, Sept. 30.--The At Washburn's Corners. Beil Telephone company i* eneting Washburn's - Corners, - Sept.. 29 -- {a line through here 'connecting Ot School is pro ing under the man- | tawa with Toronto. Migs Jennie Bart : returned aft a few | very successful shooting ducks at the | TIDINGS :<ichvorine lakes. Dr. and Mrs. Wes !of the Union school now. | ley Stevens have returned home, after | Throughout the Adjoining Qoune | fair to be held at Plum Hollow on | | fine cub not long ago. | school in charge of her sister on Fri- and ed his family" from Newburgh and will | Sena Gol. Over PITTSBURG. PA, Toronto, which opened on Tuesday Miss Serson, of Elginburg has charge Rev. and Mrs. G. W. Godfrey, of Michigan, are visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Mills, jr., are also visiting their parents here. Miss Susan Price has returned after spending a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. W. J. Magee, "The Pines," and other points Mr. and Mrs. William Miller and Frn- est Barr took in Napanee fair. Mrs, Damon Youmans is spending the week with friends at Portland. Ral- ly day is to be observed in the Metho- dist Sunday schoel on Oect. 12th. Confirmation service was held in St. John's church on Friday Sept. 26th. There is an effort being made to get an underground crossing at Godfrey. This would be an improvement as it is dangerous. : Bear Hugged a Dog. Cross Lake, Sept. Newton, who has been ill for time, is improving. A great some many friends visited Mr. Newton, including | M. Halliday and J. Gendron, Arden- dale, Mrs. Newton a Frederick Loyst, Dead Creek, and the Misses Detlor, Arden. T. Evans and William Johnston -passed through here en route for the north country, where | tney bought a large number of lambs ; and sheep. The Messrs. Wood are at Napanee; Mr. and Mrs_Miles Wood at Watertown. F. Scott captured a Potatoes are a fine crop. Wild ducks are rather scarce, but the hunters are anxiously looking forward to the partridge season. Mr, and Mrs. Parker are at Mountain Grove. Miss Detlor left her day when she attended confirmation service at St. John's church, Olden, and performed the duties of organist. 8S. Lockwood's pup came In contact with a bear while with his master in a large wild hay marsh. Mr. Lock- wood heard yells of distress and, hastening towards the spot, discover- ed his wee doggie in the close em- brace of bruin. He succeeded in free- ing the dog, but having no gun, did not get the bear. JAPAN SHOWS HER HAND New Policy Means Making Celestial Kingdom a Battleground. London, Oct. 1.--A Pekin despatch to the Daily Telegraph says : "Japan is preparing to make China a battleground. Her rivalry with Rus- sia was not settled by the late war. No Russo-Japanese agreements what- ever exist covering Mongolia or corre | lated moves. The Japanese policy has been devoted to preserving the status 29.--William | PRESERVING and PICKLING sugar, spices and vinegar. You f ean get them at the Unique Jf | grocery. First Olass Meat 490 Princess St. quo in Manchuria, thus leaving her free to take any necessary counter- | vailing steps. "The Japanese policy in China sum- med up means the planting of garri- | sons without territorial leases, thers | by guaranteeing the integrity of Chi- na by forestalling others. At Hankow the garrison of two thousand men will be retained. Another probably will be planted at the great Tayeh iron mines nearby. Special Japanese con- cessions under police control will be demanded' at Nanking, which policy will be repeated at Fu-Chow, Amoy and elsewhere. In case of trouble the railways in which it was hoped that British capital would be interested also will be demanded. "The Japanese naval units will be increased in Chinese waters, There will be no danger to British interests if Great Britain displays ber usual flexi- bility." 2 CASTORIA For Infants and Children in Use For Over 30 Years Phone 845. DePencler Limited, have their permanent in Brown Bottles . Read what two eminent scien- tists have to say about light and its effect on beer in light glass bottles. *In recent years the observation has been made that the rays of sunlight effect a chemical change [in beer. For this reason the use of beer bottles blown from colorless glass is diminishing, bottles blown from colored glass being chosen ; the amber colored bottles, which, when held towards the light, show the color of light beer, are particularly to be recommended." Published by G. E. "It appears that chemical changes are produced in the beer, which attains an exceedingly unpleasant taste and a disagreeable odor." Extract from Letters on Breaving (Vol. 5) published by Hantke's Brewers' School and Laboratories. Dr. G. Thevenot. Extract from Die Praxis der Bierbraukunde. Habich, 1883--page 786. Schlitz, when poured into your glass, is wholesome and pure as a crystal spring. that crown or car Telephone No. 242 Rigney & Hickey, 136-138 Princess Street, Kingston, Ont, panded Schild The great Uterine Tonic, end only safe effectual Monthly U gnlavor on whi ch women cin depend. n three de of strongth--No, 1, $1: 5 10 degrees stronger, $1 No. 7, 3 for pReolal cases, por Lor, Fo'd hy all 4 g ay Le THESE ARE THE DAYS YOU SHOULD HAVE YOUR PHOTO TAKEN TIME. You will need the best of | i AR on | 1 48 Diam . Address | Gaew Memoir Cn 7 grate. Horemerin Wind» C. H. PICKERING, THE COOKE STUDIO || Market in 244 PRINCESS STREET | | Connection, 'Phone 530 FOR FINE PHOTOS | i AA WS We now have four rigs like the one in the horse par- ade on Labor day, delivering Pure, Pasteurized 'milk, eream and butter.. Are they calling at your house? P R ; ec B : 5 Lik bad tooth ! Prin ' , can i Stay 2 give tir enough to #poil all your fun. Tavietus shoes give plesisure to the feet, de- light to the eye and ec- onamy to the purse. | That's enough! t We have many styles in gun metal, tan, calf and patent coit. The Sawyer DOMINION GOVERNMENT CHARTER FOR QUARTER OF A MILLION The Dominion Government Charter issued to Starnes, Hol- stead & DePencler, Limited Is an absolute illustration of the solid system on which this firm conduct their real estate enterprises. Montreal, with its population of over six hundred thousand peo- ple and hundreds of epormous industries -make the real estate anmetions in city property tie safest and most profitable in Can- . . | rnes, Holstead & file at 58 Brock street, increase of their J. M. and F. J. Hughss, who represent , and every week adds to the sa ie 3.