ne uilders Supplies of 'all kinds Equity Realty Co. hone 1380 1R7 WellipgtoN St NOLAN'S For Choice Groceries, ¥ Pickies, Fancy Olives, Cured Meats, Everything in Garucu Arches, Seats, Stands, prices. Partridge & Sons, Phone 380 Klug St. Went DRINK HABIT Reliable Home Treatment, Thousands of mothers and sisters are enthusiastic In theh praise of ORRINE, because it has cured their loved ones of the "Drink Habit" and thereby brought happi- ness to their homes. Can be given , Becretly. ORRINE costs only $1.00 per box. Ask for Free Booklet. G. W. Mahood, Cor. Princess and Bagot streets, EUROPEAN AGENCY Wholesale buying agencies unde.- taken for all British and Continentai goods, including: Cemetery Get our or etc. wives, Books and stationery, Boots shoes and leather, Chemicals and druggists sundries China, earthenware and glassware Cycles, motor cars and accessories . Drapery, millinery and piece goods «Faney. goods and perfumery, Hardware, machinery and metals, Jewellery, plate and watches, Photographic and optical goods, Provisions and oilmen's stores, ete., ete. Commission 21-2 per cent. Trade discounts allowed. Special quotations on demand. Sample cases frcm £10 upwards. per cent. to 5 Consignments of produce sold on! account. --_ William Wilson & Son (Established 1814) 23 Abchurch Lane, London, E.C. Getting Ready for the Derby Derby days will here with dash and go. ready at the start. be Get soon And the fall styles are "IT" from the pistol shot! Hats with a pedigree and . unapproachable record--- Built from the brini up and 80 trained in style that they pass all others when coming down the last streich. " Regent, $2.00. Arrow $2.50, ' Colombo, $3.00, are splendid values also. Another idea--a good idea ~---is to have both a derby and Aa soft hat--especially the soft hat for the next month or two. Cet into the race quick for a fall Derby or Limousine, and i | Kent A large number of people weat ov- jer from town on Saturday (o the gymhkana which was given at the rida ranges by Colonel Henr' Fanet and the officers of the R.C.H.A. Af- :d ir a marquee, and among tho | 8uests were noticed: Major and Mrs. J. N. 8. Leslie, Major and Mrs, Vor- nen Eaton Professor and Mrs. Iva Martin, Colonel and Mrs. Bircnall VWood, Mrs. Panet, Capt. aad Mrs, Fapnctt, Major and Mrs. Layborne, iCapt. and Mrs, W, Hagarty, Captain |and Mrs, Maurice Plummer, Lt.-Col. jand Mrs. H. R. Duff, Colona and Mrs. T. D. R. Hemming, Colonel and { Mrs: Hunter Ogilvie. Mr. and Mrs. |W. H. Craig, Mr. and Mrs. William (Harty, Mrs. Constantine, Mr. and | Mrs. P. C. Stevenson, Mr. and {Mrs Arthur Craig, Col. | Frank Strange, Mrs. Dawson, Mrs. | Norton-Taylor, Mrs. Edward Kenay, | Miss Loretta Swift, Miss Norton-fay- lor Miss Marian Redden, Miss Mah] Gildersieeve, Miss Liilian Kent, Miss Nan Paterson, Miss Eva Richardson, Miss Aileen, Miss May and Miss Rose Rogers, Miss Madge Taylor, Miss Madge Dawson, Miss Lassie Kirk- patrick, Miss Mamie Garrett Mies Marie, Miss Dorothy and Miss Kath leen Carruthers, Miss Phyllis Shortt, Mies Charlie Shortt, Miss Grace Hermaming, Miss Kathleen Crisp, Miss Jean Duff and Miss Edith Hague. .- ee Mrs. Dawson chaperoned a° very jolly dinner at the Country Club on Monday, which was given in honor of Mr. Sidney McCann. The other guests included: Miss Hilda Kent, Miss Doris Kent Miss Sylvia Coch- rane, Miss Madge Dawson, Miss Nor- ah Macnee, Mr. Bevin Dunbar, Mr. W Macnee, Mr. Ferdic McCul- lough, Mr. Leonard Birkett and Cad- et lan McNaughton. Mrs. E. F. Torrance, Brock street, was hostess at an informal tea on Tuesday in honor of Miss Helen | Kirkpatrick. Mrs. Rébert Laird, 246 Albert street will receive to-morrow (Thursday) for the last time before leaving for Toronto. eT e - Mrs. R. FE. Kent, King street, will be hostess at a bridge tea on Friday afternoon, in honor of Mrs, James Cappon. . Miss Norma FElmer, Bagot street, was hostess at the tea hour on Tues- day, in honor of Miss Mary Fraser, of Hamilton. The cadets of the Royal Military College will hold their annual field sports on Saturday, after which they will entertain at_ tea. Mrs. Lennox Mills will not receive again on Tuesdays, until November. Miss Lucy Merrick, Brock street, who has been visiting in Smith's Falls and Merrickville, has returned home. Mrs. J. H. Birkett and Mr. Leonard Birkett, who have been abroad since June, came home on Saturday. Miss Jean Mairns is coming down 'from Toronto, on Thursday, and will be the guest of Miss Isabelle Waldron. Professor and Mrs. Alexander Mac phail and their son, came homé, on Tuesday, from Orwell, Prince Edward Island, where they have been spending the summer. Mrs. W. J. Robinson, who has been in Professor and . Mrs, Malcolm's house, on Earl street, during the sum- mer, is now en pension at Mrs. Dev- lin's, 44 William street. Mr. Sidney MeCann, Wellington street, leit, on Tuesday, for New Haven, Connn., where ha will take a course at Yale University. Professor and Mrs. . Lindsay Mal colm, Earl sireet, who have been spending the summer in Western On- tario, are expected home the end of this week. Mr. and Mrs. James ~ Macparland have taken Mrs. K, N. Fenwick's house, 141 King street for the winter and moved in yesterday. Mrs. Edward Kenny and children will be with them, Mr. and Mrs. William Harty, Stuart street, will motor to New York the end of this week, Miss Maude Macarow of New York, is the guest of her sister Mrs. K. N. Ireland, Brock street. Mrs. H. A. Betts, Albert 'street, is entertaining at the tea hour this afl ternoon, in honor of the bride of last Saturday, Mrs. D. C. Betis. 4 Mr, and Mrs. D. C, Betts arrived in town from Toronto on Tuesday and are to be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Headaches and . Heart Trouble Nervous Ppostration of Three Years' N Cured a Year Ago by Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. Anyone who knows the discour- agement and despair which acecom- panies the helplessness of nervous prostration will appreciate the grati- tude felt by the writer of this letter. Mrs. C. Jones, Scotch Lake, C.B.; writes: "I suffered from nerv- ous prostration for nearly three years. I had frequent headaches had no appetite and was troubled with my heart. After consulting two doctors without obtaining satisfac- tory results, I began the use of Dr. {Chase's Nerve Food, and was com- pletely cured by this treatment. It is nearly a year gince I was cured, and I want others to know of this splendid medicine. 1 now attend to my housework with pleasure and comfort, ands am glad to have the oo- ! ter the diffarent events tea was serv-| Jr. | spent last, 'home on Saturday. [returned to a11 Mrs.|the summer months in England. "| October to spend §| Bank, has spending |H.A; Betts, Albert street, until Thurs- jday, when they will leave for Bow- manville en route to in le algary. their home * - - Miss Florence Elliott, Barrie street, came home ftom Toronto yesiwcday, {where she has heen visiting relatives tor a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wormwith, who | Campbell, Lansdowne, the marriage | have heen to Vancouver, are expected home the latter part of this week. Mr. E. G. Willrich, who has been. spending the summer in Quebec, has returned to Queen's. M-. and Mm. Hugh C. Nickle, Farl street, who motored to Toronto this |weeit, are expected home to-day. Mrs. Philip Prideaux returned {Detroit on Monday, where she theen thy guest of her brother, {Arthur Rothwell, for the last from has Mr. Mrs. week in Toronte, Ernest Young, who came Dr. and Mr. Edward Wood. of Peterhoro, has returned to resume his studies at ueen's University. Mr. and Mrs. Cuthbert Gummer have Kingston after spending Mise Gladys Burton and Miss Doro- thy Burton are spending this wewk with Miss Dora Oldrieve. They will leave on Monday for Belleville, where they will spend the winter. Miss F. Cartwright went to-day, to visit Mr. and Mys. Cartwright. Mrs. William Rothwell, of St. John, N.B., who is the gueat oi Mrs. R. Eas ton Burns, Frontenac street, will re ceive with her next Tuesday after- noon. Mr. Angus to Ottawa A.D Mowat, of Trenton, has returned to town for the winter. Dr. and Mrs. R. C. Cartwright, Napanee, spent Monday in town, guests of Miss Hora, King street. Mrs. ('. ( Abbott, of - Stratford, came to town, on Tuesday, to visit Miss Macauley. King street, Ex-Cadet Elliott Greene, boro, is in town. . of the of Peter- Mrs. Mary E. Crowley announces the engagement of her daughter, Loretta Cramel, to Mr. Henry J. Parker, of Ogdensburg, N.Y., the marriage to take place quietly on October 18th. Mrs. Kenneth Fenwick, Kingston will spend a weok or two with Col. Pennington Macpherson, Ottawa. Mrs. R. T. Walkem, Vancouver, B.C., spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. Henry Joseph, Mon- treal, salled by the "Laurentic" on Saturday for a trip abroad. Mrs. T. G. Smith is spending a short time with Mrs, J. 8. R. Me¢- Cann, Wellington street. Mrs. Richard. Waldron, street, returned from Toronto Saturday. King on HE Mr. R. Faston Burns and Captain Prideaux returned on Saturday from a fishing trip. Miss Edith Lesslie of Montreal, was the guest of Mrs. David Laid- law, Earl street, last week. Miss Mary Fraser, who has been the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Gibson, Barrie street, left to-day for her home in Hamilton. Mr. Willis O'Connor of Ottawa, arrived in town yesterday and is the guest of Mrs. C. Bermingham, Bar- rie street. Miss Nan Skiner will leave her summer home Cataraqui Lodge Gan- anoque on Thursday and go to To- ronto, where she has taken a flat at 47 Charles street, for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. J. Gurd, of Montreal, are the guests of Mrs. J. S. Smith, Johnson street, Mrs. Wallace of Montreal, is visit- ing her sister, Mrs, Fred Reid, Clergy street. Mr. and Mrs, W. Richmond and little son of Ottawa are the guests of Mrs. A. Shaw, University Ave. Profesor and Mrs. John Dall ar- rived. in town from the Old Country on Tuesday andgjhave taken rooms at Mrs. R. V. Rogers' for the win- ter. Mr. and Mrs, Cyril Knight who have been the guests of Dr. and Mrs. A, P. Knight, Alice street, have returned to Toronto. Migs Cayley of Toronto, was the guest of Lady Cartwright, "Otter- burn" for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. McGrail have returned home after having visited in the capital for two weeks. Mr. Herbert McKeon of Montreal spent the week-end with his sister, Mrs. E. T. Steacy, Johnson street. Dr. and Mrs. Edward Kidd have returned to town after spending the summer abroad and have taken =a house on Stuart street for the win- ter. Miss Olive Boyd, B.A., University Avenue, has gone to Toronto for the winter. - - Mr. Charles Wilkins returned to town on Tuesday to resume his stud- ies at Queen's. Mrs. Robert G. Meikle left om Mon- day for Smith's Falls, to # a couple of weeks. Mrs. Charles 8S. Kirkpatrick and lit- tle son arrived home the end of last week after spending the summer in Haliiax with the Bishop of Nova Scotia and Mrs. Worrell Miss Florence Richmond will return to Clifton Springs, N. Y., the end of this week, after spanding the summer with her mother, Mrs. James Rich- mond. Mrs. H. A. Betts, Miss Maud Beits, Wiss Ada Betts and Mrs. Brooks have returned from Bowmanville where they attended the Betts-King: wedding on Saturday. Mr. J. K. Robinson, of Perth, who has been studying in England for the past eighteen months, will spend the winter in Kingston. Miss Freda Stothers is expected from Ottawa fo-motrow, to resume her stud- ies at Uueen's. She will be the guest of Miss Florence Elliott for a few days. Stanley Cunningham expects i home about the middle of hn Stauiand . F. F.C y the Standard ot Coley to town after op TEE St rs. BJ. g ae week 'with two | WEDNESDAY, Montreal on Saturday to spend the week-end with: Miss Fita Ward, Johnson street, returned home on , Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan M. Kelly. Escott, announce the engagement of | their youngest daughter, Morse, to Dr. John de Lendrecie to take place October 22nd. * » * * The marriage of Lieut. Fred. Car- ison and Miss Dorothy Brownfield | will occur in London, Eng., on Sats | urday, October 4th. The date was moved forward two weeks owing to unavoidable circumnsiances, hence the premature and unauthorized an- inouncement made in Canadian papers IZ the marriage. THE WHIG'S JUMBLE, A Lot of Short Ttems Run in gether. New Llanket cloths at Corrigan's. Latest popular music this week for Z25¢. Dutton's music store. 2 > & tract for a $750,000 ice-breakor for the St. Lawrence. Special lony; corsets for 50c. at Cor- rigan's. Four people are held at Niagara Falls, charged with swindling the .Un- ion bank in Ontario cities, Baby's coat from 50c. Bear coat from $2.00. Bear bonnets from Sie, Dutton's. Five United States missionaries and four Norwegians are in the hands bandits in the Chinese interior. | 400 yards best six-cord threat at Corrigan's. The Underwood tariff bill was adopt- ed by the United States House of Re- prescutatives, by a large majority. Black sateen underskirts, 50c. over apren, 50c. Black moire petti- | coats, $1.00. Dutton's. | Controller Morris is advocating proposal to annex the Hamilton Jock- ey Club property to the city. It at the convention at Detroit, that mnuch mon- | ey spent in this direction was wasted We sell mounts and feathers for la dies' hats, Corrigan's United States Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, who was operated upon, Fri day, for a gastric ulcer, is not entire | ly out of danger. Buy the celebrated 'Newcomb?' piano. Tuning saved by 'Howard' straining rods. Call at Dutton"s mu- | sic store. While a Protestant regiment was e barking at Deliast for India, friends of the soldiers sang songs objection: | able to the nationalists. A lively riot | ensued. | Navy, black and red cashmere waists | at Corrigan's. { The Canadian League, launched last | week, is to hold a meeting at Brock ville, on October 7th. The principal speakers will be J. A. Cooper and Ax thur Hawkes. Extra good wool Dutton's. George H. Bixbee, a millionaire of | Long Beach, Cal., charged with hay ing contributed to the downfall of minor young women, was found not | guilty by a jury. of All| a was stated good roads anc s0X, men's. 2 NO STOMACH M ISERY, MINUTES FOMACH TIME IT! IN FIVE YOUR SHIK, UPSET FEELS FINE, Sour, sick, upset stomach, indiz estion, heartburn, dyspepsia; when the food you eat ferments into gases and stubborn lumps; your head aches and you feel sick and miser- able, that's when you realize the magic in Pape's Diapepsin. It makes stomach distress go in five minutes If your stomach is in a revelt--f you can't get it regulated, please, for your sake, try Pape's Diapepsin. It's OCTOBER 1, 1913. Helen f To- | Vickers Sons '& Maxim get the con- | 'riedly left gan's. WOMEN AGAINST THE USING ALBANIANS, HATCHETS | King Constantine, of Greece, Hurry- ing Home--The Outlook In the Balkans Is Dark. | Vienna, Oct. 1.--Heavy fighting be {tween the Albanians and Servians is reported on the outskirts of Monastir. { The Albanian tribesmen, who are lar i gely Moslems, are believed to have re ceived aid in money and armament from the Turks. | An attempt to capture Monastir is | believed here to be the preliminary to | a possible resumption of hostilities be | tween the Porte and the Bulgars on j one side, and the Servians and Greeks on the other. I'welve hundred Servians were killed in the fighting between Servian and Albanian troops around Dibra, accord ling to a dispatches received here from {the scene of the battle. Women are taking an active part in the fighting according to despatches received here from Xvlod, at the Al bania capital. Many Barkan Amazons armed with hatchets, fought heriocally shoulder to shoulder with their hus- bands, sons and brothers, during the street fighting at Dibra op September 23, when 1,200 Servians were killed | and 300 taken as prisoners of war, and the gent the town fell into the hands of Albanians. The prisoners were under escort to Tirana. The women of the Greek race in southern Albania are also displaying a very warlike spirit, At Rontza, which is held by the Greek troops, sixty girls have formed themselves in- to a company that is drilled by | Greek non-commissioned officers. The women declare they would soon- { er die fighting than permit Koritza to be incorporated in the. State of Al | bani. King Rushing Home. London, Oct. l.--Alarmed by the threatening turn of affairs in the Bal kans, which promise a third Balkan war, .King Constantine of Greece hur- here * yesterday for Athens. He has been impeortuned by premier Venizelos and the foreign minister. Mr. Coromilas, to lose no time in getting home. Reports from Salonica state that desultory fighting is gding on between the Greek and the Albanian outposts and that the Turks are daily strength- ening the Albanian army. Motor veils, 5o0ec. Black wprons, 50c. Children's wool Dutton's. Ihe head constable of Calcutta was shot dead by three Bengal youths, who escaped through the dense crowd. The crime is believed to have a poli- tical motive 50c., bragsieres sateen hats for 39¢., at Corri I'he Grand Trunk Pacific Railway company will not exercise belore next spring or summer its rights for the leasing of the Transcontinental from | Superior Junetion to Cochrane. ---- | INDIGESTION, GAS, SOURNESS--PAPE'S DIAPEPSIN s0 needless to have a bad stomach make your next meal a favorite food meal, then take a little Diapepsin There wil not be any distress--eat without fear. It's because Pape's Dia- pepsin "really does" regulate weak out-of-order stomachs that" gives ft it's millions of sales annually. Get a large fifty-cent case of Pape's Diapepsin from any drug store. It is the quickest, surest stom- ach relief and cure known. It acts almost like magie--It is a scientific, harmless stomach preparation which truly belongs in every home. deat iron. "iE smallest economies. It proves a mighty top is made up of Grates fir ' hess to invest is EY. A So, c! a range that will save it--that will lower your mon expense account. - The Peerless is designed to heat the oven amount of coal at be m it makes real BUY. The Peerless is so well made that repairs are rarely required. The we tliding sections. Dues gee all very strong. perfectly cannot te for Booklet * The Cost of a Range. wr CLARE BROS. & CO., LIMITED, PRESTON, ONT. | PENINSULAR in a good range. can save It or waste it. ly with the 213 Li GE- REPRESENTATIVES EVERYWHERE «Lemmon & Sons ARE FIGHTING AND PAGE THRER -- Light winds, fair to-day. Thurs- 1 | day, fresh northwest winds, fair and cool. Can we supply your every hosiery need for each of the family at astonishingly low prices. Ladies' Cashmere Hose. Best quality of all wool cashmere, 25¢, a0c. Sized from 8 1-2 to 10. » Penman's Seamless Cashmere, In two dependable qualities; all sizes, three for $1, and 50c. 3o¢. or TIT WRT nC YT RR Children's School Hose. Fine ribbed cashmere from 4 1-2 to 8 1-2, at 25¢., and 35e, the pair. : Two in one ribbed, special 4 1-2 to 10, 25e¢. Leather knit?' the strongest hose on the market; sized from 5 to 10; extra quality, 25¢. a a ~ Men's Sox. Fine quality black cashmere, 25¢, 35¢ and 50e. See our 3be¢. special, or 3 for $1.00. Also heavy wool, cotton and silk sox, from 13e. to $1.15. You Save Money while You Spend It by Shoppin Here. Do You Know How ? ppg STEACY'S Thinking about a New China Dinnerset Buy one of our complete sets of open stock pat- terns. The reason: Well, the patterns we control are the which several of the best makers produce, They don't cost any more than the set which can- not be matched except at a great expense and long waiting. vo JANE OR | NA ROBERTSON'S, Fine Chi.a choicest LIMITED Cut Glass Manufacturers! Merchants! Householders ! Consuit us about electric lighting for fall and winter. Latest improved ideas in best methods of lighting at minimum cost. Win. dow lighting a specialty. Bh | W. Newman Electric Co. 79 Princess St, Kingston House 1876 srs -- Phone 441 -------- Step in gentlemen and let us fit you out with a pair of extra dry shod shoes. An absolutely waterproof fall shoe, in tan and black. Price $5.50. Other fall goods from $3.50 to $5.50, f > ie TON Cr SR AIRE 0 [9 EY